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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

127.41 Discipline and removal of students from class.

Subdivision 1. Required policy. Each school board shall adopt a written districtwide school discipline policy which shall include written rules of conduct for students, minimum consequences for violations of the rules, and grounds and procedures for removal of a student from class. The policy shall be developed with the participation of administrators, teachers, employees, pupils, parents, community members, and such other individuals or organizations as the board determines appropriate. A school site council may adopt additional provisions to the policy subject to the approval of the school board.

Subd. 2. Grounds for removal from class. The policy shall establish the various grounds for which a student may be removed from a class in the district for a period of time pursuant to the procedures specified in the policy. The grounds in the policy shall include at least the following provisions as well as other grounds determined appropriate by the board:

(a) willful conduct which materially and substantially disrupts the rights of others to an education;

(b) willful conduct which endangers school district employees, the student or other students, or the property of the school;

(c) willful violation of any rule of conduct specified in the discipline policy adopted by the board.

Subd. 3. Policy components. The policy shall include at least the following components:

(a) rules governing student conduct and procedures for informing students of the rules;

(b) the grounds for removal of a student from a class;

(c) the authority of the classroom teacher to remove students from the classroom pursuant to procedures and rules established in the district's policy;

(d) the procedures for removal of a student from a class by a teacher, school administrator, or other school district employee;

(e) the period of time for which a student may be removed from a class, which may not exceed five class periods for a violation of a rule of conduct;

(f) provisions relating to the responsibility for and custody of a student removed from a class;

(g) the procedures for return of a student to the specified class from which the student has been removed;

(h) the procedures for notifying a student and the student's parents or guardian of violations of the rules of conduct and of resulting disciplinary actions;

(i) any procedures determined appropriate for encouraging early involvement of parents or guardians in attempts to improve a student's behavior;

(j) any procedures determined appropriate for encouraging early detection of behavioral problems;

(k) any procedures determined appropriate for referring a student in need of special education services to those services;

(1) the procedures for consideration of whether there is a need for a further assessment or of whether there is a need for a review of the adequacy of a current individual education plan of a student with a disability who is removed from class;

(m) procedures for detecting and addressing chemical abuse problems of a student while on the school premises;

(n) the minimum consequences for violations of the code of conduct; and

(o) procedures for immediate and appropriate interventions tied to violations of the code.

HIST: 1983 c 163 s 3; 1987 c 295 s 5; 1991 c 265 art 3 s 38; 1Sp1995 c 3 art 9 s 32

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes