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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

123.12 Boards of common school districts.

Subdivision 1. The care, management and control of a common district is vested in a board of three members to be known as the school board. The term of office of a member shall be three years, and until a successor qualifies. The board of each common district shall consist of a chair, a treasurer, and a clerk. The board may by resolution establish a time and place for regular meeting and no notice of such meeting need be sent to any members of the board.

Subd. 2. The board shall submit to the annual meeting an estimate of the expenses of the district for the coming year for a school term as determined by the board and for such other specified purposes as the board may deem proper. If such meeting shall fail to vote a sufficient tax to maintain the district for such time, the board shall levy such tax pursuant to and within the limitations of sections 124.226, 124.2716, 124.91, 124.912, 124.914, 124.916, and 124.918; but no board shall expend any money or incur any liability for any purpose beyond the sum appropriated by vote of the district for such purpose, or levied by the board pursuant to this subdivision, or on hand and applicable thereto.

Subd. 3. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 4. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 5. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 6. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 7. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 8. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 9. The board shall visit each school at least once every three months.

Subd. 10. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 11. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 12. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 13. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

Subd. 14. At its first meeting following July 1 each year, the board shall designate, by resolution, as the official newspaper of the district, some legal newspaper of general circulation within the district, and contract with such newspaper for its publications. If there is more than one such newspaper, the board shall let such contract to the lowest responsible bidder at the earliest practicable date. All notices and proceedings required by law to be published by the board shall be published in the official newspaper so designated. The fees for such publication shall not exceed the fees for publication of legal notices as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes.

Subd. 15. Repealed, 1978 c 706 s 69

HIST: Ex1959 c 71 art 4 s 3; 1967 c 176 s 1; 1978 c 706 s 11; 1986 c 444; 1991 c 130 s 37; 1992 c 499 art 12 s 29; 1995 c 212 art 4 s 64

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes