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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

268.022 Workforce investment fund.

Subdivision 1. Determination and collection of special assessment. (a) In addition to all other taxes, assessments, and payment obligations under chapter 268, each employer, except an employer making payments in lieu of taxes is liable for a special assessment levied at the rate of one-tenth of one percent per year on all taxable wages, as defined in section 268.04, subdivision 25b. The assessment shall become due and be paid by each employer to the department on the same schedule and in the same manner as other taxes.

(b) The special assessment levied under this section shall not affect the computation of any other taxes, assessments, or payment obligations due under this chapter.

(c) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, if on June 30 of any year the unobligated balance of the special assessment fund under this section is greater than $30,000,000, the special assessment for the following year only shall be levied at a rate of 1/20th of one percent on all taxable wages.

Subd. 2. Disbursement of special assessment funds. (a) The money collected under this section shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to a dedicated fund to provide for the employment and training programs established under sections 268.975 to 268.98; including vocational guidance, training, placement, and job development.

(b) All money in the dedicated fund is appropriated to the commissioner who must act as the fiscal agent for the money and must disburse the money for the purposes of this section, not allowing the money to be used for any other obligation of the state. All money in the dedicated fund shall be deposited, administered, and disbursed in the same manner and under the same conditions and requirements as are provided by law for the other dedicated funds in the state treasury, except that all interest or net income resulting from the investment or deposit of money in the fund shall accrue to the fund for the purposes of the fund.

(c) No more than five percent of the dedicated funds collected in each fiscal year may be used by the department of economic security for its administrative costs.

(d) Reimbursement for costs related to collection of the special assessment shall be in an amount negotiated between the commissioner and the United States Department of Labor.

(e) The dedicated funds, less amounts under paragraphs (c) and (d) shall be allocated as follows:

(1) 40 percent to be allocated annually to substate grantees for provision of expeditious response activities under section 268.9771 and worker adjustment services under section 268.9781; and

(2) 60 percent to be allocated to activities and programs authorized under sections 268.975 to 268.98.

(f) Any funds not allocated, obligated, or expended in a fiscal year shall be available for allocation, obligation, and expenditure in the following fiscal year.

HIST: 1990 c 568 art 6 s 1,4; 1990 c 612 s 17; 1991 c 292 art 3 s 33,41; 1993 c 369 s 78,79; 1994 c 483 s 1; 1997 c 66 s 2,80

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes