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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.



The ambient water quality standards in subparts 2 to 6 are class 2 standards for the protection of aquatic life, human health, and wildlife from the GLI pollutants. The numeric standard for a GLI pollutant includes the CS, MS, and FAV. Some pollutants do not have an MS or an FAV because of insufficient data. For these pollutants, the CS is the numeric standard. Additional standards applicable to the surface waters of the state in the Lake Superior basin are found in chapter 7050, including standards applicable to drinking water sources, which are listed in parts 7050.0220 and 7050.0221.


Some of the GLI pollutants listed in subparts 2 to 6 have both aquatic life and human health standards and four of the GLI pollutants have wildlife standards, as provided in tables 1 to 4 of the GLI Guidance. These standards are listed in subparts 2 to 6 to facilitate implementation of the standards under parts 7052.0200, subpart 3, and 7052.0210, subpart 1. The most stringent chronic aquatic life, human health, or wildlife standard listed is the applicable standard except when a less stringent chronic or maximum standard applies when setting an effluent limitation under part 7052.0200, subpart 3. For any aquatic life, human health, or wildlife chronic standard, a blank space in subparts 2 to 5 means no GLI standard is available and the most stringent listed chronic standard is applicable. For the aquatic life MS and FAV, blank spaces mean the GLI guidance lists no MS or FAV, and part 7050.0222 may contain an applicable MS or FAV.


The definitions and methods for human health-based chronic standards and site-specific chronic criteria in parts 7050.0217 to 7050.0219 are incorporated by reference and are further described in part 7052.0110, subpart 4.


The class 2A human health-based chronic standards listed in chapter 7050 are incorporated by reference as modified by the procedures in part 7052.0110, subpart 3.


The Escherichia (E.) coli water quality standards in Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 131.41, table (c)(1), that apply to coastal recreation waters are incorporated by reference as:


E. coli bacteria must not exceed 126 organisms per 100 milliliters, as a geometric mean of not less than five samples representative of conditions during any calendar month; or


E. coli bacteria must not exceed 235 organisms per 100 milliliters in more than ten percent of all the individual samples taken during any calendar month.

The E. coli standard under this item applies only between April 1 and October 31.


Standards for metals are expressed as total metal but must be implemented as dissolved metal standards. Conversion factors for converting total to dissolved metal standards are listed in part 7052.0360, and applied under part 7052.0200, subpart 4. The conversion factor for metals not listed in part 7052.0360 is one. Standards for GLI pollutants followed by (TH) or (pH) vary with total hardness or pH. The formulas for these standards are found in subpart 6.


The CS and MS are averaged over the following durations:


the MS is a one-day average;


the CS, based on toxicity to aquatic life, is a four-day average; and


the CS applied in water, based on human health or wildlife toxicity, is a 30-day average.

Subp. 2.

Water quality standards applicable to Lake Superior; class 2A.

Substance Units Aquatic Life Chronic Standard Aquatic Life Maximum Standard Aquatic Life Final Acute Value Human Health Chronic Standard Wildlife Chronic Standard Applicable Chronic Standard
Arsenic, total ug/l 148 340 680 2† 2
Benzene ug/l 10 10
Cadmium, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Chlordane pg/l 40 40
Chlorobenzene ug/l 10† 423† 846† 278 10
Chromium III, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Chromium VI, total ug/l 11 16 32 11
Copper, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Cyanide, free ug/l 5.2 22 44 596 5.2
DDT pg/l 25 11 11
Dieldrin pg/l 56000 240000 480000 1.2 1.2
2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/l 21 137 274 368 21
2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/l 71 379 758 53 53
Endrin ug/l 0.036 0.086 0.17 0.0039† 0.0039
Hexachlorobenzene pg/l 74 74
Hexachloroethane ug/l 1.0 1.0
Lindane ug/l 0.95 1.9 0.08 0.08
Mercury, total ug/l 0.91 1.7 3.4 0.00153 0.0013 0.0013
Methylene Chloride ug/l 46 46
Nickel, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Parathion ug/l 0.013 0.065 0.13 0.013
PCBs (class) pg/l 4.5 122 4.5
Pentachlorophenol (pH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 0.93† 0.93
Selenium, total ug/l 5.0 20† 40† 5.0
2,3,7,8-TCDD pg/l 0.0014 0.0031 0.0014
Toluene ug/l 253† 1352† 2703† 3725 253
Toxaphene pg/l 11 11
Trichloroethylene ug/l 22 22
Zinc, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6

†this standard or FAV was derived under chapter 7050.

Subp. 3.

Water quality standards applicable to class 2A waters other than Lake Superior.

Substance Units Aquatic Life Chronic Standard Aquatic Life Maximum Standard Aquatic Life Final Acute Value Human Health Chronic Standard Wildlife Chronic Standard Applicable Chronic Standard
Arsenic, total ug/l 148 340 680 2† 2
Benzene ug/l 11 11
Cadmium, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Chlordane pg/l 56 56
Chlorobenzene ug/l 10† 423† 846† 324 10
Chromium III, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Chromium VI, total ug/l 11 16 32 11
Copper, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Cyanide, free ug/l 5.2 22 44 596 5.2
DDT pg/l 35 11 11
Dieldrin pg/l 56000 240000 480000 1.6 1.6
2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/l 21 137 274 391 21
2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/l 71 379 758 53 53
Endrin ug/l 0.036 0.086 0.17 0.0039† 0.0039
Hexachlorobenzene pg/l 105 105
Hexachloroethane ug/l 1.5 1.5
Lindane ug/l 0.95 1.9 0.11 0.11
Mercury, total ug/l 0.91 1.7 3.4 0.00153 0.0013 0.0013
Methylene Chloride ug/l 46 46
Nickel, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Parathion ug/l 0.013 0.065 0.13 0.013
PCBs (class) pg/l 6.3 122 6.3
Pentachlorophenol (pH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 0.93† 0.93
Selenium, total ug/l 5.0 20† 40† 5.0
2,3,7,8-TCDD pg/l 0.0020 0.0031 0.0020
Toluene ug/l 253† 1352† 2703† 4214 253
Toxaphene pg/l 15 15
Trichloroethylene ug/l 24 24
Zinc, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6

†this standard or FAV was derived under chapter 7050.

Subp. 4.

Water quality standards applicable to class 2Bd waters.

Substance Units Aquatic Life Chronic Standard Aquatic Life Maximum Standard Aquatic Life Final Acute Value Human Health Chronic Standard Wildlife Chronic Standard Applicable Chronic Standard
Arsenic, total ug/l 148 340 680 2† 2
Benzene ug/l 12 12
Cadmium, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Chlordane pg/l 225 225
Chlorobenzene ug/l 10† 423† 846† 461 10
Chromium III, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Chromium VI, total ug/l 11 16 32 11
Copper, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Cyanide, free ug/l 5.2 22 44 596 5.2
DDT pg/l 142 11 11
Dieldrin pg/l 56000 240000 480000 6.5 6.5
2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/l 21 137 274 441 21
2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/l 71 379 758 55 55
Endrin ug/l 0.036 0.086 0.17 0.016† 0.016
Hexachlorobenzene pg/l 418 418
Hexachloroethane ug/l 5.0 5.0
Lindane ug/l 0.95 1.9 0.43 0.43
Mercury, total ug/l 0.91 1.7 3.4 0.00153 0.0013 0.0013
Methylene Chloride ug/l 47 47
Nickel, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Parathion ug/l 0.013 0.065 0.13 0.013
PCBs (class) pg/l 25.2 122 25.2
Pentachlorophenol (pH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 1.9† 1.9
Selenium, total ug/l 5.0 20† 40† 5.0
2,3,7,8-TCDD pg/l 0.0080 0.0031 0.0031
Toluene ug/l 253† 1352† 2703† 5517 253
Toxaphene pg/l 62 62
Trichloroethylene ug/l 29 29
Zinc, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6

†this standard or FAV was derived under chapter 7050.

Subp. 5.

Water quality standards applicable to class 2B and 2D waters.

Substance Units Aquatic Life Chronic Standard Aquatic Life Maximum Standard Aquatic Life Final Acute Value Human Health Chronic Standard Wildlife Chronic Standard Applicable Chronic Standard
Arsenic, total ug/l 148 340 680 53† 53
Benzene ug/l 114† 4487† 8974† 237 114
Cadmium, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Chlordane pg/l 225 225
Chlorobenzene ug/l 10† 423† 846† 2916 10
Chromium III, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Chromium VI, total ug/l 11 16 32 11
Copper, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Cyanide, free ug/l 5.2 22 44 30240 5.2
DDT pg/l 142 11 11
Dieldrin pg/l 56000 240000 480000 6.5 6.5
2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/l 21 137 274 7182 21
2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/l 71 379 758 1982 71
Endrin ug/l 0.036 0.086 0.17 0.016† 0.016
Hexachlorobenzene pg/l 419 419
Hexachloroethane ug/l 6.2 6.2
Lindane ug/l 0.95 1.9 0.46 0.46
Mercury, total ug/l 0.91 1.7 3.4 0.00153 0.0013 0.0013
Methylene Chloride ug/l 1561† 9600† 19200† 1994 1561
Nickel, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6
Parathion ug/l 0.013 0.065 0.13 .013
PCBs (class) pg/l 25.2 122 25.2
Pentachlorophenol (pH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 5.5† subp 6
Selenium, total ug/l 5.0 20† 40† 5.0
2,3,7,8-TCDD pg/l 0.0080 0.0031 0.0031
Toluene ug/l 253† 1352† 2703† 45679 253
Toxaphene pg/l 62 62
Trichloroethylene ug/l 330 330
Zinc, total (TH) ug/l subp 6 subp 6 subp 6 subp 6

†this standard or FAV was derived under chapter 7050.

Subp. 6.

Water quality standards that vary with water quality characteristics.


Class 2 standards that vary with total hardness (TH) applicable to all surface waters of the state in the Lake Superior basin are listed in this subpart. Total hardness is the sum of the calcium and magnesium concentrations expressed as calcium carbonate in mg/l. For ambient or effluent total hardness values greater than 400 mg/l, 400 mg/l must be used in the calculation of the standard. Exp. is the base e exponential function.

Example standards at hardness of:
Cadmium, total Formula, results in ug/l 50 100 200 300 400
Chronic standard exp.(0.7852[ln (TH mg/l)]-2.715) 1.4 2.5 4.2 5.8 7.3
Maximum standard exp.(1.128[ln (TH mg/l)]-3.6867) 2.1 4.5 9.9 16 22
Final acute value exp.(1.128[ln (TH mg/l)]-2.9935) 4.1 9.0 20 31 43
Example standards at hardness of:
Chromium III, total Formula, results in ug/l 50 100 200 300 400
Chronic standard exp.(0.819[ln (TH mg/l)]+0.6848) 49 86 152 212 268
Maximum standard exp.(0.819[ln (TH mg/l)]+3.7256) 1022 1803 3181 4434 5612
Final acute value exp.(0.819[ln (TH mg/l)]+4.4187) 2044 3606 6362 8867 11223
Example standards at hardness of:
Copper, total Formula, results in ug/l 50 100 200 300 400
Chronic standard exp.(0.8545[ln (TH mg/l)]-1.702) 5.2 9.3 17 24 30
Maximum standard exp.(0.9422[ln (TH mg/l)]-1.700) 7.3 14 27 39 52
Final acute value exp.(0.9422[ln (TH mg/l)]-1.0069) 15 28 54 79 103
Example standards at hardness of:
Nickel, total Formula, results in ug/l 50 100 200 300 400
Chronic standard exp.(0.846[ln (TH mg/l)]+0.0584) 29 52 94 132 169
Maximum standard exp.(0.846[ln (TH mg/l)]+2.255) 261 469 843 1188 1516
Final acute value exp.(0.846[ln (TH mg/l)]+2.9481) 522 938 1687 2377 3032
Example standards at hardness of:
Zinc, total Formula, results in ug/l 50 100 200 300 400
Chronic standard exp.(0.8473[ln (TH mg/l)]+0.884) 67 120 216 304 388
Maximum standard exp.(0.8473[ln (TH mg/l)]+0.884) 67 120 216 304 388
Final acute value exp.(0.8473[ln (TH mg/l)]+1.5772) 133 240 431 608 776


Standards that vary with pH applicable to Lake Superior, other class 2A and 2Bd waters in the Lake Superior basin are listed in this subpart. Exp. is the base e exponential function.

Example standards at pH of:
Pentachlorophenol Formula, results in ug/l 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5
Maximum standard exp.(1.005[pH]-4.869) 5.3 8.7 14 24 39
Final acute value exp.(1.005[pH]-4.175) 11 17 29 48 79


Standards that vary with pH applicable to class 2B and 2D waters in the Lake Superior basin are listed in this subpart. Exp. is the base e exponential function.

Example standards at pH of:
Pentachlorophenol Formula, results in ug/l 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5
Chronic standard exp.(1.005[pH]-5.134) not to exceed 5.5 ug/l 4.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Maximum standard exp.(1.005[pH]-4.869) 5.3 8.7 14 24 39
Final acute value exp.(1.005[pH]-4.175) 11 17 29 48 79

Statutory Authority:

MS s 115.03; 115.44


22 SR 1466; 39 SR 1344; 42 SR 441

Published Electronically:

November 20, 2017

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes