Subdivision 1.
Grounds. In addition to the grounds in section
326B.082, subdivision 11, the
commissioner may by order deny, suspend, limit, place conditions on, or revoke the application or
license of any applicant or licensee or any of its directors, officers, limited or general partners,
controlling shareholders, or affiliates for any of the following grounds:
(a) has violated any of the provisions of sections
327B.01 to
327B.12 or any rule or order
issued by the commissioner or any prior law providing for the licensing of manufactured home
dealers or manufacturers;
(b) has had a previous manufacturer or dealer license revoked in this or any other state;
(c) has engaged in acts or omissions which have been adjudicated or amount to a violation of
any of the provisions of section
325F.67 or
(d) has sold or brokered the sale of a home containing a material violation of sections
327.35 about which the dealer knew or which should have been obvious to a reasonably
prudent dealer;
(e) has failed to make or provide all listings, notices and reports required by the
(f) has failed to pay a civil penalty assessed under subdivision 5 within ten days after the
assessment becomes final;
(g) has failed to pay to the commissioner or other responsible government agency all taxes,
fees and arrearages due;
(h) has failed to duly apply for license renewal;
(i) has violated any applicable manufactured home building or safety code;
(j) has failed or refused to honor any express or implied warranty as provided in section
(k) has failed to continuously occupy a permanent, established place of business licensed
under section
(l) has, without first notifying the commissioner, sold a new and unused manufactured
home other than the make of manufactured home described in a franchise or contract filed with
the application for license or license renewal;
(m) has wrongfully failed to deliver a certificate of title to a person entitled to it;
(n) is insolvent or bankrupt;
(o) holds an impaired or canceled bond;
(p) has failed to notify the commissioner of bankruptcy proceedings within ten days after a
petition in bankruptcy has been filed by or against the dealer or manufacturer;
(q) has, within the previous ten years, been convicted of a crime that either related directly to
the business of the dealer or manufacturer or involved fraud, misrepresentation or misuse of funds;
(r) has suffered a judgment within the previous five years in a civil action involving fraud,
misrepresentation or misuse of funds; or
(s) has failed to reasonably supervise any employee or agent of the dealer or manufacturer,
resulting in injury or harm to the public.
The commissioner may establish rules pursuant to section
327B.10 further specifying,
defining or establishing standards of conduct for manufactured home dealers and manufacturers.
Subd. 2.[Repealed,
2007 c 140 art 13 s 3]
Subd. 3.[Repealed,
2007 c 140 art 13 s 3]
Subd. 4.[Repealed,
2007 c 140 art 13 s 3]
Subd. 5.[Repealed,
2007 c 140 art 13 s 3]
Subd. 6.[Repealed,
2007 c 140 art 13 s 3]
History: 1982 c 526 art 1 s 5; 1983 c 142 s 4,6; 1983 c 216 art 1 s 55; 1983 c 247 s 133;
1986 c 444; 2007 c 140 art 4 s 58