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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Found 4 occurrences for hazing


Subdivision 1.Definitions.

(a) " Previous Hazing Next " means committing an act against a student, or coercing a student into committing an act, that creates a substantial risk of harm to a person in order for the student to be initiated into or affiliated with a student organization.

(b) "Student organization" means a group, club, or organization having students as its primary members or participants.

Subd. 2.Model policy.

The commissioner of education shall maintain and make available to school boards a model policy on student or staff Previous hazing Next that addresses the requirements of subdivision 3.

Subd. 3.School board policy.

Each school board shall adopt a written policy governing student or staff Previous hazing. The policy must apply to student behavior that occurs on or off school property and during and after school hours. The policy must include reporting procedures and disciplinary consequences for violating the policy. Disciplinary consequences must be sufficiently severe to deter violations and appropriately discipline prohibited behavior. Disciplinary consequences must conform with sections 121A.41 to 121A.56. Each school must include the policy in the student handbook on school policies.

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes