12.33 Assistance between political subdivisions.
Subdivision 1. Authority. When the public interest requires it because of an imminent emergency, the governor may authorize and direct the police, firefighting, health, or other force of a political subdivision, called the sending political subdivision, to go to the assistance of another political subdivision, called the receiving political subdivision, and to take and use the personnel, equipment, and supplies of the sending political subdivision as the governor may direct.
Subd. 2. Effect. While engaged in the activities described in subdivision 1, the officers and members of those forces have the same powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities as if they were performing like service in the sending political subdivision and are considered to be acting within the scope of and in the course of their regular employment, as employees of the sending political subdivision.
Subd. 3. Reimbursement by local government receiving assistance. The receiving political subdivision shall reimburse the sending political subdivision for the supplies used and the compensation paid to the officers and members of the forces furnished, during such time as the rendition of aid prevents them from performing their duties in the sending political subdivision, for the actual traveling and maintenance expenses of the officers and members while so engaged. A claim for loss, damage, or expense in using equipment or supplies or for additional expenses incurred in operating or maintaining them must not be allowed unless within 90 days after the loss, damage, or expense is sustained or incurred an itemized notice of it, verified by an officer or employee of the municipality having knowledge of the facts, is filed with the clerk of the receiving political subdivision.
Subd. 4. Reimbursement by state. It is the policy of the state to reimburse the sending political subdivision for loss or damage to equipment used outside of the corporate limits of the sending political subdivision and to reimburse the sending political subdivision for additional expenses incurred in operating and maintaining the equipment outside of its corporate limits. A claim for loss, damage, or expense in using equipment or for additional expenses incurred in operating or maintaining the equipment must not be allowed unless within 90 days after it is sustained or incurred an itemized notice of the claim, verified by an officer or employee of the sending political subdivision having knowledge of the facts, is filed with the state director.
HIST: 1951 c 694 s 303; 1986 c 444; 1996 c 344 s 22; 1999 c 86 art 1 s 5
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes