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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

174.10 Proceedings before transportation regulation board.

Subdivision 1. Notice of contested case. The commissioner in any contested case before the transportation regulation board shall give reasonable notice to representatives of associations or other interested groups or persons who have registered their names with the board for that purpose, to all parties and to cities and municipalities which the board deems to be interested in the proceeding. The commissioner may prescribe an annual fee to be credited to the general fund, which fee shall be a charge to all registered groups or persons. This charge is to cover the out-of-pocket costs involved in giving such notice.

Subd. 2. Investigatory powers. In all matters over which the commissioner has regulatory, or enforcement authority, the commissioner may issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of all necessary papers, books, records, documents, and other evidentiary material. Any person failing or refusing to appear to testify regarding any matter about which the person may be lawfully questioned or to produce any papers, books, records, documents, or other evidentiary materials in the matter to be heard, after having been required by a subpoena of the commissioner to do so may, upon application by the commissioner to the district court in any district, be ordered to comply therewith. An administrative law judge in a rulemaking or contested case proceeding may, on behalf of the commissioner, issue subpoenas, administer oaths to witnesses, and take their affirmations. Depositions may be taken within or without the state by the commissioner or the commissioner's designee in the manner provided by law for the taking of depositions in civil actions. A subpoena or other process or paper may be served upon any person named therein, anywhere within the state by any officer authorized to serve subpoenas or other process or paper in civil actions, with the same fees and mileage and in the same manner as prescribed by law for service of process issued out of the district court of this state.

Subd. 3. Prosecution. In proceedings which involve a hearing before the transportation regulation board, the matter shall be investigated and prosecuted before the board by the commissioner of transportation representing the interests of the people of this state.

Subd. 4. When board lacks jurisdiction. If, in any proceeding before the transportation regulation board relating to or involving the reasonableness of rates, fares, charges, or classifications, the board decides that it does not have jurisdiction because the traffic covered by the rates, fares, charges, or classifications is interstate commerce, the transportation regulation board shall issue an order dismissing the proceeding and stating the ground of the dismissal, which order may be appealed from in like manner as other appealable orders.

HIST: 1976 c 166 s 8; 1980 c 534 s 15-17; 1984 c 640 s 32; 1986 c 444

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes