Lead inspection reports, lead hazard screen reports, lead risk assessment reports, and clearance inspection reports must contain the following information for the affected property:
the date that the lead inspection, lead hazard screen, lead risk assessment, or clearance inspection was performed;
the name, signature, and license number, if applicable, of each lead inspector, lead risk assessor, or lead sampling technician who conducted the lead inspection, lead hazard screen, lead risk assessment, or clearance inspection;
if applicable, the name, address, telephone number, and certification number of the certified lead firm, agency, or company employing each lead inspector, lead risk assessor, or lead sampling technician;
a statement of the presence and location of any visible or assumed lead-contaminated dust and debris;
the testing methods and devices or sampling procedures employed for analyses of lead content, including quality control data and the brand, model, and serial number of the x-ray fluorescence analyzer, if used;
identify and specify the locations of each building component, dust, bare soil, and any other material tested for or assumed to contain lead in amounts equal to or greater than the amounts specified in part 4761.2510, subparts 1, 2, and 3;
the name, address, telephone number, and EPA identification number of each laboratory that conducted lead sample analyses;
the results of any other inspections or analyses that were used to determine the presence of lead hazards in the affected property and a description of the methods used; and
a statement that requires that the actual report or a summary of the report be provided to new purchasers and lessees or tenants as required in Code of Federal Regulations, title 24, section 35.88, and title 40, section 745.107.
In addition to the information required under subpart 1, lead risk assessment reports must also contain:
a description of interim controls or abatement options for each actual or potential lead hazard with recommendations for prioritizing reduction of each lead hazard; and
a recommended schedule for maintenance and monitoring if using an encapsulant or enclosure. If the manufacturer of the encapsulant or enclosure provides a recommended schedule for maintenance and monitoring, a copy must be included with the report.
A lead supervisor or lead project designer, or a property owner who will personally perform lead hazard reduction in or on the owner's property, must prepare a written report for each lead hazard reduction project that includes:
the name, address, telephone number, and Minnesota certification number of the certified lead firm that participated in the lead hazard reduction project, if applicable;
the name of each lead supervisor assigned to the project or the name of the property owner, or adult relative, who performed lead hazard reduction in or on the owner's property;
the reasons for selecting particular lead hazard reduction methods for each building component;
the date and the signature of the lead supervisor, lead project designer, or property owner who completed the report; and
a photocopy of the lead license if a licensed lead supervisor or project designer completed the report.
Reports required under this part must be retained for three years by the person completing the report.
The person must notify the commissioner in writing before ceasing operations. The notice must indicate where the reports will be maintained for the required retention time.
MS s 144.9508
29 SR 531
November 29, 2004
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes