Subdivision 1.
Definition. As used in this section, "restricted video game" means a video
game rated AO or M by the Entertainment Software Rating Board.
Subd. 2.
Prohibited acts; penalty. A person under the age of 17 may not knowingly rent
or purchase a restricted video game. A person who violates this subdivision is subject to a civil
penalty of not more than $25.
Subd. 3.
Posted sign required. A person or entity engaged in the retail business of selling
or renting video games from a location or structure with access to the public shall post a sign in
a location that is clearly visible to consumers. The sign must display the following language in
30-point font or larger: "A person under the age of 17 is prohibited from renting or purchasing a
video game rated AO or M. Violators may be subject to a $25 penalty."
History: 2006 c 246 s 1