(a) MNsure shall submit a report to the legislature by January 15, 2015, and each January 15 thereafter, on: (1) the performance of MNsure operations; (2) meeting MNsure responsibilities; (3) an accounting of MNsure budget activities; (4) practices and procedures that have been implemented to ensure compliance with data practices laws, and a description of any violations of data practices laws or procedures; and (5) the effectiveness of the outreach and implementation activities of MNsure in reducing the rate of uninsurance.
(b) MNsure must publish its administrative and operational costs on a website to educate consumers on those costs. The information published must include: (1) the amount of premiums and federal premium subsidies collected; (2) the amount and source of revenue received under section 62V.05, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), clause (3); (3) the amount and source of any other fees collected for purposes of supporting operations; and (4) any misuse of funds as identified in accordance with section 3.975. The website must be updated at least annually.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes