Legislative, statewide, and judicial candidates, party units, political committees and funds, and committees and funds to promote or defeat a ballot question must itemize contributions that in aggregate exceed $100 in a calendar year on reports submitted to the board. The itemization must include the date on which the contribution was received, the individual or association that provided the contribution, and the address of the contributor. Additionally, the itemization for a donation in kind must provide a description of the item or service received. Contributions that are less than the itemization amount must be reported as an aggregate total.
Legislative, statewide, and judicial candidates, party units, political committees and funds, and committees to promote or defeat a ballot question must itemize expenditures and noncampaign disbursements that in aggregate exceed $100 in a calendar year on reports submitted to the board. The itemization must include the date on which the committee made or became obligated to make the expenditure or disbursement, the name and address of the vendor that provided the service or item purchased, and a description of the service or item purchased. Expenditures and noncampaign disbursements must be listed on the report alphabetically by vendor.
30 SR 903
February 28, 2006
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes