Prior to August 1, 1990, a municipality may issue and sell, at public or private sale, negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness, as provided in this section and lend the proceeds to nonprofit hospitals in anticipation of revenues or state and federal aids payable to the hospitals within one year after the date of issue of the notes or certificates of indebtedness. The principal amount of the notes or certificates shall not exceed 75 percent of the accounts receivable and third-party reimbursement payments payable to the hospital as of a date within 45 days of the date of issuance. While notes or certificates issued under this section on behalf of a hospital are outstanding, additional notes or certificates shall not be issued unless, for the period of 30 consecutive days immediately preceding the date of issuance, the amount of outstanding notes and certificates was less than six percent of the hospital's gross revenues for the preceding fiscal year.
The municipality need not comply with the procedures set forth in sections 469.152 to 469.165 in the issuance of notes or certificates of indebtedness pursuant to this section, but the municipality shall comply with sections 469.152 to 469.165 at the time of issuance of the refunding obligations if long-term obligations are issued to refund notes or certificates of indebtedness issued pursuant to this section.
No notes or certificates of indebtedness shall be issued pursuant to this section unless the municipality has entered into a revenue agreement with a qualifying hospital providing for payment by the hospital of all principal of and interest on the notes or certificates of indebtedness when they become due and payable, together with any expenses and fees of the municipality incurred in connection with the notes or their issuance. Notes and certificates of indebtedness issued under authority of this section do not, and shall state that they do not, represent or constitute a debt or pledge of the faith and credit of the municipality or the state of Minnesota, or grant to their owners or holders any right to have the municipality or state levy any taxes or appropriate any funds for the payment of their principal or interest on them. The notes or certificates are payable and shall state that they are payable solely from the revenues and other property, income, accounts, charges, and money that are pledged for their payment in accordance with the proceedings authorizing their issuance.
The municipality may authorize and effect the borrowing and issue the notes or certificates of indebtedness authorized by this section upon passage of a resolution specifying the amount and purposes of the borrowing. The municipality shall fix the amount, date, maturity, form, denomination, and other details of the notes or certificates of indebtedness, consistent with this section, and shall fix the date and place for the receipt of bids for their purchase, if the notes or certificates of indebtedness are to be sold by public sale.
The proceeds of revenues and future state and federal aid and other funds of the hospital which may become available shall be applied to the extent necessary to repay the notes or certificates of indebtedness. The full faith and credit of the hospital, or any other lawfully pledged security of the hospital, as deemed necessary by the municipality, shall be pledged to their payment. Notes or certificates of indebtedness issued pursuant to this section shall mature not later than 13 months after the date of issue. The notes or certificates shall be sold at such price as the municipality may agree. The notes or certificates shall bear interest after maturity until paid at the rate they bore before maturity. Any interest accruing before or after maturity shall be paid from any available funds of the hospital.
Any note or certificate of indebtedness issued pursuant to this section may be issued giving its owner the right to tender, or the municipality or the hospital to demand tender of, the obligation to the municipality or the hospital or another person designated by either of them, for purchase at a specified time or times. The note or certificate of indebtedness shall not be deemed to mature on any tender date, and the purchase of a tendered note or certificate shall not be deemed a payment or discharge of the note or certificate. Notes or certificates of indebtedness tendered for purchase may be remarketed by or on behalf of the municipality or any other purchaser. The municipality or the hospital may enter into agreements deemed appropriate to provide for the purchase and remarketing of tendered notes or certificates of indebtedness, including provisions under which undelivered obligations may be deemed tendered for purchase and new obligations may be substituted for them, provisions for the payment of charges of tender agents, remarketing agents, and financial institutions extending lines of credit or letters of credit assuring repurchase, and for reimbursement of advances under letters of credit, which charges and reimbursements shall be paid by the hospital.
Any notes or certificates of indebtedness issued pursuant to this section may bear interest at a rate varying periodically at the time or times and on the terms, including convertibility to a fixed rate of interest, determined by the governing body of the municipality.
Any notes or certificates of indebtedness issued under this section may be secured by a trust agreement between the municipality and a corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within the state. The trust agreement or the resolution providing for the issuance of the notes or certificates may pledge or assign the revenues to be received, the proceeds of any contracts pledged, and any other property pledged by the hospital or proceeds from it. The trust agreement or resolution providing for the issuance of the notes or certificates may contain reasonable provisions to protect and enforce the rights and remedies of the holders of the notes or certificates. Any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of the state that may act as depository of the proceeds of notes or certificates or of revenues or other money may furnish the indemnifying bonds or pledge the securities that may be required by the municipality. The trust agreement may set forth the rights and remedies of the holders of the notes or certificates and of the trustee and may restrict the individual right of action by holders of the notes or certificates. The trust agreement or resolution may contain any other provisions that the municipality deems reasonable for the security of the holders of the notes or certificates. All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of the trust agreement or resolution shall be paid by the hospital.
Within 30 days after issuance of notes or certificates under this section, a municipality must report to the commissioner of health on the issuance. The report must include the name and location of the institution, the principal amount of the note or certificate, and its maturity date.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes