The resident's rights in section 144G.91, subdivisions 12, 13, and 18, may be restricted for an individual resident only if determined necessary for health and safety reasons identified by the facility through an initial assessment or reassessment under section 144G.70, subdivision 2, and documented in the written service plan under section 144G.70, subdivision 4. Any restrictions of those rights for people served under chapter 256S and section 256B.49 must be documented by the case manager in the resident's coordinated service and support plan (CSSP), as defined in sections 256B.49, subdivision 15, and 256S.10. Nothing in this section affects other laws applicable to or prohibiting restrictions on the resident's rights in section 144G.91, subdivisions 12, 13, and 18.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes