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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

123.15 Schoolhouses and sites, common school districts.

Subdivision 1. When authorized by the voters at a regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose, the board may acquire necessary sites for school houses, or enlargements or additions to existing school house sites, by lease, purchase, or condemnation under the right of eminent domain; lease, erect or purchase garages for district-owned school buses; and sell or exchange school houses or sites and execute deeds of conveyances thereof. It may acquire by lease, purchase, or condemnation under eminent domain suitable tracts of land either within or without the district for the purpose of instruction, experimentation, and demonstration in agriculture. In any city, a school site when practicable shall contain at least one block, and, if outside of any city, two acres; and when any school house site shall contain less than such amount the board may, without a vote of the electors, acquire other land adjacent to or near such site to make, with such site, all or part of such amount. When property is taken by eminent domain by authority of this subdivision, when needed by the district for such purpose, the fact that the property so needed has been acquired by the owner under the power of eminent domain, or is already devoted to public use, shall not prevent its acquisition by the district.

Subd. 2. The annual meeting or election shall have power to designate a site for a school house and provide for building or otherwise placing a school house thereon, when proper notice has been given; but a site on which a school house stands or is begun shall not be changed except by vote therefor, of three-fifths of the voters of the district voting on the question.

Subd. 3. When authorized by a two-thirds majority of all the electors voting at an annual or special meeting, the board may erect, purchase, or acquire a dwelling house for the use of its teachers; provided that the proposition shall be submitted only at a meeting or election, the notice of which stated that such proposition would be considered or submitted thereat.

Subd. 4. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 5. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 6. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 7. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 8. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 9. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 10. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

HIST: Ex1959 c 71 art 4 s 6; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes