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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

136A.031 Advisory groups.

Subdivision 1. Appointment. The higher education services council may appoint advisory task forces as necessary to assist in the administration of the higher education services office responsibilities. The task forces' expiration and the terms, compensation, and removal of members are as provided in section 15.059.

Subd. 2. Higher education advisory council. A higher education advisory council (HEAC) is established. The HEAC is composed of the president and the senior vice-president for academic affairs of the University of Minnesota; the chancellor of the Minnesota state colleges and universities; the associate vice-chancellors of the state universities, community colleges, and technical colleges; the commissioner of children, families, and learning; the president of the private college council; and a representative from the Minnesota association of private post-secondary schools. The HEAC shall (1) bring to the attention of the higher education services council any matters that the HEAC deems necessary, and (2) review and comment upon matters before the council. The council shall refer all proposals to the HEAC before submitting recommendations to the governor and the legislature. The council shall provide time for a report from the HEAC at each meeting of the council.

Subd. 3. Student advisory council. A student advisory council (SAC) to the higher education services council is established. The members of SAC shall include the chair of the University of Minnesota student senate, the state chair of the Minnesota state university student association, the president of the Minnesota community college student association, the president of the Minnesota technical college student association, the president of the Minnesota association of private college students, and a student who is enrolled in a private vocational school, to be appointed by the Minnesota association of private post-secondary schools. A member may be represented by a student designee who attends an institution from the same system that the absent member represents. The SAC shall select one of its members to serve as chair.

The higher education services council shall inform the SAC of all matters related to student issues under consideration and shall refer all proposals to the SAC before taking action or sending the proposals to the governor or legislature. The SAC shall report to the higher education services council quarterly and at other times that the SAC considers desirable. The SAC shall determine its meeting times, but it shall also meet with the council within 30 days after the director's request for a meeting.

The SAC shall:

(1) bring to the attention of the higher education services council any matter that the SAC believes needs the attention of the council;

(2) make recommendations to the higher education services council as it finds appropriate;

(3) appoint student members to the higher education services council advisory groups as provided in subdivision 4; and

(4) provide any reasonable assistance to the council.

Subd. 4. Student representation. If requested by the SAC, the director must place at least one student from an affected educational system on any task force created under subdivision 1. The student member or members shall be appointed by the SAC.

HIST: 1995 c 212 art 3 s 12; 1Sp1995 c 3 art 16 s 13

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes