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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subdivision 1.Record keeping of money.

The head of the state-operated services facility or a designee, may receive and maintain custody of all money belonging to patients or residents under the jurisdiction of the executive board. The head of the state-operated services facility or a designee shall keep accurate accounts of the money and pay money out under rules prescribed by law or by the executive board, taking vouchers for the money. All money received by any officer or employee on behalf of an individual under the jurisdiction of the facility must be provided to the head of the state-operated services facility or a designee immediately. Every head of the state-operated services facility or a designee, at the close of each month or earlier if required by the executive board, shall forward to the executive board a statement of the amount of all money received and the names of the patients or residents from whom received, accompanied by a check for the amount, payable to the commissioner of management and budget. On receipt of the statement, the executive board shall transmit the statement along with the check to the commissioner of management and budget. Upon the payment of the check, the commissioner of management and budget shall credit the amount to a fund to be known as "Client Fund," for the institution from which the check was received. The commissioner of management and budget shall pay out all money upon vouchers duly approved by the executive board. The executive board may permit a contingent fund to remain in the hands of the head of the state-operated services facility or a designee from which necessary expenditures may be made.

Subd. 2.

MS 2022 [Repealed, 2024 c 79 art 10 s 5]

Subd. 3.Forensic patient transition savings account in secure treatment facilities.

The executive board shall create a savings account for each patient receiving treatment in a secure treatment facility as defined by sections 253B.02, subdivision 18a, and 253D.02, subdivision 13. Money deposited in this account must come from a portion of the patient's share of the cost of care. The money in this savings account must be made available to the patient when the patient is ready to be transitioned into the community. The money in the account must be used for expenses associated with obtaining housing and other personal needs necessary for the patient's smooth transition into the community. The savings account shall be called "forensic patient transition savings account."

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes