The commissioner may require persons to report animals taken within wildlife management areas and submit them for inspection.
Unprotected wild animals may not be taken within wildlife management areas from March 1 to August 31, except by a person lawfully hunting a protected species. Nuisance animals in wildlife management areas may be controlled under permits issued by a wildlife manager.
Wildlife management areas may be used for wildlife observation, sport fishing, hiking, snowshoeing, and other resource-related uses if the uses are not inconsistent with parts 6230.0250 to 6230.0270. Exceptions to this part for specific wildlife management areas are provided by parts 6230.0100 and 6230.0200.
A person may not enter a portion of a wildlife management area posted closed to trespass, except as posted or as otherwise authorized by an agent of the commissioner. Wildlife management areas may not be entered or used during closed hours posted at the major access points, except by permit.
Taking minnows, leeches, and other live bait for noncommercial use is allowed. Harvest of live bait for commercial purposes within a wildlife management area is allowed only under permit issued by the wildlife manager.
A person may not camp on or remain in a vehicle overnight in any wildlife management area, except by permit or where posted for this use by the commissioner. A person may not leave a vehicle, trailer, or tent overnight within a wildlife management area, except by permit or in areas and at times designated by signs for overnight use. A vehicle, trailer, or tent lawfully left overnight must be occupied or attended.
A person may not consume alcoholic beverages within a wildlife management area, except when lawfully occupying an overnight use area.
Motorboat use is prohibited within a wildlife management area, except where posted or as provided in this subpart. For purposes of this chapter, "motorboat" includes motorboats as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 86B.005, subdivision 9, and duckboats with motors attached.
Gores Wildlife Management Area in Dakota and Goodhue Counties: motorboats may be used with no limit on size.
Lac qui Parle Wildlife Management Area in Big Stone, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, and Swift Counties: motorboats may be used with no limit on size.
Mud-Goose Wildlife Management Area in Cass County: motorboats of ten horsepower or less may be used, except during any waterfowl season.
Orwell Wildlife Management Area in Otter Tail County: motorboats of ten horsepower or less may be used.
Roseau River Wildlife Management Area in Roseau County: motorboats may be used in the main channel and oxbows of the Roseau River. Motorboats of ten horsepower or less may be used elsewhere within the area only during a waterfowl season.
Talcot Lake Wildlife Management Area in Cottonwood and Murray Counties: motorboats may be used on Talcot Lake, except watercraft are not permitted on the north one-half of Talcot Lake during any waterfowl season. Only nonmotorized watercraft are permitted on the river and marshes within the areas open to public hunting.
Thief Lake Wildlife Management Area in Marshall County: motorboats of ten horsepower or less may be used.
Walnut Lake Wildlife Management Area in Faribault County: motorboats of ten horsepower or less may be used in that portion of the area known as South Walnut Lake.
Gold Portage Wildlife Management Area in Koochiching and St. Louis Counties: motorboats may be used with no limit on size.
Swamp River Wildlife Management Area in Cook County: motorboats may be used with no limit on size.
Chub Lake Wildlife Management Area in Dakota County: motorboats may be used with no limit on size.
Spring Lake Islands Wildlife Management Area in Dakota County: motorboats may be used with no limit on size.
A person may not operate an all-terrain vehicle, hang glider, air boat, hover craft, or personal watercraft defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 86B.005, within the boundaries of a wildlife management area. Exceptions for all-terrain vehicle use include:
A person may not operate a snowmobile in a wildlife management area in that part of the state lying south and west of the line described in this item, except as provided in part 6232.0300, subpart 7, by permit from the area wildlife manager, as provided in item C, or as otherwise posted:
U.S. Highway 2 from East Grand Forks east to Bemidji; thence south along U.S. Highway 71 to Wadena; thence east along U.S. Highway 10 to Staples and U.S. Highway 210 to Carlton; thence east in a straight line to the easterly boundary of the state.
A person may use a motor vehicle, for ice fishing purposes only, on the following lakes, except where posted closed to motor vehicles:
Marsh Lake and Lac qui Parle Lake in the Lac qui Parle Wildlife Management Area, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Swift, and Chippewa Counties;
A vehicle may not be parked in a wildlife management area in front of a gate or in a manner that obstructs travel.
Motor vehicles licensed for use on a public highway may be operated up to 20 miles per hour within the following wildlife management areas, unless posted otherwise:
Lac qui Parle Wildlife Management Area in Big Stone, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, and Swift Counties; and
Whitewater Wildlife Management Area in Olmsted, Wabasha, and Winona Counties.
Vehicles may be operated only on established roads and may not be driven beyond signs prohibiting vehicular use, beyond any constructed vehicle barrier, or in a reckless or careless manner.
Motor vehicles licensed for use on a public highway are prohibited within all other wildlife management areas, except that they may be operated up to 20 miles per hour on those routes designated by signs for travel purposes.
Aircraft activities that chase, herd, scare, or otherwise disturb wildlife are prohibited over wildlife management areas, except in emergencies or by authorization of the wildlife manager.
Target, trap, skeet, or indiscriminate shooting is prohibited within a wildlife management area except as authorized by the commissioner. A person may not possess an uncased or loaded firearm or an uncased and strung bow, except when lawfully taking a wild animal or by permit from the area wildlife manager. Discharge of firearms or bows and arrows or possession of uncased firearms or bows is prohibited in areas posted closed to discharge or possession of firearms and bows. A person training a dog on a wildlife management area may not use live ammunition or blank cartridges, including the use of blanks in dummy launchers or similar devices designed to use an explosive charge to propel a retrieving dummy or similar object.
A person may not construct or maintain a building, dock, fence, billboard, sign, or other structure within a wildlife management area. Temporary waterfowl blinds may be erected but may not be used to preempt a hunting location. Materials brought into the area for the construction of blinds must be removed from the area each day at the close of shooting hours.
It is unlawful to construct, occupy, or use any elevated scaffold or stand to watch for or take wild animals in a wildlife management area, except that portable stands may be used if they are removed each day at the close of shooting hours and do no permanent damage. Spikes or nails driven into trees are prohibited but screwing or clamping devices are allowed if removed each day at the close of shooting hours.
A person may not conduct any commercial operation, solicit business, farm, or keep bees within a wildlife management area, except as provided in subpart 6 or by contract, lease, permit, or written agreement with the department.
Disorderly conduct, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 609.72, is prohibited within a wildlife management area.
The disposal or abandonment of garbage, trash, spoil, sludge, rocks, vehicles, carcasses, or other debris and the abandonment or storage of property within a wildlife management area is prohibited. Boats, decoys, or other property may not be left unattended overnight, except as follows:
A person may not destroy, disturb, or remove any plants, trees, or other vegetative material, or signs, posts, fences, gates, buildings, or other property in a wildlife management area, except that wetland vegetation may be used to build blinds and edible fruits or seeds and decorative portions of plants may be removed for personal use. A person may not destroy or remove threatened or endangered plants or animals as defined in chapter 6134.
A person may not release, place, or transplant in a wildlife management area any plant or animal life within a wildlife management area that did not originate within the area, unless approved by the wildlife manager.
A person may not permit or allow livestock, horses, or other domestic animals within a wildlife management area, except:
dogs accompanied by or under the control of the owner, except from April 16 through July 14 when dogs must be on a leash; or
under a cooperative agreement or permit approved by the wildlife manager. Field trials are prohibited, except by permit from the wildlife manager.
This part does not apply to persons lawfully engaged in the performance of their duties in the management and administration of wildlife management areas, including agents of the commissioner, persons operating under permit or contract with the department, and law enforcement officers. Subparts 5 and 8 do not apply to resident managers or their guests while at their residences.
18 SR 83; 19 SR 2222; 20 SR 2287; 24 SR 644; 30 SR 613; 36 SR 1155; 39 SR 1006; 48 SR 697
July 25, 2024
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes