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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

148C.03 Duties of the commissioner.

Subdivision 1. General. The commissioner shall, after consultation with the advisory council or a subcommittee or the special licensing criteria committee established under section 148C.11, subdivision 3, paragraph (b):

(a) adopt and enforce rules for licensure of alcohol and drug counselors, including establishing standards and methods of determining whether applicants and licensees are qualified under section 148C.04. The rules must provide for examinations and establish standards for the regulation of professional conduct. The rules must be designed to protect the public;

(b) hold or contract for the administration of examinations at least twice a year to assess applicants' knowledge and skills. The examinations must be written and oral and may be administered by the commissioner or by a private organization under contract with the commissioner to administer the licensing examinations. Examinations must minimize cultural bias and must be balanced in various theories relative to practice of alcohol and drug counseling;

(c) issue licenses to individuals qualified under sections 148C.01 to 148C.11;

(d) issue copies of the rules for licensure to all applicants;

(e) adopt rules to establish and implement procedures, including a standard disciplinary process and rules of professional conduct;

(f) carry out disciplinary actions against licensees;

(g) establish, with the advice and recommendations of the advisory council, written internal operating procedures for receiving and investigating complaints and for taking disciplinary actions as appropriate;

(h) educate the public about the existence and content of the rules for alcohol and drug counselor licensing to enable consumers to file complaints against licensees who may have violated the rules;

(i) evaluate the rules in order to refine and improve the methods used to enforce the commissioner's standards;

(j) set, collect, and adjust license fees for alcohol and drug counselors so that the total fees collected will as closely as possible equal anticipated expenditures during the biennium, as provided in section 16A.1285; fees for initial and renewal application and examinations; late fees for counselors who submit license renewal applications after the renewal deadline; and a surcharge fee. The surcharge fee must include an amount necessary to recover, over a five-year period, the commissioner's direct expenditures for the adoption of the rules providing for the licensure of alcohol and drug counselors. All fees received shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the special revenue fund; and

(k) prepare reports on activities related to the licensure of alcohol and drug counselors according to this subdivision by October 1 of each even-numbered year. Copies of the reports shall be delivered to the legislature in accordance with section 3.195 and to the governor. The reports shall contain the following information on the commissioner's activities relating to the licensure of alcohol and drug counselors, for the two-year period ending the previous June 30:

(1) a general statement of the activities;

(2) the number of staff hours spent on the activities;

(3) the receipts and disbursements of funds;

(4) the names of advisory council members and their addresses, occupations, and dates of appointment and reappointment;

(5) the names and job classifications of employees;

(6) a brief summary of rules proposed or adopted during the reporting period with appropriate citations to the State Register and published rules;

(7) the number of persons having each type of license issued by the commissioner as of June 30 in the year of the report;

(8) the locations and dates of the administration of examinations by the commissioner;

(9) the number of persons examined by the commissioner with the persons subdivided into groups showing age categories, sex, and states of residency;

(10) the number of persons licensed by the commissioner after taking the examinations referred to in clause (8) with the persons subdivided by age categories, sex, and states of residency;

(11) the number of persons not licensed by the commissioner after taking the examinations referred to in clause (8) with the persons subdivided by age categories, sex, and states of residency;

(12) the number of persons not taking the examinations referred to in clause (8) who were licensed by the commissioner or who were denied licensing, the reasons for the licensing or denial, and the persons subdivided by age categories, sex, and states of residency;

(13) the number of persons previously licensed by the commissioner whose licenses were revoked, suspended, or otherwise altered in status with brief statements of the reasons for the revocation, suspension, or alteration;

(14) the number of written and oral complaints and other communications received by the commissioner which allege or imply a violation of a statute or rule which the commissioner is empowered to enforce;

(15) a summary, by specific category, of the substance of the complaints and communications referred to in clause (14) and, for each specific category, the responses or dispositions; and

(16) any other objective information which the commissioner believes will be useful in reviewing the commissioner's activities.

Subd. 2. Repealed, 1995 c 164 s 35

Subd. 3. Repealed, 1995 c 164 s 35

Subd. 4. Professional accountability. The commissioner shall maintain and keep current a file containing the reports and complaints filed against alcohol and drug counselors within the commissioner's jurisdiction.

HIST: 1992 c 559 art 2 s 3; 1Sp1993 c 1 art 3 s 5-7; 1995 c 164 s 6,7; 1996 c 305 art 1 s 42; 1996 c 451 art 4 s 37; 1997 c 187 art 2 s 6

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes