When a portion of a project includes abatement of less than 25 linear feet of asbestos-containing pipe lagging or less than ten square feet of asbestos-containing material per room, for that portion of the project, the person performing abatement may use the mini-containment procedures in this part instead of the procedures in parts 4620.3566 to 4620.3575.
In process areas of facilities not accessible to the general public and designated in Division B, D, or E of the 1987 edition of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, asbestos-containing material may be abated in quantities up to 25 linear feet or ten square feet for each 15,000 square foot area of floor space using the mini-containment procedures in this part. Divisions B, D, and E of the 1987 edition of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual are incorporated by reference and are not subject to frequent change. A copy of this material is available from the State Law Library, Minnesota Judicial Center, 25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155, or for loan or inspection from the Barr Library of the Minnesota Department of Health or through the Minitex interlibrary loan system.
Before proceeding to the remote decontamination unit, individuals performing mini-containment operations must:
vacuum clean all exposed parts of the body and hair using a HEPA-filter equipped vacuum cleaner; and
don a nonpermeable layer of protective clothing which covers all body surfaces except the face and hands.
A remote decontamination unit must be available that complies with part 4620.3569, subparts 1, items B to D, and 2. The remote decontamination must be:
placed in an area to minimize contamination of the area between the asbestos work area and the remote decontamination unit.
All mini-containment operations must comply with this subpart.
Before the mini-containment operation begins, the area within ten feet of the mini-containment operation must be cleaned using a HEPA-filter equipped vacuum, wet wiping, or both, until no dust nor debris is visible.
All persons using a mini-containment to perform abatement must comply with this subpart.
Negative air pressure within the mini-containment must be maintained until the procedures in subpart 6, item G, are completed.
Surfaces from which asbestos-containing material has been removed must be thoroughly cleaned until no visible asbestos-containing material remains.
Every mini-containment operation must be completed according to the procedures in this subpart.
All tools and equipment used in the mini-containment must be wet wiped until no visible residue remains.
The wet wiped tools and equipment must be passed through the mini-containment door in a sealed, leakproof container.
The leakproof container containing the tools must be opened only inside another mini-containment, decontamination unit, containment, or when submerged under water.
If the leakproof container with the tools is transported off-site, the container must be labeled as asbestos-containing material.
After the asbestos removal, encapsulation, or enclosure is complete, the interior of the mini-containment must:
Before the mini-containment is removed, a visual inspection of the interior of the mini-containment and the abated surfaces must be performed as specified in part 4620.3575, subpart 2.
The mini-containment must be removed as specified in this item. The mini-containment must be removed by:
tearing down the mini-containment only after the results of clearance air sampling performed according to parts 4620.3594 to 4620.3598 indicate that fiber levels within the mini-containment do not exceed the clearance standard or alternative clearance standard in either part 4620.3100, subpart 2b or 10a.
20 SR 2765
June 3, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes