The commissioner shall investigate the criminal history background of any current or prospective employees of the department being considered for any position with the department that has or will have:
(1) the ability to create or modify records of applicants for enhanced drivers' licenses under section 171.01, subdivision 31a, or enhanced identification cards under section 171.01, subdivision 31b;
(2) the ability to issue enhanced drivers' licenses under section 171.01, subdivision 31a, or enhanced identification cards under section 171.01, subdivision 31b; or
(3) the ability to administer knowledge or skills tests under section 171.13 to an applicant for a commercial driver's license.
(a) The commissioner must request a criminal history background check from the superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension on all individuals specified in subdivision 1. A request under this section must be accompanied by an executed criminal history consent form, including fingerprints, signed by the current or prospective employee being investigated.
(b) After receiving a request under paragraph (a), the superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension shall perform the background check required under subdivision 1. The superintendent shall retrieve criminal history data as defined in section 13.87, conduct a search of the national criminal records repository, and provide wants and warrant information from federal and state repositories. The superintendent is authorized to exchange fingerprints with the Federal Bureau of Investigation for purposes of the criminal history check. The superintendent shall return the results of the background checks to the commissioner to determine whether:
(1) the employee or applicant for employment specified in subdivision 1, clause (1) or (2), has committed a disqualifying crime under Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, section 1572.103; or
(2) the employee or applicant for employment specified in subdivision 1, clause (3), has a conviction of the type specified by Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, section 384.228(j).
(c) The superintendent shall recover the cost to the bureau of a background check through a fee charged to the commissioner.
Criminal justice agencies, as defined by section 13.02, subdivision 3a, shall provide the commissioner with information they possess and that the commissioner requires for the purposes of determining the employment suitability of current or prospective employees subject to this section.
Consistent with Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, section 384.228, the commissioner shall request and the superintendent shall conduct annual background checks for the department employees specified in subdivision 1, clause (3). Annual background checks under this subdivision shall be performed in a manner consistent with subdivisions 2 and 3.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes