Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1985 CHAPTER 9-S.F.No. 102 An act relating to natural resources; terms of payment in county timber sales; amending Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 282.04, subdivision 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 282.04, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [TIMBER SOLD FOR CASH.] The county auditor may sell timber upon any tract that may be approved by the natural resources commissioner. Such sale of timber shall be made for cash at not less than the appraised value determined by the county board to the highest bidder after not less than one week's published notice in an official paper within the county. Any timber offered at such public sale and not sold may thereafter be sold at private sale by the county auditor at not less than the appraised value thereof, until such time as the county board may withdraw such timber from sale. The appraised value of the timber and the forestry practices to be followed in the cutting of said timber shall be approved by the commissioner of natural resources. Payment of the full sale price of all timber sold on tax-forfeited lands shall be made in cash at the time of the timber sale, except in the case of oral or sealed bid auction sales, the down payment shall betwenty25 percent of thesaleappraised value, and theremaining eighty percentbalance shall be paid prior to entry. In the case of auction sales that are partitioned and sold as a single sale with predetermined cutting blocks, the down payment shall betwenty25 percent of thesaleappraised price of the entire timber sale which may be held until the satisfactory completion of the sale or applied in whole or in part to the final cutting block. The value of each separate block must be paid in full before any cutting may begin in that block. With the permission of the county administrator the purchaser may enter unpaid blocks and cut necessary timber incidental to developing logging roads as may be needed to log other blocks provided that no timber may be removed from an unpaid block until separately scaled and paid for. The county board may require final settlement on the basis of a scale of cut products. Any parcels of land from which timber is to be sold by scale of cut products shall be so designated in the published notice of sale above mentioned, in which case the notice shall contain a description of such parcels, a statement of the estimated quantity of each species of timber thereon and the appraised price of each specie of timber for 1,000 feet, per cord or per piece, as the case may be. In such cases any bids offered over and above the appraised prices shall be by percentage, the percent bid to be added to the appraised price of each of the different species of timber advertised on the land. The purchaser of timber from such parcels shall pay in cash at the time of sale at the rate bid for all of the timber shown in the notice of sale as estimated to be standing on the land, and in addition shall pay at the same rate for any additional amounts which the final scale shows to have been cut or was available for cutting on the land at the time of sale under the terms of such sale. Where the final scale of cut products shows that less timber was cut or was available for cutting under terms of such sale than was originally paid for, the excess payment shall be refunded from the forfeited tax sale fund upon the claim of the purchaser, to be audited and allowed by the county board as in case of other claims against the county. No timber, except hardwood pulpwood, may be removed from such parcels of land or other designated landings until scaled by a person or persons designated by the county board and approved by the commissioner of natural resources. Landings other than the parcel of land from which timber is cut may be designated for scaling by the county board by written agreement with the purchaser of the timber. The county board may, by written agreement with the purchaser and with a consumer designated by him when the timber is sold by the county auditor, and with the approval of the commissioner of natural resources, accept the consumer's scale of cut products delivered at the consumer's landing. No timber shall be removed until fully paid for in cash. Small amounts of timber not exceeding $3,000 in appraised valuation may be sold for not less than the full appraised value at private sale to individual persons without first publishing notice of sale or calling for bids, provided that in case of such sale involving a total appraised value of more than $200 the sale shall be made subject to final settlement on the basis of a scale of cut products in the manner above provided and not more than two such sales, directly or indirectly to any individual shall be in effect at one time. As directed by the county board, the county auditor may lease tax-forfeited land to individuals, corporations or organized subdivisions of the state at public or private vendue, and at such prices and under such terms as the county board may prescribe, for use as cottage and camp sites and for agricultural purposes and for the purpose of taking and removing of hay, stumpage, sand, gravel, clay, rock, marl, and black dirt therefrom, and for garden sites and other temporary uses provided that no leases shall be for a period to exceed ten years; provided, further that any leases involving a consideration of more than $300 per year, except to an organized subdivision of the state shall first be offered at public sale in the manner provided herein for sale of timber. Upon the sale of any such leased land, it shall remain subject to the lease for not to exceed one year from the beginning of the term of the lease. Any rent paid by the lessee for the portion of the term cut off by such cancellation shall be refunded from the forfeited tax sale fund upon the claim of the lessee, to be audited and allowed by the county board as in case of other claims against the county. The county auditor, with the approval of the county board is authorized to grant permits, licenses, and leases to tax-forfeited lands for the depositing of stripping, lean ores, tailings, or waste products from mines or ore milling plants, upon such conditions and for such consideration and for such period of time, not exceeding 15 years, as the county board may determine; said permits, licenses, or leases to be subject to approval by the commissioner of natural resources. Any person who removes any timber from tax-forfeited land before said timber has been scaled and fully paid for as provided in this subdivision is guilty of a misdemeanor. The county auditor may, with the approval of the county board and the commissioner of natural resources, and without first offering at public sale, grant leases, for a term not exceeding 25 years, for the removal of peat from tax-forfeited lands upon such terms and conditions as the county board may prescribe. Provided, however, that no lease for the removal of peat shall be made by the county auditor pursuant to this section without first holding a public hearing on his intention to lease. One printed notice in a legal newspaper in the county at least ten days before the hearing, and posted notice in the courthouse at least 20 days before the hearing shall be given of the hearing. Approved March 21, 1985
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes