To maintain active status, a lawyer shall report participation in no fewer than 45 credit hours of approved continuing legal education courses within a single reporting period that are in compliance with the provisions of Rule 9B. A lawyer may report the credits through the Board's Online Attorney and Sponsor Integrated System (OASIS) or by Affidavit of CLE Compliance (Appendix III). Effective July 1, 2010, the Affidavit of CLE Compliance (Appendix III) must be accompanied by a $10 processing fee. There is no processing fee for submission through OASIS.
Lawyers must report:
(1) no fewer than three hours of approved courses in ethics or professional responsibility;
(2) no fewer than two hours of approved courses in the elimination of bias in the legal profession and in the practice of law;
(3) no fewer than 1 hour of approved courses in mental health and substance use in the legal profession and in the practice of law; and
(4) no more than six hours of credit for pro bono legal representation provided pursuant to Rule 6D and reported by Appendix II.
The affidavit must be received by the Board office or postmarked no later than August 31 following the close of the final year of the three-year period specified by the Lawyer Registration Office as a lawyer's continuing legal education category. Electronic affidavits must be submitted on or before August 31.
A lawyer who submits an Affidavit of CLE Compliance after the deadline specified in paragraph C above, but before issuance of a notice of noncompliance, shall submit along with the late affidavit a late filing fee in the amount of $75. This fee is payable notwithstanding the Board's grant of an extension of time. Additional late fees will not be charged for late affidavits filed within a single reporting period.
A lawyer who submits an Affidavit of CLE Compliance after the Board has issued a notice of noncompliance, but before the Court has issued an order placing the lawyer on involuntary restricted status, shall submit along with the affidavit a notice of noncompliance fee in the amount of $200.
A lawyer called to active duty military service who requests an extension of time to complete CLE requirements because of active duty military service shall be granted an extension of at least six months from the date of return from active duty status. Upon request, the Board shall grant a waiver of a late filing fee or a notice of non-compliance fee assessed as a result of the lawyer's active duty military status.
(Amended effective February 1, 2004; amended effective February 1, 2010; amended effective July 1, 2014; amended effective July 1, 2016; amended effective January 1, 2021; amended effective July 1, 2024.)