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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Chapter 16E

Section 16E.03

Recent History

    Subdivision 1. Definitions. For the purposes of chapter 16E, the following terms have
the meanings given them.
(a) "Information and telecommunications technology systems and services" means all
computing and telecommunications hardware and software, the activities undertaken to secure that
hardware and software, and the activities undertaken to acquire, transport, process, analyze, store,
and disseminate information electronically. "Information and telecommunications technology
systems and services" includes all proposed expenditures for computing and telecommunications
hardware and software, security for that hardware and software, and related consulting or other
professional services.
(b) "Information and telecommunications technology project" means an effort to acquire or
produce information and telecommunications technology systems and services.
(c) "Telecommunications" means voice, video, and data electronic transmissions transported
by wire, wireless, fiber-optic, radio, or other available transport technology.
(d) "Cyber security" means the protection of data and systems in networks connected
to the Internet.
(e) "State agency" means an agency in the executive branch of state government and includes
the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, but does not include the Minnesota State Colleges and
Universities unless specifically provided elsewhere in this chapter.
    Subd. 2. Chief information officer's responsibility. The chief information officer shall
coordinate the state's information and telecommunications technology systems and services to
serve the needs of the state government. The chief information officer shall:
(1) design a master plan for information and telecommunications technology systems and
services in the state and its political subdivisions and shall report on the plan to the governor and
legislature at the beginning of each regular session;
(2) coordinate, review, and approve all information and telecommunications technology
projects and oversee the state's information and telecommunications technology systems and
(3) establish and enforce compliance with standards for information and telecommunications
technology systems and services that are cost-effective and support open systems environments
and that are compatible with state, national, and international standards;
(4) maintain a library of systems and programs developed by the state and its political
subdivisions for use by agencies of government;
(5) direct and manage the shared operations of the state's information and telecommunications
technology systems and services; and
(6) establish and enforce standards and ensure acquisition of hardware and software
necessary to protect data and systems in state agency networks connected to the Internet.
    Subd. 3. Evaluation and approval. A state agency may not undertake an information and
telecommunications technology project until it has been evaluated according to the procedures
developed under subdivision 4. The chief information officer shall give written approval of
the proposed project. When notified by the chief information officer that a project has not
been approved, the commissioner of finance shall cancel the unencumbered balance of any
appropriation allotted for the project.
    Subd. 4. Evaluation procedure. The chief information officer shall establish and, as
necessary, update and modify procedures to evaluate information and communications projects
proposed by state agencies. The evaluation procedure must assess the necessity, design and plan
for development, ability to meet user requirements, feasibility, and flexibility of the proposed data
processing device or system, its relationship to other state data processing devices or systems, and
its costs and benefits when considered by itself and when compared with other options.
    Subd. 5. Report to legislature. The chief information officer shall submit to the legislature,
at the same time as the governor's budget required by section 16A.11, a concise narrative
explanation of any information and communication technology project that involves collaboration
between state agencies and an explanation of how the budget requests of the several agencies
collaborating on the project relate to each other.
    Subd. 6. System development methods. The chief information officer shall establish and, as
necessary, update and modify methods for developing information and communications systems
appropriate to the specific needs of individual state agencies. The development methods shall
be used to define the design, programming, and implementation of systems. The development
methods must also enable and require a data processing system to be defined in terms of
its computer programs, input requirements, output formats, administrative procedures, and
processing frequencies.
    Subd. 7. Cyber security systems. In consultation with the attorney general and appropriate
agency heads, the chief information officer shall develop cyber security policies, guidelines, and
standards, and shall install and administer state data security systems on the state's computer
facilities consistent with these policies, guidelines, standards, and state law to ensure the
integrity of computer-based and other data and to ensure applicable limitations on access to
data, consistent with the public's right to know as defined in chapter 13. The chief information
officer is responsible for overall security of state agency networks connected to the Internet. Each
department or agency head is responsible for the security of the department's or agency's data
within the guidelines of established enterprise policy.
    Subd. 8. Joint actions. The chief information officer may join with the federal government,
other states, local governments, and organizations representing those groups either jointly or
severally in the development and implementation of systems analysis, information services, and
computerization projects.
History: 1997 c 202 art 3 s 9; 1997 c 212 s 3,4; 1998 c 359 s 15; 1998 c 366 s 42-45; 1999 c
250 art 1 s 114; 2005 c 107 art 2 s 60; 2005 c 156 art 5 s 9-12,23

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes