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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

256J.62 Allocation of county employment and training services block grant.

Subdivision 1. Allocation. Money appropriated for MFIP employment and training services must be allocated to counties and eligible tribal providers as specified in this section.

Subd. 2. Repealed, 1999 c 245 art 6 s 89

Subd. 2a. Caseload-based funds allocation. Effective for state fiscal year 2000, and for all subsequent years, money shall be allocated to counties and eligible tribal providers based on their average number of MFIP cases as a proportion of the statewide total number of MFIP cases:

(1) the average number of cases must be based upon counts of MFIP or tribal TANF cases as of March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 of the previous calendar year, less the number of child only cases and cases where all the caregivers are age 60 or over. Two-parent cases, with the exception of those with a caregiver age 60 or over, will be multiplied by a factor of two;

(2) the MFIP or tribal TANF case count for each eligible tribal provider shall be based upon the number of MFIP or tribal TANF cases who are enrolled in, or are eligible for enrollment in the tribe; and the case must be an active MFIP case; and the case members must reside within the tribal program's service delivery area;

(3) MFIP or tribal TANF cases counted for determining allocations to tribal providers shall be removed from the case counts of the respective counties where they reside to prevent duplicate counts;

(4) prior to allocating funds to counties and tribal providers, $1,000,000 shall be set aside to allow the commissioner to use these set-aside funds to provide funding to county or tribal providers who experience an unforeseen influx of participants or other emergent situations beyond their control; and

(5) the commissioner shall use a portion of the funds in clause (4) to offset a reduction in funds allocated to any county between state fiscal year 1999 and state fiscal year 2000 that results from the adjustment in clause (3). The funding provided under this clause must reduce by half the reduction for state fiscal year 2000 that any county would otherwise experience in the absence of this clause.

Any funds specified in this clause that remain unspent by March 31 of each year shall be reallocated out to county and tribal providers using the funding formula detailed in clauses (1) to (5).

Subd. 3. Repealed, 1999 c 245 art 6 s 89

Subd. 4. Administrative activities limit. No more than 15 percent of the money allocated under this section may be used for administrative activities.

Subd. 5. Repealed, 1999 c 159 s 154; 1999 c 245 art 6 s 89

Subd. 6. Bilingual employment and training services to refugees. Funds appropriated to cover the costs of bilingual employment and training services to refugees shall be allocated to county agencies based on the county's proportion of the total statewide number of MFIP refugee cases in the previous fiscal year. Counties with less than one percent of the statewide number of MFIP refugee cases shall not receive an allocation of bilingual employment and training services funds.

Subd. 7. Work literacy language programs. Funds appropriated to cover the costs of work literacy language programs to non-English-speaking recipients shall be allocated to county agencies based on the county's proportion of the total statewide number of MFIP cases in the previous fiscal year where the lack of English is a barrier to employment. Counties with less than two percent of the statewide number of MFIP cases where the lack of English is a barrier to employment shall not receive an allocation of the work literacy language program funds.

Subd. 8. Reallocation. The commissioner of human services shall review county agency expenditures of MFIP employment and training services funds at the end of the third quarter of the first year of the biennium and each quarter after that and may reallocate unencumbered or unexpended money appropriated under this section to those county agencies that can demonstrate a need for additional money.

Subd. 9. Continuation of certain services. At the request of the caregiver, the county may continue to provide case management, counseling or other support services to a participant following the participant's achievement of the employment goal, for up to 12 months following termination of the participant's eligibility for MFIP.

A county may expend funds for a specific employment and training service for the duration of that service to a participant if the funds are obligated or expended prior to the participant losing MFIP eligibility.

HIST: 1997 c 85 art 1 s 50; 1999 c 159 s 90-92; 1999 c 245 art 6 s 72-77; 2000 c 260 s 97

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes