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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Statutes is a compilation of the general and permanent laws of the state. Read more...
Statutes for prior years are also available.

Table of Chapters

List of Statute Chapters by Part
Chapters Title
1 Of the Division of the Territory into Counties, and Their Boundaries
2 Of the Statutes and Legislative Proceedings
3 Of the Legislature
4 Of Territorial Officers
5 Of Elections
6 Of the Manner of Contesting the Election of County, Town, District, and Precinct Officers
7 Of Counties
8 Of County Officers
9 Of Justices of the Peace and Constables
10 Of Resignations, Vacancies, and Removals from Office
11 Of Fences, Fence Viewers
12 Of the Assessment and Collection of Taxes
13 Of County Roads
14 Of Salvage
15 Of the Public Printing
16 Relief and Support of the Poor
17 Of the Formation of Uniform Companies
18 Of the Preservation of the Public Health
19 Of County Medical Societies
20 Of the Sale of Spirituous Liquors
21 To Provide Against the Traffic in Ardent Spirits with the Indians
22 Of the Support of Bastards
23 Of Public Shows and Exhibitions
24 Of the Law of Roads and the Regulations of Public Carriages
25 Of Strays, Lost Money and Goods
26 Of the Disposition of Unclaimed Property
27 Of Marks and Brands and Filing Chattel Mortgages
28 Of the University of Minnesota
29 Of Common Schools
30 Of the Protection of Hedges, Fences, Fruit and Ornamental Trees
31 Of Recording Town Plots
32 Of Weights and Measures
33 Of Seals
34 Of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
35 Of the Interest of Money
36 Of Religious Societies
37 Of Cemetery Associations
38 Of Libraries and Lyceums
39 Of the Incorporation of Plank and Turnpike Road Companies
40 Of Corporations for Manufacturing, Mining, Lumbering, Agricultural, Mechanical and Chemical Purposes
41 Of the Incorporation of Villages
42 General Provisions Relating to Corporations
43 Of the Nature and Qualities of Estates in Real Property, and the Alienation Thereof
44 Of Uses and Trusts
45 Of Powers
46 Of Alienation by Deed, of the Proof and Recording of Conveyances and the Cancelling of Mortgages
47 Of Recording Contracts Relating to Land
48 Of the Appointment of Commissioners to Take the Acknowledgement of Deeds &c., in Other States
49 Of Estates in Dower, by the Curtesy, and General Provisions Concerning Real Estate
50 Of Title to Real Property by Descent
51 Of the Sale of Lands of Minors and Other Persons under Guardianship and Securing the Proceeds to The
52 Of the Sale of Lands for the Payment of Debts by Executors, Administrators and Guardians
53 Of Wills of Real and Personal Estate
54 Of Letters Testamentary, &c.
55 Of the Administration and Distribution of the Estates of Intestates
56 Of the Inventory and Collection of the Effects of Deceased Persons
57 Of the Payment of Debts and Legacies of Deceased Persons
58 Of Rendering Accounts by Executors and Administrators
59 Of the Partition and Destribution of Estates
60 Of Probate Bonds and the Prosecution of Them
61 Of the Conveyance of Real Estate by Executors and Administrators in Certain Cases
62 Of Fraudulent Conveyances and Contracts Relative to Lands
63 Of Fraudulent Conveyances and Contracts Relative to Goods, Chattels and Things in Action
64 General Provisions Relating to Fraudulent Conveyances and Contracts
65 Of Marriage
66 Of Divorce
67 Of Guardians and Wards
68 Of Masters and Apprentices
69 Of Courts of Justice
70 Of Civil Actions
71 Issues, and the Mode of Trial
72 Of the Costs in Civil Actions
73 Of the Fees of Certain Officers and Other Persons, and General Provisions Relative to Fees
74 Actions to Determine Cofticting Claims to Real Property, and Other Provisions to Actions Concerning
75 Actions for the Partition of Real Property
76 Actions Respecting Corporations
77 Of Proceedings Against Corporations in Chancery
78 Actions By Or Against Executors, Administrators, Legatees, Heirs, &c.
79 Actions on Official Securities, and for Fines and Forfeitures
80 Actions to Vacate Charters and Letters Patent, and to Prevent the Usurpation of an Office Or Franchi
81 Of the Removal of Actions to the Supreme Court
82 Of Miscellaneous Proceedings in Civil Actions and General Provisions
83 Of Special Proceedings
84 Confession of Judgment Without Action
85 Of the Foreclosure of Mortgages by Advertisement
86 Of Proceedings for the Collection of Demands Against Boats and Vessels
87 Of Forcible Entries and Unlawful Detainers
88 Of Actions by Persons Holding Claims on United States Land
89 Of the Relief of Insolvent Debtors
90 Of the Relief of Persons Confined in Jail on Civil Process
91 Proceedings Against Garnishees
92 Of the Punishment of Contempts
93 Of Attorneys and Counsellors
94 Of the Court of Chancery
95 Of Evidence
96 Of Arbitrations
97 Of Laborers' and Other Liens
98 Of Crimes and Punishments
99 Of the Rights of Persons Accused of Crimes and Offences
100 Of Offences Against the Lives and Persons of Individuals
101 Of Offences Against Property
102 Of Forgery and Counterfeiting
103 Of Offences Against Public Justice
104 Of Offences Against the Public Peace
105 Of Offences Against Public Policy
106 Of Gaming
107 Of Offences Against Chastity, Morality and Decency
108 Of Offences Against The Public Health.
109 General Provisions Concerning Crimes and Punishments
110 Of Proceedings in Criminal Cases
111 Of Demanding Fugitives from Justice
112 Of Proceedings to Prevent the Commission of Crimes
113 Of Arrests
114 Of Examination of Offenders Commitment for Trial and Taking Bail
115 Of Grand Juries
116 Of the Powers and Duties of the Grand Jury
117 Presentment and Proceedings Thereon
118 Finding and Presentation of an Indictment
119 Of Indictments
120 Arraignment of the Defendant
121 Of Setting Aside the Indictment
122 Of Demurrers
123 Of Pleas
124 Of the Change of Venue in Criminal Cases
125 The Mode of Trial; Issues
126 Of Petit Or Trial Juries
127 Criminal Calendar
128 Of Challenging Jurors, &c.
129 Of Appeals, New Trials, and Exceptions in Criminal Cases
130 Of Judgments in Criminal Cases, and the Execution Thereof
131 Of Pardons
132 Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to Crimes and Punishments, and Proceedings in Criminal Cases
133 Of Prisons, Their Management and Discipline, and of Imprisonment for Offences
134 Of the Assignment of the Judges of the Several Districts
135 Of Printing and Binding Certain Acts with the Revised Statutes
136 Of the Taking Effect and Repeal of Certain Acts
137 Of the Time When the Revised Statutes Shall Go into Operation, and the Repeal of Acts Now in Force