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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Rules Index (topics)


Alternative permitting process


Contents, Minn. Rules 7850.3100

Fees, Minn. Rules 7850.3000

Notice requirements, Minn. Rules 7850.3300

Qualifying projects, Minn. Rules 7850.2800

Review, Minn. Rules 7850.3200

Submission, Minn. Rules 7850.2900

Citizen advisory task forces, Minn. Rules 7850.2400, 7850.3600

Environmental assessment, Minn. Rules 7850.3700, 7850.3800

Hearings, generally, Minn. Rules 7850.3800

Meetings, Minn. Rules 7850.3500

Public advisors, Minn. Rules 7850.3400

Qualifying projects, Minn. Rules 7850.2800

Coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generators, mercury emission standards, Minn. Rules 7011.0563

Cogeneration and small power production, utility interconnections with small power producers, see Small power producers under this topic

Electric generating units

Greenhouse gas emissions, Minn. Rules 7011.0562

Mercury emissions, control, Minn. Rules 7011.0561

Emergency and standby power systems, building code amendments, Minn. Rules 1305.2702

Environmental assessment worksheets, mandatory categories, Minn. Rules 4410.4300

Environmental impact statements, mandatory categories, Minn. Rules 4410.4400

Environmental review, exemptions, Minn. Rules 4410.4600

Existing facilities

Expansion, permits, Minn. Rules 7850.1300

Permits, exceptions, Minn. Rules 7850.1500

Full permitting process


Contents, Minn. Rules 7850.1900

Electronic copies, Minn. Rules 7850.1700

Fees, Minn. Rules 7850.1800

Filing requirements, Minn. Rules 7850.1700

Hearings, Minn. Rules 7850.2600, 7850.2700

Notice requirements, Minn. Rules 7850.2100

Review, Minn. Rules 7850.2000

Citizen advisory task forces, Minn. Rules 7850.2400

Fees, Minn. Rules 7850.1800

Meetings, Minn. Rules 7850.2300

Public advisors, Minn. Rules 7850.2100, 7850.2200

Large electric power generating plants

Certificates of need

Contents of application, Minn. Rules 7849.0220

Environmental reports, Minn. Rules 7849.0230

High voltage lines, Minn. Rules 7850.3900, 7850.5300


Alternative form of review, Minn. Rules 7849.2000

Applicants, Minn. Rules 7849.1300, 7849.2100

Applications for, Minn. Rules 7849.1300

Hearings, and environmental reports, Minn. Rules 7849.1800


Commence construction, defined, Minn. Rules 7850.1300

Delay in, effect, Minn. Rules 7850.4700

Permits, Minn. Rules 7850.1300

Definitions, Minn. Rules 7849.1100, 7850.1000

Description, certificate of need application, Minn. Rules 7849.0250

Environmental assessments, joint proceedings, Minn. Rules 7849.1900

Environmental impact statements, joint proceedings, Minn. Rules 7849.1900

Environmental reports

Assistance from applicants, Minn. Rules 7849.1700

Assistance from other agencies, Minn. Rules 7849.1600

Certification hearings and, Minn. Rules 7849.1800

Completion, timing, Minn. Rules 7849.1400, 7849.1800

Contents, Minn. Rules 7849.1400, 7849.1500

Costs, payment, Minn. Rules 7849.2100

Generally, Minn. Rules 4410.4300, 4410.4400, 7849.1000

Notices about, Minn. Rules 7849.1400

Other bodies, duties, Minn. Rules 4410.7055

Preparation, Minn. Rules 7849.1200, 7849.1400, 7849.1500

Public meetings, Minn. Rules 7849.1400

Supplements, Minn. Rules 7849.1800

Impacts, Minn. Rules 7849.1500

Increased generating capacity, permits, Minn. Rules 7850.1300

Minor alterations, Minn. Rules 7850.4800


Applications for, rejection, Minn. Rules 7850.4500

Conditions, amendments, Minn. Rules 7850.4900

Conditions, imposed, Minn. Rules 7850.4400, 7850.4600

Emergency permits, Minn. Rules 7850.5200

Exceptions, Minn. Rules 7850.1400, 7850.1500

Generally, Minn. Rules 7850.4000

Issuance, standards and criteria, Minn. Rules 7850.4100, 7850.4200

Joint proceedings, Minn. Rules 7850.1600

Local review option, Minn. Rules 7850.5300

Requirements, generally, Minn. Rules 7850.1300

Revocation, Minn. Rules 7850.5100

Suspension, Minn. Rules 7850.5100

Transfers, procedure, Minn. Rules 7850.5000

Routing, review, generally, Minn. Rules 7849.2000


Annual public hearings, Minn. Rules 7850.5400

Application of rules, Minn. Rules 7850.1200

Certificate of site compatibility, notice, Minn. Rules 4410.5200

Environmental impact statements, Minn. Rules 7850.2300, 7850.2500

Exclusions, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

Historic districts, siting in, prohibition, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

National historic sites and landmarks, siting in, prohibition, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

National monuments, siting in, prohibition, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

National parks, siting in, prohibition, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

National wildlife refuges, siting in, prohibition, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

Policy of state, Minn. Rules 7850.1100

Program advisory task force, Minn. Rules 7850.5600

Review, generally, Minn. Rules 7849.2000

State parks, siting in, prohibition, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

Wild, scenic, and national riverways, siting in, prohibition, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

Wilderness areas, siting in, prohibition, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

Water supply, sufficiency, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

Water use, restrictions, Minn. Rules 7850.4400

Less than 50 megawatts, Minn. Rules 7850.1400


Existing facilities, expansion, Minn. Rules 7850.1300

Large electric power generating plants, see same under this topic

Siting hearings

Administrative law judges, duties, Minn. Rules 1405.0400

Cameras, use in, Minn. Rules 1405.2300

Continuances, Minn. Rules 1405.1200

Definitions, Minn. Rules 1405.0200

Depositions, Minn. Rules 1405.1200

Emergency procedure, Minn. Rules 1405.2700

Evidence, generally, Minn. Rules 1405.1700

Interference, prohibited, Minn. Rules 1405.2300

Intervention, Minn. Rules 1405.0900

Notice requirements, Minn. Rules 1405.0500

Prehearing conferences, Minn. Rules 1405.1100


Continuances, Minn. Rules 1405.2100

Generally, Minn. Rules 1405.1400

Two-stage hearings, Minn. Rules 1405.1500

Public participation, Minn. Rules 1405.0800

Record of hearing, Minn. Rules 1405.1800

Rehearing, procedure, Minn. Rules 1405.2600

Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 1405.0300

Small power producers

Avoided energy costs, Minn. Rules 7835.3800

Capacity payments, determination, Minn. Rules 7835.3700

Charges and rates

Capacity payments, Minn. Rules 7835.3700

Contracts negotiated by customer, Minn. Rules 7835.3600

Full avoided energy costs, Minn. Rules 7835.3800

Net energy billing rate, Minn. Rules 7835.3300

Petition, Minn. Rules 7835.3100

Qualifying facilities, greater than 100 kilowatts, Minn. Rules 7835.3900

Simultaneous purchasing sale billing rate, Minn. Rules 7835.3400

Standard rates, Minn. Rules 7835.3200

Time of day purchase rates, Minn. Rules 7835.3500

Utility treatment of costs, Minn. Rules 7835.4000

Compliance with National Electrical Safety Code, Minn. Rules 7835.2100

Connecting facilities greater than 100 kilowatts, Minn. Rules 7835.3900


Existing, status of, Minn. Rules 7835.5900

Flexible language, Minn. Rules 7835.6000

Negotiated by customer, Minn. Rules 7835.3600

Nonstandard contracts, authorization, Minn. Rules 7835.9920

Statewide, uniform, Minn. Rules 7835.6100, 7835.9910

Uniform statewide contract, form, Minn. Rules 7835.9910

Written contracts, Minn. Rules 7835.2000


Bills, kilowatt-hour credits, Minn. Rules 7835.4017

Code compliance, Minn. Rules 7835.2100

Interconnection standards, copies to, Minn. Rules 7835.4750

Disputes, determination, Minn. Rules 7835.4500, 7835.4550

Effectiveness, statement, Minn. Rules 7835.1800

Emergencies, discontinuing sales, Minn. Rules 7835.2800

Energy sales to, by utilities, rates, Minn. Rules 7835.3000

Equipment, furnishing, installing, operating and maintaining, Minn. Rules 7835.2200

Exchange agreements, Minn. Rules 7835.4100

Facilities, others qualifying, Minn. Rules 7835.1500

Fees, dispute resolution, Minn. Rules 7835.4550

Filings, Minn. Rules 7835.0300, 7835.1200

Indemnity clauses, Minn. Rules 7835.2400

Information about, reporting by utilities

Availability, Minn. Rules 7835.4700

Net average retail utility energy billing qualified, Minn. Rules 7835.1400

Other facilities, Minn. Rules 7835.1500

Providing to commission, Minn. Rules 7835.1300 to 7835.1800

Wheeling, Minn. Rules 7835.1600

Interconnection standards, copies to customers, Minn. Rules 7835.4750

Interconnections with cooperative electric associations or municipal utilities

Application of rules, Minn. Rules 7835.3150

Facilities over 100 kilowatts capacity, contracts, Minn. Rules 7835.3600 to 7835.3900

Purchases of electricity, rates, Minn. Rules 7835.3200 to 7835.3500, 7835.3900

Interconnections with public utilities

Application of rules, Minn. Rules 7835.4010

Average retail utility energy rate, Minn. Rules 7835.4012, 7835.4013

Consumers' bills, kilowatt-hour credits, Minn. Rules 7835.4017

Costs to utility, treatment as energy costs, Minn. Rules 7835.4021

Facilities over 1000 watts capacity, contracts, Minn. Rules 7835.4019, 7835.4020

Individual system capacity, limits, Minn. Rules 7835.4016

Metering, Minn. Rules 7835.4018

Negotiated rates, Minn. Rules 7835.4011

Requests to limit cummulative generation of net metered facilities, Minn. Rules 7835.4022

Simultaneous purchase and sale billing rate, Minn. Rules 7835.4012, 7835.4014

Solar energy, alternative tariffs for value, Minn. Rules 7835.4023

Standard rates, Minn. Rules 7835.4011

Time-of-day purchase rates, Minn. Rules 7835.4015

Liability, Minn. Rules 7835.2400

Major impacts, statement, Minn. Rules 7835.1700

Notice, customers, Minn. Rules 7835.4600

Payments, Minn. Rules 7835.4300, 7835.4400

Purchases, Minn. Rules 7835.1900, 7835.4000

Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 7835.0200

Renewable energy credits, ownership, Minn. Rules 7835.5950

Schedule A, Minn. Rules 7835.0500

Schedule B, Minn. Rules 7835.0600

Schedule C, Minn. Rules 7835.0650

Schedule D, Minn. Rules 7835.0700

Schedule E, Minn. Rules 7835.0800

Schedule F, Minn. Rules 7835.0900

Schedule G, Minn. Rules 7835.1000

Schedule H, Minn. Rules 7835.1100

Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 7835.0200

Simultaneous purchase and sale billing rate, Minn. Rules 7835.3400

Standby service, Minn. Rules 7835.2600

Subsequent year, filing option, Minn. Rules 7835.0400

Tariffs, filing, Minn. Rules 7835.0400

Time of day purchase rates, Minn. Rules 7835.3500

Types of power offered, Minn. Rules 7835.2600

Uniform statewide contract, Minn. Rules 7835.6100, 7835.9910

Uniform statewide contract, form, Minn. Rules 7835.9910

Wheeling activities

Agreements, when required, Minn. Rules 7835.4100

Generally, Minn. Rules 7835.1600

Inter-utility payment, Minn. Rules 7835.4200

Workplace accident and injury reduction, Minn. Rules 5208.1500