353.01 Definitions.
Subdivision 1. Terms. Unless the language or context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended, the following terms, for the purposes of this chapter, shall be given the meanings subjoined to them.
Subd. 2. Public employee. "Public employee" means an employee performing personal services for a governmental subdivision under subdivision 6, whose salary is paid, in whole or in part, from revenue derived from taxation, fees, assessments, or from other sources. The term also includes special classes of persons listed in subdivision 2a, but excludes special classes of persons listed in subdivision 2b for purposes of membership in the association. Public employee does not include independent contractors and their employees.
Subd. 2a. Included employees. Public employees whose salary from one governmental subdivision exceeds $425 in any month shall participate as members of the association. If the salary of an employee is less than $425 in a subsequent month, the employee retains membership eligibility. The following persons are considered public employees:
(1) employees whose annual salary from one governmental subdivision exceeds a stipulation prepared in advance, in writing, to be not more than $5,100 per calendar year or per school year for school employees for employment expected to be of a full year's duration or more than the prorated portion of $5,100 per employment period expected to be of less than a full year's duration. If compensation from one governmental subdivision to an employee under this clause exceeds $5,100 per calendar year or school year after being stipulated in advance not to exceed that amount, the stipulation is no longer valid and contributions must be made on behalf of the employee under section 353.27, subdivision 12, from the month in which the employee's salary first exceeded $425;
(2) employees whose total salary from concurrent nontemporary positions in one governmental subdivision exceeds $425 in any month;
(3) elected officers for service to which they were elected by the public-at-large, or persons appointed to fill a vacancy in an elective office, who elect to participate by filing an application for membership, but not for service on a joint or regional board that is a governmental subdivision under subdivision 6, paragraph (a), unless the salary earned for that service exceeds $425 in any month. The option to become a member, once exercised, may not be withdrawn during the incumbency of the person in office;
(4) members who are appointed by the governor to be a state department head and elect not to be covered by the Minnesota state retirement system under section 352.021;
(5) employees of elected officers;
(6) persons who elect to remain members under section 480.181, subdivision 2;
(7) employees of a school district who receive separate salaries for driving their own buses;
(8) employees of the Minnesota association of townships when the board of the association, at its option, certifies to the executive director that its employees are to be included for purposes of retirement coverage, in which case coverage of all employees of the association is permanent;
(9) employees of a county historical society who are county employees;
(10) employees of a county historical society located in the county whom the county, at its option, certifies to the executive director to be county employees for purposes of retirement coverage under this chapter, which status must be accorded to all similarly situated county historical society employees and, once established, must continue as long as a person is an employee of the county historical society and is not excluded under subdivision 2b; and
(11) employees who became members before July 1, 1988, based on the total salary of positions held in more than one governmental subdivision.
Subd. 2b. Excluded employees. The following public employees shall not participate as members of the association with retirement coverage by the public employees retirement plan or the public employees police and fire retirement plan:
(1) elected public officers, or persons appointed to fill a vacancy in an elective office, who do not elect to participate in the association by filing an application for membership;
(2) election officers;
(3) patient and inmate personnel who perform services in charitable, penal, or correctional institutions of a governmental subdivision;
(4) employees who are hired for a temporary position under subdivision 12a, and employees who resign from a nontemporary position and accept a temporary position within 30 days in the same governmental subdivision, but not those employees who are hired for an unlimited period but are serving a probationary period. If the period of employment extends beyond six consecutive months and the employee earns more than $425 from one governmental subdivision in any one calendar month, the department head shall report the employee for membership and require employee deductions be made on behalf of the employee under section 353.27, subdivision 4.
Membership eligibility of an employee who resigns or is dismissed from a temporary position and within 30 days accepts another temporary position in the same governmental subdivision is determined on the total length of employment rather than on each separate position. Membership eligibility of an employee who holds concurrent temporary and nontemporary positions in one governmental subdivision is determined by the length of employment and salary of each separate position;
(5) employees whose actual salary from one governmental subdivision does not exceed $425 per month, or whose annual salary from one governmental subdivision does not exceed a stipulation prepared in advance, in writing, that the salary must not exceed $5,100 per calendar year or per school year for school employees for employment expected to be of a full year's duration or more than the prorated portion of $5,100 per employment period for employment expected to be of less than a full year's duration;
(6) employees who are employed by reason of work emergency caused by fire, flood, storm, or similar disaster;
(7) employees who by virtue of their employment in one governmental subdivision are required by law to be a member of and to contribute to any of the plans or funds administered by the Minnesota state retirement system, the teachers retirement association, the Duluth teachers retirement fund association, the Minneapolis teachers retirement association, the St. Paul teachers retirement fund association, the Minneapolis employees retirement fund, or any police or firefighters relief association governed by section 69.77 that has not consolidated with the public employees retirement association, or any local police or firefighters consolidation account but who have not elected the type of benefit coverage provided by the public employees police and fire fund under sections 353A.01 to 353A.10, or any persons covered by section 353.665, subdivision 4, 5, or 6, who have not elected public employees police and fire plan benefit coverage. This clause must not be construed to prevent a person from being a member of and contributing to the public employees retirement association and also belonging to and contributing to another public pension fund for other service occurring during the same period of time. A person who meets the definition of "public employee" in subdivision 2 by virtue of other service occurring during the same period of time becomes a member of the association unless contributions are made to another public retirement fund on the salary based on the other service or to the teachers retirement association by a teacher as defined in section 354.05, subdivision 2;
(8) persons who are excluded from coverage under the federal Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance Program for the performance of service as specified in United States Code, title 42, section 410(a)(8)(A), as amended through January 1, 1987, if no irrevocable election of coverage has been made under section 3121(r) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended;
(9) full-time students who are enrolled and are regularly attending classes at an accredited school, college, or university and who are part-time employees as defined by a governmental subdivision;
(10) resident physicians, medical interns, and pharmacist residents and pharmacist interns who are serving in a degree or residency program in public hospitals;
(11) students who are serving in an internship or residency program sponsored by an accredited educational institution;
(12) persons who hold a part-time adult supplementary technical college license who render part-time teaching service in a technical college;
(13) foreign citizens working for a governmental subdivision with a work permit of less than three years, or an H-1b visa valid for less than three years of employment. Upon notice to the association that the work permit or visa extends beyond the three-year period, the foreign citizens are eligible for membership from the date of the extension;
(14) public hospital employees who elected not to participate as members of the association before 1972 and who did not elect to participate from July 1, 1988, to October 1, 1988;
(15) except as provided in section 353.86, volunteer ambulance service personnel, as defined in subdivision 35, but persons who serve as volunteer ambulance service personnel may still qualify as public employees under subdivision 2 and may be members of the public employees retirement association and participants in the public employees retirement fund or the public employees police and fire fund on the basis of compensation received from public employment service other than service as volunteer ambulance service personnel;
(16) except as provided in section 353.87, volunteer firefighters, as defined in subdivision 36, engaging in activities undertaken as part of volunteer firefighter duties; provided that a person who is a volunteer firefighter may still qualify as a public employee under subdivision 2 and may be a member of the public employees retirement association and a participant in the public employees retirement fund or the public employees police and fire fund on the basis of compensation received from public employment activities other than those as a volunteer firefighter; and
(17) pipefitters and associated trades personnel employed by independent school district No. 625, St. Paul, with coverage by the pipefitters local 455 pension plan under a collective bargaining agreement who were either first employed after May 1, 1997, or, if first employed before May 2, 1997, elected to be excluded under Laws 1997, chapter 241, article 2, section 12.
Subd. 2c. Repealed, 1989 c 319 art 3 s 26
Subd. 3. Head of department. "Head of department" means the head of any department, institution, office, or branch of service of any governmental subdivision which directly pays salaries out of its revenue or is empowered to authorize the payment of such salaries.
Subd. 4. Accumulated deductions. "Accumulated deductions" means the total of the amounts deducted from the salary of a member, exclusive of interest, and the total of the amounts paid by a member in lieu of such deductions and credited to the member's individual account in the retirement fund.
Subd. 5. Repealed, 1971 c 106 s 40
Subd. 6. Governmental subdivision. (a) "Governmental subdivision" means a county, city, town, school district within this state, or a department or unit of state government, or any public body whose revenues are derived from taxation, fees, assessments or from other sources.
(b) Governmental subdivision also means the public employees retirement association, the league of Minnesota cities, the association of metropolitan municipalities, public hospitals owned or operated by, or an integral part of, a governmental subdivision or governmental subdivisions, the association of Minnesota counties, the metropolitan intercounty association, the Minnesota municipal utilities association, the metropolitan airports commission, and the Minneapolis employees retirement fund for employment initially commenced after June 30, 1979, the range association of municipalities and schools, soil and water conservation districts, and economic development authorities created or operating under sections 469.090 to 469.108.
(c) Governmental subdivision does not mean any municipal housing and redevelopment authority organized under the provisions of sections 469.001 to 469.047; or any port authority organized under sections 469.048 to 469.068; or any hospital district organized or reorganized prior to July 1, 1975, under sections 447.31 to 447.37 or the successor of the district, nor the Minneapolis community development agency.
Subd. 7. Member. "Member" means a person who accepts employment as a "public employee" under subdivision 2, is an employee under subdivision 2a, and is not covered by the plan established in chapter 353D. A person who is a member remains a member while performing services as a public employee and while on an authorized leave of absence or an authorized temporary layoff.
Subd. 7a. Former member. "Former member" means a member of the association who terminates public service under subdivision 11a or membership under subdivision 11b.
Subd. 8. Association. "Association" means the public employees retirement association.
Subd. 9. Repealed, 1957 c 935 s 27
Subd. 10. Salary. (a) "Salary" means:
(1) periodic compensation of a public employee, before deductions for deferred compensation, supplemental retirement plans, or other voluntary salary reduction programs, and also means "wages" and includes net income from fees; and
(2) for a public employee who has prior service covered by a local police or firefighters' relief association that has consolidated with the public employees retirement association or to which section 353.665 applies and who has elected coverage either under the public employees police and fire fund benefit plan under section 353A.08 following the consolidation or under section 353.665, subdivision 4, "salary" means the rate of salary upon which member contributions to the special fund of the relief association were made prior to the effective date of the consolidation as specified by law and by bylaw provisions governing the relief association on the date of the initiation of the consolidation procedure and the actual periodic compensation of the public employee after the effective date of consolidation.
(b) Salary does not mean:
(1) fees paid to district court reporters, unused annual or sick leave payments, in lump-sum or periodic payments, severance payments, reimbursement of expenses, lump-sum settlements not attached to a specific earnings period, or workers' compensation payments;
(2) employer-paid amounts used by an employee toward the cost of insurance coverage, employer-paid fringe benefits, flexible spending accounts, cafeteria plans, health care expense accounts, day care expenses, or any payments in lieu of any employer-paid group insurance coverage, including the difference between single and family rates that may be paid to a member with single coverage and certain amounts determined by the executive director to be ineligible;
(3) the amount equal to that which the employing governmental subdivision would otherwise pay toward single or family insurance coverage for a covered employee when, through a contract or agreement with some but not all employees, the employer:
(i) discontinues, or for new hires does not provide, payment toward the cost of the employee's selected insurance coverages under a group plan offered by the employer;
(ii) makes the employee solely responsible for all contributions toward the cost of the employee's selected insurance coverages under a group plan offered by the employer, including any amount the employer makes toward other employees' selected insurance coverages under a group plan offered by the employer; and
(iii) provides increased salary rates for employees who do not have any employer-paid group insurance coverages; and
(4) except as provided in section 353.86 or 353.87, compensation of any kind paid to volunteer ambulance service personnel or volunteer firefighters, as defined in subdivisions 35 and 36.
Subd. 11. Public service. "Public service" means service as an officer or employee of a governmental subdivision.
Subd. 11a. Termination of public service. "Termination of public service" occurs when a member resigns or is dismissed from public service by the employing governmental subdivision, as evidenced by appropriate written record transmitted to the association, and does not within 30 days of resignation or dismissal return to a nontemporary employment position in the same governmental subdivision.
Subd. 11b. Termination of membership. "Termination of membership" occurs:
(1) upon termination of public service under subdivision 11a;
(2) when a member who is a part-time employee is excluded from membership as a full-time student under subdivision 2b, clause (9);
(3) when a member does not return to work within 30 days of the expiration of an authorized temporary layoff under subdivision 12 or an authorized leave of absence under subdivision 31. If the employee subsequently returns to a position in the same governmental subdivision, the employee shall not again be required to earn a salary in excess of $425 per month, unless the employee has taken a refund of accumulated employee deductions plus interest under section 353.34, subdivision 1; or
(4) when a person files a written election to discontinue employee deductions under section 353.27, subdivision 7, paragraph (a), clause (1).
Subd. 12. Authorized temporary layoff. "Authorized temporary layoff," including seasonal leave of absence, means a suspension of public service authorized by the employing governmental subdivision for a period not exceeding three months in any calendar year, as evidenced by appropriate record of the employer and promptly transmitted to the association.
Subd. 12a. Temporary position. (1) "Temporary position" means an employment position predetermined by the employer at the time of hiring to be a period of six months or less or an employment position occupied by a person hired by the employer for a predetermined period of six months or less.
(2) "Temporary position" does not mean an employment position for an unlimited period in which a person serves a probationary period or works an irregular schedule.
Subd. 13. Repealed, 1963 c 641 s 38
Subd. 14. Actuarial equivalent. "Actuarial equivalent" means the condition of one annuity or benefit having an equal actuarial present value as another annuity or benefit, determined as of a given date with each actuarial present value based on the appropriate mortality table adopted by the board of trustees based on the experience of the fund as recommended by the actuary retained by the legislative commission on pensions and retirement and using the applicable preretirement or postretirement interest rate assumption specified in section 356.215, subdivision 4d.
Subd. 15. Dependent child. For the purpose of survivor benefit eligibility under sections 353.31, subdivision 1, and 353.657, subdivision 3, "dependent child" means a biological or adopted child of a deceased member who is unmarried, and under the age of 18, or age 18 to 23, so long as the child submits evidence of full-time enrollment in an accredited educational institution. "Dependent child" also includes a child of the member conceived during the member's lifetime and born after the member's death. It also means a dependent child who is the subject of adoption proceedings filed by a member, and who within two years after death of the member, by judgment and decree duly entered, is adjudged to be the adopted child of the deceased member; subject, however, to the qualifying conditions of age and dependency under this subdivision. The dependency of the child dates from the decree of adoption. "Dependent child" also includes a child age 18 to 23 who had submitted evidence of full-time enrollment in an accredited educational institution but was determined to be medically unable to continue school on a full-time basis. The board of trustees shall adopt written procedures to make determinations regarding eligibility based on a student being medically unable to continue school, and may not continue a benefit for medical reasons for a period greater than one year.
Subd. 15a. Dependent child. For the purpose of survivor benefit eligibility under section 353.32, subdivision 1c, "dependent child" means any biological or adopted child of a deceased member who has not reached the age of 20 and is dependent for more than one-half of support upon the member. It also includes any child of the member conceived during the member's lifetime and born after the member's death.
Subd. 16. Allowable service. (a) "Allowable service" means service during years of actual membership in the course of which employee contributions were made, periods covered by payments in lieu of salary deductions under section 353.35, and service in years during which the public employee was not a member but for which the member later elected, while a member, to obtain credit by making payments to the fund as permitted by any law then in effect.
(b) "Allowable service" also means a period of authorized leave of absence with pay from which deductions for employee contributions are made, deposited, and credited to the fund.
(c) "Allowable service" also means a period of authorized leave of absence without pay that does not exceed one year, and during or for which a member obtained credit by payments to the fund made in place of salary deductions, provided that the payments are made in an amount or amounts based on the member's average salary on which deductions were paid for the last six months of public service, or for that portion of the last six months while the member was in public service, to apply to the period in either case immediately preceding commencement of the leave of absence. If the employee elects to pay employee contributions for the period of any leave of absence without pay, or for any portion of the leave, the employee shall also, as a condition to the exercise of the election, pay to the fund an amount equivalent to both the required employer and additional employer contributions for the employee. The payment must be made within one year from the expiration of the leave of absence or within 20 days after termination of public service under subdivision 11a. The employer by appropriate action of its governing body, made a part of its official records, before the date of the first payment of the employee contribution, may certify to the association in writing its commitment to pay the employer and additional employer contributions from the proceeds of a tax levy made under section 353.28. Payments under this paragraph must include interest at an annual rate of 8.5 percent compounded annually from the date of the termination of the leave of absence to the date payment is made. An employee shall return to public service and receive a minimum of three months of allowable service to be eligible to pay employee and employer contributions for a subsequent authorized leave of absence without pay.
(d) "Allowable service" also means a periodic, repetitive leave that is offered to all employees of a governmental subdivision. The leave program may not exceed 208 hours per annual normal work cycle as certified to the association by the employer. A participating member obtains service credit by making employee contributions in an amount or amounts based on the member's average salary that would have been paid if the leave had not been taken. The employer shall pay the employer and additional employer contributions on behalf of the participating member. The employee and the employer are responsible to pay interest on their respective shares at the rate of 8.5 percent a year, compounded annually, from the end of the normal cycle until full payment is made. An employer shall also make the employer and additional employer contributions, plus 8.5 percent interest, compounded annually, on behalf of an employee who makes employee contributions but terminates public service. The employee contributions must be made within one year after the end of the annual normal working cycle or within 20 days after termination of public service, whichever is sooner. The association shall prescribe the manner and forms to be used by a governmental subdivision in administering a periodic, repetitive leave.
(e) "Allowable service" also means a period during which a member is on an authorized sick leave of absence, without pay, limited to one year. An employee who has received one year of allowable service shall return to public service and receive a minimum of three months of allowable service to receive allowable service for a subsequent authorized sick leave of absence.
(f) "Allowable service" also means an authorized temporary layoff under subdivision 12, limited to three months allowable service per authorized temporary layoff in one calendar year. An employee who has received the maximum service allowed for an authorized temporary layoff shall return to public service and receive a minimum of three months of allowable service to receive allowable service for a subsequent authorized temporary layoff.
(g) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, "allowable service" also means a parental leave. The association shall grant a maximum of two months service credit for a parental leave, within six months after the birth or adoption, upon documentation from the member's governmental subdivision or presentation of a birth certificate or other evidence of birth or adoption to the association.
(h) "Allowable service" also means a period during which a member is on an authorized leave of absence to enter military service, provided that the member returns to public service upon discharge from military service under section 192.262 and pays into the fund employee contributions based upon the employee's salary at the date of return from military service. Payment must be made within five years of the date of discharge from the military service. The amount of these contributions must be in accord with the contribution rates and salary limitations, if any, in effect during the leave, plus interest at an annual rate of 8.5 percent compounded annually from the date of return to public service to the date payment is made. The matching employer contribution and additional employer contribution under section 353.27, subdivisions 3 and 3a, must be paid by the governmental subdivision employing the member upon return to public service if the member makes the employee contributions. The governmental subdivision involved may appropriate money for those payments. A member may not receive credit for a voluntary extension of military service at the instance of the member beyond the initial period of enlistment, induction, or call to active duty.
(i) For calculating benefits under sections 353.30, 353.31, 353.32, and 353.33 for state officers and employees displaced by the Community Corrections Act, chapter 401, and transferred into county service under section 401.04, "allowable service" means combined years of allowable service as defined in paragraphs (a) to (i) and section 352.01, subdivision 11.
(j) For a public employee who has prior service covered by a local police or firefighters relief association that has consolidated with the public employees retirement association or to which section 353.665 applies, and who has elected the type of benefit coverage provided by the public employees police and fire fund either under section 353A.08 following the consolidation or under section 353.665, subdivision 4, "applicable service" is a period of service credited by the local police or firefighters relief association as of the effective date of the consolidation based on law and on bylaw provisions governing the relief association on the date of the initiation of the consolidation procedure.
Subd. 17. Approved actuary. "Approved actuary" means any actuary who is a fellow of the society of actuaries or who has at least 15 years of service to major public employee funds or any firm retaining such an actuary on its staff.
Subd. 18. Year of allowable service. "Year of allowable service" means any 12 calendar months not necessarily consecutive in which a public employee received compensation from the governmental subdivision or was eligible to credit for service. It also means 12 months credit each year for employees who are paid on a yearly basis and who may or may not receive compensation in every calendar month in the year.
Subd. 19. Total and permanent disability. "Total and permanent disability" means the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration. Long-continued and indefinite duration means that the disability has been or is expected to be for a period of at least one year.
Subd. 20. Surviving spouse. "Surviving spouse" means the spouse of a deceased member or disabilitant who was legally married to the member at the time of death.
Subd. 21. Repealed, 1971 c 106 s 40
Subd. 22. Repealed, 1971 c 106 s 40
Subd. 23. Retirement annuity. "Retirement annuity" means the amount paid or payable by the fund to a former member after retirement.
Subd. 24. Optional annuity. "Optional annuity" means the allowance paid or payable by the fund to the designated optional annuity beneficiary of a member or former member, pursuant to an optional annuity form selected at or before retirement, or to the spouse of a deceased member under section 353.32, subdivision 1a.
Subd. 25. Repealed, 1973 c 753 s 85
Subd. 26. Repealed, 1971 c 106 s 40
Subd. 27. Benefit. "Benefit" means a monthly survivor benefit paid or payable by the fund to a surviving spouse or a dependent child and also includes a monthly disability benefit paid or payable by the fund to a member who is totally and permanently disabled.
Subd. 28. Retirement. (a) "Retirement" means the commencement of payment of an annuity based on a date designated by the board of trustees. This date determines the rights under this chapter which occur either before or after retirement. A right to retirement is subject to termination of public service under subdivision 11a or termination of membership under subdivision 11b, the earlier of which will determine the date membership and coverage cease. A right to retirement must not accrue without a complete and continuous separation for 30 days from employment as a public employee under subdivision 2.
A former member of the basic or police and fire fund who becomes a coordinated member upon returning to eligible, nontemporary public service, terminates employment before obtaining six months' allowable service under subdivision 16, paragraph (a), in the coordinated fund, and is eligible to receive an annuity the first day of the month after the most recent termination date shall not accrue a right to a retirement annuity under the coordinated fund. An annuity otherwise payable to the former member must be based on the laws in effect on the date of termination of the most recent service under the basic or police and fire fund and shall be retroactive to the first day of the month following that termination date or one year preceding the filing of an application for retirement annuity as provided by section 353.29, subdivision 7, whichever is later. The annuity payment must be suspended or reduced under the provisions of section 353.37, if earned compensation for the reemployment equals or exceeds the amounts indicated under that section. The association will refund the employee deductions made to the coordinated fund, with interest under section 353.34, subdivision 2, return the accompanying employer contributions, and remove the allowable service credits covering the deductions refunded.
(b) Notwithstanding the 30-day separation requirement, a member of the defined benefit plan under this chapter, who also participates in the public employees defined contribution plan under chapter 353D for other public service, may be paid, if eligible, a retirement annuity from the defined benefit plan while participating in the defined contribution plan.
Subd. 29. Designated beneficiary. "Designated beneficiary" means the person or organization designated by a member, former member, disabilitant, or retired member in writing, signed and filed with the association before the death of the member, former member, disabilitant, or retired member, to receive a refund of the balance of the member's accumulated deductions after death.
Subd. 30. Designated optional annuity beneficiary. "Designated optional annuity beneficiary" means the person designated by a former member to receive a joint and survivor annuity or a modified joint and survivor annuity.
Subd. 31. Authorized leave of absence. "Authorized leave of absence" means any period during which a member is authorized by an employer to refrain from active employment, with or without pay, evidenced by appropriate record of the employer and promptly transmitted to the association.
Subd. 32. Coordinated member. "Coordinated member" means any public employee, including any public hospital employee, covered by any agreement or modification made between the state and the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, making the provisions of the federal Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Act applicable to the member if membership eligibility criteria are met under this chapter. Coordinated member also means a basic member who terminates public service under subdivision 11a, reenters public service in a nontemporary position, and meets the membership eligibility criteria under this chapter.
Subd. 33. Basic member. "Basic member" means any public employee, including any public hospital employee, not covered by any agreement or modification made between the state and the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare.
Subd. 34. Repealed, 1982 c 404 s 10
Subd. 35. Volunteer ambulance service personnel. "Volunteer ambulance service personnel," for purposes of this chapter, are basic and advanced life support emergency medical service personnel employed by or providing services for any public ambulance service or privately operated ambulance service that receives an operating subsidy from a governmental entity.
Subd. 36. Volunteer firefighter. For purposes of this chapter, a person is considered a "volunteer firefighter" for all service for which the person receives credit in an association or fund operating under chapter 424A.
Subd. 37. Normal retirement age. "Normal retirement age" means age 65 for a person who first became a public employee or a member of a pension fund listed in section 356.30, subdivision 3, before July 1, 1989. For a person who first becomes a public employee after June 30, 1989, "normal retirement age" means the higher of age 65 or "retirement age," as defined in United States Code, title 42, section 416(l), as amended, but not to exceed age 66.
HIST: (254-23) 1931 c 307 s 1; 1933 c 374 s 1; 1937 c 466 s 1; 1941 c 285 s 1; 1945 c 78 s 1; 1947 c 18 s 1; 1949 c 84 s 1; 1951 c 22 s 1-8; 1953 c 78 s 1; 1955 c 815 s 11; 1957 c 815 s 1; 1957 c 935 s 1-5; 1959 c 650 s 1-7,39,43,58; 1961 c 482 s 1; 1961 c 595 s 1; 1961 c 746 s 1; 1963 c 440 s 1; 1963 c 641 s 3-12; 1965 c 104 s 1; 1965 c 880 s 1,2; Ex1967 c 26 s 1; Ex1967 c 37 s 1; 1969 c 940 s 1,2; 1971 c 106 s 1-8; 1971 c 503 s 1,2; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1973 c 753 s 3-18; 1974 c 229 s 1-8; 1975 c 102 s 1-3; 1975 c 359 s 23; 1976 c 329 s 12-15; 1977 c 347 s 52,53; 1977 c 429 s 19-22,63; 1978 c 471 s 1; 1978 c 720 s 6; 1978 c 796 s 23-26; 1979 c 216 s 1-4,21; 1979 c 303 art 6 s 5; 1980 c 609 art 5 s 20; 1981 c 68 s 16-18; 1981 c 180 s 1; 1981 c 224 s 73-75; 1981 c 298 s 11; 1982 c 404 s 1-4; 1982 c 424 s 64,115,125; 1983 c 286 s 6; 1985 c 261 s 3; 1Sp1985 c 7 s 12; 1986 c 399 art 2 s 9; 1986 c 400 s 9; 1986 c 444; 1986 c 458 s 11; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 2 s 41; 1987 c 49 s 9; 1987 c 258 s 12; 1987 c 259 s 25; 1987 c 284 art 5 s 1,2; 1987 c 291 s 215; 1987 c 296 s 1-3; 1987 c 372 art 1 s 5; 1988 c 709 art 2 s 1; art 5 s 1-7; 1989 c 209 art 2 s 36; 1989 c 246 s 2; 1989 c 319 art 3 s 1-6; art 5 s 1; art 13 s 29; 1989 c 335 art 3 s 5; 1990 c 556 s 7; 1990 c 570 art 8 s 1; art 11 s 1-3; art 12 s 19; 1991 c 269 art 2 s 5; 1991 c 341 s 1-6; 1992 c 432 art 2 s 2-5; 1992 c 598 art 2 s 1; 1993 c 307 art 4 s 1-15; 1993 c 336 art 6 s 5,6; 1994 c 528 art 2 s 1-4; 1994 c 572 s 5; 1997 c 233 art 1 s 37; 1997 c 241 art 2 s 1; 1998 c 254 art 1 s 87; 1999 c 222 art 4 s 4-6
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes