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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

    Subdivision 1. Supervision plan. (a) A social worker must submit, on a form provided by
the board, a supervision plan for meeting the supervision requirements specified in sections
148E.100 to 148E.120.
    (b) The supervision plan must be submitted no later than 90 days after the licensee begins a
social work practice position after becoming licensed.
    (c) For failure to submit the supervision plan within 90 days after beginning a social work
practice position, a licensee must pay the supervision plan late fee specified in section 148E.180
when the licensee applies for license renewal.
    (d) A license renewal application submitted according to paragraph (a) must not be approved
unless the board has received a supervision plan.
    (e) The supervision plan must include the following:
    (1) the name of the supervisee, the name of the agency in which the supervisee is being
supervised, and the supervisee's position title;
    (2) the name and qualifications of the person providing the supervision;
    (3) the number of hours of one-on-one in-person supervision and the number and type of
additional hours of supervision to be completed by the supervisee;
    (4) the supervisee's position description;
    (5) a brief description of the supervision the supervisee will receive in the following content
    (i) clinical practice, if applicable;
    (ii) development of professional social work knowledge, skills, and values;
    (iii) practice methods;
    (iv) authorized scope of practice;
    (v) ensuring continuing competence; and
    (vi) ethical standards of practice; and
    (6) if applicable, a detailed description of the supervisee's clinical social work practice,
    (i) the client population, the range of presenting issues, and the diagnoses;
    (ii) the clinical modalities that were utilized; and
    (iii) the process utilized for determining clinical diagnoses, including the diagnostic
instruments used and the role of the supervisee in the diagnostic process.
    (f) The board must receive a revised supervision plan within 90 days of any of the following
    (1) the supervisee has a new supervisor;
    (2) the supervisee begins a new social work position;
    (3) the scope or content of the supervisee's social work practice changes substantially;
    (4) the number of practice or supervision hours changes substantially; or
    (5) the type of supervision changes as supervision is described in section 148E.100,
subdivision 3
, or 148E.105, subdivision 3, or as required in section 148E.115.
    (g) For failure to submit a revised supervision plan as required in paragraph (f), a supervisee
must pay the supervision plan late fee specified in section 148E.180, when the supervisee applies
for license renewal.
    (h) The board must approve the supervisor and the supervision plan.
    Subd. 2. Attestation. (a) When a supervisee submits renewal application materials to
the board, the supervisee and supervisor must submit an attestation providing the following
information on a form provided by the board:
    (1) the name of the supervisee, the name of the agency in which the supervisee is being
supervised, and the supervisee's position title;
    (2) the name and qualifications of the supervisor;
    (3) the number of hours and dates of each type of supervision completed;
    (4) the supervisee's position description;
    (5) a declaration that the supervisee has not engaged in conduct in violation of the standards
of practice specified in sections 148E.195 to 148E.240;
    (6) a declaration that the supervisee has practiced competently and ethically according to
professional social work knowledge, skills, and values; and
    (7) a list of the content areas in which the supervisee has received supervision, including
the following:
    (i) clinical practice, if applicable;
    (ii) development of professional social work knowledge, skills, and values;
    (iii) practice methods;
    (iv) authorized scope of practice;
    (v) ensuring continuing competence; and
    (vi) ethical standards of practice.
    (b) The information provided on the attestation form must demonstrate to the board's
satisfaction that the supervisee has met or has made progress on meeting the applicable supervised
practice requirements.
    Subd. 3. Verification of supervised practice. (a) In addition to receiving the attestation
required under subdivision 2, the board must receive verification of supervised practice if:
    (1) the board audits the supervision of a supervisee; or
    (2) an applicant applies for a license as a licensed independent social worker or as a licensed
independent clinical social worker.
    (b) When verification of supervised practice is required according to paragraph (a), the board
must receive from the supervisor the following information on a form provided by the board:
    (1) the name of the supervisee, the name of the agency in which the supervisee is being
supervised, and the supervisee's position title;
    (2) the name and qualifications of the supervisor;
    (3) the number of hours and dates of each type of supervision completed;
    (4) the supervisee's position description;
    (5) a declaration that the supervisee has not engaged in conduct in violation of the standards
of practice specified in sections 148E.195 to 148E.240;
    (6) a declaration that the supervisee has practiced ethically and competently according to
professional social work knowledge, skills, and values;
    (7) a list of the content areas in which the supervisee has received supervision, including
the following:
    (i) clinical practice, if applicable;
    (ii) development of professional social work knowledge, skills, and values;
    (iii) practice methods;
    (iv) authorized scope of practice;
    (v) ensuring continuing competence; and
    (vi) ethical standards of practice; and
    (8) if applicable, a detailed description of the supervisee's clinical social work practice,
    (i) the client population, the range of presenting issues, and the diagnoses;
    (ii) the clinical modalities that were utilized; and
    (iii) the process utilized for determining clinical diagnoses, including the diagnostic
instruments used and the role of the supervisee in the diagnostic process.
    (c) The information provided on the verification form must demonstrate to the board's
satisfaction that the supervisee has met the applicable supervised practice requirements.
    Subd. 4. Alternative verification of supervised practice. Notwithstanding the requirements
of subdivision 3, the board may accept alternative verification of supervised practice if a
supervisee demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board that the supervisee is unable to locate a
former supervisor to provide the required information.
History: 2007 c 123 s 88

NOTE:Sections 148E.001 to 148E.290, as added by Laws 2007, chapter 123, sections 63 to 121, are effective August 1, 2011. Laws 2007, chapter 123, section 138.

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes