Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
An act
relating to the operation and financing of state government; modifying trunk highway bonds, transportation policy, combative sports, construction codes and licensing, the Bureau of Mediation Services, the Public Employee Labor Relations Act, employee misclassification, earned sick and safe time, University of Minnesota collective bargaining, broadband and pipeline safety, housing policy, and transportation network companies; expediting rental assistance; establishing registration for transfer care specialists; establishing licensure for behavior analysts; establishing licensure for veterinary technicians and a veterinary institutional license; modifying provisions of veterinary supervision; modifying specialty dentist licensure and dental assistant licensure by credentials; removing additional collaboration requirements for physician assistants to provide certain psychiatric treatment; modifying social worker provisional licensure; establishing guest licensure for marriage and family therapists; modifying pharmacy provisions for certain reporting requirements and change of ownership or relocation; modifying higher education policy provisions; amending the definition of trigger activator; increasing penalties for transferring firearms to certain persons who are ineligible to possess firearms; amending agriculture policy provisions; establishing and modifying agriculture programs; providing broadband appropriation transfer authority; requiring an application for federal broadband aid; adding and modifying provisions governing energy policy; establishing the Minnesota Energy Infrastructure Permitting Act; modifying provisions related to disability services, aging services, substance use disorder treatment services, priority admissions to state-operated programs and civil commitment, and Direct Care and Treatment; modifying provisions related to licensing of assisted living facilities; modifying provisions governing the Department of Human Services, human services health care policy, health care finance, and licensing policy; modifying provisions governing the Department of Health, health policy, health insurance, and health care; modifying provisions governing pharmacy practice and behavioral health; establishing an Office of Emergency Medical Services and making conforming changes; modifying individual income taxes, minerals taxes, tax-forfeited property, and miscellaneous tax provisions; modifying state employee compensation; modifying paid leave provisions; imposing penalties; authorizing administrative rulemaking; making technical changes; requiring reports; appropriating money;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 3.7371, subdivisions 2, 3, by adding subdivisions; 13.46, subdivisions 1, as amended, 10, as amended; 13.6905, by adding a subdivision; 13.824, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision; 16A.055, subdivision 1a, by adding a subdivision; 17.116, subdivision 2; 17.133, subdivision 1; 18B.01, by adding a subdivision; 18B.26, subdivision 6; 18B.28, by adding a subdivision; 18B.305, subdivision 2; 18B.32, subdivisions 1, 3, 4, 5; 18B.33, subdivisions 1, 5, 6; 18B.34, subdivisions 1, 4; 18B.35, subdivision 1; 18B.36, subdivisions 1, 2; 18B.37, subdivisions 2, 3; 18C.005, subdivision 33, by adding a subdivision; 18C.115, subdivision 2; 18C.215, subdivision 1; 18C.221; 18C.70, subdivisions 1, 5; 18C.71, subdivisions 1, 2, 4, by adding a subdivision; 18C.80, subdivision 2; 18D.301, subdivision 1; 28A.10; 28A.151, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 5, by adding a subdivision; 28A.21, subdivision 6; 31.74; 31.94; 32D.30; 41B.039, subdivision 2; 41B.04, subdivision 8; 41B.042, subdivision 4; 41B.043, subdivision 1b; 41B.045, subdivision 2; 41B.047, subdivision 1; 43A.05, subdivision 3; 43A.18, subdivisions 2, 3, 9; 43A.24, by adding a subdivision; 62A.0411; 62A.15, subdivision 4, by adding a subdivision; 62A.28, subdivision 2; 62D.02, subdivision 7; 62D.04, subdivision 5; 62D.12, subdivision 19; 62D.14, subdivision 1; 62D.20, subdivision 1; 62D.22, subdivision 5, by adding a subdivision; 62J.49, subdivision 1; 62J.61, subdivision 5; 62M.01, subdivision 3; 62M.02, subdivisions 1a, 5, 11, 12, 21, by adding a subdivision; 62M.04, subdivision 1; 62M.05, subdivision 3a; 62M.07, subdivisions 2, 4, by adding a subdivision; 62M.10, subdivisions 7, 8; 62M.17, subdivision 2; 62Q.097, by adding a subdivision; 62Q.14; 62Q.19, subdivisions 3, 5, by adding a subdivision; 62Q.73, subdivision 2; 62V.05, subdivision 12; 62V.08; 62V.11, subdivision 4; 65B.472; 103I.621, subdivisions 1, 2; 116C.83, subdivision 6; 116J.395, subdivision 6, by adding subdivisions; 116J.396, by adding a subdivision; 116J.871, subdivision 4; 123B.53, subdivision 1; 134A.09, subdivision 2a; 134A.10, subdivision 3; 135A.15, as amended; 136A.091, subdivision 3; 136A.1241, subdivision 3; 136A.1701, subdivisions 4, 7; 136A.29, subdivision 9; 136A.62, by adding subdivisions; 136A.63, subdivision 1; 136A.646; 136A.65, subdivision 4; 136A.675, subdivision 2; 136A.69, subdivision 1; 136A.821, subdivision 5, by adding a subdivision; 136A.822, subdivisions 1, 2, 6, 7, 8; 136A.824, subdivisions 1, 2; 136A.828, subdivision 3, by adding a subdivision; 136A.829, subdivision 3, by adding a subdivision; 144.05, subdivisions 6, 7, by adding a subdivision; 144.0572, subdivision 1; 144.058; 144.0724, subdivisions 2, 3a, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11; 144.1464, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 144.1501, subdivision 5; 144.1911, subdivision 2; 144.212, by adding a subdivision; 144.216, subdivision 2, by adding subdivisions; 144.218, by adding a subdivision; 144.292, subdivision 6; 144.293, subdivisions 2, 4, 9, 10; 144.493, by adding a subdivision; 144.494, subdivision 2; 144.551, subdivision 1; 144.555, subdivisions 1a, 1b, 2, by adding subdivisions; 144.605, by adding a subdivision; 144.7067, subdivision 2; 144.99, subdivision 3; 144A.10, subdivisions 15, 16; 144A.471, by adding a subdivision; 144A.474, subdivision 13; 144A.61, subdivision 3a; 144A.70, subdivisions 3, 5, 6, 7; 144A.71, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision; 144A.72, subdivision 1; 144A.73; 144E.001, subdivision 3a, by adding subdivisions; 144E.101, by adding a subdivision; 144E.16, subdivisions 5, 7; 144E.19, subdivision 3; 144E.27, subdivisions 3, 5, 6; 144E.28, subdivisions 3, 5, 6, 8; 144E.285, subdivisions 1, 2, 4, 6, by adding subdivisions; 144E.287; 144E.305, subdivision 3; 144G.08, subdivision 29; 144G.10, by adding a subdivision; 144G.16, subdivision 6; 144G.41, subdivision 1, by adding subdivisions; 144G.63, subdivisions 1, 4; 144G.64; 145.61, subdivision 5; 146B.03, subdivision 7a; 146B.10, subdivisions 1, 3; 148.511; 148.512, subdivision 17a; 148.513, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, by adding a subdivision; 148.514, subdivision 2; 148.515, subdivision 1; 148.518; 148.519, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision; 148.5191, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision; 148.5192, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 148.5193, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision; 148.5194, subdivision 8, by adding a subdivision; 148.5195, subdivisions 5, 6; 148.5196, subdivision 3; 148D.061, subdivisions 1, 8; 148D.062, subdivisions 3, 4; 148D.063, subdivisions 1, 2; 148E.055, by adding subdivisions; 149A.01, subdivision 3; 149A.02, subdivisions 3, 3b, 13a, 16, 23, 26a, 27, 35, 37c, by adding subdivisions; 149A.03; 149A.09; 149A.11; 149A.60; 149A.61, subdivisions 4, 5; 149A.62; 149A.63; 149A.65; 149A.70, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7; 149A.71, subdivisions 2, 4; 149A.72, subdivisions 3, 9; 149A.73, subdivision 1; 149A.74, subdivision 1; 149A.90, subdivisions 2, 4, 5; 149A.93, subdivision 3; 149A.94, subdivisions 1, 3, 4; 149A.97, subdivision 2; 150A.06, subdivisions 1c, 8; 151.01, subdivisions 23, 27; 151.065, subdivision 7, by adding subdivisions; 151.066, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 151.212, by adding a subdivision; 151.37, by adding a subdivision; 151.74, subdivision 6; 156.001, by adding subdivisions; 156.07; 156.12, subdivisions 2, 4; 161.089; 161.14, by adding a subdivision; 161.3203, subdivision 4; 161.45, by adding subdivisions; 161.46, subdivision 1; 162.02, by adding a subdivision; 162.081, subdivision 4; 162.09, by adding a subdivision; 162.145, subdivision 5; 168.09, subdivision 7; 168.092; 168.127; 168.301, subdivision 3; 168.33, by adding a subdivision; 168A.10, subdivision 2; 168A.11, subdivisions 1, 2; 168B.035, subdivision 3; 169.011, by adding subdivisions; 169.04; 169.06, by adding subdivisions; 169.14, subdivision 10, by adding subdivisions; 169.18, by adding a subdivision; 169.21, subdivision 6; 169.222, subdivisions 2, 6a, 6b; 169.346, subdivision 2; 169.974, subdivision 5; 169.99, subdivision 1; 171.01, by adding subdivisions; 171.06, subdivision 3b; 171.061, by adding a subdivision; 171.12, by adding a subdivision; 171.13, subdivision 9; 171.16, subdivision 3; 174.02, by adding a subdivision; 174.185, subdivisions 2, 3, by adding subdivisions; 174.40, subdivision 3; 174.75, subdivisions 1, 2, by adding a subdivision; 177.27, subdivision 3; 179A.041, subdivision 2; 179A.09, by adding subdivisions; 179A.11, subdivisions 1, 2, by adding a subdivision; 179A.12, subdivision 5; 179A.13, subdivisions 1, 2; 179A.40, subdivision 1; 179A.54, subdivision 5; 181.171, subdivision 1; 181.722; 181.723; 181.960, subdivision 3; 214.025; 214.04, subdivision 2a; 214.29; 214.31; 214.355; 216A.037, subdivision 1; 216A.07, subdivision 3; 216B.098, by adding a subdivision; 216B.16, subdivisions 6c, 8; 216B.17, by adding a subdivision; 216B.2402, subdivisions 4, 10, by adding a subdivision; 216B.2403, subdivisions 2, 3, 5, 8; 216B.241, subdivisions 1c, 2, 11, 12; 216B.2421, subdivision 2; 216B.2425, subdivisions 1, 2, by adding a subdivision; 216B.2427, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision; 216B.243, subdivisions 3, 3a, 4, 9; 216B.246, subdivision 3; 216C.10; 216C.435, subdivisions 3a, 3b, 4, 10, by adding subdivisions; 216C.436, subdivisions 1, 4, 7, 8, 10; 216E.02, subdivision 1; 216E.08, subdivision 2; 216E.11; 216E.13; 216E.14; 216E.15; 216E.16; 216E.18, subdivision 2a; 221.0255, subdivisions 4, 9, by adding a subdivision; 232.21, subdivisions 3, 7, 11, 12, 13; 245.462, subdivision 6; 245.4663, subdivision 2; 245.821, subdivision 1; 245.825, subdivision 1; 245A.04, by adding a subdivision; 245A.043, subdivisions 2, 4, by adding subdivisions; 245A.07, subdivision 6; 245A.11, subdivision 2a; 245C.05, subdivision 5; 245C.10, subdivision 18; 245C.14, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision; 245C.15, subdivisions 3, 4; 245C.22, subdivision 4; 245C.24, subdivisions 2, 5; 245C.30, by adding a subdivision; 245F.09, subdivision 2; 245F.14, by adding a subdivision; 245F.17; 245G.07, subdivision 4; 245G.08, subdivisions 5, 6; 245G.10, by adding a subdivision; 245G.22, subdivisions 6, 7; 245I.02, subdivisions 17, 19; 245I.04, subdivision 6; 245I.10, subdivision 9; 245I.11, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision; 245I.20, subdivision 4; 245I.23, subdivisions 14, 19a; 246.018, subdivision 3, as amended; 246.129, as amended; 246.13, subdivision 2, as amended; 246.234, as amended; 246.36, as amended; 246.511, as amended; 252.27, subdivision 2b; 252.282, subdivision 1, by adding a subdivision; 254B.01, by adding subdivisions; 256.01, subdivision 41, by adding a subdivision; 256.88; 256.89; 256.90; 256.91; 256.92; 256.9657, subdivision 8, by adding a subdivision; 256.969, by adding subdivisions; 256.9755, subdivisions 2, 3; 256B.02, subdivision 11; 256B.035; 256B.056, subdivisions 1a, 10; 256B.0622, subdivisions 2a, 3a, 7a, 7d; 256B.0623, subdivision 5; 256B.0625, subdivisions 10, 12, 32, 39, by adding subdivisions; 256B.0757, subdivisions 4a, 4d; 256B.076, by adding a subdivision; 256B.0911, subdivisions 12, 17, 20; 256B.0913, subdivision 5a; 256B.0924, subdivision 3; 256B.0943, subdivisions 3, 12; 256B.0947, subdivision 5; 256B.434, by adding a subdivision; 256B.49, subdivision 16, by adding a subdivision; 256B.4911, by adding subdivisions; 256B.4912, subdivision 1; 256B.69, subdivisions 2, 4; 256B.76, subdivision 6; 256B.77, subdivision 7a; 256B.795; 256I.04, subdivision 2f; 256K.45, subdivision 2; 256L.12, subdivision 7; 256R.02, subdivision 20; 256S.07, subdivision 1; 256S.205, subdivisions 2, 3, 5, by adding a subdivision; 259.52, subdivisions 2, 4; 260E.33, subdivision 2, as amended; 270B.14, subdivision 17, by adding a subdivision; 270C.21; 273.135, subdivision 2; 275.065, by adding a subdivision; 276.04, by adding a subdivision; 276A.01, subdivision 17; 276A.06, subdivision 8; 279.06, subdivision 1; 281.23, subdivision 2; 282.01, subdivision 6; 282.241, subdivision 1; 282.301; 289A.08, subdivision 1; 297A.815, subdivision 3; 297F.01, subdivisions 10b, 19; 298.17; 298.2215, subdivision 1; 298.28, subdivision 8; 298.282, subdivision 1; 298.292, subdivision 2; 299E.01, subdivision 2; 317A.811, subdivision 1; 326B.081, subdivisions 3, 6, 8; 326B.082, subdivisions 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, by adding a subdivision; 326B.701; 326B.89, subdivision 5; 341.28, by adding a subdivision; 341.29; 383B.145, subdivision 5; 430.01, subdivision 2; 430.011, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 430.023; 430.031, subdivision 1; 430.13; 447.42, subdivision 1; 462A.02, subdivision 10; 462A.05, subdivisions 14a, 14b, 15, 15b, 21, 23; 462A.07, by adding subdivisions; 462A.21, subdivision 7; 462A.35, subdivision 2; 462A.37, by adding a subdivision; 462A.40, subdivisions 2, 3; 473.13, by adding a subdivision; 473.3927; 473.452; 480.15, by adding a subdivision; 524.3-801, as amended; 604A.04, subdivision 3; 624.7141; 626.892, subdivision 10; Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, sections 3.855, subdivisions 2, 3, 6; 10.65, subdivision 2; 13.43, subdivision 6; 13.46, subdivision 2, as amended; 15.01; 15.06, subdivision 1, as amended; 15A.0815, subdivision 2; 15A.082, subdivisions 1, 3, 7; 17.055, subdivision 3; 17.133, subdivision 3; 17.134, subdivision 3, by adding a subdivision; 17.710; 18C.425, subdivision 6; 18K.06; 43A.08, subdivisions 1, 1a; 62J.84, subdivision 10; 62Q.46, subdivision 1; 62Q.473, by adding subdivisions; 82.75, subdivision 8; 116C.779, subdivision 1; 116C.7792; 116J.871, subdivisions 1, as amended, 2; 123B.935, subdivision 1; 135A.121, subdivision 2; 135A.161, by adding a subdivision; 135A.162, subdivision 2; 136A.1241, subdivision 5; 136A.1465, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 136A.62, subdivision 3; 136A.833, subdivision 2; 136F.38, subdivision 3; 142A.03, by adding a subdivision; 144.0526, subdivision 1; 144.1501, subdivision 2; 144.1505, subdivision 2; 144.651, subdivision 10a; 144A.4791, subdivision 10; 144E.101, subdivisions 6, 7, as amended; 145.561, subdivision 4; 145D.01, subdivision 1; 148.5195, subdivision 3; 148.5196, subdivision 1; 148B.392, subdivision 2; 151.555, subdivisions 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12; 151.74, subdivision 3; 152.126, subdivision 6; 161.178; 161.46, subdivision 2; 162.146, by adding a subdivision; 168.1259; 168.29; 169.011, subdivision 27; 169.223, subdivision 4; 171.06, subdivision 3; 171.0705, subdivision 2; 171.301, subdivisions 3, 6; 174.49, subdivision 6; 174.634, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision; 177.27, subdivisions 1, 2, 4, 7; 177.50, by adding subdivisions; 179A.03, subdivisions 14, 18; 179A.041, subdivision 10; 179A.06, subdivision 6; 179A.07, subdivisions 8, 9; 179A.10, subdivision 2; 179A.12, subdivisions 2a, 6, 11; 181.032; 181.9445, subdivisions 4, 5, by adding a subdivision; 181.9446; 181.9447, subdivisions 1, 3, 5, 10, 11, by adding a subdivision; 181.9448, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 216B.243, subdivision 8; 216C.08; 216C.09; 216C.331, subdivision 1; 216C.435, subdivision 8; 216C.436, subdivisions 1b, 2; 216E.06; 216E.07; 216E.10, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 219.015, subdivision 2; 245.4889, subdivision 1; 245.735, subdivision 3; 245.91, subdivision 4; 245.991, subdivision 1; 245A.03, subdivisions 2, as amended, 7, as amended; 245A.043, subdivision 3; 245A.07, subdivision 1, as amended; 245A.11, subdivision 7; 245A.16, subdivision 1, as amended; 245A.211, subdivision 4; 245A.242, subdivision 2; 245C.02, subdivision 13e; 245C.031, subdivision 4; 245C.08, subdivision 1; 245C.15, subdivisions 2, 4a; 245C.31, subdivision 1; 245G.07, subdivision 2; 245G.22, subdivisions 2, 17; 245I.04, subdivision 19; 246.54, subdivisions 1a, 1b; 246C.01; 246C.02, as amended; 246C.04, as amended; 246C.05, as amended; 253B.10, subdivision 1, as amended; 254B.04, subdivision 1a; 254B.05, subdivisions 1, 5, as amended; 254B.19, subdivision 1; 256.043, subdivision 3; 256.0471, subdivision 1, as amended; 256.4764, subdivision 3; 256.9631; 256.969, subdivision 2b; 256.9756, subdivisions 1, 2; 256B.0622, subdivisions 7b, 8; 256B.0625, subdivisions 3a, 5m, 9, 13e, as amended, 13f, 13k, 16; 256B.064, subdivision 4; 256B.0671, subdivisions 3, 5; 256B.0701, subdivision 6; 256B.0911, subdivision 13; 256B.0913, subdivision 5, as amended; 256B.092, subdivision 1a; 256B.0947, subdivision 7; 256B.0949, subdivision 15; 256B.49, subdivision 13; 256B.764; 256B.766; 256D.01, subdivision 1a; 256I.05, subdivisions 1a, 11; 256L.03, subdivision 1; 256L.04, subdivision 10; 256R.55; 260.761, by adding a subdivision; 268B.01, subdivisions 3, 5, 8, 15, 23, 44, by adding subdivisions; 268B.04; 268B.06, subdivisions 2, 3, 4, 5, by adding a subdivision; 268B.07, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 268B.085, subdivision 3; 268B.09, subdivisions 1, 6, 7; 268B.10, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 16, 17, by adding subdivisions; 268B.14, subdivisions 3, 7, by adding subdivisions; 268B.15, subdivision 7; 268B.155, subdivision 2; 268B.185, subdivision 2; 268B.19; 268B.26; 268B.27, subdivision 2; 268B.29; 270B.14, subdivision 1; 290.0661, subdivisions 4, 8, by adding a subdivision; 297A.993, subdivision 2a; 298.018, subdivision 1; 298.28, subdivisions 7a, 16; 299A.642, subdivision 15; 326B.106, subdivision 1; 341.25; 341.28, subdivision 5; 341.30, subdivision 4; 341.321; 341.33, by adding a subdivision; 341.355; 357.021, subdivision 6; 462A.05, subdivisions 14, 45; 462A.22, subdivision 1; 462A.37, subdivisions 2, 5; 462A.38, subdivision 2; 462A.39, subdivision 2; 462A.395; 473.145; 473.3999; 473.4051, by adding a subdivision; 473.412, subdivisions 2, 3; 473.4465, subdivision 4; 477A.35, subdivisions 2, 4, 5, 6, by adding a subdivision; 477A.36, subdivisions 1, as amended, 4, 5, 6, as amended, by adding a subdivision; 609.67, subdivision 1; Laws 2020, chapter 73, section 8; Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 5, article 1, section 2, subdivision 2; Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 7, article 13, section 68; article 17, section 19, as amended; Laws 2022, chapter 42, section 2; Laws 2023, chapter 22, section 4, subdivision 2; Laws 2023, chapter 37, article 1, section 2, subdivisions 2, 5, 18, 25, 29, 32; article 2, sections 6, subdivisions 1, 2, 4, 5, by adding subdivisions; 12, subdivision 2; Laws 2023, chapter 41, article 1, sections 2, subdivisions 35, 36, 49, as amended; 4, subdivision 2; Laws 2023, chapter 43, article 1, sections 2; 4; article 2, section 142, subdivision 9; Laws 2023, chapter 52, article 19, section 120; Laws 2023, chapter 53, article 14, section 1; article 19, sections 2, subdivisions 1, 3, 5; 4; article 21, sections 6; 7; Laws 2023, chapter 57, article 1, section 6; Laws 2023, chapter 60, article 10, section 2, subdivision 2; Laws 2023, chapter 61, article 1, sections 60, subdivisions 1, 2; 67, subdivision 3; article 4, section 11; article 8, sections 1; 2; 3; 8; article 9, section 2, subdivisions 5, 14, 16, as amended, 18; Laws 2023, chapter 68, article 1, sections 3, subdivision 2; 4, subdivision 3; 20; article 4, sections 108; 126; Laws 2023, chapter 70, article 1, section 35; article 20, sections 2, subdivisions 5, 29, 31; 3, subdivision 2; 12, as amended; Laws 2024, chapter 79, article 1, sections 18; 23; 24; 25, subdivision 3; article 10, sections 1; 6; Laws 2024, chapter 80, article 2, sections 6, subdivisions 2, 3, by adding subdivisions; 10, subdivision 1; Laws 2024, chapter 113, section 1, subdivision 2; 2024 H.F. No. 5237, article 22, section 2, subdivisions 4, if enacted, 5, if enacted; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 16A; 16B; 62A; 62C; 62D; 62J; 62M; 62Q; 135A; 136A; 137; 144; 144A; 144E; 144G; 145D; 148; 148B; 148E; 149A; 150A; 151; 156; 161; 168; 169; 181; 214; 216C; 216G; 219; 245C; 246C; 254B; 256; 256B; 256S; 268B; 282; 325F; 326B; 341; 346; 430; 462A; proposing coding for new law as Minnesota Statutes, chapters 181C; 216I; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 3.7371, subdivision 7; 34.07; 62A.041, subdivision 3; 135A.16; 144.218, subdivision 3; 144.497; 144E.001, subdivision 5; 144E.01; 144E.123, subdivision 5; 144E.27, subdivisions 1, 1a; 144E.50, subdivision 3; 147A.09, subdivision 5; 148D.061, subdivision 9; 151.74, subdivision 16; 156.12, subdivision 6; 168.1297; 179.81; 179.82; 179.83, subdivision 1; 179.84, subdivision 1; 179.85; 216E.001; 216E.01, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10; 216E.02; 216E.021; 216E.03, subdivisions 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 9; 216E.04, subdivisions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 216E.05, subdivisions 1, 3; 216E.08, subdivisions 1, 4; 216E.18, subdivisions 1, 2; 216F.01; 216F.011; 216F.012; 216F.015; 216F.02; 216F.03; 216F.05; 216F.06; 216F.07; 216F.08; 216F.081; 245C.125; 246.41; 252.27, subdivisions 1a, 2, 3, 4a, 5, 6; 253C.01; 256.043, subdivision 4; 256B.0916, subdivision 10; 256B.79, subdivision 6; 256D.19, subdivisions 1, 2; 256D.20, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4; 256D.23, subdivisions 1, 2, 3; 256R.02, subdivision 46; 462A.209, subdivision 8; Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, sections 3.855, subdivision 5; 62J.312, subdivision 6; 62Q.522, subdivisions 3, 4; 135A.162, subdivision 7; 216E.01, subdivisions 3a, 6, 9a; 216E.03, subdivisions 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11; 216E.04, subdivision 2; 216E.05, subdivision 2; 216F.04; 245C.08, subdivision 2; 246C.03; 252.27, subdivision 2a; 268B.06, subdivision 7; 268B.08; 268B.10, subdivision 11; 268B.14, subdivision 5; 477A.35, subdivision 1; Laws 2023, chapter 25, section 190, subdivision 10; Laws 2023, chapter 37, article 2, section 13; Laws 2024, chapter 79, article 4, section 1, subdivision 3; Laws 2024, chapter 80, article 2, section 6, subdivision 4; Minnesota Rules, parts 1506.0010; 1506.0015; 1506.0020; 1506.0025; 1506.0030; 1506.0035; 1506.0040; 5520.0100; 5520.0110; 5520.0120, subparts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; 5520.0200; 5520.0250, subparts 1, 2, 4; 5520.0300; 5520.0500, subparts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 5520.0520; 5520.0540; 5520.0560; 5520.0600; 5520.0620; 5520.0700; 5520.0710; 5520.0800; 7850.1000; 7850.1100; 7850.1200; 7850.1300; 7850.1400; 7850.1500; 7850.1600; 7850.1700; 7850.1800; 7850.1900; 7850.2000; 7850.2100; 7850.2200; 7850.2300; 7850.2400; 7850.2500; 7850.2600; 7850.2700; 7850.2800; 7850.2900; 7850.3000; 7850.3100; 7850.3200; 7850.3300; 7850.3400; 7850.3500; 7850.3600; 7850.3700; 7850.3800; 7850.3900; 7850.4100; 7850.4200; 7850.4500; 7850.4600; 7850.4700; 7850.4800; 7850.4900; 7850.5000; 7850.5100; 7850.5200; 7850.5300; 7850.5400; 7850.5500; 7850.5600; 7854.0100; 7854.0200; 7854.0300; 7854.0400; 7854.0500; 7854.0600; 7854.0700; 7854.0800; 7854.0900; 7854.1000; 7854.1100; 7854.1200; 7854.1300; 7854.1400; 7854.1500.
Section text begin TRANSPORTATION text end |
new text begin The sums shown in the columns marked "Appropriations" are added to the appropriations in Laws 2023, chapter 68, article 1, to the agencies and for the purposes specified in this article. The appropriations are from the trunk highway fund, or another named fund, and are available for the fiscal years indicated for each purpose. Amounts for "Total Appropriation" and sums shown in the corresponding columns marked "Appropriations by Fund" are summary only and do not have legal effect. The figures "2024" and "2025" used in this article mean that the appropriations listed under them are available for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, or June 30, 2025, respectively. "Each year" is each of fiscal years 2024 and 2025. new text end
new text begin APPROPRIATIONS new text end | ||||||
new text begin Available for the Year new text end | ||||||
new text begin Ending June 30 new text end | ||||||
new text begin 2024 new text end | new text begin 2025 new text end |
Sec. text begin DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION new text end |
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text endnew text begin Total Appropriation new text end |
new text begin $ new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 58,416,000 new text end |
new text begin Appropriations by Fund new text end | ||
new text begin 2024 new text end | new text begin 2025 new text end | |
new text begin General new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 3,443,000 new text end |
new text begin Special Revenue new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 3,750,000 new text end |
new text begin Trunk Highway new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 51,223,000 new text end |
new text begin The appropriations in this section are to the commissioner of transportation. new text end
new text begin The amounts that may be spent for each purpose are specified in the following subdivisions. new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text endnew text begin Multimodal Systems new text end |
new text begin (a) Transit new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 3,750,000 new text end |
new text begin Notwithstanding the requirements under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.38, subdivision 3, paragraph (a), this appropriation is from the active transportation account in the special revenue fund for a grant to the city of Ramsey for design, environmental analysis, site preparation, and construction of the Mississippi Skyway Trail Bridge over marked U.S. Highways 10 and 169 in Ramsey to provide for a grade-separated crossing for pedestrians and nonmotorized vehicles. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.98, subdivision 14, the commissioner must not use any amount of this appropriation for administrative costs. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2028. new text end
new text begin (b) Passenger Rail new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 1,000,000 new text end |
new text begin This appropriation is from the general fund for a grant to the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority for a portion of the costs of insurance coverage related to rail-related incidents occurring at Union Depot in the city of St. Paul. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.98, subdivision 14, the commissioner must not use any amount of this appropriation for administrative costs. This is a onetime appropriation. new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text endnew text begin State Roads new text end |
new text begin (a) Operations and Maintenance new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 2,405,000 new text end |
new text begin $300,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for rumble strips under Minnesota Statutes, section 161.1258. new text end
new text begin $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for landscaping improvements located within trunk highway rights-of-way under the Department of Transportation's community roadside landscape partnership program, with prioritization of tree planting as feasible. new text end
new text begin $1,000,000 is from the general fund for the traffic safety camera pilot program under Minnesota Statutes, section 169.147, and the evaluation and legislative report under article 3, sections 116 and 117. With the approval of the commissioner of transportation, any portion of this appropriation is available to the commissioner of public safety. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2029. new text end
new text begin $105,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for the cost of staff time to coordinate with the Public Utilities Commission relating to placement of high voltage transmission lines along trunk highways. new text end
new text begin (b) Program Planning and Delivery new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 5,800,000 new text end |
new text begin $3,000,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for implementation and development of statewide and regional travel demand modeling related to the requirements under Minnesota Statutes, section 161.178. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2026. new text end
new text begin $800,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for one or more grants to metropolitan planning organizations outside the metropolitan area, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 473.121, subdivision 2, for modeling activities related to the requirements under Minnesota Statutes, section 161.178. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.98, subdivision 14, the commissioner must not use any amount of this appropriation for administrative costs. This is a onetime appropriation. new text end
new text begin $2,000,000 in fiscal year 2025 is to complete environmental documentation and for preliminary engineering and design for the reconstruction of marked Trunk Highway 55 from Hennepin County State-Aid Highway 19, north of the city of Loretto to Hennepin County Road 118 near the city of Medina. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2027. new text end
new text begin (c) State Road Construction new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 10,900,000 new text end |
new text begin $8,900,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for the acquisition, environmental analysis, predesign, design, engineering, construction, reconstruction, and improvement of trunk highway bridges, including design-build contracts, program delivery, consultant usage to support these activities, and the cost of payments to landowners for lands acquired for highway rights-of-way. Projects under this appropriation must follow eligible investment priorities identified in the Minnesota state highway investment plan under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.03, subdivision 1c. The commissioner may use up to 17 percent of this appropriation for program delivery. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2028. new text end
new text begin $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for predesign and design of intersection safety improvements along marked Trunk Highway 65 from the interchange with marked U.S. Highway 10 to 99th Avenue Northeast in the city of Blaine. This is a onetime appropriation. new text end
new text begin $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2025 is to design and construct trunk highway improvements associated with an interchange at U.S. Highway 169, marked Trunk Highway 282, and Scott County State-Aid Highway 9 in the city of Jordan, including accommodations for bicycles and pedestrians and for bridge and road construction. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2027. new text end
new text begin (d) Highway Debt Service new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 468,000 new text end |
new text begin This appropriation is for transfer to the state bond fund. If this appropriation is insufficient to make all transfers required in the year for which it is made, the commissioner of management and budget must transfer the deficiency amount as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.641, and notify the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation finance and the chairs of the senate Finance Committee and the house of representatives Ways and Means Committee of the amount of the deficiency. Any excess appropriation cancels to the trunk highway fund. new text end
new text begin Subd. 4. new text endnew text begin Local Roads new text end |
new text begin 1,200,000 new text end |
new text begin $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2025 is from the general fund for a grant to a political subdivision that (1) has a directly elected governing board, (2) is contained within a city of the first class, and (3) maintains sole jurisdiction over a roadway system within the city. This appropriation is for the design, engineering, construction, and reconstruction of roads on the roadway system. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.98, subdivision 14, the commissioner must not use any amount of this appropriation for administrative costs. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2027. new text end
new text begin $200,000 in fiscal year 2025 is from the general fund for a grant to the city of Shorewood to develop a transportation management organization along the marked Trunk Highway 7 corridor from the western border of Hennepin County to Interstate Highway 494. Money under this rider is available for developing a comprehensive study and financial plan for a transportation management organization in the cities and school districts along this corridor and connecting roadways. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.98, subdivision 14, the commissioner must not use any amount of this appropriation for administrative costs. This is a onetime appropriation. new text end
new text begin Subd. 5. new text endnew text begin Agency Management new text end |
new text begin (a) Agency Services new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 243,000 new text end |
new text begin This appropriation is from the general fund for costs related to complete streets implementation training under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.75, subdivision 2a. new text end
new text begin (b) Buildings new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 32,650,000 new text end |
new text begin $20,100,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for the transportation facilities capital improvement program under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.595. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2028. new text end
new text begin $7,750,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for land acquisition, predesign, design, and construction of expanded truck parking at Big Spunk in Avon and Enfield Rest Areas and for the rehabilitation or replacement of truck parking information management system equipment at Department of Transportation-owned parking rest area locations. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2028. new text end
new text begin $4,800,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for predesign, design, engineering, environmental analysis and remediation, acquisition of land or permanent easements, and construction of one or more truck parking safety projects for the trunk highway system. Each truck parking safety project must expand truck parking availability in proximity to a trunk highway and be located in the Department of Transportation metropolitan district. In developing each project, the commissioner must seek partnerships with local units of government, established truck stop businesses, or a combination. Partnership activities may include but are not limited to parking site identification and review, financial assistance, donation of land, and project development activities. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2027. new text end
Sec. text begin METROPOLITAN COUNCIL new text end |
new text begin $ new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 10,000,000 new text end |
new text begin The appropriation in this section is from the general fund to the Metropolitan Council. new text end
new text begin This appropriation is for a grant to Hennepin County to administer the Blue Line light rail transit extension antidisplacement community prosperity program under article 3, sections 118 and 119. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.98, subdivision 14, the council must not use any amount of this appropriation for administrative costs. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2027. new text end
Sec. text begin DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY new text end |
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text endnew text begin Total Appropriation new text end |
new text begin $ new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 4,641,000 new text end |
new text begin The appropriations in this section are to the commissioner of public safety. new text end
new text begin The amounts that may be spent for each purpose are specified in the following subdivisions. new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text endnew text begin Driver and Vehicle Services new text end |
new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 3,241,000 new text end |
new text begin The appropriations in this subdivision are from the driver and vehicle services operating account in the special revenue fund. new text end
new text begin $2,969,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for staff and related operating costs to support testing at driver's license examination stations. new text end
new text begin $100,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for costs related to the special license plate review committee study and report under article 3, section 131. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2026. new text end
new text begin $172,000 in fiscal year 2025 is for costs related to translating written materials and providing them to driver's license agents and deputy registrars as required under article 3, section 123. This is a onetime appropriation. new text end
new text begin Subd. 3. new text endnew text begin Traffic Safety new text end |
new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin 1,400,000 new text end |
new text begin Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 299A.705, regarding the use of funds from this account, $1,200,000 in fiscal year 2025 is from the driver and vehicle services operating account in the special revenue fund for the Lights On grant program under Minnesota Statutes, section 169.515. The commissioner must contract with the Lights On! microgrant program to administer and operate the grant program. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.98, subdivision 14, the commissioner may use up to two percent of this appropriation for administrative costs. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2026. new text end
new text begin $200,000 in fiscal year 2025 is from the motorcycle safety account in the special revenue fund for the public education campaign on motorcycle operation under article 3, section 122. This is a onetime appropriation. new text end
new text begin $15,560,000 in fiscal year 2024 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of transportation for trunk highway and local road projects, which may include but are not limited to feasibility and corridor studies, project development, predesign, preliminary and final design, engineering, environmental analysis and mitigation, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and associated infrastructure improvements. This appropriation is available for grants to local units of government. The commissioner may establish that a grant under this section does not require a nonstate contribution. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.98, subdivision 14, the commissioner must not use any amount of this appropriation for administrative costs. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2029. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin $41,000 in fiscal year 2025 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of administration for purposes of the Minnesota Advisory Council on Infrastructure as provided under article 3, section 121, and Minnesota Statutes, sections 16B.357 to 16B.359. The base for this appropriation is $475,000 in fiscal year 2026 and $471,000 in fiscal year 2027. new text end
new text begin $43,000 in fiscal year 2025 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of administration for space costs incurred in fiscal years 2025, 2026, and 2027 by tenants that provide public-facing professional services on the Capitol complex. The commissioner of administration must designate one publicly accessible space on the complex for which this appropriation may be used. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2027. new text end
new text begin (a) The following are appropriated to the commissioner of administration for design, construction, and equipment required to upgrade the physical security elements and systems for the Department of Transportation building, attached tunnel systems, surrounding grounds, and parking facilities as identified in the 2017 Minnesota State Capitol complex physical security predesign and the updated assessment completed in 2022: new text end
new text begin (1) $1,350,000 in fiscal year 2025 from the trunk highway fund; and new text end
new text begin (2) $450,000 in fiscal year 2025 from the general fund. new text end
new text begin (b) This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2028. new text end
new text begin $22,500,000 in fiscal year 2025 is appropriated from the trunk highway fund to the commissioner of administration for design and land acquisition for a new headquarters building and support facilities for the State Patrol. This appropriation may also be used, as part of the first phase of the overall site development, to design the abatement of hazardous materials and demolition of any buildings located on the site and to demolish any buildings located on the site and abate hazardous materials. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2028. new text end
new text begin $46,000 in fiscal year 2025 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of commerce for an environmental review conducted by the Department of Commerce Energy Environmental Review and Analysis unit, relating to the placement of high voltage transmission lines along trunk highway rights-of-way. new text end
new text begin (a) $11,000,000 of the appropriation in fiscal year 2024 from the general fund for Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) discretionary matches under Laws 2023, chapter 68, article 1, section 2, subdivision 5, paragraph (a), is canceled to the general fund. new text end
new text begin (b) $15,560,000 of the appropriation in fiscal year 2022 for trunk highway corridor studies and local road grants under Laws 2021, First Special Session chapter 5, article 1, section 6, is canceled to the general fund. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin $11,350,000 in fiscal year 2025 is transferred from the general fund to the small cities assistance account under Minnesota Statutes, section 162.145, subdivision 2. This is a onetime transfer. The amount transferred under this section must be allocated and distributed in the July 2024 payment. new text end
Subd. 2.Multimodal Systems |
(a) Aeronautics
(1) Airport Development and Assistance | 24,198,000 | 18,598,000 |
Appropriations by Fund | ||
2022 | 2023 | |
General | 5,600,000 | -0- |
Airports | 18,598,000 | 18,598,000 |
This appropriation is from the state airports fund and must be spent according to Minnesota Statutes, section 360.305, subdivision 4.
$5,600,000 in fiscal year 2022 is from the general fund for a grant to the city of Karlstad for the acquisition of land, predesign, design, engineering, and construction of a primary airport text begin This appropriation is for Phase 1 of the text end
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.28, subdivision 6, this appropriation is available for five years after the year of the appropriation. If the appropriation for either year is insufficient, the appropriation for the other year is available for it.
If the commissioner of transportation determines that a balance remains in the state airports fund following the appropriations made in this article and that the appropriations made are insufficient for advancing airport development and assistance projects, an amount necessary to advance the projects, not to exceed the balance in the state airports fund, is appropriated in each year to the commissioner and must be spent according to Minnesota Statutes, section 360.305, subdivision 4. Within two weeks of a determination under this contingent appropriation, the commissioner of transportation must notify the commissioner of management and budget and the chairs, ranking minority members, and staff of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation finance concerning the funds appropriated. Funds appropriated under this contingent appropriation do not adjust the base for fiscal years 2024 and 2025.
(2) Aviation Support Services | 8,332,000 | 8,340,000 |
Appropriations by Fund | ||
2022 | 2023 | |
General | 1,650,000 | 1,650,000 |
Airports | 6,682,000 | 6,690,000 |
$28,000 in fiscal year 2022 and $36,000 in fiscal year 2023 are from the state airports fund for costs related to regulating unmanned aircraft systems.
(3) Civil Air Patrol | 80,000 | 80,000 |
This appropriation is from the state airports fund for the Civil Air Patrol.
(b) Transit and Active Transportation | 23,501,000 | 18,201,000 |
This appropriation is from the general fund.
$5,000,000 in fiscal year 2022 is for the active transportation program under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.38. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2025.
$300,000 in fiscal year 2022 is for a grant to the 494 Corridor Commission. The commissioner must not retain any portion of the funds appropriated under this section. The commissioner must make grant payments in full by December 31, 2021. Funds under this grant are for programming and service expansion to assist companies and commuters in telecommuting efforts and promotion of best practices. A grant recipient must provide telework resources, assistance, information, and related activities on a statewide basis. This is a onetime appropriation.
(c) Safe Routes to School | 5,500,000 | 500,000 |
This appropriation is from the general fund for the safe routes to school program under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.40.
If the appropriation for either year is insufficient, the appropriation for the other year is available for it.
(d) Passenger Rail | 10,500,000 | 500,000 |
This appropriation is from the general fund for passenger rail activities under Minnesota Statutes, sections 174.632 to 174.636.
$10,000,000 in fiscal year 2022 is for final design and construction to provide for a second daily Amtrak train service between Minneapolis and St. Paul and Chicago. The commissioner may expend funds for program delivery and administration from this amount. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2025.
(e) Freight | 8,342,000 | 7,323,000 |
Appropriations by Fund | ||
2022 | 2023 | |
General | 2,464,000 | 1,445,000 |
Trunk Highway | 5,878,000 | 5,878,000 |
$1,000,000 in fiscal year 2022 is from the general fund for procurement costs of a statewide freight network optimization tool. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2023.
$350,000 in fiscal year 2022 and $287,000 in fiscal year 2023 are from the general fund for two additional rail safety inspectors in the state rail safety inspection program under Minnesota Statutes, section 219.015. In each year, the commissioner must not increase the total assessment amount under Minnesota Statutes, section 219.015, subdivision 2, from the most recent assessment amount.
Subd. 2.Transit System Operations |
deleted text begin 85,654,000 deleted text end new text begin 75,654,000 new text end | 32,654,000 |
This appropriation is for transit system operations under Minnesota Statutes, sections 473.371 to 473.449.
deleted text begin $50,000,000deleted text end new text begin $40,000,000new text end in fiscal year 2024 is for a grant to Hennepin County for the Blue Line light rail transit extension project, including but not limited to predesign, design, engineering, environmental analysis and mitigation, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and acquisition of rolling stock. Of this amount, deleted text begin $40,000,000deleted text end new text begin $30,000,000new text end is available only upon entering a full funding grant agreement with the Federal Transit Administration by June 30, 2027. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2030.
$3,000,000 in fiscal year 2024 is for highway bus rapid transit project development in the marked U.S. Highway 169 and marked Trunk Highway 55 corridors, including but not limited to feasibility study, predesign, design, engineering, environmental analysis and remediation, and right-of-way acquisition.
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
Subd. 3.State Patrol |
(a) Patrolling Highways | 154,044,000 | 141,731,000 |
Appropriations by Fund | ||
2024 | 2025 | |
General | 387,000 | 37,000 |
H.U.T.D. | 92,000 | 92,000 |
Trunk Highway | 153,565,000 | 141,602,000 |
$350,000 in fiscal year 2024 is from the general fund for predesign of a State Patrol headquarters building and related storage and training facilities. The commissioner of public safety must work with the commissioner of administration to complete the predesign. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2027.
$14,500,000 in fiscal year 2024 is from the trunk highway fund to purchase and equip a helicopter for the State Patrol. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2025.
$2,300,000 in fiscal year 2024 is from the trunk highway fund to purchase a Cirrus single engine airplane for the State Patrol. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2025.
$1,700,000 in each year is from the trunk highway fund for staff and equipment costs of pilots for the State Patrol.
$611,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $352,000 in fiscal year 2025 are from the trunk highway fund to support the State Patrol's accreditation process under the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.
(b) Commercial Vehicle Enforcement | 15,446,000 | 18,423,000 |
$2,948,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $5,248,000 in fiscal year 2025 are to provide the required match for federal grants for additional troopers and nonsworn commercial vehicle inspectors.
(c) Capitol Security | 18,666,000 | 19,231,000 |
This appropriation is from the general fund.
The commissioner must not:
(1) spend any money from the trunk highway fund for capitol security; or
(2) permanently transfer any state trooper from the patrolling highways activity to capitol security.
The commissioner must not transfer any money appropriated to the commissioner under this section:
(1) to capitol security; or
(2) from capitol security.
new text begin The commissioner may expend the unencumbered balance from this appropriation for operating costs under this subdivision. new text end
(d) Vehicle Crimes Unit | 1,244,000 | 1,286,000 |
This appropriation is from the highway user tax distribution fund to investigate:
(1) registration tax and motor vehicle sales tax liabilities from individuals and businesses that currently do not pay all taxes owed; and
(2) illegal or improper activity related to the sale, transfer, titling, and registration of motor vehicles.
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
(a) $152,650,000 in fiscal year 2024 is transferred from the general fund to the trunk highway fund for the state match for highway formula and discretionary grants under the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58, and for related state investments.
(b) $19,500,000 in fiscal year 2024 and deleted text begin $19,500,000deleted text end new text begin $19,215,000new text end in fiscal year 2025 are transferred from the general fund to the active transportation account under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.38. The base for this transfer is deleted text begin $8,875,000deleted text end new text begin $8,155,000new text end in fiscal year 2026 and deleted text begin $9,000,000deleted text end new text begin $8,284,000new text end in fiscal year 2027.
(c) By June 30, 2023, the commissioner of management and budget must transfer any remaining unappropriated balance, estimated to be $232,000, from the driver services operating account in the special revenue fund to the driver and vehicle services operating account under Minnesota Statutes, section 299A.705.
(d) By June 30, 2023, the commissioner of management and budget must transfer any remaining unappropriated balance, estimated to be $13,454,000, from the vehicle services operating account in the special revenue fund to the driver and vehicle services operating account under Minnesota Statutes, section 299A.705.
new text begin The sums shown in the column under "Appropriations" are appropriated from the bond proceeds account in the trunk highway fund to the commissioner of transportation or other named entity to be spent for public purposes. Appropriations of bond proceeds must be spent as authorized by the Minnesota Constitution, articles XI and XIV. Unless otherwise specified, money appropriated in this article for a capital program or project may be used to pay state agency staff costs that are attributed directly to the capital program or project in accordance with accounting policies adopted by the commissioner of management and budget. new text end
new text begin SUMMARY new text end | ||
new text begin Department of Transportation new text end | new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 30,000,000 new text end |
new text begin Department of Management and Budget new text end | new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 30,000 new text end |
new text begin TOTAL new text end | new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 30,030,000 new text end |
new text begin APPROPRIATIONS new text end |
Sec. text begin DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION new text end |
new text begin Subdivision 1. new text endnew text begin Corridors of Commerce new text end |
new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 15,000,000 new text end |
new text begin (a) This appropriation is to the commissioner of transportation for the corridors of commerce program under Minnesota Statutes, section 161.088. The commissioner may use up to 17 percent of the amount for program delivery. new text end
new text begin (b) From this appropriation, the commissioner may (1) select projects using the results of the most recent evaluation for the corridors of commerce program, and (2) provide additional funds for projects previously selected under the corridors of commerce program. new text end
new text begin Subd. 2. new text endnew text begin State Road Construction new text end |
new text begin 15,000,000 new text end |
new text begin This appropriation is to the commissioner of transportation for construction, reconstruction, and improvement of trunk highways, including design-build contracts, internal department costs associated with delivering the construction program, and consultant usage to support these activities. The commissioner may use up to 17 percent of the amount for program delivery. new text end
Sec. text begin BOND SALE EXPENSES new text end |
new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 30,000 new text end |
new text begin This appropriation is to the commissioner of management and budget for bond sale expenses under Minnesota Statutes, sections 16A.641, subdivision 8, and 167.50, subdivision 4. new text end
Sec. text begin BOND SALE AUTHORIZATION. new text end |
new text begin To provide the money appropriated in this article from the bond proceeds account in the trunk highway fund, the commissioner of management and budget shall sell and issue bonds of the state in an amount up to $30,030,000 in the manner, upon the terms, and with the effect prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, sections 167.50 to 167.52, and by the Minnesota Constitution, article XIV, section 11, at the times and in the amounts requested by the commissioner of transportation. The proceeds of the bonds, except accrued interest and any premium received from the sale of the bonds, must be deposited in the bond proceeds account in the trunk highway fund. new text end
new text begin Data related to traffic safety cameras are governed by section 169.147, subdivisions 14 to 16. new text end
deleted text begin As used indeleted text end new text begin (a) For purposes ofnew text end this section,new text begin the following terms have the meanings text end
new text begin (b)new text end "Automated license plate reader" means an electronic device mounted on a law enforcement vehicle or positioned in a stationary location that is capable of recording data on, or taking a photograph of, a vehicle or its license plate and comparing the collected data and photographs to existing law enforcement databases for investigative purposes. Automated license plate reader includes a device that is owned or operated by a person who is not a government entity to the extent that data collected by the reader are shared with a law enforcement text begin Automated license plate reader does not include a traffic safety camera text end
new text begin (c) "Traffic safety camera system" has the meaning given in section 169.011, subdivision 85a. new text end
new text begin A person must not use a traffic safety camera system for purposes of this section. new text end
new text begin For the purposes of sections 16B.356 to 16B.359, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin "Council" means the Minnesota Advisory Council on Infrastructure established in section 16B.357. new text end
new text begin "Infrastructure" means physical structures and facilities, including but not limited to property, lands, buildings, and other assets of a capital nature. The term includes infrastructure related to agriculture, commerce, communications, economic development, energy, food, health, housing, natural resources, public safety, transportation, drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater. new text end
new text begin (a) The Minnesota Advisory Council on Infrastructure is established as provided under sections 16B.356 to 16B.359. new text end
new text begin (b) The purpose of the council is to define and maintain a vision for the future of Minnesota's infrastructure that provides for its proper management, coordination, and investment. new text end
new text begin The council consists of the following voting members: new text end
new text begin (1) two members appointed by the governor; new text end
new text begin (2) two members appointed by the senate majority leader; new text end
new text begin (3) two members appointed by the senate minority leader; new text end
new text begin (4) two members appointed by the speaker of the house; new text end
new text begin (5) two members appointed by the house minority leader; and new text end
new text begin (6) one member appointed by the Indian Affairs Council. new text end
new text begin The council consists of the following nonvoting members: new text end
new text begin (1) the commissioner of administration; new text end
new text begin (2) the commissioner of agriculture; new text end
new text begin (3) the commissioner of commerce; new text end
new text begin (4) the commissioner of employment and economic development; new text end
new text begin (5) the commissioner of health; new text end
new text begin (6) the commissioner of management and budget; new text end
new text begin (7) the commissioner of natural resources; new text end
new text begin (8) the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency; new text end
new text begin (9) the commissioner of transportation; new text end
new text begin (10) the commissioner of Iron Range resources and rehabilitation; new text end
new text begin (11) the chair of the Metropolitan Council; new text end
new text begin (12) the chair of the Board of Water and Soil Resources; new text end
new text begin (13) the executive director of the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority; new text end
new text begin (14) the chancellor of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; and new text end
new text begin (15) the president of the University of Minnesota. new text end
new text begin (a) An appointing authority under subdivision 2 may only appoint an individual who has direct and practical expertise and experience, whether from the public or private sector, in any of the following: new text end
new text begin (1) asset management in one or more of the areas of planning, design, construction, management, or operations and maintenance, for: (i) drinking water; (ii) wastewater; (iii) stormwater; (iv) transportation; (v) energy; or (vi) communications; new text end
new text begin (2) financial management and procurement; or new text end
new text begin (3) regional asset management across jurisdictions and infrastructure sectors. new text end
new text begin (b) Each appointing authority under subdivision 2, clauses (1) to (5), must appoint one individual who resides in a metropolitan county, as defined in section 473.121, subdivision 4, and one individual who resides outside of a metropolitan county. new text end
new text begin (c) No current legislator may be appointed to the council. new text end
new text begin (d) Prior to making appointments, the appointing authorities under subdivision 2 must coordinate and provide for: new text end
new text begin (1) geographic representation throughout the state; new text end
new text begin (2) representation for all major types of infrastructure assets; and new text end
new text begin (3) representation from the public and private sectors. new text end
new text begin Each appointing authority under subdivision 2 must acknowledge and give consideration to appointment recommendations made by interested stakeholders, including but not limited to: new text end
new text begin (1) the Association of Minnesota Counties; new text end
new text begin (2) the League of Minnesota Cities; new text end
new text begin (3) the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities; new text end
new text begin (4) the Minnesota Association of Townships; new text end
new text begin (5) the Minnesota Chapter of the American Public Works Association; new text end
new text begin (6) the Associated General Contractors of Minnesota; new text end
new text begin (7) a labor union representing the building trades; new text end
new text begin (8) a public utility; new text end
new text begin (9) the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association; new text end
new text begin (10) the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce; new text end
new text begin (11) the Minnesota section of the American Water Works Association; new text end
new text begin (12) the Minnesota Rural Water Association; and new text end
new text begin (13) the Minnesota Rural Electric Association. new text end
new text begin (a) Notwithstanding section 15.06, subdivision 6, an individual specified under subdivision 3 may appoint a designee to serve on the council only as provided in this subdivision. new text end
new text begin (b) An individual specified under subdivision 3 may appoint a designee who serves on an ongoing basis to exercise the powers and duties as a nonvoting council member under this section. The designation must be made by written order, filed with the secretary of state. The designee must be a public employee who is: new text end
new text begin (1) a deputy commissioner or deputy director; new text end
new text begin (2) an assistant commissioner; new text end
new text begin (3) an immediate subordinate of the appointing authority; new text end
new text begin (4) a director of a relevant office; or new text end
new text begin (5) if the appointing authority is the chair of a board or council specified under subdivision 3, another member of that board or council. new text end
new text begin (a) The council must elect from among its voting members a chair, or cochairs, and vice-chair. As necessary, the council may elect other council members to serve as officers. new text end
new text begin (b) The chair is responsible for convening meetings of the council and setting each meeting agenda. new text end
new text begin (a) A majority of the council, including voting and nonvoting members and excluding vacancies, is a quorum. new text end
new text begin (b) The council may conduct business as provided under section 13D.015. new text end
new text begin The compensation, membership terms, filling of vacancies, and removal of members on the council are as provided in section 15.0575. new text end
new text begin The council is subject to the Minnesota Open Meeting Law under chapter 13D. new text end
new text begin The council is subject to the Minnesota Data Practices Act under chapter 13. new text end
new text begin The council has the nonregulatory powers necessary to carry out its responsibilities and duties specified by law. new text end
new text begin (a) The council is responsible for activities in a nonregulatory capacity and in coordination with stakeholders to identify and recommend best practices that: new text end
new text begin (1) preserve and extend the longevity of Minnesota's public and privately owned infrastructure; and new text end
new text begin (2) provide for effective and efficient management of infrastructure. new text end
new text begin (b) Unless specifically provided otherwise, nothing in sections 16B.356 to 16B.359 requires transfer of personnel, specific responsibilities, or administrative functions from a department or agency to the council. new text end
new text begin The duties of the council are to: new text end
new text begin (1) identify approaches to enhance and expedite infrastructure coordination across jurisdictions, agencies, state and local government, and public and private sectors, including in planning, design, engineering, construction, maintenance, and operations; new text end
new text begin (2) analyze methods to improve efficiency and the use of resources related to (i) public infrastructure, and (ii) public asset management practices; new text end
new text begin (3) identify opportunities to reduce duplication in infrastructure projects and asset management; new text end
new text begin (4) identify barriers and gaps in effective asset management; new text end
new text begin (5) identify objectives and strategies that enhance the longevity and adaptability of infrastructure throughout the state; new text end
new text begin (6) develop advisory recommendations, if any, related to the responsibilities and duties specified under this section, including to state agencies for programs, policies, and practices; and new text end
new text begin (7) implement the requirements under sections 16B.356 to 16B.359. new text end
new text begin The council must develop and recommend a plan for a statewide asset managers program that provides for: new text end
new text begin (1) identification, exchange, and distribution of (i) information on existing asset management tools and resources, and (ii) best practices on infrastructure management; new text end
new text begin (2) training for infrastructure owners and asset managers; and new text end
new text begin (3) coordination and collaboration among infrastructure owners and asset managers. new text end
new text begin The commissioner must provide the council with suitable space to maintain an office, hold meetings, and keep records. The commissioner must provide administrative staff and information technology resources to the council as necessary for the expeditious conduct of the council's duties and responsibilities. new text end
new text begin By December 15 annually, the council must submit a report to the governor and the legislative committees with jurisdiction over capital investment, climate, economic development, energy, and transportation. At a minimum, the report must: new text end
new text begin (1) summarize the activities of the council; new text end
new text begin (2) provide an overview for each of the duties and requirements under sections 16B.356 to 16B.359; new text end
new text begin (3) identify any barriers and constraints related to activities of the council; and new text end
new text begin (4) provide any recommendations of the council. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioner must hire an executive director in the classified service, with the advice of the council. The executive director is the principal administrative officer for the council. The executive director is not an ex officio member of the council. new text end
new text begin (b) The executive director must have (1) leadership or management experience, and (2) training and experience in public works or asset management. new text end
new text begin (c) The executive director must perform the duties as specified by the council to manage and implement the requirements of sections 16B.356 to 16B.359. new text end
new text begin (a) The executive director must: new text end
new text begin (1) hire any employees on the basis of merit and fitness that the executive director considers necessary to discharge the functions of the office; and new text end
new text begin (2) prescribe the powers and duties of an employee. new text end
new text begin (b) The executive director may: new text end
new text begin (1) hire a deputy director and other staff; and new text end
new text begin (2) delegate the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the executive director to employees, under conditions prescribed by the executive director. new text end
(a) Each district must provide public school pupils enrolled in kindergarten through grade 3 with age-appropriate active transportation safety training. At a minimum, the training must include pedestrian safety, including crossing roads.
(b) Each district must provide public school pupils enrolled in grades 4 through 8 with age-appropriate active transportation safety training. At a minimum, the training must include:
(1) pedestrian safety, including crossing roads safely using the searching left, right, left for vehicles in traffic technique; deleted text begin anddeleted text end
(2) bicycle safety, including relevant traffic laws, use and proper fit of protective headgear, bicycle parts and safety features, and safe biking techniquesdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; andnew text end
new text begin (3) electric-assisted bicycle safety, including that a person under the age of 15 is not allowed to operate an electric-assisted bicycle. new text end
(c) A nonpublic school may provide nonpublic school pupils enrolled in kindergarten through grade 8 with training as specified in paragraphs (a) and (b).
new text begin (a) new text end In Hennepin County and Ramsey County, the district court administrator or a designee may, upon the recommendation of the board of trustees and by standing order of the judges of the district court, include in the costs or disbursements assessed against a defendant convicted in the district court of the violation of a statute or municipal ordinance, a county law library fee. This fee may be collected in all petty misdemeanor cases and criminal prosecutions in which, upon conviction, the defendant may be subject to the payment of the costs or disbursements in addition to a fine or other penalty. When a defendant is convicted of more than one offense in a case, the county law library fee shall be imposed only once in that case.
new text begin (b) Beginning August 1, 2025, the law library fee does not apply to a citation issued pursuant to sections 169.06, subdivision 10, and 169.14, subdivision 13. new text end
new text begin (a) new text end The judge of district court may, upon the recommendation of the board of trustees and by standing order, include in the costs or disbursements assessed against a defendant convicted in the district court of the violation of any statute or municipal ordinance, in all petty misdemeanor cases and criminal prosecutions in which, upon conviction, the defendant may be subject to the payment of the costs or disbursements in addition to a fine or other penalty a county law library fee. When a defendant is convicted of more than one offense in a case, the county law library fee shall be imposed only once in that case. The item of costs or disbursements may not be assessed for any offense committed prior to the establishment of the county law library.
new text begin (b) Beginning August 1, 2025, the law library fee does not apply to citations issued pursuant to sections 169.06, subdivision 10, and 169.14, subdivision 13. new text end
By January 15 of each odd-numbered year, the commissioners of transportation and public safety, in consultation with the commissioner of management and budget, must jointly submit a report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation finance. The report mustnew text begin :new text end
new text begin (1)new text end list detailed expenditures and transfers from the trunk highway fund and highway user tax distribution fund for the previous two fiscal years and must include information on the purpose of each expendituredeleted text begin . The report mustdeleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (2) list summary expenditures and transfers from each fund other than the trunk highway fund or highway user tax distribution fund for each departmental division, office, or program for which funds are listed under clause (1); new text end
new text begin (3) include for each expenditure from the trunk highway fund an estimate of the percentage of activities performed or purchases made with that expenditure that are not for trunk highway purposes; and new text end
new text begin (4)new text end include a separate section that lists detailed expenditures and transfers from the trunk highway fund and highway user tax distribution fund for cybersecurity.
new text begin (a) The commissioner must maintain transverse rumble strips in association with each stop sign that is located (1) on a trunk highway segment with a speed limit of at least 55 miles per hour, and (2) outside the limits of a statutory or home rule charter city. new text end
new text begin (b) Prior to installation of rumble strips at a new location, the commissioner must provide a notification to residences adjacent to the location. new text end
new text begin (c) The commissioner must meet the requirements under paragraph (a) at each applicable location by the earlier of August 1, 2034, or the date of substantial completion of any construction, resurfacing, or reconditioning at the location. new text end
new text begin (d) The requirements under paragraph (a) do not apply to a location in which there is at least one residence within 750 feet. new text end
new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2024, for road construction, resurfacing, or reconditioning projects on or after that date. new text end
new text begin (a) The bridge on marked Trunk Highway 55 and marked Trunk Highway 62 over the Minnesota River, commonly known as the Mendota Bridge, is designated as "Gopher Gunners Memorial Bridge." Notwithstanding section 161.139, the commissioner must adopt a suitable design to mark the bridge and erect appropriate signs. new text end
new text begin (b) The adjutant general of the Department of Military Affairs must reimburse the commissioner of transportation for costs incurred under this subdivision. new text end
(a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given.
(b) "Applicable entity" means the commissioner with respect to a deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end for inclusion in the state transportation improvement program or a metropolitan planning organization with respect to a deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end for inclusion in the appropriate metropolitan transportation improvement program.
(c) "Assessment" means the deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end impact assessment under this section.
(d) "Capacity expansion project" means a project for trunk highway construction or reconstruction that:
(1) is a major highway project, as defined in section 174.56, subdivision 1, paragraph (b); and
(2) adds highway traffic capacity or provides for grade separation new text begin of motor vehicle traffic new text end at an intersection, excluding auxiliary lanes with a length of less than 2,500 feet.
(e) "Greenhouse gas emissions" includes those emissions described in section 216H.01, subdivision 2.
(a) Prior to inclusion of a deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end in the state transportation improvement program ornew text begin innew text end a metropolitan transportation improvement program, the applicable entity must perform deleted text begin a capacity expansiondeleted text end new text begin annew text end impact assessment of the projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end . Following the assessment, the applicable entity must determine if the project deleted text begin conformsdeleted text end new text begin or portfolio is proportionally in conformancenew text end with:
(1) the greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets under section 174.01, subdivision 3; and
(2) the vehicle miles traveled reduction targets established in the statewide multimodal transportation plan under section 174.03, subdivision 1a.
(b) If the applicable entity determines that the deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end is not in conformance with paragraph (a), the applicable entity must:
(1) alter the scope or design of the projectnew text begin or any number of projects, add or remove one or more projects from the portfolio, or undertake a combination,new text end andnew text begin subsequentlynew text end perform a revised assessment that meets the requirements under this section;
(2) interlink sufficient impact mitigation as provided in subdivision 4; or
(3) halt project development and disallow inclusion of the projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end in the appropriate transportation improvement program.
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section: new text end
new text begin (1) prior to the date established under paragraph (b), a project or portfolio is a capacity expansion project; and new text end
new text begin (2) on and after the date established under paragraph (b), a project or portfolio is a capacity expansion project or a collection of trunk highway and multimodal projects for a fiscal year and specific region. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioner must establish a date to implement impact assessments on the basis of assessing a portfolio or program of projects instead of on a project-by-project basis. The date must be: new text end
new text begin (1) August 1, 2027, which applies to projects that first enter the appropriate transportation improvement program for fiscal year 2031 or a subsequent year; or new text end
new text begin (2) as established by the commissioner, if the commissioner: new text end
new text begin (i) consults with metropolitan planning organizations; new text end
new text begin (ii) prioritizes and makes reasonable efforts to meet the date under clause (1) or an earlier date; new text end
new text begin (iii) determines that the date established under this clause is the earliest practicable in which the necessary models and tools are sufficient for analysis under this section; and new text end
new text begin (iv) submits a notice to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance, which must identify the date established and summarize the efforts under item (ii) and the determination under item (iii). new text end
(a) The commissioner must establish a process to deleted text begin perform capacity expansion impact assessments. An assessment must provide for the determination under subdivision 2.deleted text end new text begin implement the requirements under this section, which includes:new text end
new text begin (1) any necessary policies, procedures, manuals, and technical specifications; new text end
new text begin (2) procedures to perform an impact assessment that provide for the determination under subdivision 2; new text end
new text begin (3) in consultation with the technical advisory committee under section 161.1782, criteria for identification of a capacity expansion project; and new text end
new text begin (4) related data reporting from local units of government on local multimodal transportation systems and local project impacts on greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled. new text end
(b) Analysis under an assessment must include but is not limited to estimates resulting from deleted text begin thedeleted text end new text begin anew text end projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end for the following:
(1) greenhouse gas emissions over a period of 20 years; deleted text begin anddeleted text end
(2) a net change in vehicle miles traveled for the affected networkdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; andnew text end
new text begin (3) impacts to trunk highways and related impacts to local road systems, on a local, regional, or statewide basis, as appropriate. new text end
(a) To provide for impact mitigation, the applicable entity must interlink the deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end as provided in this subdivision.
(b) Impact mitigation is sufficient under subdivision 2, paragraph (b), if the deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end is interlinked to deleted text begin mitigationdeleted text end new text begin offsetnew text end actions such that the total greenhouse gas emissions reduction from the deleted text begin mitigationdeleted text end new text begin offsetnew text end actions, after accounting for the greenhouse gas emissions otherwise resulting from the deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end , is consistent with meeting the targets specified under subdivision 2, paragraph (a). Each comparison under this paragraph must be performed over equal comparison periods.
(c) deleted text begin A mitigationdeleted text end new text begin An offsetnew text end action consists of a project, program, deleted text begin ordeleted text end operations modificationnew text begin , or mitigation plannew text end in one or more of the following areas:
(1) transit expansion, including but not limited to regular route bus, arterial bus rapid transit, highway bus rapid transit, rail transit, and intercity passenger rail;
(2) transit service improvements, including but not limited to increased service level, transit fare reduction, and transit priority treatments;
(3) active transportation infrastructure;
(4) micromobility infrastructure and service, including but not limited to shared vehicle services;
(5) transportation demand management, including but not limited to vanpool and shared vehicle programs, remote work, and broadband access expansion;
(6) parking management, including but not limited to parking requirements reduction or elimination and parking cost adjustments;
(7) land use, including but not limited to residential and other density increases, mixed-use development, and transit-oriented development;
(8) infrastructure improvements related to traffic operations, including but not limited to roundabouts and reduced conflict intersections; deleted text begin anddeleted text end
(9) natural systems, including but not limited to prairie restoration, reforestation, and urban green spacenew text begin ; andnew text end
new text begin (10) as specified by the commissioner in the manner provided under paragraph (e)new text end .
(d) deleted text begin A mitigationdeleted text end new text begin An offsetnew text end action may be identified as interlinked to the deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end if:
(1) there is a specified project, program, deleted text begin ordeleted text end modificationnew text begin , or mitigation plannew text end ;
(2) the necessary funding sources are identified and sufficient amounts are committed;
(3) the mitigation is localized as provided in subdivision 5; and
(4) procedures are established to ensure that the mitigation action remains in substantially the same form or a revised form that continues to meet the calculation under paragraph (b).
new text begin (e) The commissioner may authorize additional offset actions under paragraph (c) if: new text end
new text begin (1) the offset action is reviewed and recommended by the technical advisory committee under section 161.1782; and new text end
new text begin (2) the commissioner determines that the offset action is directly related to reduction in the transportation sector of greenhouse gas emissions or vehicle miles traveled. new text end
(a) deleted text begin A mitigationdeleted text end new text begin An offsetnew text end action under subdivision 4 must be localized in the following priority order:
(1)new text begin if the offset action is for one project,new text end within or associated with at least one of the communities impacted by the deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end project;
(2) ifnew text begin clause (1) does not apply ornew text end there is not a reasonably feasible location under clause (1), in areas of persistent poverty or historically disadvantaged communities, as measured and defined in federal law, guidance, and notices of funding opportunity;
(3) if there is not a reasonably feasible location under clauses (1) and (2), in the region of the deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end projectnew text begin or portfolionew text end ; or
(4) if there is not a reasonably feasible location under clauses (1) to (3), on a statewide basis.
(b) The applicable entity must include an explanation regarding the feasibility and rationale for each mitigation action located under paragraph (a), clauses (2) to (4).
The commissioner must publish information regarding deleted text begin capacity expansiondeleted text end impact assessments on the department's website. The information must include:
(1)new text begin for each project evaluated separately under this section,new text end identification of deleted text begin capacity expansion projectsdeleted text end new text begin the projectnew text end ; deleted text begin anddeleted text end
(2) for each projectnew text begin evaluated separatelynew text end , a summary that includes an overview of the deleted text begin expansion impactdeleted text end assessment, the impact determination by the commissioner, and project disposition, including a review of any deleted text begin mitigationdeleted text end new text begin offsetnew text end actionsdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (3) for each portfolio of projects, an overview of the projects, the impact determination by the commissioner, and a summary of any offset actions; new text end
new text begin (4) a review of any interpretation of or additions to offset actions under subdivision 4; new text end
new text begin (5) identification of the date established by the commissioner under subdivision 2a, paragraph (b); and new text end
new text begin (6) a summary of the activities of the technical advisory committee under section 161.1782, including but not limited to any findings or recommendations made by the advisory committee. new text end
The requirements of this section are in addition to and must not supplant the safety and well-being goals established under section 174.01, subdivision 2, clauses (1) and (2).
new text begin (a) A transportation impact assessment and mitigation account is established in the special revenue fund. The account consists of funds provided by law and any other money donated, allotted, transferred, or otherwise provided to the account. new text end
new text begin (b) Money in the account is annually appropriated to the commissioner and must only be expended on activities described or required under this section. In determining expenditures from the account, the commissioner must include prioritization for offset actions interlinked to trunk highway projects that reduce traffic fatalities or severe injuries. new text end
new text begin This section is effective February 1, 2025, except that subdivision 8 is effective July 1, 2024. This section does not apply to a capacity expansion project that was either included in the state transportation improvement program or has been submitted for approval of the geometric layout before February 1, 2025. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Advisory committee" means the technical advisory committee established in this section. new text end
new text begin (c) "Project or portfolio" is as provided in section 161.178. new text end
new text begin The commissioner must establish a technical advisory committee to assist in implementation review related to the requirements under section 161.178. new text end
new text begin The advisory committee is composed of the following members: new text end
new text begin (1) one member from the Department of Transportation, appointed by the commissioner of transportation; new text end
new text begin (2) one member from the Pollution Control Agency, appointed by the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency; new text end
new text begin (3) one member from the Metropolitan Council, appointed by the chair of the Metropolitan Council; new text end
new text begin (4) one member from the Center for Transportation Studies, appointed by the president of the University of Minnesota; new text end
new text begin (5) one member representing metropolitan planning organizations outside the metropolitan area, as defined in section 473.121, subdivision 2, appointed by the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations; and new text end
new text begin (6) up to four members who are not employees of the state, with no more than two who are employees of a political subdivision, appointed by the commissioner of transportation. new text end
new text begin (a) To be eligible for appointment to the advisory committee, an individual must have experience or expertise sufficient to provide assistance in implementation or technical review related to the requirements under section 161.178. Each appointing authority must consider appointment of individuals with expertise in travel demand modeling, emissions modeling, traffic forecasting, land use planning, or transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions assessment and analysis. In appointing the members under subdivision 3, clause (6), the commissioner must also consider technical expertise in other relevant areas, which may include but is not limited to public health or natural systems management. new text end
new text begin (b) Members of the advisory committee serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. Vacancies must be filled by the appointing authority. new text end
new text begin The advisory committee must assist the commissioner in implementation of the requirements under section 161.178, including to: new text end
new text begin (1) perform technical review and validation of processes and methodologies used for impact assessment and impact mitigation; new text end
new text begin (2) review and make recommendations on: new text end
new text begin (i) impact assessment requirements; new text end
new text begin (ii) models and tools for impact assessment; new text end
new text begin (iii) methods to determine sufficiency of impact mitigation; new text end
new text begin (iv) procedures for interlinking a project or portfolio to impact mitigation; and new text end
new text begin (v) reporting and data collection; new text end
new text begin (3) advise on the approach used to determine the area of influence for a project or portfolio for a geographic or transportation network area; new text end
new text begin (4) develop recommendations on any clarifications, modifications, or additions to the offset actions authorized under section 161.178, subdivision 4; and new text end
new text begin (5) perform other analyses or activities as requested by the commissioner. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioner must provide administrative support to the advisory committee. Upon request, the commissioner must provide information and technical support to the advisory committee. new text end
new text begin (b) Members of the advisory committee are not eligible for compensation under this section. new text end
new text begin (c) The advisory committee is subject to the Minnesota Data Practices Act under chapter 13 and to the Minnesota Open Meeting Law under chapter 13D. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) By September 1 of each year,new text end the commissioner deleted text begin shall provide, no later than September 1, an annual writtendeleted text end new text begin must submit anew text end report to deleted text begin the legislature, in compliance with sections 3.195 and 3.197, and shall submit the report todeleted text end the chairs new text begin and ranking minority members new text end of the deleted text begin senate and house of representativesdeleted text end new text begin legislativenew text end committees deleted text begin havingdeleted text end new text begin withnew text end jurisdiction over transportationnew text begin policy and financenew text end .
new text begin (b)new text end The report must list all privatization transportation contracts deleted text begin within the meaning of this sectiondeleted text end that were executed or performed, whether wholly or in part, in the previous fiscal year. The report must identify, with respect to each contract:
new text begin (1)new text end the contractor;
new text begin (2)new text end contract amount;
new text begin (3)new text end duration;
new text begin (4)new text end work, provided or to be provided;
new text begin (5)new text end the comprehensive estimate derived under subdivision 3, paragraph (a);
new text begin (6)new text end the comprehensive estimate derived under subdivision 3, paragraph (b);
new text begin (7)new text end the actual cost to the agency of the contractor's performance of the contract; and
new text begin (8)new text end for contracts of at least $250,000, a statement containing the commissioner's determinations under subdivision 3, paragraph (c).
new text begin (c) The report must collect aggregate data on each of the commissioner's district offices and the bridge office on barriers and challenges to the reduction of transportation contract privatization. The aggregate data must identify areas of concern related to transportation contract privatization and include information on: new text end
new text begin (1) recruitment and retention of staff; new text end
new text begin (2) expertise gaps; new text end
new text begin (3) access to appropriate equipment; and new text end
new text begin (4) the effects of geography, demographics, and socioeconomic data on transportation contract privatization rates. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this subdivision and subdivisions 5 to 7, "high voltage transmission line" has the meaning given in section 216E.01, subdivision 4. new text end
new text begin (b) Notwithstanding subdivision 1, paragraph (a), high voltage transmission lines under the laws of this state or the ordinance of any city or county may be constructed, placed, or maintained across or along any trunk highway, including an interstate highway and a trunk highway that is an expressway or a freeway, except as deemed necessary by the commissioner of transportation to protect public safety or ensure the proper function of the trunk highway system. new text end
new text begin (c) If the commissioner denies a high voltage electric line colocation request, the reasons for the denial must be submitted for review within 90 days of the commissioner's denial to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over energy and transportation, the Public Utilities Commission executive secretary, and the commissioner of commerce. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to colocation requests for high voltage transmission lines on or after that date. new text end
new text begin Upon written request, the commissioner must engage in coordination activities with a utility or transmission line developer to review requested highway corridors for potential permitted locations for transmission lines. The commissioner must assign a project coordinator within 30 days of receiving the written request. The commissioner must share all known plans with affected utilities or transmission line developers on potential future projects in the highway corridor if the potential highway project impacts the placement or siting of high voltage transmission lines. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) If the commissioner and a utility or transmission line developer identify a permittable route along a trunk highway corridor for possible colocation of transmission lines, a constructability report must be prepared by the utility or transmission line developer in consultation with the commissioner. A constructability report developed under this subdivision must be used by both parties to plan and approve colocation projects. new text end
new text begin (b) A constructability report developed under this section between the commissioner and the parties seeking colocation must include terms and conditions for building the colocation project. Notwithstanding the requirements in subdivision 1, the report must be approved by the commissioner and the party or parties seeking colocation prior to the commissioner approving and issuing a permit for use of the trunk highway right-of-way. new text end
new text begin (c) A constructability report must include an agreed upon time frame for which there may not be a request from the commissioner for relocation of the transmission line. If the commissioner determines that relocation of a transmission line in the trunk highway right-of-way is necessary, the commissioner, as much as practicable, must give a four-year advance notice. new text end
new text begin (d) Notwithstanding the requirements of subdivision 7 and section 161.46, subdivision 2, if the commissioner requires the relocation of a transmission line in the interstate highway right-of-way earlier than the agreed upon time frame in paragraph (c) in the constructability report or provides less than a four-year notice of relocation in the agreed upon constructability report, the commissioner is responsible for 75 percent of the relocation costs. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) A high voltage transmission line that receives a route permit under chapter 216E on or after July 1, 2024, is not eligible for relocation reimbursement under section 161.46, subdivision 2. new text end
new text begin (b) If the commissioner orders relocation of a high voltage transmission line that is subject to paragraph (a): new text end
new text begin (1) a public utility, as defined in section 216B.02, subdivision 4, may recover its portion of costs of relocating the line that the Public Utilities Commission deems prudently incurred as a transmission cost adjustment pursuant to section 216B.16, subdivision 7b; and new text end
new text begin (2) a consumer-owned utility, as defined in section 216B.2402, subdivision 2, may recover its portion of costs of relocating the line in any manner approved by its governing board. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) new text end For the purposes of this sectionnew text begin ,new text end the following terms deleted text begin shalldeleted text end have the meanings deleted text begin ascribed to them:deleted text end new text begin text end
deleted text begin (1)deleted text end new text begin (b)new text end "Utility" means all publicly, privately, and cooperatively owned systems for supplying power, light, gas, telegraph, telephone, water, pipeline, or sewer service if such systems be authorized by law to use public highways for the location of its facilities.
deleted text begin (2)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end "Cost of relocation" means the entire amount paid by such utility properly attributable to such relocation after deducting therefrom any increase in the value of the new facility and any salvage value derived from the old facility.
new text begin (d) "High voltage transmission line" has the meaning given in section 216E.01, subdivision 4. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
deleted text begin (a)deleted text end Whenever the commissioner deleted text begin shall determinedeleted text end new text begin determines thatnew text end the relocation of any utility facility is necessitated by the construction of a project on the routes of federally aided deleted text begin statedeleted text end trunk highways, including urban extensions thereof, deleted text begin which routesdeleted text end new text begin thatnew text end are included within the National System of Interstate Highways, the owner or operator of deleted text begin suchdeleted text end new text begin thenew text end utility facility deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end relocate the deleted text begin samedeleted text end new text begin utility facilitynew text end in accordance with the order of the commissioner. deleted text begin After the completion of such relocation the cost thereof shall be ascertained and paid by the state out of trunk highway funds; provided, however, the amount to be paid by the state for such reimbursement shall not exceed the amount on which the federal government bases its reimbursement for said interstate system.deleted text end new text begin Except as provided in section 161.45, subdivision 6, paragraph (d), or 7, upon the completion of relocation of a utility facility, the cost of relocation must be ascertained and paid out of the trunk highway fund by the commissioner, provided the amount paid by the commissioner for reimbursement to a utility does not exceed the amount on which the federal government bases its reimbursement for the interstate highway text end
deleted text begin (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), on or after January 1, 2024, any entity that receives a route permit under chapter deleted text end deleted text begin 216E deleted text end deleted text begin for a high-voltage transmission line necessary to interconnect an electric power generating facility is not eligible for relocation reimbursement unless the entity directly, or through its members or agents, provides retail electric service in this state. deleted text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin The county state-aid highway system must not include a segment of a county highway that is designated as a pedestrian mall under chapter 430. new text end
(a) Money apportioned to a county from the town road account must be distributed to the treasurer of each town within the county, according to a distribution formula adopted by the county board. The formula must take into account each town's population and town road mileage, and other factors the county board deems advisable in the interests of achieving equity among the towns. Distribution of town road funds to each town treasurer must be made by March 1, annually, or within 30 days after receipt of payment from the commissioner. Distribution of funds to town treasurers in a county which has not adopted a distribution formula under this subdivision must be made according to a formula prescribed by the commissioner by rule.
(b) Money distributed to a town under this subdivision may be expended by the town only for the construction, reconstruction, and gravel maintenance of town roads within the townnew text begin , including debt service for bonds issued by the town in accordance with chapter 475, provided that the bonds are issued for a use allowable under this paragraphnew text end .
new text begin The municipal state-aid street system must not include a segment of a city street that is designated as a pedestrian mall under chapter 430. new text end
(a) Funds distributed under this section are available only for construction and maintenance of roads located within the city, including:
(1) land acquisition, environmental analysis, design, engineering, construction, reconstruction, and maintenance;
(2) road projects partially located within the city;
(3) projects on county state-aid highways located within the city; deleted text begin anddeleted text end
(4) cost participation on road projects under the jurisdiction of another unit of governmentdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; andnew text end
new text begin (5) debt service for obligations issued by the city in accordance with chapter 475, provided that the obligations are issued for a use allowable under this section. new text end
(b) Except for projects under paragraph (a), clause (3), funds distributed under this section are not subject to state-aid requirements under this chapter, including but not limited to engineering standards adopted by the commissioner in rules.
new text begin (a) Funds distributed under this section are available only for construction and maintenance of roads located within the city, including: new text end
new text begin (1) land acquisition, environmental analysis, design, engineering, construction, reconstruction, and maintenance; new text end
new text begin (2) road projects partially located within the city; new text end
new text begin (3) projects on municipal state-aid streets located within the city; new text end
new text begin (4) projects on county state-aid highways located within the city; new text end
new text begin (5) cost participation on road projects under the jurisdiction of another unit of government; and new text end
new text begin (6) debt service for obligations issued by the city in accordance with chapter 475, provided that the obligations are issued for a use allowable under this section. new text end
new text begin (b) Except for projects under paragraph (a), clauses (3) and (4), funds distributed under this section are not subject to state-aid requirements under this chapter, including but not limited to engineering standards adopted by the commissioner in rules. new text end
(a) deleted text begin A vehicle that displays a Minnesota plate issued under this chapter may display a temporary permitdeleted text end new text begin The commissioner may issue a temporary permit under this subdivisionnew text end in conjunction withnew text begin the conclusion of a registration period or a recentlynew text end expired registration if:
(1) the current registration tax and all other fees and taxes have been paid in full; and
(2) deleted text begin the plate hasdeleted text end new text begin special plates havenew text end been applied for.
deleted text begin (b) A vehicle may display a temporary permit in conjunction with expired registration, with or without a registration plate, if: deleted text end
deleted text begin (1) the plates have been applied for; deleted text end
deleted text begin (2) the registration tax and other fees and taxes have been paid in full; and deleted text end
deleted text begin (3) either the vehicle is used solely as a collector vehicle while displaying the temporary permit and not used for general transportation purposes or the vehicle was issued a 21-day permit under section 168.092, subdivision 1. deleted text end
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (b)new text end The permit is valid for a period of 60 days. The permit must be in a format prescribed by the commissioner, affixed to the rear of the vehicle where a license plate would normally be affixed, and plainly visible. The permit is valid only for the vehicle for which it was issued to allow a reasonable time for the new plates to be manufactured and delivered to the applicant. The permit may be issued only by the commissioner or by a deputy registrar under section 168.33.
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024. new text end
The deleted text begin motor vehicle registrardeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end may issue a permit to a person purchasing a new or used motor vehicle in this state for the purpose of allowing the purchaser a reasonable time to register the vehicle and pay fees and taxes due on the transfer. The permit is valid for a period of deleted text begin 21deleted text end new text begin 60new text end days. The permit must be in a deleted text begin form as the registrar may determinedeleted text end new text begin format prescribed by the commissionernew text end , affixed to the rear of the vehicle where a license plate would normally be affixed, and plainly visible. Each permit is valid only for the vehicle for which issued.
The deleted text begin registrardeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end may issue permits to licensed dealers. When issuing a permit, the dealer deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end complete the permit in the manner prescribed by the department.
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024. new text end
For purposes of this section, "Minnesota professional sports team" means one of the following teams while its home stadium is located in Minnesota: Minnesota Vikings, Minnesota Timberwolves, Minnesota Lynx, Minnesota Wild, Minnesota Twins, or Minnesota United.
(a) The commissioner must issue Minnesota professional sports team deleted text begin foundationdeleted text end new text begin philanthropynew text end plates to an applicant who:
(1) is a registered owner of a passenger automobile, noncommercial one-ton pickup truck, motorcycle, or recreational vehicle;
(2) pays an additional fee in the amount specified for special plates under section 168.12, subdivision 5;
(3) pays the registration tax required under section 168.013;
(4) pays the fees required under this chapter;
(5) contributes a minimum of $30 annually to the professional sports team deleted text begin foundationsdeleted text end new text begin philanthropynew text end account; and
(6) complies with this chapter and rules governing registration of motor vehicles and licensing of drivers.
(b) Minnesota professional sports team deleted text begin foundationdeleted text end new text begin philanthropynew text end plates may be personalized according to section 168.12, subdivision 2a.
At the request of a Minnesota professional sportsnew text begin team or thenew text end team's foundation, the commissioner must, in consultation with thenew text begin team ornew text end foundation, adopt a suitable plate design deleted text begin incorporatingdeleted text end new text begin . Each design must incorporatenew text end thenew text begin requestingnew text end foundation's marks and colorsnew text begin or directly relate to a charitable purpose as provided in subdivision 5new text end . The commissioner may design a single plate that incorporates the marks and colors of all deleted text begin foundationsdeleted text end new text begin organizationsnew text end that have requested a plate.
On application to the commissioner and payment of a transfer fee of $5, special plates issued under this section may be transferred to another motor vehicle if the subsequent vehicle is:
(1) qualified under subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (1), to bear the special plates; and
(2) registered to the same individual to whom the special plates were originally issued.
new text begin (a) new text end Contributions collected under subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (5), must be deposited in the Minnesota professional sports team deleted text begin foundationsdeleted text end new text begin philanthropynew text end account, which is established in the special revenue fund. Money in the account is appropriated to the commissioner of public safety. This appropriation is first for the annual cost of administering the account funds, and the remaining funds are for distribution to the foundationsnew text begin , or as provided in this subdivision,new text end innew text begin thenew text end proportionnew text begin that each plate design bearsnew text end to the total number of Minnesota professional sports team deleted text begin foundationdeleted text end new text begin philanthropynew text end plates issued for that year. Proceeds from a plate that includes the marks and colors of all deleted text begin foundationsdeleted text end new text begin participating organizationsnew text end must be divided evenly between all foundationsnew text begin and charitable purposesnew text end .
new text begin (b)new text end The deleted text begin foundations must only use thedeleted text end proceedsnew text begin must only be used by:new text end
new text begin (1) a Minnesota professional sports team foundationnew text end for philanthropic or charitable purposesnew text begin ; ornew text end
new text begin (2) the Minnesota United professional sports team through a designation that the funds are for the Minnesota Loon Restoration Projectnew text end .
new text begin (c) The commissioner must annually transfer funds designated under paragraph (b), clause (2), from the Minnesota professional sports team philanthropy account to the Minnesota critical habitat private sector matching account under section 84.943 for purposes of the Minnesota Loon Restoration Project. new text end
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024, for Minnesota professional sports team philanthropy plates issued on or after that date. new text end
new text begin (a) new text end A unique registration category is established for vehicles and trailers of a fleet. Vehicles registered in the fleet must be issued a distinctive license plate. The design and size of the fleet license plate must be determined by the commissioner.
new text begin (b) A deputy registrar may issue replacement license plates for qualified vehicles in a registered fleet pursuant to section 168.29. new text end
The annual registration period for vehicles in the fleet deleted text begin will bedeleted text end new text begin isnew text end determined by the commissioner. The applicant must provide all information necessary to qualify as a fleet registrantnew text begin ,new text end including a list of all vehicles in the fleet. On initial registration, all taxes and fees for vehicles in the fleet must be reassessed based on the expiration date.
new text begin (a) new text end On approval of the application for fleet registrationnew text begin ,new text end the commissioner must issue a registration card for each qualified vehicle in the fleet. The registration card must be carried in the vehicle at all times and be made available to a peace officer on demand. The registered gross weight must be indicated on the license plate.
new text begin (b) A new vehicle may be registered to an existing fleet upon application to a deputy registrar and payment of the fee under section 168.33, subdivision 7. new text end
new text begin (c) A deputy registrar must issue a replacement registration card for any registered fleet or any qualified vehicle in a registered fleet upon application. new text end
Initial fleet applications for registration and renewals must be filed with the deleted text begin registrardeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end or authorized deputy registrar.
On the renewal of a fleet registrationnew text begin ,new text end the registrant deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end pay full licensing fees for every vehicle registered in the preceding year unless the vehicle has been properly deleted from the fleet. In order to delete a vehicle from a fleet, the fleet registrant must surrender to the commissioner the registration card and license plates. The deleted text begin registrardeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end may authorize alternative methods of deleting vehicles from a fleet, including destruction of the license plates and registration cards. If the card or license plates are lost or stolen, the fleet registrant deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end submit a sworn statement stating the circumstances for the inability to surrender the card, stickers, and license plates. deleted text begin The commissioner shall assessdeleted text end new text begin A fleet registrant who fails to renew the licenses issued under this section or fails to report the removal of vehicles from the fleet within 30 days of the vehicles' removal must paynew text end a penalty of 20 percent of the total tax due on the fleet deleted text begin against the fleet registrant who fails to renew the licenses issued under this section or fails to report the removal of vehicles from the fleet within 30 daysdeleted text end . The penalty must be paid within 30 days after it is assessed.
deleted text begin Instead ofdeleted text end new text begin The applicant for fleet registration must paynew text end the filing fee described in section 168.33, subdivision 7, deleted text begin the applicant for fleet registration shall pay an equivalent administrative feedeleted text end to the commissioner for each vehicle in the fleet.
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024, for fleet vehicle transactions on or after that date. new text end
new text begin The commissioner must issue Rotary International special license plates or a single motorcycle plate to an applicant who: new text end
new text begin (1) is a registered owner of a passenger automobile, noncommercial one-ton pickup truck, motorcycle, or self-propelled recreational motor vehicle; new text end
new text begin (2) pays the registration tax as required under section 168.013; new text end
new text begin (3) pays a fee in the amount specified under section 168.12, subdivision 5, for each set of plates, along with any other fees required by this chapter; new text end
new text begin (4) contributes $25 upon initial application and a minimum of $5 annually to the Rotary District 5950 Foundation account; and new text end
new text begin (5) complies with this chapter and rules governing registration of motor vehicles and licensing of drivers. new text end
new text begin The commissioner must adopt a suitable design for the plate that must include the Rotary International symbol and the phrase "Service Above Self." new text end
new text begin On application to the commissioner and payment of a transfer fee of $5, special plates may be transferred to another qualified motor vehicle that is registered to the same individual to whom the special plates were originally issued. new text end
new text begin Special plates issued under this section are not subject to section 168.1293, subdivision 2. new text end
new text begin Contributions collected under subdivision 1, clause (4), must be deposited in the Rotary District 5950 Foundation account, which is established in the special revenue fund. Money in the account is appropriated to the commissioner of public safety. This appropriation is first for the annual cost of administering the account funds, and the remaining funds must be distributed to the Rotary District 5950 Foundation to further the rotary's mission of service, fellowship, diversity, integrity, and leadership. Funds distributed under this subdivision must be used on projects within this state. new text end
new text begin This section is effective January 1, 2025, for Rotary International special plates issued on or after that date. new text end
(a) In the event of the defacement, loss, or destruction of any number plates or validation stickers, the deleted text begin registrardeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end , upon receiving and filing a sworn statement of the vehicle owner, setting forth the circumstances of the defacement, loss, destruction, or theft of the number plates or validation stickers, together with any defaced plates or stickers and the payment of a fee calculated to cover the cost of replacement, deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end issue a new set of plates or stickers.
(b) new text begin A licensed motor vehicle dealer may only apply for replacement plates upon application for a certificate of title in the name of a new owner or the dealer. The commissioner must issue a new set of plates or validation stickers upon application for title and registration after removal of plates pursuant to section 168A.11, subdivision text end
new text begin (c) Plates issued under this section are subject to section 168.12 new text end
new text begin (d) new text end The deleted text begin registrar shall thendeleted text end new text begin commissioner mustnew text end note on the deleted text begin registrar'sdeleted text end new text begin commissioner'snew text end records the issue of new number plates and deleted text begin shall proceed in such manner as the registrar may deem advisable todeleted text end new text begin must attempt tonew text end cancel and call in the original plates so as to insure against their use on another motor vehicle.
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end Duplicate registration certificates plainly marked as duplicates may be issued in like cases upon the payment of a $1 fee. Fees collected under this section must be deleted text begin paid into the state treasury and credited todeleted text end new text begin deposited innew text end the driver and vehicle services operating account under section 299A.705, subdivision 1.
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024. new text end
In addition to any fee or tax otherwise authorized or imposed upon the transfer of title for a motor vehicle, the commissioner of public safety deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end impose a $2 additional fee for failure to deliver a title transfer within deleted text begin ten business daysdeleted text end new text begin the period specified under section 168A.10, subdivision 2new text end .
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024. new text end
new text begin (a) Notwithstanding any statute or rule to the contrary, if a deputy registrar appointed under this section permanently stops offering services at the approved office location and permanently closes the approved office location, the commissioner must use a competitive bidding process for the appointment of a replacement deputy registrar. If available, the replacement deputy registrar appointed by the commissioner under this section must continue to offer services at the approved office location. If the existing office location is not available to the replacement deputy registrar, the replacement office location must be at a location that must be approved by the commissioner and must serve a similar service area as the existing office location. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioner must not give a preference to a partner, owner, manager, or employee of the deputy registrar that has permanently stopped offering services at the closed office location in a competitive bidding process. new text end
new text begin (c) The commissioner must adopt rules to administer and enforce a competitive bidding process to select a replacement deputy registrar. If the replacement deputy registrar elects to not offer services at the office location of the prior registrar, Minnesota Rules, chapter 7406, governing the selection of a proposed office location of a driver's license agent, applies. new text end
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2025. new text end
Except as provided in section 168A.11, the transferee deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end , within deleted text begin tendeleted text end new text begin 20 calendarnew text end days after assignment to the transferee of the vehicle title certificate, execute the application for a new certificate of title in the space provided on the certificate, and cause the certificate of title to be mailed or delivered to the department. Failure of the transferee to comply with this subdivision deleted text begin shall resultdeleted text end new text begin resultsnew text end in the suspension of the vehicle's registration under section 168.17.
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024, and applies to title transfers on or after that date. new text end
(a) A dealer who buys a vehicle and holds it for resale need not apply for a certificate of title. Upon transferring the vehicle to another person, other than by the creation of a security interest, the dealer deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end promptly execute the assignment and warranty of title by a dealer, showing the names and addresses of the transferee and of any secured party holding a security interest created or reserved at the time of the resale, and the date of the security agreement in the spaces provided deleted text begin therefordeleted text end on the certificate of title or secure reassignment.
(b) If a dealer elects to apply for a certificate of title on a vehicle held for resale, the dealer need not register the vehicle but deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end pay one month's registration tax. If a dealer elects to apply for a certificate of title on a vehicle held for resale, the deleted text begin department shalldeleted text end new text begin commissioner mustnew text end not place any legend on the title that no motor vehicle sales tax was paid by the dealerdeleted text begin ,deleted text end but may indicate on the title whether the vehicle is a new or used vehicle.
(c) With respect to motor vehicles subject to the provisions of section 325E.15, the dealer deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end also, in the space provided deleted text begin therefordeleted text end on the certificate of title or secure reassignment, state the true cumulative mileage registered on the odometer or that the exact mileage is unknown if the odometer reading is known by the transferor to be different from the true mileage.
(d) The transferee deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end complete the application for title section on the certificate of title or separate title application form prescribed by the deleted text begin departmentdeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end . The dealer deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end mail or deliver the certificate to the deleted text begin registrardeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end or deputy registrar with the transferee's application for a new certificate and appropriate taxes and fees, within deleted text begin ten business daysdeleted text end new text begin the period specified under section 168A.10, subdivision 2new text end .
(e) With respect to vehicles sold to buyers who will remove the vehicle from this state, the dealer deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end remove any license plates from the vehicle, issue a 31-day temporary permit pursuant to section 168.091, and notify the deleted text begin registrardeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end within 48 hours of the sale that the vehicle has been removed from this state. The notification must be made in an electronic format prescribed by the deleted text begin registrardeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end . The dealer may contract with a deputy registrar for the notification of sale to an out-of-state buyer. The deputy registrar may charge a fee of $7 per transaction to provide this service.
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024, and applies to title transfers on or after that date. new text end
Within 48 hours of acquiring a vehicle titled and registered in Minnesota, a dealer deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin must:new text end
new text begin (1)new text end notify the deleted text begin registrardeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end that the dealership is holding the vehicle for resale. The notification must be made electronically as prescribed by the deleted text begin registrardeleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end . The dealer may contract this service to a deputy registrar and the registrar may charge a fee of $7 per transaction to provide this servicenew text begin ; andnew text end
new text begin (2) remove any plates from the vehicle and dispose of them as prescribed by the commissionernew text end .
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024, for vehicles on or after that date. new text end
(a) A towing authority may not tow a motor vehicle because:
(1) the vehicle has expired registration tabs that have been expired for less than 90 days; deleted text begin ordeleted text end
(2) the vehicle is at a parking meter on which the time has expired and the vehicle has fewer than five unpaid parking ticketsnew text begin ; ornew text end
new text begin (3) the vehicle is identified in conjunction with a citation to the vehicle owner or lessee for (i) a violation under section 169.06, subdivision 10, or (ii) a violation under section 169.14, subdivision 13new text end .
(b) A towing authority may tow a motor vehicle, notwithstanding paragraph (a), if:
(1) the vehicle is parked in violation of snow emergency regulations;
(2) the vehicle is parked in a rush-hour restricted parking area;
(3) the vehicle is blocking a driveway, alley, or fire hydrant;
(4) the vehicle is parked in a bus lane, or at a bus stop, during hours when parking is prohibited;
(5) the vehicle is parked within 30 feet of a stop sign and visually blocking the stop sign;
(6) the vehicle is parked in a disability transfer zone or disability parking space without a disability parking certificate or disability license plates;
(7) the vehicle is parked in an area that has been posted for temporary restricted parking (i) at least 12 hours in advance in a home rule charter or statutory city having a population under 50,000, or (ii) at least 24 hours in advance in another political subdivision;
(8) the vehicle is parked within the right-of-way of a controlled-access highway or within the traveled portion of a public street when travel is allowed there;
(9) the vehicle is unlawfully parked in a zone that is restricted by posted signs to use by fire, police, public safety, or emergency vehicles;
(10) the vehicle is unlawfully parked on property at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport owned by the Metropolitan Airports Commission;
(11) a law enforcement official has probable cause to believe that the vehicle is stolen, or that the vehicle constitutes or contains evidence of a crime and impoundment is reasonably necessary to obtain or preserve the evidence;
(12) the driver, operator, or person in physical control of the vehicle is taken into custody and the vehicle is impounded for safekeeping;
(13) a law enforcement official has probable cause to believe that the owner, operator, or person in physical control of the vehicle has failed to respond to five or more citations for parking or traffic offenses;
(14) the vehicle is unlawfully parked in a zone that is restricted by posted signs to use by taxicabs;
(15) the vehicle is unlawfully parked and prevents egress by a lawfully parked vehicle;
(16) the vehicle is parked, on a school day during prohibited hours, in a school zone on a public street where official signs prohibit parking; or
(17) the vehicle is a junk, abandoned, or unauthorized vehicle, as defined in section 168B.011, and subject to immediate removal under this chapter.
new text begin (c) A violation under section 169.06, subdivision 10, or 169.14, subdivision 13, is not a traffic offense under paragraph (b), clause (13). new text end
new text begin (a) new text end "Electric-assisted bicycle" means a bicycle with two or three wheels that:
(1) has a saddle and fully operable pedals for human propulsion;
(2) meets the requirements for bicycles under Code of Federal Regulations, title 16, part 1512, or successor requirements;
(3) is equipped with an electric motor that has a power output of not more than 750 watts;
(4) meets the requirements of a class 1, class 2, deleted text begin ordeleted text end class 3new text begin , or multiple modenew text end electric-assisted bicycle; and
(5) has a battery or electric drive system that has been tested to an applicable safety standard by a third-party testing laboratory.
new text begin (b) A vehicle is not an electric-assisted bicycle if it is designed, manufactured, or intended by the manufacturer or seller to be configured or modified to not meet the requirements for an electric-assisted bicycle or operate within the requirements for an electric-assisted bicycle class. new text end
new text begin (c) For purposes of this subdivision, "configured or modified" includes any of the following changes: new text end
new text begin (1) a mechanical switch or button; new text end
new text begin (2) a modification or change to the electric motor or the electric drive system; new text end
new text begin (3) the use of an application to increase or override the electric drive system; or new text end
new text begin (4) through any other means represented or intended by the manufacturer or seller to modify the vehicle to no longer meet the requirements or classification of an electric-assisted bicycle. new text end
new text begin "Multiple mode electric-assisted bicycle" means an electric-assisted bicycle equipped with switchable or programmable modes that provide for operation as two or more of a class 1, class 2, or class 3 electric-assisted bicycle in conformance with the definition and requirements under this chapter for each respective class. new text end
new text begin "Red light camera system" means an electronic system of one or more cameras or other motor vehicle sensors that is specifically designed to automatically produce recorded images of a motor vehicle operated in violation of a traffic-control signal, including related information technology for recorded image storage, retrieval, and transmission. new text end
new text begin "Speed safety camera system" means an electronic system of one or more cameras or other motor vehicle sensors that is specifically designed to automatically produce recorded images of a motor vehicle operated in violation of the speed limit, including related information technology for recorded image storage, retrieval, and transmission. new text end
new text begin "Traffic safety camera system" means a red light camera system, a speed safety camera system, or both in combination. new text end
new text begin "Vulnerable road user" means a person in the right-of-way of a highway, including but not limited to a bikeway and an adjacent sidewalk or trail, who is: new text end
new text begin (1) a pedestrian; new text end
new text begin (2) on a bicycle, including an electric-assisted bicycle, or on another nonmotorized vehicle or device; new text end
new text begin (3) on an electric personal assistive mobility device; new text end
new text begin (4) on an implement of husbandry; or new text end
new text begin (5) riding an animal. new text end
new text begin Vulnerable road user includes the operator and any passengers for a vehicle, device, or personal conveyance identified in this subdivision. new text end
(a) The provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction, and with the consent of the commissioner, with respect to state trunk highways, within the corporate limits of a municipality, or within the limits of a town in a county in this state now having or which may hereafter have, a population of 500,000 or more, and a land area of not more than 600 square miles, and within the reasonable exercise of the police power from:
(1) regulating the standing or parking of vehicles;
(2) regulating traffic by means of police officers or traffic-control signals;
(3) regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on the highways;
(4) designating particular highways as one-way roadways and requiring that all vehicles, except emergency vehicles, when on an emergency run, thereon be moved in one specific direction;
(5) designating any highway as a through highway and requiring that all vehicles stop before entering or crossing the same, or designating any intersection as a stop intersection, and requiring all vehicles to stop at one or more entrances to such intersections;
(6) restricting the use of highways as authorized in sections 169.80 to 169.88deleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; new text end
new text begin (7) regulating speed limits through the use of a speed safety camera system implemented under section 169.147; and new text end
new text begin (8) regulating traffic control through the use of a red light camera system implemented under section 169.147. new text end
(b) No ordinance or regulation enacted under paragraph (a), clause (4), (5), or (6), shall be effective until signs giving notice of such local traffic regulations are posted upon and kept posted upon or at the entrance to the highway or part thereof affected as may be most appropriate.
(c) No ordinance or regulation enacted under paragraph (a), clause (3), or any other provision of law shall prohibit:
(1) the use of motorcycles or vehicles utilizing flashing red lights for the purpose of escorting funeral processions, oversize buildings, heavy equipment, parades or similar processions or assemblages on the highways; or
(2) the use of motorcycles or vehicles that are owned by the funeral home and that utilize flashing red lights for the purpose of escorting funeral processions.
new text begin (d) Ordinances or regulations enacted under paragraph (a), clauses (7) and (8), are effective after August 1, 2025, and before August 1, 2029. new text end
new text begin (a) Subject to subdivision 11, if a motor vehicle is operated in violation of a traffic-control signal and the violation is identified through the use of a red light camera system implemented under section 169.147, the owner of the vehicle or the lessee of the vehicle is guilty of a petty misdemeanor and must pay a fine of $40. new text end
new text begin (b) A person who commits a first offense under paragraph (a) must be given a warning and is not subject to a fine or conviction under paragraph (a). A person who commits a second offense under paragraph (a) is eligible for diversion, which must include a traffic safety course established under section 169.147, subdivision 11. A person who enters diversion and completes the traffic safety course is not subject to a fine or conviction under paragraph (a). new text end
new text begin (c) Paragraph (b) does not apply to: new text end
new text begin (1) a violation that occurs in a commercial motor vehicle; or new text end
new text begin (2) a violation committed by a holder of a class A, B, or C commercial driver's license or commercial driver learner's permit, without regard to whether the violation was committed in a commercial motor vehicle or another vehicle. new text end
new text begin (d) This subdivision applies to violations committed on or after August 1, 2025, and before August 1, 2029. new text end
new text begin (a) An owner or lessee of a motor vehicle is not subject to a fine or conviction under subdivision 10 if any of the conditions under section 169.14, subdivision 14, paragraph (a), clauses (1) to (7), are met. new text end
new text begin (b) The owner or lessee of a motor vehicle may not be issued a citation under subdivision 10 and under another subdivision in this section for the same conduct. new text end
new text begin (c) A fine or conviction under subdivision 10 does not constitute grounds for revocation or suspension of a person's driver's license. new text end
new text begin (d) Except as provided in subdivision 10, paragraph (c), this subdivision applies to violations committed on or after August 1, 2025, and before August 1, 2029. new text end
(a) In any prosecution in which the rate of speed of a motor vehicle is relevant, evidence of the speed as indicated on radar or other speed-measuring devicenew text begin , including but not limited to a speed safety camera system,new text end is admissible in evidence, subject to the following conditions:
(1) the officernew text begin or traffic enforcement agent under section 169.147new text end operating the device has sufficient training to properly operate the equipment;
(2) the officernew text begin or traffic enforcement agentnew text end testifies as to the manner in which the device was set up and operated;
(3) the device was operated with minimal distortion or interference from outside sources; and
(4) the device was tested by an accurate and reliable external mechanism, method, or system at the time it was set up.
(b) Records of tests made of such devices and kept in the regular course of operations of any law enforcement agency are admissible in evidence without further foundation as to the results of the tests. The records shall be available to a defendant upon demand. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to preclude or interfere with cross examination or impeachment of evidence of the rate of speed as indicated on the radar or speed-measuring device.
new text begin (c) Evidence from a speed safety camera system may be used solely for a citation or prosecution for a violation under subdivision 13. new text end
new text begin (a) Subject to subdivision 14, if a motor vehicle is operated in violation of a speed limit and the violation is identified through the use of a speed safety camera system implemented under section 169.147, the owner of the vehicle or the lessee of the vehicle is guilty of a petty misdemeanor and must pay a fine of: new text end
new text begin (1) $40; or new text end
new text begin (2) $80, if the violation is for a speed at least 20 miles per hour in excess of the speed limit. new text end
new text begin (b) A person who commits a first offense under paragraph (a) must be given a warning and is not subject to a fine or conviction under paragraph (a). A person who commits a second offense under paragraph (a) is eligible for diversion, which must include a traffic safety course established under section 169.147, subdivision 11. A person who enters diversion and completes the traffic safety course is not subject to a fine or conviction under paragraph (a). new text end
new text begin (c) Paragraph (b) does not apply to: new text end
new text begin (1) a violation that occurs in a commercial motor vehicle; or new text end
new text begin (2) a violation committed by a holder of a class A, B, or C commercial driver's license or commercial driver learner's permit, without regard to whether the violation was committed in a commercial motor vehicle or another vehicle. new text end
new text begin (d) This subdivision applies to violations committed on or after August 1, 2025, and before August 1, 2029. new text end
new text begin (a) An owner or lessee of a motor vehicle is not subject to a fine or conviction under subdivision 13 if: new text end
new text begin (1) the vehicle was stolen at the time of the violation; new text end
new text begin (2) a transfer of interest in the vehicle in compliance with section 168A.10 was made before the time of the violation; new text end
new text begin (3) the vehicle owner is a lessor of the motor vehicle, and the lessor identifies the name and address of the lessee; new text end
new text begin (4) the vehicle is an authorized emergency vehicle operated in the performance of official duties at the time of the violation; new text end
new text begin (5) another person is convicted, within the meaning under section 171.01, subdivision 29, for the same violation; new text end
new text begin (6) the vehicle owner provides a sworn statement to the court or prosecuting authority that the owner was not operating the vehicle at the time of the violation; or new text end
new text begin (7) the vehicle owner provides a sworn statement to the court or prosecuting authority that the owner was operating the vehicle at the time of the violation under the circumstances of a medical emergency for either the driver or a passenger in the vehicle. new text end
new text begin (b) The owner or lessee of a motor vehicle may not be issued a citation under subdivision 13 and under another subdivision in this section for the same conduct. new text end
new text begin (c) Except as provided in subdivision 13, paragraph (c), a fine or conviction under subdivision 13 does not constitute grounds for revocation or suspension of a person's driver's license. new text end
new text begin (d) A vehicle owner asserting a defense under paragraph (a), clause (7), must provide an accompanying sworn statement from the physician responsible for treatment of the underlying condition or emergency that necessitated medical attention. new text end
new text begin (e) This subdivision applies to violations committed on or after August 1, 2025, and before August 1, 2029. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Camera-based traffic enforcement" means enforcement of traffic control through the use of a red light camera system, speed limits through the use of a speed safety camera system, or both. new text end
new text begin (c) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of transportation. new text end
new text begin (d) "Commissioners" means the commissioner of transportation as the lead in coordination with the commissioner of public safety. new text end
new text begin (e) "Implementing authority" means either: new text end
new text begin (1) the commissioners with respect to trunk highways for the work zone pilot program provided under subdivision 17; or new text end
new text begin (2) a local authority specified in paragraph (f) that implements the traffic safety camera system pilot program. new text end
new text begin (f) "Local authority" means either the city of Minneapolis or the city of Mendota Heights, which are authorized to conduct the pilot program. new text end
new text begin (g) "Monitoring site" means a location at which a traffic safety camera system is placed and operated under this section. new text end
new text begin (h) "Pilot program" means the traffic safety camera pilot program established in this section. new text end
new text begin (i) "Traffic enforcement agent" means a licensed peace officer or an employee of a local authority who is designated as provided in this section. new text end
new text begin (a) In conformance with this section, the commissioner of transportation, in coordination with the commissioner of public safety, must establish a traffic safety camera pilot program that provides for education and enforcement of speeding violations, traffic-control signal violations, or both in conjunction with use of traffic safety camera systems. new text end
new text begin (b) The authority for camera-based traffic enforcement under the pilot program is limited to August 1, 2025, to July 31, 2029. new text end
new text begin (c) Only the following may implement camera-based traffic enforcement under the pilot program: new text end
new text begin (1) the commissioners, as provided under paragraph (d); new text end
new text begin (2) the city of Minneapolis, as provided under paragraph (e); and new text end
new text begin (3) the city of Mendota Heights. new text end
new text begin (d) Under the pilot program, the commissioners must, beginning August 1, 2025, commence enforcement of speeding violations in trunk highway work zones as specified under subdivision 17. new text end
new text begin (e) The city of Minneapolis is prohibited from implementing the pilot program or camera-based traffic enforcement through or in substantive coordination with the city's police department. new text end
new text begin Prior to implementation of camera-based traffic enforcement, a local authority must: new text end
new text begin (1) incorporate both camera-based traffic enforcement and additional strategies designed to improve traffic safety in a local traffic safety action plan, transportation plan, or comprehensive plan; and new text end
new text begin (2) review and ensure compliance with the requirements under this section. new text end
new text begin (a) By July 1, 2025, the commissioners must establish traffic safety camera system standards that include: new text end
new text begin (1) recording and data requirements as specified in subdivision 15; new text end
new text begin (2) requirements for monitoring site signage in conformance with the requirements under subdivision 5, paragraph (b), clause (3); new text end
new text begin (3) procedures for traffic safety camera system placement in conformance with the requirements under subdivision 6; new text end
new text begin (4) training and qualification of individuals to inspect and calibrate a traffic safety camera system; new text end
new text begin (5) procedures for initial calibration of the traffic safety camera system prior to deployment; and new text end
new text begin (6) requirements for regular traffic safety camera system inspection and maintenance by a qualified individual. new text end
new text begin (b) Prior to establishing the standards under paragraph (a), the commissioners must solicit review and comments and consider any comments received. new text end
new text begin (c) An implementing authority must follow the requirements and standards established under this subdivision. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioner and each implementing authority must maintain information on their respective websites that, at a minimum: new text end
new text begin (1) summarizes implementation of traffic safety camera systems under the pilot program; new text end
new text begin (2) provides each camera system impact study performed by the implementing authority under subdivision 6, paragraph (b); new text end
new text begin (3) provides information and procedures for a person to contest a citation under the pilot program; and new text end
new text begin (4) identifies the enforcement locations under the pilot program. new text end
new text begin (b) An implementing authority must: new text end
new text begin (1) implement a general public engagement and information campaign prior to commencing camera-based speed enforcement under the pilot program; new text end
new text begin (2) perform public engagement as part of conducting a camera system impact study under subdivision 6, paragraph (b); and new text end
new text begin (3) place conspicuous signage prior to the motorist's arrival at each monitoring site, which must: new text end
new text begin (i) notify motor vehicle operators of the use of a traffic safety camera system to detect violations; and new text end
new text begin (ii) if a speed safety camera is in use, identify the speed limit. new text end
new text begin (c) Public engagement under paragraph (b) must include but is not limited to: new text end
new text begin (1) outreach to populations that are traditionally underrepresented in public policy or planning processes; new text end
new text begin (2) consolidation and analysis of public feedback; and new text end
new text begin (3) creation of an engagement summary that identifies public feedback and the resulting impacts on implementation of camera-based traffic enforcement. new text end
new text begin (a) A local authority with fewer than 10,000 residents may place no more than one traffic safety camera system, whether the camera system is activated or inactive. A local authority with at least 10,000 residents may place no more than one traffic safety camera system per 10,000 residents, whether the camera system is activated or inactive. An implementing authority may move the location of a traffic safety camera system if the placement requirements under this subdivision are met. new text end
new text begin (b) An implementing authority may only place a traffic safety camera system in conformance with the results of a camera system impact study. At a minimum, the study must: new text end
new text begin (1) include evaluation of crash rates and severity, vehicle speed, equity, and traffic safety treatment alternatives; new text end
new text begin (2) identify traffic safety camera system locations; and new text end
new text begin (3) explain how the locations comply with the placement requirements under paragraph (d). new text end
new text begin (c) An implementing authority may only place a traffic safety camera system: new text end
new text begin (1) in a trunk highway work zone; or new text end
new text begin (2) at a location that: new text end
new text begin (i) is within 2,000 feet of (A) a public or nonpublic school, (B) a school zone established under section 169.14, subdivision 5a, or (C) a public or private postsecondary institution; and new text end
new text begin (ii) has an identified traffic safety concern, as indicated by crash or law enforcement data, safety plans, or other documentation. new text end
new text begin (d) An implementing authority that places more than one traffic safety camera system must ensure that the cameras are placed in geographically distinct areas and in multiple communities with differing socioeconomic conditions. new text end
new text begin (e) An implementing authority may place a traffic safety camera system on a street or highway that is not under its jurisdiction only upon approval by the road authority that has jurisdiction. new text end
new text begin (a) An implementing authority must not adjust the change interval for the steady yellow indication in a traffic-control signal: new text end
new text begin (1) for one month prior to beginning to operate a red light camera system at the associated intersection; or new text end
new text begin (2) during the period that the red light camera system is operated at the associated intersection. new text end
new text begin (b) The yellow change interval for a traffic-control signal that is subject to paragraph (a) must meet or exceed the standards and guidance specified in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices adopted under section 169.06, subdivision 1. new text end
new text begin (c) An implementing authority that adjusts the yellow change interval for a traffic-control signal at an intersection where a red light camera system is being operated must deactivate the red light camera system and subsequently meet the requirements under paragraph (a). new text end
new text begin (a) To meet the requirement established in subdivision 2, paragraph (e), the city of Minneapolis must designate one or more permanent employees of the authority, who is not a licensed peace officer, as a traffic enforcement agent. An employee of a private entity may not be designated as a traffic enforcement agent. A traffic enforcement agent who is not a licensed peace officer has the authority to issue citations under this section only while engaged in job duties and otherwise has none of the other powers and privileges reserved to peace officers. new text end
new text begin (b) The city of Mendota Heights must designate a sworn peace officer as a traffic enforcement agent. new text end
new text begin (c) An implementing authority must ensure that a traffic enforcement agent is properly trained in the use of equipment and the requirements governing traffic safety camera implementation. new text end
new text begin (a) A traffic enforcement agent under the pilot program has the exclusive authority to issue a citation to the owner or lessee of a motor vehicle for (1) a violation under section 169.06, subdivision 10, and (2) a violation under section 169.14, subdivision 13. new text end
new text begin (b) A traffic enforcement agent may only issue a citation if: new text end
new text begin (1) the violation is committed at least 30 days after the relevant implementing authority has commenced camera-based traffic enforcement; new text end
new text begin (2) with respect to speed limits, the speeding violation is at least ten miles per hour in excess of the speed limit; and new text end
new text begin (3) a traffic enforcement agent has inspected and verified recorded images provided by the traffic safety camera system. new text end
new text begin (c) An implementing authority must provide a warning for a traffic-control signal violation under section 169.06, subdivision 10, or a speeding violation under section 169.14, subdivision 13, for the period from (1) the date when camera-based traffic enforcement is first commenced, to (2) the date when citations are authorized under paragraph (b), clause (1). new text end
new text begin (d) Notwithstanding section 169.022, an implementing authority may specify a speed in excess of the speed limit that is higher than the amount specified in paragraph (b), clause (2), at which to proceed with issuance of a citation. new text end
new text begin (e) A citation may be issued through the United States mail if postmarked within: (1) 14 days of the violation for a vehicle registered in Minnesota; or (2) 30 days of the violation for a vehicle registered outside of Minnesota. Section 168.346, subdivision 2, applies to a private entity that provides citation mailing services under this section. new text end
new text begin (a) There must be a uniform traffic safety camera citation issued throughout the state by a traffic enforcement agent for a violation as provided under this section. The uniform traffic safety camera citation is in the form and has the effect of a summons and complaint. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioner of public safety must prescribe the detailed form of the uniform traffic safety camera citation. As appropriate, the citation design must conform with the requirements for a uniform traffic ticket under section 169.99, subdivisions 1 and 1d. The citation design must include: new text end
new text begin (1) a brief overview of the pilot program and implementation of traffic safety camera systems; new text end
new text begin (2) a summary of the circumstances of the citation that includes identification of the motor vehicle involved, the date and time of the violation, and the location where the violation occurred; new text end
new text begin (3) copy of the recorded image or primary images used to identify a violation; new text end
new text begin (4) a notification that the recorded images under clause (3) are evidence of a violation under section 169.06, subdivision 10, or 169.14, subdivision 13; new text end
new text begin (5) a statement signed by the traffic enforcement agent who issued the citation stating that the agent has inspected the recorded images and determined that the violation occurred in the specified motor vehicle; new text end
new text begin (6) a summary of the limitations under sections 169.06, subdivision 11, and 169.14, subdivision 14; new text end
new text begin (7) notification that an owner is ineligible for diversion if the violation was committed by a holder of a class A, B, or C commercial driver's license or commercial driver learner's permit, without regard to whether the violation was committed in a commercial motor vehicle or another vehicle; new text end
new text begin (8) information on the diversion and traffic safety course eligibility and requirements under sections 169.06, subdivision 10, paragraph (b), and 169.14, subdivision 13, paragraph (b); new text end
new text begin (9) the total amount of the fine imposed; new text end
new text begin (10) a notification that the person has the right to contest the citation; new text end
new text begin (11) information on the process and procedures for a person to contest the citation; and new text end
new text begin (12) a statement that payment of the fine constitutes a plea of guilty and failure to appear in court is considered a plea of guilty, as provided under section 169.91. new text end
new text begin (c) The commissioner of public safety must make the information required under paragraph (b) available in languages that are commonly spoken in the state and in each area in which a local authority has implemented camera-based traffic enforcement. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioners must establish a traffic safety course that provides at least 30 minutes of instruction on speeding, traffic-control signals, and other traffic safety topics. The curriculum must include safety risks associated with speed and speeding in school zones and work zones. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioners must not impose a fee for an individual who is authorized to attend the course under sections 169.06, subdivision 10, and 169.14, subdivision 13. new text end
new text begin (a) An implementing authority may enter into agreements with a private entity for operations, services, or equipment under this section. Payment under a contract with a private entity must not be based on the number of violations, citations issued, or other similar means. new text end
new text begin (b) An implementing authority that enters into a third-party agreement under this subdivision must perform a data practices audit of the private entity to confirm compliance with the requirements under subdivisions 14 to 16 and chapter 13. An audit must be undertaken at least every other year. new text end
new text begin (a) Revenue from citations received by an implementing authority that is attributable to camera-based traffic enforcement must be allocated as follows: new text end
new text begin (1) first as necessary to provide for implementation costs, which may include but are not limited to procurement and installation of traffic safety camera systems, traffic safety planning, and public engagement; and new text end
new text begin (2) the remainder for traffic safety measures that perform traffic calming. new text end
new text begin (b) The amount expended under paragraph (a), clause (2), must supplement and not supplant existing expenditures for traffic safety. new text end
new text begin (a) All data collected by a traffic safety camera system are private data on individuals as defined in section 13.02, subdivision 12, or nonpublic data as defined in section 13.02, subdivision 9, unless the data are public under section 13.82, subdivision 2, 3, or 6, or are criminal investigative data under section 13.82, subdivision 7. new text end
new text begin (b) An agreement with a private entity and an implementing authority pursuant to subdivision 12 is subject to section 13.05, subdivisions 6 and 11. new text end
new text begin (c) A private entity must use the data gathered under this section only for purposes of camera-based traffic enforcement under the pilot program and must not share or disseminate the data with an entity other than the appropriate implementing authority, except pursuant to a court order. Nothing in this subdivision prevents a private entity from sharing or disseminating summary data, as defined in section 13.02, subdivision 19. new text end
new text begin (d) Traffic safety camera system data are not subject to subpoena, discovery, or admission into evidence in any prosecution, civil action, or administrative process that is not taken pursuant to section 169.06, subdivision 10, or 169.14, subdivision 13. new text end
new text begin A traffic safety camera system: new text end
new text begin (1) is limited to collection of the following data: new text end
new text begin (i) recorded video or images of the rear license plate of a motor vehicle; new text end
new text begin (ii) recorded video or images of motor vehicles and areas surrounding the vehicles to the extent necessary to (A) identify a violation of a traffic-control device, or (B) calculate vehicle speeds; new text end
new text begin (iii) date, time, and vehicle location that correlates to the data collected under item (i) or (ii); and new text end
new text begin (iv) general traffic data: new text end
new text begin (A) collected specifically for purposes of pilot program analysis and evaluation; new text end
new text begin (B) that does not include recorded video or images; new text end
new text begin (C) in which individuals or unique vehicles are not identified; and new text end
new text begin (D) from which an individual or unique vehicle is not ascertainable; new text end
new text begin (2) must not record in a manner that makes any individual personally identifiable, including but not limited to the motor vehicle operator or occupants; and new text end
new text begin (3) may only record or retain the data specified in clause (1), items (i) to (iii), if the traffic safety camera system identifies an appropriate potential violation for review by a traffic enforcement agent. new text end
new text begin (a) Notwithstanding section 138.17, and except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, data collected by a traffic safety camera system must be destroyed within 30 days of the date of collection unless the data are criminal investigative data under section 13.82, subdivision 7, related to a violation of a traffic-control signal or a speed limit. new text end
new text begin (b) Upon written request to a law enforcement agency from an individual who is the subject of a pending criminal charge or complaint, along with the case or complaint number and a statement that the data may be used as exculpatory evidence, data otherwise subject to destruction under paragraph (a) must be preserved by the law enforcement agency until the charge or complaint is resolved or dismissed. new text end
new text begin (c) Upon written request from a program participant under chapter 5B, data collected by a traffic safety camera system related to the program participant must be destroyed at the time of collection or upon receipt of the request, whichever occurs later, unless the data are active criminal investigative data. The existence of a request submitted under this paragraph is private data on individuals as defined in section 13.02, subdivision 12. new text end
new text begin (d) Notwithstanding section 138.17, data collected by a traffic safety camera system must be destroyed within three years of the resolution of a citation issued pursuant to this section. new text end
new text begin (e) The destruction requirements under this subdivision do not apply to: (1) general traffic data as provided under subdivision 15, clause (1), item (iv); and (2) data that identifies the number of warnings or citations issued to an individual under this section. new text end
new text begin (a) By August 1, 2025, the commissioners must implement a speed safety camera pilot project that provides for education of speeding violations in conjunction with the development and study of the use of speed safety camera systems. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioners must issue a warning for a violation of section 169.14, subdivision 13, captured by a speed safety camera system and must not impose any fine for a second or subsequent violation. new text end
new text begin (c) The warning issued by the commissioners must include easily understandable information on speeding, traffic-control signals, and other safety risks associated with speed and speeding in work zones. new text end
new text begin (d) The commissioner must establish an implementation schedule that begins commencement of camera-based traffic enforcement on at least two, but no more than four, trunk highway work zone segments by August 1, 2025. The commissioners may select different trunk highway work zones. The commissioners must conduct the work zone pilot project in geographically diverse areas and must consider traffic patterns, work zone accident rates, historic speed enforcement and citation rates, and other factors to study further deployment of speed camera systems in additional work zones. new text end
new text begin (e) By July 1, 2025, the commissioners of transportation and public safety must establish standards, schedules, curricula, and requirements for camera-based traffic enforcement in a trunk highway work zone. new text end
new text begin (f) The authority for the work zone pilot project is limited to August 1, 2025, to July 31, 2029. new text end
new text begin Rules adopted to implement this section are exempt from rulemaking under chapter 14 and are not subject to exempt rulemaking procedures under section 14.386. new text end
new text begin This section expires July 31, 2029. new text end
new text begin An operator of a motor vehicle must not intentionally impede or attempt to prevent the operation of a motorcycle when the motorcycle is operated under the conditions specified in section 169.974, subdivision 5, paragraph (g). new text end
new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2025, for violations committed on or after that date. new text end
The deleted text begin class D curriculum, in addition to driver education classroom curriculum prescribed in rules of statutes for class D motor vehicles, must include instruction ondeleted text end new text begin commissioner must adopt rules for persons enrolled in driver education programs offered at public schools, private schools, and commercial driver training schools to require inclusion of a section on vulnerable road users in the course of instruction. The instruction must include information on:new text end
new text begin (1) the rights and responsibilities of vulnerable road users, as defined in section 169.011, subdivision 92b; new text end
new text begin (2)new text end thenew text begin specificnew text end duties of a driver when encountering a bicycle, other nonmotorized vehicles, or a pedestriandeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (3) safety risks for vulnerable road users and motorcyclists or other operators of two- or three-wheeled vehicles; and new text end
new text begin (4) best practices to minimize dangers and avoid collisions with vulnerable road users and motorcyclists or other operators of two- or three-wheeled vehicles. new text end
deleted text begin No bicycle, including a tandem bicycle, cargo or utility bicycle, or trailer, shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped, except an adult rider may carry a child in a seat designed for carrying children that is securely attached to the bicycle. deleted text end new text begin (a) For purposes of this subdivision,"bicycle" includes a tandem bicycle, electric-assisted bicycle, cargo or utility bicycle, or trailer. new text end
new text begin (b) No person may operate a bicycle while carrying more than the number of riders for which the bicycle is designed or equipped. new text end
new text begin (c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b), an adult bicycle operator may carry a child in a trailer or seat designed for carrying children that is securely attached to a bicycle. new text end
(a) A person may operate an electric-assisted bicycle in the same manner as provided for operation of other bicycles, including but not limited to operation on the shoulder of a roadway, a bicycle lane, and a bicycle route, and operation without the motor engaged on a bikeway or bicycle trail.
(b) A person may operate a class 1 or class 2 electric-assisted bicycle with the motor engaged on a bicycle path, bicycle trail, or shared use path unless prohibited under section 85.015, subdivision 1d; 85.018, subdivision 2, paragraph (d); or 160.263, subdivision 2, paragraph (b), as applicable.
(c) A person may operate a class 3 electric-assisted bicycle new text begin or multiple mode electric-assisted bicycle new text end with the motor engaged on a bicycle path, bicycle trail, or shared use path unless the local authority or state agency having jurisdiction over the bicycle path or trail prohibits the operation.
(d) The local authority or state agency having jurisdiction over a trail new text begin or over a bike park new text end that is designated as nonmotorized and that has a natural surface tread made by clearing and grading the native soil with no added surfacing materials may regulate the operation of an electric-assisted bicycle.
(e) deleted text begin Nodeleted text end new text begin Anew text end person under the age of 15 deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin must notnew text end operate an electric-assisted bicycle.
(a) The manufacturer or distributor of an electric-assisted bicycle must apply a label to the bicycle that is permanently affixed in a prominent location. The label must contain the deleted text begin classificationdeleted text end new text begin classnew text end number, top assisted speed, and motor wattage of the electric-assisted bicycle, and must be printed in a legible font with at least 9-point text begin A multiple mode electric-assisted bicycle must have labeling that identifies the highest class or each of the electric-assisted bicycle classes in which it is capable of text end
(b) A person must not modify an electric-assisted bicycle to change the motor-powered speed capability or motor engagementnew text begin so that the bicycle no longer meets the requirements for the applicable class,new text end unlessnew text begin :new text end
new text begin (1)new text end the person replaces the label required in paragraph (a) with revised informationdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; ornew text end
new text begin (2) for a vehicle that no longer meets the requirements for any electric-assisted bicycle class, the person removes the labeling as an electric-assisted bicycle. new text end
(c) An electric-assisted bicycle must operate in a manner so that the electric motor is disengaged or ceases to function deleted text begin when the rider stops pedaling ordeleted text end new text begin : (1)new text end when the brakes are appliednew text begin ; or (2) except for a class 2 electric-assisted bicycle or a multiple mode electric-assisted bicycle operating in class 2 mode, when the rider stops pedalingnew text end .
(d) A class 3 electric-assisted bicyclenew text begin or multiple mode electric-assisted bicyclenew text end must be equipped with a speedometer that displays the speed at which the bicycle is traveling in miles per hour.
new text begin (e) A multiple mode electric-assisted bicycle equipped with a throttle must not be capable of exceeding 20 miles per hour on motorized propulsion alone in any mode when the throttle is engaged. new text end
The provisions of section 169.974, subdivision 5, paragraph deleted text begin (i)deleted text end new text begin (k)new text end , apply to motorized bicycles that are equipped with headlights. A new motorized bicycle sold or offered for sale in Minnesota must be equipped with a headlight.
new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2025. new text end
(a) Parking spaces reserved for physically disabled persons must be designated and identified by the posting of signs incorporating the international symbol of access in white on blue and indicating that violators are subject to a fine of up to $200. These parking spaces are reserved for disabled persons with motor vehicles displaying the required certificate, plates, permit valid for 30 days, or insignia.
(b) For purposes of this subdivision, a parking space that is clearly identified as reserved for physically disabled persons by a permanently posted sign that does not meet all design standards, is considered designated and reserved for physically disabled persons. A sign posted for the purpose of this section must be visible from inside a motor vehicle parked in the space, be kept clear of snow or other obstructions which block its visibility, and be nonmovable.
new text begin (c) By August 1, 2024, the Minnesota Council on Disability must select and propose a statewide uniform disability parking space sign that is consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The selected and proposed sign must not display any variation of the word "handicapped." As part of selecting and proposing a statewide uniform disability parking space sign, the Minnesota Council on Disability may encourage owners or managers of property to replace existing disability parking space signs at the owner's earliest opportunity once the sign is made available for distribution. new text end
new text begin (d) Beginning on August 1, 2025, an applicable owner or manager of property on which a disability parking sign may be located must install and display the new uniform disability parking sign required in paragraph (c) at: new text end
new text begin (1) newly created on-site parking facilities; and new text end
new text begin (2) existing on-site parking facilities when the manager or owner replaces existing disability parking space signs. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin For purposes of this section, "high poverty area" means a census tract as reported in the most recently completed decennial census published by the United States Bureau of the Census that has a poverty area rate of at least 20 percent or in which the median family income does not exceed 80 percent of the greater of the statewide or metropolitan median family income. new text end
new text begin The Lights On grant program is established under this section to provide drivers on Minnesota roads with vouchers of up to $250 to use at participating auto repair shops to repair or replace broken or malfunctioning lighting equipment required under sections 169.49 to 169.51. new text end
new text begin Counties, cities, towns, the State Patrol, and local law enforcement agencies, including law enforcement agencies of a federally recognized Tribe, as defined in United States Code, title 25, section 5304(e), are eligible to apply for grants under this section. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioner of public safety must develop application materials and procedures for the Lights On grant program. new text end
new text begin (b) The application must describe the type or types of intended vouchers, the amount of money requested, and any other information deemed necessary by the commissioner. new text end
new text begin (c) Applicants must submit an application under this section in the form and manner prescribed by the commissioner. new text end
new text begin (d) Applicants must describe how grant money will be used to provide and distribute vouchers to drivers. new text end
new text begin (a) Applicants must keep records of vouchers distributed and records of all expenses associated with awarded grant money. new text end
new text begin (b) Applicants must not use awarded grant money for administrative costs. A nonstate organization that contracts with the commissioner to operate the program must not retain any of the grant money for administrative costs. new text end
new text begin (a) An applicant must not distribute more than one voucher per motor vehicle in a 90-day period. new text end
new text begin (b) A voucher that is distributed to a driver must contain the following information: new text end
new text begin (1) the motor vehicle license plate number; new text end
new text begin (2) the date of issuance; and new text end
new text begin (3) the badge number of the peace officer distributing the voucher. new text end
new text begin Preference for grant awards must be given to applicants whose proposals provide resources and vouchers to individuals residing in geographic areas that (1) have higher crash rates or higher numbers of tickets issued for broken or malfunctioning lighting equipment, or (2) are high poverty areas. new text end
new text begin (a) By February 1 each year, grant recipients must submit a report to the commissioner itemizing all expenditures made using grant money during the previous calendar year, the purpose of each expenditure, and the disposition of each contact made with drivers with malfunctioning or broken lighting equipment. The report must be in the form and manner prescribed by the commissioner. new text end
new text begin (b) By March 15 each year, the commissioner must submit a report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. The report must list, for the previous calendar year: new text end
new text begin (1) the participating grant recipients and the total number and dollar amount of vouchers that each grant recipient distributed; and new text end
new text begin (2) the participating auto repair shops and the total number and dollar amount of vouchers that each received. new text end
new text begin Grant recipients and any program organization contracted by the commissioner must provide information as requested by the commissioner to complete the report required under this paragraph. new text end
(a) An operator of a motorcycle must ride only upon a permanent and regular seat which is attached to the vehicle for that purpose. No other person deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin maynew text end ride on a motorcycle, except that passengers may ride (1) upon a permanent and regular operator's seat if designed for two persons, (2) upon additional seats attached to or in the vehicle, or (3) in a sidecar attached to the vehicle. The operator of a motorcycle is prohibited from carrying passengers in a number in excess of the designed capacity of the motorcycle or sidecar attached to it. A passenger is prohibited from being carried in a position that interferes with the safe operation of the motorcycle or the view of the operator.
(b) No person deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin maynew text end ride upon a motorcycle as a passenger unless the person can reach the footrests or floorboards with both feet.
(c) Except for passengers of sidecars, drivers and passengers of three-wheeled motorcycles, and persons in an autocycle, no person deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin maynew text end operate or ride upon a motorcycle except while sitting astride the seat, facing forward, with one leg on either side of the motorcycle.
(d) No person deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin maynew text end operate a motorcycle while carrying animals, packages, bundles, or other cargo deleted text begin whichdeleted text end new text begin thatnew text end prevent the person from keeping both hands on the handlebars.
(e) deleted text begin No person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of moving or stationary vehicles headed in the same direction, nor shall any person drive a motorcycle abreast of or overtake or pass another vehicle within the same traffic lane.deleted text end Motorcycles may, with the consent of both drivers, be operated not more than two abreast in a single traffic lane if the vehicles fit safely within the designated space of the lane.
(f) new text begin Except under the conditions specified in paragraph (g), no person may operate a motorcycle:new text end
new text begin (1) between lanes of moving or stationary vehicles headed in the same direction of travel; new text end
new text begin (2) abreast of moving or stationary vehicles within the same traffic lane; or new text end
new text begin (3) to overtake or pass another vehicle within the same traffic lane. new text end
new text begin (g) A person may operate a motorcycle and overtake and pass another vehicle in the same direction of travel and within the same traffic lane if the motorcycle is operated: new text end
new text begin (1) at not more than 25 miles per hour; and new text end
new text begin (2) no more than 15 miles per hour over the speed of traffic in the relevant traffic lanes. new text end
new text begin (h) new text end Motor vehicles including motorcycles are entitled to the full use of a traffic lane and no motor vehicle may be driven or operated in a manner so as to deprive a motorcycle of the full use of a traffic lane.
deleted text begin (g)deleted text end new text begin (i)new text end A person operating a motorcycle upon a roadway must be granted the rights and is subject to the duties applicable to a motor vehicle as provided by law, except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application.
deleted text begin (h) Paragraph (e)deleted text end new text begin (j) Paragraphs (e) and (f)new text end of this subdivision deleted text begin doesdeleted text end new text begin donew text end not apply to police officers in the performance of their official duties.
deleted text begin (i)deleted text end new text begin (k)new text end No person deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin maynew text end operate a motorcycle on a street or highway unless the headlight or headlights are lighted at all times the motorcycle is so operated.
deleted text begin (j)deleted text end new text begin (l)new text end A person parking a motorcycle on the roadway of a street or highway must:
(1) if parking in a marked parking space, park the motorcycle completely within the marked space; and
(2) park the motorcycle in such a way that the front of the motorcycle is pointed or angled toward the nearest lane of traffic to the extent practicable and necessary to allow the operator to (i) view any traffic in both directions of the street or highway without having to move the motorcycle into a lane of traffic and without losing balance or control of the motorcycle, and (ii) ride the motorcycle forward and directly into a lane of traffic when the lane is sufficiently clear of traffic.
new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2025. new text end
(a) Except as provided in subdivision 3deleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ; section 169.147, subdivision 8;new text end and section 169.999, subdivision 3, there shall be a uniform ticket issued throughout the state by the police and peace officers or by any other person for violations of this chapter and ordinances in conformity thereto. Such uniform traffic ticket shall be in the form and have the effect of a summons and complaint. Except as provided in paragraph (b), the uniform ticket shall state that if the defendant fails to appear in court in response to the ticket, an arrest warrant may be issued. The uniform traffic ticket shall consist of four parts, on paper sensitized so that copies may be made without the use of carbon paper, as follows:
(1) the complaint, with reverse side for officer's notes for testifying in court, driver's past record, and court's action, printed on white paper;
(2) the abstract of court record for the Department of Public Safety, which shall be a copy of the complaint with the certificate of conviction on the reverse side, printed on yellow paper;
(3) the police record, which shall be a copy of the complaint and of the reverse side of copy (1), printed on pink paper; and
(4) the summons, with, on the reverse side, such information as the court may wish to give concerning the Traffic Violations Bureau, and a plea of guilty and waiver, printed on off-white tag stock.
(b) If the offense is a petty misdemeanor, the uniform ticket must state that a failure to appear will be considered a plea of guilty and waiver of the right to trial, unless the failure to appear is due to circumstances beyond the person's control.
new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2025, and expires August 1, 2029. new text end
new text begin "Residence address" and "permanent mailing address" mean, for purposes of a driver's license or Minnesota identification card, the postal address of the permanent domicile within this state where an individual: new text end
new text begin (1) resides; new text end
new text begin (2) intends to reside within 30 calendar days after the date of application; or new text end
new text begin (3) intends to return whenever absent. new text end
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024, for applications on or after that date. new text end
new text begin "Temporary mailing address" means the mailing address of any place where a person regularly or occasionally stays and may receive mail in their name other than the person's residence address. A temporary mailing address does not include the designated address under section 5B.05. new text end
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024, for applications on or after that date. new text end
(a) An application must:
(1) state the full name, date of birth, sex, and either (i) the residence address of the applicant, or (ii) designated address under section 5B.05;
(2) as may be required by the commissioner, contain a description of the applicant and any other facts pertaining to the applicant, the applicant's driving privileges, and the applicant's ability to operate a motor vehicle with safety;
(3) state:
(i) the applicant's Social Security number; or
(ii) if the applicant does not have a Social Security number and is applying for a Minnesota identification card, instruction permit, or class D provisional or driver's license, that the applicant elects not to specify a Social Security number;
(4) contain a notification to the applicant of the availability of a living will/health care directive designation on the license under section 171.07, subdivision 7;
(5) include a method for the applicant to:
(i) request a veteran designation on the license under section 171.07, subdivision 15, and the driving record under section 171.12, subdivision 5a;
(ii) indicate a desire to make an anatomical gift under subdivision 3b, paragraph (e);
(iii) as applicable, designate document retention as provided under section 171.12, subdivision 3c;
(iv) indicate emergency contacts as provided under section 171.12, subdivision 5b;
(v) indicate the applicant's race and ethnicity; deleted text begin anddeleted text end
(vi) indicate caretaker information as provided under section 171.12, subdivision 5c; and
new text begin (vii) indicate a temporary mailing address separate from the applicant's residence address listed on the identification card or license; and new text end
(6) meet the requirements under section 201.161, subdivision 3.
(b) Applications must be accompanied by satisfactory evidence demonstrating:
(1) identity, date of birth, and any legal name change if applicable; and
(2) for driver's licenses and Minnesota identification cards that meet all requirements of the REAL ID Act:
(i) principal residence address in Minnesota, including application for a change of address, unless the applicant provides a designated address under section 5B.05;
(ii) Social Security number, or related documentation as applicable; and
(iii) lawful status, as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 6, section 37.3.
(c) An application for an enhanced driver's license or enhanced identification card must be accompanied by:
(1) satisfactory evidence demonstrating the applicant's full legal name and United States citizenship; and
(2) a photographic identity document.
(d) A valid Department of Corrections or Federal Bureau of Prisons identification card containing the applicant's full name, date of birth, and photograph issued to the applicant is an acceptable form of proof of identity in an application for an identification card, instruction permit, or driver's license as a secondary document for purposes of Minnesota Rules, part 7410.0400, and successor rules.
(e) An application form must not provide for identification of (1) the accompanying documents used by an applicant to demonstrate identity, or (2) except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c), the applicant's citizenship, immigration status, or lawful presence in the United States. The commissioner and a driver's license agent must not inquire about an applicant's citizenship, immigration status, or lawful presence in the United States, except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c).
new text begin (f) If an applicant designates a temporary mailing address under paragraph (a), clause (5), item (vii), the commissioner must use the temporary mailing address in lieu of the applicant's residence address for delivery of the driver's license or identification card. The commissioner must send all other correspondence to the applicant's residence address. Nothing in this paragraph or paragraph (a), clause (5), item (vii), may be construed to modify or remove proof of residency requirements at the time of application for an initial driver's permit, driver's license, or identification card. new text end
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024, for applications on or after that date. new text end
(a) The commissioner must develop summary information on identity document options. The summary information must be available on the department's website and at every location where a person may apply for an enhanced, REAL ID compliant, or noncompliant driver's license or identification card.
(b) The summary information must, at a minimum, include:
(1) each available type of driver's license and Minnesota identification card, including a noncompliant license or identification card, an enhanced driver's license, and an enhanced identification card;
(2) the official purposes of and limitations on use for each type of driver's license and Minnesota identification card; and
(3) an overview of data shared outside the state, including through electronic validation or verification systems, as part of the application and issuance of each type.
(c) The commissioner must ensure that the summary information is available to driver's license and identification card applicants. Renewal notifications mailed to driver's license and identification card holders must include the website address that displays the summary information.
(d) An applicant for an enhanced or noncompliant license or identification card must sign an acknowledgment that the applicant understands the limitations on use of the license or card.
(e) If the applicant does not indicate a desire to make an anatomical gift when the application is made, the applicant must be offered a donor document in accordance with section 171.07, subdivision 5. The application must contain statements sufficient to comply with the requirements of the Darlene Luther Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, chapter 525A, so that execution of the application or donor document will make the anatomical gift as provided in section 171.07, subdivision 5, for those indicating a desire to make an anatomical gift. The application must be accompanied by information describing Minnesota laws regarding anatomical gifts and the need for and benefits of anatomical gifts, and the legal implications of making an anatomical gift, including the law governing revocation of anatomical gifts. The commissioner shall distribute a notice that must accompany all applications for and renewals of a driver's license or Minnesota identification card. The notice must be prepared in conjunction with a Minnesota organ procurement organization that is certified by the federal Department of Health and Human Services and must include:
(1) a statement that provides a fair and reasonable description of the organ donation process, the care of the donor body after death, and the importance of informing family members of the donation decision; and
(2) a telephone number in a certified Minnesota organ procurement organization that may be called with respect to questions regarding anatomical gifts.
(f) The application must be accompanied also by information containing relevant facts relating to:
(1) the effect of alcohol on driving ability;
(2) the effect of mixing alcohol with drugs;
(3) the laws of Minnesota relating to operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance; and
(4) the levels of alcohol-related fatalities and accidents in Minnesota and of arrests for alcohol-related violations.
new text begin (g) The commissioner must provide information on the department's website about the option for an applicant to designate a temporary mailing address. The information on the department's website must: new text end
new text begin (1) be easily accessible and address frequently asked questions; new text end
new text begin (2) detail the department's requirements for the use of a temporary mailing address; new text end
new text begin (3) compare the use of a temporary mailing address to the use of an applicant's residence address; and new text end
new text begin (4) clarify that a driver's license or identification card will not be delivered to a forwarded mail address. new text end
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024, for applications on or after that date. new text end
new text begin (a) Notwithstanding any statute or rule to the contrary, if a driver's license agent appointed under this section permanently stops offering services at the approved office location and permanently closes the approved office location, the commissioner must use a competitive bidding process for the appointment of a replacement driver's license agent. If available, the replacement driver's license agent appointed by the commissioner under this section must continue to offer services at the approved office location. If the existing office location is not available to the replacement driver's license agent, the replacement office location must be at a location that must be approved by the commissioner and must serve a similar service area as the existing office location. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioner must not give a preference to a partner, owner, manager, or employee of the driver's license agent that has permanently stopped offering services at the closed office location in a competitive bidding process. new text end
new text begin (c) The commissioner must adopt rules to administer and enforce a competitive bidding process to select a replacement driver's license agent. If the replacement driver's license agent elects to not offer services at the office location of the prior agent, Minnesota Rules, chapter 7404, governing the selection of a proposed office location of a driver's license agent, applies. new text end
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2025. new text end
The commissioner deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end include in deleted text begin each edition ofdeleted text end the driver's manual published by the department a section relating tonew text begin vulnerable road users and motorcyclists or operators of two- or three-wheeled vehicles that, at a minimum, includes:new text end
new text begin (1)new text end bicycle traffic laws, including any changes in the law which affect bicycle trafficdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (2) traffic laws related to pedestrians and pedestrian safety; and new text end
new text begin (3) traffic laws related to motorcycles, autocycles, motorized bicycles, motorized foot scooters, and electric personal assistive mobility devices. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to each edition of the manual published on or after that date. new text end
new text begin (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), the commissioner must not record on an individual's driving record any violation of: new text end
new text begin (1) a traffic-control signal under section 169.06, subdivision 10; or new text end
new text begin (2) a speed limit under section 169.14, subdivision 13. new text end
new text begin (b) This subdivision does not apply to: new text end
new text begin (1) a violation that occurs in a commercial motor vehicle; or new text end
new text begin (2) a violation committed by a holder of a class A, B, or C commercial driver's license or commercial driver learner's permit, without regard to whether the violation was committed in a commercial motor vehicle or another vehicle. new text end
new text begin (c) This subdivision applies to violations committed on or after August 1, 2025, and before August 1, 2029. new text end
(a) The commissioner must implement online knowledge testing as provided in this subdivision. The commissioner must not charge a fee to a driver education program or an authorized entity for access to the online knowledge testing system or for administering the online knowledge test. deleted text begin The commissioner must administer the fourth or subsequent knowledge test for a person.deleted text end
(b) Upon written request from a driver education program licensed by the department, the commissioner must grant access to the department's web-based knowledge testing system to the driver education program. Once granted access to the online knowledge testing system, a driver education program may administer the online knowledge test to a student of the program.
(c) An entity other than a driver education program may apply to the commissioner for authority to administer online knowledge tests. The commissioner may approve or disapprove an application for administering the online knowledge tests under this paragraph. Upon approving an application of an entity, the commissioner must grant access to the department's web-based knowledge testing system to that authorized entity. Once granted access to the online knowledge testing system, the authorized entity may administer the online knowledge test.
(d) A driver education program or authorized entity:
(1) must provide all computers and equipment for persons that take the online knowledge test;
(2) must provide appropriate proctors to monitor persons taking the online knowledge test; and
(3) may charge a fee of no more than $10 for administering the online knowledge test.
(e) For purposes of paragraph (d), clause (2), a proctor must be:
(1) an employee of the driver education program, authorized entity, or a state or local government;
(2) a driver's license agent; or
(3) a classroom teacher, school administrator, or paraprofessional at a public or private school, excluding a home school.
The proctor must be physically present at the location where the test is being administered. A proctor must not be a relative of the person taking the test. For purposes of this paragraph, a relative is a spouse, fiancee, fiance, grandparent, parent, child, sibling, or legal guardian, including adoptive, half, step, and in-law relationships.
new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2025. new text end
The commissioner is prohibited from suspending a person's driver's license based solely on the fact that a person:
(1) has been convicted ofnew text begin :new text end
new text begin (i)new text end violating a law of this state or an ordinance of a political subdivision which regulates the operation or parking of motor vehiclesdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (ii) a violation under section 169.06, subdivision 10; or new text end
new text begin (iii) a violation under section 169.14, subdivision 13; new text end
(2) has been sentenced to the payment of a fine or had a surcharge levied against that person, or sentenced to a fine upon which a surcharge was levieddeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end and
(3) has refused or failed to comply with that sentence or to pay the surcharge.
(a) For a reintegration driver's license under this section:
(1) the commissioner must not impose:
(i) a fee, surcharge, or filing fee under section 171.06, subdivision 2; deleted text begin ordeleted text end
(ii)new text begin a reinstatement fee under sections 171.20, subdivision 4, and 171.29, subdivision 2; ornew text end
new text begin (iii)new text end an endorsement fee under section 171.06, subdivision 2a; and
(2) a driver's license agent must not impose a filing fee under section 171.061, subdivision 4.
(b) Issuance of a reintegration driver's license does not forgive or otherwise discharge any unpaid fees or fines.
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
(a) Notwithstanding any statute or rule to the contrary, the commissioner must issue a REAL ID-compliant or noncompliant license to a person who possesses a reintegration driver's license if:
(1) the person has possessed the reintegration driver's license for at least one full year;
(2) the reintegration driver's license has not been canceled under subdivision 4 and has not expired under subdivision 5;
(3) the person meets the application requirements under section 171.06, including payment of the applicable fees, surcharge, and filing fee under sections 171.06, subdivisions 2 and 2a, and 171.061, subdivision 4; and
(4) issuance of the license does not conflict with the requirements of the nonresident violator compact.
(b) The commissioner must forgive any outstanding balance due on a new text begin reinstatement new text end fee or surcharge under deleted text begin sectiondeleted text end new text begin sections 171.20, subdivision 4, andnew text end 171.29, subdivision 2, for a person who is eligible and applies for a license under paragraph (a).
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin The commissioner must establish a Tribal worksite training program for state-funded construction projects. The commissioner may enter into an agreement with any private, public, or Tribal entity for the planning, designing, developing, and hosting of the program. The commissioner must not use trunk highway funds for the worksite training program if the state-funded construction project is not a highway construction project. new text end
For each project in the reconditioning, resurfacing, and road repair funding categories, the commissioner deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end perform a life-cycle cost analysis and deleted text begin shalldeleted text end document the lowest life-cycle costs and all alternatives considered. The commissioner deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end document the chosen pavement strategy and, if the lowest life cycle is not selected, document the justification for the chosen strategy. deleted text begin A life-cycle cost analysis is required for projects to be constructed after July 1, 2011.deleted text end
new text begin (a) Before finalizing a pavement selection, the commissioner must post a draft of the life-cycle cost analysis and the draft pavement selection on the department's Office of Materials and Road Research website for 21 days. During this period, the commissioner must allow industry association representatives to submit questions and comments. The commissioner must collaborate with the person who submitted the question or comment, where necessary, to ensure the commissioner fully understands the question or comment. The commissioner must respond to each question or comment in writing, which must include a description of any associated changes that will be made to the life-cycle cost analysis. new text end
new text begin (b) After the review period under paragraph (a) closes, the commissioner may make revisions, when deemed appropriate, to the life-cycle cost analysis in response to questions or comments received. If the commissioner revises the type of pavement from concrete to asphalt or from asphalt to concrete, the commissioner must post the revised life-cycle cost analysis for review in accordance with the requirements under paragraph (a). new text end
new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2025. new text end
new text begin (a) After the review period required in subdivision 2a and any subsequent changes to the analysis, the commissioner must select the pavement strategy and prepare a document of justification. At a minimum, the document of justification must: new text end
new text begin (1) explain why the pavement strategy was selected; new text end
new text begin (2) if the lowest life-cycle cost is not selected, justify why a strategy with a higher life-cycle cost was selected; and new text end
new text begin (3) include all questions and comments received during the review period and the commissioner's responses to each. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioner must submit the analysis and document of justification to a licensed professional engineer for review. A life-cycle cost analysis is not considered final until it is certified and signed by a licensed professional engineer as provided by Minnesota Rules, part 1800.4200. new text end
new text begin (c) For all projects that began construction on or after January 1, 2024, the commissioner must store all life-cycle cost analyses and documents of justification on the department's website in a manner that allows the public to easily access the documents. new text end
new text begin (d) After completing the certification and signature requirements in paragraph (b) and the posting requirements in paragraph (c), the commissioner may advance the project to substantial plan development. new text end
new text begin (e) For purposes of this subdivision, "substantial plan development" means the point in time during the plan development process after which any further activities would preclude any of the feasible pavement alternatives from being selected or constructed. new text end
new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2025. new text end
new text begin By January 31 of each year, new text end the commissioner deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end report deleted text begin annuallydeleted text end to the chairs and ranking minority members of the deleted text begin senate and house of representativesdeleted text end new text begin legislativenew text end committees with jurisdiction over transportation new text begin policy and new text end finance on new text begin life-cycle cost analyses conducted under this section. At a minimum, the report must include information on new text end the results of the analyses deleted text begin required indeleted text end new text begin undernew text end subdivision 2new text begin , the public review under subdivision 2a, and the final selection and document of justification under subdivision 2bnew text end .
new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2025. new text end
(a) A safe routes to school account is established in the bond proceeds fund. The account consists of state bond proceeds appropriated to the commissioner. Money in the account may only be expended on bond-eligible costs of a project receiving financial assistance as provided under this section. All uses of funds from the account must be for publicly owned property.
(b) A safe routes to school account is established in the deleted text begin generaldeleted text end new text begin special revenuenew text end fund. The account consists of funds as provided by law, and any other money donated, allotted, transferred, or otherwise provided to the account. Money in the account may only be expended on a project receiving financial assistance as provided under this section.
(a) A metropolitan county must use funds that are received under subdivision 5 as follows:
(1) 41.5 percent for active transportation and transportation corridor safety studies;
(2) 41.5 percent for:
(i) repair, preservation, and rehabilitation of transportation systems; and
(ii) roadway replacement to reconstruct, reclaim, or modernize a corridor without adding traffic capacity, except for auxiliary lanes with a length of less than 2,500 feet; and
(3) 17 percent for any of the following:
(i) transit purposes, including but not limited to operations, maintenance, capital maintenance, demand response service, and assistance to replacement service providers under section 473.388;
(ii) complete streets projects, as provided under section 174.75; and
(iii) projects, programs, or operations activities that meet the requirements of a mitigation action under section 161.178, subdivision 4.
(b) Funds under paragraph (a), clause (3), must supplement and not supplant existing sources of revenue.
new text begin (c) A metropolitan county may use funds that are received under subdivision 5 as debt service for obligations issued by the county in accordance with chapter 475, provided that the obligations are issued for a use allowable under this section. new text end
(a) A passenger rail account is established in the special revenue fund. The account consists of funds as provided in this subdivision and any other money donated, allotted, transferred,new text begin collected,new text end or otherwise provided to the account.
(b) By July 15 annuallynew text begin beginning in calendar year 2027new text end , the commissioner of revenue must transfer an amount from the general fund to the passenger rail account that equals 50 percent of the portion of the state general tax under section 275.025 levied on railroad operating property, as defined under section 273.13, subdivision 24, in the prior calendar year.
(c) Money in the account is annually appropriated to the commissioner of transportation for the deleted text begin netdeleted text end operating and capital maintenance costs of intercity passenger rail,new text begin which may include but are not limited to planning, designing, developing, constructing, equipping, administering, operating, promoting, maintaining, and improving passenger rail service within the state,new text end after accounting for operating revenue, federal funds, and other sources.
new text begin (d) By November 1 each year, the commissioner must report on the passenger rail account to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. The report must, at a minimum, include: new text end
new text begin (1) the actual revenue and expenditures in each of the previous two fiscal years; new text end
new text begin (2) the budgeted and forecasted revenue and expenditures in the current fiscal year and each fiscal year within the state forecast period; new text end
new text begin (3) the plan for collection of fees and revenue, as defined and authorized under subdivision 3, in the current fiscal year and each fiscal year within the state forecast period; and new text end
new text begin (4) the uses of expenditures or planned expenditures in each fiscal year included under clauses (1) and (2). new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this subdivision, "fees and revenue" means: new text end
new text begin (1) ridership fees or fares, including ticket sales; new text end
new text begin (2) revenue from the sale of on-board commissary and convenience goods to the traveling public; and new text end
new text begin (3) revenue from the sale of promotional goods related to passenger rail routes and corridors within Minnesota. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioner may, directly or through a contractor, vendor, operator, or partnership with a federal or state government entity, including Amtrak, collect fees and revenue related to passenger rail services within the state, as specified under this subdivision. new text end
new text begin (c) Fees and revenue under this subdivision may be collected as determined by the commissioner and are not subject to section 16A.1283, except that, if priced exclusively by the commissioner, a ridership fee or fare must not exceed an annual five percent increase and the price of a commissary, convenience, or promotional good must not exceed an annual ten percent increase. new text end
new text begin (d) Fees and revenue collected under this subdivision must be deposited in the passenger rail account in the special revenue fund. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) new text end "Complete streets" is the planning, scoping, design, implementation, operation, and maintenance of roads in order to reasonably address the safety and accessibility needs of users of all ages and abilities. Complete streets considers the needs of motorists, pedestrians, transit users and vehicles, bicyclists, and commercial and emergency vehicles moving along and across roads, intersections, and crossings in a manner that is sensitive to the local context and recognizes that the needs vary in urban, suburban, and rural settings.
new text begin (c) "Vulnerable road user" has the meaning given in section 169.011, subdivision 92b. new text end
new text begin (a) new text end The commissioner deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end implement a complete streets policy after consultation with stakeholders, state and regional agencies, local governments, and road authorities. The commissioner, after such consultation, deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end address relevant protocols, guidance, standards, requirements, and trainingdeleted text begin , and shall integratedeleted text end new text begin .new text end
new text begin (b) The complete streets policy must include but is not limited to: new text end
new text begin (1) integration ofnew text end related principles of context-sensitive solutionsdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (2) integration throughout the project development process; new text end
new text begin (3) methods to evaluate inclusion of active transportation facilities in a project, which may include but are not limited to sidewalks, crosswalk markings, pedestrian accessibility, and bikeways; and new text end
new text begin (4) consideration of consultation with other road authorities regarding existing and planned active transportation network connections. new text end
new text begin The commissioner must maintain guidance that accompanies the complete streets policy under this section. The guidance must include sections on: new text end
new text begin (1) an analysis framework that provides for: new text end
new text begin (i) identification of characteristics of a project; new text end
new text begin (ii) highway system categorization based on context, including population density, land use, density and scale of surrounding development, volume of highway use, and the nature and extent of active transportation; and new text end
new text begin (iii) relative emphasis for different road system users in each of the categories under item (ii) in a manner that supports safety and mobility of vulnerable road users, motorcyclists or other operators of two- or three-wheeled vehicles, and public transit users; and new text end
new text begin (2) an analysis of speed limit reductions and associated roadway design modifications to support safety and mobility in active transportation. new text end
The legislature hereby declares it to be the policy of the state to locate large electric power facilities new text begin and high voltage transmission lines new text end in an orderly manner compatible with environmental preservation and the efficient use of resources. In accordance with this policynew text begin ,new text end the commission shall choose locations that minimize adverse human and environmental impact while insuring continuing electric power system reliability and integrity and insuring that electric energy needs are met and fulfilled in an orderly and timely fashion.
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
(a) As provided in this subdivision, the commissioner must annually assess railroad companies that are (1) defined as common carriers under section 218.011; (2) classified by federal law or regulation as Class I Railroads, Class I Rail Carriers, Class II Railroads, or Class II Rail Carriers; and (3) operating in this state.
(b) The assessment must be calculated to allocate state rail safety inspection program costs proportionally among carriers based on route miles operated in Minnesota at the time of assessment. The commissioner must include in the assessment calculation all state rail safety inspection program costs to support up to six rail safety inspector positions, including but not limited to salary, administration, supervision, travel, equipment, training, and ongoing state rail inspector duties.
(c) The assessments collected under this subdivision must be deposited in a state rail safety inspection account, which is established in the special revenue fund. The account consists of funds provided by this subdivisionnew text begin and section 221.0255new text end and any other money donated, allotted, transferred, or otherwise provided to the account. Money in the account is appropriated to the commissioner to administer the state rail safety inspection programnew text begin and for costs under section 221.0255new text end .
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Railroad" means a common carrier that is classified by federal law or regulation as a Class I railroad, Class II railroad, or Class III railroad. new text end
new text begin (c) "Yardmaster" means an employee of a common carrier who is responsible for supervising and coordinating the control of trains and engines operating within a railyard, not including a dispatching service employee, signal employee, or train employee as those terms are defined in United States Code, title 49, section 21101. new text end
new text begin (a) A railroad operating in this state must not require or allow a yardmaster to remain or go on duty: new text end
new text begin (1) in any month when the employee has spent a total of 276 hours on duty or in any other mandatory service for the carrier; new text end
new text begin (2) for a period exceeding 12 consecutive hours; and new text end
new text begin (3) unless the employee has had at least ten consecutive hours off duty during the prior 24 hours. new text end
new text begin (b) A railroad operating in this state must not require or allow a yardmaster to remain or go on duty after the employee has initiated an on-duty period each day for six consecutive days unless the employee has had 48 consecutive hours off at the employee's home terminal, during which time the employee is unavailable for any service. new text end
(a) The motor carrier of railroad employees must implement a policy that provides for annual training and certification of the operator in:
(1) safe operation of the vehicle transporting railroad employees;
(2) knowing and understanding relevant laws, rules of the road, and safety policies;
(3) handling emergency situations;
(4) proper use of seat belts;
(5) performance of pretrip and posttrip vehicle inspections, and inspection record keeping; and
(6) proper maintenance of required records.
(b) The motor carrier of railroad employees must:
(1) confirm that the person is not disqualified under subdivision 6, by performing a criminal background check of the operator, which must include:
(i) a criminal history check of the state criminal records repository; and
(ii) if the operator has resided in Minnesota less than five years, a criminal history check from each state of residence for the previous five years;
(2) annually verify the operator's driver's license;
(3) document meeting the requirements in this subdivision, which must include maintaining at the carrier's business location:
(i) a driver qualification file on each operator who transports passengers under this section; and
(ii) records of pretrip and posttrip vehicle inspections as required under subdivision 3, paragraph (a), clause (3);
(4) maintain liability insurance in a minimum amount of $5,000,000 regardless of the seating capacity of the vehicle;
(5) maintain uninsured and underinsured coverage in a minimum amount of deleted text begin $1,000,000deleted text end new text begin $2,000,000new text end ; and
(6) ensure inspection of each vehicle operated under this section as provided under section 169.781.
(c) A driver qualification file under paragraph (b), clause (3), must include:
(1) a copy of the operator's most recent medical examiner's certificate;
(2) a copy of the operator's current driver's license;
(3) documentation of annual license verification;
(4) documentation of annual training;
(5) documentation of any known violations of motor vehicle or traffic laws; and
(6) responses from previous employers, if required by the current employer.
(d) The driver qualification file must be retained for one year following the date of separation of employment of the driver from the carrier. A record of inspection under paragraph (b), clause (3), item (ii), must be retained for one year following the date of inspection.
(e) If a party contracts with the motor carrier on behalf of the railroad to transport the railroad employees, then the insurance requirements may be satisfied by either that party or the motor carrier, so long as the motor carrier is a named insured or additional insured under any policy.
new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2024. new text end
new text begin (a) Upon receipt of a complaint form or other information alleging a violation of this section, the commissioner must investigate the relevant matter. new text end Representatives of the Department of Transportation and the State Patrol have the authority to enter, at a reasonable time and place, any vehicle or facility of the carrier for purposes ofnew text begin complaint investigations,new text end random inspections, safety reviews, audits, or accident investigations.
new text begin (b) Failure of a railroad or motor carrier of railroad employees to permit a complaint investigation under this subdivision is grounds for issuance of a civil penalty under subdivision 10. new text end
new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2024. new text end
new text begin (a) After completion of an investigation or as provided in subdivision 9, paragraph (b), the commissioner may issue a civil penalty to a railroad or motor carrier of railroad employees that violates this section. A civil penalty issued under this paragraph is in the amount of: new text end
new text begin (1) not less than $200 but not more than $500 for a first offense; new text end
new text begin (2) not less than $500 but not more than $1,000 for a second offense; and new text end
new text begin (3) not less than $1,000 but not more than $5,000 for a third or subsequent offense committed within three years of the first offense. new text end
new text begin (b) The civil penalty amounts identified under paragraph (a) are for all violations identified in a single investigation and are not per violation. new text end
new text begin (c) The recipient of a civil penalty under this subdivision has 30 days to notify the commissioner in writing of intent to contest the civil penalty. If within 30 days after receiving the civil penalty the recipient fails to notify the commissioner of intent to contest the penalty, the civil penalty is not subject to further review. new text end
new text begin (d) Civil penalties assessed under this subdivision are subject to chapter 14 and may be recovered in a civil action. new text end
new text begin (e) Civil penalties collected under this section must be deposited in the state rail safety inspection account in the special revenue fund. new text end
new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2024, and applies to violations committed on or after that date. new text end
(a) On or before June 30 of each fiscal year, the commissioner of revenue must estimate the revenues, including interest and penalties and minus refunds, collected under this section for the current fiscal year.
(b) By July 15 of the subsequent fiscal year, the commissioner of management and budget must transfer the revenues estimated under paragraph (a) from the general fund as follows:
(1) 38 percent to the county state-aid highway fund;
(2) 38 percent to the greater Minnesota transit account;
(3) 13 percent to the deleted text begin Minnesota state transportation funddeleted text end new text begin local bridge program account in the special revenue fund, which is hereby creatednew text end ; and
(4) 11 percent to the highway user tax distribution fund.
(c) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the commissioner of transportation must allocate the funds transferred under paragraph (b), clause (1), to the counties in the metropolitan area, as defined in section 473.121, subdivision 4, excluding the counties of Hennepin and Ramsey, so that each county receives the percentage that its population, as defined in section 477A.011, subdivision 3, estimated or established by July 15 of the year prior to the current calendar year, bears to the total population of the counties receiving funds under this paragraph.
(d) deleted text begin The amount transferreddeleted text end new text begin Money in the local bridge program accountnew text end under paragraph (b), clause (3), deleted text begin must be useddeleted text end new text begin is appropriated to the commissioner of transportationnew text end for the local bridge program under section 174.50, subdivisions 6 to 7.
(e) The revenues under this subdivision do not include the revenues, including interest and penalties and minus refunds, generated by the sales tax imposed under section 297A.62, subdivision 1a, which must be deposited as provided under the Minnesota Constitution, article XI, section 15.
By February 15 of each even-numbered year, a metropolitan county, as defined in section 473.121, subdivision 4, that imposes the taxes under this section must submit a report to the new text begin chairs and ranking minority members of thenew text end legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. At a minimum, the report must include:
(1) actual transportation sales tax collections by the county over the previous five calendar years;
(2) an estimation of the total sales tax revenue that is estimated to be collected by the county in the current year and for the next ten calendar years; and
(3) for each of the previous five calendar years, the current calendar year, and for the next ten calendar years:
(i) the amount of sales tax revenue expended or proposed to be expended for each of the following:
(A) planning, construction, operation, or maintenance of guideways, as defined in section 473.4485, subdivision 1, paragraph (d);
(B) nonguideway transit and active transportation uses;
(C) highway uses; and
(D) uses not otherwise specified in subitems (A) to (C); deleted text begin anddeleted text end
(ii) new text begin completed, current, planned, and eligible projects for each category under item (i); andnew text end
new text begin (iii) new text end an estimated balance of unspent or undesignated county sales tax revenue.
(a) The division deleted text begin shall bedeleted text end new text begin isnew text end responsible and deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end utilize state employees for security and public information services in state-owned buildings and state leased-to-own buildings in the Capitol Area, as described in section 15B.02. It deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end provide personnel as are required by the circumstances to insure the orderly conduct of state business and the convenience of the text begin Until July 1, 2026, it must provide emergency assistance and security escorts at any location within the Capitol Area, as described in section 15B.02, when requested by a state constitutional text end
(b) As part of the division permanent staff, the director must establish the position of emergency manager that includes, at a minimum, the following duties:
(1) oversight of the consolidation, development, and maintenance of plans and procedures that provide continuity of security operations;
(2) the development and implementation of tenant training that addresses threats and emergency procedures; and
(3) the development and implementation of threat and emergency exercises.
(c) The director must provide a minimum of one state trooper assigned to the Capitol complex at all times.
(d) The director, in consultation with the advisory committee under section 299E.04, shall, at least annually, hold a meeting or meetings to discuss, among other issues, Capitol complex security, emergency planning, public safety, and public access to the Capitol complex. The meetings must include, at a minimum:
(1) Capitol complex tenants and state employees;
(2) nongovernmental entities, such as lobbyists, vendors, and the media; and
(3) the public and public advocacy groups.
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Class 1 electric-assisted bicycle," "class 2 electric-assisted bicycle," and "class 3 electric-assisted bicycle" have the meanings given in section 169.011, subdivisions 15a, 15b, and 15c. new text end
new text begin (c) "Electric-assisted bicycle" has the meaning given in section 169.011, subdivision 27. new text end
new text begin (d) "Motorcycle" has the meaning given in section 169.011, subdivision 44. new text end
new text begin (e) "Motorized bicycle" has the meaning given in section 169.011, subdivision 45. new text end
new text begin (f) "Multiple mode electric-assisted bicycle" has the meaning given in section 169.011, subdivision 45a. new text end
new text begin Before a purchase is completed, a seller of an electric-assisted bicycle must disclose to a consumer in written form: new text end
new text begin (1) the maximum motor power of the electric-assisted bicycle; new text end
new text begin (2) the maximum speed of the electric-assisted bicycle, as evaluated using a test method matching the criteria specified in Code of Federal Regulations, title 16, section 1512.2(a)(2), or successor requirements; and new text end
new text begin (3) whether the electric-assisted bicycle is a class 1, class 2, class 3, or multiple mode electric-assisted bicycle. new text end
new text begin (a) A seller of a motorized bicycle or motorcycle equipped with an electric motor for propulsion may not sell the vehicle or offer the vehicle for sale if it is labeled as a class 1, class 2, class 3, or multiple mode electric-assisted bicycle. new text end
new text begin (b) Before a purchase is completed and in any advertising materials, a seller of a motorized bicycle or motorcycle equipped with an electric motor for propulsion who describes the vehicle as an "electric bicycle," "electric bike," "e-bike," or other similar term must disclose to a consumer: new text end
new text begin (1) the name or classification of the vehicle under state law or the most likely classification following an intended or anticipated vehicle modification as defined in section 169.011, subdivision 27, paragraph (c); and new text end
new text begin (2) the following statement: new text end
new text begin "This vehicle is not an "electric-assisted bicycle" as defined in Minnesota law. It is instead a type of motor vehicle and subject to applicable motor vehicle laws if used on public roads or public lands. Your insurance policies might not provide coverage for crashes involving the use of this vehicle. To determine coverage, you should contact your insurance company or agent." new text end
new text begin (c) Advertising materials under paragraph (b) include but are not limited to a website or social media post that identifies or promotes the vehicle. new text end
new text begin (d) The disclosure under paragraph (b) must be (1) written, and (2) provided clearly and conspicuously and in a manner designed to attract the attention of a consumer. new text end
new text begin It is an unlawful practice under section 325F.69 to advertise, offer for sale, or sell a motorized bicycle or motorcycle equipped with an electric motor for propulsion: new text end
new text begin (1) as an electric-assisted bicycle; or new text end
new text begin (2) using the words "electric bicycle," "electric bike," "e-bike," or other similar term without providing the disclosure required under subdivision 3. new text end
(a) Except as provided in this subdivision, the court shall impose and the court administrator shall collect a $75 surcharge on every person convicted of any felony, gross misdemeanor, misdemeanor, or petty misdemeanor offense, other than a violation of: (1) a law or ordinance relating to vehicle parking, for which there is a $12 surcharge; and (2) section 609.855, subdivision 1, 3, or 3a, for which there is a $25 surcharge. When a defendant is convicted of more than one offense in a case, the surcharge shall be imposed only once in that case. In the Second Judicial District, the court shall impose, and the court administrator shall collect, an additional $1 surcharge on every person convicted of any felony, gross misdemeanor, misdemeanor, or petty misdemeanor offense, including a violation of a law or ordinance relating to vehicle parking, if the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners authorizes the $1 surcharge. The surcharge shall be imposed whether or not the person is sentenced to imprisonment or the sentence is stayed. The surcharge shall not be imposed when a person is convicted of a petty misdemeanor for which no fine is imposed.
(b) The court may reduce the amount or waive payment of the surcharge required under this subdivision on a showing of indigency or undue hardship upon the convicted person or the convicted person's immediate family. Additionally, the court may permit the defendant to perform community work service in lieu of a surcharge.
(c) The court administrator or other entity collecting a surcharge shall forward it to the commissioner of management and budget.
(d) If the convicted person is sentenced to imprisonment and has not paid the surcharge before the term of imprisonment begins, the chief executive officer of the correctional facility in which the convicted person is incarcerated shall collect the surcharge from any earnings the inmate accrues from work performed in the facility or while on conditional release. The chief executive officer shall forward the amount collected to the court administrator or other entity collecting the surcharge imposed by the court.
(e) A person who enters a diversion program, continuance without prosecution, continuance for dismissal, or stay of adjudication for a violation of chapter 169 must pay the surcharge described in this subdivision. A surcharge imposed under this paragraph shall be imposed only once per case.
(f) The surcharge does not apply tonew text begin :new text end
new text begin (1) citations issued pursuant to section 169.06, subdivision 10; new text end
new text begin (2) citations issued pursuant to section 169.14, subdivision 13; new text end
new text begin (3)new text end administrative citations issued pursuant to section 169.999deleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; ornew text end
deleted text begin (g) The surcharge does not apply todeleted text end new text begin (4)new text end administrative citations issued by transit rider investment program personnel pursuant to section 473.4075.
new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2025. new text end
new text begin For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin "City" means a home rule charter or statutory city. new text end
new text begin "City council" means the governing body of a city. new text end
new text begin "Residence district" means the territory contiguous to and including a highway not comprising a business district when the property on such highway for a distance of 300 feet or more is predominantly improved with (1) residences, or (2) residences and buildings in use for business. new text end
new text begin "System of streets, parks, and parkways" means a body of contiguous land designated to be used in part for streets and in part for parks or parkways. new text end
The council of a city deleted text begin of the first classdeleted text end may by resolution designate land to be acquired, improved, and operated for motor vehicle parking lots. By resolution, the council may designate lands to be acquired, improved, and operated for pedestrian malls. By ordinance adopted under section 430.011, the council may designate deleted text begin streets in central business districtsdeleted text end new text begin any property within a city right-of-waynew text end to be improved primarily for pedestrian uses.
The legislature finds that: (1) increases in population and automobile usage have created traffic congestion in deleted text begin central business districts of cities of the first classdeleted text end new text begin citiesnew text end ; (2) those conditions endanger pedestrians and impede the movement of police and fire equipment, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles; (3)new text begin certainnew text end streets in deleted text begin those central business districtsdeleted text end new text begin cities have beennew text end improved to their maximum width for sidewalk and roadway purposes new text begin and new text end cannot be further widened without taking valuable buildings and improvements, substantially impairing the primary function of those city streets as pedestrian facilities, and impairing the cities' sources of tax revenue; and (4) limitation on the use of those streets by private vehicles may be found by the council of any city deleted text begin of the first classdeleted text end to be in the interest of the city and state, to be of benefit to adjoining properties, and to be essential to the effective use of the streets for street purposes.
It is the state's policy to permit the city council of any city deleted text begin of the first classdeleted text end to protect the public welfare and the interests of the public in the safe and effective movement of persons and to preserve and enhance the function and appearance of deleted text begin the central business districts of cities of the first classdeleted text end new text begin citiesnew text end by adopting pedestrian mall ordinances under this section.
new text begin (a) new text end A pedestrian mall ordinance may be adopted if the city council finds that:
(1) a street or a part of a street (i) is not a part of any deleted text begin statedeleted text end new text begin trunknew text end highway, (ii) is located deleted text begin primarily in a central business districtdeleted text end new text begin within a city right-of-waynew text end , new text begin and new text end (iii) is improved to its maximum width for roadway and sidewalk purposes, and (iv) deleted text begin is congested during all or a substantial part of normal business hoursdeleted text end new text begin except for a city of the first class, is not part of a residence districtnew text end ;
new text begin (2) the movement of police and fire equipment and other emergency vehicles would not be impeded; new text end
deleted text begin (2)deleted text end new text begin (3)new text end reasonably convenient alternate routes exist for private vehicles to other parts of the city and state;
deleted text begin (3)deleted text end new text begin (4)new text end continued unlimited use of the street or part of the street by private vehicles may endanger pedestrians;
deleted text begin (4)deleted text end new text begin (5)new text end abutting properties can reasonably and adequately receive and deliver merchandise and materials from other streets and alleys or through arrangements for limited use of the streets by carriers of merchandise and materials; and
deleted text begin (5)deleted text end new text begin (6)new text end it would be in the best interests of the city and the public and of benefit to adjacent properties to use the street primarily for pedestrian purposes and pedestrian use is the highest and best use of the street or part of it.
new text begin (b) In addition to meeting the criteria under paragraph (a), a pedestrian mall ordinance may be adopted relating to property that is immediately adjacent to at least one side of an intersection with a road that is under the jurisdiction of another road authority only if the city has consulted with the other road authority, which must include consideration of changes to traffic flow. If the other road authority is opposed to the location of the proposed pedestrian mall, the city must make publicly available a detailed written response to the road authority before adopting the ordinance. A pedestrian mall ordinance may be adopted relating to property that borders another city only if the city developing the ordinance has received the approval of the bordering city. new text end
new text begin (c) As relevant, the city must collaborate with the state and local units of government in the pedestrian mall planning process. new text end
If a city deleted text begin of the first classdeleted text end is authorized in its charter to condemn property for public use and to appoint commissioners to assess damages or benefits on condemned property and is required by its charter to give notice of the filing of the commissioners' report, the city clerk shall give the required notice. Notice must be given by mailing it to the person whose name appears on the records of the auditor of the county in which the city is located as the person who last paid the taxes on the property proposed to be taken, within 48 hours after the filing of the commissioners' report.
No action may be commenced or maintained, and no defense interposed, questioning the validity, regularity, or legality of all or part of a pedestrian mall ordinance, or an amendment, to it adopted by a city deleted text begin of the first classdeleted text end under section 430.011, subdivision 3 or 13 except by an appeal to the district court of the county in which the city is located within 20 days after the final adoption and publication of the ordinance or amendment.
deleted text begin This chapter applies to cities of the first class. deleted text end
deleted text begin The term "city council" means the governing body of a city. deleted text end
Certificates or bonds that may be issued to finance an improvement under this chapter are part of the bonded debt of the city. In calculating the net indebtedness of the city due to the issue of certificates or bonds, there may be deducted from the gross debt of the city the amount of certificates or bonds that are payable wholly or partly from collections of special assessments levied on property benefited by the improvements, including general obligations of the issuing city, if the city is entitled to reimbursement, in whole or in part, from the proceeds of special assessments levied upon property especially benefited by the improvements.
new text begin (a) Annually by January 15, the council must submit a financial review that details revenue and expenditures for the transportation components under the council's budget, as specified in paragraph (c). A financial review submitted under this paragraph must provide the information using state fiscal years. new text end
new text begin (b) Annually by the earlier of the accounting close of a budget year or August 15, the council must submit a financial review update that provides the following for the most recent completed budget year: actual revenues; expenditures; transfers; reserves; balances; and a comparison between the budgeted and actual amounts. A financial review update under this paragraph must include the information specified in paragraph (d). new text end
new text begin (c) At a minimum, a financial review must identify: new text end
new text begin (1) the actual revenues, expenditures, transfers, reserves, and balances in each of the previous four years; new text end
new text begin (2) budgeted and forecasted revenues, expenditures, transfers, reserves, and balances in the current year and each year within the state forecast period; new text end
new text begin (3) for the most recent completed year, a comparison between the budgeted and actual amounts under clause (1); and new text end
new text begin (4) for the most recent completed year, fund balances for each replacement service provider under section 473.388. new text end
new text begin (d) The information under paragraph (c), clauses (1) to (3), must include: new text end
new text begin (1) a breakdown by each transportation funding source identified by the council, including but not limited to legislative appropriations; federal funds; fare collections; property tax; and sales tax, including sales tax used for active transportation under section 473.4465, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (1); new text end
new text begin (2) a breakdown by each transportation operating budget category established by the council, including but not limited to bus, light rail transit, commuter rail, planning, special transportation service under section 473.386, and assistance to replacement service providers under section 473.388; and new text end
new text begin (3) data for operations, capital maintenance, and transit capital. new text end
new text begin (e) A financial review under paragraph (a) or (b) must provide information or a methodology sufficient to establish a conversion between state fiscal years and budget years, summarize reserve policies, identify the methodology for cost allocation, and describe revenue assumptions and variables affecting the assumptions. new text end
new text begin (f) The council must submit each financial review to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance and to the commissioner of management and budget. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies in the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington. new text end
(a) The council must develop and maintain a zero-emission and electric transit vehicle transition plan.
(b) The council must deleted text begin complete the initialdeleted text end new text begin revise thenew text end plan by February 15, deleted text begin 2022deleted text end new text begin 2025new text end , and revise the plan at least once every deleted text begin fivedeleted text end new text begin threenew text end yearsnew text begin following each prior revisionnew text end .
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Greenhouse gas emissions" includes those emissions described in section 216H.01, subdivision 2. new text end
new text begin (c) "Qualified transit bus" means a motor vehicle that meets the requirements under paragraph (d), clauses (1) and (2). new text end
new text begin (d) "Zero-emission transit bus" means a motor vehicle that: new text end
new text begin (1) is designed for public transit service; new text end
new text begin (2) has a capacity of more than 15 passengers, including the driver; and new text end
new text begin (3) produces no exhaust-based greenhouse gas emissions from the onboard source of motive power of the vehicle under all operating conditions. new text end
At a minimum, the plan must:
(1) establish deleted text begin implementationdeleted text end policies deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ,new text end guidancenew text begin , and recommendations to implement the transition to a transit service fleet of exclusively zero-emission and electric transit vehicles, including for recipients of financial assistance under section 473.388new text end ;
(2)new text begin establish a bus procurement transition strategy so that beginning on January 1, 2035, any qualified transit bus purchased for regular route transit service or special transportation service under section 473.386 by the council is a zero-emission transit bus;new text end
new text begin (3) consider methods for transit providers to maximize greenhouse gas reduction in addition to zero-emission transit bus procurement, including but not limited to service expansion, reliability improvements, and other transit service improvements; new text end
new text begin (4) analyze greenhouse gas emission reduction from transit improvements identified under clause (3) in comparison to the zero-emission transit bus procurement strategy under clause (2); new text end
new text begin (5)new text end set transition milestones or performance measures, or both, which may include vehicle procurement goals over the transition period new text begin in conjunction with the strategy under clause (2)new text end ;
deleted text begin (3)deleted text end new text begin (6)new text end identify barriers, constraints, and risks, and determine objectives and strategies to address the issues identified;
deleted text begin (4)deleted text end new text begin (7)new text end consider findings and best practices from other transit agencies;
deleted text begin (5)deleted text end new text begin (8)new text end analyze zero-emission and electric transit vehicle technology impacts, including cold weather operation and emerging technologies;
new text begin (9) prioritize deployment of zero-emission transit buses based on the extent to which service is provided to environmental justice areas, as defined in section 116.065, subdivision 1; new text end
deleted text begin (6)deleted text end new text begin (10)new text end consider opportunities to prioritize the deployment of zero-emissions vehicles in areas with poor air quality;
new text begin (11) consider opportunities to prioritize deployment of zero-emission transit buses along arterial and highway bus rapid transit routes, including methods to maximize cost effectiveness with bus rapid transit construction projects; new text end
deleted text begin (7)deleted text end new text begin (12)new text end provide detailed estimates of implementation costsnew text begin to implement the plan and achieve the transition under clause (2), which, to the extent feasible, must include a forecast of annual expenditures, identification of potential sources of funding, and a summary of any anticipated or planned activity to seek additional fundsnew text end ; deleted text begin anddeleted text end
deleted text begin (8) deleted text end new text begin (13) examine capacity, constraints, and potential investments in the electric transmission and distribution grid, in consultation with appropriate public utilities; new text end
new text begin (14) identify methods to coordinate necessary facility upgrades in a manner that maximizes cost effectiveness and overall system reliability; new text end
new text begin (15) examine workforce impacts under the transition plan, including but not limited to changes in staffing complement; personnel skill gaps and needs; and employee training, retraining, or role transitions; and new text end
new text begin (16)new text end summarize updates to the plan from the most recent version.
Upon completion or revision of the plan, the council must provide a copy to the chairs, ranking minority members, and staff of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance.
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies in the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington. new text end
deleted text begin (a)deleted text end The deleted text begin Metropolitandeleted text end council may exercise the powers granted in this chapter and in other applicable law, as necessary, to plan, design, acquire, construct, and equip light rail transit facilities in the metropolitan area as defined in section 473.121, subdivision 2.
deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (a)new text end Notwithstanding any cooperative agreement between the commissioner of transportation and the deleted text begin Metropolitandeleted text end council in section 473.3994, subdivision 1a, if the council is the responsible authority, the commissioner of transportation must provide staff new text begin and project new text end assistance to the councilnew text begin for review and oversight of the project's developmentnew text end . deleted text begin To the extent practicable,deleted text end The deleted text begin Metropolitandeleted text end council must utilize the Department of Transportation staff new text begin and project new text end assistance for:
(1) new text begin the appropriate new text end delivery method selection for the design, planning, acquisition, construction, and equipping of light rail transit projects;
(2) risk assessment analysis new text begin and cost analysis new text end in the planning, designing, and construction of a light rail transit facility or a new light rail transit projectnew text begin , including but not limited to:new text end
new text begin (i) a critical path schedule for the planning and design phases of a project developed jointly by the council and the commissioner of transportation; new text end
new text begin (ii) peer reviews or value engineering reviews at various milestones established in the critical path schedule created under item (i); and new text end
new text begin (iii) council participation in cost estimate reviews by third-party independent cost estimators in conformance with Federal Transit Administration regulations and guidancenew text end ;
(3) contractor and subcontractor schedule analysis and contractual requirementsnew text begin , including but not limited to:new text end
new text begin (i) development and review of requests for proposals and bid documents prior to advertisement and solicitation; new text end
new text begin (ii) review of bids submitted prior to the award of bids; new text end
new text begin (iii) review of draft contractual language prior to the execution of project contracts; new text end
new text begin (iv) review of change orders for major cost items exceeding $500,000 and schedule delays of more than 30 calendar days prior to the execution of a change order; and new text end
new text begin (v) participation in any dispute resolution process that may arise to address competing claims or disputes between a contractor and the councilnew text end ;
(4) light rail transit project cost management and budget analysis for the planning, designing, and construction of a light rail transit facility or new light rail transit projectnew text begin , including but not limited to:new text end
new text begin (i) recommendations to address or manage cost overruns or discrepancies, funding sources, contingency funding sources and availability, and the management of state or county financial resources; new text end
new text begin (ii) recommendations on appropriate contractual enforcement mechanisms and penalties for any council agreement with a contractor for a light rail transit project; and new text end
new text begin (iii) the development of future cost estimates and communication of projected cost increases for a light rail transit projectnew text end ; and
(5) any other deleted text begin technicaldeleted text end areas of expertise that the Department of Transportation may offer.
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (b) The council must provide the commissioner of transportation all relevant information required by this text end
new text begin (c) Staff from the Department of Transportation providing project assistance to the council must report to the commissioner of transportation. Staff assistance from the Department of Transportation must include at least one licensed professional engineer. new text end
new text begin (d) If the commissioner of transportation provides the council with staff and project assistance for the development of a light rail transit project as provided under this section, the commissioner must submit and detail all recommendations made to the council to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance within 30 days of submitting its recommendations to the council. new text end
new text begin (e) The council must give strong consideration to utilizing input or recommendations developed by the commissioner of transportation. If the council decides against utilizing input or recommendations from the department, the council must reconcile significant deviations to the extent practicable and that portion of the project cannot move forward from the critical path schedule's milestone until the recommendation is reconciled. If the council has sufficient reasoning to justify not utilizing input or recommendations from the department, the council must, within 30 business days, provide written notice and documentation of the decision to the department and the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. The notice and documentation must provide the reasons why the council is not utilizing the input or recommendations provided by the department. new text end
new text begin The project budget is responsible for costs incurred by the commissioner of transportation for duties required in this section. The council must only use direct appropriations in law or federal sources to pay its portion of light rail transit capital construction costs. new text end
If the Metropolitan Council is the responsible authority, the council must select a qualified project manager and lead project engineer with at least ten years' transportation industry experience to lead the planning, design, acquisition, construction, or equipping of a new light rail transit project.
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. Subdivision 2 does not apply to the Southwest light rail transit (Green Line Extension) project. This section applies in the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington. new text end
new text begin (a) The council must design, fully scope, and construct each arterial bus rapid transit project with the following elements: new text end
new text begin (1) sidewalk curb ramps and pedestrian signals that meet current Americans with Disabilities Act standards as of the time of engineering completion at the four intersection quadrants of an intersection adjacent to a bus rapid transit station; new text end
new text begin (2) transit pavement markings, as applicable; and new text end
new text begin (3) traffic signal transit priority modifications, where feasible and reasonable, to improve speed and efficiency of service. new text end
new text begin (b) The requirements under paragraph (a), clause (1), include intersection infrastructure that serves the bus rapid transit station from the opposite side of a street. The requirements under paragraph (a), clause (1), exclude locations that are: new text end
new text begin (1) compliant with current Americans with Disabilities Act standards as of the time of engineering completion for the project; or new text end
new text begin (2) otherwise included in a programmed and colocated roadway construction project. new text end
new text begin (c) For bus rapid transit project costs resulting from the requirements under paragraph (a), clause (1), the council must pay 50 percent of the costs and the unit of government with jurisdiction over the road must pay 50 percent of the costs. The council must pay the project costs resulting from the requirements under paragraph (a), clauses (2) and (3). new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment for projects that first commence construction on or after that date. This section applies in the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington. new text end
(a) deleted text begin By October 1, 2023,deleted text end The Metropolitan Council must adopt standards on cleanliness and repair of transit vehicles and stations. To the extent practicable, the standards must address:
(1) cleaning requirements for transit stations and vehicles operated by the council;
(2) a strategy for discovering and removing vandalism, graffiti, or other defacement to transit stations or vehicles operated by the council;
(3) a proposal for the timely repair of damage to transit stations and transit vehicle fixtures, structures, or other property used for the purpose of supporting public transit; and
(4) any other cleanliness standards necessary to provide a quality ridership experience for all transit users.
(b) deleted text begin By February 1, 2024,deleted text end The Metropolitan Council must provide information on the council's website on how the council solicits public feedback on cleanliness and rider experience at transit stations and on transit vehicles. The council must post conspicuous notice of the public feedback options at each light rail transit station and bus rapid transit station operated by the council.
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
(a) By deleted text begin October 1, 2023, and every two yearsdeleted text end new text begin October 1, 2024, and every yearnew text end thereafter, the Metropolitan Council must report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transit policy and finance on transit cleanliness and the ridership experience.
(b) The deleted text begin firstdeleted text end report deleted text begin duedeleted text end under paragraph (a) must provide new text begin information on new text end the council's deleted text begin adopteddeleted text end cleanliness standards required under subdivision 2new text begin , including whether the council adopted new cleanliness standards or revisions to current cleanliness standardsnew text end . deleted text begin The first report must also provide information on how the council developed the cleanliness standards, the stakeholders it consulted in drafting the cleanliness standards, and the financial resources needed to implement the cleaning and repair standards. The first report must also identify the council's proposal for soliciting public feedback on cleanliness and rider experience at transit stations and on transit vehicles operated by the council.deleted text end new text begin A report prepared under this subdivision must include information gathered from the required public feedback on cleanliness and rider experience required in subdivision 2, paragraph (b). The council must consider and recommend revisions to cleanliness standards based on the collection of public feedback and must summarize feedback received by the council in the report. new text end
(c) deleted text begin For reports submitted on October 1, 2025, and every two years thereafter, the reportdeleted text end new text begin A report submitted under this subdivisionnew text end must include:
(1) the total expenditures for cleaning and repairing transit stations and transit vehicles;
(2) deleted text begin a report ondeleted text end the frequency, type, and location of repairs;
(3) deleted text begin a report ondeleted text end whether specific transit stations needed a higher proportion of cleaning or repairsnew text begin and detail the council's strategy to resolve identified and persistent concerns at those locationsnew text end ;
(4) deleted text begin a report ondeleted text end new text begin recommendations to addressnew text end workforce challenges for deleted text begin maintaining thedeleted text end new text begin the implementation and maintenance ofnew text end cleanliness new text begin and repair new text end standards adopted by the councilnew text begin , including whether the council maintained agreements with third-party services for cleaning and repairnew text end ;
(5) whether the council has adopted preventative measures against vandalism or graffiti; and
(6) any recommendations for additions to the transit rider code of conduct deleted text begin adopted by the councildeleted text end under section 473.4065new text begin or the transit rider investment program under section 473.4075new text end .
deleted text begin (d) The council must collect and summarize the public comments it receives and incorporate those comments into the report required under paragraph (c). deleted text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) new text end A metropolitan county must use revenue from the regional transportation sales and use tax under section 297A.9915 in conformance with the requirements under section 174.49, subdivision 6.
new text begin (b) By February 15 of each even-numbered year, a metropolitan county must submit a report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance on the use of funds received under section 297A.9915. This report must be submitted in conjunction with the report required under section 297A.993, subdivision 2a. At a minimum, the report must include: new text end
new text begin (1) actual sales tax collections allocated to the county over the previous five calendar years; new text end
new text begin (2) an estimation of the total sales tax revenue that is estimated to be allocated to the county in the current year and for the next ten calendar years; and new text end
new text begin (3) for each of the previous five calendar years, the current calendar year, and for the next ten calendar years: new text end
new text begin (i) the amount of sales tax revenue expended or proposed to be expended for each of the allowable uses under section 174.49, subdivision 6; new text end
new text begin (ii) completed, current, planned, and eligible projects or programs for each category under item (i); and new text end
new text begin (iii) an estimated balance of unspent or undesignated regional transportation sales and use tax revenue. new text end
(a) By deleted text begin February 1deleted text end new text begin December 15new text end each year, each replacement service provider under section 473.388 must report to the council its projected total operating expenses for the current deleted text begin calendardeleted text end new text begin state fiscalnew text end year and its projected operating reserve fund balance as of the previous deleted text begin Decemberdeleted text end new text begin Julynew text end 31.
(b) By deleted text begin March 1deleted text end new text begin January 15new text end each year, the council must submit a report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. The report must include:
(1) the information from each provider received under paragraph (a); and
(2) the council's projected total operating expenses for the current deleted text begin calendardeleted text end new text begin state fiscalnew text end year and its projected operating reserve fund balance as of the previous deleted text begin Decemberdeleted text end new text begin Julynew text end 31.
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies in the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington. new text end
new text begin The uniform collections policies and procedures under subdivision 10c must not allow collections of court debt, as defined in subdivision 10c, or referral of court debt to the Department of Revenue, that only arises from a single violation under section 169.06, subdivision 10, or 169.14, subdivision 13. new text end
new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2025, and expires August 1, 2029. new text end
Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, deleted text begin sectiondeleted text end new text begin sectionsnew text end 168.33new text begin and 171.061new text end , and rules adopted by the commissioner of public safety limiting sites for the office of deputy registrar new text begin or driver's license agent new text end based on either the distance to an existing deputy registrar new text begin or driver's license agent new text end office or the annual volume of transactions processed by any deputy registrar new text begin or driver's license agent new text end within Ramsey County before or after the proposed appointment, the commissioner of public safety must appoint a new private deputy registrar of motor vehicles new text begin and driver's license agent new text end to operate a new new text begin full-service new text end office deleted text begin of deputy registrardeleted text end , with full authority to function as a registration and motor vehicle tax collection bureaunew text begin or driver's license agent bureaunew text end , at or in the vicinity of the Hmong Village shopping center at 1001 Johnson Parkway in the city of St. Paul. new text begin The addition of a driver's license agent establishes the location as a full-service office with full authority to function as a registration and motor vehicle tax collection and driver's license bureau. new text end All other provisions regarding the appointment and operation of a deputy registrar of motor vehicles new text begin and driver's license agent new text end under Minnesota Statutes, deleted text begin sectiondeleted text end new text begin sectionsnew text end 168.33new text begin and 171.061new text end , and Minnesota Rules, deleted text begin chapterdeleted text end new text begin chapters 7404 andnew text end 7406, apply to the office.
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
(a) By deleted text begin November 1, 2024deleted text end new text begin January 15, 2025new text end , the commissioner of public safety must submit a report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance that identifies a process and associated policies for issuance of a mailed citation to the owner or lessee of a motor vehicle that a speed safety camera system detects is operated in violation of a speed limit.
(b) The commissioner must convene a task force to assist in the development of the report. The task force must include the Advisory Council on Traffic Safety under Minnesota Statutes, section 4.076, a representative from the Minnesota County Attorneys Association, new text begin a representative from the judicial branch, new text end and a person with expertise in data privacy and may include other members as the commissioner determines are necessary to develop the report.
(c) At a minimum, the report must include consideration and analysis of:
(1) methods to identify the owner, operator, and any lessee of the motor vehicle;
(2) compliance with federal enforcement requirements related to holders of a commercial driver's license;
(3) authority of individuals who are not peace officers to issue citations;
(4) new text begin authority of individuals who are not peace officers to issue citations electronically;new text end
new text begin (5) judicial and court administrative capacity to process violations issued under the pilot program authorized in Minnesota Statutes, section 169.147; new text end
new text begin (6) the appropriate legal classification of citations issued under a camera-based traffic enforcement system; new text end
new text begin (7) new text end data practices, including but not limited to concerns related to data privacy;
deleted text begin (5)deleted text end new text begin (8)new text end due process, an appeals process, the judicial system, and other legal issues;
deleted text begin (6)deleted text end new text begin (9)new text end technology options, constraints, and factorsnew text begin , including the implementation of electronic citationsnew text end ; and
deleted text begin (7)deleted text end new text begin (10)new text end recommendations regarding implementationdeleted text begin , including but not limited to any legislative proposal and information on implementation costsdeleted text end new text begin of the pilot program authorized in Minnesota Statutes, section 169.147new text end .
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms and the terms defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 169.147, subdivision 1, have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of transportation. new text end
new text begin (c) "Commissioners" means the commissioners of transportation and public safety. new text end
new text begin (d) "Implementing authority" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 169.147, subdivision 1, paragraph (e). new text end
new text begin (e) "Pilot program" means the traffic safety camera system pilot project established in Minnesota Statutes, section 169.147. new text end
new text begin (f) "Traffic safety camera system" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 169.011, subdivision 85a. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioner must arrange for an independent evaluation of traffic safety camera systems that includes analysis of the pilot program. By December 31, 2028, the commissioner must submit a copy of the evaluation to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. new text end
new text begin (b) The evaluation must be performed outside the Departments of Transportation and Public Safety by an entity with qualifying experience in traffic safety research. The evaluation must include any monitoring sites established by an implementing authority. new text end
new text begin (c) The commissioner must establish an evaluation methodology that provides standardized metrics and evaluation measures and enables valid statistical comparison across monitoring sites. new text end
new text begin (d) At a minimum, the evaluation must: new text end
new text begin (1) analyze the effectiveness of traffic safety camera systems in lowering travel speeds, reducing speed differentials, reducing violations of traffic-control signals, and meeting any other measures identified in the evaluation methodology; new text end
new text begin (2) perform statistical analyses of traffic speeds, crashes, injuries, fatalities, and other measurable traffic incidents; and new text end
new text begin (3) identify any changes in traffic congestion attributable to traffic safety camera systems. new text end
new text begin (a) An implementing authority under the pilot program must follow the evaluation methodology established under subdivision 2. new text end
new text begin (b) An implementing authority under the pilot program must provide information for the evaluation under subdivision 2 as requested and include the following: new text end
new text begin (1) the total number of warnings issued; new text end
new text begin (2) the total number of citations issued; new text end
new text begin (3) the number of people who opted for diversion under Minnesota Statutes, sections 169.06, subdivision 10, paragraph (b), and 169.14, subdivision 13, paragraph (b); new text end
new text begin (4) gross and net revenue received; new text end
new text begin (5) expenditures incurred; new text end
new text begin (6) a description of how the net revenue generated by the program was used; new text end
new text begin (7) total amount of any payments made to a contractor; new text end
new text begin (8) the number of employees involved in the pilot program; new text end
new text begin (9) the type of traffic safety camera system used; new text end
new text begin (10) the location of each monitoring site; new text end
new text begin (11) the activation start and stop dates of the traffic safety camera system at each monitoring site; new text end
new text begin (12) the number of citations issued, with a breakout by monitoring site; new text end
new text begin (13) the number of instances in which a traffic enforcement agent reviewed recorded video or images for a potential violation but did not issue a resulting citation; and new text end
new text begin (14) details on traffic safety camera system inspection and maintenance activities. new text end
new text begin (a) An implementing authority that operates a traffic safety camera system in a calendar year must publish a report on the authority's website on the implementation for that calendar year. The report is due by March 1 of the following calendar year. new text end
new text begin (b) At a minimum, the report must summarize the activities of the implementing authority and provide the information required under subdivision 3, paragraph (b). new text end
new text begin By January 15, 2029, the commissioners must submit a report on traffic safety camera systems to the members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. At a minimum, the report must: new text end
new text begin (1) provide a review of the pilot program; new text end
new text begin (2) provide data on citations issued under the pilot program, with breakouts by year and location; new text end
new text begin (3) summarize the results of the independent evaluation under subdivision 2; new text end
new text begin (4) evaluate any disparities in impacts under the pilot programs, including by income, by race, and in communities that are historically underrepresented in transportation planning; new text end
new text begin (5) identify fiscal impacts of implementation of traffic safety camera systems; and new text end
new text begin (6) make any recommendations regarding ongoing traffic safety camera implementation, including but not limited to any draft legislative proposal. new text end
new text begin (a) By October 1, 2029, the commissioners of transportation and public safety must submit a report on the results and findings of the work zone pilot project that utilized camera-based speed enforcement to issue warnings as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 169.147, subdivision 17. new text end
new text begin (b) At a minimum, the report must: new text end
new text begin (1) provide a review of the work zone pilot project; new text end
new text begin (2) provide data on warning notices issued by the pilot project, with breakouts by year, location, and trunk highway type; new text end
new text begin (3) evaluate any disparities in impacts under the work zone pilot project; new text end
new text begin (4) make recommendations on the calibration, installation, enforcement, administration, adjudication, and implementation of speed camera traffic enforcement in trunk highway work zones, including any statutory or legislative changes needed; and new text end
new text begin (5) make recommendations on how to integrate trunk highway work zone speed camera enforcement into the commissioner's strategies, practices, and methods to reduce vehicle speeds and enhance worker safety in work zones. new text end
new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2025. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Antidisplacement community prosperity program" or "program" means the antidisplacement community prosperity program established under section 119. new text end
new text begin (c) "Blue Line light rail transit extension corridor" or "corridor" has the meaning given in section 119. new text end
new text begin (d) "Board" means the Antidisplacement Community Prosperity Program Board established in this section. new text end
new text begin The Antidisplacement Community Prosperity Program Board is established to implement the antidisplacement community prosperity program. new text end
new text begin Subject to modification as provided in the bylaws adopted under subdivision 8, the board consists of the members of the Blue Line Extension Anti-Displacement Working Group established by Hennepin County and the Metropolitan Council, as specified in the Blue Line Extension Anti-Displacement Recommendations report published in April 2023 by the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs at the University of Minnesota. new text end
new text begin The chair of the Metropolitan Council, or a designee, is responsible for chairing the first meeting of the board. The board must elect from among its members a chair and vice-chair at the first meeting. new text end
new text begin (a) The board must establish an application process to review and approve proposed expenditures for the antidisplacement community prosperity program. An application for a proposed expenditure must receive approval from a majority of board members. The board may request information on financial disclosures from any entity or individual seeking funds under the program, including a complete independent financial audit of the entity. The board must not approve an expenditure that would violate the standard under subdivision 8, paragraph (a), clause (2). new text end
new text begin (b) The application process must evaluate proposed expenditures to determine whether the expenditure is for a qualifying purpose under section 119, subdivision 3, whether an equal amount of funds have been secured from nonstate sources as required in section 119, and whether the expenditure benefits the people along the Blue Line light rail transit extension corridor. new text end
new text begin (c) The Metropolitan Council and state and metropolitan agencies must cooperate with the board and provide information on the Blue Line light rail transit extension project in a timely manner to assist the board in conducting its business and reviewing applications for program expenditures. new text end
new text begin (d) The board must review and consult with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, the Department of Employment and Economic Development, the Department of Labor and Industry, and the Metropolitan Council on applications for prospective expenditures to identify areas of need along the project corridor and ensure expenditures achieve the qualifying purpose established in section 119, subdivision 3. new text end
new text begin The Antidisplacement Community Prosperity Program Board expires on June 30, 2030. new text end
new text begin By August 1, 2024, the board must be convened and meet a minimum of three times. On or after January 1, 2025, the board must meet at least quarterly to consider, review, and approve proposed expenditures. new text end
new text begin (a) The board must adopt bylaws related to board governance. The bylaws must establish: new text end
new text begin (1) procedures for board appointments and appointing authorities, membership, terms, removal, and vacancies; and new text end
new text begin (2) a standard and procedures for recusal and conflicts of interest. new text end
new text begin (b) Appointments to the board must not include a member of the legislature. new text end
new text begin (c) The board may adopt procedures to carry out the requirements of the program and as needed to review, approve, and facilitate applications for eligible program expenditures under section 119, subdivision 3. new text end
new text begin Board member compensation and reimbursement for expenses are governed by Minnesota Statutes, section 15.0575, subdivision 3. new text end
new text begin Hennepin County must provide meeting space, administrative support, and staff support for the board. The board must hold its meetings within one mile of the Blue Line light rail transit extension project corridor. new text end
new text begin Meetings of the board are subject to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13D. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Antidisplacement community prosperity program" or "program" means the program established under subdivision 2. new text end
new text begin (c) "Antidisplacement community prosperity program money" or "program money" means the money allocated to the program from the state. new text end
new text begin (d) "Blue Line light rail transit extension corridor" or "corridor" means the neighborhoods and communities within one mile of the route selected for the Blue Line light rail transit extension project and the neighborhoods and communities within one mile of the former Blue Line light rail transit extension project route. new text end
new text begin The antidisplacement community prosperity program is established to preserve and enhance affordable housing, small business support, job training and placement, and economic vitality and to benefit the people and sense of community along the Blue Line light rail transit extension corridor. Proposed program expenditures are reviewed and approved by the Antidisplacement Community Prosperity Program Board under section 118. new text end
new text begin Program money must only be expended for the following purposes: new text end
new text begin (1) affordable housing to support: new text end
new text begin (i) existing residents staying in place along the project corridor; and new text end
new text begin (ii) development, preservation, and access to safe affordable housing and house choice; new text end
new text begin (2) small business and community ownership support to: new text end
new text begin (i) incentivize community institutions, businesses, and community members to own property along the corridor and preserve cultural heritage; new text end
new text begin (ii) connect business owners, community institutions, and community members in the corridor to other commercial nodes; new text end
new text begin (iii) improve the business climate before, during, and after construction in the corridor; new text end
new text begin (iv) prioritize the development of spaces for small businesses; new text end
new text begin (v) support opportunities for existing businesses to stay in place and feel supported; and new text end
new text begin (vi) create opportunities for further community ownership in the corridor while preserving existing levels of ownership; new text end
new text begin (3) public space infrastructure enhancements to: new text end
new text begin (i) improve infrastructure around the project and corridor; new text end
new text begin (ii) enhance community connections to the corridor; and new text end
new text begin (iii) preserve cultural heritage in the corridor; and new text end
new text begin (4) job training and placement to increase corridor resident participation in the Blue Line light rail transit extension project and program initiatives. new text end
new text begin Expenditures funded under this section must be reviewed and approved by the Antidisplacement Community Prosperity Program Board established in section 118. The board's review must determine whether a prospective expenditure is for a qualifying purpose as provided in subdivision 3. The board must not approve an expenditure for any purpose unless the purpose has received an equal amount of funding from nonstate sources, including federal, local, Metropolitan Council, or philanthropic funding. The board is responsible for administering the program expenditure to the approved entity or individual. new text end
new text begin By February 1 of each year, the Antidisplacement Community Prosperity Program Board must submit a report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. The report must include a complete review and summary of antidisplacement community programming, including: new text end
new text begin (1) a detailed fiscal review of all expenditures, including a report on expenditures not approved by the board; new text end
new text begin (2) the criteria for determining whether a prospective expenditure is for a qualifying purpose, including a detailed analysis of the decision-making process in applying the factors set forth in subdivision 3; new text end
new text begin (3) a description of programs or activities funded with expenditures approved by the board, including any measurable outcomes achieved as a result of the funding; new text end
new text begin (4) the source and amount of money collected and distributed by the board; new text end
new text begin (5) an explanation of administrative expenses and staffing costs related to the board's administration of the program, including identifying each board member's role and responsibility; new text end
new text begin (6) detailed financial information of nonstate funding received by the board; new text end
new text begin (7) a detailed financial review of instances when the board required a complete, independent financial audit to the extent allowed under law; and new text end
new text begin (8) documentation of any identified misuse of expenditures or expenditures not deemed to be a qualified purpose under the criteria of subdivision 3. new text end
new text begin The antidisplacement community prosperity program expires on June 30, 2030. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin Subject to available funds, the commissioner of transportation must assess and undertake methods to improve and expand the Department of Transportation's community roadside landscape partnership program, including: new text end
new text begin (1) identifying and evaluating locations for partnership opportunities throughout the state where there is high traffic volume and minimal existing vegetation coverage in the form of trees or large shrubs; new text end
new text begin (2) performing outreach and engagement about the program with eligible community partners; new text end
new text begin (3) prioritizing roadsides where vegetation could reduce neighborhood noise impacts or improve aesthetics for neighborhoods that border interstate highways without regard to whether there are existing noise walls; and new text end
new text begin (4) analyzing methods to include cost sharing between the department and participating community partners for ongoing landscape maintenance. new text end
new text begin (a) Appointing authorities under Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.357, subdivision 2, must make initial appointments by May 1, 2025. new text end
new text begin (b) By May 1, 2025, the commissioner of administration must hire an executive director as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.359. new text end
new text begin (c) Following the appointments under paragraph (a) and hiring an executive director under paragraph (b), the Minnesota Advisory Council on Infrastructure established under Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.357, must undertake community engagement efforts throughout the state that include hearings to obtain comments and information related to providing for effective and efficient management of infrastructure and preserving and extending the longevity of Minnesota's public and privately owned infrastructure. new text end
new text begin The commissioner of public safety must implement a statewide public education campaign to alert drivers and the public on how motorcycles may safely overtake and pass a vehicle within the same lane or between parallel lanes. The information must be consistent with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 169.974, subdivision 5. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public safety. new text end
new text begin (c) "Deputy registrar" means a public or private deputy registrar appointed by the commissioner under Minnesota Statutes, section 168.33. new text end
new text begin (d) "Driver's license agent" means a public or private driver's license agent appointed by the commissioner under Minnesota Statutes, section 171.061. new text end
new text begin (e) "Equivalent materials" means written materials such as forms, applications, questionnaires, letters, or notices that are used to ask or order a person to provide information or to give a person information on provisions relevant to a person's rights, duties, or privileges under Minnesota Statutes, chapters 168, 168A, and 171, offered in a qualifying language. new text end
new text begin (f) "Qualifying language" means a language not in English and must include Spanish, Hmong, Somali, Karen, Russian, Vietnamese, and any other language used by significant populations within Minnesota as determined in subdivision 2. new text end
new text begin (g) "Substantial number" means 20 percent of the total number of transactions or office visits at a given deputy registrar or driver's license agent location. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioner must produce equivalent materials for distribution and use by a deputy registrar or driver's license agent to a non-English speaking person seeking the service of a deputy registrar or driver's license agent. The commissioner must translate materials in English into a qualifying language and prioritize translation of material that is distributed most frequently to the public. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioner of administration and the organizations specified in paragraph (c), must determine whether a location of an appointed deputy registrar or driver's license agent serves a substantial number of non-English speaking people and whether the non-English speaking population has access to equivalent materials in a qualifying language. If the commissioner determines a location serves a substantial number of non-English speaking people, the commissioner must notify the location and provide the equivalent materials in all qualifying languages to the deputy registrar or driver's license agent free of charge. If the commissioner determines a location serves a substantial number of non-English speaking people but the language spoken is not a qualifying language, the commissioner must produce equivalent materials for distribution and use by the location in the nonqualifying language within 30 days of its determination. new text end
new text begin (c) The commissioner must consult with the Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs, the Minnesota Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans, the Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage, and other organizations representing other non-English speaking people on the extent of services offered by a deputy registrar or driver's license agent location and whether there is need for equivalent materials at that location. The commissioner must periodically consult with the organizations specified in this paragraph to determine whether: new text end
new text begin (1) equivalent materials are required in new, nonqualifying additional languages spoken by populations within Minnesota; and new text end
new text begin (2) existing deputy registrar or driver's license agent locations are meeting the needs of non-English speaking populations in qualifying and nonqualifying languages. new text end
new text begin (d) If a non-English speaking person seeks the services of a deputy registrar or driver's license agent but the language spoken by the person is not determined to be a qualifying language, the deputy registrar or driver's license agent must determine whether the Department of Public Safety has produced those materials in the language spoken by the person. If the materials are not yet available, the Division of Driver and Vehicle Services must be notified and provide the equivalent materials in the new language within 30 days. The equivalent materials must be provided free of charge to the requester. new text end
new text begin (e) If the commissioner determines that equivalent materials are required in a new language, the commissioner must notify the organizations specified in paragraph (c) and provide notice to deputy registrars and driver's license agents of the availability of equivalent materials. The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioner of administration, must establish administrative support procedures for assisting deputy registrars and driver's license agents with requests for equivalent materials in a qualifying or nonqualifying language. new text end
new text begin By February 1, 2026, the commissioner must submit a report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. The report must detail the efforts of the Division of Driver and Vehicle Services to implement the requirements of this section and must include the following: new text end
new text begin (1) the locations of deputy registrars and driver's license agents who serve a substantial number of non-English speaking people on a yearly basis; new text end
new text begin (2) the different languages requested at locations serving a substantial number of non-English speaking people; new text end
new text begin (3) how many requests for equivalent materials in languages other than English were made but not at locations that serve a substantial number of non-English speaking people on a yearly basis; new text end
new text begin (4) the expenditures used on producing equivalent materials in languages other than English; new text end
new text begin (5) any recommended legislative changes needed to produce equivalent materials in languages other than English statewide; new text end
new text begin (6) any information or feedback from deputy registrars and driver's license agents; and new text end
new text begin (7) any information or feedback from persons who requested equivalent materials under this section. new text end
new text begin This section is effective October 1, 2024. new text end
new text begin For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given: new text end
new text begin (1) "commissioner" means the commissioner of transportation; new text end
new text begin (2) "dynamic transportation options" includes but is not limited to nonfixed route options, prearranged and dial-a-ride options arranged via telephone, digital application, or website; demand response microtransit service for last-mile connection; and private transportation companies, including but not limited to transportation network companies or taxi companies; new text end
new text begin (3) "nonmetropolitan county" means any Minnesota county other than those under Minnesota Statutes, section 473.121, subdivision 4; and new text end
new text begin (4) "wheelchair accessible vehicle" means a vehicle equipped with a ramp or lift capable of transporting nonfolding motorized wheelchairs, mobility scooters, or other mobility devices. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioner must study, in collaboration with identified stakeholders in subdivision 3, increasing access to transit and transportation options, including ridesharing or other dynamic transportation options in rural, nonmetropolitan areas. The report must identify existing gaps in transportation service in greater Minnesota. The commissioner may include the results of the report required under this section in the 2025 Greater Minnesota transit investment plan provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 174.24, subdivision 1a. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioner must outline and make recommendations on establishing a proposed rural dynamic transportation options pilot program in coordination with a rural transportation coordinating council. The proposed pilot program must attempt to increase service in the rural transportation coordinating council's area by identifying gaps in service and propose options to increase mobility, including but not limited to the use of transportation network companies or taxis with access to wheelchair accessible vehicles. The proposed pilot project plan must compare the regional transportation coordinating council's current service area versus its proposed new service area, the cost differential, and the anticipated new users of the pilot program. The proposed pilot project plan must include a timeline for deployment and what resources may be needed to implement the pilot for at least two years. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioner must develop the study in consultation with: new text end
new text begin (1) one representative from the Minnesota Council on Disability; new text end
new text begin (2) two representatives, who must be jointly selected by the American Council of the Blind of Minnesota, the National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota, and the Minnesota DeafBlind Association; new text end
new text begin (3) one representative from a transportation network company, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 65B.472, subdivision 1; new text end
new text begin (4) one representative from a taxicab company; new text end
new text begin (5) one representative with familiarity and experience in transit vehicle dispatching services and route connection expertise; new text end
new text begin (6) the executive director of the Minnesota Council on Transportation Access or a designee; new text end
new text begin (7) two representatives from a Minnesota regional transportation coordination council, one of whom must be a volunteer driver who transports persons or goods on behalf of a nonprofit organization or governmental unit using their own private passenger vehicle or a volunteer driver coordinator; new text end
new text begin (8) one county commissioner from a nonmetropolitan county; new text end
new text begin (9) a private transit or transportation services provider; new text end
new text begin (10) one representative from a transit provider who provides transportation services in a small urban area and receives funds under United States Code, title 49, section 5307; and new text end
new text begin (11) one representative from a transit provider who provides transportation services in a rural area and receives funds under United States Code, title 49, section 5311. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioner may convene an in-person meeting of stakeholders to develop the report's contents and recommendations. The commissioner is responsible for providing accessible meeting space and administrative and technical support for any stakeholder meeting to develop the report. Public members of the working group serve without compensation or payment of expenses. new text end
new text begin (c) If the groups specified in paragraph (a), clause (2), are unable to select a member to participate in the development of the report, the commissioner may appoint two members of the public who: new text end
new text begin (1) are blind, partially blind, or deafblind; and new text end
new text begin (2) possess relevant experience in transportation or transit policy or as a rider of special transportation services. new text end
new text begin At a minimum, the commissioner and the stakeholders provided in subdivision 3 must identify and analyze: new text end
new text begin (1) inefficiencies in route connections and demand response; new text end
new text begin (2) improvements in coordination across different public, private, and individual sources of transportation; new text end
new text begin (3) existing gaps in service in Greater Minnesota, including but not limited to: new text end
new text begin (i) crossing county lines; new text end
new text begin (ii) collaboration between counties; new text end
new text begin (iii) resolving local funding share issues; and new text end
new text begin (iv) vehicle availability, operating funds, staffing, and other capital issues; new text end
new text begin (4) improvements in dispatch and service time for public and private service, including an analysis of digital and voice technology commercially available to transportation providers; new text end
new text begin (5) areas of coordination to maximize the availability and use of vehicles for ambulatory people and maximizing the number of wheelchair-accessible vehicles in the program; new text end
new text begin (6) the impact of Federal Transit Administration rules on mobility service improvements; new text end
new text begin (7) the impact of Medicare services on transportation availability and options; new text end
new text begin (8) nonemergency medical transportation issues; new text end
new text begin (9) the impact of the commissioner's shared mobility work with the Moving Greater Minnesota Forward program; and new text end
new text begin (10) rural and small urban transportation funding sources and their limitations for use of each relevant source. new text end
new text begin By February 15, 2025, the commissioner of transportation must report the results of the study to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. new text end
new text begin The requirement for collaboration between the stakeholders and the commissioner expires on May 15, 2025, or upon submission of the report required under subdivision 5, whichever is earlier. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioner of transportation must, in consultation with the chair of the Metropolitan Council, perform a Metro Mobility enhancement and service study and develop recommendations to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, reliability, dignity, and experience of riders of the special transportation service under Minnesota Statutes, section 473.386. new text end
new text begin (b) The study must include: new text end
new text begin (1) an evaluation of the Metropolitan Council's efforts to deliver improvements in the reliability, effectiveness, and efficiency of services as required by state and federal law, including workforce and procurement efforts to meet the demand for Metro Mobility services; new text end
new text begin (2) an analysis of the extent to which Metro Mobility can fully meet demand for its services in both the federally defined and state-defined services areas, including a comprehensive examination of the Metropolitan Council's on-demand taxi alternative for Metro Mobility-certified riders and Metro Move services; new text end
new text begin (3) an evaluation of whether Metro Mobility met performance goals for the fulfillment of ride requests in the state-mandated service area under Minnesota Statutes, section 473.386, subdivision 1, paragraph (a); new text end
new text begin (4) an analysis of whether state service requirements in law should be amended to prohibit or restrict the denial of ride requests in the state-mandated service area and whether such a requirement in service can be met with existing resources; new text end
new text begin (5) suggested improvements to the Metropolitan Council's oversight and management of its reservation and dispatch structure and a detailed analysis and recommendations on a Metropolitan Council-operated centralized reservation system; new text end
new text begin (6) a comprehensive analysis of the Metropolitan Council's oversight and management of transit providers contracted to provide rides for Metro Mobility, including services plans, payment and bonus structure, and performance standards; new text end
new text begin (7) recommendations on the adequacy of the Metro Mobility complaints process and an evaluation of whether the Metropolitan Council receives all rider concerns and whether concerns are addressed appropriately; new text end
new text begin (8) an evaluation of the Metro Mobility enhancement pilot program instituted under Laws 2023, chapter 68, article 4, section 121; new text end
new text begin (9) an evaluation and assessment of how to implement the use of transportation network companies or taxi services to provide an enhanced service option in which riders may pay a higher fare than other users of Metro Mobility services; new text end
new text begin (10) an evaluation of the feasibility of nonsubsidized, subsidized, and tiered ride services handled by a dispatching service provider; and new text end
new text begin (11) an analysis of and recommendations for comprehensive improvements in route coordination, call sequencing and customer service, integration with transportation network company applications, and cataloging rides for maximum efficiency and driver compensation. new text end
new text begin (c) The Metropolitan Council must cooperate with the Department of Transportation and provide information requested in a timely fashion to implement and conduct the study. new text end
new text begin (d) The commissioner must consult with interested parties and stakeholders in conducting the service study and report, including representatives from the Minnesota Council on Disability, American Council of the Blind of Minnesota, the Minnesota DeafBlind Association, the National Federation of the Blind's Minnesota chapter, metro-area private transportation companies, identified riders of Metro Mobility, transit providers, Metro Mobility drivers, the Board on Aging, the Department of Human Services, and any other interested party with experience in providing mobility services for disabled persons. new text end
new text begin (e) By February 15, 2026, the commissioner must submit the report and findings to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. new text end
new text begin (a) By December 15, 2024, the commissioner of transportation must conduct a study on the establishment of a standing committee to evaluate and authorize designations of highways and bridges on the trunk highway system. new text end
new text begin (b) At a minimum, the study required in paragraph (a) must: new text end
new text begin (1) evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of establishing a standing committee with authority to review proposals for designation of memorial highways and bridges on the trunk highway system and approve a designation without enactment of a law that specifies the designation in the manner under Minnesota Statutes, section 161.14; new text end
new text begin (2) propose criteria for a standing committee to evaluate each designation proposal, with consideration of public interest, community support, and the locations of existing designations; new text end
new text begin (3) examine whether other states have adopted similar review committees and identify any best practices or other considerations; new text end
new text begin (4) evaluate the potential costs or benefits to authorizing establishment of designations as provided under clause (1); new text end
new text begin (5) assess the required resources, staffing, and administrative support needed to establish and maintain the standing committee; and new text end
new text begin (6) recommend draft legislation. new text end
new text begin (c) The commissioner must submit the results of the study to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Active transportation advisory committee" means the committee established in Minnesota Statutes, section 174.375. new text end
new text begin (c) "Advisory Council on Traffic Safety" means the advisory council established in Minnesota Statutes, section 4.076. new text end
new text begin (d) "Commissioners" means the commissioner of public safety and the commissioner of transportation. new text end
new text begin (e) "Electric-assisted bicycle" has the meaning given in Minnesota Statutes, section 169.011, subdivision 27. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioners must conduct a study and develop recommendations on the operation of electric-assisted bicycles by persons under the age of 18 to increase the safety of riders, other cyclists, and all other users of active transportation infrastructure. The commissioners must conduct the study jointly with the active transportation advisory committee and the Advisory Council on Traffic Safety. new text end
new text begin (b) The study required under paragraph (a) must: new text end
new text begin (1) identify challenges to the safe operation of electric-assisted bicycles by those under the age of 18; new text end
new text begin (2) evaluate existing legal authority for strategies, practices, and methods to reduce the availability of modifications to the electric motor of electric-assisted bicycles; new text end
new text begin (3) make recommendations on whether to change state law to improve electric-assisted bicycle safety on roads, trails, and other areas where safe operation of electric-assisted bicycles is needed; and new text end
new text begin (4) propose educational and public awareness campaigns to educate the public about electric-assisted bicycles, promote their safe operation, and raise awareness of their unique characteristics when operating on roadways. new text end
new text begin (c) In conducting the study with the Advisory Council on Traffic Safety and the active transportation advisory committee, the commissioners must consult with interested stakeholders, including but not limited to: new text end
new text begin (1) active transportation and bicycling advocates; new text end
new text begin (2) local elected officials; new text end
new text begin (3) retailers and manufacturers of electric-assisted bicycles; new text end
new text begin (4) the Department of Natural Resources; new text end
new text begin (5) the Department of Commerce; new text end
new text begin (6) E-12 educators with experience in active transportation safety training; new text end
new text begin (7) medical professionals and emergency medical technicians; new text end
new text begin (8) the State Patrol and local law enforcement; and new text end
new text begin (9) consumer protection advocates. new text end
new text begin By February 1, 2026, the commissioners must submit the study conducted under this section to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. new text end
new text begin (b) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public safety. new text end
new text begin (c) "Deputy registrar" means a public or private deputy registrar appointed by the commissioner under Minnesota Statutes, section 168.33. new text end
new text begin (d) "Driver's license agent" means a public or private driver's license agent appointed by the commissioner under Minnesota Statutes, section 171.061. new text end
new text begin The commissioner must conduct a driver's license agent and deputy registrar open bidding process study. The study must evaluate and analyze the appointment process for a replacement deputy registrar or driver's license agent when an appointed deputy registrar or driver's license agent closes an approved office location. At a minimum, the study must evaluate the requirements established in Minnesota Statutes, sections 168.33, subdivision 8b, and 171.061, subdivision 5a, and must include: new text end
new text begin (1) the commissioner's proposal to establish a competitive bidding process to appoint a replacement deputy registrar or driver's license agent at an existing approved office location or approved replacement location; new text end
new text begin (2) recommended legislation to establish, implement, administer, and enforce a competitive bidding process and its requirements in statute; new text end
new text begin (3) an analysis of how the competitive bidding process would interact with the commissioner's existing rules on deputy registrar and driver's license agent office locations and propose recommendations to reconcile any issues; new text end
new text begin (4) the effect of a competitive bidding process on service outcomes, financial sustainability, and needed financial assistance for deputy registrars and driver's license agents; new text end
new text begin (5) how a competitive bidding process would initiate business development for persons who are seeking appointment as a deputy registrar or driver's license agent; new text end
new text begin (6) the expected fiscal impact for creating and administering a competitive bidding process; new text end
new text begin (7) an evaluation and recommendations on the impact of implementing a competitive bidding process on existing deputy registrar and driver's license agent locations; and new text end
new text begin (8) feedback solicited from existing deputy registrars and driver's license agents on the commissioner's proposal. new text end
new text begin By February 1, 2025, the commissioner must complete the study and report the results of the study to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. The report must include proposed legislation to establish and implement the competitive bidding process required in Minnesota Statutes, sections 168.33, subdivision 8b, and 171.061, subdivision 5a. new text end
new text begin (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given: new text end
new text begin (1) "commissioner" means the commissioner of transportation; and new text end
new text begin (2) "wayside detector" or "wayside detector system" means one or more electronic devices that: new text end
new text begin (i) perform automated scanning of passing trains, rolling stock, and on-track equipment to detect defects or precursors to defects in equipment or component parts; and new text end
new text begin (ii) provide notification to individuals of a defect or precursor to a defect. new text end
new text begin (b) The commissioner must conduct a comprehensive study on wayside detector systems and other rail inspection technologies. The commissioner must engage with the governor's Council on Freight Rail under Executive Order 24-02 to consider and review issues related to wayside detectors, including analyzing existing federal regulations and guidance, incidents and performance data, safety complaints, and best practices. new text end
new text begin (c) The study must: new text end
new text begin (1) identify current practices for defect notification to train crews; new text end
new text begin (2) identify current practices for wayside detector systems or other inspection technology deployment and maintenance; new text end
new text begin (3) analyze deployed and emerging wayside detector system technology, including known detector types and quantities and may include but is not limited to the following inspection technologies: new text end
new text begin (i) acoustic bearing detectors; new text end
new text begin (ii) hot box detectors; new text end
new text begin (iii) wheel tread inspection detectors; new text end
new text begin (iv) wheel impact load detectors; new text end
new text begin (v) wheel temperature detectors; new text end
new text begin (vi) wheel profile detectors; and new text end
new text begin (vii) machine vision systems; new text end
new text begin (4) analyze wayside detector systems' impacts on railroad safety and identify accidents and incident trends of rolling stock or other conditions monitored by wayside detectors; new text end
new text begin (5) estimate costs of requiring wayside detector systems for Class II and Class III railroads and rail carriers and identify potential state funding mechanisms to institute the requirements; new text end
new text begin (6) include a federal preemption analysis of mandating wayside detector systems under state law that includes an analysis and examination of federal law, case law, and federal guidance; new text end
new text begin (7) analyze the costs and impacts, if any, on the transport of goods on certain Minnesota industries and sectors, including agriculture, taconite mining, manufacturing, timber, retail, and automotive, if implementation of a wayside detector system is required in Minnesota; and new text end
new text begin (8) review current and anticipated Federal Railroad Administration efforts to regulate wayside detector systems, including guidance from the federal Railroad Safety Advisory Committee on wayside detectors. new text end
new text begin (d) By January 15, 2026, the commissioner must submit a joint report with the governor's Council on Freight Rail on the study to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation, commerce, and civil law policy and finance. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) The commissioners of public safety and transportation must jointly conduct a study to address commercial driver shortages in transportation and transit sectors and propose recommendations to address the challenges posed by driver shortages and the attrition rate of commercial vehicle drivers in Minnesota. The study must comprehensively examine challenges in test access, workforce development, driver compensation and retention, training and certification offered by postsecondary institutions, and how each of those challenges may be addressed by the legislature or other state regulatory action. new text end
new text begin (b) In conducting the study, the commissioners must consult with stakeholders involved in the training, certification, licensing, development, and education of commercial drivers, including but not limited to representatives from trucking companies, freight and logistics companies, transit and bus operators, labor unions representing commercial motor vehicle drivers, public and private commercial driver's license testing providers and behind-the-wheel instructors, or any other entity that may assist the commissioners in conducting the study. Stakeholders must assist the commissioners to identify key issues or policies that warrant further examination, address or clarify competing claims across industries, provide analysis on the reasons behind an operator shortage in Minnesota, and identify ways to increase driver access, participation, and retention in commercial driving operations. new text end
new text begin (c) The commissioners must also consult with the commissioners of labor and industry, commerce, and employment and economic development; Metro Transit; the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota; and the Board of Trustees of the State Colleges and Universities of Minnesota in conducting the study and developing the report to the legislature. new text end
new text begin (d) The commissioners must convene an initial meeting with stakeholders and representatives from the agencies specified in paragraph (c) by July 15, 2024, to prepare for the study, identify areas of examination, and establish a solicitation process for public comment on the report. The public notification process required under this paragraph must attempt to solicit participation from the public on commercial driver shortage and workforce issues and include those comments in the report required under paragraph (f). The commissioners must convene at least six meetings before publication of the report. new text end
new text begin (e) The commissioner of transportation is responsible for providing meeting space and administrative services for meetings with stakeholders in developing the report required under this section. Public members of the working group serve without compensation or payment of expenses. The commissioner of transportation must host the public notification, participation, and comment requirements under paragraph (d) on its website and use the information in preparing the study. new text end
new text begin (f) By February 15, 2025, the commissioners must submit the results of the study, stakeholder and public comments, and recommended legislative changes to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) By February 15, 2025, the commissioner of public safety must conduct a comprehensive study on the establishment of a standing committee in the Division of Driver and Vehicle Services to review and approve proposals for special license plates. The study must also evaluate potential improvements to the current statutory and legislative process for approving specialty license plates, including removal and delegation of legislative authority in the approval of new special license plates. new text end
new text begin (b) The study required in paragraph (a) must: new text end
new text begin (1) evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of establishing a standing committee tasked with reviewing and approving proposals for special license plates; new text end
new text begin (2) propose criteria for a standing committee to evaluate each special license plate proposal based on criteria such as public interest, community support, relevance to the purpose of special license plates, and potential revenue generation; new text end
new text begin (3) assess the current statutory process for approving special license plates, including Minnesota Statutes, section 168.1293, and include suggested improvements to the statutory language to improve transparency, accountability, and public input in the special license plate process; new text end
new text begin (4) analyze the roles and responsibilities of relevant stakeholders, including the legislature, the Department of Public Safety, community organizations, or other interested parties involved in the current approval, creation, and distribution of special license plates in Minnesota; new text end
new text begin (5) examine other states that have adopted similar review committees for special license plates; new text end
new text begin (6) evaluate the potential costs or benefits to removing legislative authority to approve special license plates, including a detailed analysis of fiscal considerations; new text end
new text begin (7) evaluate whether the creation of a standing committee for review of special license plates would have any impact on rules currently adopted and enforced by the commissioner, including Minnesota Rules, part 7403.0500; new text end
new text begin (8) evaluate whether the standing committee should be responsible for monitoring the implementation and usage of approved special license plates and recommend any necessary modifications or discontinuations to existing special license plates; new text end
new text begin (9) assess the required resources, staffing, and administrative support needed to establish and maintain the standing committee; and new text end
new text begin (10) provide any other recommendations to the potential improvement to the special license plate process, including design, implementation, and public engagement. new text end
new text begin (c) The commissioner must submit the results of the study to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over transportation policy and finance. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) The revisor of statutes must recodify Minnesota Statutes, section 169.21, subdivision 6, as Minnesota Statutes, section 171.0701, subdivision 1b. The revisor must correct any cross-references made necessary by this recodification. new text end
new text begin (b) The revisor of statutes must recodify Minnesota Statutes, section 473.3927, subdivision 1, as Minnesota Statutes, section 473.3927, subdivision 1b. The revisor must correct any cross-references made necessary by this recodification. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 168.1297, new text end new text begin is repealed. new text end
Section text begin APPROPRIATIONS. new text end |
new text begin The sums shown in the columns under "Appropriations" are added to the appropriations in Laws 2023, chapter 53, or other law to the specified agency. The appropriations are from the general fund, or another named fund, and are available for the fiscal years indicated for each purpose. The figures "2024" and "2025" used in this article mean that the appropriations listed under them are available for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, or June 30, 2025, respectively. "The first year" is fiscal year 2024. "The second year" is fiscal year 2025. "The biennium" is fiscal years 2024 and 2025. new text end
new text begin APPROPRIATIONS new text end | ||||||
new text begin Available for the Year new text end | ||||||
new text begin Ending June 30 new text end | ||||||
new text begin 2024 new text end | new text begin 2025 new text end |
Sec. text begin DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH new text end |
new text begin $ new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 174,000 new text end |
new text begin $174,000 the second year is for technical assistance for rulemaking for acceptable blood lead levels for workers. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2026. new text end
new text begin $ new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 9,651,000 new text end |
new text begin (a) $9,000,000 the second year is for a grant to Tending the Soil, to design, redesign, renovate, construct, furnish, and equip the Rise Up Center, a building located in Minneapolis, that will house a workforce development and job training center, administrative offices, and a public gathering space. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2029. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.98, subdivision 14, the commissioner may use up to one percent of this appropriation for administrative costs. new text end
new text begin (b) $651,000 the second year is for implementation of the broadband provisions in article 13. new text end
Sec. text begin PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION new text end |
new text begin $ new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 39,000 new text end |
new text begin $39,000 the second year is for investigation and enforcement of conduct by or on behalf of telecommunications carriers, telephone companies, or cable communications system providers that impacts public utility or cooperative electric association infrastructure. new text end
Sec. text begin DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE new text end |
new text begin $ new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 143,000 new text end |
new text begin $143,000 the second year is for the disclosure and records management unit to work on agency-to-agency data-sharing agreements related to worker misclassification. This is a onetime appropriation. new text end
Sec. text begin ATTORNEY GENERAL new text end |
new text begin $ new text end | new text begin -0- new text end | new text begin $ new text end | new text begin 49,000 new text end |
new text begin $49,000 the second year is to represent the Department of Labor and Industry in contested case hearings related to worker misclassification. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026. The base for this appropriation is $98,000 in fiscal year 2027 and each year thereafter. new text end
(a) $1,445,000 in fiscal year 2024 and deleted text begin $2,209,000deleted text end new text begin $1,899,000new text end in fiscal year 2025 are appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of labor and industry for enforcement and other duties regarding earned sick and safe time under Minnesota Statutes, sections 181.9445 to 181.9448, and chapter 177. deleted text begin The base for this appropriation is $1,899,000 for fiscal year 2026 and each year thereafter.deleted text end
(b) $300,000 in fiscal year 2024 and $300,000 in fiscal year 2025 are appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of labor and industry for grants to community organizations under Minnesota Statutes, section 177.50, subdivision 4. This is a onetime appropriation.
new text begin (c) $310,000 in fiscal year 2025 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of labor and industry for rulemaking related to earned sick and safe time under Minnesota Statutes, sections 181.9445 to 181.9448, and chapter 177. This is a onetime appropriation and is available until June 30, 2027. new text end
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
Subdivision 1.Total Appropriation |
$ | 47,710,000 | $ |
deleted text begin
deleted text end
new text begin 45,017,000 new text end |
Appropriations by Fund | ||
2024 | 2025 | |
General | 7,200,000 |
deleted text begin
deleted text end
new text begin 5,522,000 new text end |
Workers' Compensation | 30,599,000 | deleted text begin 32,390,000 deleted text end new text begin 32,669,000 new text end |
Workforce Development | 9,911,000 | deleted text begin 6,765,000deleted text end new text begin 6,826,000new text end |
The amounts that may be spent for each purpose are specified in the following subdivisions. The general fund base for this appropriation is deleted text begin $4,936,000deleted text end new text begin $5,150,000new text end in fiscal year 2026 and deleted text begin $4,958,000deleted text end new text begin $5,169,000new text end in fiscal year 2027 and each year thereafter. The workers compensation fund base is deleted text begin $32,749,000deleted text end new text begin $32,892,000new text end in fiscal year 2026 and $32,458,000 in fiscal year 2027 and each year thereafter. The workforce development fund base is deleted text begin $6,765,000deleted text end new text begin $6,826,000new text end in fiscal year 2026 and each year thereafter.
Subd. 3.Labor Standards |
6,520,000 |
deleted text begin
deleted text end
new text begin 6,964,000 new text end |
Appropriations by Fund | ||
General | 4,957,000 |
deleted text begin
deleted text end
new text begin 5,268,000 new text end |
Workforce Development | 1,563,000 | deleted text begin 1,635,000deleted text end new text begin 1,696,000new text end |
The general fund base for this appropriation is deleted text begin $4,682,000deleted text end new text begin $4,896,000new text end in fiscal year 2026 and deleted text begin $4,704,000deleted text end new text begin $4,915,000new text end in fiscal year 2027 and each year thereafter.
(a) $2,046,000 each year is for wage theft prevention.
(b) $1,563,000 the first year and deleted text begin $1,635,000deleted text end new text begin $1,696,000new text end the second year are from the workforce development fund for prevailing wage enforcement.
(c) $134,000 the first year and $134,000 the second year are for outreach and enforcement efforts related to changes to the nursing mothers, lactating employees, and pregnancy accommodations law.
(d) $661,000 the first year and $357,000 the second year are to perform work for the Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board. The base for this appropriation is $404,000 in fiscal year 2026 and $357,000 in fiscal year 2027.
(e) $225,000 the first year and $169,000 the second year are for the purposes of the Safe Workplaces for Meat and Poultry Processing Workers Act.
(f) $27,000 the first year is for the creation and distribution of a veterans' benefits and services poster under Minnesota Statutes, section 181.536.
new text begin (g) $141,000 the second year is to inform and educate employers relating to Minnesota Statutes, section 181.960. new text end
new text begin (h) $56,000 the second year is for education and training related to employee misclassification. The base for this appropriation is $70,000 in fiscal year 2026 and each fiscal year thereafter. new text end
new text begin (i) From the general fund appropriation for this purpose, $436,000 in the second year is available through June 30, 2027. new text end
Subd. 5.Workplace Safetynew text begin new text end |
8,644,000 |
deleted text begin
deleted text end
new text begin 7,838,000 new text end |
Appropriations by Fund | ||
General | 2,000,000 | -0- |
Workers' Compensation | 6,644,000 |
deleted text begin
deleted text end
new text begin 7,838,000 new text end |
The workers compensation fund base for this appropriation is deleted text begin $7,918,000deleted text end new text begin $8,061,000new text end in fiscal year 2026 and $7,627,000 in fiscal year 2027 and each year thereafter.
$2,000,000 the first year is for the ergonomics safety grant program. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2026. This is a onetime appropriation.
$ | 3,707,000 | $ | 3,789,000 |
deleted text begin (a)deleted text end $750,000 each year is for purposes of the Public Employment Relations Board under Minnesota Statutes, section 179A.041.
deleted text begin (b) $68,000 each year is for grants to area labor management committees. Grants may be awarded for a 12-month period beginning July 1 each year. Any unencumbered balance remaining at the end of the first year does not cancel but is available for the second year. deleted text end
deleted text begin (c) $47,000 each year is for rulemaking, staffing, and other costs associated with peace officer grievance procedures. deleted text end
new text begin This section is effective retroactively from July 1, 2023. new text end
(a) The commissioner may adopt rules that include standards for the physical examination and condition of combatants and referees.
(b) The commissioner may adopt other rules necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter, including, but not limited to, the conduct of all combative sport contests and their manner, supervision, time, and place.
(c) The most recent version of the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts, as promulgated by the Association of Boxing Commissions, is incorporated by reference and made a part of this chapter except as qualified by this chapter and Minnesota Rules, chapter 2202. In the event of a conflict between this chapter and the Unified Rules, this chapter must govern.
(d) The most recent version of the Unified Rules of Boxing, as promulgated by the Association of Boxing Commissions, is incorporated by reference and made a part of this chapter except as qualified by this chapter and Minnesota Rules, chapter 2201. In the event of a conflict between this chapter and the Unified Rules, this chapter must govern.
(e) The most recent version of the Unified Rules of Kickboxingnew text begin and Unified Rules of Muay Thainew text end , as promulgated by the Association of Boxing Commissions, deleted text begin isdeleted text end new text begin arenew text end incorporated by reference and made a part of this chapter except as qualified by this chapter and any applicable Minnesota Rules. In the event of a conflict between this chapter and deleted text begin the Unified Rulesdeleted text end new text begin those rulesnew text end , this chapter must text begin If a promoter seeks to hold a kickboxing event governed by a different set of kickboxing rules, the promoter must send the commissioner a copy of the rules under which the proposed bouts will be conducted at least 45 days before the event. The commissioner may approve or deny the use of the alternative rules at the commissioner's discretion. If the alternative rules are approved for an event, this chapter and any applicable Minnesota Rules, except of those incorporating the Unified Rules of Kickboxing and Unified Rules of Muay Thai, must govern if there is a conflict between the rules and Minnesota text end
(a) Unless this chapter specifically states otherwise, contests or exhibitions for martial arts and amateur boxing are exempt from the requirements of this chapter and officials at these events are not required to be licensed under this chapter.
(b) Martial arts and amateur boxing contests, unless subject to the exceptions set forth in subdivision 6new text begin or 7new text end , must be regulated by a nationally recognized organization approved by the commissioner. The organization must have a set of written standards, procedures, or rules used to sanction the combative sports it oversees.
(c) Any regulatory body overseeing a martial arts or amateur boxing event must submit bout results to the commissioner within 72 hours after the event. If the regulatory body issues suspensions, the regulatory body must submit to the commissioner a list of any suspensions resulting from the event within 72 hours after the event. Regulatory bodies that oversee combative sports or martial arts contests under subdivision 6new text begin or 7new text end are not subject to this paragraph.
new text begin Combative sports or martial arts contests between individuals under the age of 18 years are exempt from the requirements of this chapter and officials at these events are not required to be licensed under this chapter. A contest under this subdivision must be regulated by (1) a widely recognized organization that regularly oversees youth competition, or (2) a local government. new text end
The commissioner shall:
(1) have sole direction, supervision, regulation, control, and jurisdiction over all combative sport contests that are held within this state unless a contest is exempt from the application of this chapter under federal law;
(2) have sole control, authority, and jurisdiction over all licenses required by this chapter;
(3) grant a license to an applicant if, in the judgment of the commissioner, the financial responsibility, experience, character, and general fitness of the applicant are consistent with the public interestdeleted text begin , convenience, or necessitydeleted text end andnew text begin innew text end the best interests of combative sports and conforms with this chapter and the commissioner's rules;
(4) deny, suspend, or revoke a license using the enforcement provisions of section 326B.082, except that the licensing reapplication time frames remain within the sole discretion of the commissioner; and
(5) serve final nonlicensing orders in performing the duties of this chapter which are subject to the contested case procedures provided in sections 14.57 to 14.69.
(a) Before the commissioner issues a promoter's license to an individual, corporation, or other business entity, the applicant shall complete a licensing application on the Office of Combative Sports website or on forms prescribed by the commissioner and shall:
(1) show on the licensing application the owner or owners of the applicant entity and the percentage of interest held by each owner holding a 25 percent or more interest in the applicant;
(2) provide the commissioner with a copy of the latest financial statement of the applicant;
(3) provide proof, where applicable, of authorization to do business in the state of Minnesota; and
(4) deposit with the commissioner a surety bond in an amount set by the commissioner, which must not be less than $10,000. The bond shall be executed in favor of this state and shall be conditioned on the faithful performance by the promoter of the promoter's obligations under this chapter and the rules adopted under it.
(b) Before the commissioner issues a license to a combatant, the applicant shall:
(1) submit to the commissioner the results of current medical examinations on forms prescribed by the commissioner that state that the combatant is cleared to participate in a combative sport contest. The applicant must undergo and submit the results of the following medical examinations, which do not exempt a combatant from the requirements in section 341.33:
(i) a physical examination performed by a licensed medical doctor, doctor of osteopathic medicine, advance practice nurse practitioner, or a physician assistant. Physical examinations are valid for one year from the date of the exam;
(ii) an ophthalmological examination performed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist that includes dilation designed to detect any retinal defects or other damage or a condition of the eye that could be aggravated by combative sports. Ophthalmological examinations are valid for one year from the date of the exam;
(iii) blood work results for HBsAg (Hepatitis B surface antigen), HCV (Hepatitis C antibody), and HIV. Blood work results are good for one year from the date blood was drawn. The commissioner shall not issue a license to an applicant submitting positive test results for HBsAg, HCV, or HIV; and
(iv) other appropriate neurological or physical examinations before any contest, if the commissioner determines that the examination is desirable to protect the health of the combatant;
(2) complete a licensing application on the Office of Combative Sports website or on forms prescribed by the commissioner; and
(3) provide proof that the applicant is 18 years of age. Acceptable proof is a photo driver's license, state photo identification card, passport, or birth certificate combined with additional photo identification.
new text begin (c) Before the commissioner issues an amateur combatant license to an individual, the applicant must submit proof of qualifications that includes at a minimum: (1) an applicant's prior bout history and evidence showing that the applicant has completed at least six months of training in a combative sport; or (2) a letter of recommendation from a coach or trainer. new text end
new text begin (d) Before the commissioner issues a professional combatant license to an individual, the applicant must submit proof of qualifications that includes an applicant's prior bout history showing the applicant has competed in at least four sanctioned combative sports contests. If the applicant has not competed in at least four sanctioned combative sports contests, the commissioner may still grant the applicant a license if the applicant provides evidence demonstrating that the applicant has sufficient skills and experience in combative sports or martial arts to compete as a professional combatant. new text end
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end Before the commissioner issues a license to a referee, judge, or timekeeper, the applicant must submit proof of qualifications that may include certified training from the Association of Boxing Commissions, licensure with other regulatory bodies, professional references, or a log of bouts worked.
deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (f)new text end Before the commissioner issues a license to a ringside physician, the applicant must submit proof that they are licensed to practice medicine in the state of Minnesota and in good standing.
(a) The fee schedule for professional and amateur licenses issued by the commissioner is as follows:
(1) referees, $25;
(2) promoters, $700;
(3) judges and knockdown judges, $25;
(4) trainers and seconds, $40;
(5) timekeepers, $25;
(6) professional combatants, $70;
(7) amateur combatants, $35; and
(8) ringside physicians, $25.
All license fees shall be paid no later than the weigh-in prior to the contest. No license may be issued until all prelicensure requirements in section 341.30 are satisfied and fees are paid.
(b) A promoter or event organizer of an event regulated by the Department of Labor and Industry must pay, per event, a combative sport contest fee deleted text begin ofdeleted text end new text begin .new text end
new text begin (c) If the promoter sells tickets for the event, the event fee isnew text end $1,500 deleted text begin per eventdeleted text end or four percent of the gross ticket sales, whichever is greater. The fee must be paid as follows:
(1) $500 at the time the combative sport contest is schedulednew text begin , which is nonrefundablenew text end ;
(2) $1,000 at the weigh-in prior to the contest;
(3) if four percent of the gross ticket sales is greater than $1,500, the balance is due to the commissioner within 14 days of the completed contest; and
(4) the value of all complimentary tickets distributed for an event, to the extent they exceed five percent of total event attendance, counts toward gross tickets sales for the purposes of determining a combative sports contest fee. For purposes of this clause, the lowest advertised ticket price shall be used to calculate the value of complimentary tickets.
new text begin (d) If the promoter does not sell tickets and receives only a flat payment from a venue to administer the event, the event fee is $1,500 per event or four percent of the flat payment, whichever is greater. The fee must be paid as follows: new text end
new text begin (1) $500 at the time the combative sport contest is scheduled, which is nonrefundable; new text end
new text begin (2) $1,000 at the weigh-in prior to the contest; and new text end
new text begin (3) if four percent of the flat payment is greater than $1,500, the balance is due to the commissioner within 14 days of the completed contest. new text end
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end All fees and penalties collected by the commissioner must be deposited in the commissioner account in the special revenue fund.
new text begin The commissioner may, if the commissioner determines that doing so would be desirable to protect the health of a combatant, provide the combatant's medical information collected under this chapter to the physician conducting a prebout exam under this section or to the ringside physician or physicians assigned to the combatant's combative sports contest. new text end
new text begin All health records collected, created, or maintained under this chapter are private data on individuals, as defined in section 13.02, subdivision 12. new text end
When the commissioner finds that a person has violated one or more provisions of any statute, rule, or order that the commissioner is empowered to regulate, enforce, or issue, the commissioner may impose, for each violation, a civil penalty of up to $10,000 for each violation, or a civil penalty that deprives the person of any economic advantage gained by the violation, or both. The commissioner may also impose these penalties against a person who has violated section 341.28, subdivision 5, paragraph (b) or (c)new text begin , or subdivision 7new text end .
(a) Subject to paragraphs (c) and (d) and sections 326B.101 to 326B.194, the commissioner shall by rule and in consultation with the Construction Codes Advisory Council establish a code of standards for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, and repair of buildings, governing matters of structural materials, design and construction, fire protection, health, sanitation, and safety, including design and construction standards regarding heat loss control, illumination, and climate control. The code must also include duties and responsibilities for code administration, including procedures for administrative action, penalties, and suspension and revocation of certification. The code must conform insofar as practicable to model building codes generally accepted and in use throughout the United States, including a code for building conservation. In the preparation of the code, consideration must be given to the existing statewide specialty codes presently in use in the state. Model codes with necessary modifications and statewide specialty codes may be adopted by reference. The code must be based on the application of scientific principles, approved tests, and professional judgment. To the extent possible, the code must be adopted in terms of desired results instead of the means of achieving those results, avoiding wherever possible the incorporation of specifications of particular methods or materials. To that end the code must encourage the use of new methods and new materials. Except as otherwise provided in sections 326B.101 to 326B.194, the commissioner shall administer and enforce the provisions of those sections.
(b) The commissioner shall develop rules addressing the plan review fee assessed to similar buildings without significant modifications including provisions for use of building systems as specified in the industrial/modular program specified in section 326B.194. Additional plan review fees associated with similar plans must be based on costs commensurate with the direct and indirect costs of the service.
(c) Beginning with the 2018 edition of the model building codes and every six years thereafter, the commissioner shall review the new model building codes and adopt the model codes as amended for use in Minnesota, within two years of the published edition date. The commissioner may adopt amendments to the building codes prior to the adoption of the new building codes to advance construction methods, technology, or materials, or, where necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public, or to improve the efficiency or the use of a building.
(d) Notwithstanding paragraph (c), the commissioner shall act on each new model residential energy code and the new model commercial energy code in accordance with federal law for which the United States Department of Energy has issued an affirmative determination in compliance with United States Code, title 42, section 6833. The commissioner may adopt amendments prior to adoption of the new energy codes, as amended for use in Minnesota, to advance construction methods, technology, or materials, or, where necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public, or to improve the efficiency or use of a building.
(e) Beginning in 2024, the commissioner shall act on the new model commercial energy code by adopting each new published edition of ASHRAE 90.1 or a more efficient standard. The commercial energy code in effect in 2036 and thereafter must achieve an 80 percent reduction in annual net energy consumption or greater, using the ASHRAE 90.1-2004 as a baseline. The commissioner shall adopt commercial energy codes from 2024 to 2036 that incrementally move toward achieving the 80 percent reduction in annual net energy consumption. By January 15 of the year following each new code adoption, the commissioner shall make a report on progress under this section to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over the energy code.
(f) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to limit the ability of a public utility to offer code support programs, or to claim energy savings resulting from such programs, through its energy conservation and optimization plans approved by the commissioner of commerce under section 216B.241 or an energy conservation and optimization plan filed by a consumer-owned utility under section 216B.2403.
new text begin (g) Beginning in 2026, the commissioner shall act on the new model residential energy code by adopting each new published edition of the International Energy Conservation Code or a more efficient standard. The residential energy code in effect in 2038 and thereafter must achieve a 70 percent reduction in annual net energy consumption or greater, using the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code State Level Residential Codes Energy Use Index for Minnesota, as published by the United States Department of Energy's Building Energy Codes Program, as a baseline. The commissioner shall adopt residential energy codes from 2026 to 2038 that incrementally move toward achieving the 70 percent reduction in annual net energy consumption. By January 15 of the year following each new code adoption, the commissioner shall submit a report on progress under this section to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over the energy code. new text end
The commissioner shall not pay compensation from the fund to an owner or a lessee in an amount greater than deleted text begin $75,000deleted text end new text begin $100,000new text end per licensee. The commissioner shall not pay compensation from the fund to owners and lessees in an amount that totals more than $550,000 per licensee. The commissioner shall only pay compensation from the fund for a final judgment that is based on a contract directly between the licensee and the homeowner or lessee that was entered into prior to the cause of action and that requires licensure as a residential building contractor or residential remodeler.
new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2024. new text end
(a) A person appointed to the arbitrator roster under this section must complete training as required by the commissioner during the person's appointment. At a minimum, an initial training must include:
(1) at least six hours on the topics of cultural competency, racism, implicit bias, and recognizing and valuing community diversity and cultural differences; and
(2) at least six hours on topics related to the daily experience of peace officers, which may include ride-alongs with on-duty officers or other activities that provide exposure to the environments, choices, and judgments required of officers in the field.
new text begin (b) new text end The commissioner may adopt rules establishing training requirements consistent with this subdivision.
deleted text begin (b) An arbitrator appointed to the roster of arbitrators in 2020 must complete the required initial training by July 1, 2021.deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end An arbitrator appointed to the roster of arbitrators after 2020 must complete the required initial training within six months of the arbitrator's appointment.
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (d) The Bureau of Mediation Services must pay fornew text end all costs associated with the required training deleted text begin must be borne by the arbitratordeleted text end .
new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end
new text begin (a) new text end new text begin Minnesota Statutes 2022, sections 179.81; 179.82; 179.83, subdivision 1; 179.84, subdivision 1; and 179.85, new text end new text begin are repealed. new text end
new text begin (b) new text end new text begin Minnesota Rules, parts 5520.0100; 5520.0110; 5520.0120, subparts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; 5520.0200; 5520.0250, subparts 1, 2, and 4; 5520.0300; 5520.0500, subparts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; 5520.0520; 5520.0540; 5520.0560; 5520.0600; 5520.0620; 5520.0700; 5520.0710; and 5520.0800, new text end new text begin are repealed. new text end
(a) new text begin Notwithstanding classification by any other provision of this chapter upon request from an exclusive representative,new text end personnel data must be disseminated to labor organizations and the Public Employment Relations Board to the extent necessary to conduct elections, investigate and process grievances, and implement the provisions of chapters 179 and 179A.
new text begin (b)new text end Personnel data shall be disseminated to labor organizations, the Public Employment Relations Board, and the Bureau of Mediation Services to the extent the dissemination is ordered or authorized by the commissioner of the Bureau of Mediation Services or the Public Employment Relations Board or its employees or agents. Employee Social Security numbers are not necessary to implement the provisions of chapters 179 and 179A.
deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end Personnel data described under section 179A.07, subdivision 8, must be disseminated to an exclusive representative under the terms of that subdivision.
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end An employer who disseminates personnel data to a labor organization pursuant to this subdivision shall not be subject to liability under section 13.08. Nothing in this paragraph shall impair or limit any remedies available under section 325E.61.
deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end The home addresses, nonemployer issued phone numbers and email addresses, dates of birth, and emails or other communications between exclusive representatives and their members, prospective members, and nonmembers are private data on individuals.
(a) "Public employee" or "employee" means any person appointed or employed by a public employer except:
(1) elected public officials;
(2) election officers;
(3) commissioned or enlisted personnel of the Minnesota National Guard;
(4) emergency employees who are employed for emergency work caused by natural disaster;
(5) part-time employees whose service does not exceed the lesser of 14 hours per week or 35 percent of the normal work week in the employee's appropriate unit;
(6) employeesnew text begin , other than those working in a school as a paraprofessional or other noninstructional position,new text end whose positions are deleted text begin basicallydeleted text end temporary or seasonal in character anddeleted text begin : (i)deleted text end are not for more than 67 working days in any calendar yeardeleted text begin ; (ii) are not working for a Minnesota school district or charter school; or (iii) are not for more than 100 working days in any calendar year and the employees aredeleted text end new text begin .new text end
new text begin (7) full-time studentsnew text end under the age of 22, deleted text begin are full-time studentsdeleted text end enrolled in a nonprofit or public educational institution prior to being hired by the employernew text begin , excluding employment by the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota, whose positions are temporary or seasonal in character and are not for more than 100 working days in any calendar yearnew text end , andnew text begin whonew text end have indicated, either in an application for employment or by being enrolled at an educational institution for the next academic year or term, an intention to continue as students during or after their temporary employment;
deleted text begin (7)deleted text end new text begin (8)new text end employees providing services for not more than two consecutive quarters to the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities under the terms of a professional or technical services contract as defined in section 16C.08, subdivision 1;
deleted text begin (8)deleted text end new text begin (9)new text end employees of charitable hospitals as defined by section 179.35, subdivision 3, except that employees of charitable hospitals as defined by section 179.35, subdivision 3, are public employees for purposes of sections 179A.051, 179A.052, and 179A.13;
deleted text begin (9)deleted text end new text begin (10)new text end full-time undergraduate students employed by the schoolnew text begin , excluding employment by the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota,new text end which they attend under a work-study program or in connection with the receipt of financial aid, irrespective of number of hours of service per week;
deleted text begin (10)deleted text end new text begin (11)new text end an individual who is employed for less than 300 hours in a fiscal year as an instructor in an adult vocational education program;
deleted text begin (11)deleted text end new text begin (12)new text end with respect to court employees:
(i) personal secretaries to judges;
(ii) law clerks;
(iii) managerial employees;
(iv) confidential employees; and
(v) supervisory employees; or
deleted text begin (12)deleted text end new text begin (13)new text end with respect to employees of Hennepin Healthcare System, Inc., managerial, supervisory, and confidential employees.
(b) The following individuals are public employees regardless of the exclusions of paragraph (a), clauses (5) to deleted text begin (7)deleted text end new text begin (8) and (10)new text end :
(1) an employee hired by a school district or the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities except at the university established in the Twin Cities metropolitan area under section 136F.10 or for community services or community education instruction offered on a noncredit basis: (i) to replace an absent teacher or faculty member who is a public employee, where the replacement employee is employed more than 30 working days as a replacement for that teacher or faculty member; or (ii) to take a teaching position created due to increased enrollment, curriculum expansion, courses which are a part of the curriculum whether offered annually or not, or other appropriate reasons;
(2) an employee hired for a position under paragraph (a), clause (6), deleted text begin item (i),deleted text end if that same position has already been filled under paragraph (a), clause (6), deleted text begin item (i),deleted text end in the same calendar year and the cumulative number of days worked in that same position by all employees exceeds 67 calendar days in that year. For the purpose of this paragraph, "same position" includes a substantially equivalent position if it is not the same position solely due to a change in the classification or title of the position;
(3) an early childhood family education teacher employed by a school district; deleted text begin anddeleted text end
(4) an individual hired by the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universitiesnew text begin or the University of Minnesotanew text end as the instructor of record to teach (i) one class for more than three credits in a fiscal year, or (ii) two or more credit-bearing classes in a fiscal yeardeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; andnew text end
new text begin (5) an individual who: (i) is paid by the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for work performed at the direction of the university or any of its employees or contractors; and (ii) is enrolled in three or more university credit-bearing classes or one semester as a full-time student or postdoctoral fellow during the fiscal year in which the work is performed. For purposes of this section, work paid by the university includes but is not limited to work that is required as a condition of receiving a stipend or tuition benefit, whether or not the individual also receives educational benefit from performing that work. Individuals who perform supervisory functions in regard to any individuals who are employees under this clause are not considered supervisory employees for the purpose of section 179A.06, subdivision 2. new text end
"Teacher" means any public employee other than a superintendent or assistant superintendent, principal, assistant principal, or a supervisory or confidential employee, employed by a school district:
(1) in a position for which the person must be licensed by the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board or the commissioner of education;
(2) in a position as a physical therapist, occupational therapist, art therapist, music therapist, or audiologist; or
(3) in a position creating and delivering instruction to children in a preschool, school readiness, school readiness plus, or prekindergarten program or other school district or charter school-based early education program, except that deleted text begin an employeedeleted text end new text begin employeesnew text end in a bargaining unit certified before January 1, 2023, may remain in a bargaining unit that does not include teachers unless an exclusive representative files a petition for a unit clarification new text begin on the status of a preschool, school readiness, school readiness plus, or prekindergarten program or other school district or charter school-based early education program positionnew text end deleted text begin or to transfer exclusive representative statusdeleted text end .
(a) The appointing authorities shall appoint alternate members to serve deleted text begin onlydeleted text end in the deleted text begin casedeleted text end new text begin eventnew text end of a member having a conflict of interestnew text begin or being unavailable for a meetingnew text end under subdivision 9, as follows:
(1) one alternate, appointed by the governor, who is an officer or employee of an exclusive representative of public employees, to serve as an alternate to the member appointed by the governor who is an officer or employee of an exclusive representative of public employees. This alternate must not be an officer or employee of the same exclusive representative of public employees as the member for whom the alternate serves;
(2) one alternate, appointed by the governor, who is a representative of public employers, to serve as an alternate to the member appointed by the governor who is a representative of public employers. This alternate must not represent the same public employer as the member for whom the alternate serves; and
(3) one alternate, appointed by the member who is an officer or employee of an exclusive representative of public employees and the member who is a representative of public employers, who is not an officer or employee of an exclusive representative of public employees, or a representative of a public employer, to serve as an alternate for the member that represents the public at large.
(b) Each alternate member shall serve a term that is coterminous with the term of the member for whom the alternate member serves as an alternate.
Chapter 13D does not apply to deleted text begin meetings of thedeleted text end new text begin anew text end board new text begin meeting new text end when deleted text begin itdeleted text end new text begin the board new text end isnew text begin :new text end
new text begin (1)new text end deliberating on the merits of new text begin an new text end unfair labor practice deleted text begin chargesdeleted text end new text begin chargenew text end under sections 179.11, 179.12, and 179A.13;
new text begin (2)new text end reviewing a new text begin hearing officer's new text end recommended decision and order deleted text begin of a hearing officerdeleted text end under section 179A.13; or
new text begin (3)new text end reviewing deleted text begin decisions of thedeleted text end new text begin anew text end commissioner deleted text begin of the Bureau of Mediation Services relating todeleted text end new text begin decision on an new text end unfair labor deleted text begin practicesdeleted text end new text begin practicenew text end under section 179A.12, subdivision 11.
(a) deleted text begin Public employees have the right todeleted text end new text begin A public employee maynew text end request deleted text begin and be alloweddeleted text end payroll deduction for the exclusive representative new text begin that represents the employee's positionnew text end and deleted text begin thedeleted text end new text begin its associatednew text end political fund deleted text begin associated with the exclusive representative and registered pursuant todeleted text end new text begin undernew text end section 10A.12. new text begin If no exclusive representative represents an employee's position, the public employee may request payroll deduction for the organization of the employee's choice. A public employer must provide payroll deduction according to any public employee's request under this text end
new text begin (b) new text end A public employer must rely on a certification from deleted text begin anydeleted text end new text begin annew text end exclusive representative requesting remittance of a deduction that the organization has and will maintain an authorizationdeleted text begin ,deleted text end signednew text begin , either by hand or electronically according to section 325L.02, paragraph (h),new text end by the public employee from whose salary or wages the deduction is to be madedeleted text begin , which may include an electronic signature by the public employee as defined in section 325L.02, paragraph (h)deleted text end . An exclusive representative making deleted text begin suchdeleted text end new text begin anew text end certification deleted text begin must not bedeleted text end new text begin is notnew text end required to provide the public employer a copy of the authorization unless a dispute arises about the new text begin authorization's new text end existence or terms deleted text begin of the authorizationdeleted text end . deleted text begin The exclusive representative must indemnify the public employer for any successful claims made by the employee for unauthorized deductions in reliance on the certification.deleted text end
deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end A deleted text begin duesdeleted text end new text begin payroll new text end deduction authorization deleted text begin remains in effectdeleted text end new text begin is effectivenew text end until thenew text begin exclusive representative notifies thenew text end employer deleted text begin receives notice from the exclusive representativedeleted text end that a public employee has changed or canceled deleted text begin theirdeleted text end new text begin the employee'snew text end authorization in writing in accordance with the terms of the original deleted text begin authorizing document, anddeleted text end new text begin authorization. When determining whether deductions have been properly changed or canceled,new text end a public employer must rely on information from the exclusive representative receiving remittance of the deduction deleted text begin regarding whether the deductions have been properly changed or canceled. The exclusive representative must indemnify the public employer, including any reasonable attorney fees and litigation costs, for any successful claims made by the employee for unauthorized deductions made in reliance on such informationdeleted text end .
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end Deduction authorization under this section isnew text begin :new text end
new text begin (1)new text end independent from the public employee's membership status in the organization to which payment is remittednew text begin ;new text end and deleted text begin isdeleted text end
new text begin (2)new text end effective regardless of whether a collective bargaining agreement authorizes the deduction.
deleted text begin (d) Employersdeleted text end new text begin (e) An employernew text end must deleted text begin commencedeleted text end new text begin :new text end
new text begin (1) beginnew text end deductions within 30 days deleted text begin of notice of authorization from thedeleted text end new text begin after annew text end exclusive representative new text begin submits a certification under paragraph (b); new text end and deleted text begin mustdeleted text end
new text begin (2)new text end remit the deductions to the exclusive representative within 30 days of the deduction. deleted text begin The failure of an employer to comply with the provisions of this paragraph shall be an unfair labor practice under section 179A.13, the relief for which shall be reimbursement by the employer of deductions that should have been made or remitted based on a valid authorization given by the employee or employees.deleted text end
deleted text begin (e) In the absence of an exclusive representative, public employees have the right to request and be allowed payroll deduction for the organization of their choice. deleted text end
new text begin (f) An exclusive representative must indemnify a public employer: new text end
new text begin (1) for any successful employee claim for unauthorized employer deductions made by relying on an exclusive representative's certification under paragraph (b); and new text end
new text begin (2) for any successful employee claim for unauthorized employer deductions made by relying on information for changing or canceling deductions under paragraph (c), with indemnification including any reasonable attorney fees and litigation costs. new text end
deleted text begin (f)deleted text end new text begin (g)new text end Any dispute under this subdivision must be resolved through an unfair labor practice proceeding under section text begin It is an unfair labor practice if an employer fails to comply with paragraph (e), and the employer must reimburse deductions that should have been made or remitted based on a valid authorization given by the employee or text end
(a) Within 20 calendar days deleted text begin from the date of hire ofdeleted text end new text begin afternew text end a bargaining unit employeenew text begin is hirednew text end , a public employer must provide the following deleted text begin contactdeleted text end information new text begin on the employee new text end to deleted text begin andeleted text end new text begin the unit'snew text end exclusive representative new text begin or its affiliatenew text end in an Excel file format or other format agreed to by the exclusive representative:
new text begin (1)new text end name;
new text begin (2)new text end job title;
new text begin (3)new text end worksite location, including location deleted text begin withindeleted text end new text begin innew text end a facility when appropriate;
new text begin (4)new text end home address;
new text begin (5)new text end work telephone number;
new text begin (6)new text end home and personal cell phone numbers on file with the public employer;
new text begin (7)new text end date of hire; and
new text begin (8)new text end work email address and personal email address on file with the public employer.
(b) Every 120 calendar days deleted text begin beginning on January 1, 2024deleted text end , a public employer must provide to deleted text begin andeleted text end new text begin a bargaining unit'snew text end exclusive representative in an Excel file or similar format agreed to by the exclusive representative the deleted text begin followingdeleted text end informationnew text begin under paragraph (a)new text end for all bargaining unit employeesdeleted text begin : name; job title; worksite location, including location within a facility when appropriate; home address; work telephone number; home and personal cell phone numbers on file with the public employer; date of hire; and work email address and personal email address on file with the public employerdeleted text end .
(c) deleted text begin A public employer must notify an exclusive representative within 20 calendar days of the separation ofdeleted text end new text begin If a bargaining unit employee separates fromnew text end employment or deleted text begin transferdeleted text end new text begin transfersnew text end out of deleted text begin the bargaining unit ofdeleted text end a bargaining unit deleted text begin employeedeleted text end new text begin , the employee's public employer must notify the employee's exclusive representative within 20 calendar days after the separation or transfer, including whether the unit departure was due to a transfer, promotion, demotion, discharge, resignation, or retirementnew text end .
(a) A public employer must allow an exclusive representativenew text begin or the representative's agentnew text end to meet in person withnew text begin anew text end newly hired deleted text begin employees, without charge to the pay or leave time of the employees, for 30 minutes,deleted text end new text begin employeenew text end within 30 calendar days from the date of hiredeleted text begin ,deleted text end during new employee orientations or, if the employer does not conduct new employee orientations, at individual or group meetingsnew text begin arranged by the employer in coordination with the exclusive representative or the representative's agent during the newly hired employees' regular working hours. For an orientation or meeting under this paragraph, an employer must allow the employee and exclusive representative up to 30 minutes to meet and must not charge the employee's pay or leave time during the orientation or meeting, or the pay or leave time of an employee of the public employer acting as an agent of the exclusive representative using time off under subdivision 6. An orientation or meeting may be held virtually or for longer than 30 minutes only by mutual agreement of the employer and exclusive representativenew text end .
new text begin (b)new text end An exclusive representative deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end receive deleted text begin no less thandeleted text end new text begin at leastnew text end ten days' notice deleted text begin in advancedeleted text end of an orientation, deleted text begin except thatdeleted text end new text begin butnew text end a shorter notice may be provided deleted text begin wheredeleted text end new text begin ifnew text end there is an urgent need critical to thenew text begin employer'snew text end operations deleted text begin of the public employerdeleted text end that was not reasonably foreseeable. Notice of and attendance at new employee orientations and other meetings under this paragraph deleted text begin must bedeleted text end new text begin and paragraph (a) arenew text end limited to deleted text begin the public employer,deleted text end new text begin :new text end
new text begin (1)new text end the employeesdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (2)new text end the exclusive representativedeleted text begin , anddeleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (3)new text end any vendor contracted to provide a service for deleted text begin purposes ofdeleted text end the meetingdeleted text begin . Meetings may be held virtually or for longer than 30 minutesdeleted text end new text begin ; andnew text end
new text begin (4) the public employer or its designee, who may attendnew text end only by mutual agreement of the public employer and exclusive representative.
deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end A public employer must allow an exclusive representative to communicate with bargaining unit members deleted text begin using their employer-issued email addresses regardingdeleted text end new text begin by email on:new text end
new text begin (1)new text end collective bargainingdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (2)new text end the administration of collective bargaining agreementsdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (3)new text end the investigation of grievancesdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin andnew text end other workplace-related complaints and issuesdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end and
new text begin (4)new text end internal matters involving the governance or business of the exclusive representativedeleted text begin , consistent with the employer's generally applicable technology use policiesdeleted text end .
new text begin (d) An exclusive representative may communicate with bargaining unit members under paragraph (c) via the members' employer-issued email addresses, but the communication must be consistent with the employer's generally applicable technology use policies. new text end
deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end A public employer must allow an exclusive representative to meet with bargaining unit members in facilities owned or leased by the public employer deleted text begin regardingdeleted text end new text begin to communicate on:new text end
new text begin (1)new text end collective bargainingdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (2)new text end the administration of collective bargaining agreementsdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end
new text begin (3) the investigation ofnew text end grievances and other workplace-related complaints and issuesdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end and
new text begin (4)new text end internal matters involving the governance or business of the exclusive representativedeleted text begin , provided the use does not interfere with governmental operations and the exclusive representative complies with worksite security protocols established by the public employer. Meetings conducteddeleted text end new text begin .new text end
new text begin (f) The following applies for a meeting under paragraph (e): new text end
new text begin (1) a meeting cannot interfere with government operations; new text end
new text begin (2) the exclusive representative must comply with employer-established worksite security protocols; new text end
new text begin (3) a meetingnew text end innew text begin anew text end government deleted text begin buildings pursuant to this paragraph must notdeleted text end new text begin building cannotnew text end be for deleted text begin the purpose ofdeleted text end supporting or opposing any candidate for partisan political office or for deleted text begin the purpose ofdeleted text end distributing literature or information deleted text begin regardingdeleted text end new text begin onnew text end partisan electionsdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; andnew text end
new text begin (4)new text end an exclusive representative conducting a meeting in a government building or other government facility deleted text begin pursuant to this subdivisiondeleted text end may be charged for maintenance, security, and other costs related to deleted text begin the use ofdeleted text end new text begin usingnew text end the government building or facility that would not otherwise be incurred by the government entity.
new text begin At any time upon the request of an exclusive representative for bargaining units other than those defined in section 179A.10, subdivision 2, the commissioner must designate as a single unit two or more bargaining units represented by the exclusive representative, subject to subdivision 2 as well as any other statutory bargaining unit designation. new text end
new text begin For the purpose of determining whether a new position should be included in an existing bargaining unit, the position shall be analyzed with respect to its assigned duties, without regard to title or telework status. new text end
(a) Unclassified employees, unless otherwise excluded, are included within the units deleted text begin whichdeleted text end new text begin thatnew text end include the classifications to which they are assigned for purposes of compensation. Supervisory employees deleted text begin shall onlydeleted text end new text begin cannew text end be assigned new text begin only new text end to deleted text begin unitsdeleted text end new text begin unitnew text end 12 deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ornew text end 16. The following new text begin units new text end are the appropriate units of executive branch state employees:
(1) law enforcement unit;
(2) craft, maintenance, and labor unit;
(3) service unit;
(4) health care nonprofessional unit;
(5) health care professional unit;
(6) clerical and office unit;
(7) technical unit;
(8) correctional guards unit;
(9) state university instructional unit;
(10) state college instructional unit;
(11) state university administrative unit;
(12) professional engineering unit;
(13) health treatment unit;
(14) general professional unit;
(15) professional state residential instructional unit;
(16) supervisory employees unit;
(17) public safety radio communications operator unit;
(18) licensed peace officer special unit; and
(19) licensed peace officer leader unit.
deleted text begin Each unit consists of the classifications or positions assigned to it in the schedule of state employee job classification and positions maintained by the commissioner. The commissioner may only make changes in the schedule in existence on the day prior to August 1, 1984, as required by law or as provided in subdivision 4. deleted text end
(b) The following positions are included in the licensed peace officer special unit:
(1) State Patrol lieutenant;
(2) NR district supervisor - enforcement;
(3) assistant special agent in charge;
(4) corrections investigation assistant director 2;
(5) corrections investigation supervisor; and
(6) commerce supervisor special agent.
(c) The following positions are included in the licensed peace officer leader unit:
(1) State Patrol captain;
(2) NR program manager 2 enforcement; and
(3) special agent in charge.
new text begin (d) Each unit consists of the classifications or positions assigned to it in the schedule of state employee job classification and positions maintained by the commissioner. The commissioner may make changes in the schedule in existence on the day before August 1, 1984, only: new text end
new text begin (1) as required by law; or new text end
new text begin (2) as provided in subdivision 4. new text end
(a) deleted text begin Notwithstanding any other provision of this section,deleted text end An employee organization may file a petition with the commissioner requesting certification as the exclusive representative of deleted text begin andeleted text end new text begin a proposednew text end appropriate unit deleted text begin based on a verification thatdeleted text end new text begin for which there is no currently certified exclusive representative. The petition must includenew text end over 50 percent of the employees in the proposed appropriate unit new text begin whonew text end wish to be represented by the deleted text begin petitionerdeleted text end new text begin organizationnew text end . deleted text begin The commissioner shall require dated representation authorization signatures of affected employees as verification of the employee organization's claim of majority status.deleted text end
(b) deleted text begin Upon receipt of an employee organization's petition, accompanied by employee authorization signatures under this subdivision, the commissioner shall investigate the petition.deleted text end If the commissioner determines that over 50 percent of the employees in deleted text begin andeleted text end new text begin thenew text end appropriate unit have provided authorization signatures designating the new text begin petitioning new text end employee organization deleted text begin specified in the petitiondeleted text end as their exclusive representative, the commissioner deleted text begin shall not order an election but shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end certify the employee organizationnew text begin as the employees' exclusive representative without ordering an election under this sectionnew text end .
deleted text begin The commissioner shall,deleted text end Upon deleted text begin receipt of an employee organization'sdeleted text end new text begin receiving anew text end petition deleted text begin to the commissionerdeleted text end under subdivision deleted text begin 3deleted text end new text begin 1a or 2anew text end , new text begin the commissioner must:new text end
new text begin (1) new text end investigate to determine if sufficient evidence of a question of representation existsnew text begin ;new text end and
new text begin (2)new text end hold hearings necessary to determine the appropriate unit and other matters necessary to determine the representation rights of the affected employees and employer.
deleted text begin Indeleted text end new text begin (a) Whennew text end determining the numerical status of an employee organization for purposes of this section, the commissioner deleted text begin shalldeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end require new text begin a new text end dated representation authorization deleted text begin signatures of affected employeesdeleted text end new text begin signature of each affected employeenew text end as verification of the statements contained in the deleted text begin joint request or petitionsdeleted text end new text begin petition