The registrant must have operating and emergency procedures that include:
operating and safety instructions to maintain radiation doses as low as reasonably achievable and actions to prevent exceeding the dose limits in parts 4732.0410 to 4732.0430;
individual monitoring and the use of individual monitoring equipment, including steps that must be taken by radiography personnel in the event that a pocket dosimeter is found to be off-scale;
The radiation survey requirements in this subpart must be met for industrial radiation-producing equipment.
No radiographic operation must be conducted unless calibrated and operable radiation survey instrumentation, as described in part 4732.0710, is available and used at each site where radiographic exposures are made.
A physical radiation survey must be made after each radiographic exposure using radiation machines to determine that the machine is "off."
The registrant must have sufficient calibrated and operable radiation survey instruments accessible at each facility to make a radiation survey as required by subpart 2. Each radiation survey instrument must be calibrated according to part 4732.0710.
Each registrant must maintain a utilization log for review at the inspection by the commissioner. The log must contain:
MS s 144.12
32 SR 777
December 10, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes