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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

297G.09 Returns; payment of tax.

Subdivision 1. Monthly returns; manufacturers, wholesalers, brewers, or importers. On or before the 18th day of each calendar month following the month in which a licensed manufacturer or wholesaler first sells wine and distilled spirits within the state, or a brewer or importer first sells or imports fermented malt beverages, or a wholesaler knowingly acquires title to or possession of untaxed fermented malt beverages, the licensed manufacturer, wholesaler, brewer, or importer liable for the excise tax must file a return with the commissioner, and in addition must keep records and render reports as required by the commissioner. Returns must be made in a form and manner prescribed by the commissioner, and must contain any other information required by the commissioner. Returns must be accompanied by a remittance for the full unpaid tax liability. Returns must be filed regardless of whether a tax is due.

Subd. 2. Monthly use tax returns; consumers. On or before the 18th day of each calendar month, a consumer who has acquired title to or possession of wine, distilled spirits, or fermented malt beverages for use or storage in this state, upon which wine, distilled spirits, or fermented malt beverages the tax imposed by this chapter has not been paid, shall file a return with the commissioner in the month following the month in which the consumer obtains title to or possession of the wine, distilled spirits, or fermented malt beverages. Returns must be made in a form and manner prescribed by the commissioner and must contain any other information required by the commissioner. Returns must be accompanied by a remittance for the full unpaid tax liability.

Subd. 3. Common carrier returns. A common carrier engaged in interstate transportation of passengers must file monthly reports together with the tax payment on the sale of alcoholic beverages sold in Minnesota. The report and payment must be filed by the 18th day of the month following the month in which the sale took place. A common carrier is permitted to use a formula for the allocation of the total sales of alcoholic beverages among states on the basis of passenger miles in each state or some other method of allocation if written approval is received from the commissioner.

Subd. 4. Extensions. When in the commissioner's judgment, good cause exists, the commissioner may extend the time for filing liquor tax returns for not more than six months. The commissioner may require the taxpayer to file a tentative return when the regularly required return is due, and pay a tax on the basis of the tentative return at the times required for the payment of taxes on the basis of the regularly required return.

Subd. 5. Accelerated tax payment; penalty. A person liable for tax under this chapter having a liability of $120,000 or more during a fiscal year ending June 30, shall remit the June liability for the next year in the following manner:

(a) Two business days before June 30 of the year, the taxpayer shall remit the actual May liability and 75 percent of the estimated June liability to the commissioner and file the return in the form and manner prescribed by the commissioner.

(b) On or before August 18 of the year, the taxpayer shall submit a return showing the actual June liability and pay any additional amount of tax not remitted in June. A penalty is imposed equal to ten percent of the amount of June liability required to be paid in June less the amount remitted in June. However, the penalty is not imposed if the amount remitted in June equals the lesser of:

(1) 70 percent of the actual June liability; or

(2) 75 percent of the preceding May liability.

Subd. 6. Electronic funds transfer. A licensed brewer, importer, or wholesaler having an excise tax liability of $120,000 or more during a fiscal year ending June 30 must remit all excise tax liabilities in the subsequent calendar year by means of a funds transfer as defined in section 336.4A-104, paragraph (a). The funds transfer payment date, as defined in section 336.4A-401, must be on or before the date the excise tax is due. If the date the excise tax is due is not a funds transfer business day, as defined in section 336.4A-105, paragraph (a), clause (4), the payment date must be on or before the funds transfer business day next following the date the excise tax is due.

Subd. 7. Order payments credited. All payments received may, in the discretion of the commissioner, be credited first to the oldest liability not secured by a judgment or lien, but in all cases must be credited first to penalties, next to interest, and then to the tax due.

Subd. 8. Interest. The amount of tax not timely paid, together with any penalty imposed by this chapter, bears interest at the rate specified in section 270.75 from the time the tax should have been paid until paid. Any interest and penalty is added to the tax and collected as a part of it.

HIST: 1997 c 179 art 1 s 9

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes