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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subpart 1.


The following species of mammals are designated as:


Endangered: none.




Spilogale putorius, eastern spotted skunk; and


Thomomys talpoides, northern pocket gopher.


Of special concern:


Alces americanus, moose;


Cervus canadensis, elk;


Cryptotis parva, North American least shrew;


Eptesicus fuscus, big brown bat;


Lynx canadensis, Canada lynx;


Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole;


Microtus pinetorum, woodland vole;


Mustela nivalis, least weasel;


Myotis lucifugus, little brown myotis;


Myotis septentrionalis, northern myotis;


Onychomys leucogaster, northern grasshopper mouse;


Perimyotis subflavus, tri-colored bat;


Perognathus flavescens, plains pocket mouse;


Phenacomys ungava, eastern heather vole;


Puma concolor, mountain lion;


Reithrodontomys megalotis, western harvest mouse;


Sorex fumeus, smoky shrew;


Synaptomys borealis, northern bog lemming; and


Urocitellus richardsonii, Richardson's ground squirrel.

Subp. 2.


The following species of birds are designated as:




Ammodramus bairdii, Baird's sparrow;


Ammodramus henslowii, Henslow's sparrow;


Anthus spragueii, Sprague's pipit;


Athene cunicularia, burrowing owl;


Calcarius ornatus, chestnut-collared longspur;


Charadrius melodus, piping plover;


Lanius ludovicianus, loggerhead shrike;


Podiceps auritus, horned grebe; and


Rallus elegans, king rail.




Phalaropus tricolor, Wilson's phalarope; and


Sterna hirundo, common tern.


Of special concern:


Accipiter gentilis, northern goshawk;


Aegolius funereus, boreal owl;


Ammodramus nelsoni, Nelson's sparrow;


Asio flammeus, short-eared owl;


Buteo lineatus, red-shouldered hawk;


Chondestes grammacus, lark sparrow;


Coturnicops noveboracensis, yellow rail;


Cygnus buccinator, trumpeter swan;


Empidonax virescens, acadian flycatcher;


Falco peregrinus, peregrine falcon;


Gallinula galeata, common gallinule;


Leucophaeus pipixcan, Franklin's gull;


Limosa fedoa, marbled godwit;


Parkesia motacilla, Louisiana waterthrush;


Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, American white pelican;


Progne subis, purple martin;


Setophaga cerulea, cerulean warbler


Setophaga citrina, hooded warbler;


Sterna forsteri, Forster's tern;


Tympanuchus cupido, greater prairie-chicken; and


Vireo bellii, Bell's vireo.

Subp. 3.

Amphibians and reptiles.

The following species of amphibians and reptiles are designated as:




Acris blanchardi, Blanchard's cricket frog; and


Sistrurus catenatus, massasauga.




Crotalus horridus, timber rattlesnake;


Emydoidea blandingii, Blanding's turtle;


Glyptemys insculpta, wood turtle; and


Pantherophis obsoletus, western ratsnake.


Of special concern:


Ambystoma maculatum, spotted salamander;


Anaxyrus cognatus, Great Plains toad;


Apalone mutica, smooth softshell;


Coluber constrictor, North American racer;


Hemidactylium scutatum, four-toed salamander;


Heterodon nasicus, plains hog-nosed snake;


Necturus maculosus, mudpuppy;


Pituophis catenifer, gopher snake;


Plestiodon fasciatus, common five-lined skink; and


Tropidoclonion lineatum, lined snake.

Subp. 4.


The following species of fish are designated as:




Alosa chrysochloris, skipjack herring;


Crystallaria asprella, crystal darter;


Hybopsis amnis, pallid shiner; and


Noturus exilis, slender madtom.




Erimystax x-punctatus, gravel chub;


Fundulus sciadicus, plains topminnow;


Ictiobus niger, black buffalo;


Notropis anogenus, pugnose shiner; and


Polyodon spathula, paddlefish.


Of special concern:


Acipenser fulvescens, lake sturgeon;


Anguilla rostrata, American eel;


Aphredoderus sayanus, pirate perch;


Clinostomus elongatus, redside dace;


Coregonus kiyi, kiyi;


Coregonus Nipigon, Nipigon cisco;


Coregonus zenithicus, shortjaw cisco;


Couesius plumbeus, lake chub;


Cycleptus elongatus, blue sucker;


Etheostoma chlorosoma, bluntnose darter;


Etheostoma microperca, least darter;


Hybognathus nuchalis, Mississippi silvery minnow;


Ichthyomyzon fossor, northern brook lamprey;


Ichthyomyzon gagei, southern brook lamprey;


Lepomis gulosus, warmouth;


Lepomis peltastes, northern longear sunfish;


Lythrurus umbratilis, redfin shiner;


Morone mississippiensis, yellow bass;


Moxostoma duquesnei, black redhorse;


Notropis nubilus, Ozark minnow;


Notropis topeka, Topeka shiner;


Percina evides, gilt darter;


Phenacobius mirabilis, suckermouth minnow;


Platygobio gracilis, flathead chub; and


Prosopium coulterii, pygmy whitefish.

Subp. 5.

[Repealed, 20 SR 2782]

Subp. 6.


The following species of mollusks are designated as:




Arcidens confragosus, rock pocketbook;


Cumberlandia monodonta, spectaclecase;


Cyclonaias tuberculata, purple wartyback;


Elliptio crassidens, elephant-ear;


Epioblasma triquetra, snuffbox;


Fusconaia ebena, ebonyshell;


Lampsilis higginsii, Higgins eye;


Lampsilis teres, yellow sandshell;


Megalonaias nervosa, washboard;


Plethobasus cyphyus, sheepnose;


Quadrula fragosa, winged mapleleaf;


Simpsonaias ambigua, salamander mussel; and


Tritogonia verrucosa, pistolgrip.




Actinonaias ligamentina, mucket;


Alasmidonta marginata, elktoe;


Ellipsaria lineolata, butterfly;


Elliptio dilatata, spike;


Lasmigona costata, fluted-shell;


Ligumia subrostrata, pondmussel;


Quadrula metanevra, monkeyface;


Quadrula nodulata, wartyback;


Striatura ferrea, black striate snail;


Truncilla donaciformis, fawnsfoot;


Venustaconcha ellipsiformis, ellipse; and


Vertigo meramecensis, bluff vertigo.


Of special concern:


Anodonta suborbiculata, flat floater;


Elliptio complanata, eastern elliptio;


Gastrocopta rogersensis, Rogers' snaggletooth snail;


Lasmigona compressa, creek heelsplitter;


Ligumia recta, black sandshell;


Planogyra asteriscus, eastern flat-whorl snail;


Pleurobema sintoxia, round pigtoe;


Striatura ferrea, black striate snail; and


Zonitoides limatulus, dull gloss.

Subp. 7.

Jumping spiders.

The following species of jumping spiders are designated as:


Endangered: none.


Threatened: Tutelina formicaria.


Of special concern:


Habronattus calcaratus maddisoni;


Habronattus texanus;


Habronattus viridipes;


Marpissa formosa;


Paradamoetas fontana;


Pelegrina arizonensis;


Phidippus apacheanus;


Phidippus pius; and


Sassacus papenhoei.

Subp. 8.

Butterflies and moths.

The following species of butterflies and moths are designated as:




Erynnis persius persius, persius dusky wing;


Hesperia assiniboia, assiniboia skipper;


Hesperia dacotae, Dakota skipper;


Hesperia ottoe, ottoe skipper


Hesperia uncas, uncas skipper;


Lycaeides melissa samuelis, Karner blue;


Oarisma poweshiek, poweshiek skipperling; and


Oeneis uhleri varuna, Uhler's arctic.


Threatened: Oarisma gratia, gratia skipper.


Of special concern:


Atrytone arogos iowa, arogos skipper;


Catocala abbreviatella, abbreviated underwing;


Catocala whitneyi, Whitney's underwing;


Erebia mancinus, disa alpine;


Hesperia leonardus, leonardus skipper;


Lycaeides idas nabokovi, Nabokov's blue;


Pyrgus centaureae freija, grizzled skipper;


Schinia indiana, phlox moth;


Schinia lucens, leadplant flower moth; and


Speyeria idalia, regal fritillary.

Subp. 9.


The following species of caddisflies are designated as:




Hydroptila waskesia, a species of purse casemaker caddisfly;


Limnephilus janus, a species of northern caddisfly;


Limnephilus secludens, a species of northern caddisfly;


Ochrotrichia spinosa, a species of purse casemaker caddisfly; and


Polycentropus milaca, a species of tube casemaker caddisfly.




Chilostigma itascae, headwaters chilostigman caddisfly


Goera stylata;


Hydroptila rono, a species of purse casemaker caddisfly;


Ironoquia punctatissima, a species of northern caddisfly;


Lepidostoma libum;


Limnephilus rossi, a species of northern caddisfly;


Oecetis ditissa, a species of long-horned caddisfly;


Oxyethira ecornuta, a species of purse casemaker caddisfly;


Parapsyche apicalis, a species of nestspinning caddisfly;


Polycentropus glacialis, a species of tube casemaker caddisfly; and


Ylodes frontalis, a species of long-horned caddisfly.


Of special concern:


Agapetus tomus;


Anabolia ozburni, a species of northern caddisfly;


Hydroptila metoeca, a species of purse casemaker caddisfly;


Hydroptila quinola, a species of purse casemaker caddisfly;


Hydroptila tortosa, a species of purse casemaker caddisfly;


Oxyethira itascae, a species of purse casemaker caddisfly;


Protoptila erotica, a species of saddle casemaker caddisfly; and


Triaenodes flavescens, a species of long-horned caddisfly.

Subp. 10.

Tiger beetles.

The following species of tiger beetles are designated as:




Cicindela fulgida fulgida, crimson saltflat tiger beetle, fulgida subspecies;


Cicindela hirticollis rhodensis, hairy-necked tiger beetle; and


Cicindela limbata nympha, sandy tiger beetle.




Cincindela fulgida westbournei, crimson saltflat tiger beetle, westbournei subspecies; and


Cicindela lepida, ghost tiger beetle.


Of special concern:


Cicindela denikei, Laurentian tiger beetle;


Cicindela macra macra, sandy stream tiger beetle;


Cicindela patruela patruela, northern barrens tiger beetle; and


Cicindela splendida cyanocephalata, splendid tiger beetle.

Subp. 11.


The following species of leafhoppers are designated as:


Endangered: none.


Threatened: none.


Of special concern:


Aflexia rubranura, red-tailed leafhopper;


Attenuipyga vanduzeei, hill prairie shovelhead leafhopper; and


Macrosteles clavatus, caped leafhopper.

Subp. 12.


The following species of dragonflies are designated as:


Endangered: none.


Threatened: Ophiogomphus susbehcha, St. Croix snaketail.


Of special concern:


Aeshna sitchensis, zigzag darner;


Aeshna subarctica, subarctic darner;


Boyeria grafiana, ocellated darner;


Ophiogomphus anomalus, extra-striped snaketail;


Ophiogomphus howei, pygmy snaketail;


Somatochlora brevicincta, Quebec emerald; and


Somatochlora forcipata, forcipate emerald.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 84.0895


8 SR 1921; 20 SR 2782; L 2012 c 277 art 1 s 90; 38 SR 217

Published Electronically:

October 8, 2013

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes