Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1990 CHAPTER 573-H.F.No. 2365 An act relating to the collection and dissemination of data; providing for classifications of government data; clarifying access to data on decedents; changing classification nomenclature as it relates to medical examiner's data; amending Minnesota Statutes 1988, sections 13.03, subdivision 3; 13.10, subdivision 3; 13.37, subdivision 1, and by adding a subdivision; 13.41, by adding a subdivision; 13.46, subdivision 4; 13.69, subdivision 1; 13.83, subdivisions 4, 5, 7, and 9; 60A.03, by adding a subdivision; Minnesota Statutes 1989 Supplement, sections 13.46, subdivision 2; 13.83, subdivision 8; 13.84, subdivision 5a; 144.335, subdivision 1; 171.06, subdivision 3; 260.161, subdivision 3; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.641. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.03, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. [REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO DATA.] Upon request to a responsible authority or designee, a person shall be permitted to inspect and copy public government data at reasonable times and places, and, upon request, shall be informed of the data's meaning. If a person requests access for the purpose of inspection, the responsible authority may not assess a charge or require the requesting person to pay a fee to inspect data. The responsible authority or designee shall provide copies of public data upon request. If a person requests copies or electronic transmittal of the data to the person, the responsible authority may require the requesting person to pay the actual costs of searching for and retrieving government data, including the cost of employee time, and for making, certifyingand, compiling, and electronically transmitting the copies of the data or the data, but may not charge for separating public from not public data. If the responsible authority or designee is not able to provide copies at the time a request is made, copies shall be supplied as soon as reasonably possible. When a request under this subdivision involves any person's receipt of copies of public government data that has commercial value and is a substantial and discrete portion of or an entire formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, process, data base, or system developed with a significant expenditure of public funds by the agency, the responsible authority may charge a reasonable fee for the information in addition to the costs of making, certifying, and compiling the copies. Any fee charged must be clearly demonstrated by the agency to relate to the actual development costs of the information. The responsible authority, upon the request of any person, shall provide sufficient documentation to explain and justify the fee being charged. If the responsible authority or designee determines that the requested data is classified so as to deny the requesting person access, the responsible authority or designee shall inform the requesting person of the determination either orally at the time of the request, or in writing as soon after that time as possible, and shall cite the specific statutory section, temporary classification, or specific provision of federal law on which the determination is based. Upon the request of any person denied access to data, the responsible authority or designee shall certify in writing that the request has been denied and cite the specific statutory section, temporary classification, or specific provision of federal law upon which the denial was based. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.10, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. [RIGHTS.] Rights conferred by this chapter on individuals who are the subjects of private or confidential data shall, in the case of private data on decedents or confidential data on decedents, be exercised by the representative of the decedent. Nonpublic data concerning a decedent, created or collected after death, are accessible by the representative of the decedent. Nothing in this section may be construed to prevent access to appropriate data by a trustee appointed in a wrongful death action. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.37, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [DEFINITIONS.] As used in this section, the following terms have the meanings given them. (a) "Security information" means government data the disclosure of which would be likely to substantially jeopardize the security of information, possessions, individuals or property against theft, tampering, improper use, attempted escape, illegal disclosure, trespass, or physical injury. "Security information" includes crime prevention block maps and lists of volunteers who participate in community crime prevention programs and their home addresses and telephone numbers. (b) "Trade secret information" means government data, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique or process (1) that was supplied by the affected individual or organization, (2) that is the subject of efforts by the individual or organization that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy, and (3) that derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use. (c) "Labor relations information" means management positions on economic and noneconomic items that have not been presented during the collective bargaining process or interest arbitration, including information specifically collected or created to prepare the management position. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.37, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 3. [DATA DISSEMINATION.] Crime prevention block maps and names, home addresses, and telephone numbers of volunteers who participate in community crime prevention programs may be disseminated to volunteers participating in crime prevention programs. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.41, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 2a. [BOARD OF PEACE OFFICER STANDARDS AND TRAINING.] The following government data of the board of peace officer standards and training are private data: (1) home addresses of licensees and applicants for licenses; and (2) data that identify the state agency, statewide system, or political subdivision that employs a licensed peace officer. The board may disseminate private data on applicants and licensees as is necessary to administer law enforcement licensure. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1989 Supplement, section 13.46, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [GENERAL.] (a) Unless the data is summary data or a statute specifically provides a different classification, data on individuals collected, maintained, used, or disseminated by the welfare system is private data on individuals, and shall not be disclosed except: (1) pursuant to section 13.05; (2) pursuant to court order; (3) pursuant to a statute specifically authorizing access to the private data; (4) to an agent of the welfare system, including a law enforcement person, attorney, or investigator acting for it in the investigation or prosecution of a criminal or civil proceeding relating to the administration of a program; (5) to personnel of the welfare system who require the data to determine eligibility, amount of assistance, and the need to provide services of additional programs to the individual; (6) to administer federal funds or programs; (7) between personnel of the welfare system working in the same program; (8) the amounts of cash public assistance and relief paid to welfare recipients in this state, including their names and social security numbers, upon request by the department of revenue to administer the property tax refund law, supplemental housing allowance, and the income tax; (9) to the Minnesota department of jobs and training for the purpose of monitoring the eligibility of the data subject for unemployment compensation, for any employment or training program administered, supervised, or certified by that agency, or for the purpose of administering any rehabilitation program, whether alone or in conjunction with the welfare system, and to verify receipt of energy assistance for the telephone assistance plan; (10) to appropriate parties in connection with an emergency if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the individual or other individuals or persons;or(11) data maintained by residential facilities as defined in section 245A.02 may be disclosed to the protection and advocacy system established in this state pursuant to Part C of Public Law Number 98-527 to protect the legal and human rights of persons with mental retardation or other related conditions who live in residential facilities for these persons if the protection and advocacy system receives a complaint by or on behalf of that person and the person does not have a legal guardian or the state or a designee of the state is the legal guardian of the person; or (12) to the county medical examiner or the county coroner for identifying or locating relatives or friends of a deceased person. (b) Mental health data shall be treated as provided in subdivisions 7, 8, and 9, but is not subject to the access provisions of subdivision 10, paragraph (b). Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.46, subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4. [LICENSING DATA.] (a) As used in this subdivision: (1) "licensing data" means all data collected, maintained, used, or disseminated by the welfare system pertaining to persons licensed or registered or who apply for licensure or registration or who formerly were licensed or registered under the authority of the commissioner of human services; (2) "client" means a person who is receiving services from a licensee or from an applicant for licensure; and (3) "personal and personal financial data" means social security numbers, identity of and letters of reference, insurance information, reports from the bureau of criminal apprehension, health examination reports, and social/home studies. (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c), the following data are public: name, address, telephone number of licensees, licensed capacity, type ofchildrenclient preferred, variances granted, type of dwelling, name and relationship of other family members, previous license history, class of license,the natureand contentand the existence and status of complaintsafterresolution when the information is not maintained inanticipation of legal action, record of informal resolutions oflicensing violations,. When disciplinary action has been taken against a licensee or the complaint is resolved, the following data are public: the substance of the complaint, the findings of the investigation of the complaint, the record of informal resolution of a licensing violation, orders of hearing, findings of fact,andconclusions of law, and specifications of the final disciplinary action contained in the record of disciplinary action. (c) The following are private data on individuals under section 13.02, subdivision 12, or nonpublic data under section 13.02, subdivision 9: personal and personal financial data on family day care program and family foster care program applicants and licensees and their family members who provide services under the license. (d) The following are private data on individuals: the identity of persons who have made reports concerning licensees or applicants that appear in inactive investigative data, and the records of clients or employees of the licensee or applicant for licensure whose records are received by the licensing agency for purposes of review or in anticipation of a contested matter. The names of reporters under sections 626.556 and 626.557 may be disclosed only as provided in section 626.556, subdivision 11, or 626.557, subdivision 12. (e) Data classified as private, confidential,ornonpublic, or protected nonpublic under this subdivision become public data if submitted to a court or administrative law judge as part of a disciplinary proceeding in which there is a public hearing concerning the disciplinary action. (f) Data generated in the course of licensing investigations that relate to an alleged violation of law are investigative data under subdivision 3. (g) Data that are not public data collected, maintained, used, or disseminated under this subdivision that relate to or are derived from a report as defined in section 626.556, subdivision 2, are subject to the destruction provisions of section 626.556, subdivision 11. Sec. 8. [13.511] [LODGING TAX DATA.] Data, other than basic taxpayer identification data, collected from taxpayers under a lodging tax ordinance are nonpublic. Sec. 9. [13.521] [TRANSPORTATION SERVICE DATA.] Personal, medical, financial, familial, or locational information data pertaining to applicants for or users of services providing transportation for the disabled or elderly, with the exception of the name of the applicant or user of the service, are private. Sec. 10. [13.643] [DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DATA.] The following data on applicants, collected by the department of agriculture in its sustainable agriculture revolving loan and grant programs under sections 17.115 and 17.116, are private or nonpublic: nonfarm income; credit history; insurance coverage; machinery and equipment list; financial information; and credit information requests. Sec. 11. [13.644] [STATE AUDITOR'S DATA.] (a) Data collected by the office of the state auditor relating to an audit are protected nonpublic data or confidential data until the final report of the audit has been completed or the audit is no longer being actively pursued. (b) Data collected by the office of the state auditor that could reasonably be used to determine the identity of an individual supplying data for an audit are private, if the data supplied by the individual was needed for an audit or was provided to initiate an audit, and the individual would not have provided the data to the state auditor without an assurance that the individual's identity would remain private. Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.69, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [CLASSIFICATIONS.] (a) The following government datacollected and maintained byof thestatedepartment of public safety areclassified asprivate, pursuantto section 13.02, subdivision 12data: (1) medical data on driving instructors, licensed drivers, and applicants for parking certificates and special license plates issued to physically handicapped persons; and (2) social security numbers in driver's license and motor vehicle registration records, except that social security numbers must be provided to the department of revenue for purposes of tax administration. (b) The following government datacollected and maintainedbyof thestatedepartment of public safety areclassified asconfidential, pursuant to section 13.02, subdivision 3data: data concerning an individual's driving ability when that data is received from a member of the individual's family. Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.83, subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4. [CONFIDENTIALINVESTIGATIVE DATA.] Data created or collected by a county coroner or medical examiner which is part of an active investigation mandated by chapter 390, or any other general or local law relating to coroners or medical examiners is confidential dataon individuals pursuant tosection 13.02, subdivision 3or protected nonpublic data, until the completion of the coroner's or medical examiner's final summary of findings at which point the data collected in the investigation and the final summary thereof shall become private or nonpublic dataon individuals, except that nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to makeprivate orconfidentialnot public the data elements identified in subdivision 2 at any point in the investigation or thereafter. Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.83, subdivision 5, is amended to read: Subd. 5. [PRIVATEOTHER DATA.] All other medical examiner data on deceased individualsis private pursuant to section13.02, subdivision 12,are nonpublic and shall not be disclosed except pursuant to the provisions of chapter 390, or any other general or local law on county coroners or medical examiners, or pursuant to a valid court order. Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.83, subdivision 7, is amended to read: Subd. 7. [COURT REVIEW.] Any person may petition the district court located in the county where medical examiner data is being maintained to authorize disclosure ofprivatenonpublic, protected nonpublic, or confidential medical examiner data. The petitioner shall notify the medical examiner or coroner. The court may notify other interested persons and require their presence at a hearing. A hearing may be held immediately if the parties agree, and in any event shall be held as soon as practicable. After examining the data in camera, the court may order disclosure of the data if it determines that disclosure would be in the public interest. Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 1989 Supplement, section 13.83, subdivision 8, is amended to read: Subd. 8. [ACCESS TOPRIVATENONPUBLIC DATA.] The data madeprivatenonpublic by this section are accessible to the legal representative of the decedent's estate and to the decedent's surviving spouse, parents, children, and siblings and their legal representatives. Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.83, subdivision 9, is amended to read: Subd. 9. [CHANGE IN CLASSIFICATION.]Notwithstandingsection 13.10,Data classified asprivatenonpublic, protected nonpublic, or confidential by this section shall be classified as public 30 years after the date of death of the decedent. Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 1989 Supplement, section 13.84, subdivision 5a, is amended to read: Subd. 5a. [PUBLIC BENEFIT DATA.] (a) The responsible authority or its designee of a parole or probation authority or correctional agency may release private or confidential court services data related to: (1) criminal acts to any law enforcement agency, if necessary for law enforcement purposes; and (2) criminal acts or delinquent acts to the victims of criminal or delinquent acts to the extent that the data are necessary for the victim to assert the victim's legal right to restitution. In the case of delinquent acts, the data that may be released include only the juvenile's name, address, date of birth, and place of employment; the name and address of the juvenile's parents or guardians; and the factual part of police reports related to the investigation of the delinquent act. (b) A parole or probation authority, a correctional agency, or agencies that provide correctional services under contract to a correctional agency may release to a law enforcement agency the following data on defendants, parolees, or probationers: current address, dates of entrance to and departure from agency programs, and dates and times of any absences, both authorized and unauthorized, from a correctional program. Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 60A.03, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 9. [CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION.] The commissioner may not be required to divulge any information obtained in the course of the supervision of insurance companies, or the examination of insurance companies, including examination related correspondence and workpapers, until the examination report is finally accepted and issued by the commissioner, and then only in the form of the final public report of examinations. This subdivision does not apply to the extent the commissioner is required or permitted by law, or ordered by a court of law to testify or produce evidence in a civil or criminal proceeding. For purposes of this subdivision, a subpoena is not an order of a court of law. Sec. 20. Minnesota Statutes 1989 Supplement, section 144.335, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [DEFINITIONS.] For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given them: (a) "Patient" means a natural person who has received health care services from a provider for treatment or examination of a medical, psychiatric, or mental condition, the surviving spouse and parents of a deceased patient, or a person the patient designates in writing as a representative. Except for minors who have received health care services pursuant to sections 144.341 to 144.347, in the case of a minor, "patient" includes a parent or guardian, or a person acting as a parent or guardian in the absence of a parent or guardian. (b) "Provider" means (1) any person who furnishes health care services and is licensed to furnish the services pursuant to chapter 147, 148, 148B, 150A, 151, or 153; (2) a home care provider licensed under section 144A.46; and (3) a health care facility licensed pursuant to this chapter or chapter 144A. Sec. 21. Minnesota Statutes 1989 Supplement, section 171.06, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. [CONTENTS OF APPLICATION.]EveryAn application shall state the full name, date of birth,social securitynumber,sex and residence address of the applicant, a description of the applicant in such manner as the commissioner may require, and shall state whether or not the applicant has theretofore been licensed as a driver; and, if so, when and by what state or country and whether any such license has ever been suspended or revoked, or whether an application has ever been refused; and, if so, the date of and reason for such suspension, revocation, or refusal, together with such facts pertaining to the applicant and the applicant's ability to operate a motor vehicle with safety as may be required by the commissioner. An application for a Class CC, Class B, or Class A driver's license also must state the applicant's social security number. The application form shall contain a notification to the applicant of the availability of the donor document provided pursuant to section 171.07, subdivision 5, and shall contain spaces where the applicant must indicate a desire to receive or not to receive the donor document. The application shall be in the form prepared by the commissioner. The application form must be accompanied by a pamphlet containing relevant facts relating to: (1) the effect of alcohol on driving ability; (2) the effect of mixing alcohol with drugs; (3) the laws of Minnesota relating to operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance; and (4) the levels of alcohol-related fatalities and accidents in Minnesota and of arrests for alcohol-related violations. Sec. 22. Minnesota Statutes 1989 Supplement, section 260.161, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. (a) Peace officers' records of children shall be kept separate from records of persons 18 years of age or older and shall not be open to public inspection or their contents disclosed to the public except (1) by order of the juvenile court,or(2) as required by section 126.036,or(3) as authorized under section 13.82, subdivision 2, or (4) to the child's parent or guardian unless disclosure of a record would interfere with an ongoing investigation; except that traffic investigation reports may be open to inspection by a person who has sustained physical harm or economic loss as a result of the traffic accident. Except as provided in paragraph (c), no photographs of a child taken into custody may be taken without the consent of the juvenile court unless the child is alleged to have violated section 169.121 or 169.129. Any person violating any of the provisions of this subdivision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Nothing in this subdivision prohibits the exchange of information by law enforcement agencies if the exchanged information is pertinent and necessary to the requesting agency in initiating, furthering, or completing a criminal investigation. (c) The commissioner of corrections may photograph juveniles whose legal custody is transferred to the commissioner. Photographs of juveniles authorized by this paragraph may be used only for institution management purposes and to assist law enforcement agencies to apprehend juvenile offenders. The commissioner shall maintain photographs of juveniles in the same manner as juvenile court records and names under this section. Sec. 23. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 13.641, is repealed. Sec. 24. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 12 and 21 are effective the day following final enactment. Presented to the governor April 26, 1990 Signed by the governor May 3, 1990, 5:34 p.m.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes