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Bill Status XML Data

Using the Revisor's Office bill search page, developers can return search results in XML format. This provides a simple API to our bill status database. This functionality is currently beta and subject to change. Check this page regularly for information about any modifications to the web service.


Step 1: Create a bill search

Navigate to the Bill Search & Status (House) page. In this example we'll do a search for House bills in the 89th Legislative session with a bill number of 1 through 10.

Screenshot of house bill search page, entering 1-10 in Search by Bill Numbers entry field.

Step 2: Modify the URL

The search page results are displayed as an HTML page. In order to retrieve the results as XML data, we simply append &format=xml to the URL.

Screenshot of adding &format=xml to search result URL.

Step 3: Parse results

The search result XML format is a list of <BILL_RESULT> elements. These elements provide a few details about the bill. To get more information about a resulting bill navigate to the URI found in the <STATUS_XML_URI> element.

Screenshot of bill search results in XML format.

Step 4: Retrieve full bill record

Issuing an HTTP Get request for the URI found in the result XML <STATUS_XML_URI> element will return the full XML status record for that bill. Note that this URI is simply the same URI as the bill status webpage with &format=xml appended to it:

Screenshot of bill status record in XML format.


For questions or suggestions about the Bill Status XML web service contact Web Developer .