(a) Retired, disabled, deferred, and inactive member benefits. The annuities and benefits of, or attributable to, retired, disabled, deferred, or inactive members of the former MERF division, as calculated under Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 422A.11; 422A.12; 422A.13; 422A.14; 422A.15; 422A.151; 422A.155; 422A.156; 422A.16; 422A.17; 422A.18; 422A.19; 422A.20; and 422A.23, continue in force and are payable from the general employees retirement plan.
(b) Benefits; benefit eligibility for active members. Persons who were active members covered by the former MERF division on December 31, 2014, upon satisfying eligibility requirements stated in the applicable sections of Minnesota Statutes 2008 specified in paragraph (a), are entitled to annuities or benefits specified in those sections. Eligibility for a formula retirement annuity includes the requirement in Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 422A.13 and 422A.16, that the terminating member has attained the normal retirement age, which is age 60 if the person has at least ten years of service credit, or any age if the person has 30 or more years of service credit.
(c) Postretirement adjustments. After December 31, 2014, annuities and benefits for former members of the former MERF division are eligible for annual automatic postretirement adjustments solely under the applicable portions of section 356.415.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes