An EAW must be prepared for projects that meet or exceed the threshold of any of subparts 2 to 37, unless the project meets or exceeds any thresholds of part 4410.4400, in which case an EIS must be prepared.
If the proposed project is an expansion or additional stage of an existing project, the cumulative total of the proposed project and any existing stages or components of the existing project must be included when determining if a threshold is met or exceeded if construction was begun within three years before the date of application for a permit or approval from a governmental unit for the expansion or additional stage but after April 21, 1997, except that any existing stage or component that was reviewed under a previously completed EAW or EIS need not be included.
Multiple projects and multiple stages of a single project that are connected actions or phased actions must be considered in total when comparing the project or projects to the thresholds of this part and part 4410.4400.
Items A to F designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For construction or expansion of a facility for the storage of high level nuclear waste, other than an independent spent-fuel storage installation, the EQB is the RGU.
For construction or expansion of a facility for the storage of low level nuclear waste for one year or longer, the MDH is the RGU.
For expansion of an away-from-reactor facility for temporary storage of spent nuclear fuel, the EQB is the RGU.
For construction or expansion of an on-site pool for temporary storage of spent nuclear fuel, the EQB is the RGU.
Items A to D designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For construction of an electric power generating plant and associated facilities designed for or capable of operating at a capacity of 25 megawatts or more but less than 50 megawatts and for which an air permit from the PCA is required, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction of an electric power generating plant and associated facilities designed for and capable of operating at a capacity of 25 megawatts or more but less than 50 megawatts and for which an air permit from the PCA is not required, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
For expansion of an existing petroleum refinery that increases the refinery's capacity by 10,000 barrels per day or more, the PCA is the RGU.
Subitems (1) and (2) designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For construction of a new fuel conversion facility for the conversion of coal, peat, or biomass sources to gaseous, liquid, or solid fuels if that facility has the capacity to utilize 25,000 dry tons or more per year of input, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction of a new fuel conversion facility for the production of alcohol fuels that would have the capacity to produce 5,000,000 gallons or more per year of alcohol, the PCA is the RGU.
An EAW is required if an ethanol plant or biobutanol facility meets or exceeds thresholds of other categories of actions for which EAWs must be prepared.
For construction of a transmission line at a new location with a nominal capacity of between 70 kilovolts and 100 kilovolts with 20 or more miles of its length in Minnesota, the EQB is the RGU. For construction of a high-voltage transmission line and associated facilities, as defined in part 7850.1000, the PUC is the RGU. Environmental review must be conducted according to parts 7849.1000 to 7849.2100 and 7850.1000 to 7850.5600.
Items A to D designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For routing of a pipeline, greater than six inches in diameter and having more than 0.75 miles of its length in Minnesota, used for the transportation of coal, crude petroleum fuels, or oil or their derivates, the EQB is the RGU.
For the construction of a pipeline for distribution of natural or synthetic gas under a license, permit, right, or franchise that has been granted by the municipality under authority of Minnesota Statutes, section 216B.36, designed to operate at pressures in excess of 275 pounds per square inch (gauge) with a length greater than:
0.75 miles if the pipeline will occupy private property;
the EQB or the municipality is the RGU.
For construction of a pipeline to transport natural or synthetic gas subject to regulation under the federal Natural Gas Act, United States Code, title 15, section 717, et. seq., designed to operate at pressures in excess of 275 pounds per square inch (gauge) with a length greater than:
five miles if the pipeline will be constructed and operated within an existing right-of-way; or
0.75 miles if construction or operation will require new temporary or permanent right-of-way;
the EQB is the RGU. This item shall not apply to the extent that the application is expressly preempted by federal law, or under specific circumstances when an actual conflict exists with applicable federal law.
For construction of a pipeline to convey natural or synthetic gas that is not subject to regulation under the federal Natural Gas Act, United States Code, title 15, section 717, et seq.; or to a license, permit, right, or franchise that has been granted by a municipality under authority of Minnesota Statutes, section 216B.36; designed to operate at pressures in excess of 275 pounds per square inch (gauge) with a length greater than 0.75 miles, the EQB is the RGU.
Items A to D do not apply to repair or replacement of an existing pipeline within an existing right-of-way or to a pipeline located entirely within a refining, storage, or manufacturing facility.
Items A to C designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For construction of a new facility designed for or capable of transferring 300 tons or more of coal per hour or with an annual throughput of 500,000 tons of coal from one mode of transportation to a similar or different mode of transportation or the expansion of an existing facility by these respective amounts, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction of a new facility or the expansion by 50 percent or more of an existing facility for the bulk transfer of hazardous materials with the capacity of 10,000 or more gallons per transfer, if the facility is located in a shoreland area, a delineated floodplain, a state or federally designated wild and scenic rivers district, the Minnesota River Project Riverbend area, or the Mississippi headwaters area, the PCA is the RGU.
Items A and B designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
Items A to H designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For construction of a new facility designed for or capable of storing more than 7,500 tons of coal or with an annual throughput of more than 125,000 tons of coal or the expansion of an existing facility by these respective amounts, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction of a new major facility, as defined in part 7151.1200, that results in a designed storage capacity of 1,000,000 gallons or more of hazardous materials, the PCA is the RGU.
For expansion of an existing major facility, as defined in part 7151.1200, with a designed storage capacity of 1,000,000 gallons or more of hazardous materials when the expansion adds a net increase of 1,000,000 gallons or more of hazardous materials, the PCA is the RGU.
For expansion of an existing facility that has less than 1,000,000 gallons in total designed storage capacity of hazardous materials when the net increase in designed storage capacity results in 1,000,000 gallons or more of hazardous materials, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction of a new facility designed for or capable of storing on a single site 100,000 gallons or more of liquefied natural gas, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 299F.56, subdivision 14, or synthetic gas, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 216B.02, subdivision 6b, the PUC is the RGU, except as provided in item G.
For construction of a new facility designed for or capable of storing on a single site 100,000 gallons or more of anhydrous ammonia, the MDA is the RGU, except as provided in item G.
For construction of a new facility designed for or capable of storing on a single site 100,000 gallons or more of a combination of liquefied natural gas, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 299F.56, subdivision 14; synthetic gas, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 216B.02, subdivision 6b; or anhydrous ammonia, the PUC is the RGU.
Items A to C designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For mineral deposit evaluation of metallic mineral deposits other than natural iron ore and taconite, the DNR is the RGU.
For expansion of a stockpile, tailings basin, or mine by 320 or more acres, the DNR is the RGU.
For expansion of a metallic mineral plant processing facility that is capable of increasing production by 25 percent per year or more, provided that increase is in excess of 1,000,000 tons per year in the case of facilities for processing natural iron ore or taconite, the DNR is the RGU.
Items A to D designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For development of a facility for the extraction or mining of peat which will result in the excavation of 160 or more acres of land during its existence, the DNR is the RGU.
For development of a facility for the extraction or mining of sand, gravel, stone, or other nonmetallic minerals, other than peat, which will excavate 40 or more acres of land to a mean depth of ten feet or more during its existence, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
For development of a facility for the extraction or mining of sand, gravel, stone, or other nonmetallic minerals, other than peat, which will excavate 20 or more acres of forested or other naturally vegetated land in a sensitive shoreland area or 40 acres of forested or other naturally vegetated land in a nonsensitive shoreland area, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
For development of a silica sand project that excavates 20 or more acres of land to a mean depth of ten feet or more during the project's existence, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
For expansion of an existing paper or pulp processing facility that will increase its production capacity by 50 percent or more, the PCA is the RGU.
Items A and B designate the RGU for the type of project listed, except as provided in items C and D:
For construction of a new or expansion of an existing warehousing or light industrial facility equal to or in excess of the following thresholds, expressed as gross floor space, the local governmental unit is the RGU:
For construction of a new or expansion of an existing industrial, commercial, or institutional facility, other than a warehousing or light industrial facility, equal to or in excess of the following thresholds, expressed as gross floor space, the local governmental unit is the RGU:
This subpart applies to any industrial, commercial, or institutional project which includes multiple components, if there are mandatory categories specified in subparts 2 to 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25, or 29, or part 4410.4400, subparts 2 to 10, 12, 13, 15, or 17, for two or more of the components, regardless of whether the project in question meets or exceeds any threshold specified in those subparts. In those cases, the entire project must be compared to the thresholds specified in items A and B to determine the need for an EAW. If the project meets or exceeds the thresholds specified in any other subpart as well as that of item A or B, the RGU must be determined as provided in part 4410.0500, subpart 1.
This subpart does not apply to projects for which there is a single mandatory category specified in subparts 2 to 13, 16, 17, 20, 23, 25, 29, or 34, or part 4410.4400, subparts 2 to 10, 12, 13, 17, or 22, regardless of whether the project in question meets or exceeds any threshold specified in those subparts. In those cases, the need for an EAW must be determined by comparison of the project to the threshold specified in the applicable subpart, and the RGU must be the governmental unit assigned by that subpart.
Items A and B designate the RGU for the type of project listed.
For construction of a stationary source facility that generates 250 tons or more per year or modification of a stationary source facility that increases generation by 250 tons or more per year of any single air pollutant, other than those air pollutants described in item B, after installation of air pollution control equipment, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction of a stationary source facility that generates a combined 100,000 tons or more per year or modification of a stationary source facility that increases generation by a combined 100,000 tons or more per year of greenhouse gas emissions, after installation of air pollution control equipment, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents, the PCA is the RGU. For purposes of this subpart, "greenhouse gases" include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride, and their combined carbon dioxide equivalents shall be computed by multiplying the mass amount of emissions for each of the six greenhouse gases in the pollutant GHGs by the gas's associated global warming potential published in Table A-1 to subpart A of Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, part 98, Global Warming Potentials, as amended, and summing the resultant value for each.
Items A to D designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For construction of a new or expansion of an existing hazardous waste disposal facility, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction of a new facility for hazardous waste storage or treatment that is generating or receiving 1,000 kilograms or more per month of hazardous waste or one kilogram or more per month of acute hazardous waste, the PCA is the RGU.
For expansion of an existing facility for hazardous waste storage or treatment that increases the facility's capacity by ten percent or more, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction or expansion of a facility that sells hazardous waste storage services to generators other than the owner and operator of the facility or construction of a facility at which a generator's own hazardous wastes will be stored for a time period in excess of 90 days, if the facility is located in a water-related land use management district, or in an area characterized by soluble bedrock, the PCA is the RGU.
Items A to G designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For construction of a mixed municipal solid waste land disposal facility for up to 100,000 cubic yards of waste fill per year, the PCA is the RGU.
For expansion by 25 percent or more of previously permitted capacity of a mixed municipal solid waste land disposal facility for up to 100,000 cubic yards of waste fill per year, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction or expansion of a mixed municipal solid waste transfer station for 300,000 or more cubic yards per year, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction or expansion of a mixed municipal solid waste energy recovery facility or incinerator or use of an existing facility for the combustion of mixed municipal solid waste or refuse-derived fuel, with a permitted capacity of 30 tons or more per day of input, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction or expansion of a mixed municipal solid waste compost facility or a refuse-derived fuel production facility with a permitted capacity of 50 tons or more per day of input, the PCA is the RGU.
For expansion by at least ten percent but less than 25 percent of previously permitted capacity of a mixed municipal solid waste land disposal facility for 100,000 cubic yards or more of waste fill per year, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction or expansion of a mixed municipal solid waste energy recovery facility ash landfill receiving ash from an incinerator that burns refuse-derived fuel or mixed municipal solid waste, the PCA is the RGU.
Items A to F designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For expansion, modification, or replacement of a municipal sewage collection system resulting in an increase in design average daily flow of any part of that system by 1,000,000 gallons per day or more if the discharge is to a wastewater treatment facility with a capacity less than 20,000,000 gallons per day, the PCA is the RGU.
For expansion, modification, or replacement of a municipal sewage collection system resulting in an increase in design average daily flow of any part of that system by 2,000,000 gallons per day or more if the discharge is to a wastewater treatment facility with the capacity of 20,000,000 gallons or greater, the PCA is the RGU.
For expansion or modification of an existing municipal or domestic wastewater treatment facility that results in an increase by 50 percent or more and by at least 200,000 gallons per day of the facility's average wet weather design flow capacity, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction of a new municipal or domestic wastewater treatment facility with an average wet weather design flow capacity of 200,000 gallons per day or more, the PCA is the RGU.
For expansion or modification of an existing industrial process wastewater treatment facility that increases the facility's design flow capacity by 50 percent or more and by at least 200,000 gallons per day or more, the PCA is the RGU.
For construction of a new industrial process wastewater treatment facility with a design flow capacity of 200,000 gallons per day or more, 5,000,000 gallons per month or more, or 20,000,000 gallons per year or more, the PCA is the RGU. This category does not apply to industrial process wastewater treatment facilities that discharge to a publicly owned treatment works or to a tailings basin reviewed according to subpart 11, item B.
An EAW is required for residential development if the total number of units that may ultimately be developed on all contiguous land owned or under an option to purchase by the proposer, except land identified by an applicable comprehensive plan, ordinance, resolution, or agreement of a local governmental unit for a future use other than residential development, equals or exceeds a threshold of this subpart. In counting the total number of ultimate units, the RGU shall include the number of units in any plans of the proposer; for land for which the proposer has not yet prepared plans, the RGU shall use as the number of units the product of the number of acres multiplied by the maximum number of units per acre allowable under the applicable zoning ordinance or, if the maximum number of units allowable per acre is not specified in an applicable zoning ordinance, by the overall average number of units per acre indicated in the plans of the proposer for those lands for which plans exist. If the total project requires review but future phases are uncertain, the RGU may review the ultimate project sequentially in accordance with part 4410.1000, subpart 4.
If a project consists of mixed unattached and attached units, an EAW must be prepared if the sum of the quotient obtained by dividing the number of unattached units by the applicable unattached unit threshold, plus the quotient obtained by dividing the number of attached units by the applicable attached unit threshold, equals or exceeds one.
The local governmental unit is the RGU for construction of a permanent or potentially permanent residential development of:
50 or more unattached or 75 or more attached units in an unsewered unincorporated area or 100 unattached units or 150 attached units in a sewered unincorporated area;
100 unattached units or 150 attached units in a city that does not meet the conditions of item D;
100 unattached units or 150 attached units in a city meeting the conditions of item D if the project is not consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan; or
250 unattached units or 375 attached units in a city within the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area that has adopted a comprehensive plan under Minnesota Statutes, section 473.859, or in a city not located within the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area that has filed with the EQB chair a certification that it has adopted a comprehensive plan containing the following elements:
a land use plan designating the existing and proposed location, intensity, and extent of use of land and water for residential, industrial, agricultural, and other public and private purposes;
a transportation plan describing, designating, and scheduling the location, extent, function, and capacity of existing and proposed local public and private transportation facilities and services;
a sewage collection system policy plan describing, designating, and scheduling the areas to be served by the public system, the existing and planned capacities of the public system, and the standards and conditions under which the installation of private sewage treatment systems will be permitted;
an implementation plan describing public programs, fiscal devices, and other actions to be undertaken to implement the comprehensive plan, and a description of official controls addressing the matters of zoning, subdivision, private sewage systems, and a schedule for the implementation of those controls. The EQB chair may specify the form to be used for making a certification under this item.
The local governmental unit is the RGU for construction of a permanent or potentially permanent residential development located wholly or partially in shoreland outside the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area of a type listed in items B to E. For purposes of this subpart, "riparian unit" means a unit in a development that abuts a public water or, in the case of a development where units are not allowed to abut the public water, is located in the first tier of the development as provided under part 6120.3800, subpart 4, item A. If a project is located partially in a sensitive shoreland area and partially in nonsensitive shoreland areas, an EAW must be prepared if the sum of the quotient obtained by dividing the number of units in the sensitive shoreland area by the applicable sensitive shoreland area threshold, plus the quotient obtained by dividing the number of units in nonsensitive shoreland areas by the applicable nonsensitive shoreland area threshold, equals or exceeds one. If a project is located partially in shoreland and partially not in shoreland, an EAW must be prepared if the sum of the quotients obtained by dividing the number of units in each type of area by the applicable threshold for each area equals or exceeds one.
A development containing 15 or more unattached or attached units for a sensitive shoreland area or 25 or more unattached or attached units for a nonsensitive shoreland area, if any of the following conditions is present:
the number of riparian units exceeds by at least 15 percent the number of riparian lots that would be allowable calculated according to the applicable lot area and width standards for riparian unsewered single lots under part 6120.3300, subparts 2a and 2b; or
if any portion of the project is in an unincorporated area, the number of nonriparian units in shoreland exceeds by at least 15 percent the number of lots that would be allowable on the parcel calculated according to the applicable lot area standards for nonriparian unsewered single lots under part 6120.3300, subparts 2a and 2b.
A development containing 25 or more unattached or attached units for a sensitive shoreland area or 50 or more unattached or attached units for a nonsensitive shoreland area, if none of the conditions listed in item B is present.
A development in a sensitive shoreland area that provides permanent mooring space for at least one nonriparian unattached or attached unit.
A development containing at least one unattached or attached unit created by the conversion of a resort, motel, hotel, recreational vehicle park, or campground, if either of the following conditions is present:
An EAW is required for residential development if the total number of units that may ultimately be developed on all contiguous land owned or under an option to purchase by the proposer, except land identified by an applicable comprehensive plan, ordinance, resolution, or agreement of a local governmental unit for a future use other than residential development, equals or exceeds a threshold of this subpart. In counting the total number of ultimate units, the RGU shall include the number of units in any plans of the proposer. For land for which the proposer has not yet prepared plans, the RGU shall use as the number of units the number of acres multiplied by the maximum number of units per acre allowable under the applicable zoning ordinance or, if the maximum number of units allowable per acre is not specified in an applicable zoning ordinance, by the overall average number of units per acre indicated in the plan of the proposer for those lands for which plans exist.
For construction of a seasonal or permanent recreational development, accessible by vehicle, consisting of 50 or more sites, or the expansion of such a facility by 50 or more sites, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
The local governmental unit is the RGU for construction or expansion of a resort or other seasonal or permanent recreational development located wholly or partially in shoreland, accessible by vehicle, of a type listed in item A or B:
construction or addition of 25 or more units or sites in a sensitive shoreland area or 50 units or sites in a nonsensitive shoreland area if at least 50 percent of the area in shoreland is common open space; or
construction or addition of 15 or more units or sites in a sensitive shoreland area or 25 or more units or sites in a nonsensitive shoreland area, if less than 50 percent of the area in shoreland is common open space.
If a project is located partially in a sensitive shoreland area and partially in nonsensitive shoreland areas, an EAW must be prepared if the sum of the quotient obtained by dividing the number of units in the sensitive shoreland area by the applicable sensitive shoreland area threshold, plus the quotient obtained by dividing the number of units in nonsensitive shoreland areas by the applicable nonsensitive shoreland area threshold, equals or exceeds one. If a project is located partially in shoreland and partially not in shoreland, an EAW must be prepared if the sum of the quotients obtained by dividing the number of units in each type of area by the applicable threshold for each area equals or exceeds one.
Items A and B designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For construction of a paved, new airport runway, the DOT, local governmental unit, or Metropolitan Airports Commission is the RGU.
For construction of a runway extension that would upgrade an existing airport runway to permit usage by aircraft over 12,500 pounds that are at least three decibels louder than aircraft currently using the runway, the DOT, local governmental unit, or Metropolitan Airports Commission is the RGU. The RGU is selected according to part 4410.0500, subpart 5.
Items A to C designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For construction of a road on a new location over one mile in length that will function as a collector roadway, the DOT or local governmental unit is the RGU.
For construction of additional through lanes or passing lanes on an existing road for a length of two or more miles, exclusive of auxiliary lanes, the DOT or local governmental unit is the RGU.
For the addition of one or more new interchanges to a completed limited access highway, the DOT or local governmental unit is the RGU.
For construction of a new or expansion of an existing barge fleeting facility, the DOT or port authority is the RGU.
Items A to C designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For a new appropriation for commercial or industrial purposes of either surface water or ground water averaging 30,000,000 gallons per month; or a new appropriation of either ground water or surface water for irrigation of 540 acres or more in one continuous parcel from one source of water, the DNR is the RGU.
For a new permanent impoundment of water creating additional water surface of 160 or more acres or for an additional permanent impoundment of water creating additional water surface of 160 or more acres, the DNR is the RGU.
For construction of a dam with an upstream drainage area of 50 square miles or more, the DNR is the RGU.
For construction or expansion of a marina or harbor that results in a 20,000 or more square foot total or a 20,000 or more square foot increase of water surface area used temporarily or permanently for docks, docking, or maneuvering of watercraft, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
For a diversion, realignment, or channelization of any designated trout stream, or affecting greater than 500 feet of natural watercourse with a total drainage area of ten or more square miles unless exempted by part 4410.4600, subpart 14, item E, or 17, the DNR or local governmental unit is the RGU.
Items A and B designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For projects that will change or diminish the course, current, or cross-section of one acre or more of any public water or public waters wetland except for those to be drained without a permit according to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 103G, the DNR or local governmental unit is the RGU.
For projects that will cause an impact, as defined in part 8420.0111, to a total of one acre or more of wetlands, regardless of type, excluding public waters wetlands, if any part of the wetland is within a shoreland area, a delineated floodplain, a state or federally designated wild and scenic rivers district, the Minnesota River Project Riverbend area, or the Mississippi headwaters area, the local governmental unit is the RGU. This item does not apply to projects exempted by part 4410.4600, subpart 14.
Items A and B designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For harvesting timber for commercial purposes on public lands within a state park, a historical area, a wilderness area, a scientific and natural area, a wild and scenic rivers district, the Minnesota River Project Riverbend area, the Mississippi headwaters area, or a critical area that does not have an approved plan under Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.09 or 116G.07, the DNR is the RGU.
For a clear-cutting of 80 or more contiguous acres of forest, any part of which is located within a shoreland area and within 100 feet of the ordinary high water mark of the lake or river, the DNR is the RGU.
The PCA is the RGU for the types of projects listed in items A and B unless the county will issue the feedlot permit, in which case the county is the RGU. However, the county is not the RGU prior to January 1, 2001.
For the construction of an animal feedlot facility with a capacity of 1,000 animal units or more or the expansion of an existing facility by 1,000 animal units or more if the facility is not in an area listed in item B.
For the construction of an animal feedlot facility of more than 500 animal units or expansion of an existing animal feedlot facility by more than 500 animal units if the facility is located wholly or partially in any of the following sensitive locations: shoreland; a delineated flood plain, except that in the flood plain of the Red River of the North the sensitive area includes only land within 1,000 feet of the ordinary high water mark; a state or federally designated wild and scenic river district; the Minnesota River Project Riverbend area; the Mississippi headwaters area; or an area within a drinking water supply management area delineated under chapter 4720 where the aquifer is identified in the wellhead protection plan as vulnerable to contamination; or within 1,000 feet of a known sinkhole, cave, resurgent spring, disappearing spring, Karst window, blind valley, or dry valley.
The provisions of part 4410.1000, subpart 4, regarding connected actions do not apply to animal feedlots. The provisions of part 4410.1000, subpart 4, regarding phased actions apply to feedlots.
With the agreement of the proposers, the RGU may prepare a single EAW to collectively review individual sites of a multisite feedlot proposal.
For projects resulting in permanent physical encroachment on lands within a national park, a state park, a wilderness area, state lands and waters within the boundaries of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, or a scientific and natural area when the encroachment is inconsistent with laws applicable to or the management plan prepared for the recreational unit, the DNR or local governmental unit is the RGU.
For the destruction, in whole or part, or the moving of a property that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places or State Register of Historic Places, the permitting state agency or local governmental unit is the RGU, except this does not apply to projects reviewed under section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, United States Code, title 54, section 306108, or the federal policy on lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites pursuant to United States Code, title 49, section 303, or projects reviewed by a local heritage preservation commission certified by the State Historic Preservation Office pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations, title 36, sections 61.5 and 61.7. This subpart does not apply to a property located within a designated historic district if the property is listed as "noncontributing" in the official district designation or if the State Historic Preservation Office issues a determination that the property is noncontributing.
If a project includes both residential and industrial-commercial components, the project must have an EAW prepared if the sum of the quotient obtained by dividing the number of residential units by the applicable residential threshold of subpart 19, plus the quotient obtained by dividing the amount of industrial-commercial gross floor space by the applicable industrial-commercial threshold of subpart 14, equals or exceeds one. The local governmental unit is the RGU.
For construction of a communications tower equal to or in excess of 500 feet in height, or 300 feet in height within 1,000 feet of any public water or public waters wetland or within two miles of the Mississippi, Minnesota, Red, or St. Croix rivers or Lake Superior, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
For construction of a new sports or entertainment facility designed for or expected to accommodate a peak attendance of 5,000 or more persons, or the expansion of an existing sports or entertainment facility by this amount, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
For the release of a genetically engineered organism that requires a release permit from the EQB under chapter 4420, the EQB is the RGU. For all other releases of genetically engineered organisms, the RGU is the permitting state agency. This subpart does not apply to the direct medical application of genetically engineered organisms to humans or animals.
Items A and B designate the RGU for the type of project listed:
For golf courses, residential development where the lot size is less than five acres, and other projects resulting in the permanent conversion of 80 or more acres of agricultural, native prairie, forest, or naturally vegetated land, the local governmental unit is the RGU, except that this subpart does not apply to agricultural land inside the boundary of the Metropolitan Urban Service Area established by the Metropolitan Council.
For projects resulting in the conversion of 640 or more acres of forest or naturally vegetated land to a different open space land use, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
For a project proposing a permanent conversion that alters 800 feet or more of the shoreline in a sensitive shoreland area or 1,320 feet or more of shoreline in a nonsensitive shoreland area, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
For a project proposing a permanent conversion that alters more than 50 percent of the shore impact zone if the alteration measures at least 5,000 square feet, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
For a project that permanently converts 20 or more acres of forested or other naturally vegetated land in a sensitive shoreland area or 40 or more acres of forested or other naturally vegetated land in a nonsensitive shoreland area, the local governmental unit is the RGU.
If a project listed in items A to F will be built on state-owned land or funded, in whole or part, by grant-in-aid funds administered by the DNR, the DNR is the RGU. For other projects, if a governmental unit is sponsoring the project, in whole or in part, that governmental unit is the RGU. If the project is not sponsored by a unit of government, the RGU is the local governmental unit. For purposes of this subpart, "existing trail" means an established corridor in current legal use.
Constructing a trail at least 25 miles long on forested or other naturally vegetated land for a recreational use, unless exempted by part 4410.4600, subpart 14, item D.
Designating at least 25 miles of an existing trail for a new motorized recreational use other than snowmobiling. When designating an existing motorized trail or existing corridor in current legal use by motor vehicles, the designation does not contribute to the 25-mile threshold under this item. When adding a new recreational use or seasonal recreational use to an existing motorized recreational trail, the addition does not contribute to the 25-mile threshold if the treadway width is not expanded as a result of the added use. In applying items A and B, if a proposed trail will contain segments of newly constructed trail and segments that will follow an existing trail but be designated for a new motorized use, an EAW must be prepared if the total length of the newly constructed and newly designated segments is at least 25 miles.
Paving ten or more miles of an existing unpaved trail, unless exempted by part 4410.4600, subpart 27, item B or F. Paving an unpaved trail means to create a hard surface on the trail with a material impervious to water.
Constructing an off-highway vehicle recreation area of 80 or more acres, or expanding an off-highway vehicle recreation area by 80 or more acres, on agricultural land or forested or other naturally vegetated land.
Constructing an off-highway vehicle recreation area of 640 or more acres, or expanding an off-highway vehicle recreation area by 640 or more acres, if the land on which the construction or expansion is carried out is not agricultural, is not forested or otherwise naturally vegetated, or has been significantly disturbed by past human activities such as mineral mining.
Some recreation areas for off-highway vehicles may be constructed partially on agricultural naturally vegetated land and partially on land that is not agricultural, is not forested or otherwise naturally vegetated, or has been significantly disturbed by past human activities. In that case, an EAW must be prepared if the sum of the quotients obtained by dividing the number of acres of agricultural or naturally vegetated land by 80 and the number of acres of land that is not agricultural, is not forested or otherwise naturally vegetated, or has been significantly disturbed by past human activities by 640, equals or exceeds one.
MS s 116C.94; 116C.991; 116D.04; 116D.045; L 1998 c 401 s 54; L 2013 c 114 art 4 s 105; L 2015 1Sp4 art 4 s 121; art 5 s 33
11 SR 714; 13 SR 1437; 13 SR 2046; 17 SR 139; 21 SR 1458; 24 SR 517; 28 SR 951; 30 SR 319; 31 SR 539; 34 SR 721; 36 SR 567; 44 SR 691
January 17, 2020
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes