256B.19 Division of cost.
Subdivision 1. Division of cost. The state and county share of medical assistance costs not paid by federal funds shall be as follows:
(1) ninety percent state funds and ten percent county funds, unless otherwise provided below;
(2) beginning January 1, 1992, 50 percent state funds and 50 percent county funds for the cost of placement of severely emotionally disturbed children in regional treatment centers.
For counties that participate in a Medicaid demonstration project under sections 256B.69 and 256B.71, the division of the nonfederal share of medical assistance expenses for payments made to prepaid health plans or for payments made to health maintenance organizations in the form of prepaid capitation payments, this division of medical assistance expenses shall be 95 percent by the state and five percent by the county of financial responsibility.
In counties where prepaid health plans are under contract to the commissioner to provide services to medical assistance recipients, the cost of court ordered treatment ordered without consulting the prepaid health plan that does not include diagnostic evaluation, recommendation, and referral for treatment by the prepaid health plan is the responsibility of the county of financial responsibility.
Subd. 1a. State reimbursement of counties. Beginning July 1, 1991, the state will reimburse counties according to the payment schedule in section 256.025 for the county share of costs incurred under subdivision 1 on and after January 1, 1991, except for costs described in subdivision 1, clause (2). Payment to counties under this subdivision is subject to the provisions of section 256.017.
Subd. 1b. Portion of nonfederal share to be paid by government hospitals. (a) In addition to the percentage contribution paid by a county under subdivision 1, the governmental units designated in this subdivision shall be responsible for an additional portion of the nonfederal share of medical assistance costs attributable to them. For purposes of this subdivision, "designated governmental unit" means Hennepin county and the University of Minnesota. For purposes of this subdivision, "public hospital" means the Hennepin County Medical Center and the University of Minnesota hospital.
(b) From July 1, 1993 through June 30, 1994, Hennepin county shall on a monthly basis transfer an amount equal to 1.8 percent of the public hospital's net patient revenues, excluding net Medicare revenue to the state Medicaid agency.
(c) Effective July 1, 1994, each of the governmental units designated in paragraph (a) shall on a monthly basis transfer an amount equal to 1.8 percent of the public hospital's net patient revenues, excluding net Medicare revenue, to the state Medicaid agency. The base year for determining this transfer amount shall be established according to section 256.9657, subdivision 4.
(d) These sums shall be part of the designated governmental unit's portion of the nonfederal share of medical assistance costs, but shall not be subject to payback provisions of section 256.025.
Subd. 1c. Additional portion of nonfederal share. In addition to any payment required under subdivision 1b, Hennepin county shall be responsible for a monthly transfer payment of $1,500,000, due before noon on the 15th of each month and the University of Minnesota shall be responsible for a monthly transfer payment of $500,000 due before noon on the 15th of each month, beginning July 15, 1995. These sums shall be part of the designated governmental unit's portion of the nonfederal share of medical assistance costs, but shall not be subject to payback provisions of section 256.025.
Subd. 1d. Portion of nonfederal share to be paid by certain counties. In addition to the percentage contribution paid by a county under subdivision 1, the governmental units designated in this subdivision shall be responsible for an additional portion of the nonfederal share of medical assistance cost. For purposes of this subdivision, "designated governmental unit" means the counties of Becker, Beltrami, Clearwater, Cook, Dodge, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake, Pennington, Pipestone, Ramsey, St. Louis, Steele, Todd, Traverse, and Wadena.
Beginning in 1994, each of the governmental units designated in this subdivision shall transfer before noon on May 31 to the state Medicaid agency an amount equal to the number of licensed beds in any nursing home owned and operated by the county, with the county named as licensee, multiplied by $5,723. If two or more counties own and operate a nursing home, the payment shall be prorated. These sums shall be part of the designated governmental unit's portion of the nonfederal share of medical assistance costs, but shall not be subject to payback provisions of section 256.025.
Subd. 2. Distribution of federal funds. Federal funds available for administrative purposes shall be distributed between the state and the county in the same proportion that expenditures were made, except as provided for in section 256.017.
Subd. 2a. Division of costs. The county shall ensure that only the least costly, most appropriate transportation and travel expenses are used. The state may enter into volume purchase contracts, or use a competitive bidding process, whenever feasible, to minimize the costs of transportation services. If the state has entered into a volume purchase contract or used the competitive bidding procedures of chapter 16B to arrange for transportation services, the county may be required to use such arrangements.
Subd. 2b. Pilot project reimbursement. In counties where a pilot or demonstration project is operated under the medical assistance program, the state may pay 100 percent of the administrative costs for the pilot or demonstration project after June 30, 1990. Reimbursement for these costs is subject to section 256.025.
Subd. 2c. Obligation of local agency to investigate and determine eligibility for medical assistance. (a) When the commissioner receives information that indicates that a general assistance medical care recipient or MinnesotaCare program enrollee may be eligible for medical assistance, the commissioner may notify the appropriate local agency of that fact. The local agency must investigate eligibility for medical assistance and take appropriate action and notify the commissioner of that action within 90 days from the date notice is issued. If the person is eligible for medical assistance, the local agency must find eligibility retroactively to the date on which the person met all eligibility requirements.
(b) When a prepaid health plan under a contract with the state to provide medical assistance services notifies the commissioner that an infant has been or will be born to an enrollee under the contract, the commissioner may notify the appropriate local agency of that fact. The local agency must investigate eligibility for medical assistance for the infant, take appropriate action, and notify the commissioner of that action within 90 days from the date notice is issued. If the infant would have been eligible on the date of birth, the local agency must establish eligibility retroactively to that month.
(c) For general assistance medical care recipients and MinnesotaCare program enrollees, if the local agency fails to comply with paragraph (a), the local agency is responsible for the entire cost of general assistance medical care or MinnesotaCare program services provided from the date the commissioner issues the notice until the date the local agency takes appropriate action on the case and notifies the commissioner of the action. For infants, if the local agency fails to comply with paragraph (b), the commissioner may determine eligibility for medical assistance for the infant for a period of two months, and the local agency shall be responsible for the entire cost of medical assistance services provided for that infant, in addition to a fee of $100 for processing the case. The commissioner shall deduct any obligation incurred under this paragraph from the amount due to the local agency under subdivision 1.
Subd. 3. Study of medical assistance financial participation. The commissioner shall study the feasibility and outcomes of implementing a variable medical assistance county financial participation rate for long-term care services to mentally retarded persons in order to encourage the utilization of alternative services to long-term intermediate care for the mentally retarded. The commissioner shall submit findings and recommendations to the legislature by January 20, 1984.
HIST: Ex1967 c 16 s 19; 1971 c 547 s 1; 1975 c 437 art 2 s 7; 1982 c 640 s 7; 1983 c 312 art 9 s 6; 1984 c 534 s 24; 1Sp1985 c 9 art 2 s 46; 1986 c 444; 1987 c 403 art 2 s 85; 1988 c 719 art 8 s 16,17; 1Sp1989 c 1 art 16 s 8,9; 1990 c 568 art 3 s 64; 1991 c 292 art 4 s 51-53; 1992 c 513 art 7 s 82; 1993 c 13 art 1 s 32; 1Sp1993 c 1 art 5 s 84-86; 1995 c 207 art 6 s 82-84; 1995 c 234 art 8 s 56; 1997 c 203 art 11 s 7
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes