The license holder must provide services as assigned in the support plan. The provision of services must comply with the requirements of this chapter and the federal waiver plans.
(a) The license holder must provide services in response to the person's identified needs, interests, preferences, and desired outcomes as specified in the support plan and the support plan addendum, and in compliance with the requirements of this chapter. License holders providing intensive support services must also provide outcome-based services according to the requirements in section 245D.071.
(b) Services must be provided in a manner that supports the person's preferences, daily needs, and activities and accomplishment of the person's personal goals and service outcomes, consistent with the principles of:
(1) person-centered service planning and delivery that:
(i) identifies and supports what is important to the person as well as what is important for the person, including preferences for when, how, and by whom direct support service is provided;
(ii) uses that information to identify outcomes the person desires; and
(iii) respects each person's history, dignity, and cultural background;
(2) self-determination that supports and provides:
(i) opportunities for the development and exercise of functional and age-appropriate skills, decision making and choice, personal advocacy, and communication; and
(ii) the affirmation and protection of each person's civil and legal rights; and
(3) providing the most integrated setting and inclusive service delivery that supports, promotes, and allows:
(i) inclusion and participation in the person's community as desired by the person in a manner that enables the person to interact with nondisabled persons to the fullest extent possible and supports the person in developing and maintaining a role as a valued community member;
(ii) opportunities for self-sufficiency as well as developing and maintaining social relationships and natural supports; and
(iii) a balance between risk and opportunity, meaning the least restrictive supports or interventions necessary are provided in the most integrated settings in the most inclusive manner possible to support the person to engage in activities of the person's own choosing that may otherwise present a risk to the person's health, safety, or rights.
(a) License holders providing basic support services must meet the requirements of this subdivision.
(b) Within 15 calendar days of service initiation the license holder must complete a preliminary support plan addendum based on the support plan.
(c) Within 60 calendar days of service initiation the license holder must review and revise as needed the preliminary support plan addendum to document the services that will be provided including how, when, and by whom services will be provided, and the person responsible for overseeing the delivery and coordination of services.
(d) The license holder must participate in service planning and support team meetings for the person following stated timelines established in the person's support plan or as requested by the person or the person's legal representative, the support team or the expanded support team.
The license holder must provide written reports regarding the person's progress or status as requested by the person, the person's legal representative, the case manager, or the team.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes