The governor or other appropriate appointing authority shall set the salary rates for positions listed in this section within the salary limits listed in subdivisions 2 to 4. If the appointing authority is not the governor, the appointing authority's action is subject to approval of the Legislative Coordinating Commission and the legislature as provided by subdivision 5 and section 3.855.
The salary for a position listed in this subdivision shall not exceed 133 percent of the salary of the governor. This limit must be adjusted annually on January 1. The new limit must equal the limit for the prior year increased by the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers from October of the second prior year to October of the immediately prior year. The commissioner of management and budget must publish the limit on the department's Web site. This subdivision applies to the following positions:
Commissioner of administration;
Commissioner of agriculture;
Commissioner of education;
Commissioner of commerce;
Commissioner of corrections;
Commissioner of health;
Commissioner, Minnesota Office of Higher Education;
Commissioner, Housing Finance Agency;
Commissioner of human rights;
Commissioner of human services;
Commissioner of labor and industry;
Commissioner of management and budget;
Commissioner of natural resources;
Commissioner, Pollution Control Agency;
Executive director, Public Employees Retirement Association;
Commissioner of public safety;
Commissioner of revenue;
Executive director, State Retirement System;
Executive director, Teachers Retirement Association;
Commissioner of employment and economic development;
Commissioner of transportation; and
Commissioner of veterans affairs.
The salary for a position listed in this subdivision shall not exceed 120 percent of the salary of the governor. This limit must be adjusted annually on January 1. The new limit must equal the limit for the prior year increased by the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers from October of the second prior year to October of the immediately prior year. The commissioner of management and budget must publish the limit on the department's Web site. This subdivision applies to the following positions:
Executive director of Gambling Control Board;
Commissioner, Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board;
Commissioner, Bureau of Mediation Services;
Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities;
Chair, Metropolitan Council;
School trust lands director;
Executive director of pari-mutuel racing; and
Commissioner, Public Utilities Commission.
The salary for a position in this subdivision may not exceed 25 percent of the salary of the governor:
Chair, Metropolitan Airports Commission.
(a) When the governor is the appointing authority, the governor must establish salaries within the salary limits for the positions listed in subdivisions 2 to 4. Before establishing a salary, the governor must consult with the commissioner of management and budget concerning the salary. In establishing the salary, the governor shall consider the criteria established in section 43A.18, subdivision 8, and the performance of individual incumbents. The performance evaluation must include a review of an incumbent's progress toward attainment of affirmative action goals. The governor shall establish an objective system for quantifying knowledge, abilities, duties, responsibilities, and accountabilities, and in determining recommendations rate each position by this system.
(b) An appointing authority other than the governor may submit to the Legislative Coordinating Commission recommendations for salaries within the salary limits for the positions listed in subdivisions 2 to 4.
Before submitting the recommendations, the appointing authority shall consult with the commissioner of management and budget concerning the recommendations.
In making recommendations, the appointing authority shall consider the criteria established in section 43A.18, subdivision 8, and the performance of individual incumbents. The performance evaluation must include a review of an incumbent's progress toward attainment of affirmative action goals. The appointing authority shall establish an objective system for quantifying knowledge, abilities, duties, responsibilities, and accountabilities, and in determining recommendations, rate each position by this system.
Before the appointing authority's recommended salaries take effect, the recommendations must be reviewed and approved, rejected, or modified by the Legislative Coordinating Commission and the legislature under section 3.855, subdivisions 2 and 3.
(c) The governor or other appointing authority may propose additions or deletions of positions from those listed in subdivisions 2 to 4.
(d) The governor or other appointing authority shall set the initial salary of a head of a new agency or a chair of a new metropolitan board or commission whose salary is not specifically prescribed by law after consultation with the commissioner, whose recommendation is advisory only. The amount of the new salary must be comparable to the salary of an agency head or commission chair having similar duties and responsibilities.
(e) The salary of a newly appointed head of an agency or chair of a metropolitan agency listed in subdivisions 2 to 4 who is appointed by someone other than the governor, may be increased or decreased by the appointing authority from the salary previously set for that position within 30 days of the new appointment after consultation with the commissioner. If the appointing authority increases a salary under this paragraph, the appointing authority shall submit the new salary to the Legislative Coordinating Commission and the full legislature for approval, modification, or rejection under section 3.855, subdivisions 2 and 3.
(f) Within 30 days of approving a change in a salary for a position in subdivisions 2 to 4, the governor must inform the Legislative Coordinating Commission of the change in salary and its effective date.
2Sp1997 c 3 s 5; 1998 c 351 s 1; 2000 c 501 s 1,2; 1Sp2001 c 4 art 6 s 6; 1Sp2001 c 10 art 2 s 18,19; 2003 c 130 s 12; 1Sp2003 c 2 art 5 s 1; 1Sp2003 c 4 s 1; 2004 c 206 s 6; 2005 c 55 s 3; 2005 c 56 s 1; 2005 c 107 art 2 s 60; 2008 c 204 s 3,42; 2008 c 363 art 13 s 15,16; 2009 c 101 art 2 s 23,109; 2012 c 249 s 1; 2013 c 99 art 2 s 29; 2013 c 125 art 1 s 8; 2013 c 142 art 6 s 2-5; 2013 c 99 art 2 s 29; 2014 c 151 s 1
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes