There is hereby established a postretirement investment fund for the purpose of providing an investment vehicle for the reserves for various retirement annuities and benefits payable by the participating retirement funds and plans. The postretirement investment fund shall be a continuation of the Minnesota adjustable fixed benefit fund in existence on January 1, 1980.
The assets of the postretirement investment fund shall consist of the money representing the reserves for various retirement annuities and benefits payable by participating retirement funds and plans which have been certified to and received by the state board from the participating public retirement funds and plans.
(a) Annually, following June 30, the executive director of the State Board of Investment shall determine the composite funded ratio of the postretirement investment fund. The composite funded ratio must be stated as a percentage and must be calculated using:
(1) the total fair market value of the postretirement investment fund as of June 30, calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; divided by
(2) the total reserves required as of June 30 for the annuities or benefits payable from the postretirement investment fund on that June 30 to all recipients of participating public pension plans or funds, as determined by the actuary retained under section 356.214 using the applicable assumptions in section 356.215.
(b) The executive director of the State Board of Investment shall certify the composite funded ratio to the executive directors of the plans participating in the Minnesota postretirement investment fund and to the executive director of the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement by November 30 annually.
The assets of the postretirement investment fund shall be invested by the state board subject to the provisions of section 11A.24.
There is hereby established a deferred yield adjustment account which shall be increased by the sale or disposition of any debt securities at less than book value and shall be decreased by the sale or disposition of debt securities at more than book value. At the end of each fiscal year, a portion of the balance of this account shall be offset against the investment income for that year. The annual portion of the balance to be offset shall be proportional to the reciprocal of the average remaining life of the bonds sold, unless the amounts are offset by gains on the future sales of these securities. The amount of this account shall be included in the recognized value of assets other than corporate stocks and all other equity investments. In any fiscal year in which the gains on the sales of debt securities exceed the discounts realized on the sales of such securities, the excess shall be used to reduce the balance of the account. If the realized capital gains are sufficient to reduce the balance of the account to zero, any excess gains shall be available for the calculation of postretirement adjustments made according to subdivision 9.
(a) Any public retirement fund or plan authorized by law to participate in the postretirement investment fund shall no later than the last business day of the month in which the benefit payment from the postretirement investment fund begins to accrue, certify and transfer to the state board money equal to the reserves required for those retirement annuities and benefits which are payable by the public retirement fund or plan and which are specified in law to be included in the participation in the fund as determined by or determined under a procedure specified by the actuary retained under section 356.214.
(b) If the exact amount of the actuarially determined required reserves is not readily calculable on the required transfer date, the initial transfer must be based on the best estimate for the teachers retirement fund and the public employees retirement fund and may be based on the best estimate for the other participating funds. Any necessary adjustments based on specific calculations of actuarially determined required reserves must be made in later transfers. If a transfer is insufficient, the later transfer from the retirement fund must include interest on the amount of the required reserve insufficiency at the preretirement interest assumption for the retirement fund as specified in section 356.215, subdivision 8, stated as a monthly rate.
Interest on the amount of a required reserve insufficiency payable by a retirement fund shall be compounded on a monthly basis. No interest shall be payable from the postretirement investment fund in the event of a required reserve oversufficiency.
(c) The state board shall confirm in writing each certification and transfer of money made by a participating public retirement fund or plan. Each participating public retirement fund or plan shall maintain adequate records to account for money transferred to or from the postretirement investment fund.
(a) Each participating public retirement fund or plan which has transferred money to the state board for investment in the postretirement investment fund shall have an undivided participation in the fund. The participation on any valuation date must be determined by adding to the participation on the prior valuation date:
(1) funds transferred in accordance with subdivision 6;
(2) the amount of required investment income on its participation as defined in subdivision 9, paragraph (c), clause (1); and
(3) the reserves for any benefit adjustment made as of the current valuation date with the result adjusted for any mortality gains or losses determined under subdivision 11.
(b) The total fair market value of the postretirement fund as of June 30 must be calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The fair market value share of each fund participating in the postretirement investment fund must be allocated by adding to the fair market value at the beginning of the fiscal year:
(1) 100 percent of the funds transferred in accordance with subdivision 6; and
(2) a pro rata distribution of unrealized gains or losses, based on a weighted percentage of participation at the end of each month of the fiscal year.
Upon certification by the applicable executive director that a portion of the certified money representing the required reserves for various retirement annuities or benefits payable from the participating public retirement fund or plan are required for the payment of a retirement annuity or benefit, the state board shall sell sufficient securities or transfer sufficient available cash to equal the amount of money certified as required and shall order the transfer of that amount to the appropriate executive director.
(a) Annually, following June 30, the state board shall use the procedures in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) to determine whether a postretirement adjustment under this subdivision is payable and to determine the amount of any postretirement adjustment under this subdivision.
(b) (1) If the Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers all items index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor increases from June 30 of the preceding year to June 30 of the current year, the state board shall certify the percentage increase.
(2) The amount certified must not exceed 2.5 percent.
(c) If the amount calculated under paragraph (b), clause (1), is greater than the maximum amount allowable under paragraph (b), clause (2), in addition to any percentage increase certified under paragraph (b), the board shall use the following procedures to determine if a postretirement adjustment is payable under this paragraph:
(1) the state board shall determine the total fair market value of the fund on June 30 of that year;
(2) the amount of reserves required as of the current June 30 for the annuity or benefit payable to an annuitant and benefit recipient of the participating public pension plans or funds must be determined by the actuary retained under section 356.214. An annuitant or benefit recipient who has been receiving an annuity or benefit for at least 12 full months as of the current June 30 is eligible to receive a full postretirement adjustment. An annuitant or benefit recipient who has been receiving an annuity or benefit for at least one full month, but less than 12 full months as of the current June 30, is eligible to receive a partial postretirement adjustment. Each fund shall report separately the amount of the reserves for those annuitants and benefit recipients who are eligible to receive a full postretirement benefit adjustment. This amount is known as "eligible reserves." Each fund shall also report separately the amount of the reserves for those annuitants and benefit recipients who are not eligible to receive a postretirement adjustment. This amount is known as "noneligible reserves." For an annuitant or benefit recipient who is eligible to receive a partial postretirement adjustment, each fund shall report separately as additional "eligible reserves" an amount that bears the same ratio to the total reserves required for the annuitant or benefit recipient as the number of full months of annuity or benefit receipt as of the current June 30 bears to 12 full months. The remainder of the annuitant's or benefit recipient's reserves must be separately reported as additional "noneligible reserves." The amount of "eligible" and "noneligible" required reserves must be certified to the board by the actuary retained under section 356.214 as soon as is practical following the current June 30;
(3) the state board shall determine the percentage increase certified under paragraph (b) multiplied by the eligible required reserves, as adjusted for mortality gains and losses under subdivision 11, determined under clause (2);
(4) the state board shall add the amount of reserves required for the annuities or benefits payable to annuitants and benefit recipients of the participating public pension plans or funds as of the current June 30 to the amount determined under clause (3);
(5) the state board shall subtract the amount determined under clause (4) from the total fair market value of the fund determined under clause (1);
(6) the state board shall adjust the amount determined under clause (5) by the cumulative current balance determined under clause (8) and any negative balance carried forward under clause (9);
(7) a positive amount resulting from the calculations in clauses (1) to (6) is the excess market value. A negative amount is the negative balance;
(8) the state board shall allocate one-fifth of the excess market value or one-fifth of the negative balance to each of five consecutive years, beginning with the fiscal year ending the current June 30; and
(9) to calculate the postretirement adjustment under this paragraph, the state board shall add together all excess market value allocated to that year and subtract from the sum all negative balances allocated to that year. If this calculation results in a negative number, the entire negative balance must be carried forward and allocated to the next year. If the resulting amount is positive, a postretirement adjustment is payable under this paragraph. The board shall express a positive amount as a percentage of the total eligible required reserves certified to the board under clause (2). The percentage determined under this paragraph is not payable unless the amount calculated under paragraph (b), clause (1), is greater than 2.5 percent and must not exceed the difference by which the amount calculated under paragraph (b), clause (1), exceeds 2.5 percent.
(d) The state board shall determine the amount of any postretirement adjustment which is payable using the following procedure:
(1) The total "eligible" required reserves as of the first of January next following the end of the fiscal year for the annuitants and benefit recipients eligible to receive a full or partial postretirement adjustment as determined by clause (2) must be certified to the state board by the actuary retained under section 356.214. The total "eligible" required reserves must be determined by the actuary retained under section 356.214 on the assumption that all annuitants and benefit recipients eligible to receive a full or partial postretirement adjustment will be alive on the January 1 in question; and
(2) The state board shall add the percentage certified under paragraph (b) to any positive percentage calculated under paragraph (c). The board shall not subtract from the percentage certified under paragraph (b) any negative amount calculated under paragraph (c). The sum of these percentages must be certified to each participating public pension fund or plan as the full postretirement adjustment percentage. The full postretirement adjustment percentage certified to each participating public pension plan or fund must not exceed five percent.
(e) A retirement annuity payable in the event of retirement before becoming eligible for Social Security benefits as provided in section 352.116, subdivision 3; 353.29, subdivision 6; or 354.35 must be treated as the sum of a period certain retirement annuity and a life retirement annuity for the purposes of any postretirement adjustment. The period certain retirement annuity plus the life retirement annuity must be the annuity amount payable until age 62 or 65, whichever applies. A postretirement adjustment granted on the period certain retirement annuity must terminate when the period certain retirement annuity terminates.
(a) This subdivision applies for fiscal years ending June 30 in which all of the following conditions exist:
(1) the composite funded ratio for the postretirement investment fund as of June 30 as certified by the executive director of the State Board of Investment under subdivision 2a is more than 90 percent;
(2) the State Board of Investment determines that the time-weighted total rate of return on investment of assets in the postretirement investment fund for the fiscal year ending June 30 exceeds 8.5 percent; and
(3) the postretirement adjustment percentage certified under subdivision 9, paragraph (b), is less than 2.5 percent.
(b) The lost purchasing power postretirement increase is payable the following January 1.
(c) Each participating public pension plan must annually calculate:
(1) the cumulative postretirement adjustment percentage applied to the annuity or benefit paid to each eligible annuitant and benefit recipient since the person first received a postretirement adjustment; and
(2) the increase in the Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers all items index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor from June 30 of the year before the person first received a postretirement adjustment to June 30 of the current year. If a person received a prorated increase under subdivision 9, paragraph (c), clause (2), the same ratio of the number of months receiving a monthly benefit to 12 months must be applied to the inflation calculation for the fiscal year used to calculate the prorated amount of lost purchasing power for that period.
(d) If the percentage in paragraph (c), clause (2), is greater than the percentage in paragraph (c), clause (1), with respect to an eligible annuitant or benefit recipient, and the conditions in paragraph (a) exist, that person is eligible to receive an increase under this subdivision.
(e) The percentage increase payable to an eligible annuitant or benefit recipient under this subdivision may not exceed the difference between 2.5 percent and the amount certified under subdivision 9 or the amount calculated under paragraph (c), whichever is lower. The percentage increase otherwise payable under this subdivision must be reduced as provided in paragraph (f).
(f) The actuary retained under section 356.214 must determine:
(1) the reserves that would be required to pay in full the adjustments determined under paragraph (c); and
(2) the excess market value necessary to maintain the accrued liability composite funding ratio determined under subdivision 2a is at least 90 percent. If the calculated result under clause (1) is greater than the calculated result under this clause, the increase payable to each eligible annuitant or benefit recipient under this subdivision must be reduced to that portion of the full potential increase amount that equals the ratio that the calculated result under this clause bears to the calculated result under clause (1).
(g) A percentage increase certified under this subdivision must be added to the percentage certified under subdivision 9 and the total resulting percentage must be certified to each participating public pension plan as the full postretirement adjustment percentage.
If the composite funded ratio of the postretirement investment fund determined under subdivision 2a is 115 percent or greater as of June 30 of any year, the governing bodies of the retirement plans participating in the postretirement investment fund must jointly report to the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement by the next January 15. The report must evaluate and make recommendations with respect to the overall benefits and funding of the retirement funds for both active employees and benefit recipients.
Upon receiving the certification of the amount of the full postretirement adjustment from the state board, each participating public pension fund or plan shall determine the amount of the postretirement adjustment payable to each eligible annuitant and benefit recipient. The dollar amount of the postretirement adjustment shall be calculated by applying the certified postretirement adjustment percentage to the amount of the monthly annuity or benefit payable to each eligible annuitant or benefit recipient eligible for a full adjustment.
The dollar amount of the partial postretirement adjustment payable to each annuitant or benefit recipient eligible for a partial adjustment shall be calculated by first determining a partial percentage amount that bears the same ratio to the certified full adjustment percentage amount as the number of full months of annuity or benefit receipt as of the current June 30 bears to 12 full months. The partial percentage amount determined shall then be applied to the amount of the monthly annuity or benefit payable to each annuitant or benefit recipient eligible to receive a partial postretirement adjustment. The postretirement adjustments shall commence to be paid on January 1 following the calculations required pursuant to this section and shall thereafter be included in the monthly annuity or benefit paid to the recipient. Any adjustments pursuant to this section shall be paid automatically unless the intended recipient files a written notice with the applicable participating public pension fund or plan requesting that the adjustment not be paid.
As of June 30 annually, the actuary retained under section 356.214 shall calculate the amount of required reserves representing any mortality gains and any mortality losses incurred by each participating public pension fund or plan during the fiscal year and report the results of those calculations to the applicable participating public pension fund or plan. The actuary shall report separately the amount of the reserves for annuitants and benefit recipients who are eligible for a postretirement benefit adjustment and the amount of reserves for annuitants and benefit recipients who are not eligible for a postretirement benefit adjustment. If the net amount of required reserves represents a mortality gain, the participating public pension fund or plan shall certify that amount to the state board, which shall sell sufficient securities or transfer sufficient available cash to equal the amount of money certified. If the amount of required reserves represents a mortality loss, the participating public pension fund or plan shall transfer to the state board an amount equal to the amount of the net mortality loss. The amount of the transfers shall be determined before any postretirement benefit adjustments have been made. All transfers resulting from mortality adjustments shall be completed annually by December 31 for the preceding June 30. Interest shall be charged or credited on any transfers after December 31 based upon the preretirement interest assumption for the participating plan or fund as specified in section 356.215, subdivision 8, stated as a monthly rate. Book values of the assets of the fund for the purposes of subdivision 9 shall be determined only after all adjustments for mortality gains and losses for the fiscal year have been made.
All money necessary to meet the requirements of the certification of withdrawals and all money necessary to pay postretirement adjustments pursuant to this section are hereby and from time to time appropriated from the postretirement investment fund to the state board.
1980 c 607 art 14 s 16; 1981 c 208 s 2; 1982 c 424 s 1; 1983 c 324 s 4-6; 1987 c 259 s 3-5; 1989 c 319 art 14 s 1,2; 1990 c 570 art 9 s 1; 1992 c 530 s 1; 1992 c 539 s 8; 1994 c 604 art 1 s 6; 1995 c 186 s 6; 1997 c 233 art 1 s 5; 1Sp2001 c 10 art 3 s 2; 2002 c 392 art 11 s 52; 2006 c 271 art 3 s 47; 2006 c 277 art 1 s 1; 2008 c 349 art 1 s 1-4
NOTE: The amendment to subdivision 9 by Laws 2006, chapter 277, article 1, section 1, is effective July 1, 2010. Laws 2006, chapter 277, article 1, section 3.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes