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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language

CHAPTER 96--H.F.No. 2

An act

relating to state government; providing for policy and funding for family, adult, and prekindergarten through grade 12 education including general education, education excellence, special programs, facilities and technology, libraries, nutrition, accounting, early childhood education, prevention, self-sufficiency, lifelong learning, state agencies, pupil transportation, forecast adjustments, and technical corrections; requiring reports; requiring studies; appropriating money;

amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 13.32, by adding a subdivision; 16A.06, subdivision 11; 119A.52; 120A.22, subdivisions 7, 12; 120A.40; 120B.02; 120B.022, subdivision 1; 120B.023, subdivision 2; 120B.11, subdivision 5; 120B.30; 120B.31, subdivisions 1, 3, 4; 120B.35; 120B.36; 121A.41, subdivisions 7, 10; 121A.43; 122A.06, subdivision 4; 122A.07, subdivisions 2, 3; 122A.09, subdivisions 4, 7; 122A.18, subdivisions 2a, 4; 122A.31, subdivision 4; 122A.40, subdivisions 6, 8; 122A.41, subdivisions 3, 5; 122A.413, subdivision 2; 122A.414, subdivision 2b; 122A.60, subdivision 2; 123A.05; 123A.06; 123A.08; 123A.73, subdivisions 4, 5; 123B.02, subdivision 21; 123B.03, subdivision 1; 123B.10, subdivision 1; 123B.14, subdivision 7; 123B.143, subdivision 1; 123B.51, by adding a subdivision; 123B.54; 123B.57, subdivision 1; 123B.59, subdivisions 2, 3, 3a; 123B.70, subdivision 1; 123B.71, subdivisions 1, 8, 9, 12; 123B.77, subdivision 3; 123B.79, subdivision 7; 123B.81, subdivisions 3, 4, 5; 123B.83, subdivision 3; 123B.92, subdivision 1; 124D.095, subdivisions 2, 3, 4, 7, 10; 124D.10; 124D.11, subdivision 9; 124D.128, subdivisions 2, 3; 124D.13, subdivision 13; 124D.135, subdivision 3; 124D.15, subdivision 3; 124D.19, subdivisions 10, 14; 124D.42, subdivision 6, by adding a subdivision; 124D.522; 124D.68, subdivisions 2, 3, 4, 5; 124D.83, subdivision 4; 124D.86, subdivisions 1, 1a, 1b; 125A.02; 125A.07; 125A.08; 125A.091; 125A.11, subdivision 1; 125A.15; 125A.28; 125A.51; 125A.57, subdivision 2; 125A.61, subdivision 1; 125A.62, subdivision 8; 125A.63, subdivisions 2, 4; 125A.744, subdivision 3; 125A.76, subdivision 1; 125B.26; 126C.05, subdivisions 2, 15, 20; 126C.10, subdivisions 24, 34, by adding a subdivision; 126C.15, subdivisions 2, 4; 126C.17, subdivision 9; 126C.40, subdivision 6; 126C.41, subdivision 2; 126C.44; 127A.08, by adding a subdivision; 127A.47, subdivisions 5, 7; 134.31, subdivision 4a, by adding a subdivision; 134.34, subdivisions 1, 4; 169.011, subdivision 71; 169.443, subdivision 9; 169.4501, subdivision 1; 169.4503, subdivision 20, by adding a subdivision; 169.454, subdivision 13; 169A.03, subdivision 23; 171.01, subdivision 22; 171.02, subdivisions 2, 2a; 171.321, subdivisions 1, 4, 5; 299A.297; 471.975; 475.58, subdivision 1, as amended if enacted; Laws 2007, chapter 146, article 1, section 24, subdivisions 2, as amended, 4, as amended, 5, as amended, 6, as amended, 7, as amended, 8, as amended; article 2, section 46, subdivisions 2, as amended, 3, as amended, 4, as amended, 6, as amended, 9, as amended; article 3, section 24, subdivisions 3, as amended, 4, as amended, 7; article 4, section 16, subdivisions 2, as amended, 6, as amended, 8, as amended; article 5, section 13, subdivisions 2, as amended, 3, as amended; article 9, section 17, subdivisions 2, as amended, 4, as amended, 8, as amended, 9, as amended, 13, as amended; Laws 2008, chapter 363, article 2, section 46, subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 120B; 122A; 123B; 124D; 125A; 127A; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 120B.362; 120B.39; 121A.27; 121A.66; 121A.67, subdivision 1; 122A.32; 122A.628; 122A.75; 125A.05; Minnesota Rules, parts 3525.0210, subparts 5, 6, 9, 13, 17, 29, 30, 34, 43, 46, 47; 3525.0400; 3525.1100, subpart 2, item F; 3525.2445; 3525.2900, subpart 5; 3525.4220.




Section 1.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 16A.06, subdivision 11, is amended to read:

Subd. 11.

Permanent school fund reporting.

The commissioner shall deleted text begin biannuallydeleted text end new text begin annually new text end report to the Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee and the legislature deleted text begin on the management of the permanent school trust fund that shows how the commissionerdeleted text end new text begin the amount of the permanent school fund transfer and information about the investment of the permanent school fund provided by the State Board of Investment. The State Board of Investment shall provide information about how theynew text end maximized the long-term economic return of the permanent school deleted text begin trustdeleted text end fund.

Sec. 2.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120A.40, is amended to read:


(a) Except for learning programs during summer, flexible learning year programs authorized under sections 124D.12 to 124D.127, and learning year programs under section 124D.128, a district must not commence an elementary or secondary school year before Labor Day, except as provided under paragraph (b). Days devoted to teachers' workshops may be held before Labor Day. Districts that enter into cooperative agreements are encouraged to adopt similar school calendars.

(b) A district may begin the school year on any day before Labor Daynew text begin :new text end

new text begin (1) new text end to accommodate a construction or remodeling project of $400,000 or more affecting a district school facilitydeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ;new text end

new text begin (2) if the district has an agreement under section 123A.30, 123A.32, or 123A.35 with a district that qualifies under clause (1); or new text end

deleted text begin A schooldeleted text end new text begin (3) if thenew text end district deleted text begin thatdeleted text end agrees to the same schedule with a school district in an adjoining state deleted text begin also may begin the school year before Labor Day as authorized under this paragraphdeleted text end .

Sec. 3.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123A.73, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

Consolidation; maximum authorized referendum revenues.

new text begin (a) new text end As of the effective date of a consolidation pursuant to section 123A.48, if the plan for consolidation so provides, or if the plan for consolidation makes no provision concerning referendum revenues, the authorization for all referendum revenues previously approved by the voters of all affected districts for those districts pursuant to section 126C.17, subdivision 9, or its predecessor provision shall be recalculated as provided in this subdivision. The referendum revenue authorization for the newly created district shall be the revenue per resident marginal cost pupil unit that would raise an amount equal to the combined dollar amount of the referendum revenues authorized by each of the component districts for the year preceding the consolidation, unless the referendum revenue authorization of the newly created district is subsequently modified pursuant to section 126C.17, subdivision 9.

new text begin (b) The referendum allowance for a consolidated district in the years following consolidation equals the average of the consolidating districts' existing authorities for those years, weighted by the districts' resident marginal cost pupil units in the year preceding consolidation. For purposes of this calculation, the referendum authorities used for individual districts shall not decrease from year to year until such time as all existing authorities for all the consolidating districts have fully expired, but shall increase if they were originally approved with consumer price index-based or other annual increases. new text end

new text begin (c) new text end The referendum revenue authorization for the newly created district shall continue for a period of time equal to the longest period authorized for any component district.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for revenue for fiscal years 2010 and later. new text end

Sec. 4.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123A.73, subdivision 5, is amended to read:

Subd. 5.

Alternative method.

new text begin (a) new text end As of the effective date of a consolidation pursuant to section 123A.48, if the plan for consolidation so provides, the authorization for all referendum revenues previously approved by the voters of all affected districts for those districts pursuant to section 126C.17, subdivision 9, or its predecessor provision shall be combined as provided in this subdivision. The referendum revenue authorization for the newly created district may be any allowance per resident marginal cost pupil unit provided in the plan for consolidation, but may not exceed the allowance per resident marginal cost pupil unit that would raise an amount equal to the combined dollar amount of the referendum revenues authorized by each of the component districts for the year preceding the consolidation.

new text begin (b) The referendum allowance for a consolidated district in the years following consolidation equals the average of the consolidating districts' existing authorities for those years, weighted by the districts' resident marginal cost pupil units in the year preceding consolidation. For purposes of this calculation, the referendum authorities used for individual districts shall not decrease from year to year until such time as all existing authorities for all the consolidating districts have fully expired, but shall increase if they were originally approved with consumer price index-based or other annual increases. new text end

new text begin (c) new text end The referendum revenue authorization for the newly created district shall continue for a period of time equal to the longest period authorized for any component district. The referendum revenue authorization for the newly created district may be modified pursuant to section 126C.17, subdivision 9.

Sec. 5.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.02, subdivision 21, is amended to read:

Subd. 21.

Wind energy conversion system.

The boardnew text begin , or more than one board acting jointly under the authority granted by section 471.59, new text end may construct, acquire, own in whole or in part, operate, and sell and retain and spend the payment received from selling energy from a wind energy conversion system, as defined in section 216C.06, subdivision 19. deleted text begin Thedeleted text end new text begin An individual school new text end board's share of the installed capacity of the wind energy conversion systems authorized by this subdivision must not exceed 3.3 megawatts of nameplate capacitynew text begin , provided that if more than one board is acting jointly, each board may have a separate share of no more than 3.3 megawatts of nameplate capacitynew text end . A board owning, operating, or selling energy from a wind energy conversion system must integrate information about wind energy conversion systems in its educational programming. new text begin The board, or more than one board acting jointly under the authority granted by section 471.59, may be a limited partner in a partnership, a member of a limited liability company, or a shareholder in a corporation, established for the sole purpose of constructing, acquiring, owning in whole or in part, financing, or operating a wind energy conversion system for the benefit of the district or districts in accordance with this section. A board individually, or acting jointly, or an entity of which a board is a limited partner, member, or shareholder, may not sell, transmit, or distribute the electrical energy at retail or provide for end use of the electrical energy at an off-site facility of the board or entity. Nothing in this subdivision modifies the exclusive service territories or exclusive right to serve as provided in sections 216B.37 to text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 6.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.77, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

Statement for comparison and correction.

(a) By November 30 of the calendar year of the submission of the unaudited financial data, the district must provide to the commissioner audited financial data for the preceding fiscal year. The audit must be conducted in compliance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards, the federal Single Audit Act, and the Minnesota legal compliance guide issued by the Office of the State Auditor. An audited financial statement prepared in a form which will allow comparison with and correction of material differences in the unaudited financial data shall be submitted to the commissioner and the state auditor by December 31. The audited financial statement must also provide a statement of assurance pertaining to uniform financial accounting and reporting standards compliance and a copy of the management letter submitted to the district by the school district's auditor.

(b) By deleted text begin Januarydeleted text end new text begin Februarynew text end 15 of the calendar year following the submission of the unaudited financial data, the commissioner shall convert the audited financial data required by this subdivision into the consolidated financial statement format required under subdivision 1a and publish the information on the department's Web site.

Sec. 7.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.83, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

Failure to limit expenditures.

If a district does not limit its expenditures in accordance with this section, the commissioner may so notify the appropriate committees of the legislature by no later than deleted text begin January 1deleted text end new text begin February 15new text end of the year following the end of that fiscal year.

Sec. 8.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.11, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Nonresident tuition rate; other costs.

(a) For fiscal year 2006, when a school district provides instruction and services outside the district of residence, board and lodging, and any tuition to be paid, shall be paid by the district of residence. The tuition rate to be charged for any child with a disability, excluding a pupil for whom tuition is calculated according to section 127A.47, subdivision 7, paragraph (d), must be the sum of (1) the actual cost of providing special instruction and services to the child including a proportionate amount for special transportation and unreimbursed building lease and debt service costs for facilities used primarily for special education, plus (2) the amount of general education revenue and referendum aid attributable to the pupil, minus (3) the amount of special education aid for children with a disability received on behalf of that child, minus (4) if the pupil receives special instruction and services outside the regular classroom for more than 60 percent of the school day, the amount of general education revenue and referendum aid, excluding portions attributable to district and school administration, district support services, operations and maintenance, capital expenditures, and pupil transportation, attributable to that pupil for the portion of time the pupil receives special instruction and services outside of the regular classroom. If the boards involved do not agree upon the tuition rate, either board may apply to the commissioner to fix the rate. Notwithstanding chapter 14, the commissioner must then set a date for a hearing or request a written statement from each board, giving each board at least ten days' notice, and after the hearing or review of the written statements the commissioner must make an order fixing the tuition rate, which is binding on both school districts. General education revenue and referendum equalization aid attributable to a pupil must be calculated using the resident district's average general education revenue and referendum equalization aid per adjusted pupil unit.

(b) For fiscal year 2007 and later, when a school district provides special instruction and services for a pupil with a disability as defined in section 125A.02 outside the district of residence, excluding a pupil for whom an adjustment to special education aid is calculated according to section 127A.47, subdivision 7, paragraph (e), special education aid paid to the resident district must be reduced by an amount equal to (1) the actual cost of providing special instruction and services to the pupil, including a proportionate amount for special transportation and unreimbursed building lease and debt service costs for facilities used primarily for special education, plus (2) the amount of general education revenue and referendum equalization aid attributable to that pupil, calculated using the resident district's average general education revenue and referendum equalization aid per adjusted pupil unit excluding basic skills revenue, elementary sparsity revenue and secondary sparsity revenue, minus (3) the amount of special education aid for children with a disability received on behalf of that child, minus (4) if the pupil receives special instruction and services outside the regular classroom for more than 60 percent of the school day, the amount of general education revenue and referendum equalization aid, excluding portions attributable to district and school administration, district support services, operations and maintenance, capital expenditures, and pupil transportation, attributable to that pupil for the portion of time the pupil receives special instruction and services outside of the regular classroom, calculated using the resident district's average general education revenue and referendum equalization aid per adjusted pupil unit excluding basic skills revenue, elementary sparsity revenue and secondary sparsity revenue and the serving district's basic skills revenue, elementary sparsity revenue and secondary sparsity revenue per adjusted pupil unit. Notwithstanding clauses (1) and (4), for pupils served by a cooperative unit without a fiscal agent school district, the general education revenue and referendum equalization aid attributable to a pupil must be calculated using the resident district's average general education revenue and referendum equalization aid excluding new text begin compensatory revenue, new text end elementary sparsity revenuenew text begin ,new text end and secondary sparsity revenue. Special education aid paid to the district or cooperative providing special instruction and services for the pupil must be increased by the amount of the reduction in the aid paid to the resident district. Amounts paid to cooperatives under this subdivision and section 127A.47, subdivision 7, shall be recognized and reported as revenues and expenditures on the resident school district's books of account under sections 123B.75 and 123B.76. If the resident district's special education aid is insufficient to make the full adjustment, the remaining adjustment shall be made to other state aid due to the district.

(c) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b) and section 127A.47, subdivision 7, paragraphs (d) and (e), a charter school where more than 30 percent of enrolled students receive special education and related services, a site approved under section 125A.515, an intermediate district, a special education cooperative, or a school district that served as the applicant agency for a group of school districts for federal special education aids for fiscal year 2006 may apply to the commissioner for authority to charge the resident district an additional amount to recover any remaining unreimbursed costs of serving pupils with a disability. The application must include a description of the costs and the calculations used to determine the unreimbursed portion to be charged to the resident district. Amounts approved by the commissioner under this paragraph must be included in the tuition billings or aid adjustments under paragraph (a) or (b), or section 127A.47, subdivision 7, paragraph (d) or (e), as applicable.

(d) For purposes of this subdivision and section 127A.47, subdivision 7, paragraphs (d) and (e), "general education revenue and referendum equalization aid" means the sum of the general education revenue according to section 126C.10, subdivision 1, excluding alternative teacher compensation revenue, plus the referendum equalization aid according to section 126C.17, subdivision 7, as adjusted according to section 127A.47, subdivision 7, paragraphs (a) to (c).

Sec. 9.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.05, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Foreign exchange pupils.

Notwithstanding section 124D.02, subdivision 3, or any other law to the contrary, a foreign exchange pupil enrolled in a district under a cultural exchange program new text begin registered with the Office of the Secretary of State under section 5A.02 new text end may be counted as a resident pupil for the purposes of this chapter and chapters 120B, 122A, 123A, 123B, 124D, 125A, and 127A, even if the pupil has graduated from high school or the equivalent.

Sec. 10.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.10, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:

new text begin Subd. 8a. new text end

new text begin Sparsity revenue for school districts that close facilities. new text end

new text begin A school district that closes a school facility is eligible for elementary and secondary sparsity revenue equal to the greater of the amounts calculated under subdivisions 6, 7, and 8 or the total amount of sparsity revenue for the previous fiscal year if the school board of the district has adopted a written resolution stating that the district intends to close the school facility, but cannot proceed with the closure without the adjustment to sparsity revenue authorized by this subdivision. The written resolution must be filed with the commissioner of education at least 60 days prior to the start of the fiscal year for which aid under this subdivision is first requested. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment for revenue for fiscal years 2010 and later. new text end

Sec. 11.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.10, subdivision 34, is amended to read:

Subd. 34.

Basic alternative teacher compensation aid.

(a) For fiscal years 2007 deleted text begin and laterdeleted text end new text begin , 2008, and 2009new text end , the basic alternative teacher compensation aid for a school district with a plan approved under section 122A.414, subdivision 2b, equals deleted text begin 65deleted text end new text begin 73.1 new text end percent of the alternative teacher compensation revenue under section 122A.415, subdivision 1. The basic alternative teacher compensation aid for an intermediate school district or charter school with a plan approved under section 122A.414, subdivisions 2a and 2b, if the recipient is a charter school, equals $260 times the number of pupils enrolled in the school on October 1 of the previous fiscal year, or on October 1 of the current fiscal year for a charter school in the first year of operation, times the ratio of the sum of the alternative teacher compensation aid and alternative teacher compensation levy for all participating school districts to the maximum alternative teacher compensation revenue for those districts under section 122A.415, subdivision 1.

new text begin (b) For fiscal years 2010 and later, the basic alternative teacher compensation aid for a school with a plan approved under section 122A.414, subdivision 2b, equals 65 percent of the alternative teacher compensation revenue under section 122A.415, subdivision 1. The basic alternative teacher compensation aid for an intermediate school district or charter school with a plan approved under section 122A.414, subdivisions 2a and 2b, if the recipient is a charter school, equals $260 times the number of pupils enrolled in the school on October 1 of the previous year, or on October 1 of the current year for a charter school in the first year of operation, times the ratio of the sum of the alternative teacher compensation aid and alternative teacher compensation levy for all participating school districts to the maximum alternative teacher compensation revenue for those districts under section 122A.415, subdivision 1. new text end

deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b) and section 122A.415, subdivision 1, the state total basic alternative teacher compensation aid entitlement must not exceed $75,636,000 for fiscal year 2007 and later. The commissioner must limit the amount of alternative teacher compensation aid approved under section 122A.415 so as not to exceed these limits.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 12.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.15, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Building allocation.

(a) A district must allocate its compensatory revenue to each school building in the district where the children who have generated the revenue are served unless the school district has received permission under Laws 2005, First Special Session chapter 5, article 1, section 50, to allocate compensatory revenue according to student performance measures developed by the school board.

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), a district may allocate up to five percent of the amount of compensatory revenue that the district receives to school sites according to a plan adopted by the school board. The money reallocated under this paragraph must be spent for the purposes listed in subdivision 1, but may be spent on students in any grade, including students attending school readiness or other prekindergarten programs.

(c) For the purposes of this section and section 126C.05, subdivision 3, "building" means education site as defined in section 123B.04, subdivision 1.

(d) deleted text begin If the pupil is served at a site other than one owned and operated by the district, the revenue shall be paid to the district and used for services for pupils who generate the revenuedeleted text end new text begin Notwithstanding section 123A. 26, subdivision 1, compensatory revenue generated by students served at a cooperative unit shall be paid to the cooperative unitnew text end .

(e) A district with school building openings, school building closings, changes in attendance area boundaries, or other changes in programs or student demographics between the prior year and the current year may reallocate compensatory revenue among sites to reflect these changes. A district must report to the department any adjustments it makes according to this paragraph and the department must use the adjusted compensatory revenue allocations in preparing the report required under section 123B.76, subdivision 3, paragraph (c).

Sec. 13.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.15, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

Separate accounts.

Each district new text begin and cooperative unit new text end that receives basic skills revenue shall maintain separate accounts to identify expenditures for salaries and programs related to basic skills revenue.

Sec. 14.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.17, subdivision 9, is amended to read:

Subd. 9.

Referendum revenue.

(a) The revenue authorized by section 126C.10, subdivision 1, may be increased in the amount approved by the voters of the district at a referendum called for the purpose. The referendum may be called by the board deleted text begin or shall be called by the board upon written petition of qualified voters of the districtdeleted text end . The referendum must be conducted one or two calendar years before the increased levy authority, if approved, first becomes payable. Only one election to approve an increase may be held in a calendar year. Unless the referendum is conducted by mail under subdivision 11, paragraph (a), the referendum must be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The ballot must state the maximum amount of the increased revenue per resident marginal cost pupil unit. The ballot may state a schedule, determined by the board, of increased revenue per resident marginal cost pupil unit that differs from year to year over the number of years for which the increased revenue is authorized or may state that the amount shall increase annually by the rate of inflation. For this purpose, the rate of inflation shall be the annual inflationary increase calculated under subdivision 2, paragraph (b). The ballot may state that existing referendum levy authority is expiring. In this case, the ballot may also compare the proposed levy authority to the existing expiring levy authority, and express the proposed increase as the amount, if any, over the expiring referendum levy authority. The ballot must designate the specific number of years, not to exceed ten, for which the referendum authorization applies. The ballot, including a ballot on the question to revoke or reduce the increased revenue amount under paragraph (c), must abbreviate the term "per resident marginal cost pupil unit" as "per pupil." The notice required under section 275.60 may be modified to read, in cases of renewing existing levies at the same amount per pupil as in the previous year:


The ballot may contain a textual portion with the information required in this subdivision and a question stating substantially the following:

"Shall the increase in the revenue proposed by (petition to) the board of ........., School District No. .., be approved?"

If approved, an amount equal to the approved revenue per resident marginal cost pupil unit times the resident marginal cost pupil units for the school year beginning in the year after the levy is certified shall be authorized for certification for the number of years approved, if applicable, or until revoked or reduced by the voters of the district at a subsequent referendum.

(b) The board must prepare and deliver by first class mail at least 15 days but no more than 30 days before the day of the referendum to each taxpayer a notice of the referendum and the proposed revenue increase. The board need not mail more than one notice to any taxpayer. For the purpose of giving mailed notice under this subdivision, owners must be those shown to be owners on the records of the county auditor or, in any county where tax statements are mailed by the county treasurer, on the records of the county treasurer. Every property owner whose name does not appear on the records of the county auditor or the county treasurer is deemed to have waived this mailed notice unless the owner has requested in writing that the county auditor or county treasurer, as the case may be, include the name on the records for this purpose. The notice must project the anticipated amount of tax increase in annual dollars for typical residential homesteads, agricultural homesteads, apartments, and commercial-industrial property within the school district.

The notice for a referendum may state that an existing referendum levy is expiring and project the anticipated amount of increase over the existing referendum levy in the first year, if any, in annual dollars for typical residential homesteads, agricultural homesteads, apartments, and commercial-industrial property within the district.

The notice must include the following statement: "Passage of this referendum will result in an increase in your property taxes." However, in cases of renewing existing levies, the notice may include the following statement: "Passage of this referendum extends an existing operating referendum at the same amount per pupil as in the previous year."

(c) A referendum on the question of revoking or reducing the increased revenue amount authorized pursuant to paragraph (a) may be called by the board deleted text begin and shall be called by the board upon the written petition of qualified voters of the districtdeleted text end . A referendum to revoke or reduce the revenue amount must state the amount per resident marginal cost pupil unit by which the authority is to be reduced. Revenue authority approved by the voters of the district pursuant to paragraph (a) must be available to the school district at least once before it is subject to a referendum on its revocation or reduction for subsequent years. Only one revocation or reduction referendum may be held to revoke or reduce referendum revenue for any specific year and for years thereafter.

(d) deleted text begin A petition authorized by paragraph (a) or (c) is effective if signed by a number of qualified voters in excess of 15 percent of the registered voters of the district on the day the petition is filed with the board. A referendum invoked by petition must be held on the date specified in paragraph (a).deleted text end

deleted text begin (e)deleted text end The approval of 50 percent plus one of those voting on the question is required to pass a referendum authorized by this subdivision.

deleted text begin (f)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end At least 15 days before the day of the referendum, the district must submit a copy of the notice required under paragraph (b) to the commissioner and to the county auditor of each county in which the district is located. Within 15 days after the results of the referendum have been certified by the board, or in the case of a recount, the certification of the results of the recount by the canvassing board, the district must notify the commissioner of the results of the referendum.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for petitions filed after July 1, 2009. new text end

Sec. 15.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.40, subdivision 6, is amended to read:

Subd. 6.

Lease purchase; installment buys.

(a) Upon application to, and approval by, the commissioner in accordance with the procedures and limits in subdivision 1, paragraphs (a) and (b), a district, as defined in this subdivision, may:

(1) purchase real or personal property under an installment contract or may lease real or personal property with an option to purchase under a lease purchase agreement, by which installment contract or lease purchase agreement title is kept by the seller or vendor or assigned to a third party as security for the purchase price, including interest, if any; and

(2) annually levy the amounts necessary to pay the district's obligations under the installment contract or lease purchase agreement.

(b) The obligation created by the installment contract or the lease purchase agreement must not be included in the calculation of net debt for purposes of section 475.53, and does not constitute debt under other law. An election is not required in connection with the execution of the installment contract or the lease purchase agreement.

(c) The proceeds of the levy authorized by this subdivision must not be used to acquire a facility to be primarily used for athletic or school administration purposes.

(d) For the purposes of this subdivision, "district" means:

(1) a school district deleted text begin required to have a comprehensive plan for the elimination of segregationdeleted text end new text begin which is eligible for revenue under section 124D.86, subdivision 3, clause (1), (2), or (3), and new text end whose plan has been determined by the commissioner to be in compliance with Department of Education rules relating to equality of educational opportunity and school desegregation and, for a district eligible for revenue under section 124D.86, subdivision 3, clause (4)new text begin or (5)new text end , where the acquisition of property under this subdivision is determined by the commissioner to contribute to the implementation of the desegregation plan; or

(2) a school district that participates in a joint program for interdistrict desegregation with a district defined in clause (1) if the facility acquired under this subdivision is to be primarily used for the joint program and the commissioner determines that the joint programs are being undertaken to implement the districts' desegregation plan.

(e) Notwithstanding subdivision 1, the prohibition against a levy by a district to lease or rent a district-owned building to itself does not apply to levies otherwise authorized by this subdivision.

(f) For the purposes of this subdivision, any references in subdivision 1 to building or land shall include personal property.

Sec. 16.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.41, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Retired employee health benefits.

new text begin (a) new text end A district may levy an amount up to the amount the district is required by the collective bargaining agreement in effect on March 30, 1992, to pay for health insurance or unreimbursed medical expenses for licensed and nonlicensed employees who have terminated services in the employing district and withdrawn from active teaching service or other active service, as applicable, before July 1, new text begin 1992, and to pay for health insurance or unreimbursed medical expenses for licensed and nonlicensed employees who have terminated services in the employing district and withdrawn from active teaching service or other active service, as applicable before July 1,new text end 1998, if a sunset clause is in effect for the current collective bargaining agreement. The total amount of the levy each year may not exceed $600,000.

new text begin (b) In addition to the levy authority granted under paragraph (a), a school district may levy for other postemployment benefits expenses. For purposes of this subdivision "postemployment benefits" means benefits giving rise to a liability under Statement No. 45 of the Government Accounting Standards Board. A district seeking levy authority under this subdivision must: new text end

new text begin (1) create or have created an actuarial liability to pay postemployment benefits to employees or officers after their termination of service; new text end

new text begin (2) have a sunset clause in effect for the current collective bargaining agreement as required by paragraph (a); and new text end

new text begin (3) apply for the authority in the form and manner required by the commissioner of education. new text end

new text begin If the total levy authority requested under this paragraph exceeds the amount established in paragraph (c), the commissioner must proportionately reduce each district's maximum levy authority under this subdivision. new text end

new text begin (c) The maximum levy authority under paragraph (b) must not exceed the following amounts: new text end

new text begin (1) $9,242,000 for taxes payable in 2010; new text end

new text begin (2) $29,863,000 for taxes payable in 2011; and new text end

new text begin (3) for taxes payable in 2012 and later, the maximum levy authority must not exceed the sum of the previous year's authority and $14,000,000. new text end

Sec. 17.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.44, is amended to read:


(a) Each district may make a levy on all taxable property located within the district for the purposes specified in this section. The maximum amount which may be levied for all costs under this section shall be equal to $30 multiplied by the district's adjusted marginal cost pupil units for the school year. The proceeds of the levy must be reserved and used for directly funding the following purposes or for reimbursing the cities and counties who contract with the district for the following purposes: (1) to pay the costs incurred for the salaries, benefits, and transportation costs of peace officers and sheriffs for liaison in services in the district's schools; (2) to pay the costs for a drug abuse prevention program as defined in section 609.101, subdivision 3, paragraph (e), in the elementary schools; (3) to pay the costs for a gang resistance education training curriculum in the district's schools; (4) to pay the costs for security in the district's schools and on school property; (5) to pay the costs for other crime prevention, drug abuse, student and staff safety, voluntary opt-in suicide prevention tools, and violence prevention measures taken by the school district; or (6) to pay costs for licensed school counselors, licensed school nurses, licensed school social workers, licensed school psychologists, and licensed alcohol and chemical dependency counselors to help provide early responses to problems. For expenditures under clause (1), the district must initially attempt to contract for services to be provided by peace officers or sheriffs with the police department of each city or the sheriff's department of the county within the district containing the school receiving the services. If a local police department or a county sheriff's department does not wish to provide the necessary services, the district may contract for these services with any other police or sheriff's department located entirely or partially within the school district's boundaries.

(b) A school district that is a member of an intermediate school district may include in its authority under this section the costs associated with safe schools activities authorized under paragraph (a) for intermediate school district programs. This authority must not exceed $10 times the adjusted marginal cost pupil units of the member districts. This authority is in addition to any other authority authorized under this section. Revenue raised under this paragraph must be transferred to the intermediate school district.

(c) A school district must set aside at least $3 per adjusted marginal cost pupil unit of the safe schools levy proceeds for the purposes authorized under paragraph (a), clause (6). The district must annually certifynew text begin eithernew text end thatnew text begin : (1)new text end its total spending on services provided by the employees listed in paragraph (a), clause (6), is not less than the sum of its expenditures for these purposes, excluding amounts spent under this section, in the previous year plus the amount spent under this sectionnew text begin ; or (2) that the district's full-time equivalent number of employees listed in paragraph (a), clause (6), is not less than the number for the previous yearnew text end .

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for revenue for fiscal years 2010 and later. new text end

Sec. 18.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 127A.47, subdivision 7, is amended to read:

Subd. 7.

Alternative attendance programs.

The general education aid and special education aid for districts must be adjusted for each pupil attending a nonresident district under sections 123A.05 to 123A.08, 124D.03, 124D.08, and 124D.68. The adjustments must be made according to this subdivision.

(a) General education aid paid to a resident district must be reduced by an amount equal to the referendum equalization aid attributable to the pupil in the resident district.

(b) General education aid paid to a district serving a pupil in programs listed in this subdivision must be increased by an amount equal to the greater of (1) the referendum equalization aid attributable to the pupil in the nonresident district; or (2) the product of the district's open enrollment concentration index, the maximum amount of referendum revenue in the first tier, and the district's net open enrollment pupil units for that year. A district's open enrollment concentration index equals the greater of: (i) zero, or (ii) the lesser of 1.0, or the difference between the district's ratio of open enrollment pupil units served to its resident pupil units for that year and 0.2. This clause does not apply to a school district where more than 50 percent of the open enrollment students are enrolled solely in online learning courses.

(c) If the amount of the reduction to be made from the general education aid of the resident district is greater than the amount of general education aid otherwise due the district, the excess reduction must be made from other state aids due the district.

(d) For fiscal year 2006, the district of residence must pay tuition to a district or an area learning center, operated according to paragraph (f), providing special instruction and services to a pupil with a disability, as defined in section 125A.02, or a pupil, as defined in section 125A.51, who is enrolled in a program listed in this subdivision. The tuition must be equal to (1) the actual cost of providing special instruction and services to the pupil, including a proportionate amount for special transportation and unreimbursed building lease and debt service costs for facilities used primarily for special education, minus (2) if the pupil receives special instruction and services outside the regular classroom for more than 60 percent of the school day, the amount of general education revenue and referendum aid attributable to that pupil for the portion of time the pupil receives special instruction and services outside of the regular classroom, excluding portions attributable to district and school administration, district support services, operations and maintenance, capital expenditures, and pupil transportation, minus (3) special education aid attributable to that pupil, that is received by the district providing special instruction and services. For purposes of this paragraph, general education revenue and referendum equalization aid attributable to a pupil must be calculated using the serving district's average general education revenue and referendum equalization aid per adjusted pupil unit.

(e) For fiscal year 2007 and later, special education aid paid to a resident district must be reduced by an amount equal to (1) the actual cost of providing special instruction and services, including special transportation and unreimbursed building lease and debt service costs for facilities used primarily for special education, for a pupil with a disability, as defined in section 125A.02, or a pupil, as defined in section 125A.51, who is enrolled in a program listed in this subdivision, minus (2) if the pupil receives special instruction and services outside the regular classroom for more than 60 percent of the school day, the amount of general education revenue and referendum equalization aid attributable to that pupil for the portion of time the pupil receives special instruction and services outside of the regular classroom, excluding portions attributable to district and school administration, district support services, operations and maintenance, capital expenditures, and pupil transportation, minus (3) special education aid attributable to that pupil, that is received by the district providing special instruction and services. For purposes of this paragraph, general education revenue and referendum equalization aid attributable to a pupil must be calculated using the serving district's average general education revenue and referendum equalization aid per adjusted pupil unit. Special education aid paid to the district or cooperative providing special instruction and services for the pupil, or to the fiscal agent district for a cooperative, must be increased by the amount of the reduction in the aid paid to the resident district. If the resident district's special education aid is insufficient to make the full adjustment, the remaining adjustment shall be made to other state aids due to the district.

(f) An area learning center operated by a service cooperative, intermediate district, education district, or a joint powers cooperative may elect through the action of the constituent boards to charge the resident district tuition for pupils rather than to have the general education revenue paid to a fiscal agent school district. Except as provided in paragraph (d) or (e), the district of residence must pay tuition equal to at least 90 percent of the district average general education revenue per pupil unit minus an amount equal to the product of the formula allowance according to section 126C.10, subdivision 2, times .0485, calculated without deleted text begin basic skillsdeleted text end new text begin compensatorynew text end revenue and transportation sparsity revenue, times the number of pupil units for pupils attending the area learning centerdeleted text begin , plus the amount of compensatory revenue generated by pupils attending the area learning centerdeleted text end .

Sec. 19.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 475.58, subdivision 1, as amended by 2009 H.F. No. 1298, article 2, section 36, if enacted, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Approval by electors; exceptions.

Obligations authorized by law or charter may be issued by any municipality upon obtaining the approval of a majority of the electors voting on the question of issuing the obligations, but an election shall not be required to authorize obligations issued:

(1) to pay any unpaid judgment against the municipality;

(2) for refunding obligations;

(3) for an improvement or improvement program, which obligation is payable wholly or partly from the proceeds of special assessments levied upon property specially benefited by the improvement or by an improvement within the improvement program, or from tax increments, as defined in section 469.174, subdivision 25, including obligations which are the general obligations of the municipality, if the municipality is entitled to reimbursement in whole or in part from the proceeds of such special assessments or tax increments and not less than 20 percent of the cost of the improvement or the improvement program is to be assessed against benefited property or is to be paid from the proceeds of federal grant funds or a combination thereof, or is estimated to be received from tax increments;

(4) payable wholly from the income of revenue producing conveniences;

(5) under the provisions of a home rule charter which permits the issuance of obligations of the municipality without election;

(6) under the provisions of a law which permits the issuance of obligations of a municipality without an election;

(7) to fund pension or retirement fund liabilities of a municipality deleted text begin or postemployment benefit liabilities of a school districtdeleted text end pursuant to section 475.52, subdivision 6;

(8) under a capital improvement plan under section 373.40;

(9) under sections 469.1813 to 469.1815 (property tax abatement authority bonds), if the proceeds of the bonds are not used for a purpose prohibited under section 469.176, subdivision 4g, paragraph (b);

(10) to fund postemployment benefit liabilities pursuant to section 475.52, subdivision 6, of a municipality, other than a school district, if the liabilities are limited to:

(i) satisfying the requirements of section 471.61, subdivision 2b; and

(ii) other postemployment benefits, which the municipality no longer provides to employees hired after a date before the obligations are issued; and

(11) under section 475.755.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment, except that the changes made to clause (7) are effective for obligations sold after October 1, 2009. new text end

Sec. 20.

new text begin ST. LOUIS COUNTY SCHOOL CLOSING. new text end

new text begin Independent School District No. 2142, St. Louis County, is eligible for sparsity revenue calculated under Minnesota Statutes, section 126C.10, subdivision 8a, for fiscal years 2010 and later if the board has adopted the required written resolution at any time prior to the start of the 2009-2010 school year. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 21.


new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin General education reduction. new text end

new text begin Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 126C.13 and 126C.20, the state total general education aid for fiscal year 2010 is reduced by $500,000,000. The aid reduction must be allocated among school districts and charter schools in proportion to the school district or charter school's general education revenue for fiscal year 2008 under Minnesota Statutes, section 126C.10, or Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.11, subdivisions 1 and 2. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin Allocation of federal fiscal stabilization funds. new text end

new text begin The commissioner must offset the onetime general education aid reduction for each school district and charter school under subdivision 1 with an equal amount of federal aid from the fiscal stabilization account in the federal fund. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Primary payee. new text end

new text begin The commissioner of finance may designate a primary payee for each state fiscal stabilization award. The primary payee must transfer the amount of stabilization funds appropriated by law to the state agencies and higher education institutions designated to receive these funds in law. new text end

Sec. 22.

new text begin FISCAL STABILIZATION ACCOUNT. new text end

new text begin The fiscal stabilization account is created in the federal fund in the state treasury. All money received by the state under title XIV of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, division A, must be credited to the fiscal stabilization account. Money in the account must not be spent except pursuant to a direct appropriation by law. When all money credited and to be credited to the account from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has been spent, the commissioner of finance shall close the account. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 23.

new text begin EQUALIZING FACTORS. new text end

new text begin The commissioner shall adjust each referendum market value equalizing factor established under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 126C, by dividing the equalizing factor by the ratio of the statewide referendum market value as calculated using the definition of referendum market value that was in effect prior to the 2009 legislative session for assessment year 2009 to the statewide referendum market value that is in effect after the 2009 legislative session for that assessment year. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for taxes payable in 2010 and later. new text end

Sec. 24.

new text begin APPROPRIATIONS; STATE. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Department of Education. new text end

new text begin The sums indicated in this section are appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Education for the fiscal years designated. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin General education aid. new text end

new text begin For general education aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 126C.13, subdivision 4: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 5,195,504,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 5,626,994,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $555,864,000 for 2009 and $4,639,640,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $500,976,000 for 2010 and $5,126,018,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Enrollment options transportation. new text end

new text begin For transportation of pupils attending postsecondary institutions under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.09, or for transportation of pupils attending nonresident districts under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.03: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 48,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 52,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 4. new text end

new text begin Abatement revenue. new text end

new text begin For abatement aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 127A.49: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,175,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,034,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $140,000 for 2009 and $1,035,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $115,000 for 2010 and $919,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 5. new text end

new text begin Consolidation transition. new text end

new text begin For districts consolidating under Minnesota Statutes, section 123A.485: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 854,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 927,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $0 for 2009 and $854,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $94,000 for 2010 and $833,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 6. new text end

new text begin Nonpublic pupil education aid. new text end

new text begin For nonpublic pupil education aid under Minnesota Statutes, sections 123B.40 to 123B.43 and 123B.87: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 17,250,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 17,889,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $1,647,000 for 2009 and $15,603,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $1,733,000 for 2010 and $16,156,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 7. new text end

new text begin Nonpublic pupil transportation. new text end

new text begin For nonpublic pupil transportation aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.92, subdivision 9: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 22,159,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 22,712,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $2,077,000 for 2009 and $20,082,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $2,231,000 for 2010 and $20,481,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 8. new text end

new text begin One-room schoolhouse. new text end

new text begin For a grant to Independent School District No. 690, Warroad, to operate the Angle Inlet School: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 65,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 65,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 9. new text end

new text begin Independent School District No. 239, Rushford-Peterson. new text end

new text begin For school district flood enrollment impact aid as a result of the floods of August 2007: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 158,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end

new text begin The base appropriation for later fiscal years is $0. new text end

new text begin Subd. 10. new text end

new text begin Lancaster. new text end

new text begin For a grant to Independent School District No. 356, Lancaster, to replace the loss of sparsity revenue: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 100,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 100,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The base appropriation for later fiscal years is $0. new text end

new text begin Subd. 11. new text end

new text begin Compensatory revenue pilot project. new text end

new text begin For grants for participation in the compensatory revenue pilot program under Laws 2005, First Special Session chapter 5, article 1, section 50: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,175,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,175,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Of this amount, $1,500,000 in each year is for a grant to Independent School District No. 11, Anoka-Hennepin; $210,000 in each year is for a grant to Independent School District No. 279, Osseo; $160,000 in each year is for a grant to Independent School District No. 281, Robbinsdale; $75,000 in each year is for a grant to Independent School District No. 286, Brooklyn Center; $165,000 in each year is for a grant to Independent School District No. 535, Rochester; and $65,000 in each year is for a grant to Independent School District No. 833, South Washington. new text end

new text begin If a grant to a specific school district is not awarded, the commissioner may increase the aid amounts to any of the remaining participating school districts. new text end

new text begin This appropriation is part of the base budget for subsequent fiscal years. new text end

Sec. 25.

new text begin APPROPRIATIONS; FEDERAL FUND. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Department of Education. new text end

new text begin The sums indicated in this section are appropriated from the fiscal stabilization account in the federal fund to the commissioner of education for the fiscal years designated. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin General education offset. new text end

new text begin To offset the onetime general education revenue reduction under section 23: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 500,000,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end

new text begin Any balance does not cancel but is available for obligation until September 30, 2011. new text end



Section 1.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 13.32, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:

new text begin Subd. 10a. new text end

new text begin Access to student records; school conferences. new text end

new text begin (a) A parent or guardian of a student may designate an individual, defined under paragraph (c), to participate in a school conference involving the child of the parent or guardian. The parent or guardian must provide the school with prior written consent allowing the significant individual to participate in the conference and to receive any data on the child of the consenting parent or guardian that are necessary and relevant to the conference discussions. The consenting parent or guardian may withdraw consent, in writing, at any time. new text end

new text begin (b) A school may accept the following form, or another consent to release student data form, as sufficient to meet the requirements of this subdivision: new text end


new text begin I, ........................................... (Name of parent or guardian), as parent or guardian of ........................................... (Name of child), consent to allow ........................................... (Name of an individual) to participate in school conferences and receive student data relating to the above-named child, consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 13.32, subdivision 10a. I understand that I may withdraw my consent, upon written request, at any time. new text end

new text begin . new text end
new text begin (Signature of parent or guardian) new text end
new text begin . new text end
new text begin (Date)" new text end

new text begin (c) For purposes of this section, "an individual" means one additional adult designated by a child's parent or guardian to attend school-related activities and conferences. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for the 2009-2010 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 2.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120A.22, subdivision 12, is amended to read:

Subd. 12.

Legitimate exemptions.

A parent, guardian, or other person having control of a child may apply to a school district to have the child excused from attendance for the whole or any part of the time school is in session during any school year. Application may be made to any member of the board, a truant officer, a principal, or the superintendent. The school district may state in its school attendance policy that it may ask the student's parent or legal guardian to verify in writing the reason for the child's absence from school. new text begin A note from a physician or a licensed mental health professional stating that the child cannot attend school is a valid excuse. new text end The board of the district in which the child resides may approve the application upon the following being demonstrated to the satisfaction of that board:

(1) that the child's deleted text begin bodilydeleted text end new text begin physical new text end or mental deleted text begin conditiondeleted text end new text begin health new text end is such as to prevent attendance at school or application to study for the period required, which includes:

(i) child illness, medical, dental, orthodontic, or counseling appointments;

(ii) family emergencies;

(iii) the death or serious illness or funeral of an immediate family member;

(iv) active duty in any military branch of the United States; deleted text begin ordeleted text end

(v) new text begin the child has a condition that requires ongoing treatment for a mental health diagnosis; ornew text end

new text begin (vi) new text end other exemptions included in the district's school attendance policy;

(2) that the child has already completed state and district standards required for graduation from high school; or

(3) that it is the wish of the parent, guardian, or other person having control of the child, that the child attend for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate three hours in any week, a school for religious instruction conducted and maintained by some church, or association of churches, or any Sunday school association incorporated under the laws of this state, or any auxiliary thereof. This school for religious instruction must be conducted and maintained in a place other than a public school building, and it must not, in whole or in part, be conducted and maintained at public expense. However, a child may be absent from school on such days as the child attends upon instruction according to the ordinances of some church.

Sec. 3.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.02, is amended to read:


(a) The legislature is committed to establishing rigorous academic standards for Minnesota's public school students. To that end, the commissioner shall adopt in rule statewide academic standards. The commissioner shall not prescribe in rule or otherwise the delivery system, classroom assessments, or form of instruction that school sites must use. For purposes of this chapter, a school site is a separate facility, or a separate program within a facility that a local school board recognizes as a school site for funding purposes.

(b) All commissioner actions regarding the rule must be premised on the following:

(1) the rule is intended to raise academic expectations for students, teachers, and schools;

(2) any state action regarding the rule must evidence consideration of school district autonomy; and

(3) the Department of Education, with the assistance of school districts, must make available information about all state initiatives related to the rule to students and parents, teachers, and the general public in a timely format that is appropriate, comprehensive, and readily understandable.

(c) When fully implemented, the requirements for high school graduation in Minnesota must require students to satisfactorily complete, as determined by the school district, the course credit requirements under section 120B.024new text begin , all state academic standards or local academic standards where state standards do not apply, new text end anddeleted text begin :deleted text end new text begin successfully pass graduation examinations as required under section text end

deleted text begin (1) for students enrolled in grade 8 before the 2005-2006 school year, to pass the basic skills test requirements; and deleted text end

deleted text begin (2) for students enrolled in grade 8 in the 2005-2006 school year and later, to pass the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments Second Edition (MCA-IIs). deleted text end

(d) The commissioner shall periodically review and report on the state's assessment process.

(e) School districts are not required to adopt specific provisions of the federal School-to-Work programs.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2012, and applies to students entering the 9th grade in the 2012-2013 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 4.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.022, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Elective standards.

(a) A district must establish its own standards in the following subject areas:

(1) vocational and technical education; and

(2) world languages.

A school district must offer courses in all elective subject areas.

(b) World languages teachers and other school staff should develop and implement world languages programs that acknowledge and reinforce the language proficiency and cultural awareness that non-English language speakers already possess, and encourage students' proficiency in multiple world languages. Programs under this paragraph must encompass indigenous American Indian languages and cultures, among other world languages and cultures. The department shall consult with postsecondary institutions in developing related professional development opportunities.

new text begin (c) Any Minnesota public, charter, or nonpublic school may award Minnesota World Language Proficiency Certificates or Minnesota World Language Proficiency High Achievement Certificates, consistent with this subdivision. new text end

new text begin The Minnesota World Language Proficiency Certificate recognizes students who demonstrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing language skills at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages' Intermediate-Low level on a valid and reliable assessment tool. For languages listed as Category 3 by the United States Foreign Service Institute or Category 4 by the United States Defense Language Institute, the standard is Intermediate-Low for listening and speaking and Novice-High for reading and writing. new text end

new text begin The Minnesota World Language Proficiency High Achievement Certificate recognizes students who demonstrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing language skills at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages' Pre-Advanced level for K-12 learners on a valid and reliable assessment tool. For languages listed as Category 3 by the United States Foreign Service Institute or Category 4 by the United States Defense Language Institute, the standard is Pre-Advanced for listening and speaking and Intermediate-Mid for reading and writing. new text end

Sec. 5.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.023, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Revisions and reviews required.

(a) The commissioner of education must revise and appropriately embed technology and information literacy standards consistent with recommendations from school media specialists into the state's academic standards and graduation requirements and implement a review cycle for state academic standards and related benchmarks, consistent with this subdivision. During each review cycle, the commissioner also must examine the alignment of each required academic standard and related benchmark with the knowledge and skills students need for college readiness and advanced work in the particular subject area.

(b) The commissioner in the 2006-2007 school year must revise and align the state's academic standards and high school graduation requirements in mathematics to require that students satisfactorily complete the revised mathematics standards, beginning in the 2010-2011 school year. Under the revised standards:

(1) students must satisfactorily complete an algebra I credit by the end of eighth grade; and

(2) students scheduled to graduate in the 2014-2015 school year or later must satisfactorily complete an algebra II credit or its equivalent.

The commissioner also must ensure that the statewide mathematics assessments administered to students in grades 3 through 8 and 11 deleted text begin beginning in the 2010-2011 school yeardeleted text end are aligned with the state academic standards in mathematicsnew text begin , consistent with section 120B.30, subdivision 1, paragraph (b)new text end . deleted text begin The statewide 11th grade mathematics test administered to students under clause (2) beginning in the 2013-2014 school year must include algebra II test items that are aligned with corresponding state academic standards in mathematics.deleted text end The commissioner must implement a review of the academic standards and related benchmarks in mathematics beginning in the 2015-2016 school year.

(c) The commissioner in the 2007-2008 school year must revise and align the state's academic standards and high school graduation requirements in the arts to require that students satisfactorily complete the revised arts standards beginning in the 2010-2011 school year. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic standards and related benchmarks in arts beginning in the 2016-2017 school year.

(d) The commissioner in the 2008-2009 school year must revise and align the state's academic standards and high school graduation requirements in science to require that students satisfactorily complete the revised science standards, beginning in the 2011-2012 school year. Under the revised standards, students scheduled to graduate in the 2014-2015 school year or later must satisfactorily complete a chemistry or physics credit. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic standards and related benchmarks in science beginning in the 2017-2018 school year.

(e) The commissioner in the 2009-2010 school year must revise and align the state's academic standards and high school graduation requirements in language arts to require that students satisfactorily complete the revised language arts standards beginning in the 2012-2013 school year. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic standards and related benchmarks in language arts beginning in the 2018-2019 school year.

(f) The commissioner in the 2010-2011 school year must revise and align the state's academic standards and high school graduation requirements in social studies to require that students satisfactorily complete the revised social studies standards beginning in the 2013-2014 school year. The commissioner must implement a review of the academic standards and related benchmarks in social studies beginning in the 2019-2020 school year.

(g) School districts and charter schools must revise and align local academic standards and high school graduation requirements in health, physical education, world languages, and career and technical education to require students to complete the revised standards beginning in a school year determined by the school district or charter school. School districts and charter schools must formally establish a periodic review cycle for the academic standards and related benchmarks in health, physical education, world languages, and career and technical education.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 6.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.11, subdivision 5, is amended to read:

Subd. 5.


(a) By October 1 of each year, the school board shall use standard statewide reporting procedures the commissioner develops and adopt a report that includes the following:

(1) student achievement goals for meeting state academic standards;

(2) results of local assessment data, and any additional test data;

(3) the annual school district improvement plans including staff development goals under section 122A.60;

(4) information about district and learning site progress in realizing previously adopted improvement plans; and

(5) the amount and type of revenue attributed to each education site as defined in section 123B.04.

(b) The school board shall publishnew text begin a summary ofnew text end the report in the local newspaper with the largest circulation in the district, by mail, or by electronic means such as the district Web site. If electronic means are used, school districts must publish notice of the report in a periodical of general circulation in the district. School districts must make copies of the report available to the public on request. deleted text begin The board shall make a copy of the report available to the public for inspection. The board shall send a copy of the report to the commissioner of education by October 15 of each year.deleted text end

(c) The title of the report shall contain the name and number of the school district and read "Annual Report on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Achievement." The report must include at least the following information about advisory committee membership:

(1) the name of each committee member and the date when that member's term expires;

(2) the method and criteria the school board uses to select committee members; and

(3) the date by which a community resident must apply to next serve on the committee.

Sec. 7.

new text begin [120B.299] DEFINITIONS. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Definitions. new text end

new text begin The definitions in this section apply to this chapter. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin Growth. new text end

new text begin "Growth" compares the difference in a student's achievement score at two or more distinct points in time. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Value added. new text end

new text begin "Value added" is the amount of achievement a student demonstrates above an established baseline. The difference between the student's score and the baseline defines value added. new text end

new text begin Subd. 4. new text end

new text begin Value-added growth. new text end

new text begin "Value-added growth" is based on a student's growth score. In a value-added growth system, the student's first test is the baseline, and the difference between the student's first and next test scores within a defined period is the measure of value added. Value-added growth models use student-level data to measure what portion of a student's growth can be explained by inputs related to the educational environment. new text end

new text begin Subd. 5. new text end

new text begin Adequate yearly progress. new text end

new text begin A school or district makes "adequate yearly progress" if, for every student subgroup under the federal 2001 No Child Left Behind Act in the school or district, its proficiency index or other approved adjustments for performance, based on statewide assessment scores, meets or exceeds federal expectations. To make adequate yearly progress, the school or district also must satisfy applicable federal requirements related to student attendance, graduation, and test participation rates. new text end

new text begin Subd. 6. new text end

new text begin State growth target. new text end

new text begin (a) "State growth target" is the average year-two assessment scores for students with similar year-one assessment scores. new text end

new text begin (b) The state growth targets for each grade and subject are benchmarked as follows until the assessment scale changes: new text end

new text begin (1) beginning in the 2008-2009 school year, the state growth target for grades 3 to 8 is benchmarked to 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school year data; new text end

new text begin (2) beginning in the 2008-2009 school year the state growth target for grade 10 is benchmarked to 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 school year data; new text end

new text begin (3) for the 2008-2009 school year, the state growth target for grade 11 is benchmarked to 2005-2006 school year data; and new text end

new text begin (4) beginning in the 2009-2010 school year, the state growth target for grade 11 is benchmarked to 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 school year data. new text end

new text begin (c) Each time before the assessment scale changes, a stakeholder group that includes assessment and evaluation directors and staff and researchers must recommend a new state growth target that the commissioner must consider when revising standards under section 120B.023, subdivision 2. new text end

new text begin Subd. 7. new text end

new text begin Low growth. new text end

new text begin "Low growth" is an assessment score one-half standard deviation below the state growth target. new text end

new text begin Subd. 8. new text end

new text begin Medium growth. new text end

new text begin "Medium growth" is an assessment score within one-half standard deviation above or below the state growth target. new text end

new text begin Subd. 9. new text end

new text begin High growth. new text end

new text begin "High growth" is an assessment score one-half standard deviation or more above the state growth target. new text end

new text begin Subd. 10. new text end

new text begin Proficiency. new text end

new text begin "Proficiency" for purposes of reporting growth on school performance report cards under section 120B.36, subdivision 1, means those students who, in the previous school year, scored at or above "meets standards" on the statewide assessments under section 120B.30. Each year, school performance report cards must separately display: (1) the numbers and percentages of students who achieved low growth, medium growth, and high growth and achieved proficiency in the previous school year; and (2) the numbers and percentages of students who achieved low growth, medium growth, and high growth and did not achieve proficiency in the previous school year. new text end

new text begin Subd. 11. new text end

new text begin Growth and progress toward proficiency. new text end

new text begin The categories of low growth, medium growth, and high growth shall be used to indicate both (1) growth and (2) progress toward grade-level proficiency that is consistent with subdivision 10. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 8.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.30, is amended to read:


Subdivision 1.

Statewide testing.

(a) The commissioner, with advice from experts with appropriate technical qualifications and experience and stakeholders, consistent with subdivision 1a, shall include in the comprehensive assessment system, for each grade level to be tested, state-constructed tests developed from and aligned with the state's required academic standards under section 120B.021new text begin , include multiple choice questions,new text end and new text begin be new text end administered annually to all students in grades 3 through 8 deleted text begin and at the high school leveldeleted text end . deleted text begin Adeleted text end State-developed deleted text begin testdeleted text end new text begin high school tests aligned with the state's required academic standards under section 120B.021 and administered to all high school students new text end in a subject other than writingdeleted text begin , developed after the 2002-2003 school year,deleted text end must include deleted text begin both machine-scoreable and constructed responsedeleted text end new text begin multiple choice new text end questions. The commissioner shall establish one or more months during which schools shall administer the tests to students each school year. For students enrolled in grade 8 before the 2005-2006 school year, deleted text begin onlydeleted text end Minnesota basic skills tests in reading, mathematics, and writing shall fulfill students' basic skills testing requirements for a passing state notation. The passing scores of basic skills tests in reading and mathematics are the equivalent of 75 percent correct for students entering grade 9 deleted text begin in 1997 and thereafter, asdeleted text end based on the first uniform test deleted text begin administration ofdeleted text end new text begin administered innew text end February text begin Students who have not successfully passed a Minnesota basic skills test by the end of the 2011-2012 school year must pass the graduation-required assessments for diploma under paragraph (b).new text end

new text begin (b) The state assessment system must be aligned to the most recent revision of academic standards as described in section 120B.023 in the following manner: new text end

new text begin (1) mathematics; new text end

new text begin (i) grades 3 through 8 beginning in the 2010-2011 school year; and new text end

new text begin (ii) high school level beginning in the 2013-2014 school year; new text end

new text begin (2) science; grades 5 and 8 and at the high school level beginning in the 2011-2012 school year; and new text end

new text begin (3) language arts and reading; grades 3 through 8 and high school level beginning in the 2012-2013 school year. new text end

deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end For students enrolled in grade 8 in the 2005-2006 school year and later, only the following options shall fulfill students' state graduation test requirements:

(1) for reading and mathematics:

(i) obtaining an achievement level equivalent to or greater than proficient as determined through a standard setting process on the Minnesota comprehensive assessments in grade 10 for reading and grade 11 for mathematics or achieving a passing score as determined through a standard setting process on the graduation-required assessment for diploma in grade 10 for reading and grade 11 for mathematics or subsequent retests;

(ii) achieving a passing score as determined through a standard setting process on the state-identified language proficiency test in reading and the mathematics test for English language learners or the graduation-required assessment for diploma equivalent of those assessments for students designated as English language learners;

(iii) achieving an individual passing score on the graduation-required assessment for diploma as determined by appropriate state guidelines for students with an individual education plan or 504 plan;

(iv) obtaining achievement level equivalent to or greater than proficient as determined through a standard setting process on the state-identified alternate assessment or assessments in grade 10 for reading and grade 11 for mathematics for students with an individual education plan; or

(v) achieving an individual passing score on the state-identified alternate assessment or assessments as determined by appropriate state guidelines for students with an individual education plan; and

(2) for writing:

(i) achieving a passing score on the graduation-required assessment for diploma;

(ii) achieving a passing score as determined through a standard setting process on the state-identified language proficiency test in writing for students designated as English language learners;

(iii) achieving an individual passing score on the graduation-required assessment for diploma as determined by appropriate state guidelines for students with an individual education plan or 504 plan; or

(iv) achieving an individual passing score on the state-identified alternate assessment or assessments as determined by appropriate state guidelines for students with an individual education plan.

new text begin (d) Students enrolled in grade 8 in any school year from the 2005-2006 school year to the 2009-2010 school year who do not pass the mathematics graduation-required assessment for diploma under paragraph (b) are eligible to receive a high school diploma with a passing state notation if they: new text end

new text begin (1) complete with a passing score or grade all state and local coursework and credits required for graduation by the school board granting the students their diploma; new text end

new text begin (2) participate in district-prescribed academic remediation in mathematics; and new text end

new text begin (3) fully participate in at least two retests of the mathematics GRAD test or until they pass the mathematics GRAD test, whichever comes first. A school, district, or charter school must place a student's highest assessment score for each of the following assessments on the student's high school transcript: the mathematics Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment, reading Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment, and writing Graduation-Required Assessment for Diploma, and when applicable, the mathematics Graduation-Required Assessment for Diploma and reading Graduation-Required Assessment for Diploma. new text end

new text begin In addition, the school board granting the students their diplomas may formally decide to include a notation of high achievement on the high school diplomas of those graduating seniors who, according to established school board criteria, demonstrate exemplary academic achievement during high school. new text end

deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (e) new text end The 3rd through 8th grade and high school deleted text begin leveldeleted text end test results shall be available to districts for diagnostic purposes affecting student learning and district instruction and curriculum, and for establishing educational accountability. The commissioner must disseminate to the public the new text begin high school new text end test results upon receiving those results.

deleted text begin (d) Statedeleted text end new text begin (f) The 3rd through 8th grade and high schoolnew text end tests must be deleted text begin constructed anddeleted text end aligned with state academic standards. Thenew text begin commissioner shall determine thenew text end testing process and the order of administration deleted text begin shall be determined by the commissionerdeleted text end . The statewide results shall be aggregated at the site and district level, consistent with subdivision 1a.

deleted text begin (e)deleted text end new text begin (g)new text end In addition to the testing and reporting requirements under this section, the commissioner shall include the following components in the statewide public reporting system:

(1) uniform statewide testing of all students in grades 3 through 8 and at the high school level that provides appropriate, technically sound accommodationsdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ornew text end alternate assessmentsdeleted text begin , or exemptions consistent with applicable federal law, only with parent or guardian approval, for those very few students for whom the student's individual education plan team under sections 125A.05 and 125A.06 determines that the general statewide test is inappropriate for a student, or for a limited English proficiency student under section 124D.59, subdivision 2deleted text end ;

(2) educational indicators that can be aggregated and compared across school districts and across time on a statewide basis, including average daily attendance, high school graduation rates, and high school drop-out rates by age and grade level;

(3) state results on the American College Test; and

(4) state results from participation in the National Assessment of Educational Progress so that the state can benchmark its performance against the nation and other states, and, where possible, against other countries, and contribute to the national effort to monitor achievement.

Subd. 1a.

Statewide and local assessments; results.

(a) new text begin For purposes of conforming with existing federal educational accountability requirements, new text end the commissioner must develop readingdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin andnew text end mathematicsdeleted text begin , and sciencedeleted text end assessments new text begin for grades 3 through 8, state-developed high school reading and mathematics tests new text end aligned with state academic standardsnew text begin , and science assessments under clause (2)new text end that districts and sites must use to monitor student growth toward achieving those standards. The commissioner must not develop statewide assessments for academic standards in social studies, health and physical education, and the arts. The commissioner must require:

(1) annual reading and mathematics assessments in grades 3 through 8new text begin ,new text end and deleted text begin at the high school level for the 2005-2006 school year and laterdeleted text end new text begin high school reading and mathematics testsnew text end ; and

(2) annual science assessments in one grade in the grades 3 through 5 span, the grades 6 through deleted text begin 9deleted text end new text begin 8 new text end span, and a life sciences assessment in the grades deleted text begin 10deleted text end new text begin 9 new text end through 12 span deleted text begin for the 2007-2008 school year and laterdeleted text end new text begin , and the commissioner must not require students to achieve a passing score on high school science assessments as a condition of receiving a high school diplomanew text end .

(b) The commissioner must ensure that all statewide tests administered to elementary and secondary students measure students' academic knowledge and skills and not students' values, attitudes, and beliefs.

(c) Reporting of assessment results must:

(1) provide timely, useful, and understandable information on the performance of individual students, schools, school districts, and the state;

(2) includedeleted text begin , by no later than the 2008-2009 school year,deleted text end a value-added deleted text begin component that is in addition to a measure for student achievement growth over timedeleted text end new text begin growth indicator of student achievement under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (b)new text end ; and

(3)(i) for students enrolled in grade 8 before the 2005-2006 school year, determine whether students have met the state's basic skills requirements; and

(ii) for students enrolled in grade 8 in the 2005-2006 school year and later, determine whether students have met the state's academic standards.

(d) Consistent with applicable federal law and subdivision 1, paragraph (d), clause (1), the commissioner must include appropriate, technically sound accommodations or alternative assessments for the very few students with disabilities for whom statewide assessments are inappropriate and for students with limited English proficiency.

(e) A school, school district, and charter school must administer statewide assessments under this section, as the assessments become available, to evaluate student deleted text begin progress in achieving thedeleted text end new text begin proficiency in the context of the state's grade levelnew text end academic standards. If a state assessment is not available, a school, school district, and charter school must determine locally if a student has met the required academic standards. A school, school district, or charter school may use a student's performance on a statewide assessment as one of multiple criteria to determine grade promotion or retention. A school, school district, or charter school may use a high school student's performance on a statewide assessment as a percentage of the student's final grade in a course, or place a student's assessment score on the student's transcript.

Subd. 2.

Department of Education assistance.

The Department of Education shall contract for professional and technical services according to competitive bidding procedures under chapter 16C for purposes of this section.

Subd. 3.


The commissioner shall report test data publicly and to stakeholders, including the performance achievement levels developed from students' unweighted test scores in each tested subject and a listing of demographic factors that strongly correlate with student performance. The commissioner shall also report data that compares performance results among school sites, school districts, Minnesota and other states, and Minnesota and other nations. The commissioner shall disseminate to schools and school districts a more comprehensive report containing testing information that meets local needs for evaluating instruction and curriculum.

Subd. 4.

Access to tests.

The commissioner must adopt and publish a policy to provide public and parental access for review of basic skills tests, Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, or any other such statewide test and assessment. Upon receiving a written request, the commissioner must make available to parents or guardians a copy of their student's actual responses to the test questions deleted text begin to be reviewed by the parentdeleted text end new text begin for their reviewnew text end .

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. Subdivision 1, paragraph (d), applies to the 2009-2010 through 2013-2014 school years only. Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.30, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), clause (1), item (ii), is not effective until July 1, 2010, and the legislature specifically authorizes the number, subject area, grade level, and consequence of a high school mathematics assessment program; if the legislature does not authorize the assessment program by July 1, 2010, the graduation-required assessment for diploma in grade 11 for mathematics under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.30, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), remains in effect. new text end

Sec. 9.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.31, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Educational accountability and public reporting.

Consistent with the deleted text begin processdeleted text end new text begin direction new text end to adopt deleted text begin a results-oriented graduation ruledeleted text end new text begin statewide academic standards new text end under section 120B.02, the department, in consultation with education and other system stakeholders, must establish a coordinated and comprehensive system of educational accountability and public reporting that promotes deleted text begin higherdeleted text end new text begin greater new text end academic achievementnew text begin , preparation for higher academic education, preparation for the world of work, citizenship under sections 120B.021, subdivision 1, clause (4), and 120B.024, paragraph (a), clause (4), and the artsnew text end .

Sec. 10.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.31, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

Educational accountability.

(a) The Independent Office of Educational Accountability, as authorized by Laws 1997, First Special Session chapter 4, article 5, section 28, subdivision 2, is established, and shall be funded through the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota. The office shall advise the education committees of the legislature and the commissioner of education, at least on a biennial basis, on the degree to which the statewide educational accountability and reporting system includes a comprehensive assessment framework that measures school accountability for students achieving the goals described in the state's deleted text begin results-orienteddeleted text end new text begin high school new text end graduation rule. The office shall determine and annually report to the legislature whether and how effectively:

(1) the statewide system of educational accountability deleted text begin utilizesdeleted text end new text begin uses new text end multiple indicators to provide valid and reliable comparative and contextual data on students, schools, districts, and the state, and if not, recommend ways to improve the accountability reporting system;

(2) deleted text begin the commissioner makes statistical adjustments when reporting student data over time, consistent with clause (4);deleted text end

deleted text begin (3) the commissioner uses indicators of student achievement growthdeleted text end new text begin a value-added growth indicator of student achievement new text end over time deleted text begin and a value-added assessment model thatdeleted text end estimates the effects of the school and school district on student achievement deleted text begin to measuredeleted text end new text begin and measures new text end school performance, consistent with section deleted text begin 120B.36, subdivision 1deleted text end new text begin 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (b)new text end ;

deleted text begin (4) the commissioner makesdeleted text end new text begin (3) new text end data new text begin are new text end available on students who do not pass one or more of the state's required GRAD tests and do not receive a diploma as a consequence, and deleted text begin categorizesdeleted text end these data new text begin are categorized new text end according to gender, race, eligibility for free or reduced lunch, and English language proficiency; and

deleted text begin (5) the commissioner fulfillsdeleted text end new text begin (4) new text end the requirements under section 127A.095, subdivision 2new text begin , are metnew text end .

(b) When the office reviews the statewide educational accountability and reporting system, it shall also consider:

(1) the objectivity and neutrality of the state's educational accountability system; and

(2) the impact of a testing program on school curriculum and student learning.

Sec. 11.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.31, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

Statistical adjustmentsnew text begin ; student performance datanew text end .

In developing policies and assessment processes to hold schools and districts accountable for high levels of academic standards under section 120B.021, the commissioner shall aggregate student data over time to report student performancenew text begin and growthnew text end levels measured at the new text begin school, new text end school district, deleted text begin regional, ordeleted text end new text begin andnew text end statewide level. When collecting and reporting the new text begin performance new text end data, the commissioner shall: (1) acknowledge the impact of significant demographic factors such as residential instability, the number of single parent families, parents' level of education, and parents' income level on school outcomes; and (2) organize and report the data so that state and local policy makers can understand the educational implications of changes in districts' demographic profiles over time. Any report the commissioner disseminates containing summary data on student performance must integrate student performance and the demographic factors that strongly correlate with that performance.

Sec. 12.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.35, is amended to read:

120B.35 STUDENT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND deleted text begin PROGRESSdeleted text end new text begin GROWTHnew text end .

Subdivision 1.

deleted text begin Adequate yearly progress of schools and studentsdeleted text end new text begin School and student indicators of growth and achievementnew text end .

The commissioner must develop and implement a system for measuring and reporting academic achievement and individual student deleted text begin progressdeleted text end new text begin growthnew text end , consistent with the statewide educational accountability and reporting system. The new text begin system new text end components deleted text begin of the systemdeleted text end must measurenew text begin and separately reportnew text end the adequate yearly progress of schools and new text begin the growth of new text end individual students: students' current achievement in schools under subdivision 2; and individual students' educational deleted text begin progressdeleted text end new text begin growthnew text end over time under subdivision 3. The system also must include statewide measures of student academic deleted text begin achievementdeleted text end new text begin growthnew text end that identify schools with high levels of deleted text begin achievementdeleted text end new text begin growthnew text end , and also schools with low levels of deleted text begin achievementdeleted text end new text begin growthnew text end that need improvement. When determining a school's effect, the data must include both statewide measures of student achievement and, to the extent annual tests are administered, indicators of achievement growth that take into account a student's prior achievement. Indicators of achievement and prior achievement must be based on highly reliable statewide or districtwide assessments. Indicators that take into account a student's prior achievement must not be used to disregard a school's low achievement or to exclude a school from a program to improve low achievement levels. deleted text begin The commissioner by January 15, 2002, must submit a plan for integrating these components to the chairs of the legislative committees having policy and budgetary responsibilities for elementary and secondary education.deleted text end

Subd. 2.

new text begin Federal expectations for new text end student academic achievement.

(a) Each school year, a school district must determine if the student achievement levels at each school site meet deleted text begin state and localdeleted text end new text begin federalnew text end expectations. If student achievement levels at a school site do not meet deleted text begin state and localdeleted text end new text begin federalnew text end expectations and the site has not made adequate yearly progress for two consecutive school years, beginning with the 2001-2002 school year, the district must work with the school site to adopt a plan to raise student achievement levels to meet deleted text begin state and localdeleted text end new text begin federalnew text end expectations. The commissioner of education shall establish student academic achievement levelsnew text begin to comply with this paragraphnew text end .

(b) School sites identified as not meeting new text begin federal new text end expectations must develop continuous improvement plans in order to meet deleted text begin state and localdeleted text end new text begin federalnew text end expectations for student academic achievement. The department, at a district's request, must assist the district and the school site in developing a plan to improve student achievement. The plan must include parental involvement components.

(c) The commissioner must:

(1) deleted text begin provide assistance todeleted text end new text begin assistnew text end school sites and districts identified as not meeting new text begin federal new text end expectations; and

(2) provide technical assistance to schools that integrate student deleted text begin progressdeleted text end new text begin achievementnew text end measures deleted text begin under subdivision 3 indeleted text end new text begin intonew text end the school continuous improvement plan.

(d) The commissioner shall establish and maintain a continuous improvement Web site designed to make data on every school and district available to parents, teachers, administrators, community members, and the general public.

Subd. 3.

deleted text begin Student progress assessmentdeleted text end new text begin State growth target; other state measuresnew text end .

(a) The new text begin state's new text end educational assessment system deleted text begin componentdeleted text end measuring individual students' educational deleted text begin progress must bedeleted text end new text begin growth isnew text end baseddeleted text begin , to the extent annual tests are administered,deleted text end on indicators of achievement growth that show an individual student's prior achievement. Indicators of achievement and prior achievement must be based on highly reliable statewide or districtwide assessments.

(b) The commissionernew text begin , in consultation with a stakeholder group that includes assessment and evaluation directors and staff and researchersnew text end must deleted text begin identify effective models for measuring individual student progress that enable a school district or school site to perform gains-based analysis, including evaluating the effects of the teacher, school, and school district on student achievement over time. At least one model must be a "value-added" assessment model that reliably estimates those effects for classroom settings where a single teacher teaches multiple subjects to the same group of students, for team teaching arrangements, and for other teaching circumstances.deleted text end new text begin implement a model that uses a value-added growth indicator and includes criteria for identifying schools and school districts that demonstrate medium and high growth under section 120B.299, subdivisions 8 and 9, and may recommend other value-added measures under section 120B.299, subdivision 3. The model may be used to advance educators' professional development and replicate programs that succeed in meeting students' diverse learning needs. Data on individual teachers generated under the model are personnel data under section 13.43. The model must allow users to:new text end

new text begin (1) report student growth consistent with this paragraph; and new text end

new text begin (2) for all student categories, report and compare aggregated and disaggregated state growth data using the nine student categories identified under the federal 2001 No Child Left Behind Act and two student gender categories of male and female, respectively, following appropriate reporting practices to protect nonpublic student data. new text end

new text begin The commissioner must report separate measures of student growth and proficiency, consistent with this paragraph. new text end

(c) deleted text begin If a district has an accountability plan that includes gains-based analysis or "value-added" assessment, the commissioner shall, to the extent practicable, incorporate those measures in determining whether the district or school site meets expectations. The department must coordinate with the district in evaluating school sites and continuous improvement plans, consistent with best practices.deleted text end new text begin When reporting student performance under section 120B.36, subdivision 1, the commissioner annually, beginning July 1, 2011, must report two core measures indicating the extent to which current high school graduates are being prepared for postsecondary academic and career opportunities:new text end

new text begin (1) a preparation measure indicating the number and percentage of high school graduates in the most recent school year who completed course work important to preparing them for postsecondary academic and career opportunities, consistent with the core academic subjects required for admission to Minnesota's public colleges and universities as determined by the Office of Higher Education under chapter 136A; and new text end

new text begin (2) a rigorous coursework measure indicating the number and percentage of high school graduates in the most recent school year who successfully completed one or more college-level advanced placement, international baccalaureate, postsecondary enrollment options including concurrent enrollment, other rigorous courses of study under section 120B.021, subdivision 1a, or industry certification courses or programs. new text end

new text begin When reporting the core measures under clauses (1) and (2), the commissioner must also analyze and report separate categories of information using the nine student categories identified under the federal 2001 No Child Left Behind Act and two student gender categories of male and female, respectively following appropriate reporting practices to protect nonpublic student data. new text end

new text begin (d) When reporting student performance under section 120B.36, subdivision 1, the commissioner annually, beginning July 1, 2014, must report summary data on school safety and students' engagement and connection at school. The summary data under this paragraph are separate from and must not be used for any purpose related to measuring or evaluating the performance of classroom teachers. The commissioner, in consultation with qualified experts on student engagement and connection and classroom teachers, must identify highly reliable variables that generate summary data under this paragraph. The summary data may be used at school, district, and state levels only. Any data on individuals received, collected, or created that are used to generate the summary data under this paragraph are nonpublic data under section 13.02, subdivision 9. new text end

Subd. 4.

Improving schools.

Consistent with the requirements of this section, new text begin beginning June 20, 2012, new text end the commissioner of education must deleted text begin establish a second achievement benchmark to identify improving schools. The commissioner must recommend todeleted text end new text begin annually report to the public andnew text end the legislature deleted text begin by February 15, 2002, indicators in addition to the achievement benchmark for identifying improving schools, including an indicator requiring a school to demonstrate ongoing successful use of best teaching practicesdeleted text end new text begin the organizational and curricular practices implemented in those schools that demonstrate medium and high growth compared to the state growth targetnew text end .

Subd. 5.

Improving graduation rates for students with emotional or behavioral disorders.

(a) A district must develop strategies in conjunction with parents of students with emotional or behavioral disorders and the county board responsible for implementing sections 245.487 to 245.4889 to keep students with emotional or behavioral disorders in school, when the district has a drop-out rate for students with an emotional or behavioral disorder in grades 9 through 12 exceeding 25 percent.

(b) A district must develop a plan in conjunction with parents of students with emotional or behavioral disorders and the local mental health authority to increase the graduation rates of students with emotional or behavioral disorders. A district with a drop-out rate for children with an emotional or behavioral disturbance in grades 9 through 12 that is in the top 25 percent of all districts shall submit a plan for review and oversight to the commissioner.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 3, paragraph (b), applies to students in the 2008-2009 school year and later. Subdivision 3, paragraph (c), applies to students in the 2010-2011 school year and later. Subdivision 3, paragraph (d), applies to data that are collected in the 2012-2013 school year and later and reported annually beginning July 1, 2014, consistent with advice the commissioner receives from recognized and qualified experts on student engagement and connection and classroom teachers. Subdivision 4 applies in the 2011-2012 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 13.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 120B.36, is amended to read:


Subdivision 1.

School performance report cards.

(a) The commissioner shall deleted text begin use objective criteria based on levels of student performance todeleted text end report deleted text begin at leastdeleted text end student academic performancenew text begin under section 120B.35, subdivision 2, the percentages of students showing low, medium, and high growth under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (b)new text end , school safetynew text begin and student engagement and connection under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (d), rigorous coursework under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (c)new text end , two separate student-to-teacher ratios that clearly indicate the definition of teacher consistent with sections 122A.06 and 122A.15 for purposes of determining these ratios, deleted text begin anddeleted text end staff characteristicsnew text begin excluding salariesnew text end , deleted text begin with a value-added component added no later than the 2008-2009 school yeardeleted text end new text begin student enrollment demographics, district mobility, and extracurricular activitiesnew text end . The reportnew text begin alsonew text end must indicate a school's adequate yearly progress status, and must not set any designations applicable to high- and low-performing schools due solely to adequate yearly progress status.

(b) The commissioner shall develop, annually update, and post on the department Web site school performance report cards.

(c) The commissioner must make available deleted text begin the firstdeleted text end performance report cards by deleted text begin November 2003, and duringdeleted text end the beginning of each school year deleted text begin thereafterdeleted text end .

(d) A school or district may appeal its adequate yearly progress status in writing to the commissioner within 30 days of receiving the notice of its status. The commissioner's decision to uphold or deny an appeal is final.

(e) School performance report deleted text begin cardsdeleted text end new text begin cardnew text end data are nonpublic data under section 13.02, subdivision 9, until not later than ten days after the appeal procedure described in paragraph (d) concludes. The department shall annually post school performance report cards to its public Web site no later than September 1.

Subd. 2.

Adequate yearly progress new text begin and other new text end data.

All data the department receives, collects, or creates deleted text begin for purposes of determiningdeleted text end new text begin to determinenew text end adequate yearly progress deleted text begin designationsdeleted text end new text begin statusnew text end under Public Law 107-110, section 1116, new text begin set state growth targets, and determine student growth new text end are nonpublic data under section 13.02, subdivision 9, until not later than ten days after the appeal procedure described in subdivision 1, paragraph (d), concludes. Districts must provide parents sufficiently detailed summary data to permit parents to appeal under Public Law 107-110, section 1116(b)(2). The department shall annually post new text begin federal new text end adequate yearly progress data new text begin and state student growth data new text end to its public Web site no later than September 1.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 14.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.06, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

Comprehensive, deleted text begin scientifically baseddeleted text end new text begin scientifically basednew text end reading instruction.

new text begin (a) new text end "Comprehensive, scientifically based reading instruction" includes a program or collection of instructional practices that is based on deleted text begin reliable,deleted text end validnew text begin , replicable new text end evidence showing that when these programs or practices are used, students can be expected to achieve, at a minimum, satisfactory reading progress. The program or collection of practices must include, at a minimum, new text begin effective, balancednew text end instruction in new text begin allnew text end five areas of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabularynew text begin developmentnew text end , and deleted text begin textdeleted text end new text begin readingnew text end comprehension.

Comprehensive, scientifically based reading instruction also includes and integrates instructional strategies for continuously assessing, evaluating, and communicating the student's reading progress and needs in order to design and implement ongoing interventions so that students of all ages and proficiency levels can read and comprehend text and apply higher level thinking skills.

new text begin (b) "Fluency" is the ability of students to read text with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. new text end

new text begin (c) "Phonemic awareness" is the ability of students to notice, think about, and manipulate individual sounds in spoken syllables and words. new text end

new text begin (d) "Phonics" is the understanding that there are systematic and predictable relationships between written letters and spoken words. Phonics instruction is a way of teaching reading that stresses learning how letters correspond to sounds and how to apply this knowledge in reading and spelling. new text end

new text begin (e) "Reading comprehension" is an active process that requires intentional thinking during which meaning is constructed through interactions between text and reader. Comprehension skills are taught explicitly by demonstrating, explaining, modeling, and implementing specific cognitive strategies to help beginning readers derive meaning through intentional, problem-solving thinking processes. new text end

new text begin (f) "Vocabulary development" is the process of teaching vocabulary both directly and indirectly, with repetition and multiple exposures to vocabulary items. Learning in rich contexts, incidental learning, and use of computer technology enhance the acquiring of vocabulary. new text end

new text begin (g) Nothing in this subdivision limits the authority of a school district to select a school's reading program or curriculum. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 15.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.07, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Eligibility; board composition.

Except for the representatives of higher education and the public, to be eligible for appointment to the Board of Teaching a person must be a teacher currently teaching in a Minnesota school and fully licensed for the position held and have at least five years teaching experience in Minnesota, including the two years immediately preceding nomination and appointment. Each nominee, other than a public nominee, must be selected on the basis of professional experience and knowledge of teacher education, accreditation, and licensure. The board must be composed of:

(1) six teachers who are currently teaching in a Minnesota schoolnew text begin or who were teaching at the time of the appointmentnew text end new text begin and who do not qualify under clause (2) or (3) of this subdivisionnew text end , at least four of whom must be teaching in a public school;

(2) one higher education representative, who must be a faculty member preparing teachers;

(3) one school administrator; and

(4) three members of the public, two of whom must be present or former members of school boards.

Sec. 16.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.07, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

Vacant position.

new text begin With the exception of a teacher who retires from teaching during the course of completing a board term, new text end the position of a member who leaves Minnesota or whose employment status changes to a category different from that from which appointed is deemed vacant.

Sec. 17.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.09, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

License and rules.

(a) The board must adopt rules to license public school teachers and interns subject to chapter 14.

(b) The board must adopt rules requiring a person to successfully complete a skills examination in reading, writing, and mathematics as a requirement for initial teacher licensure. Such rules must require college and universities offering a board-approved teacher preparation program to provide remedial assistance to persons who did not achieve a qualifying score on the skills examination, including those for whom English is a second language.

(c) The board must adopt rules to approve teacher preparation programs. The board, upon the request of a postsecondary student preparing for teacher licensure or a licensed graduate of a teacher preparation program, shall assist in resolving a dispute between the person and a postsecondary institution providing a teacher preparation program when the dispute involves an institution's recommendation for licensure affecting the person or the person's credentials. At the board's discretion, assistance may include the application of chapter 14.

(d) The board must provide the leadership and shall adopt rules for the redesign of teacher education programs to implement a research based, results-oriented curriculum that focuses on the skills teachers need in order to be effective. The board shall implement new systems of teacher preparation program evaluation to assure program effectiveness based on proficiency of graduates in demonstrating attainment of program outcomes.

(e) The board must adopt rules requiring deleted text begin successful completion ofdeleted text end new text begin candidates for initial licenses to successfully completenew text end an examination of general pedagogical knowledge and examinations of licensure-specific teaching skills. The rules shall be effective deleted text begin on the dates determined by the board but not later thandeleted text end new text begin bynew text end September 1, text begin The rules under this paragraph also must require candidates for initial licenses to teach prekindergarten or elementary students to successfully complete, as part of the examination of licensure-specific teaching skills, test items assessing the candidates' knowledge, skill, and ability in comprehensive, scientifically based reading instruction under section 122A.06, subdivision 4, and their knowledge and understanding of the foundations of reading development, the development of reading comprehension, and reading assessment and instruction, and their ability to integrate that knowledge and text end

(f) The board must adopt rules requiring teacher educators to work directly with elementary or secondary school teachers in elementary or secondary schools to obtain periodic exposure to the elementary or secondary teaching environment.

(g) The board must grant licenses to interns and to candidates for initial licenses.

(h) The board must design and implement an assessment system which requires a candidate for an initial license and first continuing license to demonstrate the abilities necessary to perform selected, representative teaching tasks at appropriate levels.

(i) The board must receive recommendations from local committees as established by the board for the renewal of teaching licenses.

(j) The board must grant life licenses to those who qualify according to requirements established by the board, and suspend or revoke licenses pursuant to sections 122A.20 and 214.10. The board must not establish any expiration date for application for life licenses.

(k) The board must adopt rules that require all licensed teachers who are renewing their continuing license to include in their renewal requirements further preparation in the areas of using positive behavior interventions and in accommodating, modifying, and adapting curricula, materials, and strategies to appropriately meet the needs of individual students and ensure adequate progress toward the state's graduation rule.

(l) In adopting rules to license public school teachers who provide health-related services for disabled children, the board shall adopt rules consistent with license or registration requirements of the commissioner of health and the health-related boards who license personnel who perform similar services outside of the school.

(m) The board must adopt rules that require all licensed teachers who are renewing their continuing license to include in their renewal requirements further reading preparation, consistent with section 122A.06, subdivision 4. The rules do not take effect until they are approved by law. Teachers who do not provide direct instruction including, at least, counselors, school psychologists, school nurses, school social workers, audiovisual directors and coordinators, and recreation personnel are exempt from this section.

(n) The board must adopt rules that require all licensed teachers who are renewing their continuing license to include in their renewal requirements further preparation in understanding the key warning signs of early-onset mental illness in children and adolescents.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to teacher candidates beginning February 1, 2012. new text end

Sec. 18.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.09, subdivision 7, is amended to read:

Subd. 7.

Commissioner's assistance; board money.

The commissioner shall provide all necessary materials and assistance for the transaction of the business of the Board of Teaching and all moneys received by the Board of Teaching shall be paid into the state treasury as provided by law. The expenses of administering sections 122A.01, 122A.05 to 122A.09, 122A.15, 122A.16, 122A.17, 122A.18, 122A.20, 122A.21, 122A.22, 122A.23, 122A.26, 122A.30, deleted text begin 122A.32,deleted text end 122A.40, 122A.41, 122A.42, 122A.45, 122A.49, 122A.52, 122A.53, 122A.54, 122A.55, 122A.56, 122A.57, and 122A.58 which are incurred by the Board of Teaching shall be paid for from appropriations made to the Board of Teaching.

Sec. 19.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.18, subdivision 2a, is amended to read:

Subd. 2a.

Reading strategies.

(a) All colleges and universities approved by the Board of Teaching to prepare persons for classroom teacher licensure must include in their teacher preparation programs research-based best practices in reading, consistent with section 122A.06, subdivision 4, that enable the licensure candidate to know how to teach reading in the candidate's content areasnew text begin . These colleges and universities also must prepare candidates for initial licenses to teach prekindergarten or elementary students for the assessment of reading instruction portion of the examination of licensure-specific teaching skills under section 122A.09, subdivision 4, paragraph (e)new text end .

(b) Board-approved teacher preparation programs for teachers of elementary education must require instruction in the application of comprehensive, scientifically based, and balanced reading instruction programs that:

(1) teach students to read using foundational knowledge, practices, and strategies consistent with section 122A.06, subdivision 4, so that all students will achieve continuous progress in reading; and

(2) teach specialized instruction in reading strategies, interventions, and remediations that enable students of all ages and proficiency levels to become proficient readers.

new text begin (c) Nothing in this section limits the authority of a school district to select a school's reading program or curriculum. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 20.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.18, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

Expiration and renewal.

(a) Each license the Department of Education issues through its licensing section must bear the date of issue. Licenses must expire and be renewed according to the respective rules the Board of Teaching, the Board of School Administrators, or the commissioner of education adopts. Requirements for renewing a license must include showing satisfactory evidence of successful teaching or administrative experience for at least one school year during the period covered by the license in grades or subjects for which the license is valid or completing such additional preparation as the Board of Teaching prescribes. The Board of School Administrators shall establish requirements for renewing the licenses of supervisory personnel except athletic coaches. The State Board of Teaching shall establish requirements for renewing the licenses of athletic coaches.

new text begin (b) Relicensure applicants who have been employed as a teacher during the renewal period of their expiring license, as a condition of relicensure, must present to their local continuing education and relicensure committee or other local relicensure committee evidence of work that demonstrates professional reflection and growth in best teaching practices. The applicant must include a reflective statement of professional accomplishment and the applicant's own assessment of professional growth showing evidence of: new text end

new text begin (1) support for student learning; new text end

new text begin (2) use of best practices techniques and their applications to student learning; new text end

new text begin (3) collaborative work with colleagues that includes examples of collegiality such as attested-to committee work, collaborative staff development programs, and professional learning community work; or new text end

new text begin (4) continual professional development that may include (i) job-embedded or other ongoing formal professional learning or (ii) for teachers employed for only part of the renewal period of their expiring license, other similar professional development efforts made during the relicensure period. new text end

new text begin The Board of Teaching must ensure that its teacher relicensing requirements also include this paragraph. new text end

deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end The Board of Teaching shall offer alternative continuing relicensure options for teachers who are accepted into and complete the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification process, and offer additional continuing relicensure options for teachers who earn National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification. Continuing relicensure requirements for teachers who do not maintain National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification are those the board prescribesnew text begin , consistent with this sectionnew text end .

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to licensees seeking relicensure beginning July 1, 2012. new text end

Sec. 21.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.40, subdivision 6, is amended to read:

Subd. 6.

deleted text begin Peer reviewdeleted text end new text begin Mentoringnew text end for probationary teachers.

A school board and an exclusive representative of the teachers in the district must develop a probationary teacher peer review process through joint text begin The process may include having trained observers serve as mentors or coaches or having teachers participate in professional learning text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for the 2009-2010 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 22.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.40, subdivision 8, is amended to read:

Subd. 8.

Peer deleted text begin reviewdeleted text end new text begin coachingnew text end for continuing contract teachers.

A school board and an exclusive representative of the teachers in the district shall develop a peer review process for continuing contract teachers through joint text begin The process may include having trained observers serve as peer coaches or having teachers participate in professional learning text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for the 2009-2010 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 23.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.41, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

deleted text begin Peer reviewdeleted text end new text begin Mentoringnew text end for probationary teachers.

A board and an exclusive representative of the teachers in the district must develop a probationary teacher peer review process through joint text begin The process may include having trained observers serve as mentors or coaches or having teachers participate in professional learning text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for the 2009-2010 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 24.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.41, subdivision 5, is amended to read:

Subd. 5.

Peer deleted text begin reviewdeleted text end new text begin coachingnew text end for continuing contract teachers.

A school board and an exclusive representative of the teachers in the district must develop a peer review process for nonprobationary teachers through joint text begin The process may include having trained observers serve as peer coaches or having teachers participate in professional learning text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for the 2009-2010 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 25.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.413, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Plan components.

The educational improvement plan must be approved by the school board and have at least these elements:

(1) assessment and evaluation tools to measure student performance and progress;

(2) performance goals and benchmarks for improvement;

(3) measures of student attendance and completion rates;

(4) a rigorousnew text begin research and practice-basednew text end professional development system,new text begin based on national and state standards of effective teaching practice andnew text end consistent with section 122A.60, that is aligned with educational improvementdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin andnew text end designed to achievenew text begin ongoing and schoolwide progress and growth innew text end teaching deleted text begin quality improvement, and consistent with clearly defined research-based standardsdeleted text end new text begin practicenew text end ;

(5) measures of student, family, and community involvement and satisfaction;

(6) a data system about students and their academic progress that provides parents and the public with understandable information;

(7) a teacher induction and mentoring program for probationary teachers that provides continuous learning and sustained teacher support; and

(8) substantial participation by the exclusive representative of the teachers in developing the plan.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to plans developed in the 2009-2010 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 26.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.414, subdivision 2b, is amended to read:

Subd. 2b.

Approval process.

(a) Consistent with the requirements of this section and sections 122A.413 and 122A.415, the department must prepare and transmit to interested school districts, intermediate school districts, school sites, and charter schools a standard form for applying to participate in the alternative teacher professional pay system. new text begin The commissioner annually must establish three dates as deadlines by which interested applicants must submit an application to the commissioner under this section. new text end An interested school district, intermediate school district, school site, or charter school must submit to the commissioner a completed application executed by the district superintendent and the exclusive bargaining representative of the teachers if the applicant is a school district, intermediate school district, or school site, or executed by the charter school board of directors if the applicant is a charter school. The application must include the proposed alternative teacher professional pay system agreement under subdivision 2. The department must deleted text begin convene adeleted text end review deleted text begin committee that at least includes teachers and administratorsdeleted text end new text begin a completed applicationnew text end within 30 days of deleted text begin receiving a completed application todeleted text end new text begin the most recent application deadline andnew text end recommend to the commissioner whether to approve or disapprove the application. The commissioner must approve applications on a first-come, first-served basis. The applicant's alternative teacher professional pay system agreement must be legally binding on the applicant and the collective bargaining representative before the applicant receives alternative compensation revenue. The commissioner must approve or disapprove an application based on the requirements under subdivisions 2 and 2a.

(b) If the commissioner disapproves an application, the commissioner must give the applicant timely notice of the specific reasons in detail for disapproving the application. The applicant may revise and resubmit its application and related documents to the commissioner within 30 days of receiving notice of the commissioner's disapproval and the commissioner must approve or disapprove the revised application, consistent with this subdivision. Applications that are revised and then approved are considered submitted on the date the applicant initially submitted the application.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to all applications submitted after that date. new text end

Sec. 27.


new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Eligibility. new text end

new text begin School districts located in greater Minnesota that submit a letter of intent and begin the transitional planning year, under section 122A.414, subdivision 1a, are eligible for alternative compensation application assistance. For the purposes of this section, an eligible school district is any school district located in the rural equity region under section 126C.10, subdivision 28. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin Multidistrict technical assistance. new text end

new text begin The department shall provide technical assistance in the form of, but not limited to, networking, training, and professional development to a rural district or groups of rural districts in developing applications for the alternative compensation program. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Model plans. new text end

new text begin The department shall develop and disseminate alternative compensation model plans based on the unique needs and characteristics of rural districts. new text end

new text begin Subd. 4. new text end

new text begin Multidistrict consortia. new text end

new text begin The department may promote the development of multidistrict consortia to optimize opportunities for rural districts to participate in and implement alternative compensation programs. A multidistrict consortium shall develop and implement a collaborative alternative compensation plan that includes the program components outlined in section 122A.414, subdivision 2. A multidistrict consortium shall provide opportunities to share best practices, professional development training and expertise, training of teacher observers, or the purchase of programmatic resources. new text end

Sec. 28.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.60, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Contents of the plan.

The plan must include the staff development outcomes under subdivision 3, the means to achieve the outcomes, and procedures for evaluating progress at each school site toward meeting education outcomesdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin , consistent with relicensure requirements under section 122A.18, subdivision 2, paragraph (b). The plan also must:new text end

new text begin (1) support stable and productive professional communities achieved through ongoing and schoolwide progress and growth in teaching practice; new text end

new text begin (2) emphasize coaching, professional learning communities, classroom action research, and other job-embedded models; new text end

new text begin (3) maintain a strong subject matter focus premised on students' learning goals; new text end

new text begin (4) ensure specialized preparation and learning about issues related to teaching students with special needs and limited English proficiency; and new text end

new text begin (5) reinforce national and state standards of effective teaching practice. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for the 2009-2010 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 29.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123A.05, is amended to read:

123A.05 deleted text begin AREA LEARNING CENTERdeleted text end new text begin STATE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMnew text end ORGANIZATION.

Subdivision 1.


new text begin (a) new text end A district may establish an area learning center deleted text begin either by itself or in cooperation with other districtsdeleted text end ,new text begin alternative learning program, or contract alternative in accordance with sections 124D.68, subdivision 3, paragraph (d), and text end

new text begin (b) An area learning center is encouraged to cooperate withnew text end a service cooperative, an intermediate school district, a local education and employment transitions partnership, public and private secondary and postsecondary institutions, public agencies, businesses, and foundations. Except for a district located in a city of the first class, deleted text begin adeleted text end new text begin an area learningnew text end center new text begin must be established in cooperation with other districts and new text end must serve the geographic area of at least two text begin An area learning center must provide comprehensive educational services to enrolled secondary students throughout the year, including a daytime school within a school or separate site for both high school and middle school level text end

new text begin (c) An alternative learning program may serve the students of one or more districts, may designate which grades are served, and may make program hours and a calendar optional. new text end

new text begin (d) A contract alternative is an alternative learning program operated by a private organization that has contracted with a school district to provide educational services for students under section 124D.68, subdivision 2. new text end

Subd. 2.

Reserve revenue.

Each district that is a member of an area learning center new text begin or alternative learning program new text end must reserve revenue in an amount equal to the sum of (1) at least 90 percent of the district average general education revenue per pupil unit minus an amount equal to the product of the formula allowance according to section 126C.10, subdivision 2, times .0485, calculated without basic skills revenue and transportation sparsity revenue, times the number of pupil units attending an area learning center new text begin or alternative learning new text end program under this section, plus (2) the amount of basic skills revenue generated by pupils attending the area learning centernew text begin or alternative learning programnew text end . The amount of reserved revenue under this subdivision may only be spent on program costs associated with the area learning centernew text begin or alternative learning programnew text end .

Subd. 3.

Access to services.

A deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end shall have access to the district's regular education programs, special education programs, technology facilities, and staff. It may contract with individuals or postsecondary institutions. It shall seek the involvement of community education programs, postsecondary institutions, interagency collaboratives, culturally based organizations, mutual assistance associations, and other community resources, businesses, and other federal, state, and local public agencies.

Subd. 4.

Nonresident pupils.

A pupil who does not reside in the district may attend a deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end without consent of the school board of the district of residence.

Sec. 30.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123A.06, is amended to read:

123A.06 deleted text begin CENTERdeleted text end new text begin STATE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVEnew text end PROGRAMS AND SERVICES.

Subdivision 1.

Program focus.

(a) The programs and services of a deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end must focus on academic and learning skills, applied learning opportunities, trade and vocational skills, work-based learning opportunities, work experience, youth service to the community, transition services, and English language and literacy programs for children whose primary language is a language other than English. Applied learning, work-based learning, and service learning may best be developed in collaboration with a local education and transitions partnership, culturally based organizations, mutual assistance associations, or other community resources. In addition to offering programs, the deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end shall coordinate the use of other available educational services, special education services, social services, health services, and postsecondary institutions in the community and services area.

(b) Consistent with the requirements of sections 121A.40 to 121A.56, a school district may provide an alternative education program for a student who is within the compulsory attendance age under section 120A.20, and who is involved in severe or repeated disciplinary action.

Subd. 2.

People to be served.

A deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end shall provide programs for secondary pupils and adults. A center may also provide programs and services for elementary and secondary pupils who are not attending the deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end to assist them in being successful in school. A center shall use research-based best practices for serving limited English proficient students and their parents. An individual education plan team may identify a deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end as an appropriate placement to the extent a deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end can provide the student with the appropriate special education services described in the student's plan. Pupils eligible to be served are those who qualify under the graduation incentives program in section 124D.68, subdivision 2, those enrolled under section 124D.02, subdivision 2, or those pupils who are eligible to receive special education services under sections 125A.03 to 125A.24, and 125A.65.

Subd. 3.

Hours of instruction exemption.

Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the new text begin area learning new text end center programs must be available throughout the entire year. deleted text begin A center may petition the state board under Minnesota Rules, part 3500.1000, for exemption from other rules.deleted text end

Subd. 4.

Granting a diploma.

Upon successful completion of the new text begin area learning new text end center program, a pupil is entitled to receive a high school diploma. The pupil may elect to receive a diploma from either the district of residence or the district in which the new text begin area learning new text end center is located.

Sec. 31.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123A.08, is amended to read:

123A.08 deleted text begin CENTERdeleted text end new text begin STATE-APPROVED ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMnew text end FUNDING.

Subdivision 1.

Outside sources for resources and services.

A deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end may accept:

(1) resources and services from postsecondary institutions serving deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end pupils;

(2) resources from deleted text begin Job Training Partnershipdeleted text end new text begin Workforce Investmentnew text end Act programs, including funding for jobs skills training for various groups and the percentage reserved for education;

(3) resources from the Department of Human Services and county welfare funding;

(4) resources from a local education and employment transitions partnership; or

(5) private resources, foundation grants, gifts, corporate contributions, and other grants.

Subd. 2.

General education aid.

Payment of general education aid for nonresident pupils enrolled in deleted text begin the centerdeleted text end new text begin area learning centers and alternative learning programsnew text end must be made according to section 127A.47, subdivision 7.

Subd. 3.

Special education revenue.

Payment of special education revenue for nonresident pupils enrolled in the deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end must be made according to section deleted text begin 125A.15deleted text end new text begin 127A.47, subdivision 7new text end .

Sec. 32.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.03, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Background check required.

(a) A school hiring authority shall request a criminal history background check from the superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension on all individuals who are offered employment in a school and on all individuals, except enrolled student volunteers, who are offered the opportunity to provide athletic coaching services or other extracurricular academic coaching services to a school, regardless of whether any compensation is paid. In order for an individual to be eligible for employment or to provide the services, the individual must provide an executed criminal history consent form and a money order or check payable to either the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension or the school hiring authority, at the discretion of the school hiring authority, in an amount equal to the actual cost to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and the school district of conducting the criminal history background check. A school hiring authority deciding to receive payment may, at its discretion, accept payment in the form of a negotiable instrument other than a money order or check and shall pay the superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension directly to conduct the background check. The superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension shall conduct the background check by retrieving criminal history data maintained in the criminal justice information system computers. A school hiring authority, at its discretion, may decide not to request a criminal history background check on an individual who holds an initial entrance license issued by the State Board of Teaching or the commissioner of education within the 12 months preceding an offer of employment.

(b) A school hiring authority may use the results of a criminal background check conducted at the request of another school hiring authority if:

(1) the results of the criminal background check are on file with the other school hiring authority or otherwise accessible;

(2) the other school hiring authority conducted a criminal background check within the previous 12 months;

(3) the individual who is the subject of the criminal background check executes a written consent form giving a school hiring authority access to the results of the check; and

(4) there is no reason to believe that the individual has committed an act subsequent to the check that would disqualify the individual for employment.

(c) A school hiring authority may, at its discretion, request a criminal history background check from the superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension on any individual who seeks to enter a school or its grounds for the purpose of serving as a school volunteer or working as an independent contractor or student employee. In order for an individual to enter a school or its grounds under this paragraph when the school hiring authority decides to request a criminal history background check on the individual, the individual first must provide an executed criminal history consent form and a money order, check, or other negotiable instrument payable to the school district in an amount equal to the actual cost to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and the school district of conducting the criminal history background check. Notwithstanding section 299C.62, subdivision 1, the cost of the criminal history background check under this paragraph is the responsibility of the individualdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin unless a school hiring authority decides to pay the costs of conducting a background check under this paragraph. If the school hiring authority pays the costs, the individual who is the subject of the background check need not pay for text end

(d) For all nonstate residents who are offered employment in a school, a school hiring authority shall request a criminal history background check on such individuals from the superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and from the government agency performing the same function in the resident state or, if no government entity performs the same function in the resident state, from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Such individuals must provide an executed criminal history consent form and a money order, check, or other negotiable instrument payable to the school hiring authority in an amount equal to the actual cost to the government agencies and the school district of conducting the criminal history background check. Notwithstanding section 299C.62, subdivision 1, the cost of the criminal history background check under this paragraph is the responsibility of the individual.

(e) At the beginning of each school year or when a student enrolls, a school hiring authority must notify parents and guardians about the school hiring authority's policy requiring a criminal history background check on employees and other individuals who provide services to the school, and identify those positions subject to a background check and the extent of the hiring authority's discretion in requiring a background check. The school hiring authority may include the notice in the student handbook, a school policy guide, or other similar communication. Nothing in this paragraph affects a school hiring authority's ability to request a criminal history background check on an individual under paragraph (c).

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 33.

new text begin [123B.045] DISTRICT-CREATED SITE-GOVERNED SCHOOLS. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Authority. new text end

new text begin (a) A school board may approve site-governed schools under this section by requesting site-governing school proposals. The request for proposals must include what types of schools or education innovations the board intends to create. A current site may submit a proposal to create a different model for the site if 60 percent or more of the teachers at the site support the proposal. A group of licensed district professionals from one or multiple district sites may submit a proposal. The group submitting the proposal must include parents or other community members in the development of the proposal. A proposal may request approval for a model of a school not included in the request for proposal of the board. new text end

new text begin (b) The school board and the applicable bargaining unit representing district employees must enter into memoranda of understanding specifying how applicable sections of current contracts will enable the provisions of subdivision 2, clauses (7) and (8), to be implemented. new text end

new text begin (c) Within 60 days of receipt of the application, the school board shall determine whether to approve, deny, or return the application to the applicants for further information or development. new text end

new text begin (d) Upon approval of the proposal, an agreement between the district and the site council shall be developed identifying the powers and duties delegated to the site and outlining the details of the proposal including the provisions of subdivisions 2, 3, and 5. Any powers or duties not specifically delegated to the school site in the agreement remains with the school board. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin Roles and responsibilities of site-governed schools. new text end

new text begin (a) Site-governed schools approved by the school board have the following autonomy and responsibilities at the discretion of the site: new text end

new text begin (1) to create the site-governing council of the school. The council shall include teachers, administrators, parents, students if appropriate, community members, and other representatives of the community as determined by the site-governing council. Teachers may comprise a majority of the site-governing council at the option of a majority of the teachers at the site. The number of members on the site-governing council and the composition shall be included in the proposal approved by the school board; new text end

new text begin (2) to determine the leadership model for the site including: selecting a principal, operating as a teacher professional practices model with school leadership functions performed by one or more teachers or administrators at the school or other model determined by the site; new text end

new text begin (3) to determine the budget for the site and the allocation and expenditure of the revenue based on provisions of subdivision 3; new text end

new text begin (4) to determine the learning model and organization of the school consistent with the application approved by the school board; new text end

new text begin (5) to select and develop its curriculum and determine formative and summative assessment practices; new text end

new text begin (6) to set policies for the site including student promotion, attendance, discipline, graduation requirements which may exceed the school board standards, and other such rules as approved by the school board consistent with the mission, goals, and learning program of the school site; new text end

new text begin (7) to determine the length of the school day and year and employee work rules covered by the terms and conditions of the employment contract; new text end

new text begin (8) to select teachers and other staff consistent with current law and collective bargaining agreements and memoranda of understanding provided for in subdivision 1, paragraph (b). At least 70 percent of the teachers must be selected by the site prior to final approval of the agreement. Prior to requesting the district to employ staff not currently employed by the district, the site must first select current district staff including those on requested and unrequested leave as provided for in sections 122A.40 and 122A.41. The school board shall be the legal employer of all staff at the site and all teachers and other staff members of the applicable bargaining units. Teachers and other employees may be required to sign an individual work agreement with the site-governing council committing themselves to the mission and learning program of the school and the requirements of the site-governing council; and new text end

new text begin (9) to fulfill other provisions as agreed to by the district and site-governing council. new text end

new text begin (b) If a self-governed school created under this section is supervised by a principal, that principal must be licensed, consistent with section 123B.147, subdivision 2. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Revenue to self-governed school. new text end

new text begin (a) The revenue that shall be allocated by the site includes the general education revenue generated by the students at the site from state, local, and private sources, referendum revenue, federal revenue from the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Carl Perkins Act, and other federal programs as agreed to by the school board and site council. new text end

new text begin (b) The district may retain an administrative fee for managing the federal programs, private revenues, and general administrative functions including school board, superintendent, district legal counsel, finance, accountability and self-governed school contract oversight, facilities maintenance, districtwide special education programs, and other such services as agreed to by the site and school board. The administrative fee shall be included in the agreement. new text end

new text begin (c) As part of the agreement, the district may provide specific services for the site and may specify the amount to be paid for each service and retain the revenues for that amount. The formula or procedures for determining the amount of revenue to be allocated to the site each year shall be consistent with this subdivision and incorporated in the site budget annually following a timeline and process that is included in the agreement with the school board. The site is responsible for allocating revenue for all staff at the site and for the other provisions of the agreement with the district board. new text end

new text begin (d) All unspent revenue shall be carried over to following years for the sole use of the site. new text end

new text begin Subd. 4. new text end

new text begin Exemption from statutes and rules. new text end

new text begin Except as outlined in this section, site-governed schools established under this section are exempt from and subject to the same laws and rules as are chartered schools under section 124D.10, except that the schools shall be subject to chapters 13, 13D, and 179A, and sections 122A.40, 122A.41, 122A.50, and 122A.51. new text end

new text begin Subd. 5. new text end

new text begin Performance standards. new text end

new text begin (a) The school board and the site council shall include in the agreement performance standards and expectations that shall include at least the following: new text end

new text begin (1) student achievement targets on multiple indicators including either a growth model or value-added growth model; new text end

new text begin (2) the criteria and process to be followed if it is determined that the site failed to comply with district oversight and accountability requirements as outlined in the agreement; and new text end

new text begin (3) other performance provisions as agreed to. new text end

new text begin (b) All agreements shall be filed with the commissioner. The initial agreement shall be for up to three years, shall be reviewed annually, and may be renewed by the district board for additional terms of up to five years based on the performance of the school. new text end

new text begin Subd. 6. new text end

new text begin Board termination of self-governed school authority. new text end

new text begin (a) The district board may terminate the agreement for one or more of the following reasons: new text end

new text begin (1) failure of the site to meet the provisions specified in the agreement in subdivision 5; new text end

new text begin (2) violations of law; or new text end

new text begin (3) other good cause shown. new text end

new text begin (b) Site-governed schools that are terminated or not renewed for reasons other than cause may request to convert to charter school status as provided for in section 124D.10 and, if chartered by the board, shall become the owner of all materials, supplies, and equipment purchased during the period the school was a site-governed school. new text end

Sec. 34.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.143, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Contract; duties.

All districts maintaining a classified secondary school must employ a superintendent who shall be an ex officio nonvoting member of the school board. The authority for selection and employment of a superintendent must be vested in the board in all cases. An individual employed by a board as a superintendent shall have an initial employment contract for a period of time no longer than three years from the date of employment. Any subsequent employment contract must not exceed a period of three years. A board, at its discretion, may or may not renew an employment contract. A board must not, by action or inaction, extend the duration of an existing employment contract. Beginning 365 days prior to the expiration date of an existing employment contract, a board may negotiate and enter into a subsequent employment contract to take effect upon the expiration of the existing contract. A subsequent contract must be contingent upon the employee completing the terms of an existing contract. If a contract between a board and a superintendent is terminated prior to the date specified in the contract, the board may not enter into another superintendent contract with that same individual that has a term that extends beyond the date specified in the terminated contract. A board may terminate a superintendent during the term of an employment contract for any of the grounds specified in section 122A.40, subdivision 9 or 13. A superintendent shall not rely upon an employment contract with a board to assert any other continuing contract rights in the position of superintendent under section 122A.40. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 122A.40, subdivision 10 or 11, 123A.32, 123A.75, or any other law to the contrary, no individual shall have a right to employment as a superintendent based on order of employment in any district. If two or more districts enter into an agreement for the purchase or sharing of the services of a superintendent, the contracting districts have the absolute right to select one of the individuals employed to serve as superintendent in one of the contracting districts and no individual has a right to employment as the superintendent to provide all or part of the services based on order of employment in a contracting district. The superintendent of a district shall perform the following:

(1) visit and supervise the schools in the district, report and make recommendations about their condition when advisable or on request by the board;

(2) recommend to the board employment and dismissal of teachers;

(3) superintend school grading practices and examinations for promotions;

(4) make reports required by the commissioner;new text begin andnew text end

(5) deleted text begin by January 10, submit an annual report to the commissioner in a manner prescribed by the commissioner, in consultation with school districts, identifying the expenditures that the district requires to ensure an 80 percent student passage rate on the MCA-IIs taken in the eighth grade, identifying the highest student passage rate the district expects it will be able to attain on the MCA-IIs by grade 12, and the amount of expenditures that the district requires to attain the targeted student passage rate; anddeleted text end

deleted text begin (6)deleted text end perform other duties prescribed by the board.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to the 2009-2010 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 35.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.51, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:

new text begin Subd. 5a. new text end

new text begin Temporary closing. new text end

new text begin A school district that proposes to temporarily close a schoolhouse or that intends to lease the facility to another entity for use as a schoolhouse for three or fewer years is not subject to subdivision 5 if the school board holds a public meeting and allows public comment on the schoolhouse's future. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 36.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.095, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.


For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given them.

(a) "Online learning" is an interactive course or program that delivers instruction from a teacher to a student by computer; is combined with other traditional delivery methods that include frequent student assessment and may include actual teacher contact time; and meets or exceeds state academic standards.

(b) "Online learning provider" is a school district, an intermediate school district, an organization of two or more school districts operating under a joint powers agreement, or a charter school located in Minnesota that provides online learning to students.

(c) "Student" is a Minnesota resident enrolled in a school under section 120A.22, subdivision 4, in kindergarten through grade 12.

(d) "Online learning student" is a student enrolled in an online learning course or program delivered by an online provider under paragraph (b).

(e) "Enrolling district" means the school district or charter school in which a student is enrolled under section 120A.22, subdivision 4, for purposes of compulsory attendance.

(f) "Supplemental online learning" means an online course taken in place of a course period during the regular school day at a local district school.

(g) "Full-time online provider" means an enrolling school authorized by the department to deliver comprehensive public education at any or all of the elementary, middle, or high school levels.

new text begin (h) "Online course syllabus" is a written document that an online learning provider transmits to the enrolling district using a format prescribed by the commissioner to identify the state academic standards embedded in an online course, the course content outline, required course assessments, expectations for actual teacher contact time and other student-to-teacher communications, and the academic support available to the online learning student. new text end

Sec. 37.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.095, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

Authorization; notice; limitations on enrollment.

(a) A student may apply for full-time enrollment in an approved online learning program under section 124D.03, 124D.08 or 124D.10deleted text begin , or for supplemental online learningdeleted text end . Notwithstanding sections 124D.03, 124D.08, and 124D.10, procedures for enrolling in new text begin supplemental new text end online learning deleted text begin shall bedeleted text end new text begin arenew text end as provided in this subdivision. A student age 17 or younger must have the written consent of a parent or guardian to apply. No school district or charter school may prohibit a student from applying to enroll in online learning. In order deleted text begin that a student maydeleted text end new text begin tonew text end enroll in online learning, the student and the student's parents must submit an application to the online learning provider and identify the new text begin student's new text end reason for enrolling deleted text begin in online learningdeleted text end . deleted text begin Thedeleted text end new text begin Annew text end online learning provider that accepts a student under this section must deleted text begin within ten daysdeleted text end notify the student and the enrolling district in writing new text begin within ten days new text end if the enrolling district is not the online learning provider. The student and deleted text begin familydeleted text end new text begin the student's parentnew text end must notify the online learning provider of deleted text begin theirdeleted text end new text begin the student'snew text end intent to enroll in online learning within ten days of deleted text begin acceptancedeleted text end new text begin being acceptednew text end , at which time the student and new text begin the student's new text end parent must sign a statement deleted text begin of assurancedeleted text end new text begin indicatingnew text end that they have reviewed the online course or program and understand the expectations of new text begin enrolling in new text end online learning deleted text begin enrollmentdeleted text end . The online learning provider must new text begin use a form provided by the department to new text end notify the enrolling district of the student's deleted text begin enrollmentdeleted text end new text begin application to enrollnew text end in online learning deleted text begin in writing on a form provided by the departmentdeleted text end .

(b) new text begin The new text end supplemental online learning deleted text begin notificationdeleted text end new text begin noticenew text end to the enrolling district deleted text begin upondeleted text end new text begin when anew text end student deleted text begin enrollment indeleted text end new text begin applies tonew text end the online learning deleted text begin programdeleted text end new text begin providernew text end will include the courses or program, credits to be awarded, new text begin and new text end the start date of new text begin the new text end online deleted text begin enrollment, and confirmation that the courses will meet the student's graduation plandeleted text end new text begin course or program. An online learning provider must make available the supplemental online course syllabus to the enrolling district. Within 15 days after the online learning provider makes information in this paragraph available to the enrolling district, the enrolling district must notify the online provider whether the student, the student's parent, and the enrolling district agree or disagree that the course meets the enrolling district's graduation requirementsnew text end . A student may enroll in new text begin a new text end supplemental online learning deleted text begin coursesdeleted text end new text begin coursenew text end up to the midpoint of the enrolling district's term. The enrolling district may waive this requirement for special circumstances and deleted text begin upon acceptance bydeleted text end new text begin with the agreement ofnew text end the online provider. new text begin An online learning course or program that meets or exceeds a graduation standard or the grade progression requirement of the enrolling district as described in the provider's online course syllabus meets the corresponding graduation requirements applicable to the student in the enrolling district. If the enrolling district does not agree that the course or program meets its graduation requirements, then:new text end

new text begin (1) the enrolling district must make available an explanation of its decision to the student, the student's parent, and the online provider; and new text end

new text begin (2) the online provider may make available a response to the enrolling district, showing how the course or program meets the graduation requirements of the enrolling district. new text end

(c) An online learning provider must notify the commissioner that it is delivering online learning and report the number of online learning students it deleted text begin is acceptingdeleted text end new text begin acceptsnew text end and the online learning courses and programs it deleted text begin is deliveringdeleted text end new text begin deliversnew text end .

(d) An online learning provider may limit enrollment if the provider's school board or board of directors adopts by resolution specific standards for accepting and rejecting students' applications.

(e) An enrolling district may reduce an online learning student's regular classroom instructional membership in proportion to the student's membership in online learning courses.

new text begin (f) The online provider must report or make available information on an individual student's progress and accumulated credit to the student, the student's parent, and the enrolling district in a manner specified by the commissioner unless the enrolling district and the online provider agree to a different form of notice and notify the commissioner. The enrolling district must designate a contact person to help facilitate and monitor the student's academic progress and accumulated credits towards graduation. new text end

Sec. 38.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.095, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

Online learning parameters.

(a) An online learning student must receive academic credit for completing the requirements of an online learning course or program. Secondary credits granted to an online learning student deleted text begin must be counteddeleted text end new text begin countnew text end toward the graduation and credit requirements of the enrolling district. deleted text begin An online learning provider must make available to the enrolling district the course syllabus, standard alignment, content outline, assessment requirements, and contact information for supplemental online courses taken by students in the enrolling district.deleted text end The enrolling district must apply the same graduation requirements to all students, including online learning students, and must continue to provide nonacademic services to online learning students. If a student completes an online learning course or program that meets or exceeds a graduation standard or new text begin the new text end grade progression requirement at the enrolling district, that standard or requirement is met. The enrolling district must use the same criteria for accepting online learning credits or courses as it does for accepting credits or courses for transfer students under section 124D.03, subdivision 9. The enrolling district may reduce the course schedule of an online learning student in proportion to the number of online learning courses the student takes from an online learning provider that is not the enrolling district.

(b) An online learning student may:

(1) enroll in supplemental online learning courses deleted text begin during a single school yeardeleted text end new text begin equalnew text end to a maximum of 50 percent of the student's full schedule of courses per termdeleted text begin . Adeleted text end new text begin during a single school year and thenew text end student may exceed the supplemental online learning registration limit if the enrolling district deleted text begin grants permission fordeleted text end new text begin permitsnew text end supplemental online learning enrollment above the limit, or if deleted text begin an agreement is made betweendeleted text end the enrolling district and the online learning provider deleted text begin fordeleted text end new text begin agree to thenew text end instructional services;

(2) complete course work at a grade level that is different from the student's current grade level; and

(3) enroll in additional courses with the online learning provider under a separate agreement that includes terms for deleted text begin payment ofdeleted text end new text begin paying new text end any tuition or course fees.

(c) An online learning student has the same access to the computer hardware and education software available in a school as all other students in the enrolling district. An online learning provider must assist an online learning student whose family qualifies for the education tax credit under section 290.0674 to acquire computer hardware and educational software for online learning purposes.

(d) An enrolling district may offer online learning to its enrolled students. Such online learning does not generate online learning funds under this section. An enrolling district that offers online learning only to its enrolled students is not subject to the reporting requirements or review criteria under subdivision 7new text begin , unless the enrolling district is a full-time online providernew text end . A teacher with a Minnesota license must assemble and deliver instruction to enrolled students receiving online learning from an enrolling district. The delivery of instruction occurs when the student interacts with the computer or the teacher and receives ongoing assistance and assessment of learning. The instruction may include curriculum developed by persons other than a teacher deleted text begin withdeleted text end new text begin holdingnew text end a Minnesota license.

(e) deleted text begin Andeleted text end new text begin Both full-time and supplemental new text end online learning deleted text begin provider that is not the enrolling district isdeleted text end new text begin providers arenew text end subject to the reporting requirements and review criteria under subdivision 7. A teacher deleted text begin withdeleted text end new text begin holdingnew text end a Minnesota license must assemble and deliver instruction to online learning students. The delivery of instruction occurs when the student interacts with the computer or the teacher and receives ongoing assistance and assessment of learning. The instruction may include curriculum developed by persons other than a teacher deleted text begin withdeleted text end new text begin holdingnew text end a Minnesota license. Unless the commissioner grants a waiver, a teacher providing online learning instruction must not instruct more than 40 students in any one online learning course or program.

(f) To enroll in more than 50 percent of the student's full schedule of courses per term in online learning, the student must qualify to exceed the supplemental online learning registration limit under paragraph (b) or apply deleted text begin for enrollmentdeleted text end to new text begin enroll in new text end an approved full-time online learning program deleted text begin following appropriate procedures indeleted text end new text begin , consistent withnew text end subdivision 3, paragraph (a). Full-time online learning students may enroll in classes at a local school deleted text begin perdeleted text end new text begin under anew text end contract for instructional services between the online learning provider and the school district.

Sec. 39.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.095, subdivision 7, is amended to read:

Subd. 7.

Department of Education.

(a) The department must review and deleted text begin certifydeleted text end new text begin approvenew text end online learning providers. The online learning courses and programs must be rigorous, aligned with state academic standards, and contribute to grade progression in a single subject. deleted text begin Online learning providers must demonstrate to the commissioner that online learning courses have equivalent standards or instruction, curriculum, and assessment requirements as other courses offered to enrolled students. The online learning provider must also demonstrate expectations for actual teacher contact time or other student-to-teacher communicationdeleted text end new text begin The online provider must give the commissioner written assurance that: (1) all courses meet state academic standards; and (2) the online learning curriculum, instruction, and assessment, expectations for actual teacher-contact time or other student-to-teacher communication, and academic support meet nationally recognized professional standards and are described as such in an online course syllabus that meets the commissioner's requirementsnew text end . Once an online learning provider is approved under this paragraph, all of its online learning course offerings are eligible for payment under this section unless a course is successfully challenged by an enrolling district or the department under paragraph (b).

(b) An enrolling district may challenge the validity of a course offered by an online learning provider. The department must review such challenges based on the certification procedures under paragraph (a). The department may initiate its own review of the validity of an online learning course offered by an online learning provider.

(c) The department may collect a fee not to exceed $250 for certifying online learning providers or $50 per course for reviewing a challenge by an enrolling district.

(d) The department must develop, publish, and maintain a list of approved online learning providers and online learning courses and programs that it has reviewed and certified.

Sec. 40.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.095, subdivision 10, is amended to read:

Subd. 10.

Online Learning Advisory Council.

(a) An Online Learning Advisory Council is established deleted text begin under section , except thatdeleted text end new text begin .new text end The term for each council member shall be three years. The advisory council is composed of 12 members from throughout the state who have demonstrated experience with or interest in online learning. The members of the council shall be appointed by the commissioner. The advisory council shall bring to the attention of the commissioner any matters related to online learning and provide input to the department in matters related, but not restricted, to:

(1) quality assurance;

(2) teacher qualifications;

(3) program approval;

(4) special education;

(5) attendance;

(6) program design and requirements; and

(7) fair and equal access to programs.

(b) The Online Learning Advisory Council under this subdivision expires June 30, deleted text begin 2008deleted text end new text begin 2013new text end .

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin Paragraph (b) is effective retroactively from June 30, 2008. new text end

Sec. 41.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.10, is amended to read:


Subdivision 1.


(a) The purpose of this section is to:

(1) improve pupil learningnew text begin and student achievementnew text end ;

(2) increase learning opportunities for pupils;

(3) encourage the use of different and innovative teaching methods;

(4) deleted text begin require the measurement ofdeleted text end new text begin measurenew text end learning outcomes and create different and innovative forms of measuring outcomes;

(5) establish new forms of accountability for schools; deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin andnew text end

(6) create new professional opportunities for teachers, including the opportunity to be responsible for the learning program at the school site.

(b) This section does not provide a means to keep open a school that otherwise would be closednew text begin or to reestablish a school that has been closednew text end . Applicants in these circumstances bear the burden of proving that conversion to a charter school new text begin or establishment of a new charter school new text end fulfills deleted text begin a purposedeleted text end new text begin the purposesnew text end specified in this subdivision, independent of the school's closing.

new text begin An authorizer shall not approve an application submitted by a charter school developer under subdivision 4, paragraph (a), if the application does not comply with this subdivision. The commissioner shall not approve an affidavit submitted by an authorizer under subdivision 4, paragraph (b), if the affidavit does not comply with this subdivision. new text end

Subd. 2.


This section applies only to charter schools formed and operated under this section.

deleted text begin Subd. 2a. deleted text end

deleted text begin Charter School Advisory Council. deleted text end

deleted text begin (a) A Charter School Advisory Council is established under section 15.059 except that the term for each council member shall be three years. The advisory council is composed of seven members from throughout the state who have demonstrated experience with or interest in charter schools. The members of the council shall be appointed by the commissioner. The advisory council shall bring to the attention of the commissioner any matters related to charter schools that the council deems necessary and shall:deleted text end

deleted text begin (1) encourage school boards to make full use of charter school opportunities; deleted text end

deleted text begin (2) encourage the creation of innovative schools; deleted text end

deleted text begin (3) provide leadership and support for charter school sponsors to increase the innovation in and the effectiveness, accountability, and fiscal soundness of charter schools; deleted text end

deleted text begin (4) serve an ombudsman function in facilitating the operations of new and existing charter schools; deleted text end

deleted text begin (5) promote timely financial management training for newly elected members of a charter school board of directors and ongoing training for other members of a charter school board of directors; and deleted text end

deleted text begin (6) facilitate compliance with auditing and other reporting requirements. The advisory council shall refer all its proposals to the commissioner who shall provide time for reports from the council. deleted text end

deleted text begin (b) The Charter School Advisory Council under this subdivision expires June 30, 2007. deleted text end

Subd. 3.

deleted text begin Sponsordeleted text end new text begin Authorizernew text end .

(a)new text begin For purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subdivision have the meanings given text end

new text begin "Application" to receive approval as an authorizer means the proposal an eligible authorizer submits to the commissioner under paragraph (c) before that authorizer is able to submit any affidavit to charter to a school. new text end

new text begin "Application" under subdivision 4 means the charter school business plan a school developer submits to an authorizer for approval to establish a charter school that documents the school developer's mission statement, school purposes, program design, financial plan, governance and management structure, and background and experience, plus any other information the authorizer requests. The application also shall include a "statement of assurances" of legal compliance prescribed by the commissioner. new text end

new text begin "Affidavit" means a written statement the authorizer submits to the commissioner for approval to establish a charter school under subdivision 4 attesting to its review and approval process before chartering a school. new text end

new text begin "Affidavit" means the form an authorizer submits to the commissioner that is a precondition to a charter school organizing an affiliated nonprofit building corporation under subdivision 17a. new text end

new text begin (b) The following organizations may authorize one or more charter schools: new text end

new text begin (1)new text end a school board; intermediate school district school board; education district organized under sections 123A.15 to 123A.19;

new text begin (2) anew text end charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986new text begin , excluding a nonpublic sectarian or religious institution, any person other than a natural person that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the nonpublic sectarian or religious institution, and any other charitable organization under this clause that in the federal IRS Form 1023, Part IV, describes activities indicating a religious purpose,new text end thatnew text begin :new text end

new text begin (i)new text end is a member of the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits or the Minnesota Council on Foundationsdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end

new text begin (ii) isnew text end registered with the attorney general's officedeleted text begin , anddeleted text end new text begin ;new text end

new text begin (iii)new text end reports an end-of-year fund balance of at least $2,000,000new text begin ; and new text end

new text begin (iv) is incorporated in the state of Minnesotanew text end ;

new text begin (3) anew text end Minnesota private collegenew text begin , notwithstanding clause (2),new text end that grants two- or four-year degrees and is registered with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education under chapter 136A; community college, state university, or technical collegedeleted text begin ,deleted text end governed by the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; or the University of Minnesota deleted text begin may sponsor one or more charter schools.deleted text end new text begin ; ornew text end

deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (4)new text end a nonprofit corporation subject to chapter 317A, described in section 317A.905, and exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, may deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizenew text end one or more charter schools if the charter school has operated for at least three years under a different deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end and if the nonprofit corporation has existed for at least 25 years.

new text begin (5) no more than three single-purpose sponsors that are charitable, nonsectarian organizations formed under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and incorporated in the state of Minnesota whose sole purpose is to charter schools. Eligible organizations interested in being approved as a sponsor under this paragraph must submit a proposal to the commissioner that includes the provisions of paragraph (c) and a five-year financial plan. Such authorizers shall consider and approve applications using the criteria provided in subdivision 4 and shall not limit the applications it solicits, considers, or approves to any single curriculum, learning program, or method. new text end

new text begin (c) An eligible authorizer under this subdivision must apply to the commissioner for approval as an authorizer before submitting any affidavit to the commissioner to charter a school. The application for approval as a charter school authorizer must demonstrate the applicant's ability to implement the procedures and satisfy the criteria for chartering a school under this section. The commissioner must approve or disapprove an application within 60 business days of the application deadline. If the commissioner disapproves the application, the commissioner must notify the applicant of the deficiencies and the applicant then has 20 business days to address the deficiencies to the commissioner's satisfaction. Failing to address the deficiencies to the commissioner's satisfaction makes an applicant ineligible to be an authorizer. The commissioner, in establishing criteria for approval, must consider the applicant's: new text end

new text begin (1) capacity and infrastructure; new text end

new text begin (2) application criteria and process; new text end

new text begin (3) contracting process; new text end

new text begin (4) ongoing oversight and evaluation processes; and new text end

new text begin (5) renewal criteria and processes. new text end

new text begin (d) The affidavit to be submitted to and evaluated by the commissioner must include at least the following: new text end

new text begin (1) how chartering schools is a way for the organization to carry out its mission; new text end

new text begin (2) a description of the capacity of the organization to serve as a sponsor, including the personnel who will perform the sponsoring duties, their qualifications, the amount of time they will be assigned to this responsibility, and the financial resources allocated by the organization to this responsibility; new text end

new text begin (3) a description of the application and review process the authorizer will use to make decisions regarding the granting of charters, which will include at least the following: new text end

new text begin (i) how the statutory purposes defined in subdivision 1 are addressed; new text end

new text begin (ii) the mission, goals, program model, and student performance expectations; new text end

new text begin (iii) an evaluation plan for the school that includes criteria for evaluating educational, organizational, and fiscal plans; new text end

new text begin (iv) the school's governance plan; new text end

new text begin (v) the financial management plan; and new text end

new text begin (vi) the administration and operations plan; new text end

new text begin (4) a description of the type of contract it will arrange with the schools it charters that meets the provisions of subdivision 6 and defines the rights and responsibilities of the charter school for governing its educational program, controlling its funds, and making school management decisions; new text end

new text begin (5) the process to be used for providing ongoing oversight of the school consistent with the contract expectations specified in clause (4) that assures that the schools chartered are complying with both the provisions of applicable law and rules, and with the contract; new text end

new text begin (6) the process for making decisions regarding the renewal or termination of the school's charter based on evidence that demonstrates the academic, organizational, and financial competency of the school, including its success in increasing student achievement and meeting the goals of the charter school agreement; and new text end

new text begin (7) an assurance specifying that the organization is committed to serving as a sponsor for the full five-year term. new text end

new text begin A disapproved applicant under this paragraph may resubmit an application during a future application period. new text end

new text begin (e) The authorizer must participate in department-approved training. new text end

new text begin (f) An authorizer that chartered a school before August 1, 2009, must apply by June 30, 2011, to the commissioner for approval, under paragraph (c), to continue as an authorizer under this section. For purposes of this paragraph, an authorizer that fails to submit a timely application is ineligible to charter a school. new text end

new text begin (g) The commissioner shall review an authorizer's performance every five years in a manner and form determined by the commissioner and may review an authorizer's performance more frequently at the commissioner's own initiative or at the request of a charter school operator, charter school board member, or other interested party. The commissioner, after completing the review, shall transmit a report with findings to the authorizer. If, consistent with this section, the commissioner finds that an authorizer has not fulfilled the requirements of this section, the commissioner may subject the authorizer to corrective action, which may include terminating the contract with the charter school board of directors of a school it chartered. The commissioner must notify the authorizer in writing of any findings that may subject the authorizer to corrective action and the authorizer then has 15 business days to request an informal hearing before the commissioner takes corrective action. new text end

new text begin (h) The commissioner may at any time take corrective action against an authorizer, including terminating an authorizer's ability to charter a school for: new text end

new text begin (1) failing to demonstrate the criteria under paragraph (c) under which the commissioner approved the authorizer; new text end

new text begin (2) violating a term of the chartering contract between the authorizer and the charter school board of directors; or new text end

new text begin (3) unsatisfactory performance as an approved authorizer. new text end

Subd. 4.

Formation of school.

(a) deleted text begin A sponsordeleted text end new text begin An authorizer, after receiving an application from a school developer,new text end may deleted text begin authorizedeleted text end new text begin charter a licensed teacher under section 122A.18, subdivision 1, or a group of individuals that includesnew text end one or more licensed teachers under section 122A.18, subdivision 1, to operate a deleted text begin charterdeleted text end school subject to new text begin the commissioner'snew text end approval deleted text begin by the commissionerdeleted text end new text begin of the authorizer's affidavit under paragraph (b)new text end . deleted text begin A board must vote on charter school application for sponsorship no later than 90 days after receiving the application.deleted text end The school must be organized and operated as a cooperative under chapter 308A or nonprofit corporation under chapter 317A and the provisions under the applicable chapter shall apply to the school except as provided in this section.

Notwithstanding sections 465.717 and 465.719, a school districtnew text begin , subject to this section and section 124D.11,new text end may create a corporation for the purpose of deleted text begin creatingdeleted text end new text begin establishingnew text end a charter school.

(b) Before the operators may deleted text begin formdeleted text end new text begin establishnew text end and operate a school, the deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end must file an affidavit with the commissioner stating its intent to deleted text begin authorize adeleted text end charter new text begin a new text end school. new text begin An authorizer must file a separate affidavit for each school it intends to charter. new text end The affidavit must state the terms and conditions under which the deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end would deleted text begin authorize adeleted text end charter new text begin a new text end school and how the deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end intends to oversee the fiscal and student performance of the charter school and to comply with the terms of the written contract between the deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end and the charter school board of directors under subdivision 6. The commissioner must approve or disapprove the deleted text begin sponsor's proposed authorizationdeleted text end new text begin authorizer's affidavit new text end within deleted text begin 90deleted text end new text begin 60 business new text end days of receipt of the affidavit. new text begin If the commissioner disapproves the affidavit, the commissioner shall notify the authorizer of the deficiencies in the affidavit and the authorizer then has 20 business days to address the deficiencies. If the authorizer does not address deficiencies to the commissioner's satisfaction, the commissioner's disapproval is final. new text end Failure to obtain commissioner approval precludes deleted text begin a sponsordeleted text end new text begin an authorizer new text end from deleted text begin authorizingdeleted text end new text begin charteringnew text end the deleted text begin charterdeleted text end school that deleted text begin wasdeleted text end new text begin isnew text end the subject of deleted text begin thedeleted text end new text begin thisnew text end affidavit.

(c) new text begin The authorizer may prevent an approved charter school from opening for operation if, among other grounds, the charter school violates this section or does not meet the ready-to-open standards that are part of the authorizer's oversight and evaluation process or are stipulated in the charter school text end

new text begin (d) new text end The operators authorized to organize and operate a school, before entering into a contract or other agreement for professional or other services, goods, or facilities, must incorporate as a cooperative under chapter 308A or as a nonprofit corporation under chapter 317A and must establish a board of directors composed of at least five membersnew text begin who are not related partiesnew text end until a timely election for members of the new text begin ongoing new text end charter school board of directors is held according to the school's articles and bylawsnew text begin under paragraph (f)new text end . A charter school board of directors must be composed of at least five membersnew text begin who are not related partiesnew text end . deleted text begin Anydeleted text end Staff members deleted text begin who aredeleted text end employed at the school, including teachers providing instruction under a contract with a cooperative, and all parentsnew text begin or legal guardiansnew text end of children enrolled in the school deleted text begin may participate in the election fordeleted text end new text begin are the voters eligible to elect thenew text end members of the school's board of directors. deleted text begin Licensed teachers employed at the school, including teachers providing instruction under a contract with a cooperative, must be a majority of the members of the board of directors before the school completes its third year of operation, unless the commissioner waives the requirement for a majority of licensed teachers on the board.deleted text end new text begin A charter school must notify eligible voters of the school board election dates at least 30 days before the text end Board of director meetings must comply with chapter 13D.

deleted text begin (d) deleted text end new text begin (e) Upon the request of an individual, the charter school must make available in a timely fashion the minutes of meetings of the board of directors, and of members and committees having any board-delegated authority; financial statements showing all operations and transactions affecting income, surplus, and deficit during the school's last annual accounting period; and a balance sheet summarizing assets and liabilities on the closing date of the accounting period. A charter school also must post on its official Web site information identifying its authorizer and indicate how to contact that authorizer and include that same information about its authorizer in other school materials that it makes available to the public. new text end

new text begin (f) Every charter school board member shall attend department-approved training on board governance, the board's role and responsibilities, employment policies and practices, and financial management. A board member who does not begin the required training within six months of being seated and complete the required training within 12 months of being seated on the board is ineligible to continue to serve as a board member. new text end

new text begin (g) The ongoing board must be elected before the school completes its third year of operation. Board elections must be held during a time when school is in session. The charter school board of directors shall be composed of at least five nonrelated members and include: (i) at least one licensed teacher employed at the school or a licensed teacher providing instruction under a contact between the charter school and a cooperative; (ii) the parent or legal guardian of a student enrolled in the charter school; and (iii) an interested community member who is not employed by the charter school and does not have a child enrolled in the school. The board may be a teacher majority board composed of teachers described in this paragraph. The chief financial officer and the chief administrator are ex-officio nonvoting board members. Board bylaws shall outline the process and procedures for changing the board's governance model, consistent with chapter 317A. A board may change its governance model only: new text end

new text begin (1) by a majority vote of the board of directors and the licensed teachers employed by the school, including licensed teachers providing instruction under a contract between the school and a cooperative; and new text end

new text begin (2) with the authorizer's approval. new text end

new text begin Any change in board governance must conform with the board structure established under this paragraph. new text end

new text begin (h)new text end The granting or renewal of a charter by deleted text begin a sponsoring entitydeleted text end new text begin an authorizernew text end must not be conditioned upon the bargaining unit status of the employees of the school.

deleted text begin (e) A sponsor deleted text end new text begin (i) The granting or renewal of a charter school by an authorizer must not be contingent on the charter school being required to contract, lease, or purchase services from the authorizer. Any potential contract, lease, or purchase of service from an authorizer must be disclosed to the commissioner, accepted through an open bidding process, and be a separate contract from the charter contract. The school must document the open bidding process. An authorizer must not enter into a contract to provide management and financial services for a school that it authorizes, unless the school documents that it received at least two competitive bids. new text end

new text begin (j) An authorizernew text end may deleted text begin authorizedeleted text end new text begin permitnew text end the deleted text begin operatorsdeleted text end new text begin board of directorsnew text end of a charter school to expand the operation of the charter school to additional sites or to add additional grades at the school beyond those described in the deleted text begin sponsor's applicationdeleted text end new text begin authorizer's original affidavitnew text end as approved by the commissioner only after submitting a supplemental deleted text begin applicationdeleted text end new text begin affidavit for approvalnew text end to the commissioner in a form and manner prescribed by the commissioner. The supplemental deleted text begin applicationdeleted text end new text begin affidavitnew text end must deleted text begin provide evidencedeleted text end new text begin shownew text end that:

(1) the expansion deleted text begin ofdeleted text end new text begin proposed bynew text end the charter school is supported by need and projected enrollment;

new text begin (2) the charter school expansion is warranted, at a minimum, by longitudinal data demonstrating students' improved academic performance and growth on statewide assessments under chapter 120B; new text end

deleted text begin (2)deleted text end new text begin (3)new text end the charter school is fiscally soundnew text begin and has the financial capacity to implement the proposed expansionnew text end ;new text begin andnew text end

deleted text begin (3)deleted text end new text begin (4)new text end the deleted text begin sponsor supports thedeleted text end new text begin authorizer finds that the charter school has the management capacity to carry out itsnew text end expansiondeleted text begin ; anddeleted text end new text begin .new text end

deleted text begin (4) the building of the additional site meets all health and safety requirements to be eligible for lease aid. deleted text end

deleted text begin (f) The commissioner annually must provide timely financial management training to newly elected members of a charter school board of directors and ongoing training to other members of a charter school board of directors. Training must address ways to: deleted text end

deleted text begin (1) proactively assess opportunities for a charter school to maximize all available revenue sources; deleted text end

deleted text begin (2) establish and maintain complete, auditable records for the charter school; deleted text end

deleted text begin (3) establish proper filing techniques; deleted text end

deleted text begin (4) document formal actions of the charter school, including meetings of the charter school board of directors; deleted text end

deleted text begin (5) properly manage and retain charter school and student records; deleted text end

deleted text begin (6) comply with state and federal payroll record-keeping requirements; and deleted text end

deleted text begin (7) address other similar factors that facilitate establishing and maintaining complete records on the charter school's operations. deleted text end

new text begin (k) The commissioner shall have 30 business days to review and comment on the supplemental affidavit. The commissioner shall notify the authorizer of any deficiencies in the supplemental affidavit and the authorizer then has 30 business days to address, to the commissioner's satisfaction, any deficiencies in the supplemental affidavit. The school may not expand grades or add sites until the commissioner has approved the supplemental affidavit. The commissioner's approval or disapproval of a supplemental affidavit is final. new text end

Subd. 4a.

Conflict of interest.

(a) deleted text begin A member of a charter school board of directorsdeleted text end new text begin An individualnew text end is prohibited from serving as a member of the new text begin charter school new text end board of directors deleted text begin or asdeleted text end new text begin if the individual, an immediate family member, or the individual's partner isnew text end an new text begin owner, new text end employee or agent of or a contractor with a for-profit new text begin or nonprofit new text end entity with whom the charter school contracts, directly or indirectly, for professional services, goods, or facilities. A violation of this prohibition renders a contract voidable at the option of the commissionernew text begin or the charter school board of directorsnew text end . A member of a charter school board of directors who violates this prohibition deleted text begin shall bedeleted text end new text begin isnew text end individually liable to the charter school for any damage caused by the violation.

new text begin (b) No member of the board of directors, employee, officer, or agent of a charter school shall participate in selecting, awarding, or administering a contract if a conflict of interest exists. A conflict exists when: new text end

new text begin (1) the board member, employee, officer, or agent; new text end

new text begin (2) the immediate family of the board member, employee, officer, or agent; new text end

new text begin (3) the partner of the board member, employee, officer, or agent; or new text end

new text begin (4) an organization that employs, or is about to employ any individual in clauses (1) to (3), new text end

new text begin has a financial or other interest in the entity with which the charter school is contracting. A violation of this prohibition renders the contract void. new text end

new text begin (c) Any employee, agent, or board member of the authorizer who participates in the initial review, approval, ongoing oversight, evaluation, or the charter renewal or nonrenewal process or decision is ineligible to serve on the board of directors of a school chartered by that authorizer. new text end

deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end An individual may serve as a member of the board of directors if no conflict of interest under paragraph (a) exists.

deleted text begin (c) A member of a charter school board of directors that serves as a member of the board of directors or as an employee or agent of or a contractor with a nonprofit entity with whom the charter school contracts, directly or indirectly, for professional services, goods, or facilities, must disclose all potential conflicts to the commissioner. deleted text end

deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end The conflict of interest provisions under this subdivision do not apply to compensation paid to a teacher employed by the charter school who also serves as a member of the board of directors.

deleted text begin (e)deleted text end new text begin (f)new text end The conflict of interest provisions under this subdivision do not apply to a teacher who provides services to a charter school through a cooperative formed under chapter 308A when the teacher also serves on the charter school board of directors.

Subd. 5.

Conversion of existing schools.

A boardnew text begin of an independent or special school districtnew text end may convert one or more of its existing schools to charter schools under this section if 60 percent of the full-time teachers at the school sign a petition seeking conversion. The conversion must occur at the beginning of an academic year.

Subd. 6.

new text begin Charter new text end contract.

The deleted text begin sponsor'sdeleted text end authorization for a charter school must be in the form of a written contract signed by the deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end and the board of directors of the charter school. The contract must be completed within deleted text begin 90deleted text end new text begin 45 businessnew text end days of the commissioner's approval of the deleted text begin sponsor's proposed authorization.deleted text end new text begin authorizer's affidavit. The authorizer shall submit to the commissioner a copy of the signed charter contract within ten business days of its execution. new text end The contract for a charter school must be in writing and contain at least the following:

(1) a deleted text begin description of a program that carries out one or more of the purposesdeleted text end new text begin declaration of the purposes new text end in subdivision 1new text begin that the school intends to carry out and how the school will report its implementation of those purposesnew text end ;

(2) new text begin a description of the school program and the new text end specific new text begin academic and nonacademic new text end outcomes new text begin that new text end pupils deleted text begin are todeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end achieve deleted text begin under subdivision 10deleted text end ;

(3) new text begin a statement of new text end admission policies and procedures;

(4) new text begin a governance, new text end managementnew text begin ,new text end and administration deleted text begin ofdeleted text end new text begin plan fornew text end the school;

(5) new text begin signed agreements from charter school board members to comply with all federal and state laws governing organizational, programmatic, and financial new text end requirements deleted text begin and procedures for program and financial auditsdeleted text end new text begin applicable to charter schoolsnew text end ;

(6) deleted text begin how the school will comply with subdivisions 8, 13, 16, and 23deleted text end new text begin the criteria, processes, and procedures that the authorizer will use for ongoing oversight of operational, financial, and academic performancenew text end ;

(7) deleted text begin assumption of liability by the charter schooldeleted text end new text begin the performance evaluation that is a prerequisite for reviewing a charter contract under subdivision 15new text end ;

(8) types and amounts of insurance new text begin liability new text end coverage to be obtained by the charter school;

(9) the term of the contract, which may be up to three yearsnew text begin for an initial contract plus an additional preoperational planning year, and up to five years for a renewed contract if warranted by the school's academic, financial, and operational performancenew text end ;

(10) deleted text begin ifdeleted text end new text begin hownew text end the board of directors or the operators of the charter school new text begin will new text end provide special instruction and services for children with a disability under sections 125A.03 to 125A.24, and 125A.65, a description of the financial parameters within which the charter school will operate to provide the special instruction and services to children with a disability; deleted text begin anddeleted text end

(11) the process and criteria the deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end intends to use to monitor and evaluate the fiscal and student performance of the charter school, consistent with subdivision 15deleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; andnew text end

new text begin (12) the plan for an orderly closing of the school under chapter 308A or 317A, if the closure is a termination for cause, a voluntary termination, or a nonrenewal of the contract, and that includes establishing the responsibilities of the school board of directors and the authorizer and notifying the commissioner, authorizer, school district in which the charter school is located, and parents of enrolled students about the closure, the transfer of student records to students' resident districts, and procedures for closing financial operations. new text end

Subd. 6a.

Audit report.

new text begin (a) new text end The charter school must submit an audit report to the commissionernew text begin and its authorizernew text end by December 31 each year.

new text begin (b)new text end The charter school, with the assistance of the auditor conducting the audit, must include with the report a copy of all charter school agreements for corporate management services. If the entity that provides the professional services to the charter school is exempt from taxation under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, that entity must file with the commissioner by February 15 a copy of the annual return required under section 6033 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

new text begin (c)new text end If the commissioner receives deleted text begin as part of thedeleted text end new text begin annew text end audit report deleted text begin a management letterdeleted text end indicating that a material weakness exists in the financial reporting systems of a charter school, the charter school must submit a written report to the commissioner explaining how the material weakness will be resolved.

deleted text begin Upon the request of an individual, the charter school must make available in a timely fashion the minutes of meetings of members, the board of directors, and committees having any of the authority of the board of directors, and statements showing the financial result of all operations and transactions affecting income and surplus during the school's last annual accounting period and a balance sheet containing a summary of its assets and liabilities as of the closing date of the accounting period. deleted text end

Subd. 7.

Public status; exemption from statutes and rules.

A charter school is a public school and is part of the state's system of public education. deleted text begin Except as provided in this section, a charter school is exempt from all statutes and rules applicable to a school, a board, or a district, although it may elect to comply with one or more provisions of statutes or rules.deleted text end new text begin A charter school is exempt from all statutes and rules applicable to a school, school board, or school district unless a statute or rule is made specifically applicable to a charter school or is included in this text end

Subd. 8.

new text begin Federal, new text end statenew text begin ,new text end and local requirements.

(a) A charter school shall meet all deleted text begin applicabledeleted text end new text begin federal,new text end statenew text begin ,new text end and local health and safety requirementsnew text begin applicable to school districtsnew text end .

(b) new text begin A school must comply with statewide accountability requirements governing standards and assessments in chapter text end

new text begin (c)new text end A school sponsored by a school board may be located in any district, unless the school board of the district of the proposed location disapproves by written resolution.

deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end A charter school must be nonsectarian in its programs, admission policies, employment practices, and all other operations. A sponsor may not authorize a charter school or program that is affiliated with a nonpublic sectarian school or a religious text begin A charter school student must be released for religious instruction, consistent with section 120A.22, subdivision 12, clause (3).new text end

deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end Charter schools must not be used as a method of providing education or generating revenue for students who are being home-schooled.

deleted text begin (e)deleted text end new text begin (f)new text end The primary focus of a charter school must be to provide a comprehensive program of instruction for at least one grade or age group from five through 18 years of age. Instruction may be provided to people younger than five years and older than 18 years of age.

deleted text begin (f)deleted text end new text begin (g)new text end A charter school may not charge tuition.

deleted text begin (g)deleted text end new text begin (h)new text end A charter school is subject to and must comply with chapter 363A and section 121A.04.

deleted text begin (h)deleted text end new text begin (i)new text end A charter school is subject to and must comply with the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act, sections 121A.40 to 121A.56, and the Minnesota Public School Fee Law, sections 123B.34 to 123B.39.

deleted text begin (i)deleted text end new text begin (j)new text end A charter school is subject to the same financial audits, audit procedures, and audit requirements as a district. Audits must be conducted in compliance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards, the Federal Single Audit Act, if applicable, and section 6.65. A charter school is subject to and must comply with sections 15.054; 118A.01; 118A.02; 118A.03; 118A.04; 118A.05; 118A.06; deleted text begin 123B.52, subdivision 5;deleted text end 471.38; 471.391; 471.392;new text begin and new text end 471.425deleted text begin ; 471.87; 471.88, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, and 15; 471.881; and 471.89deleted text end . The audit must comply with the requirements of sections 123B.75 to 123B.83, except to the extent deviations are necessary because of the program at the school. Deviations must be approved by the commissionernew text begin and authorizernew text end . The Department of Education, state auditor, deleted text begin ordeleted text end legislative auditornew text begin or authorizernew text end may conduct financial, program, or compliance audits. A charter school determined to be in statutory operating debt under sections 123B.81 to 123B.83 must submit a plan under section 123B.81, subdivision 4.

deleted text begin (j)deleted text end new text begin (k)new text end A charter school is a district for the purposes of tort liability under chapter 466.

deleted text begin (k)deleted text end new text begin (l)new text end A charter school must comply with deleted text begin sections 13.32deleted text end new text begin chapters 13 and 13Dnew text end ;new text begin and sections new text end 120A.22, subdivision 7; 121A.75; and 260B.171, subdivisions 3 and 5.

deleted text begin (l)deleted text end new text begin (m)new text end A charter school is subject to the Pledge of Allegiance requirement under section 121A.11, subdivision 3.

new text begin (n) A charter school offering online courses or programs must comply with section 124D.095. new text end

new text begin (o) A charter school and charter school board of directors are subject to chapter 181. new text end

new text begin (p) A charter school must comply with section 120A.22, subdivision 7, governing the transfer of students' educational records and sections 138.163 and 138.17 governing the management of local records. new text end

new text begin Subd. 8a. new text end

new text begin Aid reduction. new text end

new text begin The commissioner may reduce a charter school's state aid under section 127A.42 or 127A.43 if the charter school board fails to correct a violation under this section. new text end

new text begin Subd. 8b. new text end

new text begin Aid reduction for violations. new text end

new text begin The commissioner may reduce a charter school's state aid by an amount not to exceed 60 percent of the charter school's basic revenue for the period of time that a violation of law occurs. new text end

Subd. 9.

Admission requirements.

A charter school may limit admission to:

(1) pupils within an age group or grade level;

(2) deleted text begin peopledeleted text end new text begin pupilsnew text end who are eligible to participate in the graduation incentives program under section 124D.68; or

(3) residents of a specific geographic area deleted text begin where the percentage of the population of non-Caucasian people of that area is greater than the percentage of the non-Caucasian population in the congressional district in which the geographic area is located, and as long as the school reflects the racial and ethnic diversity of the specific areadeleted text end new text begin in which the school is located when the majority of students served by the school are members of underserved populations in which the school is located when the majority of students served by the school are members of underserved populationsnew text end .

A charter school shall enroll an eligible pupil who submits a timely application, unless the number of applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or building. In this case, pupils must be accepted by lot. deleted text begin If a charter school is the only school located in a town serving pupils within a particular grade level, then pupils that are residents of the town must be given preference for enrollment before accepting pupils by lot. If a pupil lives within two miles of a charter school and the next closest public school is more than five miles away, the charter school must give those pupils preference for enrollment before accepting other pupils by lot.deleted text end new text begin The charter school must develop and publish a lottery policy and process that it must use when accepting pupils by text end

A charter school shall give preference for enrollment to a sibling of an enrolled pupil and to a foster child of that pupil's parentsnew text begin and may give preference for enrolling children of the school's teachersnew text end before accepting other pupils by lot.

A charter school may not limit admission to pupils on the basis of intellectual ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, or athletic abilitynew text begin and may not establish any criteria or requirements for admission that are inconsistent with this subdivisionnew text end .

new text begin The charter school shall not distribute any services or goods of value to students, parents or guardians as an inducement, term, or condition of enrolling a student in a charter school. new text end

Subd. 10.

Pupil performance.

A charter school must design its programs to at least meet the outcomes adopted by the commissioner for public school students. In the absence of the commissioner's requirements, the school must meet the outcomes contained in the contract with the deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end . The achievement levels of the outcomes contained in the contract may exceed the achievement levels of any outcomes adopted by the commissioner for public school students.

Subd. 11.

Employment and other operating matters.

new text begin (a) new text end A charter school must employ or contract with necessary teachers, as defined by section 122A.15, subdivision 1, who hold valid licenses to perform the particular service for which they are employed in the school. The charter school's state aid may be reduced under section deleted text begin 127A.42deleted text end new text begin 127A.43new text end if the school employs a teacher who is not appropriately licensed or approved by the board of teaching. The school may employ necessary employees who are not required to hold teaching licenses to perform duties other than teaching and may contract for other services. The school may discharge teachers and nonlicensed employees. new text begin The charter school board is subject to section 181.932. When offering employment to a prospective employee, a charter school must give that employee a written description of the terms and conditions of employment and the school's personnel text end

new text begin (b) new text end A person, without holding a valid administrator's license, may perform administrative, supervisory, or instructional leadership duties. new text begin The board of directors shall establish qualifications for persons that hold administrative, supervisory, or instructional leadership roles. The qualifications shall include at least the following areas: instruction and assessment; human resource and personnel management; financial management; legal and compliance management; effective communication; and board, authorizer, and community relationships. The board of directors shall use those qualifications as the basis for job descriptions, hiring, and performance evaluations of those who hold administrative, supervisory, or instructional leadership roles. The board of directors and an individual who does not hold a valid administrative license and who serves in an administrative, supervisory, or instructional leadership position shall develop a professional development plan. Documentation of the implementation of the professional development plan of these persons shall be included in the school's annual text end

new text begin (c) new text end The board of directors also shall decide matters related to the operation of the school, including budgeting, curriculum and operating procedures.

Subd. 12.

Pupils with a disability.

A charter school must comply with sections 125A.02, 125A.03 to 125A.24, and 125A.65 and rules relating to the education of pupils with a disability as though it were a district.

Subd. 13.

Length of school year.

A charter school must provide instruction each year for at least the number of days required by section 120A.41. It may provide instruction throughout the year according to sections 124D.12 to 124D.127 or 124D.128.

Subd. 14.

Annual public reports.

A charter school mustnew text begin publish an annualnew text end report deleted text begin at least annually to its sponsor and the commissioner the information required by the sponsor or the commissionerdeleted text end new text begin approved by the board of directors. The annual report must at least include information on school enrollment, student attrition, governance and management, staffing, finances, academic performance, operational performance, innovative practices and implementation, and future plans. A charter school must distribute the annual report by publication, mail, or electronic means to the commissioner, sponsor, school employees, and parents and legal guardians of students enrolled in the charter school and must also post the report on the charter school's official Web sitenew text end . The reports are public data under chapter 13.

Subd. 15.

Review and comment.

(a) deleted text begin The department must review and comment on the evaluation, by the sponsor, of the performance of a charter school before the charter school's contract is renewed for another contract term. The sponsor must submit to the commissioner timely information for the review and commentdeleted text end new text begin The authorizer shall provide a formal written evaluation of the school's performance before the authorizer renews the charter contract. The department must review and comment on the authorizer's evaluation process at the time the sponsor submits its application for approval and each time the authorizer undergoes its five-year review under subdivision 3, paragraph (e)new text end .

(b) A sponsor shall monitor and evaluate the fiscalnew text begin , operational, new text end and student performance of the school, and may for this purpose annually assess a charter schooldeleted text begin : (1) in its first, second, or third year of operation up to $30 per student up to a maximum of $10,000; and (2) in its fourth or a subsequent year of operation up to $10 per student up to a maximum of $3,500deleted text end new text begin a fee according to paragraph (c). The agreed upon fee structure must be stated in the charter school contractnew text end .

new text begin (c) The fee that each charter school pays to an authorizer each year is the greater of: new text end

new text begin (1) the basic formula allowance for that year; or new text end

new text begin (2) the lesser of: new text end

new text begin (i) the maximum fee factor times the basic formula allowance for that year; or new text end

new text begin (ii) the fee factor times the basic formula allowance for that year times the charter school's adjusted marginal cost pupil units for that year. The fee factor equals .005 in fiscal year 2010, .01 in fiscal year 2011, .013 in fiscal year 2012, and .015 in fiscal years 2013 and later. The maximum fee factor equals 1.5 in fiscal year 2010, 2.0 in fiscal year 2011, 3.0 in fiscal year 2012, and 4.0 in fiscal years 2013 and later. new text end

new text begin (d) The department and any charter school it charters must not assess or pay a fee under paragraphs (b) and (c). new text end

new text begin (e) For the preoperational planning period, the authorizer may assess a charter school a fee equal to the basic formula allowance. new text end

new text begin (f) By September 30 of each year, an authorizer shall submit to the commissioner a statement of expenditures related to chartering activities during the previous school year ending June 30. A copy of the statement shall be given to all schools chartered by the authorizer. new text end

Subd. 16.


(a) A charter school after its first fiscal year of operation by March 1 of each fiscal year and a charter school by July 1 of its first fiscal year of operation must notify the district in which the school is located and the Department of Education if it will provide its own transportation or use the transportation services of the district in which it is located for the fiscal year.

(b) If a charter school elects to provide transportation for pupils, the transportation must be provided by the charter school within the district in which the charter school is located. The state must pay transportation aid to the charter school according to section 124D.11, subdivision 2.

For pupils who reside outside the district in which the charter school is located, the charter school is not required to provide or pay for transportation between the pupil's residence and the border of the district in which the charter school is located. A parent may be reimbursed by the charter school for costs of transportation from the pupil's residence to the border of the district in which the charter school is located if the pupil is from a family whose income is at or below the poverty level, as determined by the federal government. The reimbursement may not exceed the pupil's actual cost of transportation or 15 cents per mile traveled, whichever is less. Reimbursement may not be paid for more than 250 miles per week.

At the time a pupil enrolls in a charter school, the charter school must provide the parent or guardian with information regarding the transportation.

(c) If a charter school does not elect to provide transportation, transportation for pupils enrolled at the school must be provided by the district in which the school is located, according to sections 123B.88, subdivision 6, and 124D.03, subdivision 8, for a pupil residing in the same district in which the charter school is located. Transportation may be provided by the district in which the school is located, according to sections 123B.88, subdivision 6, and 124D.03, subdivision 8, for a pupil residing in a different district. If the district provides the transportation, the scheduling of routes, manner and method of transportation, control and discipline of the pupils, and any other matter relating to the transportation of pupils under this paragraph shall be within the sole discretion, control, and management of the district.

Subd. 17.

Leased space.

A charter school may lease space from deleted text begin adeleted text end new text begin an independent or special schoolnew text end board eligible to be deleted text begin a sponsor ordeleted text end new text begin an authorizer,new text end other public deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin organization,new text end privatenew text begin ,new text end nonprofit nonsectarian organizationnew text begin , private property owner, or a sectarian organization if the leased space is constructed as a school facility. The department must review and approve or disapprove leases in a timely mannernew text end . deleted text begin If a charter school is unable to lease appropriate space from an eligible board or other public or private nonprofit nonsectarian organization, the school may lease space from another nonsectarian organization if the Department of Education, in consultation with the Department of Administration, approves the lease. If the school is unable to lease appropriate space from public or private nonsectarian organizations, the school may lease space from a sectarian organization if the leased space is constructed as a school facility and the Department of Education, in consultation with the Department of Administration, approves the lease.deleted text end

new text begin Subd. 17a. new text end

new text begin Affiliated nonprofit building corporation. new text end

new text begin (a) Before a charter school may organize an affiliated nonprofit building corporation (i) to renovate or purchase an existing facility to serve as a school or (ii) to construct a new school facility, an authorizer must submit an affidavit to the commissioner for approval in the form and manner the commissioner prescribes, and consistent with paragraphs (b) and (c) or (d). new text end

new text begin (b) An affiliated nonprofit building corporation under this subdivision must: new text end

new text begin (1) be incorporated under section 317A and comply with applicable Internal Revenue Service regulations; new text end

new text begin (2) submit to the commissioner each fiscal year a list of current board members and a copy of its annual audit; and new text end

new text begin (3) comply with government data practices law under chapter 13. new text end

new text begin An affiliated nonprofit building corporation must not serve as the leasing agent for property or facilities it does not own. A charter school that leases a facility from an affiliated nonprofit building corporation that does not own the leased facility is ineligible to receive charter school lease aid. The state is immune from liability resulting from a contract between a charter school and an affiliated nonprofit building corporation. new text end

new text begin (c) A charter school may organize an affiliated nonprofit building corporation to renovate or purchase an existing facility to serve as a school if the charter school: new text end

new text begin (1) has been operating for at least five consecutive school years and the school's charter has been renewed for a five-year term; new text end

new text begin (2) has had a net positive unreserved general fund balance as of June 30 in the preceding five fiscal years; new text end

new text begin (3) has a long-range strategic and financial plan; new text end

new text begin (4) completes a feasibility study of available buildings; and new text end

new text begin (5) documents sustainable enrollment projections and the need to use an affiliated building corporation to renovate or purchase an existing facility to serve as a school. new text end

new text begin (d) A charter school may organize an affiliated nonprofit building corporation to construct a new school facility if the charter school: new text end

new text begin (1) demonstrates the lack of facilities available to serve as a school; new text end

new text begin (2) has been operating for at least eight consecutive school years; new text end

new text begin (3) has had a net positive unreserved general fund balance as of June 30 in the preceding eight fiscal years; new text end

new text begin (4) completes a feasibility study of facility options; new text end

new text begin (5) has a long-range strategic and financial plan that includes sustainable enrollment projections and demonstrates the need for constructing a new school facility; and new text end

new text begin (6) a positive review and comment from the commissioner under section 123B.71. new text end

deleted text begin Subd. 18. deleted text end

deleted text begin Authority to raise initial working capital. deleted text end

deleted text begin A sponsor may authorize a charter school before the applicant has secured its space, equipment, facilities, and personnel if the applicant indicates the authority is necessary for it to raise working capital. A sponsor may not authorize a school before the commissioner has approved the authorization. deleted text end

Subd. 19.

Disseminate information.

new text begin (a)new text end The deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end , the operators, and the deleted text begin Department of Educationdeleted text end new text begin departmentnew text end must disseminate information to the public on how to form and operate a charter school deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin . Charter schools must disseminate information aboutnew text end how to deleted text begin utilizedeleted text end new text begin usenew text end the offerings of a charter school. deleted text begin Particulardeleted text end new text begin Targetednew text end groups deleted text begin to be targeteddeleted text end include low-income families and communities, deleted text begin anddeleted text end students of colornew text begin , and students who are at risk of academic failurenew text end .

new text begin (b) Authorizers, operators, and the department also may disseminate information about the successful best practices in teaching and learning demonstrated by charter schools. new text end

Subd. 20.

Leave to teach in a charter school.

If a teacher employed by a district makes a written request for an extended leave of absence to teach at a charter school, the district must grant the leave. The district must grant a leave not to exceed a total of five years. Any request to extend the leave shall be granted only at the discretion of the school board. The district may require that the request for a leave or extension of leave be made deleted text begin up to 90 days before the teacher would otherwise have to report for dutydeleted text end new text begin before February 1 in the school year preceding the school year in which the teacher intends to leave, or February 1 of the calendar year in which the teacher's leave is scheduled to terminatenew text end . Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision and except for section 122A.46, subdivision 7, the leave is governed by section 122A.46, including, but not limited to, reinstatement, notice of intention to return, seniority, salary, and insurance.

During a leave, the teacher may continue to aggregate benefits and credits in the Teachers' Retirement Association account deleted text begin by paying both the employer and employee contributions based upon the annual salary of the teacher for the last full pay period before the leave began. The retirement association may impose reasonable requirements to efficiently administer this subdivisiondeleted text end new text begin under chapters 354 and 354A, consistent with subdivision 22new text end .

Subd. 21.

Collective bargaining.

Employees of the board of directors of a charter school may, if otherwise eligible, organize under chapter 179A and comply with its provisions. The board of directors of a charter school is a public employer, for the purposes of chapter 179A, upon formation of one or more bargaining units at the school. Bargaining units at the school must be separate from any other units within deleted text begin the sponsoringdeleted text end new text begin an authorizingnew text end district, except that bargaining units may remain part of the appropriate unit within deleted text begin the sponsoringdeleted text end new text begin an authorizingnew text end district, if the employees of the school, the board of directors of the school, the exclusive representative of the appropriate unit in the deleted text begin sponsoringdeleted text end new text begin authorizingnew text end district, and the board of the deleted text begin sponsoringdeleted text end new text begin authorizingnew text end district agree to include the employees in the appropriate unit of the deleted text begin sponsoringdeleted text end new text begin authorizingnew text end district.

Subd. 22.

Teacher and other employee retirement.

(a) Teachers in a charter school must be public school teachers for the purposes of chapters 354 and 354a.

(b) Except for teachers under paragraph (a), employees in a charter school must be public employees for the purposes of chapter 353.

Subd. 23.

Causes for nonrenewal or termination of charter school contract.

(a) The duration of the contract with a deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizer new text end must be for the term contained in the contract according to subdivision 6. The deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizer new text end may or may not renew a contract at the end of the term for any ground listed in paragraph (b). A deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizer new text end may unilaterally terminate a contract during the term of the contract for any ground listed in paragraph (b). At least 60 days before not renewing or terminating a contract, the deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end shall notify the board of directors of the charter school of the proposed action in writing. The notice shall state the grounds for the proposed action in reasonable detail and that the charter school's board of directors may request in writing an informal hearing before the deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizer new text end within deleted text begin 14deleted text end new text begin 15 businessnew text end days of receiving notice of nonrenewal or termination of the contract. Failure by the board of directors to make a written request for a hearing within the deleted text begin 14-daydeleted text end new text begin 15-business-daynew text end period shall be treated as acquiescence to the proposed action. Upon receiving a timely written request for a hearing, the deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizer new text end shall give deleted text begin reasonabledeleted text end new text begin ten business days'new text end notice to the charter school's board of directors of the hearing date. The deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizer new text end shall conduct an informal hearing before taking final action. The deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end shall take final action to renew or not renew a contract deleted text begin by the last day of classes in the school year. If the sponsor is a local board, the school's board of directors may appeal the sponsor's decision to the commissionerdeleted text end new text begin no later than 20 business days before the proposed date for terminating the contract or the end date of the contractnew text end .

(b) A contract may be terminated or not renewed upon any of the following grounds:

(1) failure to meet the requirements for pupil performance contained in the contract;

(2) failure to meet generally accepted standards of fiscal management;

(3) violations of law; or

(4) other good cause shown.

If a contract is terminated or not renewed under this paragraph, the school must be dissolved according to the applicable provisions of chapter 308A or 317Adeleted text begin , except when the commissioner approves the decision of a different eligible sponsor to authorize the charter schooldeleted text end .

(c) If deleted text begin at the end of a contract term, eitherdeleted text end the sponsor deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin andnew text end the charter school board of directors deleted text begin wantsdeleted text end new text begin mutually agreenew text end to deleted text begin voluntarilydeleted text end terminate new text begin or not renew new text end the contract, a change in sponsors is allowed if the commissioner approves the deleted text begin decision ofdeleted text end new text begin transfer tonew text end a different eligible deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end to authorize the charter school. deleted text begin The party intending to terminate the contract must notify the other party and the commissioner of its intent at least 90 days before the date on which the contract endsdeleted text end new text begin Both parties must jointly submit their intent in writing to the commissioner to mutually terminate the contractnew text end . The sponsor that is a party to the existing contract at least must inform the approved different eligible sponsor about the fiscalnew text begin and operational statusnew text end and student performance of the text begin Before the commissioner determines whether to approve a transfer of authorizer, the commissioner first must determine whether the charter school and prospective new authorizer can identify and effectively resolve those circumstances causing the previous authorizer and the charter school to mutually agree to terminate the text end If no deleted text begin different eligibledeleted text end new text begin transfer ofnew text end sponsor is approved, the school must be dissolved according to applicable law and the terms of the contract.

(d) The commissioner, after providing reasonable notice to the board of directors of a charter school and the existing deleted text begin sponsordeleted text end new text begin authorizernew text end , and after providing an opportunity for a public hearing, may terminate the existing deleted text begin sponsorial relationshipdeleted text end new text begin contract between the authorizer and the charter school boardnew text end if the charter school has a history of:

(1)new text begin failure to meet pupil performance requirements contained in the contract;new text end

new text begin (2)new text end financial mismanagementnew text begin or failure to meet generally accepted standards of fiscal managementnew text end ; or

deleted text begin (2)deleted text end new text begin (3)new text end repeated new text begin or major new text end violations of the law.

new text begin (e) If the commissioner terminates a charter school contract under subdivision 3, paragraph (g), the commissioner shall provide the charter school with information about other eligible authorizers. new text end

Subd. 23a.

Related party lease costs.

(a) A charter school is prohibited from entering a lease of real property with a related party deleted text begin as defined in subdivision 26,deleted text end unless the lessor is a nonprofit corporation under chapter 317A or a cooperative under chapter 308A, and the lease cost is reasonable under section 124D.11, subdivision 4, clause (1).

(b)new text begin For purposes of this section and section 124D.11:new text end

new text begin (1) "related party" means an affiliate or immediate relative of the other party in question, an affiliate of an immediate relative, or an immediate relative of an affiliate; new text end

new text begin (2) "affiliate" means a person that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with another person; new text end

new text begin (3) "immediate family" means an individual whose relationship by blood, marriage, adoption, or partnering is no more remote than first cousin; new text end

new text begin (4) "person" means an individual or entity of any kind; and new text end

new text begin (5) "control" means the ability to affect the management, operations, or policy actions or decisions of a person, whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise. new text end

new text begin (c)new text end A lease of real property to be used for a charter school, not excluded in paragraph (a), must contain the following statement: "This lease is subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.10, subdivision 23a."

deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end If a charter school enters into as lessee a lease with a related party and the charter school subsequently closes, the commissioner has the right to recover from the lessor any lease payments in excess of those that are reasonable under section 124D.11, subdivision 4, clause (1).

Subd. 24.

Pupil enrollment upon nonrenewal or termination of charter school contract.

If a contract is not renewed or is terminated according to subdivision 23, a pupil who attended the school, siblings of the pupil, or another pupil who resides in the same place as the pupil may enroll in the resident district or may submit an application to a nonresident district according to section 124D.03 at any time. Applications and notices required by section 124D.03 must be processed and provided in a prompt manner. The application and notice deadlines in section 124D.03 do not apply under these circumstances. The closed charter school must transfer the student's educational records within ten business days of closure to the student's school district of residence where the records must be retained or transferred under section 120A.22, subdivision 7.

Subd. 25.

Extent of specific legal authority.

(a) The board of directors of a charter school may sue and be sued.

(b) The board may not levy taxes or issue bonds.

(c) The commissioner, a sponsor, members of the board of a sponsor in their official capacity, and employees of a sponsor are immune from civil or criminal liability with respect to all activities related to a charter school they approve or sponsor. The board of directors shall obtain at least the amount of and types of insurance deleted text begin required by the contract, according to subdivision 6deleted text end new text begin up to the applicable tort liability limits under chapter 466. The charter school board must submit a copy of the insurance policy to its authorizer and the commissioner before starting operations. The charter school board must submit changes in its insurance carrier or policy to its authorizer and the commissioner within 20 business days of the changenew text end .

deleted text begin Subd. 26. deleted text end

deleted text begin Definitions. deleted text end

deleted text begin For purposes of this section and section 124D.11: deleted text end

deleted text begin (1) A "Related party" is an affiliate or close relative of the other party in question, an affiliate of a close relative, or a close relative of an affiliate. deleted text end

deleted text begin (2) "Affiliate" means a person that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, another person. deleted text end

deleted text begin (3) "Close relative" means an individual whose relationship by blood, marriage, or adoption to another individual is no more remote than first cousin. deleted text end

deleted text begin (4) "Person" means an individual or entity of any kind. deleted text end

deleted text begin (5) "Control" includes the terms "controlling," "controlled by," and "under common control with" and means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management, operations, or policies of a person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise. deleted text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin (a) This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to all contracts and affidavits approved and contracts entered into or modified beginning August 1, 2009, unless otherwise specified in this effective date. new text end

new text begin (b) Subdivision 3, paragraph (b), clause (2), applies to an authorizer seeking approval to charter a school after the effective date of this act. The changes in subdivision 3, paragraph (b), clause (2), shall not apply to a sponsor under Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.10, that is a party to a charter contract on the effective date of this act except that subdivision 3, paragraph (b), clause (2), item (iv), applies to such sponsors beginning July 1, 2011. new text end

new text begin (c) The changes in subdivision 9 are effective the day following final enactment and apply to the 2010-2011 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 42.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.11, subdivision 9, is amended to read:

Subd. 9.

Payment of aids to charter schools.

(a) Notwithstanding section 127A.45, subdivision 3, aid payments for the current fiscal year to a charter school deleted text begin not in its first year of operationdeleted text end shall be of an equal amount on each of the deleted text begin 23deleted text end new text begin 24new text end payment dates. deleted text begin A charter school in its first year of operation shall receive, on its first payment date, ten percent of its cumulative amount guaranteed for the year and 22 payments of an equal amount thereafter the sum of which shall equal the current year aid payment percentage multiplied by the cumulative amount guaranteed.deleted text end

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)new text begin and section 127A.45new text end , for a charter school ceasing operationnew text begin on ornew text end prior to deleted text begin the end of a school year, the current year aid payment percentage multiplied by the amount due for the school year may be paid to the school after audit of prior fiscal year and current fiscal year pupil counts.deleted text end new text begin June 30 of a school year, for the payment periods occurring after the school ceases serving students, the commissioner shall withhold the estimated state aid owed the school. The charter school board of directors and authorizer must submit to the commissioner a closure plan under chapter 308A or 317A, and financial information about the school's liabilities and assets. After receiving the closure plan, financial information, an audit of pupil counts, documentation of lease expenditures, and monitoring of special education expenditures, the commissioner may release cash withheld and may continue regular payments up to the current year payment percentages if further amounts are owed. If, based on audits and monitoring, the school received state aid in excess of the amount owed, the commissioner shall retain aid withheld sufficient to eliminate the aid text end For a charter school ceasing operations prior to, or at the end of, a school year, notwithstanding section 127A.45, subdivision 3, preliminary final payments may be made afternew text begin receiving the closure plan,new text end audit of pupil counts, monitoring of special education expenditures, deleted text begin anddeleted text end documentation of lease expendituresnew text begin , and school submission of Uniform Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards (UFARS) financial datanew text end for the final year of operation. Final payment may be made upon receipt of audited financial statements under section 123B.77, subdivision 3.

(c)new text begin If a charter school fails to comply with the commissioner's directive to return, for cause, federal or state funds administered by the department, the commissioner may withhold an amount of state aid sufficient to satisfy the text end

new text begin (d) If, within the timeline under section 471.425, a charter school fails to pay the state of Minnesota, a school district, intermediate school district, or service cooperative after receiving an undisputed invoice for goods and services, the commissioner may withhold an amount of state aid sufficient to satisfy the claim and shall distribute the withheld aid to the interested state agency, school district, intermediate school district, or service cooperative. An interested state agency, school district, intermediate school district, or education cooperative shall notify the commissioner when a charter school fails to pay an undisputed invoice within 75 business days of when it received the original invoice. new text end

new text begin (e)new text end Notwithstanding section 127A.45, subdivision 3, and paragraph (a), 80 percent of the start-up cost aid under subdivision 8 shall be paid within 45 days after the first day of student attendance for that school year.

deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (f)new text end In order to receive state aid payments under this subdivision, a charter school in its first three years of operation must submit a school calendar in the form and manner requested by the department and a quarterly report to the Department of Education. The report must list each student by grade, show the student's start and end dates, if any, with the charter school, and for any student participating in a learning year program, the report must list the hours and times of learning year activities. The report must be submitted not more than two weeks after the end of the calendar quarter to the department. The department must develop a Web-based reporting form for charter schools to use when submitting enrollment reports. A charter school in its fourth and subsequent year of operation must submit a school calendar and enrollment information to the department in the form and manner requested by the department.

deleted text begin (e)deleted text end new text begin (g)new text end Notwithstanding sections 317A.701 to 317A.791, upon closure of a charter school and satisfaction of creditors, cash and investment balances remaining shall be returned to the state.

Sec. 43.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.128, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Commissioner designation.

(a) deleted text begin An area learning centerdeleted text end new text begin A state-approved alternative programnew text end designated by the state must be a site. deleted text begin An area learning centerdeleted text end new text begin A state-approved alternative programnew text end must provide services to students who meet the criteria in section 124D.68 and who are enrolled in:

(1) a district that is served by the deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end ; or

(2) a charter school located within the geographic boundaries of a district that is served by the deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end .

(b) A school district or charter school may be approved biennially by the state to provide additional instructional programming that results in grade level acceleration. The program must be designed so that students make grade progress during the school year and graduate prior to the students' peers.

(c) To be designated, a district, charter school, or deleted text begin centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end must demonstrate to the commissioner that it will:

(1) provide a program of instruction that permits pupils to receive instruction throughout the entire year; and

(2) develop and maintain a separate record system that, for purposes of section 126C.05, permits identification of membership attributable to pupils participating in the program. The record system and identification must ensure that the program will not have the effect of increasing the total average daily membership attributable to an individual pupil as a result of a learning year program. The record system must include the date the pupil originally enrolled in a learning year program, the pupil's grade level, the date of each grade promotion, the average daily membership generated in each grade level, the number of credits or standards earned, and the number needed to graduate.

(d) A student who has not completed a school district's graduation requirements may continue to enroll in courses the student must complete in order to graduate until the student satisfies the district's graduation requirements or the student is 21 years old, whichever comes first.

Sec. 44.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.128, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

Student planning.

A district, charter school, or deleted text begin area learning centerdeleted text end new text begin state-approved alternative programnew text end must inform all pupils and their parents about the learning year program and that participation in the program is optional. A continual learning plan must be developed at least annually for each pupil with the participation of the pupil, parent or guardian, teachers, and other staff; each participant must sign and date the plan. The plan must specify the learning experiences that must occur during the entire fiscal year and are necessary for grade progression or, for secondary students, graduation. The plan must include:

(1) the pupil's learning objectives and experiences, including courses or credits the pupil plans to complete each year and, for a secondary pupil, the graduation requirements the student must complete;

(2) the assessment measurements used to evaluate a pupil's objectives;

(3) requirements for grade level or other appropriate progression; and

(4) for pupils generating more than one average daily membership in a given grade, an indication of which objectives were unmet.

The plan may be modified to conform to district schedule changes. The district may not modify the plan if the modification would result in delaying the student's time of graduation.

Sec. 45.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.42, subdivision 6, is amended to read:

Subd. 6.

Program training.

The commission must, within available resources:

(1) orient each grantee organization in the nature, philosophy, and purpose of the program;new text begin andnew text end

(2) build an ethic of community service through general community service trainingdeleted text begin ; anddeleted text end new text begin .new text end

deleted text begin (3) provide additional training as it determines necessary, which may include training in evaluating early literacy skills and teaching reading to preschool children through the St. Croix River Education District under Laws 2001, First Special Session chapter 6, article 2, section 70, to assist local Head Start organizations in establishing and evaluating Head Start programs for developing children's early literacy skills. deleted text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 46.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.42, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:

new text begin Subd. 8. new text end

new text begin Minnesota reading corps program. new text end

new text begin (a) A Minnesota reading corps program is established to provide Americorps members with a data-based problem-solving model of literacy instruction to use in helping to train local Head Start program providers, other prekindergarten program providers, and staff in schools with students in kindergarten through grade 3 to evaluate and teach early literacy skills to children age 3 to grade 3. new text end

new text begin (b) Literacy programs under this subdivision must comply with the provisions governing literacy program goals and data use under section 119A.50, subdivision 3, paragraph (b). new text end

Sec. 47.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.68, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Eligible pupils.

A pupil under the age of 21 or who meets the requirements of section 120A.20, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), is eligible to participate in the graduation incentives program, if the pupil:

(1) performs substantially below the performance level for pupils of the same age in a locally determined achievement test;

(2) is deleted text begin at least one yeardeleted text end behind in satisfactorily completing coursework or obtaining credits for graduation;

(3) is pregnant or is a parent;

(4) has been assessed as chemically dependent;

(5) has been excluded or expelled according to sections 121A.40 to 121A.56;

(6) has been referred by a school district for enrollment in an eligible program or a program pursuant to section 124D.69;

(7) is a victim of physical or sexual abuse;

(8) has experienced mental health problems;

(9) has experienced homelessness sometime within six months before requesting a transfer to an eligible program;

(10) speaks English as a second language or has limited English proficiency; or

(11) has withdrawn from school or has been chronically truant; or

(12) is being treated in a hospital in the seven-county metropolitan area for cancer or other life threatening illness or is the sibling of an eligible pupil who is being currently treated, and resides with the pupil's family at least 60 miles beyond the outside boundary of the seven-county metropolitan area.

Sec. 48.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.68, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

Eligible programs.

(a) A pupil who is eligible according to subdivision 2 may enroll in deleted text begin area learning centersdeleted text end new text begin a state-approved alternative programnew text end under sections 123A.05 to 123A.08.

(b) A pupil who is eligible according to subdivision 2 and who is deleted text begin between the ages of 16 and 21deleted text end new text begin a high school junior or seniornew text end may enroll in postsecondary courses under section 124D.09.

(c) A pupil who is eligible under subdivision 2, may enroll in any public elementary or secondary education program.

(d) A pupil who is eligible under subdivision 2, may enroll in any nonpublic, nonsectarian school that has contracted with the serving school district to provide educational services. However, notwithstanding other provisions of this section, only a pupil who is eligible under subdivision 2, clause (12), may enroll in a contract alternative school that is specifically structured to provide educational services to such a pupil.

(e) A pupil who is between the ages of 16 and 21 may enroll in any adult basic education programs approved under section 124D.52 and operated under the community education program contained in section 124D.19.

Sec. 49.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.68, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

Additional eligible program.

A pupil who is at least 16 years of age, who is eligible under subdivision 2, deleted text begin clause (a),deleted text end and who has been enrolled only in a public school, if the pupil has been enrolled in any school, during the year immediately before transferring under this subdivision, may transfer to any nonpublic school that has contracted with the serving school district to provide nonsectarian educational services. The school must enroll every eligible pupil who seeks to transfer to the school under this program subject to available space.

Sec. 50.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.68, subdivision 5, is amended to read:

Subd. 5.

Pupil enrollment.

new text begin (a) new text end Any eligible pupil may apply to enroll in an eligible program. Approval of the resident district is not required for:

(1) an eligible pupil to enroll in any eligible program in a nonresident district under subdivision 3 or 4 or deleted text begin an area learning centerdeleted text end new text begin a state-approved alternative programnew text end established under section 123A.05; or

(2) an eligible pupil under subdivision 2, to enroll in an adult basic education program approved under section 124D.52.

new text begin (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), a nonresident district must first approve the enrollment application of any eligible pupil who was expelled under section 121A.45 for a reason stated in section 124D.03, subdivision 1, paragraph (b). new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for the 2009-2010 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 51.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.83, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

Early childhood family education revenue.

A school receiving aid under this section deleted text begin is eligibledeleted text end new text begin may apply annually to the commissioner new text end to receive new text begin an new text end early childhood family education deleted text begin revenuedeleted text end new text begin grantnew text end to provide early childhood family education programs for parents and children who are enrolled or eligible for enrollment in a federally recognized tribe. deleted text begin The revenue equals 1.5 times the statewide average expenditure per participant under section 124D.135, times the number of children and parents participating full time in the program.deleted text end The deleted text begin program mustdeleted text end new text begin grant must be used for programs and services thatnew text end comply with section 124D.13, except that the school is not required to provide a community education program or establish a community education advisory council. The program must be designed to improve the skills of parents and promote American Indian history, language, and culture. The school must make affirmative efforts to encourage participation by fathers. Admission may not be limited to those enrolled in or eligible for enrollment in a federally recognized tribe.

Sec. 52.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.86, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Use of revenue.

new text begin Districts must use new text end integration revenue under this section deleted text begin must be useddeleted text end for programs established under a desegregation plan filed with the Department of Education according to Minnesota Rules, parts 3535.0100 to 3535.0180, or under court order. The revenue must be used deleted text begin to create or enhance learning opportunities which are designed to provide opportunitiesdeleted text end for students to have increasednew text begin and sustainednew text end interracial contacts new text begin and improved educational opportunities and outcomes designed to close the academic achievement gap between white students and protected students as defined in Minnesota Rules, part 3535.0110, subpart 4, new text end through classroom experiences, staff initiatives, and other educationally related programsnew text begin , consistent with subdivision 1bnew text end .

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for the 2010-2011 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 53.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.86, subdivision 1a, is amended to read:

Subd. 1a.

Budget approval process.

Each year before a district receives any revenue under subdivision 3, deleted text begin clause (4), (5), or (6),deleted text end the district new text begin by March 15new text end must submit to the Department of Education, for its review and approval new text begin by May 15new text end a budget detailing the costs of the desegregation/integration plan filed under Minnesota Rules, parts 3535.0100 to 3535.0180. Notwithstanding chapter 14, the department may develop criteria for budget approvalnew text begin , consistent with subdivision 1bnew text end . The department shall consult with the Desegregation Advisory Board in developing these criteria. The criteria developed by the department deleted text begin shoulddeleted text end new text begin mustnew text end address, at a minimum, the following:

(1) budget items cannot be approved unless they are part of any overall desegregation plan approved by the district for isolated sites or by the Multidistrict Collaboration Council and deleted text begin participationdeleted text end new text begin participatingnew text end individual members;

(2) the budget must indicate how revenue expenditures will be used specifically to support increased deleted text begin opportunities fordeleted text end new text begin and sustainednew text end interracial deleted text begin contactdeleted text end new text begin contacts and improved educational opportunities and outcomes designed to close the academic achievement gap between white students and protected students as defined in Minnesota Rules, part 3535.0110, subpart 4, consistent with subdivision 1bnew text end ;

(3) components of the budget to be considered by the department, including staffing, curriculum, transportation, facilities, materials, and equipment and reasonable planning costs, as determined by the department; and

(4) if plans are proposed to enhance existing programs, the total budget being appropriated to the program must be included, indicating what part is to be funded using integration revenue and what part is to be funded using other revenues.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for the 2010-2011 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 54.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 124D.86, subdivision 1b, is amended to read:

Subd. 1b.

Plan components.

new text begin Each year a district's board must approve the new text end plans submitted by each district under Minnesota Rules, parts 3535.0160 and 3535.0170, deleted text begin must be approved by the district's board each yeardeleted text end before integration revenue deleted text begin will bedeleted text end new text begin isnew text end awarded. If a district is applying for revenue for a plan that is part of a multidistrict council, the individual district shall not receive revenue unless it ratifies the plan adopted by its multidistrict council or approves a modified plan with a written explanation of any modifications. Each plan shall deleted text begin containdeleted text end :

(1) deleted text begin an identification ofdeleted text end new text begin identifynew text end the integration issues at the sites or districts covered by Minnesota Rules, parts 3535.0100 to 3535.0180;

(2) deleted text begin a description ofdeleted text end new text begin describenew text end the community outreach that preceded the integration plan, such that the commissioner can determine whether the membership of the planning councils complied with the requirements of Minnesota Rules, parts 3535.0100 to 3535.0180; deleted text begin anddeleted text end

(3) deleted text begin thedeleted text end new text begin identifynew text end specific goals of the integration plannew text begin that is premised on valid and reliable measures, effective and efficient use of resources, and continuous adaptation of best practices;new text end

new text begin (4) provide for implementing innovative and practical strategies and programs such as magnet schools, transportation, research-based programs to improve the performance of protected students with lower measured achievement on state or local assessments, staff development for teachers in cultural competency, formative assessments, and increased numbers of teachers of color that enable the district to achieve annual progress in realizing the goals in its plan; and new text end

new text begin (5) establish valid and reliable longitudinal measures for the district to use in demonstrating to the commissioner the amount of progress it has achieved in realizing the goals in its plannew text end .

By June 30 of the subsequent fiscal year, each district shall report to the commissioner in writing about the extent to which the integration goals identified in the plan were met.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for the 2010-2011 school year and later. new text end

Sec. 55.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.61, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

State schools at Faribault.

The Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf and the Minnesota State Academy for the Blind are residential schools in Faribault. They are public schools under sections 122A.15deleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin and new text end 122A.16deleted text begin , and 122A.32deleted text end and state educational institutions.

Sec. 56.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.05, subdivision 15, is amended to read:

Subd. 15.

Learning year pupil units.

(a) When a pupil is enrolled in a learning year program under section 124D.128, an area learning center new text begin or an alternative learning program approved by the commissioner new text end under sections 123A.05 and 123A.06, deleted text begin an alternative program approved by the commissioner,deleted text end or a contract alternative program under section 124D.68, subdivision 3, paragraph (d), or subdivision 3a, for more than 1,020 hours in a school year for a secondary student, more than 935 hours in a school year for an elementary student, or more than 425 hours in a school year for a kindergarten student without a disability, that pupil may be counted as more than one pupil in average daily membership for purposes of section 126C.10, subdivision 2a. The amount in excess of one pupil must be determined by the ratio of the number of hours of instruction provided to that pupil in excess of: (i) the greater of 1,020 hours or the number of hours required for a full-time secondary pupil in the district to 1,020 for a secondary pupil; (ii) the greater of 935 hours or the number of hours required for a full-time elementary pupil in the district to 935 for an elementary pupil in grades 1 through 6; and (iii) the greater of 425 hours or the number of hours required for a full-time kindergarten student without a disability in the district to 425 for a kindergarten student without a disability. Hours that occur after the close of the instructional year in June shall be attributable to the following fiscal year. A kindergarten student must not be counted as more than 1.2 pupils in average daily membership under this subdivision. A student in grades 1 through 12 must not be counted as more than 1.2 pupils in average daily membership under this subdivision.

(b)(i) To receive general education revenue for a pupil in an new text begin area learning center or new text end alternative new text begin learning new text end program that has an independent study component, a district must meet the requirements in this paragraph. The district must develop, for the pupil, a continual learning plan consistent with section 124D.128, subdivision 3. Each school district that has deleted text begin a state-approved publicdeleted text end new text begin an area learning center ornew text end alternative new text begin learning new text end program must reserve revenue in an amount equal to at least 90 percent of the district average general education revenue per pupil unit deleted text begin less compensatory revenue per pupil unitdeleted text end new text begin , minus an amount equal to the product of the formula allowance according to section 126C.10, subdivision 2, times .0485, calculated without basic skills and transportation sparsity revenue,new text end times the number of pupil units generated by students attending deleted text begin a state-approved publicdeleted text end new text begin an area learning center ornew text end alternative new text begin learning new text end program. The amount of reserved revenue available under this subdivision may only be spent for program costs associated with the deleted text begin state-approved publicdeleted text end new text begin area learning center ornew text end alternative new text begin learning new text end program. deleted text begin Compensatory revenue must be allocated according to section 126C.15, subdivision 2.deleted text end new text begin Basic skills revenue generated according to section 126C.10, subdivision 4, by pupils attending the eligible program must be allocated to the text end

(ii) General education revenue for a pupil in deleted text begin an approveddeleted text end new text begin a state-approvednew text end alternative program without an independent study component must be prorated for a pupil participating for less than a full year, or its equivalent. The district must develop a continual learning plan for the pupil, consistent with section 124D.128, subdivision 3. Each school district that has deleted text begin a state-approved publicdeleted text end new text begin an area learning center ornew text end alternative new text begin learning new text end program must reserve revenue in an amount equal to at least 90 percent of the district average general education revenue per pupil unit deleted text begin less compensatory revenue per pupil unitdeleted text end new text begin , minus an amount equal to the product of the formula allowance according to section 126C.10, subdivision 2, times .0485, calculated without basic skills and transportation sparsity revenue,new text end times the number of pupil units generated by students attending deleted text begin a state-approved publicdeleted text end new text begin an area learning center ornew text end alternative new text begin learning new text end program. The amount of reserved revenue available under this subdivision may only be spent for program costs associated with the deleted text begin state-approved publicdeleted text end new text begin area learning center ornew text end alternative new text begin learning new text end program. deleted text begin Compensatory revenue must be allocated according to section 126C.15, subdivision 2.deleted text end new text begin Basic skills revenue generated according to section 126C.10, subdivision 4, by pupils attending the eligible program must be allocated to the text end

(iii) General education revenue for a pupil in deleted text begin an approveddeleted text end new text begin a state-approvednew text end alternative program that has an independent study component must be paid for each hour of teacher contact time and each hour of independent study time completed toward a credit or graduation standards necessary for graduation. Average daily membership for a pupil shall equal the number of hours of teacher contact time and independent study time divided by 1,020.

(iv) For deleted text begin andeleted text end new text begin a state-approvednew text end alternative program having an independent study component, the commissioner shall require a description of the courses in the program, the kinds of independent study involved, the expected learning outcomes of the courses, and the means of measuring student performance against the expected outcomes.

Sec. 57.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 126C.05, subdivision 20, is amended to read:

Subd. 20.

Project-based average daily membership.

(a) new text begin Project-based is an instructional program where students complete coursework for credit at an individual pace that is primarily student-led and may be completed on site, in the community, or online. A project-based program may be made available to all or designated students and grades in a school. new text end To receive general education revenue for a pupil enrolled in a public school with a project-based program, a school must meet the requirements in this paragraph. The school must:

(1) deleted text begin register with the commissioner as a project-based program by May 30 of the preceding fiscal yeardeleted text end new text begin apply and receive approval from the commissioner as a project-based program at least 90 days prior to starting the programnew text end ;

(2) provide a minimum teacher contact of no less than one hour per week per project-based credit for each pupil;

new text begin (3) ensure that the program will not increase the total average daily membership generated by the student and that there will be the expectation that the students will be making typical progression towards high school graduation; new text end

deleted text begin (3)deleted text end new text begin (4)new text end maintain a record system that shows when each credit or portion thereof was reported for membership for each pupil; and

deleted text begin (4)deleted text end new text begin (5)new text end report pupil membership consistent with paragraph (b).

(b) The commissioner must develop a formula for reporting pupil membership to compute average daily membership for each deleted text begin registereddeleted text end new text begin approved new text end project-based deleted text begin schooldeleted text end new text begin programnew text end . Average daily membership for a pupil in deleted text begin a registereddeleted text end new text begin an approved new text end project-based program is the lesser of:

(1) 1.0; or

(2) the ratio of (i) the number of membership hours generated by project-based credits completed during the school year plus membership hours generated by credits completed in a seat-based setting to (ii) the annual required instructional hours at that grade level. Membership hours for a partially completed project-based credit must be text begin General education revenue for a pupil in a project-based program must be prorated for a pupil participating for less than a full year, or its text end

new text begin (c) For a program that has not been approved by the commissioner for project-based learning but an auditor or other site visit deems that any portion or credits awarded by the school are project-based, student membership must be computed according to paragraph (b). new text end

Sec. 58.

new text begin [127A.70] MINNESOTA P-20 EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Establishment; membership. new text end

new text begin A P-20 education partnership is established to create a seamless system of education that maximizes achievements of all students, from early childhood through elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education, while promoting the efficient use of financial and human resources. The partnership shall consist of major statewide educational groups or constituencies or noneducational statewide organizations with a stated interest in P-20 education. The initial membership of the partnership includes the members serving on the Minnesota P-16 Education Partnership and four legislators appointed as follows: new text end

new text begin (1) one senator from the majority party and one senator from the minority party, appointed by the Subcommittee on Committees of the Committee on Rules and Administration; and new text end

new text begin (2) one member of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house and one member appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives. new text end

new text begin The chair of the P-16 education partnership must convene the first meeting of the P-20 partnership. Prospective members may be nominated by any partnership member and new members will be added with the approval of a two-thirds majority of the partnership. The partnership will also seek input from nonmember organizations whose expertise can help inform the partnership's work. new text end

new text begin Partnership members shall be represented by the chief executives, presidents, or other formally designated leaders of their respective organizations, or their designees. The partnership shall meet at least three times during each calendar year. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin Powers and duties; report. new text end

new text begin The partnership shall develop recommendations to the governor and the legislature designed to maximize the achievement of all P-20 students while promoting the efficient use of state resources, thereby helping the state realize the maximum value for its investment. These recommendations may include, but are not limited to, strategies, policies, or other actions focused on: new text end

new text begin (1) improving the quality of and access to education at all points from preschool through graduate education; new text end

new text begin (2) improving preparation for, and transitions to, postsecondary education and work; and new text end

new text begin (3) ensuring educator quality by creating rigorous standards for teacher recruitment, teacher preparation, induction and mentoring of beginning teachers, and continuous professional development for career teachers. new text end

new text begin By January 15 of each year, the partnership shall submit a report to the governor and to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over P-20 education policy and finance that summarizes the partnership's progress in meeting its goals and identifies the need for any draft legislation when necessary to further the goals of the partnership to maximize student achievement while promoting efficient use of resources. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Expiration. new text end

new text begin Notwithstanding section 15.059, subdivision 5, the partnership is permanent and does not expire. new text end

Sec. 59.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 471.975, is amended to read:


(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), a statutory or home rule charter city, county, town, or other political subdivision may pay to each eligible member of the National Guard or other reserve component of the armed forces of the United States an amount equal to the difference between the member's deleted text begin basicdeleted text end new text begin basenew text end active duty military salary and the salary the member would be paid as an active political subdivision employee, including any adjustments the member would have received if not on leave of absence. This payment may be made only to a person whose deleted text begin basicdeleted text end new text begin basenew text end active duty military salary is less than the salary the person would be paid as an active political subdivision employee. Back pay authorized by this section may be paid in a lump sum. Payment under this section must not extend beyond four years from the date the employee reported for active service, plus any additional time the employee may be legally required to serve.

(b) Subject to the limits under paragraph (g), each school district shall pay to each eligible member of the National Guard or other reserve component of the armed forces of the United States an amount equal to the difference between the member's deleted text begin basicdeleted text end new text begin basenew text end active duty military salary and the salary the member would be paid as an active school district employee, including any adjustments the member would have received if not on leave of absence. The pay differential must be based on a comparison between the member's daily new text begin basenew text end rate of active duty pay, calculated by dividing the member's new text begin basenew text end military monthly salary by the number of paid days in the month, and the member's daily rate of pay for the member's school district salary, calculated by dividing the member's total school district salary by the number of contract days. The member's salary as a school district employee must include the member's basic salary and any additional salary the member earns from the school district for cocurricular new text begin and extracurricular new text end activities. The differential payment under this paragraph must be the difference between the daily new text begin basenew text end rates of military pay times the number of school district contract days the member misses because of military active duty. This payment may be made only to a person whose deleted text begin basic active duty military salarydeleted text end new text begin daily base rate of active duty paynew text end is less than the deleted text begin salary the person would be paiddeleted text end new text begin person's daily rate of paynew text end as an active school district employee. Payments may be made at the intervals at which the member received pay as a school district employee. Payment under this section must not extend beyond four years from the date the employee reported for active service, plus any additional time the employee may be legally required to serve.

(c) An eligible member of the reserve components of the armed forces of the United States is a reservist or National Guard member who was an employee of a political subdivision at the time the member reported for active service on or after May 29, 2003, or who is on active service on May 29, 2003.

(d) Except as provided in paragraph (e) and elsewhere in Minnesota Statutes, a statutory or home rule charter city, county, town, or other political subdivision has total discretion regarding employee benefit continuation for a member who reports for active service and the terms and conditions of any benefit.

(e) A school district must continue the employee's enrollment in health and dental coverage, and the employer contribution toward that coverage, until the employee is covered by health and dental coverage provided by the armed forces. If the employee had elected dependent coverage for health or dental coverage as of the time that the employee reported for active service, a school district must offer the employee the option to continue the dependent coverage at the employee's own expense. A school district must permit the employee to continue participating in any pretax account in which the employee participated when the employee reported for active service, to the extent of employee pay available for that purpose.

(f) For purposes of this section, "active service" has the meaning given in section 190.05, subdivision 5, but excludes service performed exclusively for purposes of:

(1) basic combat training, advanced individual training, annual training, and periodic inactive duty training;

(2) special training periodically made available to reserve members; and

(3) service performed in accordance with section 190.08, subdivision 3.

(g) A school district making payments under paragraph (b) shall place a sum equal to any difference between the amount of salary that would have been paid to the employee who is receiving the payments and the amount of salary being paid to substitutes for that employee into a special fund that must be used to pay or partially pay the deployed employee's payments under paragraph (b). A school district is required to pay only this amount to the deployed school district employee.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to members of the National Guard and other reserve components of the United States armed forces serving in active military service on or after that date. new text end

Sec. 60.


new text begin To implement the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (c), clauses (1) and (2), and to help parents and members of the public better understand the reported data, the commissioner of education must convene a group of recognized and qualified experts and interested stakeholders, including parents and teachers among other stakeholders, to develop a model projecting anticipated performance of each high school on preparation and rigorous coursework measures that compares the school with similar schools. The model must use information about entering high school students based on particular background characteristics that are predictive of differing rates of college readiness. These characteristics include grade 8 achievement levels, high school student mobility, high school student attendance, and the size of each entering ninth grade class. The group of experts and stakeholders may examine other characteristics not part of the prediction model including the nine student categories identified under the federal 2001 No Child Left Behind Act, and two student gender categories of male and female, respectively. The commissioner annually must use the predicted level of entering students' performance to provide a context for interpreting graduating students' actual performance. The group convened under this section expires June 30, 2011. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to school report cards beginning July 1, 2011. new text end

Sec. 61.


new text begin (a) To implement the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (d), the commissioner of education, in consultation with interested stakeholders, including parents and teachers among other stakeholders, must convene a group of recognized and qualified experts on student engagement and connection and classroom teachers currently teaching in Minnesota schools to: new text end

new text begin (1) identify highly reliable variables of student engagement and connection that may include student attendance, home support for learning, and student participation in out-of-school activities, among other variables; and new text end

new text begin (2) determine how to report "safety" in order to comply with federal law. new text end

new text begin (b) The commissioner must submit a written report and all the group's working papers to the education committees of the house of representatives and senate by February 15, 2010, presenting the group's responses to paragraph (a), clauses (1) and (2). The commissioner must submit a second, related report to the education committees of the legislature by February 15, 2013, indicating the content and analysis of and the format for reporting any data collected under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (d). The group convened under this section expires December 31, 2013. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to school report cards beginning July 1, 2014. new text end

Sec. 62.


new text begin A college and career-readiness workgroup on a comprehensive high school assessment and accountability system that aligns to college and career readiness headed jointly by the Minnesota Department of Education and the University of Minnesota must evaluate and make recommendations on: new text end

new text begin (1) the design of Minnesota's high school assessment system for ensuring that students are college and career ready upon graduation from high school; new text end

new text begin (2) the levels of accountability that will be incorporated into this assessment system for the state, district, school, and student; new text end

new text begin (3) the statewide mechanism for accountability at these various levels. The accountability system must be consistent and coherent enough to ensure that all students are moving toward college and career readiness, but also flexible enough to recognize the varied needs of different students; new text end

new text begin (4) a plan for Minnesota postsecondary institutions to evaluate these assessments for possible use in admissions, placement, and scholarship opportunities as the system is implemented; and new text end

new text begin (5) the implementation timeline that will ensure that this college and career-ready anchor assessment system is put in place in Minnesota. new text end

new text begin This workgroup must report its recommendations to the commissioner of education by December 31, 2009. The commissioner must provide this report and any related commentary on these findings to the legislative committees having jurisdiction over E-12 and higher education by February 15, 2010. new text end

Sec. 63.


new text begin The commissioner must analyze the substance of school district integration plans under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.86, subdivision 1b, to identify the elements of and trends in district strategies and programs, the amount of success districts achieved in realizing the specific goals contained in their plans, and the estimated funds districts need to fully implement those plans. The commissioner must include in the analysis the impact of demographic changes experienced at school sites and school districts involving students of color, students with limited English proficiency, and students who are homeless or highly mobile, as well as changes in immigration patterns and housing patterns experienced by schools and districts, and the availability of and districts' participation in interdistrict integration opportunities. The commissioner must submit a report on the substance of the analysis and any resulting recommendations to the K-12 education policy and finance committees of the legislature by February 1, 2011. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 64.


new text begin Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.61, subdivision 1, for fiscal years 2010 and 2011 only, a school district or charter school may use revenue reserved for staff development under Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.61, subdivision 1, according to the requirements of general education revenue under Minnesota Statutes, section 126C.13, subdivision 5. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2009. new text end

Sec. 65.

new text begin INNOVATIVE SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL. new text end

new text begin (a) A nine-member Innovative School Advisory Council is established. Council members serve a three-year term and shall include individuals experienced with innovation in school districts and charter schools. At least one member must be experienced with innovation in noneducation sectors. The commissioner shall appoint the council members by August 1, 2009, and shall consider geographic balance when making the appointments. new text end

new text begin (b) The advisory council shall advise and make recommendations to the commissioner on such matters as: new text end

new text begin (1) disseminating information on site-governed schools under Minnesota Statutes, chapters 123B and 124D; new text end

new text begin (2) supporting innovation that includes new models of schools, accountability, and funding designed to sustain innovation in charter schools and school districts; new text end

new text begin (3) identifying ways to improve communication, cooperation, and the exchange of ideas between and among school sites, charter schools, and school districts regarding how to use current law to foster innovative new schools; and new text end

new text begin (4) identifying ways for schools to learn from innovators in noneducation sectors. new text end

new text begin (c) Council members are not subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 15.059. The commissioner may not reimburse council members for council activities. new text end

new text begin (d) The advisory council shall recommend to the commissioner and the legislature, by December 1, 2009, an organizational model for planning the development, start-up, and operation of new, innovative schools for both school districts and charter schools. The council, as part of its recommendation, may suggest legislation to implement this organizational model, including how to capture nonstate and nonpublic funds for planning new, innovative schools. new text end

new text begin (e) The Innovative School Advisory Council under this section expires June 30, 2011. new text end

Sec. 66.

new text begin ASSESSMENT OF READING INSTRUCTION. new text end

new text begin (a) By February 1, 2012, the Board of Teaching shall administer the assessment of reading instruction portion of the examination of licensure-specific teaching skills for all candidates for initial licenses to teach prekindergarten or elementary students, consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.09, subdivision 4, paragraph (e). new text end

new text begin (b) The Board of Teaching shall report to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy by March 15, 2011, on the assessment of reading instruction portion of the examination of licensure-specific teaching skills under paragraph (a). new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment and applies to teacher candidates beginning February 1, 2012. new text end

Sec. 67.

new text begin APPROPRIATIONS. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Department of Education. new text end

new text begin The sums indicated in this section are appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Education for the fiscal years designated. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin Charter school building lease aid. new text end

new text begin For building lease aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.11, subdivision 4: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 40,453,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 44,775,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $3,704,000 for 2009 and $36,749,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $4,083,000 for 2010 and $40,692,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Charter school startup aid. new text end

new text begin For charter school startup cost aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.11: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,488,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,064,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $202,000 for 2009 and $1,286,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $142,000 for 2010 and $922,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 4. new text end

new text begin Integration aid. new text end

new text begin For integration aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.86, subdivision 5: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 65,358,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 65,484,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $6,110,000 for 2009 and $59,248,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $6,583,000 for 2010 and $58,901,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 5. new text end

new text begin Magnet school grants. new text end

new text begin For magnet school and program grants under Minnesota Statutes section 124D.88: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 750,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 750,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 6. new text end

new text begin Interdistrict desegregation or integration transportation grants. new text end

new text begin For interdistrict desegregation or integration transportation grants under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.87: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 14,468,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 17,582,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 7. new text end

new text begin Success for the future. new text end

new text begin For American Indian success for the future grants under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.81: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,137,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,137,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $213,000 for 2009 and $1,924,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $213,000 for 2010 and $1,924,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 8. new text end

new text begin American Indian teacher preparation grants. new text end

new text begin For joint grants to assist American Indian people to become teachers under Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.63: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 190,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 190,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 9. new text end

new text begin Tribal contract schools. new text end

new text begin For tribal contract school aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.83: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,030,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,211,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $191,000 for 2009 and $1,839,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $204,000 for 2010 and $2,007,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 10. new text end

new text begin Early childhood programs at tribal schools. new text end

new text begin For early childhood family education programs at tribal contract schools under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.83, subdivision 4: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 68,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 68,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 11. new text end

new text begin Statewide testing and reporting system. new text end

new text begin For the statewide testing and reporting system under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.30: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 15,150,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 15,150,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin None of the amounts appropriated under this subdivision shall be used for contract costs associated with hand-scoring of constructed-response items of the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment-Series II in reading, science, and mathematics, with the exception of mathematics grades 3 to 8 of the 2009-2010 school year. Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. Any amount generated as a result of the savings from foregoing hand-scoring shall be, to the extent possible, redirected into the development of computerized statewide testing. new text end

new text begin Subd. 12. new text end

new text begin Examination fees; teacher training and support programs. new text end

new text begin (a) For students' advanced placement and international baccalaureate examination fees under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.13, subdivision 3, and the training and related costs for teachers and other interested educators under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.13, subdivision 1: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 4,500,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 4,500,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin (b) The advanced placement program shall receive 75 percent of the appropriation each year and the international baccalaureate program shall receive 25 percent of the appropriation each year. The department, in consultation with representatives of the advanced placement and international baccalaureate programs selected by the Advanced Placement Advisory Council and IBMN, respectively, shall determine the amounts of the expenditures each year for examination fees and training and support programs for each program. new text end

new text begin (c) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.13, subdivision 1, at least $500,000 each year is for teachers to attend subject matter summer training programs and follow-up support workshops approved by the advanced placement or international baccalaureate programs. The commissioner shall determine the payment process and the amount of the subsidy. new text end

new text begin (d) The commissioner shall pay all examination fees for all students of low-income families under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.13, subdivision 3, and to the extent of available appropriations shall also pay examination fees for students sitting for an advanced placement examination, international baccalaureate examination, or both. new text end

new text begin Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. new text end

new text begin Subd. 13. new text end

new text begin Concurrent enrollment programs. new text end

new text begin For concurrent enrollment programs under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.091: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,000,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,000,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin If the appropriation is insufficient, the commissioner must proportionately reduce the aid payment to each district. new text end

new text begin Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. new text end

new text begin Subd. 14. new text end

new text begin Collaborative urban educator. new text end

new text begin For the collaborative urban educator grant program: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 528,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 528,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. new text end

new text begin Subd. 15. new text end

new text begin Youth works program. new text end

new text begin For funding youth works programs under Minnesota Statutes, sections 124D.37 to 124D.45: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 900,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 900,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin A grantee organization may provide health and child care coverage to the dependents of each participant enrolled in a full-time youth works program to the extent such coverage is not otherwise available. new text end

new text begin Subd. 16. new text end

new text begin Student organizations. new text end

new text begin For student organizations: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 725,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 725,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin $40,000 each year is for student organizations serving health occupations. new text end

new text begin $38,000 each year is for student organizations serving service occupations. new text end

new text begin $88,000 each year is for student organizations serving trade and industry occupations. new text end

new text begin $84,000 each year is for student organizations serving business occupations. new text end

new text begin $131,000 each year is for student organizations serving agriculture occupations. new text end

new text begin $125,000 each year is for student organizations serving family and consumer science occupations. new text end

new text begin $95,000 each year is for student organizations serving marketing occupations. new text end

new text begin Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. new text end

new text begin Subd. 17. new text end

new text begin Education Planning and Assessment System (EPAS) program. new text end

new text begin For the Educational Planning and Assessment System (EPAS) program under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.128: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 829,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 829,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. new text end

new text begin Subd. 18. new text end

new text begin Early childhood literacy programs. new text end

new text begin For early childhood literacy programs under Minnesota Statutes, section 119A.50, subdivision 3: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,375,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,375,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Up to $1,375,000 each year is for leveraging federal and private funding to support AmeriCorps members serving in the Minnesota Reading Corps program established by Serve Minnesota, including costs associated with the training and teaching of early literacy skills to children age three to grade 3 and the evaluation of the impact of the program under Minnesota Statutes, sections 124D.38, subdivision 2, and 124D.42, subdivision 6. new text end

new text begin Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. new text end

new text begin Subd. 19. new text end

new text begin Math and science teacher centers. new text end

new text begin For math and science teacher centers under Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.72: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 750,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end

new text begin Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. This is a onetime appropriation. new text end

Sec. 68.

new text begin REPEALER. new text end

new text begin Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 120B.362; 120B.39; 122A.32; 122A.628; and 122A.75, new text end new text begin are repealed. new text end



Section 1.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 121A.41, subdivision 7, is amended to read:

Subd. 7.


new text begin (a) new text end "Pupil" means any student:

(1) without a disability under 21 years of age; or

(2) with a disability deleted text begin until September 1 after the child with a disability becomes 22 years of agedeleted text end new text begin under 21 years old who has not received a regular high school diploma or for a child with a disability who becomes 21 years old during the school year but has not received a regular high school diploma, until the end of that school yearnew text end ;new text begin andnew text end

(3) deleted text begin anddeleted text end who remains eligible to attend a public elementary or secondary school.

new text begin (b) A "student with a disability" or a "pupil with a disability" has the same meaning as a "child with a disability" under section 125A.02. new text end

Sec. 2.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 121A.41, subdivision 10, is amended to read:

Subd. 10.


"Suspension" means an action by the school administration, under rules promulgated by the school board, prohibiting a pupil from attending school for a period of no more than ten school days. If a suspension is longer than five days, the suspending administrator must provide the superintendent with a reason for the longer suspension. This definition does not apply to dismissal from school for one school day or less, except as provided in federal law for a student with a disability. Each suspension action may include a readmission plan. The readmission plan shall include, where appropriate, a provision for implementing alternative educational services upon readmission and may not be used to extend the current suspension. Consistent with section 125A.091, subdivision 5, the readmission plan must not obligate a parent to provide a sympathomimetic medication for the parent's child as a condition of readmission. The school administration may not impose consecutive suspensions against the same pupil for the same course of conduct, or incident of misconduct, except where the pupil will create an immediate and substantial danger to self or to surrounding persons or property, or where the district is in the process of initiating an expulsion, in which case the school administration may extend the suspension to a total of 15 new text begin school new text end days. deleted text begin In the case of a student with a disability, the student's individual education plan team must meet immediately but not more than ten school days after the date on which the decision to remove the student from the student's current education placement is made. The individual education plan team and other qualified personnel shall at that meeting: conduct a review of the relationship between the child's disability and the behavior subject to disciplinary action; and determine the appropriateness of the child's education plan.deleted text end

deleted text begin The requirements of the individual education plan team meeting apply when: deleted text end

deleted text begin (1) the parent requests a meeting; deleted text end

deleted text begin (2) the student is removed from the student's current placement for five or more consecutive days; or deleted text end

deleted text begin (3) the student's total days of removal from the student's placement during the school year exceed ten cumulative days in a school year. The school administration shall implement alternative educational services when the suspension exceeds five days. A separate administrative conference is required for each period of suspension. deleted text end

Sec. 3.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 121A.43, is amended to read:


new text begin (a) Consistent with federal law governing days of removal and section 121A.46, school personnel may suspend a child with a disability. When a child with a disability has been suspended for more than five consecutive school days or 10 cumulative school days in the same school year, and that suspension does not involve a recommendation for expulsion or exclusion or other change of placement under federal law, relevant members of the child's individualized education program team, including at least one of the child's teachers, shall meet and determine the extent to which the child needs services in order to continue to participate in the general education curriculum, although in another setting, and to progress toward meeting the goals in the child's individualized education program. That meeting must occur as soon as possible, but no more than 10 days after the sixth consecutive day of suspension or the tenth cumulative day of suspension has elapsed. new text end

new text begin (b) A dismissal for one school day or less is a day or a partial day of suspension if the child with a disability does not receive regular or special education instruction during that dismissal period. The notice requirements under section 121A.46 do not apply to a dismissal of one day or less. new text end

new text begin (c) A child with a disability shall be provided alternative educational services to the extent a suspension exceeds five consecutive school days. new text end

new text begin (d) Before initiating an expulsion or exclusion under sections 121A.40 to 121A.56, the district, relevant members of the child's individualized education program team, and the child's parent shall, consistent with federal law, determine whether the child's behavior was caused by or had a direct and substantial relationship to the child's disability and whether the child's conduct was a direct result of a failure to implement the child's individualized education program. new text end When a deleted text begin pupildeleted text end new text begin child with a disabilitynew text end who has an deleted text begin individualdeleted text end new text begin individualizednew text end education deleted text begin plandeleted text end new text begin programnew text end is excluded or expelled under sections 121A.40 to 121A.56 for misbehavior that is not a manifestation of the deleted text begin pupil'sdeleted text end new text begin child'snew text end disability, the district shall continue to provide special education and related services deleted text begin after a period of suspension, if suspension is imposed. The district shall initiate a review of the pupil's individual education plan and conduct a review of the relationship between the pupil's disability and the behavior subject to disciplinary action and determine the appropriateness of the pupil's education plan before commencing an expulsion or exclusiondeleted text end new text begin during the exclusion or expulsionnew text end .

Sec. 4.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 122A.31, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.


(a) For purposes of revenue under section deleted text begin 125A.78deleted text end new text begin 125A.76new text end , the Department of Education must only reimburse school districts for the services of those interpreters/transliterators who satisfy the standards of competency under this section.

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), a district shall be reimbursed for the services of interpreters with a nonrenewable provisional certificate, interpreters/transliterators employed to mentor the provisional certified interpreters, and persons for whom a time-limited extension has been granted under subdivision 1, paragraph (d), or subdivision 2, paragraph (c).

Sec. 5.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.02, is amended to read:


Subdivision 1.

Child with a disability.

deleted text begin Every child who hasdeleted text end new text begin "Child with a disability" means a child identified under federal and state special education law as havingnew text end a hearing impairment, blindness, visual disability, speech or language impairment, physical disability, other health impairment, mental disability, emotional/behavioral disorder, specific learning disability, autism, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, or deleted text begin deaf/blinddeleted text end new text begin deafblindnew text end disability deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin whonew text end needs special deleted text begin instruction anddeleted text end new text begin education and relatednew text end services, as determined by the deleted text begin standardsdeleted text end new text begin rulesnew text end of the commissioner, is a child with a disability. A licensed physician, an advanced practice nurse, or a licensed psychologist is qualified to make a diagnosis and determination of attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for purposes of identifying a child with a disability.

new text begin Subd. 1a. new text end

new text begin Children ages three through seven experiencing developmental delays. new text end

In addition, every child under age three, and at local district discretion from age three to age seven, who needs special instruction and services, as determined by the deleted text begin standardsdeleted text end new text begin rulesnew text end of the commissioner, because the child has a substantial delay or has an identifiable physical or mental condition known to hinder normal development is a child with a disability.

Subd. 2.

Not a child with a disability.

A child with a short-term or temporary physical or emotional illness or disability, as determined by the deleted text begin standardsdeleted text end new text begin rulesnew text end of the commissioner, is not a child with a disability.

Sec. 6.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.07, is amended to read:

125A.07 deleted text begin RULES OF COMMISSIONERdeleted text end new text begin RULEMAKINGnew text end .

(a) deleted text begin As defined indeleted text end new text begin Consistent withnew text end this deleted text begin paragraphdeleted text end new text begin sectionnew text end , the commissioner deleted text begin mustdeleted text end new text begin shallnew text end adopt new text begin new rules and amend existing new text end rules deleted text begin relative to qualifications of essential personnel, courses of study, methods of instruction, pupil eligibility, size of classes, rooms, equipment, supervision, parent consultation, and other necessary rules for instruction of children with a disability. These rules must provide standards and procedures appropriate for the implementation of and within the limitations of sections 125A.08 and 125A.091. These rules must also provide standards for the discipline, control, management, and protection of children with a disability. The commissioner must not adopt rules for pupils served primarily in the regular classroom establishing either case loads or the maximum number of pupils that may be assigned to special education teachers. The commissioner, in consultation with the Departments of Health and Human Services, must adopt permanent rules for instruction and services for children under age five and their families. These rules are binding on state and local education, health, and human services agencies. The commissioner must adopt rules to determine eligibility for special education services. The rules must include procedures and standards by which to grant variances for experimental eligibility criteria. The commissioner must, according to section 14.05, subdivision 4, notify a district applying for a variance from the rules within 45 calendar days of receiving the request whether the request for the variance has been granted or denied. If a request is denied, the commissioner must specify the program standards used to evaluate the request and the reasons for denying the requestdeleted text end new text begin related to children with disabilities only under specific authority and consistent with the requirements of chapter 14 and paragraph (c)new text end .

(b) As provided in this paragraph, the state's regulatory scheme should support schools by assuring that all state special education rules adopted by the commissioner result in one or more of the following outcomes:

(1) increased time available to teachers and, where appropriate, to support staff including school nurses for educating students through direct and indirect instruction;

(2) consistent and uniform access to effective education programs for students with disabilities throughout the state;

(3) reduced inequalities and conflict, appropriate due process hearing procedures and reduced court actions related to the delivery of special education instruction and services for students with disabilities;

(4) clear expectations for service providers and for students with disabilities;

(5) increased accountability for all individuals and agencies that provide instruction and other services to students with disabilities;

(6) greater focus for the state and local resources dedicated to educating students with disabilities; and

(7) clearer standards for evaluating the effectiveness of education and support services for students with disabilities.

new text begin (c) Subject to chapter 14, the commissioner may adopt, amend, or rescind a rule related to children with disabilities if such action is specifically required by federal law. new text end

Sec. 7.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.08, is amended to read:

125A.08 deleted text begin SCHOOL DISTRICT OBLIGATIONSdeleted text end new text begin INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAMSnew text end .

(a) new text begin At the beginning of each school year, each school district shall have in effect, for each child with a disability, an individualized education text end

new text begin (b) new text end As defined in this section, every district must ensure the following:

(1) all students with disabilities are provided the special instruction and services which are appropriate to their needs. Where the individual education plan team has determined appropriate goals and objectives based on the student's needs, including the extent to which the student can be included in the least restrictive environment, and where there are essentially equivalent and effective instruction, related services, or assistive technology devices available to meet the student's needs, cost to the district may be among the factors considered by the team in choosing how to provide the appropriate services, instruction, or devices that are to be made part of the student's individual education plan. The individual education plan team shall consider and may authorize services covered by medical assistance according to section 256B.0625, subdivision 26. The student's needs and the special education instruction and services to be provided must be agreed upon through the development of an individual education plan. The plan must address the student's need to develop skills to live and work as independently as possible within the community. The individual education plan team must consider positive behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports that address behavior for children with attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. deleted text begin Bydeleted text end new text begin Duringnew text end grade 9 deleted text begin or age 14deleted text end , the plan must address the student's needs for transition from secondary services to postsecondary education and training, employment, community participation, recreation, and leisure and home living. In developing the plan, districts must inform parents of the full range of transitional goals and related services that should be considered. The plan must include a statement of the needed transition services, including a statement of the interagency responsibilities or linkages or both before secondary services are concluded;

(2) children with a disability under age five and their families are provided special instruction and services appropriate to the child's level of functioning and needs;

(3) children with a disability and their parents or guardians are guaranteed procedural safeguards and the right to participate in decisions involving identification, assessment including assistive technology assessment, and educational placement of children with a disability;

(4) eligibility and needs of children with a disability are determined by an initial assessment or reassessment, which may be completed using existing data under United States Code, title 20, section 33, et seq.;

(5) to the maximum extent appropriate, children with a disability, including those in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children who are not disabled, and that special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with a disability from the regular educational environment occurs only when and to the extent that the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary services cannot be achieved satisfactorily;

(6) in accordance with recognized professional standards, testing and evaluation materials, and procedures used for the purposes of classification and placement of children with a disability are selected and administered so as not to be racially or culturally discriminatory; and

(7) the rights of the child are protected when the parents or guardians are not known or not available, or the child is a ward of the state.

deleted text begin (b)deleted text end new text begin (c)new text end For paraprofessionals employed to work in programs for students with disabilities, the school board in each district shall ensure that:

(1) before or immediately upon employment, each paraprofessional develops sufficient knowledge and skills in emergency procedures, building orientation, roles and responsibilities, confidentiality, vulnerability, and reportability, among other things, to begin meeting the needs of the students with whom the paraprofessional works;

(2) annual training opportunities are available to enable the paraprofessional to continue to further develop the knowledge and skills that are specific to the students with whom the paraprofessional works, including understanding disabilities, following lesson plans, and implementing follow-up instructional procedures and activities; and

(3) a districtwide process obligates each paraprofessional to work under the ongoing direction of a licensed teacher and, where appropriate and possible, the supervision of a school nurse.

Sec. 8.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.091, is amended to read:


deleted text begin Subdivision 1. deleted text end

deleted text begin District obligation. deleted text end

deleted text begin A school district must use the procedures in federal law and state law and rule to reach decisions about the identification, evaluation, educational placement, manifestation determination, interim alternative educational placement, or the provision of a free appropriate public education to a child with a disability. deleted text end

deleted text begin Subd. 2. deleted text end

deleted text begin Prior written notice. deleted text end

deleted text begin A parent must receive prior written notice a reasonable time before the district proposes or refuses to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or the provision of a free appropriate public education to a child with a disability. deleted text end

deleted text begin Subd. 3. deleted text end

deleted text begin Content of notice. deleted text end

deleted text begin The notice under subdivision 2 must: deleted text end

deleted text begin (1) describe the action the district proposes or refuses; deleted text end

deleted text begin (2) explain why the district proposes or refuses to take the action; deleted text end

deleted text begin (3) describe any other option the district considered and the reason why it rejected the option; deleted text end

deleted text begin (4) describe each evaluation procedure, test, record, or report the district used as a basis for the proposed or refused action; deleted text end

deleted text begin (5) describe any other factor affecting the proposal or refusal of the district to take the action; deleted text end

deleted text begin (6) state that the parent of a child with a disability is protected by procedural safeguards and, if this notice is not an initial referral for evaluation, how a parent can get a description of the procedural safeguards; and deleted text end

deleted text begin (7) identify where a parent can get help in understanding this law. deleted text end

new text begin Subd. 3a. new text end

new text begin Additional requirements for prior written notice. new text end

new text begin In addition to federal law requirements, a prior written notice shall: new text end

new text begin (1) inform the parent that except for the initial placement of a child in special education, the school district will proceed with its proposal for the child's placement or for providing special education services unless the child's parent notifies the district of an objection within 14 days of when the district sends the prior written notice to the parent; and new text end

new text begin (2) state that a parent who objects to a proposal or refusal in the prior written notice may request a conciliation conference under subdivision 7 or another alternative dispute resolution procedure under subdivision 8 or 9. new text end

deleted text begin Subd. 4. deleted text end

deleted text begin Understandable notice. deleted text end

deleted text begin (a) The written notice under subdivision 2 must be understandable to the general public and available in the parent's native language or by another communication form, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so. deleted text end

deleted text begin (b) If the parent's native language or other communication form is not written, the district must take steps to ensure that: deleted text end

deleted text begin (1) the notice is translated orally or by other means to the parent in the parent's native language or other communication form; deleted text end

deleted text begin (2) the parent understands the notice; and deleted text end

deleted text begin (3) written evidence indicates the requirements in subdivision 2 are met. deleted text end

Subd. 5.

Initial action; parent consent.

(a) The district must not proceed with the initial evaluation of a child, the initial placement of a child in a special education program, or the initial provision of special education services for a child without the prior written consent of the child's parent. A district may not override the written refusal of a parent to consent to an initial evaluation or reevaluation.

(b) A parent, after consulting with health care, education, or other professional providers, may agree or disagree to provide the parent's child with sympathomimetic medications unless section 144.344 applies.

Subd. 6.

Dispute resolution processes; generally.

Parties are encouraged to resolve disputes over the identification, evaluation, educational placement, manifestation determination, interim alternative educational placement, or the provision of a free appropriate public education to a child with a disability through conciliation, mediation, facilitated team meetings, or other alternative process. All dispute resolution options are voluntary on the part of the parent and must not be used to deny or delay the right to a due process hearing. All dispute resolution processes under this section are provided at no cost to the parent.

Subd. 7.

Conciliation conference.

A parent must have an opportunity to meet with appropriate district staff in at least one conciliation conference if the parent objects to any proposal of which the parent receives notice under subdivision deleted text begin 2deleted text end new text begin 3anew text end . deleted text begin If the parent refuses district efforts to conciliate the dispute, the conciliation requirement is satisfied. Following a conciliation conferencedeleted text end new text begin A district must hold a conciliation conference within ten calendar days from the date the district receives a parent's objection to a proposal or refusal in the prior written notice. Except as provided in this section, all discussions held during a conciliation conference are confidential and are not admissible in a due process hearing. Within five school days after the final conciliation conferencenew text end , the district must prepare and provide to the parent a conciliation conference memorandum that describes the district's final proposed offer of service. This memorandum is admissible in evidence in any subsequent proceeding.

Subd. 8.

Voluntary dispute resolution options.

In addition to offering at least one conciliation conference, a district must inform a parent of other dispute resolution processes, including at least mediation and facilitated team meetings. The fact that an alternative dispute resolution process was used is admissible in evidence at any subsequent proceeding. State-provided mediators and team meeting facilitators shall not be subpoenaed to testify at a due process hearing or civil action under federal special education law nor are any records of mediators or state-provided team meeting facilitators accessible to the parties.

Subd. 9.


Mediation is a dispute resolution process that involves a neutral party provided by the state to assist a parent and a district in resolving disputes over the identification, evaluation, educational placement, manifestation determination, interim alternative educational placement, or the provision of a free appropriate public education to a child with a disability. A mediation process is available as an informal alternative to a due process hearing but must not be used to deny or postpone the opportunity of a parent or district to obtain a due process hearing. Mediation is voluntary for all parties. All mediation discussions are confidential and inadmissible in evidence in any subsequent proceeding, unless the:

(1) parties expressly agree otherwise;

(2) evidence is otherwise available; or

(3) evidence is offered to prove bias or prejudice of a witness.

Subd. 10.

Mediated agreements.

deleted text begin Mediated agreements are not admissible unless the parties agree otherwise or a party to the agreement believes the agreement is not being implemented, in which case the aggrieved party may enter the agreement into evidence at a due process hearing. The parties may request another mediation to resolve a dispute over implementing the mediated agreement. After a due process hearing is requested, a party may request mediation and the commissioner must provide a mediator who conducts a mediation session no later than the third business day after the mediation request is made to the commissioner. deleted text end new text begin If the parties resolve all or a portion of the dispute, or agree to use another procedure to resolve the dispute, the mediator shall ensure that the resolution or agreement is in writing and signed by the parties and each party is given a copy of the document. The written resolution or agreement shall state that all discussions that occurred during mediation are confidential and may not be used as evidence in any hearing or civil proceeding. The resolution or agreement is legally binding upon the parties and is enforceable in the state or federal district court. A party may request another mediation to resolve a dispute over implementing the mediated agreement. new text end

Subd. 11.

Facilitated team meeting.

A facilitated team meeting is an IEP, IFSP, or IIIP team meeting led by an impartial state-provided facilitator to promote effective communication and assist a team in developing an individualized education plan.

Subd. 12.

Impartial due process hearing.

deleted text begin (a)deleted text end A parent or a district is entitled to an impartial due process hearing conducted by the state when a dispute arises over the identification, evaluation, educational placement, manifestation determination, interim alternative educational placement, or the provision of a free appropriate public education to a child with a disability. The hearing must be held in the district responsible for ensuring that a free appropriate public education is provided according to state and federal law. The proceedings must be recorded and preserved, at state expense, pending ultimate disposition of the text begin The parent and the district shall receive, at state expense, a copy of the hearing transcript or recording and the hearing officer's findings of fact, conclusion of law, and text end

deleted text begin (b) The due process hearing must be conducted according to the rules of the commissioner and federal law. deleted text end

Subd. 13.

Hearing officer qualifications.

deleted text begin The commissioner must appoint an individual who is qualified under this subdivision to serve as a hearing officer.deleted text end new text begin The commissioner shall maintain a list of qualified hearing officers. The list shall include a statement of the qualifications of each person listed. Upon receipt of a written request for a hearing, the commissioner shall appoint a hearing officer from the list. new text end The hearing officer must:

(1) be knowledgeable and impartial;

(2) have no personal interest in or specific involvement with the student who is a party to the hearing;

(3) not have been employed as an administrator by the district that is a party to the hearing;

(4) not have been involved in selecting the district administrator who is a party to the hearing;

(5) have no personal, economic, or professional interest in the outcome of the hearing other than properly administering federal and state laws, rules, and policies;

(6) have no substantial involvement in developing state or local policies or procedures challenged in the hearing;

(7) not be a current employee or board member of a Minnesota public school district, education district, intermediate unit or regional education agency, or the department if the department is the service provider; deleted text begin anddeleted text end

(8) not be a current employee or board member of a disability advocacy organization or groupdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ;new text end

new text begin (9) not otherwise be under contract with the department or the school district; new text end

new text begin (10) know and understand state and federal special education laws, rules, and regulations, and legal interpretations by federal and state courts; and new text end

new text begin (11) have the knowledge and ability to conduct hearings and render and write decisions according to appropriate, standard legal practice. new text end

Subd. 14.

Request for hearing.

deleted text begin A request for a due process hearing must: deleted text end

deleted text begin (1) be in writing; deleted text end

deleted text begin (2) describe the nature of the dispute about providing special education services to the student including facts relating to the dispute; and deleted text end

deleted text begin (3) state, to the extent known, the relief sought. deleted text end

deleted text begin Any school district administrator receiving a request for a due process hearing must immediately forward the request to the commissioner. Within two business days of receiving a request for a due process hearing, the commissioner must appoint a hearing officer. The commissioner must not deny a request for hearing because the request is incomplete. A party may disqualify a hearing officer only by affirmatively showing prejudice or bias to the commissioner or to the chief administrative law judge if the hearing officer is an administrative law judge. If a party affirmatively shows prejudice against a hearing officer, the commissioner must assign another hearing officer to hear the matterdeleted text end .new text begin (a) A parent or a school district may file a written request for a due process hearing regarding a proposal or refusal to initiate or change that child's evaluation, individualized education program, or educational placement, or to provide a free appropriate public text end

new text begin (b) The parent shall include in the hearing request the name of the child, the address of the child's residence, the name of the school the child attends, a description of the child's problem relating to the proposed or refused initiation or change, including facts relating to the problem, and a proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known and available to the parents at the time. new text end

new text begin (c) A parent or a school district may file a written request for a hearing under United States Code, title 20, section 1415, paragraph (k). new text end

new text begin (d) A parent or school district filing a request for a hearing under this subdivision must provide the request to the other party and a copy of the request to the department. Upon receiving a request for a hearing, the department shall give to the child's parent a copy of the procedural safeguards notice available to a parent under federal regulations. new text end

new text begin (e)(1) If the parent of a child with a disability files a written request for a hearing, and the school district has not previously sent a written notice to the parent under subdivision 3a, regarding the subject matter of the hearing request, the school district shall, within ten days of receiving the hearing request, send to the child's parent a written explanation of why the school district proposed or refused to take the action raised in the hearing request. The explanation must include a description of other options that the individualized education program team considered and the reason why those options were rejected; a description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report that the school district used as the basis for the proposed or refused action; and a description of the factors that are relevant to the school district's proposal or refusal. A response by a school district under this subdivision does not preclude the school district from asserting that the parent's request for a hearing is insufficient under clause (2) of this paragraph; and new text end

new text begin (2) a hearing may not occur until the party requesting the hearing files a request that meets the requirements of paragraph (b). The request under paragraph (b) is considered sufficient unless the party receiving the request notifies the hearing officer and the other party in writing within 15 days of receiving the request that the receiving party believes the request does not meet the requirements of paragraph (b). Within five days of receiving a notice under this subdivision, the hearing officer shall determine whether the request meets the requirements under paragraph (b) and notify the parties. new text end

new text begin (f) Except as provided in paragraph (e), clause (1), the party receiving a request for a hearing shall send to the party requesting the hearing a written response that addresses the issues raised in the hearing request within ten days of receiving the request. new text end

Subd. 15.

Prehearing conference.

A prehearing conference must be held within five business days of the date the commissioner appoints the hearing officer. The hearing officer must initiate the prehearing conference which may be conducted in person, at a location within the district, or by telephone. The hearing officer must create a written verbatim record of the prehearing conference which is available to either party upon request. At the prehearing conference, the hearing officer must:

(1) identify the questions that must be answered to resolve the dispute and eliminate claims and complaints that are without merit;

(2) set a scheduling order for the hearing and additional prehearing activities;

(3) determine if the hearing can be disposed of without an evidentiary hearing and, if so, establish the schedule and procedure for doing so; and

(4) establish the management, control, and location of the hearing to ensure its fair, efficient, and effective disposition.

Subd. 16.

Burden of proof.

The burden of proof at a due process hearing is on the deleted text begin district to demonstrate, by a preponderance of the evidence, that it is complying with the law and offered or provided a free appropriate public education to the child in the least restrictive environment. If the district has not offered or provided a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment and the parent wants the district to pay for a private placement, the burden of proof is on the parent to demonstrate, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the private placement is appropriatedeleted text end new text begin party seeking reliefnew text end .

Subd. 17.

Admissible evidence.

The hearing officer may admit all evidence that possesses probative value, including hearsay, if it is the type of evidence on which reasonable, prudent persons are accustomed to rely in conducting their serious affairs. The hearing officer must give effect to the rules of privilege recognized by law and exclude evidence that is incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious.

Subd. 18.

Hearing officer authority.

(a) A hearing officer must limit an impartial due process hearing to the time sufficient for each party to present its case.

(b) A hearing officer must establish and maintain control and manage the hearing. This authority includes, but is not limited to:

(1) requiring attorneys representing parties at the hearing, after notice and an opportunity to be heard, to pay court reporting and hearing officer costs, or fines payable to the state, for failing to: (i) obey scheduling or prehearing orders, (ii) appear, (iii) be prepared, or (iv) participate in the hearing process in good faith;

(2) administering oaths and affirmations;

(3) issuing subpoenas;

(4) determining the responsible and providing districts and joining those districts, if not already notified, in the proceedings;

(5) making decisions involving identification, evaluation, educational placement, manifestation determination, interim alternative educational placement, or the provision of a free appropriate public education to a child with a disability; deleted text begin anddeleted text end

(6) ordering an independent educational evaluation of a child at district expensenew text begin ; andnew text end

new text begin (7) extending the hearing decision timeline if the hearing officer determines that good cause exists. new text end

new text begin (c) Good cause includes, but is not limited to, the time required for mediation or other settlement discussions, independent educational evaluation, complexity and volume of issues, or finding or changing counselnew text end .

Subd. 19.

Expedited due process hearings.

new text begin Consistent with federal law, new text end a parent deleted text begin has the right to deleted text end new text begin or a school district may file a written request for new text end an expedited due process hearingdeleted text begin when there is a dispute over a manifestation determination or a proposed or actual placement in an interim alternative educational setting. A district has the right to an expedited due process hearing when proposing or seeking to maintain placement in an interim alternative educational settingdeleted text end . A hearing officer must hold an expedited due process hearing new text begin within 20 school days of the date the expedited due process request is filed new text end and must issue a decision within ten deleted text begin calendardeleted text end new text begin school new text end days deleted text begin ofdeleted text end new text begin after new text end the deleted text begin request for adeleted text end hearing. deleted text begin A hearing officer may extend by up to five additional calendar days the time for issuing a decision in an expedited due process hearing. All policies in this section apply to expedited due process hearings to the extent they do not conflict with federal lawdeleted text end .new text begin A resolution meeting must occur within seven days of receiving the request for an expedited due process hearing unless the parent and the school district agree in writing either to waive the resolution meeting or use the mediation process. The expedited due process hearing may proceed unless the matter has been resolved to the satisfaction of both parties within 15 days of receiving the expedited due process hearing text end

Subd. 20.

Hearing officer's decision; time period.

(a) The hearing officer must deleted text begin issue a decision within 45 calendar days of the date on which the commissioner receives the request for a due process hearingdeleted text end new text begin ensure that not later than 45 days after the 30-day period or the adjusted time periods under federal regulations expire, the hearing officer reaches a final decision in the due process hearing and transmits a copy of the decision to each party. A hearing officer, at the request of either party, may grant specific extensions of time beyond the 45-day period under subdivision 18. The hearing officer must conduct the oral arguments in a hearing at a time and place that is reasonably convenient to the parents and child involvednew text end . A hearing officer is encouraged to accelerate the time line to 30 days for a child under the age of three whose needs change rapidly and who requires quick resolution of a dispute. deleted text begin A hearing officer may not extend the time beyond the 45-day period unless requested by either party for good cause shown on the record. Extensions of time must not exceed a total of 30 calendar days unless both parties and the hearing officer agree or time is needed to complete an independent educational evaluation. Good cause includes, but is not limited to, the time required for mediation or other settlement discussions, independent educational evaluation, complexity and volume of issues, or finding or changing counsel.deleted text end

(b) deleted text begin The hearing officer's decision must:deleted text end new text begin Once the hearing officer has issued a final decision, the hearing officer lacks authority to amend the decision except for clerical or mathematical text end

new text begin (c) Nothing in this subdivision precludes a hearing officer from ordering a school district to comply with federal procedural safeguards under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. new text end

deleted text begin (1) be in writing; deleted text end

deleted text begin (2) state the controlling and material facts upon which the decision is made in order to apprise the reader of the basis and reason for the decision; and deleted text end

deleted text begin (3) be based on local standards, state statute, the rules of the commissioner, and federal law. deleted text end

Subd. 21.

Compensatory educational services.

The hearing officer may require the resident or responsible district to provide compensatory educational services to the child if the hearing officer finds that the district has not offered or made available to the child a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment and the child suffered a loss of educational benefit. Such services take the form of direct and indirect special education and related services designed to address any loss of educational benefit that may have occurred. The hearing officer's finding must be based on a present determination of whether the child has suffered a loss of educational benefit.

deleted text begin Subd. 22. deleted text end

deleted text begin Child's educational placement during due process hearing. deleted text end

deleted text begin (a) Until a due process hearing under this section is completed or the district and the parent agree otherwise, the child must remain in the child's current educational placement and must not be denied initial admission to school. deleted text end

deleted text begin (b) Until an expedited due process hearing challenging an interim alternative educational placement is completed, the child must remain in the interim alternative educational setting until the decision of the hearing officer or the expiration of the 45 days permitted for an interim alternative educational setting, whichever occurs first, unless the parent and district agree otherwise. deleted text end

deleted text begin Subd. 23. deleted text end

deleted text begin Implementation of hearing officer order. deleted text end

deleted text begin (a) That portion of a hearing officer's decision granting relief requested by the parent must be implemented upon issuance. deleted text end

deleted text begin (b) Except as provided under paragraph (a) or the district and parent agree otherwise, following a hearing officer's decision granting relief requested by the district, the child must remain in the current educational placement until the time to request judicial review under subdivision 24 expires or, if judicial review is requested, at the time the Minnesota Court of Appeals or the federal district court issues its decision, whichever is later. deleted text end

Subd. 24.

Review of hearing officer decisions.

The parent or district may seek review of the hearing officer's decision in the Minnesota Court of Appeals or in the federal district courtdeleted text begin , consistent with federal lawdeleted text end . A party must appeal to the Minnesota Court of Appeals within 60 days of receiving the hearing officer's decisionnew text begin or must appeal to federal district court within 90 days of receiving the hearing officer's decisionnew text end .

Subd. 25.

Enforcement of orders.

The commissioner must monitor final hearing officer decisions and ensure enforcement of hearing officer deleted text begin ordersdeleted text end new text begin decisionsnew text end .

Subd. 26.

Hearing officer and person conducting alternative dispute resolution are state employees.

A hearing officer or person conducting alternative dispute resolution under this section is an employee of the state under section 3.732 for purposes of section 3.736 only.

Subd. 27.

Hearing officer training.

A hearing officer must participate in training deleted text begin and follow procedures establisheddeleted text end new text begin offerednew text end by the commissioner.

Subd. 28.

District liability.

A district is not liable for harmless technical violations of deleted text begin this section or rules implementing this sectiondeleted text end new text begin federal or state laws, rules, or regulations governing special educationnew text end if the school district can demonstrate deleted text begin on a case-by-case basisdeleted text end that the violations did not harm a student's educational progress or the parent's right to notice, participation, or due text begin This subdivision is applicable to due process hearings and special education complaints filed with the text end

Sec. 9.


new text begin The use of restrictive procedures for children with disabilities is governed by sections 125A.0941 and 125A.0942. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2011. new text end

Sec. 10.

new text begin [125A.0941] DEFINITIONS. new text end

new text begin (a) The following terms have the meanings given them. new text end

new text begin (b) "Emergency" means a situation where immediate intervention is needed to protect a child or other individual from physical injury or to prevent serious property damage. new text end

new text begin (c) "Physical holding" means physical intervention intended to hold a child immobile or limit a child's movement and where body contact is the only source of physical restraint. The term physical holding does not mean physical contact that: new text end

new text begin (1) helps a child respond or complete a task; new text end

new text begin (2) assists a child without restricting the child's movement; new text end

new text begin (3) is needed to administer an authorized health-related service or procedure; or new text end

new text begin (4) is needed to physically escort a child when the child does not resist or the child's resistance is minimal. new text end

new text begin (d) "Positive behavioral interventions and supports" means interventions and strategies to improve the school environment and teach children the skills to behave appropriately. new text end

new text begin (e) "Restrictive procedures" means the use of physical holding or seclusion in an emergency. new text end

new text begin (f) "Seclusion" means confining a child alone in a room from which egress is barred. Removing a child from an activity to a location where the child cannot participate in or observe the activity is not seclusion. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2011. new text end

Sec. 11.

new text begin [125A.0942] STANDARDS FOR RESTRICTIVE PROCEDURES. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Restrictive procedures plan. new text end

new text begin Schools that intend to use restrictive procedures shall maintain and make publicly accessible a restrictive procedures plan for children that includes at least the following: new text end

new text begin (1) the list of restrictive procedures the school intends to use; new text end

new text begin (2) how the school will monitor and review the use of restrictive procedures, including conducting post-use debriefings and convening an oversight committee; and new text end

new text begin (3) a written description and documentation of the training staff completed under subdivision 5. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin Restrictive procedures. new text end

new text begin (a) Restrictive procedures may be used only by a licensed special education teacher, school social worker, school psychologist, behavior analyst certified by the National Behavior Analyst Certification Board, a person with a master's degree in behavior analysis, other licensed education professional, paraprofessional under section 120B.363, or mental health professional under section 245.4871, subdivision 27, who has completed the training program under subdivision 5. new text end

new text begin (b) A school shall make reasonable efforts to notify the parent on the same day a restrictive procedure is used on the child, or if the school is unable to provide same-day notice, notice is sent within two days by written or electronic means or as otherwise indicated by the child's parent under paragraph (d). new text end

new text begin (c) When restrictive procedures are used twice in 30 days or when a pattern emerges and restrictive procedures are not included in a child's individualized education program or behavior intervention plan, the district must hold a meeting of the individualized education plan team, conduct or review a functional behavioral analysis, review data, consider developing additional or revised positive behavioral interventions and supports, consider actions to reduce the use of restrictive procedures, and modify the individualized education plan or behavior intervention plan as appropriate. At the meeting, the team must review any known medical or psychological limitations that contraindicate the use of a restrictive procedure, consider whether to prohibit that restrictive procedure, and document any prohibition in the individualized education program or behavior intervention plan. new text end

new text begin (d) An individualized education plan team may plan for using restrictive procedures and may include these procedures in a child's individualized education program or behavior intervention plan; however, the restrictive procedures may be used only in response to behavior that constitutes an emergency, consistent with this section. The individualized education program or behavior intervention plan shall indicate how the parent wants to be notified when a restrictive procedure is used. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Physical holding or seclusion. new text end

new text begin Physical holding or seclusion may be used only in an emergency. A school that uses physical holding or seclusion shall meet the following requirements: new text end

new text begin (1) the physical holding or seclusion must be the least intrusive intervention that effectively responds to the emergency; new text end

new text begin (2) physical holding or seclusion must end when the threat of harm ends and the staff determines that the child can safely return to the classroom or activity; new text end

new text begin (3) staff must directly observe the child while physical holding or seclusion is being used; new text end

new text begin (4) each time physical holding or seclusion is used, the staff person who implements or oversees the physical holding or seclusion shall document, as soon as possible after the incident concludes, the following information: new text end

new text begin (i) a description of the incident that led to the physical holding or seclusion; new text end

new text begin (ii) why a less restrictive measure failed or was determined by staff to be inappropriate or impractical; new text end

new text begin (iii) the time the physical holding or seclusion began and the time the child was released; and new text end

new text begin (iv) a brief record of the child's behavioral and physical status; new text end

new text begin (5) the room used for seclusion must: new text end

new text begin (i) be at least six feet by five feet; new text end

new text begin (ii) be well lit, well ventilated, adequately heated, and clean; new text end

new text begin (iii) have a window that allows staff to directly observe a child in seclusion; new text end

new text begin (iv) have tamperproof fixtures, electrical switches located immediately outside the door, and secure ceilings; new text end

new text begin (v) have doors that open out and are unlocked, locked with keyless locks that have immediate release mechanisms, or locked with locks that have immediate release mechanisms connected with a fire and emergency system; and new text end

new text begin (vi) not contain objects that a child may use to injure the child or others; and new text end

new text begin (6) before using a room for seclusion, a school must: new text end

new text begin (i) receive written notice from local authorities that the room and the locking mechanisms comply with applicable building, fire, and safety codes; and new text end

new text begin (ii) register the room with the commissioner, who may view that room. new text end

new text begin Subd. 4. new text end

new text begin Prohibitions. new text end

new text begin The following actions or procedures are prohibited: new text end

new text begin (1) engaging in conduct prohibited under section 121A.58; new text end

new text begin (2) requiring a child to assume and maintain a specified physical position, activity, or posture that induces physical pain; new text end

new text begin (3) totally or partially restricting a child's senses as punishment; new text end

new text begin (4) presenting an intense sound, light, or other sensory stimuli using smell, taste, substance, or spray as punishment; new text end

new text begin (5) denying or restricting a child's access to equipment and devices such as walkers, wheelchairs, hearing aids, and communication boards that facilitate the child's functioning, except when temporarily removing the equipment or device is needed to prevent injury to the child or others or serious damage to the equipment or device, in which case the equipment or device shall be returned to the child as soon as possible; new text end

new text begin (6) interacting with a child in a manner that constitutes sexual abuse, neglect, or physical abuse under section 626.556; new text end

new text begin (7) withholding regularly scheduled meals or water; new text end

new text begin (8) denying access to bathroom facilities; and new text end

new text begin (9) physical holding that restricts or impairs a child's ability to breathe. new text end

new text begin Subd. 5. new text end

new text begin Training for staff. new text end

new text begin (a) To meet the requirements of subdivision 1, staff who use restrictive procedures shall complete training in the following skills and knowledge areas: new text end

new text begin (1) positive behavioral interventions; new text end

new text begin (2) communicative intent of behaviors; new text end

new text begin (3) relationship building; new text end

new text begin (4) alternatives to restrictive procedures, including techniques to identify events and environmental factors that may escalate behavior; new text end

new text begin (5) de-escalation methods; new text end

new text begin (6) standards for using restrictive procedures; new text end

new text begin (7) obtaining emergency medical assistance; new text end

new text begin (8) the physiological and psychological impact of physical holding and seclusion; new text end

new text begin (9) monitoring and responding to a child's physical signs of distress when physical holding is being used; and new text end

new text begin (10) recognizing the symptoms of and interventions that may cause positional asphyxia when physical holding is used. new text end

new text begin (b) The commissioner, after consulting with the commissioner of human services, must develop and maintain a list of training programs that satisfy the requirements of paragraph (a). The district shall maintain records of staff who have been trained and the organization or professional that conducted the training. The district may collaborate with children's community mental health providers to coordinate trainings. new text end

new text begin Subd. 6. new text end

new text begin Behavior supports. new text end

new text begin School districts are encouraged to establish effective schoolwide systems of positive behavior interventions and supports. Nothing in this section or section 125A.0941 precludes the use of reasonable force under sections 121A.582; 609.06, subdivision 1; and 609.379. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective August 1, 2011. new text end

Sec. 12.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.15, is amended to read:


The responsibility for special instruction and services for a child with a disability temporarily placed in another district for care and treatment shall be determined in the following manner:

(a) The district of residence of a child shall be the district in which the child's parent resides, if living, or the child's guardian, or the district designated by the commissioner if neither parent nor guardian is living within the state.

(b) new text begin If a district other than the resident district places a pupil for care and treatment, the district placing the pupil must notify and give the resident district an opportunity to participate in the placement decision. When an immediate emergency placement of a pupil is necessary and time constraints foreclose a resident district from participating in the emergency placement decision, the district in which the pupil is temporarily placed must notify the resident district of the emergency placement within 15 days. The resident district has up to five business days after receiving notice of the emergency placement to request an opportunity to participate in the placement decision, which the placing district must then text end

new text begin (c) new text end When a child is temporarily placed for care and treatment in a day program located in another district and the child continues to live within the district of residence during the care and treatment, the district of residence is responsible for providing transportation to and from the care and treatment deleted text begin facilitydeleted text end new text begin program new text end and an appropriate educational program for the child. new text begin The resident district may establish reasonable restrictions on transportation, except if a Minnesota court or agency orders the child placed at a day care and treatment program and the resident district receives a copy of the order, then the resident district must provide transportation to and from the program unless the court or agency orders otherwise. new text end Transportation shall only be provided by the new text begin resident new text end district during regular operating hours of the new text begin resident new text end district. The new text begin resident new text end district may provide the educational program at a school within the district of residence, at the child's residence, or in the district in which the day treatment center is located by paying tuition to that district.

deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end When a child is temporarily placed in a residential program for care and treatment, the nonresident district in which the child is placed is responsible for providing an appropriate educational program for the child and necessary transportation while the child is attending the educational program; and must bill the district of the child's residence for the actual cost of providing the program, as outlined in section 125A.11, except as provided in paragraph deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end . However, the board, lodging, and treatment costs incurred in behalf of a child with a disability placed outside of the school district of residence by the commissioner of human services or the commissioner of corrections or their agents, for reasons other than providing for the child's special educational needs must not become the responsibility of either the district providing the instruction or the district of the child's residence. For the purposes of this section, the state correctional facilities operated on a fee-for-service basis are considered to be residential programs for care and treatment.

deleted text begin (d)deleted text end new text begin (e)new text end A privately owned and operated residential facility may enter into a contract to obtain appropriate educational programs for special education children and services with a joint powers entity. The entity with which the private facility contracts for special education services shall be the district responsible for providing students placed in that facility an appropriate educational program in place of the district in which the facility is located. If a privately owned and operated residential facility does not enter into a contract under this paragraph, then paragraph deleted text begin (c)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end applies.

deleted text begin (e)deleted text end new text begin (f)new text end The district of residence shall pay tuition and other program costs, not including transportation costs, to the district providing the instruction and services. The district of residence may claim general education aid for the child as provided by law. Transportation costs must be paid by the district responsible for providing the transportation and the state must pay transportation aid to that district.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 13.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.28, is amended to read:


An Interagency Coordinating Council of at least 17, but not more than 25 members is established, in compliance with Public Law 108-446, section 641. The members must be appointed by the governor. Council members must elect the council chair. The representative of the commissioner may not serve as the chair. The council must be composed of at least five parents, including persons of color, of children with disabilities under age 12, including at least three parents of a child with a disability under age seven, five representatives of public or private providers of services for children with disabilities under age five, including a special education director, county social service director, local Head Start director, and a community health services or public health nursing administrator, one member of the senate, one member of the house of representatives, one representative of teacher preparation programs in early childhood-special education or other preparation programs in early childhood intervention, at least one representative of advocacy organizations for children with disabilities under age five, one physician who cares for young children with special health care needs, one representative each from the commissioners of commerce, education, health, human services, a representative from the state agency responsible for child care, foster care, mental health, homeless coordinator of education of homeless children and youth, and a representative from Indian health services or a tribal council. Section 15.059, subdivisions 2 to 5, apply to the council. The council must meet at least quarterly.

The council must address methods of implementing the state policy of developing and implementing comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary interagency programs of early intervention services for children with disabilities and their families.

The duties of the council include recommending policies to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated system of all state and local agency services for children under age five with disabilities and their families. The policies must address how to incorporate each agency's services into a unified state and local system of multidisciplinary assessment practices, individual intervention plans, comprehensive systems to find children in need of services, methods to improve public awareness, and assistance in determining the role of interagency early intervention committees.

On the date that Minnesota Part C Annual Performance Report is submitted to the federal Office of Special Education, the council must recommend to the governor and the commissioners of education, health, human services, commerce, and employment and economic development policies for a comprehensive and coordinated system.

Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the State Interagency Coordinating Council expires on June 30, deleted text begin 2009deleted text end new text begin 2014new text end .

Sec. 14.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.51, is amended to read:


The responsibility for providing instruction and transportation for a pupil without a disability who has a short-term or temporary physical or emotional illness or disability, as determined by the standards of the commissioner, and who is temporarily placed for care and treatment for that illness or disability, must be determined as provided in this section.

(a) The school district of residence of the pupil is the district in which the pupil's parent or guardian resides.

(b) When parental rights have been terminated by court order, the legal residence of a child placed in a residential or foster facility for care and treatment is the district in which the child resides.

(c) Before the placement of a pupil for care and treatment, the district of residence must be notified and provided an opportunity to participate in the placement decision. When an immediate emergency placement is necessary and time does not permit resident district participation in the placement decision, the district in which the pupil is temporarily placed, if different from the district of residence, must notify the district of residence of the emergency placement within 15 days of the text begin When a nonresident district makes an emergency placement without first consulting with the resident district, the resident district has up to five business days after receiving notice of the emergency placement to request an opportunity to participate in the placement decision, which the placing district must then text end

(d) When a pupil without a disability is temporarily placed for care and treatment in a day program and the pupil continues to live within the district of residence during the care and treatment, the district of residence must provide instruction and necessary transportation to and from the new text begin care and new text end treatment deleted text begin facilitydeleted text end new text begin program new text end for the pupil. new text begin The resident district may establish reasonable restrictions on transportation, except if a Minnesota court or agency orders the child placed at a day care and treatment program and the resident district receives a copy of the order, then the resident district must provide transportation to and from the program unless the court or agency orders otherwise. new text end Transportation shall only be provided by the new text begin resident new text end district during regular operating hours of the new text begin resident new text end district. The new text begin resident new text end district may provide the instruction at a school within the district of residence, at the pupil's residence, or in the case of a placement outside of the resident district, in the district in which the day treatment program is located by paying tuition to that district. The district of placement may contract with a facility to provide instruction by teachers licensed by the state Board of Teaching.

(e) When a pupil without a disability is temporarily placed in a residential program for care and treatment, the district in which the pupil is placed must provide instruction for the pupil and necessary transportation while the pupil is receiving instruction, and in the case of a placement outside of the district of residence, the nonresident district must bill the district of residence for the actual cost of providing the instruction for the regular school year and for summer school, excluding transportation costs.

(f) Notwithstanding paragraph (e), if the pupil is homeless and placed in a public or private homeless shelter, then the district that enrolls the pupil under section 127A.47, subdivision 2, shall provide the transportation, unless the district that enrolls the pupil and the district in which the pupil is temporarily placed agree that the district in which the pupil is temporarily placed shall provide transportation. When a pupil without a disability is temporarily placed in a residential program outside the district of residence, the administrator of the court placing the pupil must send timely written notice of the placement to the district of residence. The district of placement may contract with a residential facility to provide instruction by teachers licensed by the state Board of Teaching. For purposes of this section, the state correctional facilities operated on a fee-for-service basis are considered to be residential programs for care and treatment.

(g) The district of residence must include the pupil in its residence count of pupil units and pay tuition as provided in section 123A.488 to the district providing the instruction. Transportation costs must be paid by the district providing the transportation and the state must pay transportation aid to that district. For purposes of computing state transportation aid, pupils governed by this subdivision must be included in the disabled transportation category if the pupils cannot be transported on a regular school bus route without special accommodations.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 15.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.57, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Assistive technology device.

"Assistive technology device" means any item, piece of equipment, deleted text begin software,deleted text end or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of deleted text begin children with disabilitiesdeleted text end new text begin a child with a disability. It does not mean a medical device that is surgically implanted or a replacement of such a devicenew text end .

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 16.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.63, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.


The resource centers must offer summer institutes deleted text begin anddeleted text end deleted text begin like programsdeleted text end new text begin or other training programs new text end throughout the state for deaf or deleted text begin hard of hearingdeleted text end new text begin hard-of-hearingnew text end , blind or visually impaired, and multiply disabled pupils. The resource centers must also offer workshops for teachers, and leadership development for teachers.

A program offered through the resource centers must promote and develop education programs offered by school districts or other organizations. The program must assist school districts or other organizations to develop innovative programs.

Sec. 17.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.63, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

Advisory committees.

new text begin (a) new text end The commissioner shall establish an advisory committee for each resource center. The advisory committees shall develop recommendations regarding the resource centers and submit an annual report to the commissioner on the form and in the manner prescribed by the commissioner.

new text begin (b) The advisory committee for the Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing shall meet periodically at least four times per year and submit an annual report to the commissioner, the education policy and finance committees of the legislature, and the Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans. The report must, at least: new text end

new text begin (1) identify and report the aggregate, data-based education outcomes for children with the primary disability classification of deaf and hard of hearing, consistent with the commissioner's child count reporting practices, the commissioner's state and local outcome data reporting system by district and region, and the school performance report cards under section 120B.36, subdivision 1; and new text end

new text begin (2) describe the implementation of a data-based plan for improving the education outcomes of deaf and hard of hearing children that is premised on evidence-based best practices, and provide a cost estimate for ongoing implementation of the plan. new text end

Sec. 18.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.744, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.


Consistent with section 256B.0625, subdivision 26, school districts may enroll as medical assistance providers or subcontractors and bill the Department of Human Services under the medical assistance fee for service claims processing system for special education services which are covered services under chapter 256B, which are provided in the school setting for a medical assistance recipient, and for whom the district has secured informed consent consistent with section 13.05, subdivision 4, paragraph (d), and section 256B.77, subdivision 2, paragraph (p), to bill for each type of covered service. School districts shall be reimbursed by the commissioner of human services for the federal share of individual education plan health-related services that qualify for reimbursement by medical assistance, minus up to five percent retained by the commissioner of human services for administrative costs, not to exceed deleted text begin $350,000deleted text end new text begin $450,000 new text end per fiscal year. The commissioner may withhold up to five percent of each payment to a school district. Following the end of each fiscal year, the commissioner shall settle up with each school district in order to ensure that collections from each district for departmental administrative costs are made on a pro rata basis according to federal earnings for these services in each district. A school district is not eligible to enroll as a home care provider or a personal care provider organization for purposes of billing home care services under sections 256B.0651 and 256B.0653 to 256B.0656 until the commissioner of human services issues a bulletin instructing county public health nurses on how to assess for the needs of eligible recipients during school hours. To use private duty nursing services or personal care services at school, the recipient or responsible party must provide written authorization in the care plan identifying the chosen provider and the daily amount of services to be used at school.

Sec. 19.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.76, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.


For the purposes of this section, the definitions in this subdivision apply.

(a) "Basic revenue" has the meaning given it in section 126C.10, subdivision 2. For the purposes of computing basic revenue pursuant to this section, each child with a disability shall be counted as prescribed in section 126C.05, subdivision 1.

(b) "Essential personnel" means teachers, cultural liaisons, related services, and support services staff providing deleted text begin directdeleted text end services to students. Essential personnel may also include special education paraprofessionals or clericals providing support to teachers and students by preparing paperwork and making arrangements related to special education compliance requirements, including parent meetings and individual education text begin Essential personnel does not include administrators and text end

(c) "Average daily membership" has the meaning given it in section 126C.05.

(d) "Program growth factor" means 1.046 for fiscal year 2012 and later.

Sec. 20.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 127A.47, subdivision 5, is amended to read:

Subd. 5.

Notification of resident district.

A district educating a pupil who is a resident of another district must notify the district of residence within 60 days of the date the pupil is determined by the district to be a nonresident, but not later than August 1 following the end of the school year in which the pupil is educated. deleted text begin If the district of residence does not receive a notification from the providing district pursuant to this subdivision, it is not liable to that district for any tuition billing received after August 1 of the next school year.deleted text end

Sec. 21.

new text begin APPROPRIATIONS. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Department of Education. new text end

new text begin The sums indicated in this section are appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Education for the fiscal years designated. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin Special education; regular. new text end

new text begin For special education aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.75: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 734,071,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 781,497,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $71,947,000 for 2009 and $662,124,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $73,569,000 for 2010 and $707,928,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Aid for children with disabilities. new text end

new text begin For aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.75, subdivision 3, for children with disabilities placed in residential facilities within the district boundaries for whom no district of residence can be determined: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,717,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,895,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin If the appropriation for either year is insufficient, the appropriation for the other year is available. new text end

new text begin Subd. 4. new text end

new text begin Travel for home-based services. new text end

new text begin For aid for teacher travel for home-based services under Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.75, subdivision 1: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 258,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 282,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $24,000 for 2009 and $234,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $26,000 for 2010 and $256,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 5. new text end

new text begin Special education; excess costs. new text end

new text begin For excess cost aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.79, subdivision 7: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 110,871,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 110,877,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $37,046,000 for 2009 and $73,825,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $37,022,000 for 2010 and $73,855,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 6. new text end

new text begin Court-placed special education revenue. new text end

new text begin For reimbursing serving school districts for unreimbursed eligible expenditures attributable to children placed in the serving school district by court action under Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.79, subdivision 4: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 76,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 78,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 7. new text end

new text begin Special education out-of-state tuition. new text end

new text begin For special education out-of-state tuition according to Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.79, subdivision 8: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 250,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 250,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

Sec. 22.

new text begin REPEALER. new text end

new text begin (a) Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125A.05, new text end new text begin is repealed. new text end

new text begin (b) Minnesota Rules, parts 3525.0210, subparts 34 and 43; 3525.0400; 3525.2445; and 3525.4220, new text end new text begin are repealed. new text end

new text begin (c) Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 121A.66; and 121A.67, subdivision 1, new text end new text begin are repealed effective August 1, 2011. new text end

new text begin (d) Minnesota Rules, parts 3525.0210, subparts 5, 6, 9, 13, 17, 29, 30, 46, and 47; 3525.1100, subpart 2, item F; and 3525.2900, subpart 5, new text end new text begin are repealed effective August 1, 2011. new text end



Section 1.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.54, is amended to read:


(a) deleted text begin $14,814,000 in fiscal year 2008,deleted text end $9,109,000 in fiscal year 2009, deleted text begin $7,286,000deleted text end new text begin $7,948,000new text end in fiscal year 2010, deleted text begin and $6,878,000deleted text end new text begin $9,275,000new text end in fiscal year 2011new text begin , $9,574,000 in fiscal year 2012, and $8,904,000 in fiscal year 2013new text end and later are appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of education for payment of debt service equalization aid under section 123B.53.

(b) The appropriations in paragraph (a) must be reduced by the amount of any money specifically appropriated for the same purpose in any year from any state fund.

Sec. 2.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.57, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Health and safety program.

(a) To receive health and safety revenue for any fiscal year a district must submit to the commissioner an application for aid and levy by the date determined by the commissioner. The application may be for hazardous substance removal, fire and life safety code repairs, labor and industry regulated facility and equipment violations, and health, safety, and environmental management, including indoor air quality management. The application must include a health and safety program adopted by the school district board. The program must include the estimated cost, per building, of the program by fiscal year. Upon approval through the adoption of a resolution by each of an intermediate district's member school district boards and the approval of the Department of Education, a school district may include its proportionate share of the costs of health and safety projects for an intermediate district in its application.

(b) Health and safety projects with an estimated cost of $500,000 or more per sitedeleted text begin , approved after February 1, 2003,deleted text end are not eligible for health and safety revenue. Health and safety projects with an estimated cost of $500,000 or more per sitedeleted text begin , approved after February 1, 2003,deleted text end that meet all other requirements for health and safety funding, are eligible for alternative facilities bonding and levy revenue according to section 123B.59. A school board shall not separate portions of a single project into components to qualify for health and safety revenue, and shall not combine unrelated projects into a single project to qualify for alternative facilities bonding and levy revenue.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2009. new text end

Sec. 3.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.59, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

Subd. 2.

Facility plan.

(a) A district qualifying under subdivision 1, paragraph (a), must have a ten-year facility plan approved by the commissioner that includes an inventory of projects and costs that would be eligible for:

(1) health and safety revenue, without restriction as to project size;

(2) disabled access levy; and

(3) deferred capital expenditures and maintenance projects necessary to prevent further erosion of facilities.

(b) A district qualifying under subdivision 1, paragraph (b), must have a five-year plan deleted text begin approved by the commissionerdeleted text end that includes an inventory of projects and costs for health and safety projects with an estimated cost of $500,000 or more per site that would qualify for health and safety revenue except for the project size limitation in section 123B.57, subdivision 1, paragraph (b).

(c) The school district must:

(1) annually update the plans;

(2) biennially submit a facility maintenance plan; and

(3) indicate whether the district will issue bonds to finance the plan or levy for the costs.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2009. new text end

Sec. 4.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.59, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

Bond authorization.

(a) A school district may issue general obligation bonds under this section to finance facilities plans approved by its board and the commissioner. Chapter 475, except sections 475.58 and 475.59, must be complied with. The district may levy under subdivision 5 for the debt service revenue. The authority to issue bonds under this section is in addition to any bonding authority authorized by this chapter, or other law. The amount of bonding authority authorized under this section must be disregarded in calculating the bonding or net debt limits of this chapter, or any other law other than section 475.53, subdivision 4.

(b) At least 20 days before the earliest of solicitation of bids, the issuance of bonds, or the final certification of levies under subdivision 5, the district must publish notice of the intended projects, the amount of the bond issue, new text begin and new text end the total amount of district indebtednessdeleted text begin , and the commissioner's review and comment, if applicabledeleted text end .

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2009. new text end

Sec. 5.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.59, subdivision 3a, is amended to read:

Subd. 3a.

Levy authorization.

(a) A school district may levy under this section to finance the portion of facilities plans approved by its board and the commissioner that are not financed through bond issues according to subdivision 3.

(b) At least 20 days before a final district certification of levies under subdivision 5, the district must publish notice of the intended projects, including the total estimated project costdeleted text begin , and the commissioner's review and comment, if applicabledeleted text end .

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective July 1, 2009. new text end

Sec. 6.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.70, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Commissioner approval.

new text begin (a) new text end In determining whether to give a school facility a positive, negative, or unfavorable review and comment, the commissioner must evaluate the proposals for facilities using the information provided under section 123B.71, subdivision 9.

new text begin (b) In the case of a proposal for a new school, the local school board retains the authority to determine the minimum acreage needed to accommodate the school and related facilities. The commissioner may evaluate the proposals but must not issue a negative or unfavorable review and comment under this section for a school facility solely based on too little acreage of the proposed school site. new text end

new text begin (c) In the case of a proposal to renovate an existing school, the local school board retains the authority to determine whether to renovate an existing school or to build a new school regardless of the acreage of the current school site or the cost of the renovation relative to the cost of building a new school. The commissioner's evaluation of whether to replace a facility must not be solely based upon the ratio of renovation costs to replacement costs. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for review and comments issued after July 1, 2009. new text end

Sec. 7.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.71, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.


A school district shall consult with the commissioner of education before developing any plans and specifications to construct, remodel, or improve the building or site of an educational facility for which the estimated cost exceeds deleted text begin $250,000deleted text end new text begin $500,000new text end . This consultation shall occur before a referendum for bonds, solicitation for bids, or use of capital expenditure facilities revenue according to section 126C.10, subdivision 14, clause (2). The commissioner may require the district to participate in a management assistance plan before conducting a review and comment on the project.

Sec. 8.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.71, subdivision 8, is amended to read:

Subd. 8.

Review and comment.

A school district, a special education cooperative, or a cooperative unit of government, as defined in section 123A.24, subdivision 2, must not initiate an installment contract for purchase or a lease agreement, hold a referendum for bonds, nor solicit bids for new construction, expansion, or remodeling of an educational facility that requires an expenditure in excess of $500,000 per school site new text begin if it has a capital loan outstanding, or $1,400,000 per school site if it does not have a capital loan outstanding, new text end prior to review and comment by the commissioner. The commissioner may exempt a facility maintenance project funded with general education aid and levy, alternative facilities bonding and levy program, or health and safety revenue from this provision after reviewing a written request from a school district describing the scope of work. A school board shall not separate portions of a single project into components to avoid the requirements of this subdivision.

Sec. 9.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.71, subdivision 9, is amended to read:

Subd. 9.

Information required.

A school board proposing to construct a facility described in subdivision 8 shall submit to the commissioner a proposal containing information including at least the following:

(1) the geographic area and population to be served, preschool through grade 12 student enrollments for the past five years, and student enrollment projections for the next five years;

(2) a list of existing facilities by year constructed, their uses, and an assessment of the extent to which alternate facilities are available within the school district boundaries and in adjacent school districts;

(3) a list of the specific deficiencies of the facility that demonstrate the need for a new or renovated facility to be provided, and a list of the specific benefits that the new or renovated facility will provide to the students, teachers, and community users served by the facility;

(4) the relationship of the project to any priorities established by the school district, educational cooperatives that provide support services, or other public bodies in the service area;

new text begin (5) a description of the pedestrian, bicycle, and transit connections between the school and nearby residential areas that make it easier for children, teachers, and parents to get to the school by walking, bicycling, and taking transit; new text end

deleted text begin (5)deleted text end new text begin (6)new text end a specification of how the project deleted text begin will increase community use of the facilitydeleted text end new text begin maximizes the opportunity for cooperative use of existing park, recreation, and other public facilitiesnew text end and whether and how the project will increase collaboration with other governmental or nonprofit entities;

deleted text begin (6)deleted text end new text begin (7)new text end a description of the project, including the specification of site and outdoor space acreage and square footage allocations for classrooms, laboratories, and support spaces; estimated expenditures for the major portions of the project; and the dates the project will begin and be completed;

deleted text begin (7)deleted text end new text begin (8)new text end a specification of the source of financing the project; the scheduled date for a bond issue or school board action; a schedule of payments, including debt service equalization aid; and the effect of a bond issue on local property taxes by the property class and valuation;

deleted text begin (8)deleted text end new text begin (9)new text end an analysis of how the proposed new or remodeled facility will affect school district operational or administrative staffing costs, and how the district's operating budget will cover any increased operational or administrative staffing costs;

deleted text begin (9)deleted text end new text begin (10)new text end a description of the consultation with local or state deleted text begin road anddeleted text end transportation officials on new text begin multimodal new text end school site access and safety issues, and the ways that the project will address those issues;

deleted text begin (10)deleted text end new text begin (11)new text end a description of how indoor air quality issues have been considered and a certification that the architects and engineers designing the facility will have professional liability insurance;

deleted text begin (11)deleted text end new text begin (12)new text end as required under section 123B.72, for buildings coming into service after July 1, 2002, a certification that the plans and designs for the extensively renovated or new facility's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems will meet or exceed code standards; will provide for the monitoring of outdoor airflow and total airflow of ventilation systems; and will provide an indoor air quality filtration system that meets ASHRAE standard 52.1;

deleted text begin (12)deleted text end new text begin (13)new text end a specification of any desegregation requirements that cannot be met by any other reasonable means;

deleted text begin (13)deleted text end new text begin (14)new text end a specificationdeleted text begin , if applicable,deleted text end of how the facility will utilize environmentally sustainable school facility design concepts; deleted text begin anddeleted text end

deleted text begin (14)deleted text end new text begin (15)new text end a description of how the architects and engineers have considered the American National Standards Institute Acoustical Performance Criteria, Design Requirements and Guidelines for Schools of the maximum background noise level and reverberation timesdeleted text begin .deleted text end new text begin ; andnew text end

new text begin (16) any existing information from the relevant local unit of government about the cumulative costs to provide infrastructure to serve the school, such as utilities, sewer, roads, and sidewalks. new text end

Sec. 10.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.71, subdivision 12, is amended to read:

Subd. 12.


(a) At least 20 days but not more than 60 days before a referendum for bonds or solicitation of bids for a project that has received a positive or unfavorable review and comment under section 123B.70, the school board shall publishnew text begin a summary ofnew text end the commissioner's review and comment of that project in the legal newspaper of the district. Supplementary information shall be available to the public.

(b) The publication requirement in paragraph (a) does not apply to alternative facilities projects approved under section 123B.59. deleted text begin Publication for alternative facilities projects shall be as specified in section 123B.59, subdivisions 3 and 3a.deleted text end

Sec. 11.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 125B.26, is amended to read:


Subdivision 1.

Costs to be submitted.

(a) A district deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin ,new text end charter schoolnew text begin , or intermediate school districtnew text end shall submit its actual telecommunications/Internet access costs for the previous fiscal year, adjusted for any e-rate revenue received, to the department by August 15 of each year as prescribed by the commissioner. Costs eligible for reimbursement under this program are limited to the following:

(1) ongoing or recurring telecommunications/Internet access costs associated with Internet access, data lines, and video links providing:

(i) the equivalent of one data line, video link, or integrated data/video link that relies on a transport medium that operates at a minimum speed of 1.544 megabytes per second (T1) for each elementary school, middle school, or high school under section 120A.05, subdivisions 9, 11, and 13, including the recurring telecommunications line lease costs and ongoing Internet access service fees; or

(ii) the equivalent of one data line or video circuit, or integrated data/video link that relies on a transport medium that operates at a minimum speed of 1.544 megabytes per second (T1) for each district, including recurring telecommunications line lease costs and ongoing Internet access service fees;

(2) recurring costs of contractual or vendor-provided maintenance on the school district's wide area network to the point of presence at the school building up to the router, codec, or other service delivery equipment located at the point of presence termination at the school or school district;

(3) recurring costs of cooperative, shared arrangements for regional delivery of telecommunications/Internet access between school districts, postsecondary institutions, and public libraries including network gateways, peering points, regional network infrastructure, Internet2 access, and network support, maintenance, and coordination; and

(4) service provider installation fees for installation of new telecommunications lines or increased bandwidth.

(b) Costs not eligible for reimbursement under this program include:

(1) recurring costs of school district staff providing network infrastructure support;

(2) recurring costs associated with voice and standard telephone service;

(3) costs associated with purchase of network hardware, telephones, computers, or other peripheral equipment needed to deliver telecommunications access to the school or school district;

(4) costs associated with laying fiber for telecommunications access;

(5) costs associated with wiring school or school district buildings;

(6) costs associated with purchase, installation, or purchase and installation of Internet filtering; and

(7) costs associated with digital content, including online learning or distance learning programming, and information databases.

Subd. 2.


To be eligible for aid under this section, a district deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin ,new text end charter schoolnew text begin , or intermediate school districtnew text end is required to file an e-rate application either separately or through its telecommunications access cluster and have a current technology plan on file with the department. Discounts received on telecommunications expenditures shall be reflected in the costs submitted to the department for aid under this section.

Subd. 3.

Reimbursement criteria.

The commissioner shall develop criteria for approving costs submitted by organized school districts deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ,new text end charter schoolsnew text begin , and intermediate school districtsnew text end under subdivision 1.

Subd. 4.

District aid.

For fiscal year 2006 and later, a district deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin ,new text end charter deleted text begin school'sdeleted text end new text begin school, or intermediate school district'snew text end Internet access equity aid equals the district deleted text begin ordeleted text end new text begin ,new text end charter deleted text begin school'sdeleted text end new text begin school, or intermediate school district'snew text end approved cost for the previous fiscal year according to subdivision 1 exceeding $15 times the district's adjusted marginal cost pupil units for the previous fiscal year or no reduction if the district is part of an organized telecommunications access cluster. Equity aid must be distributed to the telecommunications access cluster for districtsnew text begin , charter schools, or intermediate school districtsnew text end that are members of the cluster or to individual districts deleted text begin anddeleted text end new text begin ,new text end charter schoolsnew text begin , or intermediate school districtsnew text end not part of a telecommunications access cluster.

Subd. 5.

Telecommunications/Internet access services for nonpublic schools.

(a) Districts shall provide each year upon formal request by or on behalf of a nonpublic school, not including home schools, located in that district or area, ongoing or recurring telecommunications access services to the nonpublic school either through existing district providers or through separate providers.

(b) The amount of district aid for telecommunications access services for each nonpublic school under this subdivision equals the lesser of:

(1) 90 percent of the nonpublic school's approved cost for the previous fiscal year according to subdivision 1 exceeding $10 for fiscal year 2006 and later times the number of weighted pupils enrolled at the nonpublic school as of October 1 of the previous school year; or

(2) the product of the district's aid per pupil unit according to subdivision 4 times the number of weighted pupils enrolled at the nonpublic school as of October 1 of the previous school year.

(c) For purposes of this subdivision, nonpublic school pupils shall be weighted by grade level using the weighting factors defined in section 126C.05, subdivision 1.

(d) Each year, a district providing services under paragraph (a) may claim up to five percent of the aid determined in paragraph (b) for costs of administering this subdivision. No district may expend an amount for these telecommunications access services which exceeds the amount allocated under this subdivision. The nonpublic school is responsible for the Internet access costs not covered by this section.

(e) At the request of a nonpublic school, districts may allocate the amount determined in paragraph (b) directly to the nonpublic school to pay for or offset the nonpublic school's costs for telecommunications access services; however, the amount allocated directly to the nonpublic school may not exceed the actual amount of the school's ongoing or recurring telecommunications access costs.

Subd. 6.


If any portion of this section is found by a court to be unconstitutional, the remaining portions of the section shall remain in effect.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 12.

new text begin APPROPRIATIONS. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Department of Education. new text end

new text begin The sums indicated in this section are appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Education for the fiscal years designated. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin Health and safety revenue. new text end

new text begin For health and safety aid according to Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.57, subdivision 5: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 161,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 160,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $10,000 for 2009 and $151,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $16,000 for 2010 and $144,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Debt service equalization. new text end

new text begin For debt service aid according to Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.53, subdivision 6: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 7,948,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 9,275,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $851,000 for 2009 and $7,097,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $788,000 for 2010 and $8,487,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 4. new text end

new text begin Alternative facilities bonding aid. new text end

new text begin For alternative facilities bonding aid, according to Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.59, subdivision 1: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 19,287,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 19,287,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $1,928,000 for 2009 and $17,359,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $1,928,000 for 2010 and $17,359,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 5. new text end

new text begin Equity in telecommunications access. new text end

new text begin For equity in telecommunications access: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 3,750,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 3,750,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin If the appropriation amount is insufficient, the commissioner shall reduce the reimbursement rate in Minnesota Statutes, section 125B.26, subdivisions 4 and 5, and the revenue for fiscal years 2010 and 2011 shall be prorated. new text end

new text begin Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. new text end

new text begin Subd. 6. new text end

new text begin Deferred maintenance aid. new text end

new text begin For deferred maintenance aid, according to Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.591, subdivision 4: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,302,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,073,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $260,000 for 2009 and $2,042,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $226,000 for 2010 and $1,847,000 for 2011. new text end



Section 1.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.10, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Budgets; form of notification.

(a) Every board must publish revenue and expenditure budgets for the current year and the actual revenues, expenditures, fund balances for the prior year and projected fund balances for the current year in a form prescribed by the commissioner within one week of the acceptance of the final audit by the board, or November 30, whichever is earlier. The forms prescribed must be designed so that year to year comparisons of revenue, expenditures and fund balances can be made.

(b) A school board annually must notify the public of its revenue, expenditures, fund balances, and other relevant budget information. The board must include the budget information required by this section in the materials provided as a part of its truth in taxation hearing, post the materials in a conspicuous place on the district's official Web site, including a link to the district's school report card on the Department of Education's Web site, and publishnew text begin a summary ofnew text end the informationnew text begin and the address of the district's official Web site where the information can be foundnew text end in a qualified newspaper of general circulation in the district.

Sec. 2.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.14, subdivision 7, is amended to read:

Subd. 7.

Clerk records.

The clerk shall keep a record of all meetings of the district and the board in books provided by the district for that purpose. The clerk shall, within three days after an election, notify all persons elected of their election. By deleted text begin Augustdeleted text end new text begin September new text end 15 of each year the clerk shall file with the board a report of the revenues, expenditures and balances in each fund for the preceding fiscal year. The report together with vouchers and supporting documents shall subsequently be examined by a public accountant or the state auditor, either of whom shall be paid by the district, as provided in section 123B.77, subdivision 3. The board shall by resolution approve the report or require a further or amended report. By deleted text begin Augustdeleted text end new text begin September new text end 15 of each year, the clerk shall make and transmit to the commissioner certified reports, showing:

(1) deleted text begin The condition and value of school property;deleted text end

deleted text begin (2)deleted text end the revenues and expenditures in detail, and such other financial information required by law, rule, or as may be called for by the commissioner;

deleted text begin (3)deleted text end new text begin (2)new text end the length of school term and the enrollment and attendance by grades; and

deleted text begin (4)deleted text end new text begin (3)new text end such other items of information as may be called for by the commissioner.

The clerk shall enter in the clerk's record book copies of all reports and of the teachers' term reports, as they appear in the registers, and of the proceedings of any meeting as furnished by the clerk pro tem, and keep an itemized account of all the expenses of the district. The clerk shall furnish to the auditor of the proper county, by deleted text begin October 10deleted text end new text begin September 30 new text end of each year, an attested copy of the clerk's record, showing the amount of deleted text begin moneydeleted text end new text begin proposed property tax new text end voted by the district or the board for school purposes; draw and sign all orders upon the treasurer for the payment of money for bills allowed by the board for salaries of officers and for teachers' wages and all claims, to be countersigned by the chair. Such orders must state the consideration, payee, and the fund and the clerk shall take a receipt therefor. Teachers' wages shall have preference in the order in which they become due, and no money applicable for teachers' wages shall be used for any other purpose, nor shall teachers' wages be paid from any fund except that raised or apportioned for that purpose.

Sec. 3.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.79, subdivision 7, is amended to read:

Subd. 7.

Account transfer for deleted text begin certain severance paydeleted text end new text begin designated separation and retirement benefitsnew text end .

A district may new text begin separately new text end maintain in a deleted text begin reserve for certain severance paydeleted text end new text begin designated for separation and retirement benefitnew text end account deleted text begin not more than 50 percent ofdeleted text end the amount necessary to meet the obligations for deleted text begin the portion of severance pay that constitutes compensation for accumulated sick leave to be used for payment of premiums for group insurance provided for former employees by the districtdeleted text end new text begin separation and retirement benefits, including compensated absences, termination benefits, pension benefits, and other postemployment benefits, not accounted for elsewherenew text end . The amount necessary must be calculated according to standards established by the department.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 4.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.81, subdivision 3, is amended to read:

Subd. 3.

Debt verification.

The commissioner shall establish a uniform auditing or other verification procedure for districts to determine whether a statutory operating debt exists in any Minnesota school district deleted text begin as of June 30, 1977. This procedure must identify all interfund transfers made during fiscal year 1977 from a fund included in computing statutory operating debt to a fund not included in computing statutory operating debtdeleted text end . The standards for this uniform auditing or verification procedure must be promulgated by the deleted text begin state board pursuant to chapter 14deleted text end new text begin commissionernew text end . If a district applies to the commissioner for a statutory operating debt verification deleted text begin or if the unaudited financial statement for the school year ending June 30, 1977 reveals that a statutory operating debt might existdeleted text end , the commissioner shall require a verification of the amount of the statutory operating debt which actually does exist.

Sec. 5.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.81, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.

Debt elimination.

If an audit or other verification procedure conducted pursuant to subdivision 3 determines that a statutory operating debt exists, a district must follow the procedures deleted text begin set forthdeleted text end in deleted text begin thisdeleted text end section new text begin 123B.83 new text end to eliminate this statutory operating debt.

Sec. 6.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 123B.81, subdivision 5, is amended to read:

Subd. 5.

Certification of debt.

The commissioner shall certify the amount of statutory operating debt for each district. deleted text begin Prior to June 30, 1979, the commissioner may, on the basis of corrected figures, adjust the total amount of statutory operating debt certified for any district.deleted text end

Sec. 7.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 134.31, subdivision 4a, is amended to read:

Subd. 4a.

Services to deleted text begin the blind and physically handicappeddeleted text end new text begin people with visual and physical disabilitiesnew text end .

The Minnesota Department of Education shall provide specialized services to deleted text begin the blind and physically handicappeddeleted text end new text begin people with visual and physical disabilitiesnew text end through the Minnesota new text begin Braille and Talking Book new text end Library deleted text begin for the Blind and Physically Handicappeddeleted text end under a cooperative plan with the National Library Services for the Blind and Physically Handicapped of the Library of Congress.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 8.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 134.31, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:

new text begin Subd. 7. new text end

new text begin Telephone or electronic meetings. new text end

new text begin (a) Notwithstanding section 13D.01, the Advisory Committee for the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library may conduct a meeting of its members by telephone or other electronic means so long as the following conditions are met: new text end

new text begin (1) all members of the committee participating in the meeting, wherever their physical locations, can hear one another and can hear all discussion and testimony; new text end

new text begin (2) members of the public present at the regular meeting location of the committee can hear all discussion, testimony, and votes of the members of the committee; new text end

new text begin (3) at least one member of the committee is physically present at the regular meeting location; and new text end

new text begin (4) all votes are conducted by roll call, so each member's vote on each issue can be identified and recorded. new text end

new text begin (b) Each member of the committee participating in a meeting by telephone or other electronic means is considered present at the meeting for purposes of determining quorum and participating in all proceedings. new text end

new text begin (c) If telephone or other electronic means is used to conduct a meeting, to the extent practical, the committee shall allow a person to monitor the meeting electronically from a remote location. The committee may require the person making the connection to pay for the documented additional costs that the committee incurs as a result of the additional connection. new text end

new text begin (d) If telephone or other electronic means is used to conduct a regular, special, or emergency meeting, the committee shall provide notice of the regular meeting location, the fact that some members may participate by telephone or other electronic means, and the provisions of paragraph (c). The timing and method of providing notice is governed by section 13D.04. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 9.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 134.34, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Local support levels.

new text begin (a) new text end A regional library basic system support grant shall be made to any regional public library system where there are at least three participating counties and where each participating city and county is providing for public library service support the lesser of (a) an amount equivalent to .82 percent of the new text begin average of the new text end adjusted net tax capacity of the taxable property of that city or county, as determined by the commissioner of revenue for the secondnew text begin , third, and fourthnew text end year preceding that calendar year deleted text begin in 1991 and later yearsdeleted text end or (b) a per capita amount calculated under the provisions of this subdivision. The per capita amount is established for calendar year 1993 as $7.62. In succeeding calendar years, the per capita amount shall be increased by a percentage equal to one-half of the percentage by which the total state adjusted net tax capacity of property as determined by the commissioner of revenue for the second year preceding that calendar year increases over that total adjusted net tax capacity for the third year preceding that calendar year.

new text begin (b) new text end The minimum level of support new text begin specified under this subdivision or subdivision 4 new text end shall be certified annually to the participating cities and counties by the Department of Education. new text begin If a city or county chooses to reduce its local support in accordance with subdivision 4, paragraphs (b) or (c), it shall notify its regional public library system. The regional public library system shall notify the Department of Education that a revised certification is required. The revised minimum level of support shall be certified to the city or county by the Department of Education. new text end

new text begin (c) new text end A city which is a part of a regional public library system shall not be required to provide this level of support if the property of that city is already taxable by the county for the support of that regional public library system. In no event shall the Department of Education require any city or county to provide a higher level of support than the level of support specified in this section in order for a system to qualify for a regional library basic system support grant. This section shall not be construed to prohibit a city or county from providing a higher level of support for public libraries than the level of support specified in this section.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for calendar years 2009 and later, except that the change in paragraph (a) is effective for calendar years 2011 and later. new text end

Sec. 10.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 134.34, subdivision 4, is amended to read:

Subd. 4.


new text begin (a) For calendar year 2010 and later, new text end a regional library basic system support grant shall not be made to a regional public library system for a participating city or county which decreases the dollar amount provided for support for operating purposes of public library service below the amount provided by it for the secondnew text begin , or third new text end preceding yearnew text begin , whichever is lessnew text end . For purposes of this subdivision and subdivision 1, any funds provided under section 473.757, subdivision 2, for extending library hours of operation shall not be considered amounts provided by a city or county for support for operating purposes of public library service. This subdivision shall not apply to participating cities or counties where the adjusted net tax capacity of that city or county has decreased, if the dollar amount of the reduction in support is not greater than the dollar amount by which support would be decreased if the reduction in support were made in direct proportion to the decrease in adjusted net tax capacity.

new text begin (b) For calendar year 2009 and later, in any calendar year in which a city's or county's aid under sections 477A.011 to 477A.014 or credits under section 273.1384 is reduced after the city or county has certified its levy payable in that year, it may reduce its local support by the lesser of: new text end

new text begin (1) ten percent; or new text end

new text begin (2) a percent equal to the ratio of the aid and credit reductions to the city's or county's revenue base, based on aids certified for the current calendar year. For calendar year 2009 only, the reduction under this paragraph shall be based on 2008 aid and credit reductions under the December 2008 unallotment, as well as any aid and credit reductions in calendar year 2009. For pay 2009 only, the commissioner of revenue will calculate the reductions under this paragraph and certify them to the commissioner of education within 15 days of this provision becoming law. new text end

new text begin (c) For taxes payable in 2010 and later, in any payable year in which the total amounts certified for city or county aids under sections 477A.011 to 477A.014 are less than the total amounts paid under those sections in the previous calendar year, a city or county may reduce its local support by the lesser of: new text end

new text begin (1) ten percent; or new text end

new text begin (2) a percent equal to the ratio of: new text end

new text begin (i) the difference between (A) the sum of the aid it was paid under sections 477A.011 to 477A.014 and the credits it received under section 273.1398 in the previous calendar year and (B) the sum of the aid it is certified to be paid in the current calendar year under sections 477A.011 to 477A.014 and the credits estimated to be paid under section 273.1398; to new text end

new text begin (ii) its revenue base for the previous year, based on aids actually paid in the previous calendar year. The commissioner of revenue shall calculate the percent aid cut for each county and city under this paragraph and certify the percentage cuts to the commissioner of education by August 1 of the year prior to the year in which the reduced aids and credits are to be paid. The percentage of reduction related to reductions to credits under section 273.1384, shall be based on the best estimation available as of July 30. new text end

new text begin (d) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), (b), or (c), no city or county shall reduce its support for public libraries below the minimum level specified in subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin (e) For purposes of this subdivision, "revenue base" means the sum of: new text end

new text begin (1) its levy for taxes payable in the current calendar year, including the levy on the fiscal disparities distribution under section 276A.06, subdivision 3, paragraph (a), or 473F.08, subdivision 3, paragraph (a); new text end

new text begin (2) its aid under sections 477A.011 to 477A.014 in the current calendar year; and new text end

new text begin (3) its taconite aid in the current calendar year under sections 298.28 and 298.282. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective for support in calendar year 2009 and thereafter and for library grants paid in fiscal year 2010 and thereafter, except that the changes in paragraph (a) are effective for support in calendar year 2010 and thereafter. new text end

Sec. 11.

Laws 2008, chapter 363, article 2, section 46, subdivision 1, is amended to read:

Subdivision 1.

Capital account transfers.

Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, on June 30deleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ofnew text end 2008,new text begin 2009, and 2010,new text end a school district may transfer money from its reserved for operating capital account to its undesignated balance in the general fund. The amount transferred by any school district must not exceed $51 times the district's adjusted marginal cost pupil units for new text begin the second preceding new text end fiscal year deleted text begin 2007deleted text end . This transfer new text begin annually new text end may occur only after the school board has adopted a written resolution stating the amount of the transfer and declaring that the school district's operating capital needs are being met.

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 12.

new text begin FUND TRANSFERS. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Lac Qui Parle Valley. new text end

new text begin Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 123B.79; 123B.80; and 475.61, subdivision 4, on June 30, 2009, Independent School District No. 2853, Lac qui Parle Valley, may permanently transfer up to $221,000 from its debt redemption fund to its reserved for capital account without making a levy reduction. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin Mankato. new text end

new text begin Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.79, 123B.80, or 475.61, subdivision 4, on June 30, 2009, Independent School District No. 77, Mankato, may permanently transfer up to $250,000 from its debt redemption fund to its undesignated general fund balance without making a levy reduction. new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin Ortonville. new text end

new text begin Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.79, 123B.80, or 475.61, subdivision 4, on June 30, 2009, Independent School District No. 62, Ortonville, may permanently transfer up to $200,000 from its debt redemption fund to its reserved for operating capital account without making a levy reduction. new text end

new text begin Subd. 4. new text end

new text begin St. Anthony-New Brighton. new text end

new text begin Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.79 or 123B.80, on June 30, 2009, Independent School District No. 282, St. Anthony-New Brighton, may permanently transfer up to $400,000 from its reserved for operating capital account to its undesignated general fund balance. new text end

new text begin EFFECTIVE DATE. new text end

new text begin This section is effective the day following final enactment. new text end

Sec. 13.

new text begin APPROPRIATIONS. new text end

new text begin Subdivision 1. new text end

new text begin Department of Education. new text end

new text begin The sums indicated in this section are appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Education for the fiscal years designated. new text end

new text begin Subd. 2. new text end

new text begin School lunch. new text end

new text begin For school lunch aid according to Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.111, and Code of Federal Regulations, title 7, section 210.17: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 12,688,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 13,069,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 3. new text end

new text begin School breakfast. new text end

new text begin For traditional school breakfast aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.1158: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 4,978,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 5,147,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 4. new text end

new text begin Kindergarten milk. new text end

new text begin For kindergarten milk aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.118: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,098,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,120,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 5. new text end

new text begin Summer school service replacement aid. new text end

new text begin For summer food service replacement aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.119: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 150,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 150,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Subd. 6. new text end

new text begin Basic system support. new text end

new text begin For basic system support grants under Minnesota Statutes, section 134.355: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 13,570,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 13,570,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $1,357,000 for 2009 and $12,213,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $1,357,000 for 2010 and $12,213,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 7. new text end

new text begin Multicounty, multitype library systems. new text end

new text begin For grants under Minnesota Statutes, sections 134.353 and 134.354, to multicounty, multitype library systems: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,300,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 1,300,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $130,000 for 2009 and $1,170,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $130,000 for 2010 and $1,170,000 for 2011. new text end

new text begin Subd. 8. new text end

new text begin Electronic library for Minnesota. new text end

new text begin For statewide licenses to online databases selected in cooperation with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education for school media centers, public libraries, state government agency libraries, and public or private college or university libraries: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 900,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 900,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year. new text end

new text begin Subd. 9. new text end

new text begin Regional library telecommunications aid. new text end

new text begin For regional library telecommunications aid under Minnesota Statutes, section 134.355: new text end

new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,300,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2010 new text end
new text begin $ new text end new text begin 2,300,000 new text end new text begin ..... new text end new text begin 2011 new text end

new text begin The 2010 appropriation includes $230,000 for 2009 and $2,070,000 for 2010. new text end

new text begin The 2011 appropriation includes $230,000 for 2010 and $2,070,000 for 2011. new text end



Section 1.

Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 119A.52, is amended to read:


(a) The commissioner of education must distribute money appropriated for that purpose to federally designated Head Start programs to expand services and to serve additional low-income children. Migrant and Indian reservation programs must be initially allocated money based on the programs' share of federal funds. The remaining money must be initially allocated to the remaining local agencies based equally on the agencies' share of federal funds and on the proportion of eligible children in the agencies' service area who are not currently being served. A Head Start program must be funded at a per child rate equal to its contracted, federally funded base level at the start of the fiscal text begin For all agencies without a federal Early Head Start rate, the state average federal cost per child for Early Head Start text end In allocating funds under this paragraph, the commissioner of education must assure that each Head Start program in existence in 1993 is allocated no less funding in any fiscal year than was allocated to that program in fiscal year 1993. Before paying money to the programs, the commissioner must notify each program of its initial allocationdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin andnew text end how the money must be useddeleted text begin , and the number of low-income children to be served with the allocation based upon the federally funded per child ratedeleted text end . Each program must present a plan under section 119A.535. For any program that cannot utilize its full allocation at the beginning of the fiscal year, the commissioner must reduce the allocation proportionately. Money available after the initial allocations are reduced must be redistributed to eligible programs.

(b) The commissioner must develop procedures to make payments to programs based upon the number of children reported to be enrolled during the required time period of program operations. Enrollment is defined by federal Head Start regulations. The procedures must include a reporting schedule, corrective action plan requirements, and financial consequences to be imposed on programs that do not meet full enrollment after the period of corrective action. Programs reporting chronic underenrollment, as defined by the commissioner, will have their subsequent program year allocation reduced proportionately. Funds made available by prorating payments and allocations to programs with reported underenrollment will be made available to the extent funds exist to fully enrolled Head Start programs through a form and manner prescribed by the department.

new text begin (c) Programs with approved innovative initiatives that target services to high-risk populations, including homeless families and families living in homeless shelters and transitional housing, are exempt from the procedures in paragraph (b). This exemption does not apply to entire programs. The exemption applies only to approved innovative initiatives that target services to high-risk populations, including homeless families and families living in homeless shelters, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing. new text end

Sec. 2.