(a) If the commissioner of management and budget determines that the amount of revenues under section 297E.021, subdivision 2, for the next fiscal year will be less than the amounts specified in section 297E.021, subdivision 3, paragraph (a), clause (1), items (i) to (iii), for that fiscal year, the commissioner may implement the revenue options authorized in Laws 2012, chapter 299, article 6; provided that this section does not constitute a pledge of tax revenues as security for the payment of principal and interest on appropriation bonds issued under section 16A.695. If the commissioner determines to exercise the authority under this section for a fiscal year, the commissioner must implement the revenue options, as necessary, in the following order:
(1) a sports-themed lottery game under section 349A.20; and
(2) a tax on suites as provided under section 473J.14.
(b) Revenue raised under the authority granted by this section must be deposited in the general fund.
(c) If the commissioner determines to implement one or more of the revenue options authorized by this section, each subsequent year the commissioner must determine if the revenue is needed and will be imposed and collected for the next fiscal year. If the commissioner determines that one or more revenue options implemented for a fiscal year are not needed for a subsequent fiscal year, the commissioner must terminate them in the reverse order they were required to be implemented by paragraph (a) with the last option implemented terminated first and so forth.
(d) Before implementing a revenue source authorized under this section, the commissioner must report the intent to do so to the Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy. The commissioner must inform the commission of determinations to continue or discontinue each revenue source for a subsequent fiscal year.
(e) The provisions of this section no longer apply after the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority certifies to the commissioner that it has determined that the revenues of the general fund under section 297A.994, the increased revenues under chapter 297E, and other available resources of the authority provide adequate financial security for the state and the authority.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes