The purpose of the Land Management Information Center is to foster integration of environmental information and provide services in computer mapping and graphics, environmental analysis, and small systems development. The director, through the center, shall periodically study land use and natural resources on the basis of county, regional, and other political subdivisions.
The director, through the center, shall maintain a statewide nitrate database containing the data described in section 103A.403.
The director shall set fees under section 16A.1285 reflecting the actual costs of providing the center's information products and services to clients. Fees collected must be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the Land Management Information Center revolving account. Money in the account is appropriated to the director for operation of the land management information system, including the cost of services, supplies, materials, labor, and equipment, as well as the portion of the general support costs and statewide indirect costs of the office that is attributable to the land management information system. The director may require a state agency to make an advance payment to the revolving fund sufficient to cover the agency's estimated obligation for a period of 60 days or more. If the revolving fund is abolished or liquidated, the total net profit from operations must be distributed to the funds from which purchases were made. The amount to be distributed to each fund must bear to the net profit the same ratio as the total purchases from each fund bear to the total purchases from all the funds during a period of time that fairly reflects the amount of net profit each fund is entitled to receive under this distribution.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes