(a) When a substance use disorder treatment provider licensed under this chapter, and governed by the standards of chapter 245G or Minnesota Rules, parts 2960.0430 to 2960.0490, agrees to meet the applicable requirements under section 254B.05, subdivision 5, to be eligible for enhanced funding from the behavioral health fund, the applicable requirements under section 254B.05 are also licensing requirements that may be monitored for compliance through licensing investigations and licensing inspections.
(b) Noncompliance with the requirements identified under paragraph (a) may result in:
(1) a correction order or a conditional license under section 245A.06, or sanctions under section 245A.07;
(2) nonpayment of claims submitted by the license holder for public program reimbursement;
(3) recovery of payments made for the service;
(4) disenrollment in the public payment program; or
(5) other administrative, civil, or criminal penalties as provided by law.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes