Competitive bidding or proposals are not required for contracts clearly and legitimately limited to a single source of supply, and the contract price may be best established by direct negotiation.
In lieu of any of the other requirements of sections 16C.26 to 16C.28, the commissioner may negotiate a contract for public work to be performed at a state-owned institution or installation if the cost does not exceed $15,000 and if the head of the affected state agency requests the commissioner to do so. The commissioner shall have prepared whatever plans and specifications for the public work deemed necessary by the commissioner to protect the public interest. Contractor's bonds or security pursuant to chapter 574 are not required for contracts entered into under this subdivision.
In emergencies, the commissioner may, without calling for bids, contract directly for the repair, rehabilitation, and improvement of a state-owned structure or may authorize an agency to do so. An emergency for the purposes of this subdivision is an unforeseen occurrence or combination of circumstances which calls for immediate action in the public interest.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes