The commissioner of health shall establish a position for a director of child sex trafficking prevention.
The director of child sex trafficking prevention is responsible for the following:
(1) developing and providing comprehensive training on sexual exploitation of youth for social service professionals, medical professionals, public health workers, and criminal justice professionals;
(2) collecting, organizing, maintaining, and disseminating information on sexual exploitation and services across the state, including maintaining a list of resources on the Department of Health Web site;
(3) monitoring and applying for federal funding for antitrafficking efforts that may benefit victims in the state;
(4) managing grant programs established under sections 145.4716 to 145.4718;
(5) identifying best practices in serving sexually exploited youth, as defined in section 260C.007, subdivision 31;
(6) providing oversight of and technical support to regional navigators pursuant to section 145.4717;
(7) conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the statewide program for safe harbor of sexually exploited youth; and
(8) developing a policy consistent with the requirements of chapter 13 for sharing data related to sexually exploited youth, as defined in section 260C.007, subdivision 31, among regional navigators and community-based advocates.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes