Section | Headnote |
609.01 | Name and construction. |
609.015 | Scope and effect. |
609.02 | Definitions. |
609.025 | Jurisdiction of state. |
609.03 | Punishment when not otherwise fixed. |
609.031 | [Repealed, 1983 c 331 s 11] |
609.032 | [Repealed, 1983 c 331 s 11] |
609.033 | Increased maximum penalties for misdemeanors. |
609.0331 | Increased maximum penalties for petty misdemeanors. |
609.0332 | Increased maximum penalty for petty misdemeanor ordinance violations. |
609.034 | Increased maximum penalty for ordinance violations. |
609.0341 | Increased maximum fines for gross misdemeanors; felonies; other fines. |
609.035 | Crime punishable under different provisions. |
609.04 | Conviction of lesser offense. |
609.041 | Proof of prior convictions. |
609.045 | Foreign conviction or acquittal. |
609.05 | Liability for crimes of another. |
609.055 | Liability of children. |
609.06 | Authorized use of force. |
609.065 | Justifiable taking of life. |
609.066 | Authorized use of deadly force by peace officers. |
609.075 | Intoxication as defense. |
609.08 | Duress. |
609.085 | Sending written communication. |
609.09 | Compelling testimony; immunity from prosecution. |
609.095 | Limits of sentences. |
609.10 | Sentences available. |
609.101 | Surcharge on fines, assessments; minimum fines. |
609.102 | Local correctional fees; imposition by court. |
609.103 | Payment by credit card. |
609.105 | Sentence of imprisonment. |
609.1055 | Offenders with serious and persistent mental illness; alternative placement. |
609.106 | Heinous crimes. |
609.107 | Mandatory penalty for certain murderers. |
609.108 | Mandatory increased sentences for certain patterned and predatory sex offenders; no prior conviction required. |
609.109 | Presumptive and mandatory sentences for repeat sex offenders. |
609.1095 | Increased sentences for certain dangerous and repeat felony offenders. |
609.11 | Minimum sentences of imprisonment. |
609.113 | [Repealed, 1999 c 216 art 3 s 10] |
609.115 | Presentence investigation. |
609.116 | |
609.117 | DNA analysis of certain offenders required. |
609.118 | Fingerprinting required. |
609.119 | Additional collection of biological specimens for DNA testing. |
609.12 | Parole or discharge. |
609.125 | Sentence for misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor. |
609.13 | Convictions of felony or gross misdemeanor; when deemed misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor. |
609.131 | Certification of misdemeanor as petty misdemeanor. |
609.132 | Continuance for dismissal. |
609.135 | Stay of imposition or execution of sentence. |
609.1351 | Petition for civil commitment. |
609.1352 | [Repealed, 1998 c 367 art 6 s 16] |
609.14 | Revocation of stay. |
609.145 | Credit for prior imprisonment. |
609.15 | Multiple sentences. |
609.152 | [Repealed, 1998 c 367 art 6 s 16] |
609.153 | Increased penalties for certain misdemeanors. |
609.155 | [Repealed, 1978 c 723 art 1 s 19] |
609.16 | [Repealed, 1978 c 723 art 1 s 19] |
609.165 | Restoration of civil rights; possession of firearms. |
609.166 | [Repealed, 1996 c 408 art 9 s 10] |
609.167 | [Repealed, 1996 c 408 art 9 s 10] |
609.168 | [Repealed, 1996 c 408 art 9 s 10] |
609.17 | Attempts. |
609.175 | Conspiracy. |
609.18 | Definition. |
609.184 | [Repealed, 1998 c 367 art 6 s 16] |
609.185 | Murder in the first degree. |
609.19 | Murder in the second degree. |
609.195 | Murder in the third degree. |
609.196 | [Repealed, 1998 c 367 art 6 s 16] |
609.20 | Manslaughter in the first degree. |
609.205 | Manslaughter in the second degree. |
609.21 | Criminal vehicular homicide and injury. |
609.215 | Suicide. |
609.22 | [Repealed, 1979 c 258 s 25] |
609.221 | Assault in the first degree. |
609.222 | Assault in the second degree. |
609.223 | Assault in the third degree. |
609.2231 | Assault in the fourth degree. |
609.2232 | Consecutive sentences for assaults committed by state prison inmates. |
609.224 | Assault in the fifth degree. |
609.2241 | Knowing transfer of communicable disease. |
609.2242 | Domestic assault. |
609.2243 | Sentencing; repeat domestic assault. |
609.2244 | Presentence domestic abuse investigations. |
609.2245 | Female genital mutilation; penalties. |
609.2246 | Tattoos; minors. |
609.225 | [Repealed, 1979 c 258 s 25] |
609.226 | Harm caused by a dog. |
609.227 | Dangerous animals destroyed. |
609.228 | Great bodily harm caused by distribution of drugs. |
609.229 | Crime committed for benefit of a gang. |
609.23 | Mistreatment of persons confined. |
609.231 | Mistreatment of residents or patients. |
609.232 | Crimes against vulnerable adults; definitions. |
609.2325 | Criminal abuse. |
609.233 | Criminal neglect. |
609.2335 | Financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult. |
609.2336 | Deceptive or unfair trade practices; elderly or handicapped victims. |
609.234 | Failure to report. |
609.235 | Use of drugs to injure or facilitate crime. |
609.24 | Simple robbery. |
609.245 | Aggravated robbery. |
609.25 | Kidnapping. |
609.251 | Double jeopardy; kidnapping. |
609.255 | False imprisonment. |
609.26 | Depriving another of custodial or parental rights. |
609.265 | Abduction. |
609.266 | Definitions. |
609.2661 | Murder of an unborn child in the first degree. |
609.2662 | Murder of an unborn child in the second degree. |
609.2663 | Murder of an unborn child in the third degree. |
609.2664 | Manslaughter of an unborn child in the first degree. |
609.2665 | Manslaughter of an unborn child in the second degree. |
609.267 | Assault of an unborn child in the first degree. |
609.2671 | Assault of an unborn child in the second degree. |
609.2672 | Assault of an unborn child in the third degree. |
609.268 | Injury or death of an unborn child in commission of crime. |
609.269 | Exception. |
609.2691 | Other convictions not barred. |
609.27 | Coercion. |
609.275 | Attempt to coerce. |
609.28 | Interfering with religious observance. |
609.29 | [Repealed, 1975 c 374 s 13] |
609.291 | [Repealed, 1975 c 374 s 13] |
609.292 | [Repealed, 1975 c 374 s 13] |
609.293 | Sodomy. |
609.294 | Bestiality. |
609.295 | [Repealed, 1975 c 374 s 13] |
609.296 | [Repealed, 1975 c 374 s 13] |
609.31 | Leaving the state to evade establishment of paternity. |
609.32 | [Repealed, 1979 c 255 s 9] |
609.321 | Prostitution; definitions. |
609.322 | Solicitation, inducement, and promotion of prostitution. |
609.323 | [Repealed, 1998 c 367 art 2 s 33] |
609.3232 | Protective order authorized; procedures; penalties. |
609.324 | Other prostitution crimes; patrons, prostitutes, and individuals housing individuals engaged in prostitution; penalties. |
609.3241 | Penalty assessment authorized. |
609.3242 | Prostitution crimes committed in school or park zones; increased penalties. |
609.325 | Defenses. |
609.326 | Evidence. |
609.33 | Disorderly house. |
609.34 | Fornication. |
609.341 | Definitions. |
609.342 | Criminal sexual conduct in the first degree. |
609.343 | Criminal sexual conduct in the second degree. |
609.344 | Criminal sexual conduct in the third degree. |
609.345 | Criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree. |
609.3451 | Criminal sexual conduct in the fifth degree. |
609.3452 | Sex offender assessment. |
609.346 | [Repealed, 1998 c 367 art 6 s 16] |
609.3461 | Renumbered 609.117 |
609.347 | Evidence. |
609.3471 | Records pertaining to victim identity confidential. |
609.348 | Medical purposes; exclusion. |
609.349 | Voluntary relationships. |
609.35 | Costs of medical examination. |
609.351 | Applicability to past and present prosecutions. |
609.352 | Solicitation of children to engage in sexual conduct. |
609.353 | Jurisdiction. |
609.355 | Bigamy. |
609.36 | Adultery. |
609.364 | [Repealed, 1985 c 286 s 24] |
609.3641 | [Repealed, 1985 c 286 s 24] |
609.3642 | [Repealed, 1985 c 286 s 24] |
609.3643 | [Repealed, 1985 c 286 s 24] |
609.3644 | [Repealed, 1985 c 286 s 24] |
609.365 | Incest. |
609.37 | [Repealed, 1993 c 340 s 60] |
609.375 | Nonsupport of spouse or child. |
609.3751 | Discharge and dismissal. |
609.376 | Definitions. |
609.377 | Malicious punishment of a child. |
609.378 | Neglect or endangerment of a child. |
609.3785 | Unharmed newborns left at hospitals; avoidance of prosecution. |
609.379 | Permitted actions. |
609.38 | Stayed sentence. |
609.385 | Treason. |
609.39 | Misprision of treason. |
609.395 | State military forces; interfering with, obstructing, or other. |
609.396 | Unauthorized presence at Camp Ripley. |
609.40 | Flags. |
609.405 | [Repealed, 1987 c 10 s 1] |
609.41 | False tax statement. |
609.415 | Definitions. |
609.42 | Bribery. |
609.425 | Corruptly influencing legislator. |
609.43 | Misconduct of public officer or employee. |
609.435 | Officer not filing security. |
609.44 | Public office; illegally assuming; nonsurrender. |
609.445 | Failure to pay over state funds. |
609.45 | Public officer; unauthorized compensation. |
609.455 | Permitting false claims against government. |
609.456 | Reporting to state auditor and legislative auditor required. |
609.46 | [Repealed, 1983 c 359 s 151] |
609.465 | Presenting false claims to public officer or body. |
609.466 | Medical assistance fraud. |
609.47 | Interference with property in official custody. |
609.475 | Impersonating officer. |
609.48 | Perjury. |
609.485 | Escape from custody. |
609.486 | Commission of crime while wearing or possessing a bullet-resistant vest. |
609.487 | Fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle. |
609.49 | Release, failure to appear. |
609.491 | Failure to appear; petty misdemeanor. |
609.493 | Solicitation of mentally impaired persons. |
609.494 | Solicitation of juveniles. |
609.495 | Aiding an offender. |
609.496 | Concealing criminal proceeds. |
609.497 | Engaging in a business of concealing criminal proceeds. |
609.4971 | Warning subject of investigation. |
609.4975 | Warning subject of surveillance or search. |
609.498 | Tampering with a witness. |
609.50 | Obstructing legal process, arrest, or firefighting. |
609.502 | Interference with dead body; reporting. |
609.505 | Falsely reporting crime. |
609.5051 | Criminal alert network; dissemination of false or misleading information prohibited. |
609.506 | Prohibiting giving peace officer false name. |
609.507 | Falsely reporting child abuse. |
609.508 | False information to financial institution. |
609.51 | Simulating legal process. |
609.515 | Misconduct of judicial or hearing officer. |
609.52 | Theft. |
609.521 | Possession of shoplifting gear. |
609.523 | Return of stolen property to owners. |
609.525 | Bringing stolen goods into state. |
609.526 | Precious metal dealers; receiving stolen property. |
609.527 | Identity theft. |
609.528 | Possession or sale of stolen or counterfeit check; penalties. |
609.529 | Mail theft. |
609.53 | Receiving stolen property. |
609.531 | Forfeitures. |
609.5311 | Forfeiture of property associated with controlled substances. |
609.5312 | Forfeiture of property associated with designated offenses. |
609.5313 | Forfeiture by judicial action; procedure. |
609.5314 | Administrative forfeiture of certain property seized in connection with a controlled substances seizure. |
609.5315 | Disposition of forfeited property. |
609.5316 | Summary forfeitures. |
609.5317 | Real property; seizures. |
609.5318 | Forfeiture of vehicles used in drive-by shootings. |
609.5319 | Financial institution secured interest. |
609.532 | Attachment of deposited funds. |
609.535 | Issuance of dishonored checks. |
609.54 | Embezzlement of public funds. |
609.541 | Protection of library property. |
609.545 | Misusing credit card to secure services. |
609.546 | Motor vehicle tampering. |
609.55 | [Repealed, 1989 c 290 art 7 s 14] |
609.551 | Rustling and livestock theft; penalties. |
609.552 | Unauthorized release of animals. |
609.555 | [Repealed, 1976 c 124 s 10] |
609.556 | Definitions. |
609.56 | [Repealed, 1976 c 124 s 10] |
609.561 | Arson in the first degree. |
609.562 | Arson in the second degree. |
609.563 | Arson in the third degree. |
609.5631 | Arson in the fourth degree. |
609.5632 | Arson in the fifth degree. |
609.5633 | Use of ignition devices; petty misdemeanor. |
609.564 | Excluded fires. |
609.5641 | Wildfire arson. |
609.565 | [Repealed, 1976 c 124 s 10] |
609.57 | [Repealed, 1976 c 124 s 10] |
609.575 | [Repealed, 1976 c 124 s 10] |
609.576 | Negligent fires; dangerous smoking. |
609.58 | [Repealed, 1983 c 321 s 4] |
609.581 | Definitions. |
609.582 | Burglary. |
609.583 | Sentencing; first burglary of a dwelling. |
609.585 | Double jeopardy. |
609.586 | Possession of code grabbing devices; penalty. |
609.59 | Possession of burglary or theft tools. |
609.591 | Damage to timber or wood processing and related equipment. |
609.592 | Possession of timber damage devices. |
609.594 | Damage to property of critical public service facilities, utilities, and pipelines. |
609.595 | Damage to property. |
609.596 | Killing or harming a public safety dog. |
609.597 | Assaulting or harming a police horse; penalties. |
609.599 | Exposing domestic animals to disease. |
609.60 | [Repealed, 1989 c 5 s 18] |
609.605 | Trespass. |
609.6055 | Trespass on critical public service facility; utility; or pipeline. |
609.606 | Unlawful ouster or exclusion. |
609.61 | [Repealed, 1976 c 124 s 10] |
609.611 | Insurance fraud. |
609.612 | Employment of runners. |
609.615 | Defeating security on realty. |
609.62 | Defeating security on personalty. |
609.621 | Proof of concealment of property by obligor of secured property. |
609.625 | Aggravated forgery. |
609.63 | Forgery. |
609.631 | Check forgery; offering a forged check. |
609.635 | Obtaining signature by false pretense. |
609.64 | Recording, filing of forged instrument. |
609.645 | Fraudulent statements. |
609.65 | False certification by notary public. |
609.651 | State lottery fraud. |
609.652 | Fraudulent drivers' licenses and identification cards; penalty. |
609.655 | [Repealed, 1976 c 112 s 2] |
609.66 | Dangerous weapons. |
609.661 | Penalty for set guns; swivel guns. |
609.662 | Shooting victim; duty to render aid. |
609.663 | Display of handgun ammunition. |
609.665 | Spring guns. |
609.666 | Negligent storage of firearms. |
609.667 | Firearms; removal or alteration of serial number. |
609.668 | Explosive and incendiary devices. |
609.669 | Civil disorder. |
609.67 | Machine guns and short-barreled shotguns. |
609.671 | Environment; criminal penalties. |
609.672 | Permissive inference; firearms in automobiles. |
609.675 | Exposure of unused refrigerator or container to children. |
609.68 | Unlawful deposit of garbage, litter, or like. |
609.681 | Unlawful smoking. |
609.684 | Sale of toxic substances to children; abuse of toxic substances. |
609.685 | Sale of tobacco to children. |
609.686 | False fire alarms; tampering with or injuring a fire alarm system. |
609.687 | Adulteration. |
609.705 | Unlawful assembly. |
609.71 | Riot. |
609.712 | Real and simulated weapons of mass destruction. |
609.713 | Terroristic threats. |
609.714 | Crimes committed in furtherance of terrorism. |
609.715 | Presence at unlawful assembly. |
609.72 | Disorderly conduct. |
609.725 | Vagrancy. |
609.735 | Concealing identity. |
609.74 | Public nuisance. |
609.745 | Permitting public nuisance. |
609.746 | Interference with privacy. |
609.747 | [Repealed, 1993 c 326 art 2 s 34] |
609.748 | Harassment; restraining order. |
609.749 | Harassment; stalking; penalties. |
609.7495 | Physical interference with safe access to health care. |
609.75 | Gambling; definitions. |
609.755 | Acts of or relating to gambling. |
609.76 | Other acts relating to gambling. |
609.761 | Operations permitted. |
609.762 | Forfeiture of gambling devices, prizes and proceeds. |
609.763 | Lawful gambling fraud. |
609.765 | Criminal defamation. |
609.77 | False information to news media. |
609.774 | Emergency communications; kidnappings. |
609.775 | Divulging telephone or telegraph message; nondelivery. |
609.776 | Interference with emergency communications. |
609.78 | Emergency telephone calls and communications. |
609.785 | [Repealed, 1990 c 494 s 7] |
609.79 | Obscene or harassing telephone calls. |
609.795 | Letter, telegram, or package; opening; harassment. |
609.80 | Interfering with cable communications systems. |
609.805 | Ticket scalping. |
609.81 | [Repealed, 1996 c 404 s 18] |
609.815 | Misconduct of junk or secondhand dealer. |
609.82 | Fraud in obtaining credit. |
609.821 | Financial transaction card fraud. |
609.825 | Bribery of participant or official in contest. |
609.83 | Falsely impersonating another. |
609.85 | Crimes against railroad employees and property; penalty. |
609.851 | False traffic signal. |
609.855 | Crimes involving transit; shooting at transit vehicle. |
609.856 | Use of police radios during commission of crime; penalties. |
609.86 | Commercial bribery. |
609.87 | Computer crime; definitions. |
609.88 | Computer damage. |
609.89 | Computer theft. |
609.891 | Unauthorized computer access. |
609.8911 | Reporting violations. |
609.892 | Definitions. |
609.893 | Telecommunications and information services fraud; crime defined. |
609.894 | Cellular telephone counterfeiting; crimes defined. |
609.895 | Counterfeited intellectual property; penalties. |
609.901 | Construction of racketeering provisions. |
609.902 | Definitions. |
609.903 | Racketeering. |
609.904 | Criminal penalties. |
609.905 | Criminal forfeiture. |
609.907 | Preservation of property subject to forfeiture. |
609.908 | Disposition of forfeiture proceeds. |
609.909 | Additional relief available. |
609.910 | Relation to other sanctions. |
609.911 | Civil remedies. |
609.912 | Notice to other prosecuting authorities. |
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes