Consistent with the direction to adopt statewide academic standards under section 120B.02, the department, in consultation with education and other system stakeholders, must establish a coordinated and comprehensive system of educational accountability and public reporting that promotes greater academic achievement, preparation for higher academic education, preparation for the world of work, citizenship, and the arts.
Each school year, all school districts shall give a uniform statewide test to students at specified grades to provide information on the status, needs and performance of Minnesota students.
In developing policies and assessment processes to hold schools and districts accountable for high levels of academic standards under section 120B.021, the commissioner shall aggregate student data over time to report student performance and growth levels measured at the school, school district, and statewide level. When collecting and reporting the performance data, the commissioner shall organize and report the data so that state and local policy makers can understand the educational implications of changes in districts' demographic profiles over time, including student homelessness, as data are available, among other demographic factors. Any report the commissioner disseminates containing summary data on student performance must integrate student performance and the demographic factors that strongly correlate with that performance.
To ensure the effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership between the school and parents, each district shall annually provide parents a timely written summary, in an electronic or other format, of their student's current and longitudinal performance and progress on the state's academic content standards as measured by state assessments. Providing parents with a summary prepared by the Department of Education fulfills the requirements of this subdivision.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes