The commissioner shall:
(1) have control of the work of carrying on a continuous program of education for business people;
(2) publish, disseminate, and distribute information and statistics;
(3) promote and encourage the expansion and development of markets for Minnesota products;
(4) promote and encourage the location and development of new business in the state as well as the maintenance and expansion of existing business and for that purpose cooperate with state and local agencies and individuals, both within and outside the state;
(5) advertise and disseminate information as to natural resources, desirable locations, and other advantages for the purpose of attracting business to locate in this state;
(6) aid the various communities in this state in attracting business to locate therein;
(7) advise and cooperate with municipal, county, regional, and other planning agencies and planning groups within the state for the purpose of promoting coordination between the state and localities as to plans and development in order to maintain a high level of gainful employment in private profitable production and achieve commensurate advancement in social and cultural welfare; coordinate the activities of statewide and local planning agencies, correlate information secured from them and from state departments and disseminate information and suggestions to the planning agencies; and encourage and assist in the organization and functioning of local planning agencies where none exist; and may provide at the request of any governmental subdivision hereinafter mentioned planning assistance, which includes but is not limited to surveys, land use studies, urban renewal plans, technical services and other planning work to any city or other municipality in the state or perform similar planning work in any county, metropolitan or regional area in the state. The commissioner shall not perform the planning work with respect to a metropolitan or regional area which is under the jurisdiction for planning purposes of a county, metropolitan, regional or joint planning body, except at the request or with the consent of the respective county, metropolitan, regional or joint planning body. The commissioner is authorized to receive and expend money from municipal, county, regional and other planning agencies; and may accept and disburse grants and other aids for planning purposes from the federal government and from other public or private sources, and may utilize moneys so received for the employment of consultants and other temporary personnel to assist in the supervision or performance of planning work supported by money other than state appropriated money, and may enter into contracts with agencies of the federal government, units of local government or combinations thereof, and with private persons that are necessary in the performance of the planning assistance function of the commissioner. The commissioner may assist any local government unit in filling out application forms for the federal grants-in-aid. In furtherance of their planning functions, any city or town, however organized, may expend money and contract with agencies of the federal government, appropriate departments of state government, other local units of government and with private persons; and
(8) adopt measures calculated to promote public interest in and understanding of the problems of planning and, to that end, may publish and distribute copies of any plan or any report and may employ other means of publicity and education that will give full effect to the provisions of sections 116J.58 to 116J.63.
1947 c 587 s 7; 1957 c 842 s 1; 1959 c 598 s 1; 1969 c 1129 art 3 s 2; 1971 c 24 s 41; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1981 c 356 s 208,248; 1983 c 289 s 56; 1984 c 604 s 3; 1986 c 444; 1993 c 163 art 1 s 16
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes